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tv   [untitled]    March 5, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EET

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for its sake, he does not perform any task except for the protection of this bridge and the task of terrorist missile strikes on the territory of ukraine, because he cannot prevent the rest of us from conducting sea trade. we expelled him from the northwestern part of the black sea equator, and ships do not risk going there, they even lay mines, they tried with planes, su-24m, two planes were shot down, one. it seems that he dropped a mine or two there, there was an explosion of dry cargo last year, well, it’s like that, up to 30% of destroyed and damaged ships with a country that almost does not have its own fleet, it says something, and it will be appreciated, it is already being studied, let's say , by tactics, military institutions of western countries, and even to... well, they are not
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yet scaled up, but there is already an interest in them from abroad, let's say, potential customers, our drones were demonstrated at several exhibitions abroad, and there is interest, another thing is that it depends not only on the drone itself, it also depends on where it takes place, what are the tactics? can the use of this drone be used and what goals the party that owns them wants to achieve uses, that is, it is not absolutely such a weapon, but as a means of delivery, it is quite possible that it will be successfully used somewhere, well , depending on the circumstances, let's say this, we can only assume that after all one of the main goals of the ukrainian side, this is all - still there is damage to the kerch bridge, in this way to block eh... all the possibility
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of supplying there for russian troops, equipment, means and forces, etc., through the kerch bridge. quite a good idea, but it will be a little, a little, shall we say, a different direction. first of all, it is about damage missile-carrying ships, well, this is the specialty of the gurmo, but what concerns the bridge and such structures and so on, mining with the help of drones. this is already the sbu , well, that is, they have such a specialization, there is a drone, a cossack mamay, even an armored one, which cannot be destroyed with machine gun bullets, how about the first samples of magura were in sevastopol, they shot them from helicopters, well, they exploded, well, they saw it was, we made conclusions and armored, cossack mama and such and... similar ships will be used to attack such objects in
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on the open sea, where we believe that they are completely defenseless, and we see it , they cannot even protect themselves, these are warships, even if he could himself, he cannot, because from all sides at the same time, and they say that here aerial drones were also involved, well, let's see, it will be known later, thank you very much at the same time as the attack on the kerch bridge, thank you very much for your comment, volodymyr zablotskyi, a military... maritime expert and reviewer of the defense express military portal , we were talking about the sinking of a russian ship and the consequences that this story may have in future. thank you. well, today the criminal, international criminal court in gaza issued warrants for the arrest of two russian commanders, in particular the commander of russia's long-range aviation serhii kobylash, as well as the commander of the russian black sea fleet, viktor sokolov. according to the court's website,
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the warrants were issued in the context of the situation in ukraine regarding alleged crimes committed from at least october 10, 2022 to at least march 9, 2023. there are reasonable grounds to believe that the two suspects are responsible for the missile strikes that took place forces that are under their command on the ukrainian electrical infrastructure, says a message on the court's website. i will remind you that the arrest warrant from the international criminal court means that... now russian commanders can be detained and brought to trial in 124 countries of the world that have ratified the rome statute. here i will only add that ukraine only signed the rome statute, but did not ratify it. nevertheless, if we talk about both kobylash and the commander of the black sea fleet sokolov, the security service of ukraine declared suspicion on both of them last year according to the investigation, both of them personally gave orders for regular shelling of energy infrastructure facilities. well, i will also add that
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according to the national operator ukrenergo, from october 22nd to april 23rd, russian troops launched more than 1,200 rockets, missiles and drones at energy facilities. of ukraine, and as a result, by mid-november , almost half of the country's energy system was disconnected, and because of this, the residents of ukraine remained without electricity and heat for a long time. well, just now to ours boris babin, professor-expert of the association for the reintegration of crimea, joins the broadcast. good evening. good evening. i will start by saying that the arrest warrants for these high-ranking russian commanders were issued by the same people. judges of the international criminal court, who in march issued an arrest warrant for vladimir putin and the commissioner for children's rights maria lvova bilova. please explain what this arrest warrant actually means? well, apart from the fact that they can be detained there in 124 countries of the world that have ratified the rome statute. or,
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well, but here we can hardly assume that they will travel a lot there, in fact, we have the example of putin. what else does this warrant mean? well, actually, he means. very much, it means that the appropriate policy of the international criminal court to establish the facts of war crimes, crimes against humanity continues, that these facts, crimes, the international criminal court will continue to investigate and evaluate them, today's statement is very characteristic, i would called it fundamental, why because in a press release the international criminal court stated that it was, well, limited to a certain extent to secrecy , which it imposed on this investigation, but it nevertheless announced certain facts, as the court itself explained, precisely to prevent international crimes in the future, such as the named
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persons and the so-called commander of the black sea fleet, now i will explain why the so-called commander of the long-range aviation of russia, they are accused of a strike. so on the energy infrastructure of ukraine, indiscriminate strikes, as the court says, this is a quote, or on strikes on civilian objects, or strikes even on those objects that could be recognized as having a military character, but as the court says, the military advantage here was not comparable, it was much smaller than the losses to the civilian population, and here, in my opinion the most important thing is the conclusion of the international criminal court that not only... there will be these suspicions of war crimes, as well as crimes against humanity, because in fact these individuals, they systematically did it as part of the state policy of the aggressor, this is very important, or actually it is means that the propensity to commit
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crimes against humanity is a systemic feature of the russian government, in addition, these people are the commanders of military units, very large and were the appropriate commanders at the time. and therefore means that while they were the leaders of these units, these units were tools, tools for committing war crimes, crimes against humanity, in practice this means not only certain questions to these persons, of course, that they are officially wanted, now any person , which was under their command, an example of any officer of the black sea of the fleet of the russian federation, which was part of the fleet at that time, in principle, he can already prepare for very interesting. communications in any third jurisdiction where he ended up, and if in relation to one or two persons it is really possible to make such a presumption that they will not go anywhere, but rather that the kremlin will not let them go anywhere alive, and here, unlike putin and lviv and bilova can have all kinds of incidents, these people are absolutely not sorry,
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they are not media, they can disappear one day, there the trope broke off, there i do not know, enemy drg, so what, anything can happen, and they will disappear, so they are separated now. very profitable, but there is such a tragicomic situation with the commander of the black sea fleet. why tragicomic? and because, two weeks ago, as the russians themselves wrote, but they wrote in their manner of gossip, that is, there was no so -called official information, he was released. he was removed from his post after the destruction of caesar konikov, so it is well known that a large landing ship was destroyed by drones like this. after this sokolov, as the russians themselves said, was removed from the command , although this was not officially announced anywhere, and now the russians are in a very interesting situation, so tragic, if they announce that this person is not the commander at the moment, after the iss warrant, it
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could very not such bad associations to cause in their environment, so let's see what kind of indignation there will be, how they will... name people in the future, for us, which is the main thing, this, of course, is not the final decision, there will be many more interesting things, except that's me i know that our association during the two years of the great war... provided a lot of materials about missile attacks by all relevant international organizations, these materials are in the international criminal court, i know, i am sure that other structures gave the state authorities, of course, formed e- is a thorough position, therefore i would not relate to this and no matter what legal formalism, no, this is a question of the fact that the black sea fleet itself, despite its, as we can see, military worthlessness, is officially recognized at the international level as a weapon international crimes, all of us lawyers know what should be done with the instruments of crimes after
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the fact of the commission of crimes has been established by an impartial court, i also reminded at the beginning that both kobylash and sokolov received suspicions in ukraine last year, and they are in danger there in ukraine forever, do i understand correctly, or is it a false assumption that these actions of the international criminal... they are also based on the investigations of ukrainian law enforcement officers, or was the international court conducting some parallel investigation of its own? well, i think this question should be asked here the investigators, if they tell, may have the opportunity to provide information at the level of ukraine and, of course, if the office of the prosecutor of the international criminal court can provide the relevant information, and therefore, but it can be theoretical. well, of course, maybe it would be very logical that the office communicates with the ukrainian investigation, and it is
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absolutely obvious that no less such communication exists, but again, the plot and the way it will be qualified, precisely in the future criminal proceedings in ukraine, yes, namely in the future proceedings under the rome statute, this should be determined by the office of the prosecutor of the international criminal court, and i will remind you that, unfortunately, we still have our criminal law, i'm not talking about the process, i'm talking. about the norms of the criminal code, they are excellent, yes, we have not ratified the roman statute until now, and we did not like to talk about it very much its norms in our criminal law, so purely legally, purely legally, there is a possibility that some procedural way in kyiv, some the procedural path in gaza may be somewhat different, or because we we are based on different norms of law, but the question of how is for the investigators, the question of why, unfortunately, for the verkhovna rada. or to the president's office, taking into account the realities of ukrainian politics, we have had sad
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public statements by the deputy head of the president's office that it seems that the ratification of the rome statute is not on time, well, let's see the time, i think that it will be ratified anyway, in our country there is literally a minute left, clarify this moment, did i understand correctly that the international criminal court is a court that does not issue sentences in absentia, or does it, and we can expect that... the sentence for these two persons from the russian command may be pronounced in absentia? i think that all the decisions in the case of war crimes and crimes against humanity in ukraine, the international criminal court will try to establish in absentia, therefore , for a long time, there are still certain chances, i am so careful to say that some persons will be in the gas and at a loss regarding the abducted children and according to the new track announced regarding missile attacks, i repeat, a lot of people were involved in
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these criminal processes, a lot. thank you very much for your comment. boris babin, professor-expert of the crimean reintegration association, we talked about the arrest warrant from the international criminal court, which two high-ranking russian commanders received today for shelling ukraine. thank you very much. that's all for today, i urge you to subscribe to the radio liberty website, like this broadcast, in this way you will traditionally support our work, and we will see you tomorrow, there are 15% discounts on maridoza in pharmacies plantain, bam and saver, there is a discount. on mebicar ic tablets, 10% in psarynsky, bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on
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pectelvan ivy, 10% in travel bam pharmacies and savings. the real bulgarian valerian has been calming our nerves for years. there are 10% discounts on valeriana bolgarska at podorozhnyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. premium sponsor of the national team. represents united by football together stronger. a separate set of unmanned aircraft complexes sapsan of the state special service of transport appeals to the viewers of the tv channel with a request to join the collection crown funds and technical equipment for our unit. thank you, glory to ukraine!
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heroes! channels! and ukrainian pen present the project own names with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week. and actually, who will be the guest of the studio? we will find out already this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special. proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday: 17:10 at espresso. premium sponsor the national team represents: united by football, together stronger! we are looking for two brothers,
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11-year-old artem and 10-year-old denys abramovichuv. the boys lived on the right bank. sonshchyna in the berislav district in the village of duchany. the territory was occupied almost from the first days of a full-scale war, but in the fall of 2022 it was liberated, and it was during this period that it became known about the disappearance of two brothers, artem and denis. where the boys may be now, no one knows. it is possible that shortly before the liberation of kherson oblast they were taken away to the temporarily occupied territories, and maybe to russia in general. that is why your help is very important. if. if anyone has information about the missing boys, immediately call us on the magnolia children's search service hotline at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operators are free, if suddenly there is no connection or the ability to call, write to the chatbot of the children's search service in a telegram. this is just one story of missing
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children. in general, since the beginning of the war, we have received almost 3,000 appeals for help wanted most of the children have already been found, but the fate of many remains unknown, especially in the temporarily occupied territories, where the work of the police is practically paralyzed, where it is impossible to leave and there are problems with communication, in some places people who cannot find their own children do not even they know what to do and where to go. if you suddenly find yourself in a similar situation and have no idea how to act, call the short number 11630 or write to the chat box. child tracing services in telegram. here you will be provided with all the necessary advice, besides this, everyone who sees me now can already help find the missing children. take just a minute of your time and visit the magnolia children's tracing website. here you can view all the photos of the missing. who knows, maybe you will recognize someone and eventually help them find them.
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i also want to remind you that the search for ten-year-old artem kholodny is also ongoing. who disappeared in the kharkiv region back in september 2022, his mother asked for help in finding the boy. imagine that a woman has not seen or heard from her son for more than a year. i appeal to everyone who can has seen or knows any information about my child, my son, artem kholodny, if anyone has seen him and can provide any information, i am asking you to do so, because... the mother's heart is breaking and the fact is that artem kholodny's parents are divorced and live separately. it so happened that when the war began, the boy was with his father in the city of kupyansk, kharkiv region. on the third day of the full-scale invasion, the city was completely occupied, and later communication was cut off there. for almost six months, mrs. olena did not
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have any news about her son, and only at in september 2022, we received a short message from him. in wybury, it was september, somewhere between 10-13 september 22nd. let me remind you that on september 22, the soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces liberated kharkiv oblast from the occupiers, and it was during this period that mrs. elena's son got in touch. of course, the woman tried to call artyom. i wrote him more than one message in response, but all attempts turned out to be useless. the connection with the child mysteriously broke off again, and it is not known where artem kholodny is now. therefore, your help is very important. look at the photo again and remember boy's face he is a very active boy, fair-haired, with such a mobile body. if suddenly someone has seen artem kholodny or
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knows where he may be now, do not delay and immediately call us on the hotline of the magnolia children's search service at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free, if suddenly it is not possible to call, write to chat bot of the child tracing service in tele. any information is important. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against the child in any city, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal.
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you are watching the program of the ukrainian voice of america service, time time, i'm nataliya leonova, congratulations. on tuesday, 15 states and american samoa go to the polls in caucuses to determine which presidential candidate will represent the party in the general election. voting in november, this day was called super tuesday, it seems that from the democratic party victory in the primaries will go to joe biden, who has no serious rivals, so the focus is on the republican party, where nikki haley and donald trump are competing for the nomination. ex-president trump is far ahead of his rival and today has a chance to win in most, if not all, states. yuliya yarmolenko is monitoring the voting at the polling station in virginia, she joins our studio. congratulations. julia, why is super tuesday significant in the course of the presidential campaign, what is happening on this day, what is set on map natalya, hello, usually super tuesday
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is so meaningful and important, because it is really one of the most important votes, the second most important after the actual voting in the presidential elections in november, because really the largest number of people choose their candidate, and in fact today it is played from 25 to ... 30% of all delegates, and it is the total number of delegates that determines who will actually be the candidate from the republican and democratic parties, for example, for the republican nomination more than 1,200 delegates are needed, and really the main intrigue, so to speak, remains in the republican party, although it is lacking there, because we know that donald trump is winning victory after victory, nikki haley, his main rival, is the only one left, won only one state, and that was not a state. this is the district of columbia, actually the american capital, and today we expect that there will be no huge surprise, and again, this day, super,
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super tuesday, just in essence, so symbolically put an exclamation mark in front of the names donald trump and joe biden, as the only candidates from the republican and democratic parties. yuri, i know that you had the opportunity to talk with the voters, what mood do you observe, what is happening. at the polling station today, you know, natalya, the mood , i wouldn't say, is very enthusiastic, if you compare it with the previous elections, it should be noted that it was raining here in virginia from the very morning, and it scared away the majority of voters, actually to come and vote, those , who has not done this before, and the voters with whom we are voted, with whom we spoke, voters of donald trump, they came very charged to the polling station. and they came with such negative emotions, and they say that they want to do everything to save democracy, in their opinion
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, the only way to save democracy and the united states is to bring back the presidency of donald trump, and that's what they told us today. i will vote for donald trump. he should have been president all along. this country. changed drastically, i am 54 years old, i have never in my life seen someone attack the president of the usa, the way the liberals did it with trump, it is so, not in the american way, it scares me very much, our president did not have the opportunity to do what is right for ukraine. i truly believe we wouldn't even be having this war if donald trump was still in office because when he was president we didn't have a war and now we have war all over the world. trump, why was everything great years ago, now we have too much bezlat, it will be like north korea, if not it will continue like this. such thoughts
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were expressed by trump voters, natalia, it is interesting that the voters of joe biden, who came to the polling station today to vote in the democratic primaries, despite the fact that there is not much intrigue there, they still came to the polling station, because again these voters also say that they also want to save democracy, but in their opinion , to save democracy from donald trump, having voted for joe biden in the general election, and many voters today, they say that they already understand. what is it general election, it's not a partisan election, because they're convinced it's going to be an election between donald trump and joe biden, and that's why they came to the polls today to say they don't want to let donald trump have another presidency. i voted for joe biden because he is the best candidate. what motivates your choice? saving democracy? we barely survived four years
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of trump and four. trump is a great threat to democracy, he only cares about his own salvation, he does not care about the country and about the issues that concern people, he every issue twists to his own advantage, but i'm voting for biden primarily because he's doing a great job. i am very unhappy with the choice between biden and trump. i didn't even want to vote for biden, but i don't like the other candidates and i don't know them well enough to vote. i feel like we're... what do you think of november? i'm nervous, i hope biden can win, but i'm worried that trump can win and ruin everything. how do you feel about the prospect of a trump victory? scared to death. so what exactly is nicky haley going to do, if super tuesday defeats her, what will that mean for her campaign? natalya, this
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is effectively the end of her campaign, but nikki haley has not yet said what her plans are, whether she will continue to campaign, a lot of that will also depend on her donors, but today, when we talked to voters and asked what, in the end, if nikki haley is not on the ballot, will they vote for donald trump, or will they still vote for the democrat, joe biden, and some voters have said they will have to switch to the democratic side. let's listen. voter and going to vote for nikki haley because i feel she makes a good impression. i think she has enough brains and character to make a very good president, and i don't like her opponent. i think she has a chance to win the nomination, it's very slim, but there is a chance and i hope she stays. and if there is biden against trump? i'll have to
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vote for biden. thanks to yulia, yulia yarmolenko monitored the voting process in the internal party elections in the state of virginia. the international criminal court issued warrants for the arrest of the commander of the long-range aviation of the russian federation serhiy kobelash and the commander of the black sea fleet of russia viktor sokolov. these persons, the court notice states , should be held accountable for this. dad alleged war crimes. the court found that there are sufficient grounds to believe that the two suspects are responsible for the missile attacks on ukrainian energy infrastructure, starting from october 2022 and ending in march 2023. today , march 5, ukraine handed over to the prosecutor's office international criminal court submissions regarding the commission of crimes against religious groups in crimea. more is documented in the submission. 90
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facts of attacks and persecution of representatives of the orthodox church of ukraine, jehovah's witnesses, muslims, protestants and other religious minorities in the temporarily occupied crimea. iryna solomko learned about the details of the submission of uvain jordesh, a british lawyer, managing partner of the international legal foundation global rights compliance, who was involved in the work on the submission. why in this view you are you focusing this is precisely due to religious persecution in the occupied crimea. the evidence gathered and the analysis of it shows conclusively that there were nine war crimes and seven crimes against humanity, persecution and persecution of religious groups, what we call umbrella crimes. they contain many different criminal acts. we recorded detentions, torture during detention, forced killings.


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