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tv   [untitled]    March 6, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EET

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it is difficult for me to comment on this, because today our committee was engaged in the adoption of two very important laws, one of which you mentioned, after that i constantly started working with communication on this law, because there are attacks on it in the west by lobbyists, generously paid, but we can talk about it separately, for this initiative i always support optimization. state apparatus, we have had it for years, this is our chronic disease, state expenditures are much higher than the level of state expenditures of developed countries, but we need to look at the prospect of this of this reform, because actually we in the verkhovna rada with mr. oleksiy and other colleagues will vote for the appointment of new ministers, in this sense we do not approve new ministries, but
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we will definitely vote for new... ministers, so we have to wait on certain details, so let's talk about the details, the people's deputy of ukraine from european solidarity joins us in the conversation, she presents the parliamentary committee on foreign policy and interparliamentary cooperation, iryna gerashchenko is also with us yes, mrs. iryna, we are glad to see you, good evening, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, it is nice to see everyone, yes, mrs. iryna, you will hear about it by now. what are we talking about, i'm about to hear oleksiy's opinion about another change in the government. well, mr. oleksiy, your opinion, in particular , regarding this idea, because here we were told that it would not turn out that the reduction reform, in order to optimize public administration and save money, could turn into what is a dry utsar, as a result more people than there were. thank you, from your dose compression, first. i thank prime minister
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denys shmigal for his courage, he did admit that the government works inefficiently and needs optimization and more efficient work, it was long overdue to do this, because we constantly talked about it professionally, this is not politics, this is professional, i like the former government official is ready to point out what is wrong with the government structure. second, i don't see any reform itself yet, i see some such idea. which will definitely cause such enthusiasm in the people, because definitely the people always love it when officials are beaten there, they are cut short, it's great all that is behind it, does it mean that it is not a professional government, if you reduce the number of ministries, the number of government officials there, that it will work more efficiently, it means absolutely nothing, it simply means nothing, so i approach it exclusively as so far so far pr action. further
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, the government is ready to discuss professionally, i am ready in my segment, so to speak, where i understand , to see how much these are professional statements, so far i do not perceive it otherwise, ms. irina, but what is your opinion about this idea, why i am asking because we have already interviewed many of the guests today, and here are the people, for example, our viewers support 80 percent of those who called us, support the idea of ​​reducing it by a third. ministries in the government, but would it not have been better to go the way that many have talked about and simply create a government with such technocrats, i don't know about national unity, but at least technocrats for the duration of the war. i will start on a positive note, i also welcome the decision of today's committee on humanitarian policy, which unanimously supported the bill prepared for second reading and we
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will continue to talk about it now, regarding the liquidation , well, the colleague began, simply, it is very important, regarding the liquidation of the moscow church, because we are talking about threats to national security, and to be honest, i would very much like to start considering tomorrow this bill is in the parliament, we were ready, despite the fact that there are more than a thousand amendments, i understand from the opzzh, but we were ready to sit there for a couple of days, even at night, to resolve this issue, and i cannot understand how can you, you know, eliminate... a plenary session in half a day, although the whole world has already passed the agreement. as for the shmygal government, you know , if shmygal's government were to be liquidated, i think the country would not really notice it, because the country is actually run today by the office of the president, no one knows what the shmygal himself looks like, because in the parliament for example, the last hour looks like charles michel, like charles michel, and charles michel is more often in parliament than we are. because we last
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saw him in september last year, and we were just demanding the return of question time to the government, we hoped it would be on march 8, but i understand that the sly thing was decided and... stefanchuk on march 8 there, you know, to celebrate march 8, because they canceled the parliamentary sessions on that day. if you are serious, it is obvious that in the conditions of war, when every state penny is in the account, optimization of the civil service, other processes, it can be considered as an option, but not in this issue, here really, when the government does not have a third of the ministers there and they have performing duties when no one understands what they are doing. the government is just an imitation of a stormy one activity, as an imitation of hectic activity, when the majority tells me that there will be no parliament meeting tomorrow, because they are going somewhere not in threes, but in tens, to inspect something there, it is hectic activity, it is not work, in fact,
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we really need to reformat monomajority, and to reformat the government of national unity, and to engage not in imitation of turbulent activity, but in solving these complex issues that today arise both inside the country and abroad, when we talk about strengthening the defense of ukraine and increasing assistance to us. yes, well, i collected all your opinions, our viewers, professional viewers, they heard all of you, everyone will draw their own conclusions, although we continue to collect opinions in our survey. mr. mykyta, so now to that draft law, that is, to the second reading , the committee passed everything that... was related to, and here it was very interesting to see how your committee, which worked through everything, and the law even became much tougher than the one proposed by the government in to the first reading, and unanimously and accordingly, we remind you that this is a law which
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was needed by ukraine in 1991, but better late than never, is there a ban on the activities of the russian orthodox church in all its dimensions and forms? we have a ukrainian orthodox church in the moscow order of lenin of the patriarchate, and they can come up with something there, some other affiliates, in a word, we read what the committee proposes, it's great, now the question is whether it will pass the hall or enough votes, and here and there, and then, then there will be a second question, regarding the so-called lobbyists, andryusha. there is no duck, but his business of the moscow patriarchate lives, mr. nikita, tell me how, what will be the fate of the second reading? well, it will definitely not be easy, but i believe that this is just one of those laws that can bring back consensus
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and mutual understanding and a working atmosphere to the verkhovna rada, so i hope that at the end of march, well , maybe at the beginning of april, because it is not clear how much it will take time... the new law on mobilization and when it will be considered either on the 20th or maybe a little later, but this law should definitely be considered, and i hope that we have there will be enough votes to support it already in the second reading, so that it goes to the president's signature, this concerns, this concerns the prospects of the review, regarding lobbyists, ready... now, but maybe now better colleagues will add something else, ok , we will talk about lobbyists then, now for the second time, i want to hear ms. irina and ms. oleksiy, what is their attitude towards this draft law, will your factions vote unanimously, mr. oleksiy, you
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are already moving, as we were moving in order , the motherland will fully support what supported by the profile committee, mr. roman, we are civilized. are we living or approaching it, yes, well, at least we need to see what is there for the second reading, yes, well, we can't , i haven't read this parsnip, but but i'm against it, yes, i hope that our colleagues from the committee, the corresponding profile , headed by mr. potoraev, professionally worked out the draft law for the second reading, and i myself am interested to see how exactly these criteria will be there, which for... for me, for any convinced patriotic ukrainian, are absolutely unambiguous, any organization, religious, public , or any other, which is hostile to ukraine, should definitely be
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subject to the harshest sanctions, including a ban and so on and the like, the key question here is who and in what way will determine this hostility on the basis of which criteria. because of course we understand that everything is going on, mr. oleksiy, in my opinion we are in, well, this question is definitely long overdue, but the temptation after... to declare any organization as such, it will always be, unfortunately, present. we see certain tendencies towards authoritarianism that currently exist in the country. therefore, i am happy to read this draft law for the second reading. i have my own personal position, i think that the faction will make an absolutely pro-ukrainian state decision, as well as colleagues from the eu. the only thing i pay attention to is that all the latest votes are for the last year and a half there. are effective, they are taking place in such a new coalition, in
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the composition, no offense, dear mr. paturaev, i respect him, but the servants of the people without 35 votes of the opzzhists, they do not vote for a single one, well, in principle , the draft law is as controversial as the last one, but let's see, we, we can even see what i'm getting at, in this draft law, the servants definitely can't count on these votes... you won't have to, fine, but you will vote , i understand that you will vote differently, and then there will be no need to hope, i sincerely hope that we will take the correct pro-ukrainian state position, thank you, mrs. iryna, and i am from another country parties on this issue, it concerns the moscow order of the lenin patriarchate, and there are russian priests there, and one could safely call the fsb branch, well , in particular, in two laurels it is 100%, this is also... everyone, veterans of the sbu will confirm to you, because they even know all those priests who came from
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transnistria, who is from moldova, who is from russia, in what ranks and what shoots they wore, and in this case we are always stressed, but in this uoc, mp there are also good priests, just, well, as they say, that's where they ended up , and in this case, won't it turn out that we somehow punish those good people with this law. this the law is not about the church, it is very important to convey this both inside the country and abroad, because the russian hybrid war is really outside, it has not disappeared anywhere, and there continue to tell fables that ukraine attacked ukraine, there are other stories, so this law is not about the church, this law is really about stopping the activities of fsb branches in ukraine, there are no good representatives. there are no good russians in the fsb, this is my position, there is an aggressor country that fully shares
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responsibility with putin for war crimes in ukraine, they cemented this regime, fed, fed and now they do not support him, and therefore ukraine, in order to protect its national interests, should simply stop everything that harms our interests, that can undermine our national security, and certainly, a branch of the fsb. and this is what it does today , when we hear about blatant cases of not mourning the fallen ukrainian soldiers, about the fact that portraits of putin with nymphs are still hanging in these churches, and they are praying for cyril, healing, all this must be stopped, and we congratulate when the ruling party supports, and there are fundamental positions, the army language, faith, faith, faith, and in this case , after receiving... by ukraine, the ukrainian orthodox church tomos and the canonicality of our church, it is obvious that we have every
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reason to stop the work of this fsb branch, it must be done, more that our political power at the conciliation council that took place yesterday so acutely raised the question that a year has already passed since we registered all these draft laws in the parliament, found the most actually soft compromise option, and it must be accepted, and you know, one more very important... detail related to this , mr. kurayev and i have just returned from the osce parliamentary assembly, where, including our, for example, american colleagues, the republicans, asked us about the fate of this law, there on the sidelines, informally about the church, and we together in one voice, just here the ukrainian team is demonstrating, reported that it is not about the fact that some religious organizations are prohibited in ukraine, we are a democratic country, the church is separated in our country from the state and in principle, in matters of religion the state does not interfere, but when the security service of ukraine has indisputable evidence
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of the cooperation of this fsb branch with its metropolis, then obviously we, as legislators, as statesmen, must put an end to this. and lastly, i think that all the deputies of the verkhovna rada received these letters from a lawyer hired by the russian federation with the last name amsterdam, who recently. to ukraine, then you met with representatives of the fsb branch in ryachy, and with an appeal not to vote for this bill, it will be a test, it will be a test, regarding... which of the deputies really ready to admit that moscow popes, well , they remain moscow popes, and what should good popes do, we have an orthodox church, please, an orthodox church, we have today a very important institute of military chaplaincy, you can go there, they are very needed there today, to things, self-priests,
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to support ukrainian soldiers, i am convinced that all ministers of the church. orthodoxy is in demand in ukraine today, and the main thing is that they clearly understand where is good and where is evil. of course, mr. nikita, i wanted to ask you, we do not doubt your opinion specifically from a personal position, we saw how you courageously passed all the challenges in the committee today, so it is possible, if it becomes a law, it will be a historic decision, very important, but here is what ms. iryna mentioned, in this to communicate with the west, because they are very, well, very uninitiated in church and religious affairs, at one time they looked at the moscow church with choirs in an absolutely hollywood-like way, they always showed it in their films as the third rome, they themselves bought into these all ideological fairy tales and whatnot
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say, the pope of rome is still ready to lead both the victim and the executioner to the way of the cross and... this is what he calls the norm, and accordingly, as you manage to communicate, they understand that it is not about faith, it is not about christianity, it about the agency , which covers itself with a cross and a cassock, it will be difficult, i am grateful to ms. irina for emphasizing the international aspect of this work, which is actually what it is, literally, literally, and not an hour and a half has passed, as my colleagues and i from the committee. from all factions of the groups have already begun to engage in this work, that means from of international communication, i am asking everyone , that is, who is in the know and ms. irina, they have a lot of factions of such experienced, hard -hitting heavyweights in international politics, international communications, mr. oleksiy has very powerful colleagues in the faction, i am asking media people, i am asking
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bloggers, i am asking civil activists , to bring to the event a very... simple thing, this is a law, as mrs. iryna rightly pointed out, not about churches, it is a law about connections, it is a law that says one very simple thing: a ukrainian religious organization cannot have, therefore , connections, subordination, or those more, to be part of religious organizations located in the so-called russian federation and controlled by its racist regime. and this applies to all religious organizations without exception, regardless of whether they are completely christian, muslim or others, this is very important, because these expensive lobbyists, one of which ms. iryna mentioned, there called the figures of $1,500 per hour, we understand how crazy they are resources, and this is not mr. derkach, this is another of our former
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colleagues in the parliament, according to my information, no i will mention the names that... don't get ready for a possible lawsuit, fine, but then i, mr. nikita, will help you, it's just crazy, crazy money being spent on it, so it's the first lie, i'll be politically correct to say that this is a law about a specific church, no, the second lie is that it is a law about taking someone's property or money in accounts, another lie, no, yes, that means, and... and the third lie, that it is a law that forces someone to go somewhere, that is, from one particular church to another of a specific church, another lie, no , correctly, ms. iryna noted, there may be different views on how decent the priesthood is in one of the ukrainian orthodox churches, but i want to say that now, now they have a wonderful and
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unique the opportunity to prove not in words, but in deeds, that they are not a part. the russian orthodox church, which we ban, and they further, mr. roman, it is very, very important for a separate, all final clarification, and they can further separate parishes, groups of parishes, dioceses, break these ties with the russian orthodox church, yes, that means, and stay, i will remind you that for almost 30 years , the ukrainian orthodox church of the kyiv patriarchate lived like this, it was not... known, but it lived, served people, served god, people, and nothing, and survived, and survived, and became the basis i would like to remind you that nothing stands in the way of the creation of the ocu. priests, believers to break ties with bloody moscow, but to remain with their churches, in their churches, but only
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not to be mouthpieces of moscow propaganda, that is, not to be collaborators and state traitors, which means spreading subversive here the state will not allow information or direct cooperation at all, but this morning the security service there already trained another such... mouthpiece of propaganda, who was hiding under a cloak in chernihiv, we showed it in the news, you will save time, but you say that you do not want to name last name, but we still saw it, because it is well evidenced , he was once a deputy, he was expelled from the servant of the people faction, i am talking about dmytruk, artem dmytruk, he demonstratively does this with russian priests, artem dmytruk is the one who is responsible for everything pobedobeya was in odesa, he is the one who was with sharyi in... and supported all his anti-ukrainian things, he is the one now, when he goes to bow to the hierarchs of the moscow church, he is the lobbyist, are there any centers
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in opzh, and what is the current position of, for example, max buzhanskyi, he remains a deputy of your faction, who has spoken a lot about the fact that one should not touch the moscow church, well, i can't say anything about maxim's proposal at the moment. so, artem is not a member of our faction, but of course, the center of protection of one specific ukrainian orthodox church, well ukraine, she calls herself ukrainian, so he is really among the former mps from opzh, well, at the center of this whole process is already the person who made himself a mandate in opzh, eh, so come on... isn't mr. dmytruk a champion among those who submitted, submitted the so-called spam amendments, you can look at the personnel there and very easily see, really correctly, my colleagues correctly said that this is
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just not the kind of vote, where the representatives of the former will vote ok, that's it voting, where they have completely, that means, well, after rejecting some political disputes that really exist between us. but to vote 100% pro parliamentary factions and groups, mr. oleksiy, let's go and let's hear your opinion, to finish all gathering opinions for our viewers about this law, i understand what, let's say , reservations you are talking about when you think about mechanisms like this will be implemented, that's why these are very important accents, which you mentioned, and on the other hand, there is another dimension, well, no law and other things did not force ukrainians to hang up at
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their own expense, big boards about the innocent-killed russian tsar, by russian bolsheviks and all other scumbags, and this is a large number of ukrainians, well, god punishes when he takes away the mind, so what to do with them, this law will be . i definitely do not belong to those reformers who are trying to make history in general or a vacuum from our history, or to rewrite it in general, it was the way it is, and no matter who jumps up there now and says, there can be no vacuum , you see, he can't to be, and there was a soviet period of history, there was a pre-soviet one. and so on, i suggest , well, there is no need to talk about it now, this is a separate problem, let's talk about what we are talking about, religious and other organizations that lead or
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have a center of influence, ideological, financial in the country of the aggressors, are hostile to ukraine, they definitely need to be eliminated in an absolutely clear procedural way, what will this... method be, well , as far as i understand, we are still talking about what should happen, through some kind of procedure, precisely on the parishes, by the way, i draw your attention, according to my information, if the moscow patriarchate had and should continue to have a significant number of parishes on the territory of ukraine, it is estimated at 10-11 thousand there, as far as i know, in the last year and a half there only half "thousands of those parishes, that is, church communities gathered and they voluntarily made a decision to transfer to the ukrainian church, this is a very disturbing symptom, but it is like this... well, the church
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is a conservative organization, you understand, and the parishioners are also not exactly about them and i asked you why, once again, but we are not going to declare our citizens, now full-fledged citizens, enemies of the people, but we can make a short remark, that is exactly why, exactly why, if i want to read this law and all the amendments that were adopted there for the second time reading, but if it really becomes clear that this is a clear position and that it is a... law, this is not just a bolshevik decision by volunteers, yes, that this document should become a law of ukraine, secondly, i emphasize, i do not want it now to deal with individual deputies of the servants there, like his dmytruk right dmytruk, without the servants of the people , no draft law can become law today, that is, definitely the servants of the people, as a monocoalition, well, according to the signs, they have to
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take the answer. accordingly, other patriotic parties will also take it, because we understand for sure that the opz will not vote for it, if it becomes a law, i think it will be a very powerful, radical, quick movement, because in order to get rid of the enemy, we have, we have expectations , that the voting here will be the same as for all laws related to the defense and armed forces of ukraine, we, we must make, ms. iryna, a small, small commercial break, after which... you wanted another small remark, probably about parishioners, that is, to finish, yes, a small break, friends, stay with us, there are discounts on karsil 15% in travel pharmacies, ban and savings. rose b. rose b. professional hair care at home . rogusb. buy in pharmacies.
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, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pawel kowal. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, europe. what they say about ukraine in the eu, how we should perceive the statements of european politicians and what our accession to the eu will look like, in the project about politics about the world with maria gurska, every sunday at 3:30 p.m.
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i remind you, you are watching the verdict, and i am asking you whether you support reducing the number of ministries by a third, as proposed by the prime minister, vote, we will sum up, at the end of the program, i remind you that we have three lawmakers with us, nikita potoraev, iryna gerashchenko, oleksiy kucherenko, and mrs. iryna, wanted a remark, because we just came up until the moment or something.


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