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tv   [untitled]    March 6, 2024 2:00am-2:30am EET

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i remind you, you are watching the verdict, and the verdict asks you whether you support reducing the number of ministries by a third, as proposed by the prime minister, vote, we will sum up at the end of the program, i remind you that we have three lawmakers with us, nikita potiraev, iryna gerashchenko, oleksiy kucherenko , and mrs. iryna, wanted a remark, because we have just come to a moment or something, this law will be decided from the point of view of the parishioners we were talking about. what is the basis of
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the moscow church in ukraine? mrs. irina, please. thank you, this is a very important point indeed a parishioner and when ukraine received the tomos , the canonical, single local ukrainian orthodox, the orthodox church of ukraine, it was precisely assumed that parishioners would voluntarily go to this church, and believe me, a lot of people, they go to the orthodox church of ukraine, which would... . on the door of which does not hang that it is a russian orthodox church, and there is a big deception in this, because in fact many of these parishes hide that they belong to the russian church, and the parishioners find out about it under such tragic conditions when these priests are there those in moscow refuse to honor ukrainian heroes, and if you look at the statistics, a lot of parishes switched to the orthodox church of ukraine just when this deception was revealed. but the people understood that
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the popes were simply lying, not to mention the fact that they do and logically belong there to the metropolitanate of moscow. i want to remind you that there is a decision of the constitutional court of ukraine, which very clearly records that if this church, yes, the so-called church has a metropolitan in moscow, it must honestly write in its name russian church, and then for people to see what was happening, i think it was completely different. it was not possible to appeal it and they stated that they are not going to comply with the decisions of ukrainian judges, i'm sorry, but i would like your viewers to even understand what it is about, this is a structure that refuses to comply with the decisions of ukrainian judges, it does not respect the decisions of even the constitutional court, excuse me, well, what are we talking about then, and that 's really why i emphasize again that our job is just to bring the truth here and... you want
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to be a russian church, write an honest name, we are a russian church, tell the truth to your parishioners, and i am convinced that a lot of people will simply be horrified, and there will be a completely different position, and we sincerely want to thank all ukrainians, all orthodox people, who are just now making a huge job and voluntarily transfers to the orthodox church of ukraine, a very important remark, thank you ms. iryna, we do not have much time, there is one more thing that i wanted to ask... actually, gentlemen, this is the beginning of the procedure, in fact, negotiations on accession to the european union, they say that no later than march 12, that is , we are separated by a week, we have a consensus, a really huge consensus of 84% in favor of joining the european union, but we have one point, all this should start against the background of this fact, well, that's already a few calls trades. war
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between our biggest brothers and advocates on the way to the eu with poland, will the current events on the polish-ukrainian border not disrupt the beginning of this dialogue? ms. nikita, mr. nikita, what do you think? i hope that this will not happen, because in my opinion, after all after all, it is there, i am convinced, there is a moscow agent, there are pro-russian politicians, but there... there are ordinary polish farmers, and this is a problem of a general european nature, and it is actually a struggle of european farmers with the central authorities of the european union, i hope that they will find an understanding, and i hope that the polish government, for its part, will communicate more actively, that is, the european commission, on march 12, you expect to start providing us with a framework. i really hope that
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will happen. ugh. mr. oleksiy, how are you? do you think that this procedure will be postponed, well , given many circumstances. i just mentioned one of them, and there are many others, or after all , it will be as promised, so it will be, first, well, of course, this grain conflict, scandal, there, war, because, well, not war, let’s not apply, you don't need to crush it now, because you need to look at the map, we definitely don't need all the enemy countries around us, although, unfortunately, you can see how the situation develops if you look around. needs very precise such balanced decisions, ineffective and very pragmatic in this situation. the second thing is that there is this grain scandal in poland, it is not only a grain scandal, everything is mixed up here, there is definitely a russian trace here,
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there is definitely an economy here, there are definitely politics here, local elections, definitely here and dissatisfaction there in poland with, well, the european union somehow there and so on and the fact that they... want to squeeze their interests and , excuse me, take money out of the european union, they are protecting their national interests, we need to define ours very clearly, i think that it will still be resolved this problem, although it is not easy, and this is such a bright signal for us, well, it will not be easy for us in the future in the european union, and the last thing, i do not want you to accuse me of some kind of conservatism, anti-ukrainism and so on, i definitely... . a supporter of the european integration of ukraine, but i will tell you honestly, i am a eurorealist, i am not a eurooptimist, i am, unfortunately or fortunately, convinced that this process of integration, negotiations, negotiations, adaptation, launching
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of mechanisms, will not be very fast. the main thing here is that mentally our people become ready to be really europeans, and not just, well, against the background of this war , so that they emotionally say, this is how we see ourselves in the european union, there is a big gap, there is a big gap, unfortunately, the road will be covered by the one who walks, there is no other way, ms. irina, we have a minute and a half, actually your opinion, the european commission on march 12, but this is the same european commission that did not introduce quotas for russian agricultural products, this is the same european commission that does not yet have an answer to the polish boy and the polish farmer. will there be a carrier or not? well , in fact, the president of the european commission is ursula fonderlein said that in march, well , these are her last statements, there will only be a screening of ukraine's fulfillment of the prerequisites there and a discussion of the negotiating framework, which she hopes will unfortunately not be launched before
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the june elections in the european union. i see risks here, because in the next half of the year, hungary will preside with all the problems we really have. to hear the negotiation framework for the 34 positions, it is obvious that negotiations are never easy, because with all due respect to ukraine , all our partners will protect all of them its national interests, including in the agrarian sector, it is very important here who will represent ukraine in these negotiations, the negotiations are not being held on the border with poland, you know, the show that the government put on when they went there, they hung out there, it is not clear why , it is difficult, slow, difficult. professional work, and i am very sorry that we have, well, in fact, negotiators of the topic of european law in the country, you can believe me, please count there on the fingers of two hands, one of them, the strongest expert, for example, our ivana klympushinsadze, she is now removed from
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any opportunities to influence this, but it seems to me that we are again approaching the issue of a government of national unity, which should unite the strongest professionals in the european issue. we want to wish that it is all in your hands, actually with one voice, one fist to do an important thing, i am really very grateful for the participation in our program to people's representatives mykyta potoraev, iryna gerashchenko, oleksiy kucherenko, you, they collected and expressed their thoughts for the viewers of the verdict you draw conclusions. and meanwhile we were actually collecting your opinion on the prime minister's idea, denys shmyhalka said to reduce the number of ministries by a third, well, at least, what do we have at the moment, the situation has not changed, 80% of those who expressed their
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opinion through our air think yes and 20% think no, all the rest you have heard and he who has eyes and ears will draw his own conclusions. from this idea, as far as it brings us closer to effective government and the solution of public administration, it was a program verdict, i'm rumanchayka, thank you. for your attention, i wish recovery to its author serhiy rudenko, well, until the next meetings, good evening, we are from ukraine, i greet you, dear tv viewers, this is the velikiy eter program, my name is vasyl zima, i and my colleagues are with you for the next hour 45 minutes, we will talk about the most important things and, of course , involve. experts until they explain to us what is happening: a large-scale
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failure in the meta company, facebook and instagram went down, well, that's probably exactly the case in ukraine , we don't know exactly what's going on there, but that's the reality, well but it is not fatal, and we will now talk about what can help our soldiers at the front, this is the collection. espresso calls to join the collection of buggies for evacuating the wounded and transporting combat kits, as well as automobile and trench rebs for the 12th separate special forces unit. our soldiers destroy the enemy in the eastern direction every day. this collection will help save human lives and increase the efficiency of the unit. so join in, every donation strengthens the shield with which our army restrains the aggressor and sharpens the sword with which it defeats this aggressor chops our goal is uah 480,000. and you have already collected more than 130 thousand. join today and we will continue our work. with us on communication oleksiy goncharenko, people 's deputy of ukraine, and we will talk about a topic that, to be honest, was a little
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surprising today, the people's deputies decided not to gather on the sixth of march 8 for the plenary sessions, and the reasons are different, but what are they really, we will ask, mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, i already heard version four, why did they decide to postpone these meetings, in your opinion, what happened, well, according to your information, what happened, well, what is your reason, formal to start with it or real, let's start with the formal, yes? well, let's give a formal reason to the servant of the people, indeed today, 24 hours before the meeting, the meetings that were supposed to be held tomorrow or the day after tomorrow were suddenly canceled , and there will be no meetings at all this week. history, why does it mean that factions appeared in the chat room of the servant of the people, a message appeared that since it is necessary to report to the us senate, and here the u.s. senate, well, it’s a mystery
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, to be honest, but as it should be reported, groups of deputies are formed who will go, which means to see what is happening in the educational centers, how fortifications are being built, and therefore meetings are canceled, so that means the deputies left in this type, like a business trip or something i don't know how to say, well, everything is strange in this explanation. well, from beginning to end, first of all, why, how does the verkhovna rada report to the us senate, how are fortifications built, and here in general the verkhovna rada, well, well, well, this is some kind of absurd story, well, well , the deputy went, he sees that something is being built here, it is not being built here, well, well, in general, where is the form, where no one asked, there are no official requests from the senate, unofficial, well absurd , well, some kind of thesis is just absurd, and secondly, okay, well, let’s take it there, there’s something there, i don’t know, well... before someone they want to go to the front, it ’s always a good story, it’s good when deputies
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go closer to the front, they better understand what is going on, i kept suggesting it many times, let's have a meeting in general, it would be closer there, it would be clear in many people’s heads, i think, but the question then is different, and why does it have to take place right now, our last meeting was on february 24 , there were no meetings for two weeks, so it was not possible to go yesterday, the day before yesterday , three days ago, or why can’t you go the day after tomorrow, well, there two days after the meeting is held, well, it’s not clear what, what there, and, third, and myself, that’s exactly it, it’s probably funny when it became known , colleagues, there is a chat of faction leaders, and we were announced there the name of the deputy, which means that they are engaged in the formation of these groups from the servants of the people, they started writing to him, we, well, from other factions, we are ready to join, we speak the languages, we are ready to go, then they say servants of the people, no, no, that's not ... parliamentary history, this is our factional history, this is our faction, will only go to report to the senate, and
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others, so you can not, do not get excited, well , in general, it looks like complete absurdity and i am sure, i am sure that that it is a complete absurdity, now then, but what is real the reason, why is the meeting being canceled, i think it is very banal, the servants of the people do not have votes to make decisions these days, i want to remind you that for quite some time now in the parliament there is actually a coalition of the servant of the people plus opzh, well, opzzh, which kind of disbanded, but there are deputies from it, my bill is about throwing it out. pezzh from the verkhovna rada has been lying in the parliament for a year and a half, no one wants to even touch him. why? well, because they vote for the servants of the people, and without their votes, much would not have happened. and part of the voice, i.e. servant of the people, opzzh, part of the voice. this is a real coalition that voted for everything. and now what happened? so, at the last meetings, they quarreled with part of the voice over the story about the bureau of economic
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security, then they were forbidden to go on business trips, they were offended by this. well then. and that's all, they lost their voices. opzzh, well, this is not verified information, but i will say that some part of them say that they are visiting abroad now, how did she leave, do they celebrate march 8 there, it is difficult for me to say, but apparently not all of them present, and some of the servants of the people, too , they also signed some kind of foreign business trip, they are also gone, and all this together led to the fact that in this configuration, the servant of the people of opz, part of the voice, it turned out that they are no longer there. 226 votes, and that's why they decided to simply cancel these session days, well , so as not to be ashamed, as i only got even more disgraced, well, but that's how it looks, what are the questions for there, what still needs to be worked on on the bill on mobilization, there is already a huge amount amendments, i would like you to clarify
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for our viewers whether it will be the same as it was at one time with the law on language, where there were also several thousand amendments, and i remember mykola knyazhyts. stood there day and night at the podium, everyone followed each correction, or in principle at will, if there is an agreement, these corrections can somehow be there, well, either accepted or rejected somehow in a batch, well, so as not to waste time, because in fact, and people, who can mobilize, and the mobilized employees of the tsk, and those who are injured there, their relatives, well, everyone is waiting for this law, because it should prescribe how to continue living in the war , please, well... and the most important thing is demobilization, there is already a part about demobilization, finally to establish terms of service, which is generally the key for me, and look, well, let’s talk about the amendments, 4200 there are definitely a lot of amendments, by the way, it is very telling that most of them were actually submitted by the servants of the people, because this is a government bill, the government is elected by the servants of the people, but they submit you, that's
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the wonder, usually this story with the submission a large number of edits, for example, yes it is used, including, it is called fili... pasteur is such a parliamentary technology, but it is usually used by the opposition if it does not agree with something, because it is its only tool, but when the government uses it against the actual government bill, well, it looks extremely strange , in my opinion, well, but less so, it means that you cannot vote on amendments in packages, but you can really find understanding and compromises, you can consider everything, but the problem is that first these amendments must be considered by the committee on national security and defense. i want to tell you that i don’t see anyone in a hurry there either, the deadline for submitting amendments has ended, it seems, on february 21, today is march 5, the committee on national security and defense has not considered any amendments at the moment, but they sat, they something was discussed, but they did not consider any amendment until the committee considers these 4200, the verkhovna rada cannot
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consider anything, because the committee must first propose some proposals, but i do not... see that you are someone in a hurry in the committee on national security and defense, where again the majority is in the hands of the people and the head , the servant of the people, the covenant is a nevych, so i can’t understand this either, to be honest, why and how much can be dragged on with this history , with these corrections, in general, what is the goal, from the very beginning to me it was unclear, i think i said on your broadcast, why not submit 8-10 separate laws, small ones, because this draft law is really 72 pages long, colossal, what happened? not to submit 8-10 small laws, draft laws, that’s how with the military personnel, in the end, the draft law was on one page, and it was adopted in a day, yes the same thing could have been done, take 8-10 bills, vote, close this topic a long, long time ago, instead they created this kind of immovable thing, and it does not move, i do not see that the servants of the people are in a hurry, all this looks very
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it is strange, if we add to this that zelenskyi, when he had a meeting with the servant faction, he did not particularly talk about the mobilization bill, at his press conference zelenskyi said that it was a matter for deputies, well, that is no push from him as commander-in-chief either no, that is, if he was at all like , he is, you know, and what am i doing here, well, there are deputies, yes, yes, you are the supreme commander, and this is the law on the military, you, you, your role here is key, you are the only one , you have all the information and so on and so on, well, it all looks very strange, it looks like this... that there is no political will to consider it quickly, here quickly, well , it must also be of high quality, because the draft law is of poor quality, it must be significantly corrected, well this is... the situation and i finally read today that they signed a foreign business trip for the leader of the european solidarity, petro poroshenko, he should go to romania for a meeting of the european party, if i am not
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mistaken, well, i could be mistaken for the european people's party, here the question is whether kriga crossed the line on this issue, or is it something else that and where she crossed out the business trip was signed, but some letters from this may appear again at the border, no, well, i think that it will be absolutely already like that, well, everything can be expected. but still, i think it will not happen, but at the same time as poroshenko's business trip was signed, it was not signed the business trip of iryna gerashchenko and maria ionova, not the women's congress in brussels, which is important and ukraine needs to be represented there too, so no, the ice is not over, this madness continues, and well, it is already unbalancing the parliament itself, you see that the parliament, well, actually , come on, in a nutshell, i told you all this long story, in a nutshell. at the moment the parliament does not seem to be functional, thank you very much, it is not good, thank you very much, mr. oleksiy for your comments, very professional and first of all, it is relevant,
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oleksiy goncharenko, people's deputy of ukraine, and here is iryna gerashchenko, by the way, a people 's deputy of ukraine for european solidarity, i will say briefly, but she wrote, it was then and this disgrace, the servants instead of the plenary meeting where they should have decided the issues of the moscow church, by the way, the construction of fortifications will be simulate a volatile activity for our partners, instead of a meeting of the verkhovna rada... they are now forming three groups of 10 deputies, only from servants, to drive them to military positions and make reports on fortifications, well, here is the info from the servants' chat, the front line, the state of fortification, the situation in the initial complexes, the coordinator needs 10 responsible people, in each group, one person must speak english, well, in principle, in the verkhovna rada of ukraine , people's deputies, people's representatives in such positions, well, they all must speak english , well, at least at the level of b1, b2 , well, you should have it, tomorrow in connection with ... this is why the meeting is postponed to the sixth of the eighth, you need to register with mysyagin, i don't know who mysyagin is, i'll go and find out, i'll try, and, well unfortunately, this is the story, now we will continue to talk, we will now talk
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about help, about the help of the united states of america, will it be unblocked, will it not be unblocked, yurii lutsenko, politician, captain of the armed forces of ukraine, mr. yurii, i congratulate you, good evening, well, actually, work continues in the united states, in washington, various proposals, and we expect, not everyone understands everything that is happening there... but everyone expects a key decision, whether there will be aid to ukraine or not, on at what stage is it all, well, now, and yet, or more options for what we will get, at least at least in march, are these tens of billions needed for weapons, first of all? it seems to me that since the beginning of the year it has become obvious that the issue of financing the armed forces of ukraine through the united states congress has become a hostage of an internal political campaign. in the united states of america , it became obvious that for the majority of republicans , not the ideology of the reagan party,
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which defeated the evil empire in 1991, but the election campaign of mr. trump is more important, and for him, the worse it is for biden, including the international politics, whether on the mexican border with hundreds. illegal migrants, whether on the ukrainian front against russian aggression , for them, unfortunately, is more profitable in their internal party interests, and even the old anti-russian staunch republicans are now increasingly taking this position, so of course we will hope that the united states will provide assistance to ukraine, but... the signals each time, especially after the visits of ukrainian delegations, become more and more pessimistic, as soon as the mass the excursion of the servants of the people to washington, as well as
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the signal that there will be no help, as only yarmak or stefanchuk in washington, as well as the failure of any further plans. now the speaker of congress has said he is rejecting the bailout, the senate-drafted bailout, but allowing some of it. ukrainian republicans and democrats to develop a new draft law by the middle or end of march. it seems to me that we should hope for america's help, but do our own thing. we must fully use all ukrainian resources. what am i talking about, me personally, well, it's just extremely infuriating, a week-long event, when the ukrainian cabinet of ministers is in this situation. in fact, the blocking of american aid suddenly allocates 17 billion uah for road maintenance 17. uah, so that everyone
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understands what we are talking about, it is a million drones, that is, at a time when europe did not deliver us half a million drones, half a million shells out of the promised millions, a million drones, it means, well, at least the equivalent of 5 million shells, it means maintaining borders and protecting our soldiers, 17 billion. uah - this is about 2000 reb stations, and i want to tell you that about 200 stations are enough to densely cover the entire front line from the attacks of russian drones, regardless of fpv or lancets or any other, this amount is enough to make the appropriate
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systems electronic warfare and intelligence. in order to fully protect kharkiv and odessa, i simply cannot find censorious words when our government only knows how to point the finger at america. our soldiers are dying because america does not give us help. it's all very much it is similar to the year 2021, when the americans , europeans, nativs, british, came to kyiv again and again and said: there will be an attack, an inevitable war, prepare gostomel, chongar, prepare chernobyl, and we invested money in roads, froze all military programs, and invested only in the last pre-war year, just think about it, 349 billion hryvnias, it is at that rate, 13 billion dollars, now this shameful story of hungry rumors about road construction is being repeated again, albeit with smaller, more modest figures, but nowadays...
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the situation at the front, in any case it is unacceptable, and that is why i perfectly understand my colleague gerashchenko or goncharenko, now the parliament has all to one, all 420, well, who certainly did not betray the motherland and did not flee abroad or is not in prison, should be at their workplaces , listen to the government and make decisions , how to stop wasting money on roads, on playgrounds, on overpasses to shopping centers, on anything else. because today the armed forces of ukraine need every penny for trenches with concrete concrete multi-story buildings equipped aggressions, mortars, drones , electronic warfare, and this must be done not only in the area of ​​the breakthrough near avdiyivka, but along the entire length of the front
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of the donetsk and luhansk regions, including, it is necessary to build serious lines, protect the lives of our soldiers and protect ukraine, unfortunately, the servants of the people will come up with anything, but like red -headed mice running away from the verkhovna rada instead of fulfilling their duties, i cannot imagine the parliament of a warring country, which has a five-week vacation, which is simply irresponsible towards its responsibilities absolutely, i agree, thank you. for your answers, people had time for two weeks , now, well, such questions, but thank you very much for participating, thank you for your comments, yury lutsenko was with us, a politician, a captain of the armed forces of ukraine, by the way, good news, and for we are also obvious, although, as they say , we should be in their place, they also have a yellow-blue flag, but they are not us, it is sweden that has become, well, in fact, we can say, in principle, that sweden is in nato, hungary
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has completed the process ratification the entry of sweden into north atlantic alliance. the new president of hungary, thomas schuyk, on march 5, on his first day in office. this is the new president of hungary, tomas shuyok, on his first day in office. i didn't go to see something. he did not go abroad on march 8, did not transfer his work, did not celebrate, did not organize a corporate party somewhere on lake balaton in hungary, which means that he became the president and signed the protocol on the ratification of sweden's accession to nato. it would seem that there are now hungary, sweden, well, you can sign tomorrow, through a week, because you have to enter, so to speak, the work, the office, look around, check the furniture , how does the air conditioner work in the president’s office, no, a person sat down and signed, we have a law on mobilization, 400 amendments, today the committee adopted a law on banning ukrainian of the orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, we will talk more about it tomorrow, we need to discuss and make a decision.


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