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tv   [untitled]    March 6, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EET

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harm to people, and all our strikes were mostly simulated. i sincerely repent and apologize to everyone who was offended by my actions and am ready to take responsibility for them. a schoolboy and a student from ivano-frankivsk were detained. other involved and victims are being identified by law enforcement agencies. one of them is a 16-year-old 10th-grade student of one of the city's lyceums. e-e resident, in particular, which characterizes the person, he is on a family form of education, does not attend an educational institution, another resident also committed these illegal actions together with him ivano-frantivska, he is an adult student of the first year of one of the higher educational institutions of the city. currently, the investigation is ongoing, the perpetrators were informed of suspicion under article 290. 106, part four,
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hooliganism of the criminal code of ukraine. the punishment includes imprisonment for up to seven years, from prykarpattia, ivan haruk, volodymyr volashchuk, for espresso tv channel. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who reflect and comment the most relevant public discussions. what kind of news will be analyzed by the guests. this week's project and actually who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, clearly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special, their own names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 17:10 at espresso.
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an unusual look at the news, good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, in america they also say, let us have better roads, we would have even better ones, a special look at events in ukraine, on the borders of kyiv will be... some
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katsaps and beyond, what the world dreams of, mr. orman, we can imagine it, all this in the informational marathon with mykola september, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. the great ether continues, we continue, and i invite oleksandr morchevko to the conversation. money during the war. oleksandra, good evening, please. i greet the audience, thank vasyl for his word, in the next few minutes i will talk in detail about zaporizhzhia atomic electric. station grants on development and creation of your own business, as well as about recovery, will be an interesting material, wait, everything will be in detail in a moment. i am oleksandr morchevka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. keep your finger on the pulse regarding the blockade of the ukrainian-polish border, the situation is complicated and, unfortunately, it has no end in sight. the blockade continues. polish farmers continued about that. on the border with our
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country for another two months, they announced this in a statement that is being circulated in mass media. according to the document, it is about protests at the checkpoint ridge rava ruska. earlier, they predicted that they would end the blockade by march 10, but now we see that the actions are continuing, and the queues at the border are only increasing. the goal of the participants of this, this performance, i can’t call it any other way, well... it’s not an action, it ’s just a blockade and bullying of ukrainian business, so the goal is the liquidation of the so-called green agreement, and the main thing, they say, is to limit the import of agricultural products from ukraine. our officials and experts have repeatedly proven that, if we talk about grain, it does not settle in poland, it goes in transit to other so-called third countries that buy our grain, but because of this blockade on the border , here is a series. companies have difficulties in
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fulfilling their specific obligations to customers, i.e. to those third countries that are waiting for ukrainian food, well, of course, these are fines for the ukrainian. business, this is the cancellation of new future orders and the loss of ukrainian entrepreneurs, according to vasyl, the loss of the treasury, well, on the one hand, these are our losses, somehow they are working, now the government there is already communicating with their government and somehow they are starting to realize that only ukraine and poland actually suffer here, for example, there is russia and the same belarus that has something to do with it, well, when might it become more tangible, or when this clarification work will come to an end, well, at least from the other side, how it would not be more noticeable there those people who for money... i think that such yero work openly for russia, well, of course, here experts say who are the participants of such protests, they are really farmers who firmly believe that ukrainian grain is dumping on the polish market, it is the activists who really demand the cancellation of the so-called green
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agreements, let's not dwell on this, and really these are the third parties who are protesting for money and, well, without a doubt, they are fulfilling moscow's tasks, well, i think that if they are removed, it is possible here... then the situation will at least turn into some kind of dialogue, so that there is nothing to have a dialogue about with these people, well, what is there to have a dialogue about with a person who received money for arranging such things, well , it is difficult to have a dialogue, but as we can see, after all, the european commission is making certain movements, and today the european commission announced that it is planned to extend the transport visa-free for of ukraine, but under the new rules, well, there they are trying to change certain requirements for documents, to look more carefully at whether the truck passes... poland is already empty back, that is , she took the grain in transit and did not this grain settle somewhere inside the country, well, here the european commission is trying to make concessions to the protesters, protesters, but i think this should not have been done, yes, definitely, well,
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if we talk about agricultural products, we have interesting numbers, in fact, 80% of food is taken out of ukraine for export. by the sea to 10 across the danube, deputy chairman of the all-ukrainian agrarian council denys marchuk reported. this is the best indicator during the period of a full-scale invasion - says the expert, business due to the trust and security that the armed forces managed to form in the black sea, is now actively shifting all its logistics routes to these routes, the sea route, because we see problems on the border with poland is, therefore, it must be developed, and in fact , the ministry of infrastructure should develop logistics routes through the danube and the black sea. well i would like to add that exports through the ukrainian sea corridor, which became operational in august 2023, are being pushed up to the mark of 30 million tons.
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so, we thank the armed forces, we thank our farmers, we thank the workers of port logistics. and this is really a victory, 30 million tons, by sea, it's cool. i will only remind our viewers that during the full-scale invasion of the armed forces of ukraine, well , the security services of ukraine, the main intelligence agency and so on, the naval forces managed to either destroy or damage 25 ships of the black sea fleet of the russian federation, well, we have a result, thank god, and we have our own corridor without muscovy, without the involvement of turkey, or who else wanted to ascribe to it, vasyl, but since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of erefia in ukraine, the zaporizhia nuclear power plant has survived eight full and one more part. without streaming, this was reported in our energy atom. despite the real threats, the russian military continued to fire at the power lines and open switchgear of the station. nowadays, zaes feeds only on one network, its damage can lead
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to another blackout. magathe general director rafael grossi said on march 4 that the situation at the occupied zas remains very unstable, as six and... nuclear and physical security pillars identified by the agency are fully or partially compromised. indeed , the zaporizhzhia nuclear power station has been under occupation for two years, the situation is difficult, and indeed rosatom is now trying in every possible way to connect this station to the needs of occupied crimea, there is no one to work, someone has been tortured, someone was simply taken to russia, someone ... is forbidden to work at the zaporizhzhia station , well, and plus, today we spoke with the former minister of energy of the palavata, ivan plachko, who says that russia has no economic need in principle to do this, switch to russia in the occupied territories this nuclear power station, because i say once
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, the russians want to steal something, well, they will build some things there, the only question is what will happen to the station, because it is a threat to the continent, let's talk frankly, the largest nuclear power plant and for russia itself as well threat in case of certain man-made. disasters, well, then i will tell you about proactive, active, those who want to do business, under the grant program, there are another 462. ukrainians received uah 111 million from the state, these are funds for starting or developing their own business, the ministry of economy reported. most of the entrepreneurs are from lviv, kyiv and sumy oblasts, and many kyiv residents also receive non-refundable grant funds for entrepreneurship. the vast majority of people plan to spend this money on new things equipment, the most popular areas in which the winners of the grant program work are wholesale and retail trade, repair
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of motor vehicles, catering and processing industry. march 2022 remained in the memory of ukrainians as a month of fear and despair. even two years later , the housing destroyed and vandalized by the occupiers continues to be rebuilt in the kyiv region. the history of the family, let's see, which survived the occupation and... how the recovery certificate helped in this, how the recovery program helped, let's see, we were shelled by five, five mines, all around us, you can imagine whether it was such luck or such happiness, it destroyed us, of course, we were damaged a lot, but our house stood up from the body, mrs. galina tells about her house in gostomel , village was the first to fight for kyiv, because the invaders tried to land a landing party at the local airfield, the woman with her husband
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and son at first decided to stay at home, although all relatives convinced them that they should get out. i even had a push-button phone, so i was already holding it for my son my daughter is in kyiv and in obukhov, and they are already worried there, but they are calling, calling, and i only say two words. lives and everything, lives, well, to calm them down already. electricity has been missing almost since the first days of the russian invasion, and gas has also disappeared since march 5. fighting was already going on around gostomil, and the village itself was being shelled. some nearby neighbors had their roofs blown off, while others had their house walls damaged. as a result of the blast waves and shrapnel, the windows in mrs. halyna's apartment were blown out . it became very cold. living in such conditions was unbearable, so they made a decision to leave gostomel. i wake up, i hear
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that my master is awake. i say, you know , we should probably leave, he says: yes, we will leave. there is no evacuation, there is no evacuation. the car was hung with white flags in advance. on the way, we had to cross a russian checkpoint. don't worry, everything will be fine, until april 30 we visited our daughter in obukhov, which is also in kyiv region, however... after the deoccupation, we decided to return home, we understood that there was a long and difficult road ahead of us to rebuild our
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cozy corner, we arrived, well, what we arrived, it’s cold , come on, come on, give me a little bit, a little bit, come on, how much money was there, you have to put up doors, you have to put up windows, first of all, we managed to do most of the work on our own, little by little we restored the windows, the facade, the fence, the rooms , turned to the state for help, the restoration program compensates citizens for housing reconstruction, but only for those works that the owners did not perform on their own. the roof of ms. halyna's house is still damaged, because it is a difficult and expensive repair. the man arrived, that's all, that's all, we have a ceiling on the second floor, and the ceiling cracked, let's go to petya to... and put it so that even though the ceiling did not fall, he
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lazily checked everything, everything, everything, they put it all into action, and now, as it were, our this assistance is in the process, so for now mrs. halyna and her husband are waiting for the promised help from the state, although they themselves have already spent more than uah 150,000 on repair work. their house is now warm and cozy, this is the whole strength of ukrainians, to rebuild... their own, even after non-humans walked through it. well, as we can see, an effective tool, the action helps to recover money for destroyed property, the main thing is to fix it. all losses, the main thing is to submit all the correct information to the electronic service and the state will compensate. this was the last information from the world of money for today, but the big broadcast continues, there will be more to come. see us. thanks to oleksandr morchyvka, we continue
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now with cultural news. the state will finance film production in 2024. head of state cinema. force, which is preparing to hold a corresponding competition. it's not going, by the way only about movies, but also about tv series. most of the filmmakers oppose this and demand to redirect the money to the army. lina chechenina will tell what exactly the claims are. please, you have the word. no drones, but a movie and a tv series. yes, the state cinema is still going to allocate films for television series, games, non-games, documentaries, whatever, at the upcoming pitching, and of course this caused another disturbance, because cinematographers still cannot understand why the state should allocate money for television, even those people who think that ok is normal, because
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, as practice shows, mainly with the support of state funding, you can... see, you can shoot really good series, because serial production is located here, to put it mildly, not at a very high level, state funding is what can give us a chance to finally see some quality series, but even those who support this idea say that too much attention is going to be paid to state cinema television production, it has to take care of filmmakers first of all, i will remind you of this letter, which very recently was signed by a large number of our... filmmakers, they are, well, they are people who, first of all, seem to be interested in holding the competition, and in order for them to be able to come and win and get money for the production of their films, but they said: no, no competition, we do not want any money, give it to the needs of the military, because the main argument is that they do not
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consider the current management of the state cinema to be incompetent, ineffective, and consider accordingly, the future con. the course is also inefficient and opaque, they fear that it will be such that many people close to them will receive the money, and that is why they say that we should not allocate such a large amount of money to such a dubious competition , let it be for the military, let it be for drones, it is now more important, but still the competition will be held, and there are people who are satisfied with it, who say that it is not, on the contrary, now it is necessary to allocate state money for cinema and tv series, and this is not... everything else is necessary, and they defend derzhkino and say no, on the contrary, derzhkino works normally, although there are admittedly not many such people who directly publicly defend the management of derzhkino, they still try to somehow get out of the way, but in the end, what is the point now , what are emphasized by the cinematographers who watched this announcement, the pitching of the competition, there is a new point that wasn't there before is
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documenting war crimes, what documentarians say, they say that... this point should be removed, it's wrong, because documenting war crimes shouldn't be done by documentarians, it's again will be wrong, ineffective, and all these results will go up in smoke, because documenting war crimes is the business of archivists, the security service of ukraine or the ministry of defense, any services, but not cinematographers, because cinematographers make movies, even if it is documentary, anyway this is the author's point of view, and the documentation of war crimes is... it is not done with the aim of later shooting a movie, but with the aim of bringing this documentation to court, for example, it must be some kind of evidence, but the work of cinematographers is far from always possible to serve as evidence in courts, so they propose to remove this point before it is too late, until they have identified something that will then be simply ineffective, and they also pay attention to
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the series again, which is not unclear why... the state began to take care of it in this way television production in such large quantities, let me remind you that in the fall the state cinema rolled out such a large strategy, which has not been adopted until now, because it was criticized, and where the cinema proposes to shoot at least 600 hours of television series per year with the support of states, it is really a lot, and it is not clear where such interest in tv series comes from in general, and in the end, i personally have a big... question about the patriotic direction of this pitching, there is a lot of the word patriotic, patriotic series, patriotic films from my experience observations at contests, this is the requirement to submit patriotic projects, it turns into a conjecture, which as a result results in very low-quality, opportunistic, propagandistic tapes that are interesting to few people,
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which reflect, reflect interest from our notable figures, from our notable events, and is very widely criticized constantly by the audience, so you know, patriotism in this context, patriotic orientation is not something that will a... bring a good result, but in the end we will watch this contest in the future , and we will wait for its results. by the way, i want to say, continuing the topic of culture, it is important when world stars support ukraine, pierre chara, this is a movie star of his time, there is a tall young man in black shoes, a toy and so then, he wrote an appeal and marveled at ukraine's capabilities. to hold the blow and overcome that resistance and endure all this suffering, he said two years of war, as many deaths as cities destroyed, but the ukrainians are fighting and it's really admirable, and
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also the star of lord of the ring, viggo mortensen supported ukraine, he wore a black t-shirt with a white trident on the red carpet at the glasgow film festival in scotland, it's also, well, actually, it's cool too. thank you to all those stars. world cultures who chose the side of light in this story, and we we choose to listen about the weather, natalka didenko is with us, she is ready to talk about whether the cold is really coming back, ms. natalya, you look beautiful today, please, congratulations vasyla, we are a little on the same page with you, congratulations, our dear viewers, now let's talk about the coming cooling, i'll reveal the secret right away, and also about a lot of interesting things, literally in a second. before we talk about the weather that is expected,
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today we will continue our column dedicated to the upcoming world meteorologist day, which is celebrated on march 23 at the weather station of the kyiv region. today, my story about the chernobyl weather station is special, and i even want to divide it into two evenings, that is , i will tell it in parts today, because there is such information that... uh, it will not fit in our time, but it is very important, and i would like to convey all these details to you. well, let's start with the following general characteristics, historical data, facts. so, the chernobyl meteorological station, the first observations of which were started in april 1925, during the second world war, was restored station after the occupation on december 1, 1943. and of course, of course. that on april 26, 1986 , the accident temporarily occurred and the chornobyl weather station switched to 24-hour operation,
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and resumed 24-hour operation as early as may 1, 1988. well, separately, i wanted to talk about the work of this weather station during the current occupation, which was from the russians, from the russian aggressor. occupation of the chernobyl exclusion zone. lasted from february 24, 2022 to april 2, 2022, and during the entire period of occupation, meteorological observations were carried out continuously under a constant roar of enemy equipment, since march 9, 22 without electricity, communication and the internet, the head of the weather station, ms. ludmila deblenko , conducted observations as usual, visually measured the characteristics of the wind, determined the values ​​of air humidity with the help of special... tables and used a barometer for measurement of atmospheric pressure and formed a synoptic telegram from the received information. according to her testimony, on march 18, 22, the occupiers
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began to move into private houses en masse and everything was valuable, the workers tried to hide, but there was work under constant supervision, with constant surveillance, constant interrogations, the territory was constantly patrolled, and every time the specialist went to the metodeyanchik, he waited... until the patrol passed, so as not to draw attention to himself once again, this is incredible, and as mrs. lyudmila deblenko said, she had to fight for her right to work every day, because the occupiers had established a curfew and said that it was not possible to leave the yard, and mobile communications in chernobyl were available in several places to transmit information it was necessary just like in some movies, but it was reality, first make sure that there are no russians, because they could take them away. phone, wait 3-5 minutes until a connection appears in a certain place, run, quickly transfer information and run away until they notice. they used an old
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nokia push-button cell phone, it was possible to catch them. the kyivstar network, the smartphone caught only the belarusian network, well, ms. lyudmila says that she is very grateful to the people who helped, united and stuck together in difficult times, that's the only way to defeat the enemy, that's how information, the first part, i would say about the chernobyl weather station, about the fantastic incredible people who worked there and are working there, tomorrow will be further, as they say, and we move on to the behavior of the earth's magnetic field and... and now let's look at the forecast chart, you see , that it is flat, stable , no magnetic storms, special disturbances , such strong ones are expected, so we calmly move on to the weather forecast for tomorrow, march 6, the more i have to tell you, because tomorrow is almost everywhere a noticeable cooling is expected, we are starting the weather forecast from the western regions of ukraine, so tomorrow in the western part
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of ukraine is expected uh... rain and wet snow, the air temperature will decrease, as i said, and will be +1-+3°, on transcarpathia will still be very warm, as you can see , in the north of ukraine at night, the next night and in the morning, it will also rain with the transition to wet snow, the air temperature on the day will drop to 0.2 0.3° of heat, that is, it is only the maximum. there will be no precipitation in the east of ukraine, cloudy with clearings, the air temperature is maximum +2 +7°, there may even be more... the sun is expected in the central part of ukraine tomorrow, dry weather will prevail, but it will also get cold +1 +4°, this is the most that can be observed and felt tomorrow in the southern part ukraine without precipitation , traditionally, of course, it is warmer, +8 +11°, in the crimea up to +12, and in kyiv, in the capital, attention tomorrow, cooling is also expected, in kyiv the maximum air temperature tomorrow
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will fluctuate within the limits. 1°, as you can see on the map, at night and in the morning there is a possibility of rain with transition to sleet, and also gusts of wind north-eastern direction, so we are getting colder, the colder will be quite long, the nearest noticeable warming is approximately according to preliminary forecasts, expected on march 16. thank you, dear, i just want to say that you and i have already collected 148,000 on the buggy we are collecting, we need 480, let's go there today, tomorrow we will join, you can see it now via the link, send a donation and we will collect on buggies to evacuate the wounded for our military, we will help, thank you for being with us, i say goodbye to you until tomorrow, but stay espresso, good evening, we are from ukraine.
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