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tv   [untitled]    March 6, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EET

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it happened and we have now even found several patrons there from volyn who are ready to finance the project, because there you can't just come and make it beautiful, you have to make a project, it has to pass an examination, and this is an example of caring at the level, but it arose not because there is some big state program, but these are caring citizens who use their duty as public servants to do good deeds, so in essence this is what hlibovytskyi calls opana. own state, yes, actually, when we are, it is not becomes something foreign, and becomes the norm, because that is what you should do, you should occupy your state and use it for the common good of all members of the state, accordingly, this is such an option, but in a good way, it should be civic initiatives of business, which shows an example, here we take care of this grave, ideally in general it should be a state register, something like a national care program for places of memory, places... of the last resting place
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of the most important figures in the history of ukraine, and this list should be formed according to they have care. it seems to me that there is such a term in modern legislation: people with special merits to the state, they have there, they have a whole procedure for free burial, there is the creation of some kind of memorial, but it should be, you know, no longer about party members, new parties, new high-ranking officials, namely about people of this level. well, because with all due respect, none of them are representatives of the highest states, the highest officials of independent ukraine, well, with the rare exception of some super cool dissidents who did for these founders of this republic, well, it does not reach the level , accordingly, the grave has a bump here or there , mykolaychuk will be such that it is visible, accordingly, it should have been a state program, but i assure you, as soon as we sew, for example, such a program from ourselves, the ministry of finance he will tell us, no additional expenditures of the state budget are foreseen. goodbye, and it must be
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political will, it must be fundamental, because it must, for example, like our war on the information front, for example, i often argue, but pavlo kazarin says, there is no war in the sphere of culture, it is not that there is no front , yes, an informational corner, i do not agree here, there is an informational front and a front in the sphere of culture, because there are top platforms where we can win in the sphere of culture, and this is a war, in the sphere of culture, we have been at war with russia for a long time, the same in information, and here, for example, every year we need to have a few million dollars in the budget for re-translations of such books as those by larisa yakubova, which examines this anatomy of racism, or by elena styashkina or the same snyder translations into other languages ​​except english there to chinese, indian , and so on, that is, hindi, and we have to have it, because if it is not us, then no one will do it, accordingly, this is a specific program, specific funds, it is not some kind of big money, this is how it should be, but the society must come to its deputies, whom you elected in... for their
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jacket, you submitted, you submitted this item to the state budget, or the institute of remembrance of us submitted, why did you not support, what did you find on the committee there on yourself jacket until you knock out this item, but most citizens are busy with other things issues, other deputies are busy, and the deputies are busy with other issues, we have to occupy this state at last, use it for the good of this same state, and regarding the political will of the political class and also regarding why we as citizens do not take the political class by the coattails and do not say, did you do it? i remember the speech of svitlana aleksievich, when she received the nobel prize, she came here, met, i think, it was in mohylianka, with students, and she then said something like this that the post-genocide nations, they, she, she said so that we very easily step over our fallen, because of the fact that there were so many of them, yes, there were so many millions of them, that we are used to, she spoke about...
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soviet people, yes, but now i am asking you about post-genocide nation of ukrainians, isn't that why we don't abuse our politicians, and why, and why, isn't that why we go about our business, because we are a post-genocide nation, or is it somehow related to the fact that we don't respect heroes enough? i think there are at least three reasons, and maybe there are better specialists than me, maybe more will be named, the first reason is that it is possible for us to realize how many... there could be such people, that is, to even approach this topic, not in the sense that we are used to transgressing, or we begin to understand that as soon as we touch of this box , more, more, more will appear , and in the end we will have to realize how many such people are lying all over the space of modern ukraine and the soviet union, that is, this is a certain system of warning of fear, one, two, after all, it is necessary to give, well, it must be admitted that 9 years,
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it was very difficult in economic terms a time when people really survived, well, that is , families, good families, who should first of all become the conscience of this nation, well , they were forced to sell pants in... stadiums in order to survive, and accordingly in such, you have three children there back, and there is such a situation that there is no payment for 5 months for three months, and at this time you simply cannot, psychologically , it is difficult for you to go and tell someone something about someone's graves, if your children are not fed, this is the second reason, well, the third reason, this helplessness cultivated by the soviet system, because it was imprisoned on the fact that a person did not interfere in these matters, he could quietly take care of himself, that is , the space of civil responsibility of a soviet person had to end with his door, the door of his apartment maxim, well , the state is a foreign one, we could not take over a foreign state, this is even it sounds abstract, the entrance is someone else's, that's why there is always no care, and
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only now, when we gradually created osb, created some forms, when we built a relationship with private property in a slightly different way, we began to expand a little, then together with our neighbors we cleaned . entrance, further they began to plant flowers around apartment buildings, then decentralization, we began to feel the community there, for example, go to the village and feel how the community works, there, well, besides the fact that there is a wonderful head who works on it, but little by little it is being built, you know, it's mine, it's ours , it's common, it, and accordingly, until it happened, it's some other people's graves, someone else's family, and since i have a border, it's a door, a border of a safe space, a border where i know for sure that i can influence. nothing will happen for it, these are my doors, my apartments, and sometimes not always, sometimes it is not so, that is, these three factors will definitely have an effect, and understanding this, working with this, changing it little by little with concrete examples that the state should encourage, it cannot do everything, the state never, never , no state will have enough money for this, but she must show an example, say: do
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it like this, i bless it, i support it, but she will not do it, a closed circle, until we, as citizens, begin to demand it, representatives of state power, that is us... they are the same as me, for example, in 2019 i was not a representative of the authority, i went to this competition on my own and got into this system, and i understand, but this is the right way, i will cross myself, i will resign, someone next should come and say, yes, friends, not on myself, not on my bunch of people there, my community or my family, i will do something there, on all of us, that is, work for all of us, this is the only way we will oppose this state, change this approach and finally we will have this list of places of memory , for which we are responsible all together and each of us fundamentally. thank you now as promised, we will talk about the actual ukrainian arlington, about why the discussion, the search for a place, the adoption
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of the law on the national memorial cemetery or cemetery, where we are currently burying our soldiers, is taking so long. in the 22nd. in the same year , the bill on the creation of this national memorial military cemetery was passed, why is this decision so hard to make and is it taking so long? so, i will start with the background, so that nothing falls out, because it is important for the logic of understanding. the project of the cemetery was born, the very first project arose from some time, almost yanukovych, some generals gathered, almost the ministry of internal affairs, if you want to see the year 2011, i remember this azarov, maybe because there... somewhere in russia they built a military, and these old well-deserved, well-deserved veterans in that including the soviet systems, they wanted to have a good place for themselves, but the project did not take off, thank god, but then the government gave an order in the 15th or 16th, i have already
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forgotten, and in particular, the institute of national memory to develop the end, the institute of national memory developed this project back then at 16, there were consultations, the project of the military memorial cemetery and , in general, this... the logic that i started with is three-stage, it arose at the institute, precisely in the 15th and 16th, and in the very first consultations with the state geocadastre , a specific land plot for this arose cemetery, because we needed a state land and b- a lot of state land, several hundred hectares, because everyone understands that it must be arlington, it's 300 + hectares, and that it can't be some piglet somewhere in the bran in in kyiv, it should be fundamental, it is a space of memory for centuries, at the time no one thought about... a full-scale war, but even then they thought that it should be such a cemetery, and accordingly there was only one suitable plot, then they talked about vituposhtovo, but now it is the gatnyan community, and even then this plot, which in the end has now been approved , the position and the institute itself offered it back then, near the southern cemetery, it is directly adjacent
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to the southern cemetery, which is a plus, because the road to odessa, a large highway that allows many people to conveniently drive up, b) already exists nearby cemetery, respectively, are sanitary in... the sanitary zone is observed and plus there is a wooded area there, but there are illegal fellings for decades of this kind of management, there are huge massifs developed, accordingly, even in... well, that is, the forest of this forest plantation will hardly be affected or will be less affected than in any other place, well, arlington, if we look at it, it is a space interspersed with trees, accordingly , this is how it arose, then in the 22nd year, then the institute developed a law on cemeteries together with the ministry of defense, the ministry of vitry and years, and i got trips to all these problem groups , pavlo podabet, who was responsible for this at our institute, simply did not get out of the committees, from the ministry of defense, they agreed, one of the principle points was not to hide kagbists there. all kinds of full knights of the order of lenin and so on, and it was with a lot of blood, but we managed to agree on everything so that it was really
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people who fought for independence for ukraine, and we still won it, it should be a state cemetery with a memorial, with the corresponding infrastructure and so on, and the law is adopted, and the law, unfortunately, was adopted only in the 22nd, already after the beginning full-scale war, but the struggle itself, the struggle for this law stretched for years, for years, i think, if it were not for the war, we would still be struggling for this law. again, part of the accountants, who are always present in any government, say: it’s expensive, it’s billions, well, it’s billions, respectively, the 22nd year for the place, and here it began, i call it vekhanalia, the gushing of ideas began, because the law does not fix the place, the law of the 22nd fixes the cemetery, doesn't fix the place, and here it begins, let's build on the bald mountain, let's build in the bean ravine, let's sing field, and we just we at the institute looked at all this with such eyes... we didn't have time to comment that it's simple, first of all, read the law, it's like that there, there's a list of objects like that, there you need space,
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respectively, all these proposals, and the families of the victims hear this story and think that it would really be good to be in the center, in the center where it is easy to get to, but then they start to face questions, elementary questions, if we are somewhere in the center of kyiv 100 + ha for such a center, no, because there are no 100... hectares in the center of kyiv, but what if we let's take some of those locations, and one of those , i think provocative ideas, was to make this cemetery in the side barn, and this was probably the last straw, because many families very strongly took up this location, this one, this location, the bullpen, the bullpen, families of the fallen, and why? and because they were told that it is almost, almost in kyiv, that there is a lot of space, but they were not told one very important thing, that these are places of memory. already in which, unfortunately, in this forest, most likely, with a very high probability, there will be mass
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burials from the times of stalin's repressions. and here yet another trigger was turned on, that most of our people are not aware of and do not realize this problem, that is, even some high-ranking officials, i come, i remember very well, i talk to the architect, and the architect says: i ask them, so let's go let's build this one, they say to him, build it in the bullpen, he says , well, it's like this place, well, it can be... risky, it's there, well, mass, if we find a mass burial, we'll stop construction, we have to excavate , do, and they say no to him, well, let's think of something, he says, okay, let's go, why not in a woman's the ravine, it's such a no-no, well, you can't in a woman's ravine, this is a place of memory, that is, a bullpen , even at the level of people, was not fixed as such a place of memory where you can't touch it, and accordingly, it was a serious story of such miscommunication, and people were provoked, a family comes to us, we say, look, we are the firstborn. proposed, vytrovych also proposed to do it in gatny, well, and then it all went
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into the space of political speculation, because part of the parliament introduced a draft law for a bullpen, a bullpen, and the council voted, but the president did not sign it, but they are calling me to tell me in more detail, they are calling me from the president's office and asking me, and i am at the front, we are generally standing under orichov, on the zaporizhia right, i could pick up the phone, because there is a nastaring, i pick up the phone, i say i can't talk now, we're on military duty, i'm leaving. the president calls and asks what the problem is with the bullpen, because part of the law came, and part of the experts say that there is a caveat, ask the institute of national memory, they will tell me, i will tell you, and that's it. you show me five or six risky items, and they, well, the president says, well, that's right, and why wasn't this taken into account before, a logical question, and it turns out that the parliament voted, and he , as a person who understands that it will be a problem that we can be stuck there for another 5 years or however long, and then the question of changing the place of the memorial site for this cemetery will be initiated, they will return to
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the good thing that we immediately proposed, and well, thank god, the parliament will vote in the good way about this plot, which is in support of the decision of the government in gatny, but what struck me, and more than 300 deputies supported it, we personally got involved, the minister of agriculture got involved, because this is a question of land and there is the allocation of land, and we went to the factions and explained, well, almost all the deputies voted except for some, except for... one faction, because it is for became part of the political such an ugly situation, because some deputies said that the president does not respect the parliament, that he does not want to sign it, it is not they who believe that the president did not sign the draft law that was initiated by the opposition political force, which they say yes, no, what they say is that the president does not respect the parliament, because he should have signed the bullpen, because the parliament first voted for him, and then they can cancel it, re-vote, and it became a very ugly political situation, and well, we went around these
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factions, they said , well, come on, you won't bring this into the plan, well, if the opposition was in power... it should always be, but i say, let's not be here, and the majority of the opposition forces, well, a large part of them agreed and it didn't happen to discuss, well, in such a bad situation, i voted for it it's good, but part of it is not, well, again , i didn't vote against it, in my opinion , people abstained, but you know, this is the kind of case that says that very often we cannot cross over because of political ambitions, even in such very important questions, the prime minister gave an engagement to within six months of this 20'. that year to build the first sector, the first sector, and now there are a lot of questions about, i see that you just recently participated in the discussion of the design of the typical warheads, and in general, now there are a lot of questions and discussions about what it should look like, what kind of such a plan
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architecture and design will be, what kind of space will it be, or can you tell us in a few words what kind of idea it is? just this large space of the space of the memorial cemetery? so, the law provides that it must be a leading large object, in what sense is it large? there should be a museum that tells about the history of soldiers in general, a place that is very similar to the memorial you asked about at the beginning, a museum that will tell about what wars ukraine fought in what times, and how, why exactly this place of memory represents various fighters for... in fact, the freedom of ukraine , including her, of course, a large part of this museum will be dedicated to the modern war, because, unfortunately, it is the majority of burial places, although it was not originally intended that way, but of course it will be for those people who died , or later after the victory they will live peacefully and die and have the right to be buried on this quad, then accordingly the museum that told, then there should be a memorial memorial,
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a large national memorial, which actually honors all the dead and who died. it's like that just a memorial place, then there should be a big crematorium there, because we don’t have enough crematoriums, the city crematorium, well, in kyiv it can’t withstand the load, the infrastructure is old, it’s generally old technologies, they need to be restored, accordingly, this crematorium is will also serve this cemetery itself, plus help with this infrastructure, further it is assumed that there will be large spaces for columbariums, respectively. there are modern technical and administrative buildings, an archive that will keep a list of those people, maybe even production workshops , where they will be manufactured, because there will be a special, well, specific system at the military memorial cemetery, and the cabin will be regulated by decree, which will not be there, you know, as it often happens now, somewhere there a boy with a guitar is sitting in a statue, and there is some
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motley obelisk somewhere, and there is half a head, well, actually it is already beginning. discussions about the fact that some families say: no, we want to bury as we think, and the monument over the mushroom is the same, as they want, look, the military memorial cemetery is disciplinary space, clearly limited by the requirements, according to the best world models, brevity, standardization, any family is not obliged to bury at a military memorial, any family has the right to choose, or to bury in any cemetery of their community, sector of military burials , where she is comfortable. or at the military memorial cemetery, if at the military memorial cemetery - this is, for example, if a person, for example, is from simferopol, the family has a son or daughter who fought for the independence of ukraine and died, a person can to choose, to bury at home, and either at the cemetery in the sector or the military memorial cemetery, there are pros and cons, the pros are near the house, it is convenient and you can do what you want on that grave, if
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you choose a military memorial cemetery, it will be in the center country, in the very heart, and why is kyiv convenient, because of all... it is more convenient to go, because it is in the center of the country, but there is a minus, you will not be able to, for whom it is a minus, for whom it is a plus, you will not be able to do what you want there , but on the other hand it will be a beautiful space like arlington, everybody likes arlington, but for some reason, not everyone likes the fact that you can't influence anything, okay, well, he chooses either slippers, or i don't know what there are three options, i understand correctly, there are three options for detailed details, tell me about what these are options, there are two options for details now we and we... we insist on them, and the architect, and most of the people at the round table, as far as i got the impression, also support it, roughly speaking, two options for heating, the first, which ... family. the first option, the main one, is the cossack cross. actually, the famous cossack cross, if we look at the tradition of burying soldiers in ukraine, the tradition of burying a soldier under
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a cossack cross is more than 500 years old. this is a very important tradition, and odesa, cherkasy, kyiv, ternopil, vinnytsia, find an old cemetery 200-300 years old, there will be a cossack cross everywhere. and for us, for example, it is fundamental that the cossack cross should be the main memorial figure above. grave ka above the grave figure in this cemetery, because not all countries have a history of 500 years, but we have a specific memorial the tradition of burying soldiers under the cossack cross, and for us, for example, it is extremely important to preserve this, that is, it is no longer a religious meaning, but simply a cultural meaning, so it is much more than about religion, many people, well, atheists, well, or not very good , well, let's say not very orthodox christians, but they were still buried under the cossack cross. kipiani, very vaftan kipiani, an outstanding ukrainian historian and popularizer of history, even in emigration, he researched sune baunbrook, one of the cemeteries
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where many soldiers are buried, of the ukrainian armies of the ukrainian people's republic there, he says that even there, after examining more than 70, about 70% of all crosses in america, there was no free space where there were no restrictions, more than 70% of these people chose the cossack cross. accordingly, this is the first... form of the memo , but there is also, but this cross is cut, first a flat slab is cut, and then from this slab the cross stands out, but if for people who do not practice christianity or for whom it is essential not to be buried under by christ, they will not have a cross carved out of this slab, it will just be the same flat slab that it is similar in appearance, and it will depict either a religious symbol, i don't know, a crescent moon, a star of david, a buddhist symbol. a symbol , i.e. of that religion, or simply the coat of arms of ukraine, if a person, for example, is an atheist in principle, and accordingly the whole cemetery will have two such options for the details, and the person himself
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will choose, accordingly, no problem, ugh, someone says, it will not be very good , i do not agree, this issue can also be resolved, since a cross is cut on the outline of the poet, they will be stylistically similar in principle, and secondly, even if it will be well there, well it is necessary to model how it will look, even if it can be done by the sect. in this sector only drink, and in this sector only cross and there will be no problem, that is, we will solve this issue, it is important for us that we cannot abandon the memorial tradition, which is more than 500 years old, well, this is a very important thing, it is all the same, that you will create a large national memorial cemetery, which should record the traditions of military feats and memorials and burials, and forget the cossack crap, well, this is simply unacceptable, 30 seconds we literally have it left, so you said that the work has already started? and when will we already have this space completed? well, the best answer would be from the ministry of veterans affairs, because it is theirs, they have a state institution that deals with this, as far as i know, the work
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has started, there are already visits there , well, research has been carried out on the territory of geology, there is already a sketch project, and there i am currently working on documentation and i am preparing. as far as i know, they are preparing the site for construction work, but it is better to ask the ministry of vet, is it theirs? anton, thank you for the conversation, anton drubovych, it was a conversation about how to remember, we honor the memory of heroes, glory to ukraine and glory to our heroes, thank you, congratulations. we are asking for your help in the search for 17-year-old student alina boshko. on february 17 , she disappeared under very mysterious circumstances in the volyn region. with the help of the search
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, her friends turned to her. they said that alina rested with them on a meadow near the village of ugrynnychi. around 2 p.m., the girl left for the forest, but did not return, leaving her mobile phone in the car. therefore there was no connection with her. friends, of course, began to look everywhere and call for alina, but she was nowhere... they could not find the girl. the search for alina has been going on for over a week. every day, 250-300 people, policemen, military, border guards, caring locals, friends and girlfriends are enrolled. so far , more than 15 km of forest have been surveyed. specialists work with quadcopters and dog handlers with service dogs. the search for the missing student also takes place on the water with the help of a special camera and equipment. and so... they are examining the bottom and the coastline. friends they say it was her decision. they rested and she went in an unknown direction. then they got up and started looking for her. at the moment, we
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have some other versions. we cannot, we work in the direction of the search, we work for the result and until there is a result, until we find the truth in this situation, we will work. the search does not stop for a minute, and there is already some result: the girl's coat was found, it was lying in the forest 7 km from the place where alina was last seen. searchers do not lose hope, they say that there is at least the smallest chance to find the missing girl, you have to do everything possible for this. fellow villagers said that alina comes from a prosperous family, and in the educational institution where the girl studies, she was described as a very good and calm student. she did not have any conflicts in the group. she is a cheerful, cheerful girl, she went to classes. until the new year, she lived in our dormitory. alina followed the rules of residence and was always at classes. it is also known that in the summer of 2023
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, alina's 20-year-old... fiancé died in the war with the russian invaders. after this girl returned to her studies and all this time tried to recover from such a loss. we really hope that alina is alive and she will be found, and in turn we are doing everything we can for this. and the least you could do to help in this situation is to repost, share this video on your social networks. the more people see the information about the missing girl, the more chances there will be to find her. and of course. please look carefully at alina's face once again, she is 17 years old, she is of medium build, she has fair hair and green eyes. if you know anything about alina bozhko, don't hesitate and immediately call the hotline at 11630, calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. you can also write to us on the website or to the chatbot of the child search service in telegram. and i want to note that there is no unimportant information in the search, any
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little thing, any... detail can become decisive, so we really hope for your help, attention and concern, and please share this video. and finally, as usual, i ask you to go to the website of the service wanted children, here you can see photos of all the boys and girls who are currently wanted. don't be indifferent, take just a few minutes of your time and look closely at the faces of these children, they are all missing, but... with your help, we can find them. if you know any information about any of them, immediately call the hotline of the child tracing service at the short number 11630. calls are free from all mobile operators in ukraine. we've created a resource where you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time. just go to the site and
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report. and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua.
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verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day by phone. turn on the survey and turn on the verdict with serhiy rudenko every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. information marathon with mykola veresny on saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. this is anna's former office in the place.


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