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tv   [untitled]    March 6, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EET

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greetings, it's news time on espresso. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. immediately three hits were recorded in sums as a result of an enemy strike. suffered. no help available at this time. at night, the russians attacked the city with shaheds. it was reported. regional
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military administration, they noted that the explosions were in different parts of the city, the extent of the destruction is being clarified, according to the local authorities, from 8 o'clock in the morning , the headquarters will work on the ground to eliminate the consequences of the shelling. and one more unpleasant surprise from the russians in sumy oblast: the occupiers are remotely detonating mines border areas with ball bombs, the regional police warn about this. dangerous projectiles were found in particular on the territory. in the area, they were scattered by enemy aircraft during airstrikes with cluster munitions. one such contains more than 500 ball bombs, each of them has a large area of ​​damage. part of odesa was left without electricity at night due to an attack by enemy drones. according to local journalists, the district and part of the central part of the city are from nestubleny. late in the evening, the russians launched shaheda in odesa,
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as reported in the air force, drones attacked in waves, people heard the sounds of explosions. the international criminal court issued arrest warrants for the commanders of the russian killers. president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi commented on this decision in his traditional evening address. in particular , they carried out and are carrying out a terrorist campaign against our state. and people, strikes against our energy, our civil infrastructure, these are obvious crimes, war crimes of russia and crimes against humanity, and it is in this regard that there is a principled movement in international criminal court. when international justice begins to work, it cannot be stopped, justice for ukraine, for ukrainians and for the international community, in general, will definitely be restored. the fire
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in the ecosystem of darnytskyi district has been extinguished, this was reported by the state emergency service. yesterday evening , dry grass and embers caught fire in an open area near lake tyagle in kyiv. extinguishing the rescuers was complicated by the lack of access routes to the fire equipment, because the area was flooded. but in the end it's almost midnight the fire on an area of ​​3 hectares was extinguished. eight people worked at the scene. specialists involved six units of special equipment and snow-swamp snow plows. the state emergency service writes that there will be fire brigades and drones on duty to monitor the territory. and about the support of partners. france joins the czech initiative to purchase shells for ukraine. this was announced by president emmanuel macron. he noted that paris will appeal to non- european third countries with a request. provide
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resources to meet the short-term the ammunition needs of our defenders. macron stressed that europe must go beyond what is available. the french leader also added that financing of the purchase can be done in several ways. one of these is the european peace fund. lebanon massively bombarded israel with rockets. this is one of the most powerful attacks in the north of the country. this is reported by the place. edition of the times of israel. the city of kiryat shmona came under attack. in total , three dozen rockets were fired from the territory of lebanon. a third was captured thanks to the iron dome. previously passed without casualties or damage. lebanese prime minister najib mikati said indirect talks to settle the border conflict with israel will begin next week during ramadan. at the russian
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thermal power plant, 18 people were injured as a result of an emergency at the shagonar tpp in the republic of tuva, six workers are in intensive care, they have tripled. according to the local media, there was an explosion in the central room that holds the facility, firefighters extinguished the fire and are investigating all the reasons, the head said republic. due to the situation at the station, the resident of the city of shagonar was turned off the heating, by the way, it is now 16° of frost there. espresso tv channel asks you to donate to our initiative. for the second year in a row, we are making our own... vitamin mixtures for defenders: ginger, citrus, cranberry, sea buckthorn, honey, caring hands and faith in victory, this is a recipe for soulful delicacies. in the cold season, they warm and give strength to our soldiers. we constantly have requests, which means that
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there is a need for vitamin mixtures at the front. so join and support ours soldiers you can now see all the details on your screens. free for... the free is already the second space of the same name in an updated format has started working on the right bank of the capital , it was organized on the basis of the kyiv city center for gender equality, prevention and counteraction of violence, who do you help, what services can you get, let's see further, before that i thought at all , that everything is fine with me, well, that is, i thought that i was normal, but i am coping, i know myself, but... natalya matviychuk tells about how her journey in the vilna space began. a woman is a sister defender of azovstal, who is still in captivity. natalya admits that it was art therapy that helped her master herself, so she
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became an art therapist herself. after one of the classes already in the morning, i woke up with a smile and tears of joy. and for a very long time i did not allow myself to feel and feel, and all these emotions, they were banned, and it was art therapy that helped to release them. prostir vilna offers not only creative master classes, but also communication with psychologists, sports classes and career sessions. all these services are free of charge needs on the basis of the kyiv gender gap center. there are also mobile teams, a helpline and crisis rooms. this is such, you know, joint interaction, we provide the opportunity to be here and provide help for free, thereby reducing the possibility of negative consequences for our center, and in the future, settling in a crisis room.
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we have overcrowded crisis rooms right now. vilna is a space where every woman and girl who is in a difficult situation will be listened to and understood, and such... situations with the beginning a full-scale invasion is becoming more and more common, so the center especially focuses on native servicemen and internally displaced persons. he works as a friend for those women who are currently in a different city, in which it is very difficult to find friends . there are some classes here, the classes that are held here are, as i said, free of charge, and it is like this... the experience is crazy . vilna has been operating since the first day of spring at 20 ilyenka street . the space was opened with the support of the united nations foundation in the field of people in ukraine. we pitched in to help with the equipment. and, of course, with the fact that
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high-quality specialized services work here. these are mobile brigades, we also helped them with cars and training. the search for such a safe and friendly environment is very relevant today. in 2023 , more than 220 thousand women and girls visited the network of 29 vilna spaces. kateryna galko, oleksandr burlevich, espresso tv channel. in memory of the poet and warrior. an exhibition in honor of the fallen soldier maksym kryvtsov was opened in the capital. a presentation was made at the national museum of literature more than 40 photos taken by the poet on the front line, the family provided maksym's personal belongings , drawings and a camera, which he used in the military and took pictures. kryvtsov's poems can also be heard in the halls of the museum, they will be heard in the recording. let me remind you that ukrainian poet maksym
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kryvtsov died at the front on january 7. he was 33 years old. well, it seemed very important to us to gather information about him so that maxim would be present here as well this time. exhibition on this day, and this is again about the fact that people who come and are not familiar with him, so that they can hear and feel him, and so that there is some integrity in everything that happens. in general , it is dedicated to his personality as a warrior and a poet, because somehow we have come to believe that boys, poets are very fragile, very tender, vulnerable, should not be warriors, but maksym chose for himself the role of a warrior, and we also want show this as well, that's all i have for this hour, we'll see you at eight, then my colleagues lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk will pick up the ater, don't switch, stay with espress.
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american university, kyiv, private a university in ukraine offering american-style higher education graduated its first masters. 23 students successfully graduated despite the war. and received diplomas. the ceremony was held in accordance with all american traditions. today, you are not just getting an education for yourself, but for the whole country, because you will be the creators of the new ukraine. fight for our freedom as dignified as our soldiers do on the battlefield. the university began operations three weeks before the full-scale invasion, and despite the challenges war was able to effectively build an educational process so that students received higher education. in management, business and it. and in the summer of 2023, the campus opened in
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the restored building of the former river station. i hope that the experience you have gained at iuk will help you make your dreams come true. i am honored to be a graduate of the united states military academy at west point. while studying there in peacetime, we were constantly preparing for war. today, learning in war, you are preparing for peace, because winning peace is no less. important than win the war i am convinced that you will be the leaders who will lead ukraine to a prosperous future and sustainable peace. the university notes that now their campus is not only a place for learning, but also a platform for socially important initiatives. in particular, the university launched a scholarship fund to support veterans, their spouses and children of fallen heroes, which provides an opportunity to study absolutely free of charge due to contributions of american dollars, as well as... the campus regularly hosts meetings with leading experts of the world level,
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good morning, dear friends, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, on the espresso tv channel, we are starting the queue. man's day, another day of russian invasion on a large scale, turn on your tvs, turn on your gadgets, computers, where are you watching espresso, where are you watching our marathon, we begin, we begin it with a roll call, and now we will ask how severodonetsk, severodonetsk is doing district, roman vlasenko, the head of the severodonetsk district military administration is in touch with us, mr. roman, good morning, good morning, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, tell me, please, what is the current situation in the region? if in the military
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sense, then active combat operations continue in the lyman direction, in the battles of terna and bilaghorivka, the guys are basically holding the defense, fighting back, there are no serious problems there, but nevertheless the occupiers are pressuring it, using aviation, eh... well , i think that the situation there is more or less under control, the cotton was in flint, if that is the case globally in the occupied territories, then now everyone in this pre-election hysteria is going from house to house, campaigning to go to the elections, yesterday there was an announcement that there will be no remote electronic elections on the territory of the so-called lpr, and from the latest news, it is that... the soldiers of the occupying forces have already started voting in the temporarily
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occupied territories , the campaign continues, promises, humanitarians, money and so on. what news from severodonetsk itself? but in severo-donetsk, plus or minus the situation is unchanged, people complain that the system has been restored there. the heat supply does not work as we would like, it is still cold in the houses, there are a lot of inns, local, they receive a humanitarian worker, mainly it is the older generation, there are practically no young people, there is a significant shortage of personnel, there are a lot of teams from the russian federation, pere, kalmykia, to provide medical facilities with personnel
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potential, mr. roman, actually. near siverodonetsk there was a cemetery, or is it there, but there were graves of ukrainian soldiers in that cemetery, and actually the occupiers destroyed these graves, do you know anything about it? well, this happens not only near severodonetsk, it is characteristic of almost all occupied territories, it was also the case in starobilsk, in the starobyl district near severodonetsk, they destroy... what is connected with the ato, with the atoshniks, with the ukrainian military, in fact they themselves promote the ideas of the russian world, the party of heroes and so on, in addition to everything that russians mock even dead ukrainians, some other kind of bullying, i don't
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know how it was received in syrodvinetsk, they removed the advertisement there. a cassock in the style of stalin stalin, that cassock costs something like 150 00 rubles, i don’t know if it is a lot or a little, then there is a little, then there is a little, here is this advertisement, there is such a thing a man in a white coat around the ruined city, and he advertises this coat, is the editor of one of the russian propaganda resources, and in addition to all that, he is the founder of a brand that sells kosovorodki. quilters and gymnasts, he walks in the background in the background of siverodonetsk and a song is played about how people miss stalin, by the way, yesterday was the day of stalin's death in russia, they decided that stalin's life was cut short
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by some western special services, they say that it is necessary to conduct an inspection, to pick up documents, is there not there... the hand of the west in all this, sir roman, what did the residents see when that advertisement was shot, how do they like that cauldron? i don't know if they saw it or not, but i think that for such money people cannot take it seriously, who are in the occupied territories, we understand that the russian authorities do not give rest to the occupiers, glory to stalin, glory to stalin as a winner, now he is fat in... the medvedevs wear such coats and consider themselves the victorious people there, but in fact they understand that this war is not like the second world war, and here they have no such victories shines, and they associate all this, i think, with those events, i think that people
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laugh at such advertising, and i say, for such money, people... have nothing to eat, how to pay for utilities , and here 150 00 rubles. and this propagandist, is he from the local area, or did he just come to sever-donetsk specifically to film this advertisement? i don't know him, i don't think he's local. well, i 'm curious that in this video it's just a completely deserted city with destroyed houses, and this contrasts with the claims of the occupation authorities that they are very much restoring the housing stock and already. they even repaired 200 buildings there, well, i think, maybe they are making some kind of association with stalingrad, they destroyed the city themselves, and now they are filming propaganda videos against its background of destroyed buildings, that's all the cell is enough for. mr. roman,
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we will ask you one last time, elon musk has once again been born with interesting ideas. says that it is necessary to come to terms with the fact that crimea, luhansk, donetsk are russian and leave them to russia. what would you say about this, what would you answer to elon a mask? well, there is elon musk, a good entrepreneur, and a creative and an innovator, there is elon musk, who may be playing along with the trumpist republicans there, i think, he is not a cool expert on these issues. so i think his tweets are more of a populist, hype, trolling nature, and in that sense too, i think our struggle should be to ... our victory and to give up these territories, i think it's in general not an issue, it is not on the agenda, it will not be accepted
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by ukrainian society, not by international democratic communities in the western world, so i think that these statements should not be taken seriously, thank you mr. roman, roman vlasenko, the head of the severdonetsk district military administration was in touch with us, we are leaving. a short break, we're coming back, we'll continue the roll call, we'll move to the zaporizhzhia region , we'll ask how things are there, and you stay with us, there are discounts on hotsip mushroom combi, 20% in pharmacies plantain, you and savings, there are discounts on noshpa tablets, 15% in pharmacies plantain, bam and save, turn on the investigation, from which cold heart on... a true detective, find out what secrets the alaskan ice hides, exclusively in the mego subscription. there are
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more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a phone survey, turn on and turn on , the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday with... on espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. great return of great lviv. conversations, discussions, search for solutions. the biggest conversation. format of ukraine in the evening prime time. i generally think that we two things are needed: money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we
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must win. every thursday at 21:15 in the project velikiy lviv talks about the most important things, on the espresso tv channel. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on espress tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country has to get the right. portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent, they help to understand the present and predict the future. for
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the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. dear friends, we are coming back, continuing the roll call. now we will move to zaporizhzhia, ask about what is happening in the zaporizhzhia region. serhii lyshenko, volunteer, deputy of the zaporizhia regional council, is in touch with us. mr. serhiy, we congratulate you. good morning. tell me how the night passed and tell me what is happening at... at the front in the zaporizhzhia region, well, the night passed more or less calmly, during the night, shaheds were recorded on the territory of the zaporizhzhia region, but they
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flew on. and there were no explosions, the defense forces tried to knock them down, so far the effectiveness of the knockdown was on the territory zaporizhzhia region is unknown, we are waiting for official information, but in the territory of the region, well, the residents heard that they were beating up a swindler, or they were discussing in zaporizhzhia that a man from zaporizhzhia planned to carry out a terrorist attack in the city, the russians paid him for it... 5,000 dollars and he had to blow it up and that was it. residents heard about this news and residents read this news, but i will tell you something that many people are not surprised by this, because first of all, after all, in the region where 20% voted for opzh,
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in principle there should be supporters. of peace, and in the city of zaporizhzhia even sharia passed to the city council, that is, a large number of the population actually supported russian narratives to one degree or another, the fact that among this population it was possible to find a person capable of detonating an explosive device in a crowded place , thereby harming people, despite the fact that it is ukrainian mail, and it is not. economic effect, no political effect, well, except that there, as in the soviet classics, we take mail, telegraph , telecom, during the revolution, well , there was no effect, it is not a military object, it is not the object of critical infrastructure there, the post office has many branches, that is, it is only and precisely for the purpose of intimidating the population, the fact that such an idiot was found, well, it is not surprising, and 500 dollars
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, in my opinion, is quite serious. amount , well, i think that there are those who would agree to do it for less and it is very good that the sbu discovers them before they have done anything, and you know, the russian budanov, if you can say so, that is, the head of the foreign intelligence of the russian naryshkin, he gave an interview to the russian propagandist solovyov, and that's actually it during the interview, of course, he reflected on the topic... the army, the goals of the war in ukraine and what a russian victory is, and again some slightly new, probably things were heard, in particular , he said that our victory means that we will liberate all ukrainians or residents of ukraine who want to be released, the rhetoric is actually changing a little bit, i
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've been following it quite closely for... the last two years, because of the defeats of the russian army, the tone is constantly changing, from the fact that it's a bunch of drug addicts in kyiv, whom we will now drive out, and go over to our side all, to that we will release all those residents of ukraine who want it, and in connection with this, for example, a complaint to the current ombudsman, and what mr. kremin said about the fact that the zaporizhzhia region is one. and zaporizhzhia is one of the 12 regional centers where the program for the development of the ukrainian language has not yet been implemented, this is not really such a strong signal to naryshkin, putin, that you know, there are many people here who want to be freed from the kyiv regime in quotes, well, look, on the one hand , the development program has not been implemented in the zaporizhzhia region of the ukrainian language, and on the other hand, on the other hand...
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zaporizhzhia is the street of myroslav simchych, who was a hero of the upa, which is a countersignal on ryshkina, and this is firstly, secondly, for example, yes, in the city of zaporizhzhia, there are regular patrols , who clean russian signs and etc., i.e. actively implement ukrainization, including by attracting fines, in addition, in the city of zaporizhzhia many... events are held, especially by immigrants in this regard, so i think that on reshkina in the principle does not matter whether there are programs or not, it is important for them to have what they will declare, whether they want to see them there or not, but here another moment is quite interesting, when putin announced the svo, he announced it in relation to the whole of ukraine, and in a few weeks, i know that there was a certain
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conversation of fsbeshniks. with deputies to the occupied.


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