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tv   [untitled]    March 6, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EET

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we are collecting 50 half buckets for them, they are now in the hellish luhansk direction, we thank everyone, we still have 103,000 left to collect, and now let 's remember a moment of silence for all those ukrainians whose lives were taken by russian aggression. let's honor with a minute of silence the memory of the ukrainian military and peaceful citizens of ukraine who died in... in the war that was unleashed by russia.
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hello everyone, this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, we are talking about such people in this morning broadcast. topics at night during the attack strike drones, part of odessa was cut off. the sounds of explosions were heard in khmelnytskyi, and there were hits in sums. the air defense forces worked in the kyiv region. let us tell you what is known about the night attack by the shaheds. destruction of russian ships, shelling of the railway in the kursk region, an explosion at an infrastructure facility in the belgorod region. the us state department says that ukraine still has surprises in store. what are they looking forward to? and what kind of surprises can we talk about and
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what should the armed forces of ukraine surprise us with? super tuesday took place in the usa, this is when candidates are chosen from both major parties to the presidency. 15 states participated in the voting, and this is one of the most important days in the race for the white house. a national poll of the country shows that biden is slightly losing to trump, who, by the way, was allowed by the country's supreme court to participate in the presidential election. next , let's talk in more detail about the elections in the usa and their impact on ukraine. on our broadcast , watch important news, exclusive comments and all this on the radio liberty channel from 9:00 a.m. on weekdays and be sure to comment and ask your questions. russian troops at night again attacked ukraine with shaheds. according to the air force, russian forces launched 42 drones from four directions, 38 of which were shot down by air defense forces. three arrivals were recorded in different parts of the city of sumy. there are casualties, this was reported in the regional military.
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administration it is also known about hits in the kharkiv region. according to the regional military administration , drones targeted an educational institution in the village of martove, chuguvskyi district. the regional prosecutor's office says that the kindergarten and the lyceum were damaged. there are no casualties. the village was attacked by seven drones, some of which shot down explosions rang out again in odesa, shaheds also flew to the western regions. the local channels of starokostyantynov, in khmelnytskyi region, reported on a powerful attack on the city and on the work of air defense. knocked down shahedy within dnipropetrovsk, odesa, kherson, khmelnytskyi, cherkasy, kharkiv, vinnytsia and sumy regions. in general, the attack on ukraine lasted more than 5 hours. volodymyr artyukh, the head of sumy ova, joins our broadcast. i welcome you to our broadcast. thank you for joining. yes, i wish you health. please summarize the night attack shaheds in your region. what are the consequences of what is known about these hits? indeed, at night around...
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one o'clock in the morning, an attack by four shaheds was carried out on the city of sumy, that is, on the approach, these four shaheds were shot by our anti-aircraft means, one shahed was shot down, on the approach to the city, three shaheds entered the airspace above the city of sumy and hit , thank god for our strength. bpo, which changed course and these shaheds hit almost the neighborhoods, and we have no victims, i.e., dead today, but a lot of infrastructure was damaged, four people were injured of varying degrees of severity, in general it is light and one child, there were only... 13 buildings, these are
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high-rise buildings, on which the air wave hit about 500 windows. and other destructions, about 40 cars were destroyed , that is, the consequences are such that today we have 12 brigades working, they were deployed at night, two heating points, i am very grateful to the people of sumy that they all followed the procedure for evacuating houses, public service of emergency situations acted professionally. uh, that's why there are practically losses of the population and losses infrastructure, because the fires that occurred were localized and extinguished by our forces, emergency and ritual, first medical aid was provided, and today these 12
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brigades, they will restore these houses that were affected, including one mine house on... aimed at the city and district hospital, where there were about 400 patients, including 50 who were confined in russia, all of them, help was provided by the relevant services, today the consequences are being eliminated. volodymyr, how often are drones attacked? sumy, which is a border zone, well... there are different types of drones here, almost every day in the border zone, it is 5-10 km, various types of kamikaze, drones, drones, scouts, and strike drones are used, as in this case four of unmanned aerial vehicles , this is generally in recent months, this is the first
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time that four unmanned aerial vehicles of the shahed type were targeted at the objects of the city of sumy, thanks, as i said, to the highly professional... actions of our anti-aircraft forces, mobile fire groups that stand guarding the sky over sumy region, today we managed to prevent the loss of lives. if we are not talking about drones, but about shelling, how often do russian forces shell the border strip? since january 1 , shelling has increased, mainly due to the fpf of drones. this is the border strip, this is our border communities are suffering , the number of dead has increased, unfortunately, ah, this, again, the use of tactical aviation has increased several times, this is the so-34, so-35th, which
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use guided aerial bombs and they hit infrastructure facilities, both in our border communities and in farming communities. the company definitely suffers infrastructure, these are kindergartens, these are also schools, this is gas, energy supply, as in today's case, these gas pipelines were also affected, the issue of water supply, today there are several hundred families without these types of supplies, now everything is being restored, as i said, the brigades are working effectively, i think, for today, the maximum consequences of this attack by an insidious aircraft at night on the city, they will be eliminated. i thank you for participating and telling me about the situation in the region. volodymyr artyukh, the head of sumy ova, was there svoboda ranok guest. the us is not going
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to send troops to participate in the war in ukraine. this was stated by the strategic communications coordinator of the national security council of the white house during the briefing. john kirby, noting that ukraine is asking its allies for the weapons necessary to counter russian aggression. and you know that president zelensky is not asking for this, he is only asking for means and capabilities and has never asked for foreign troops to fight for his country, that is what he and his troops want to do, but they need means and this is where we need them help. the discussion about sending foreign troops to ukraine arose against the background of french president emmanuel macron's statements, and he is close. a week ago, he said that the possible dispatch of western troops to ukraine cannot be ruled out. nato allies did not support macron's statement, and in russia, reacting to the words of the french president, they said that this could lead to a conflict between moscow and the alliance. the day before, during a trip to the czech republic, macron explained his statement in an interview
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with the czech news portal novinky and a newspaper true, he said that this does not mean that paris is considering sending french soldiers to ukraine in the near future. but quote: we are opening a debate and thinking about everything that can be done to support ukraine, especially on ukrainian territory, that's how he explained it. in the usa, they reacted to the destruction. serhiy kotav of the patrol ship of the russian black sea fleet in ukraine, the voice of america writes about this, and the spokesman of the state department , matthew miller, said at a briefing that the ukrainians can achieve victories on the battlefield, they are not once it was shown and the quote adds: so i think they have surprises in store. let me remind you that the day before, ukrainian intelligence reported that it had destroyed the russian patrol ship serhii kotov in the black sea with naval drones. according to gurk, the ship was attacked by naval drones. magura v5. the russian ministry of defense did not officially comment on this situation.
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oleksandr mosienko, head of the center for military and legal research, joins our broadcast. oleksandr, congratulations, thank you for joining. i congratulate you. i want to start with the statement of the state department, they said that ukraine still has surprises in store, which are eagerly awaited there. what kind of surprises can we talk about, what should the armed forces surprise, including the state department? well, it's probably a surprise, that's why it's not disclosed , that's why they don't talk about it, when we see it, then we'll know, well, in fact, in principle, we also understand that some of ukraine's capabilities, despite the fact that we currently lack an artillery gunner , artillery shells, ammunition in some places, and there are difficulties in this, of course, we all understand that, weapons for the front, but at the same time they still find a solution. ukrainian troops, how to act remotely, even in such conditions, and hit both russian ships and objects in
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the occupied crimea, and not only that. plus, i will tell you that there was at least one surprise, and we all saw it, we simply cannot figure out what actually caused this surprise, i mean the downing of the a50 on the territory of russia, at a distance of more than 200 km, and in principle, this is what i think about such surprises. they say and hint, that's it really a surprise, because for russia, by the way, they did not expect for the enemy, this is a very interesting surprise, which i think, including, there was also pavel derzhavin, something was forgotten about him, he was struck on october 13, 2023, and , by the way, it still hasn’t come out of repair, as far as there is information, it has serious damage to the screw part, screws and power plant , engine compartment, that is, there are problems with the engine, with the screw, it’s quite... a long and expensive repair, and now this ship, that is, and this is correct from the point of view
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the fact that our forces are now hitting the very patrol ships that go out to counter the drones in the first place is absolutely correct, because it opens the way for something bigger, and they simply have no other way out, that is, they need something to cover the water area, they need to cover the crimean bridge with something, by the way, this is also interesting, because when we talk about surprises... and about opportunities, including at sea, i want to remind you that now we are talking about what magura drones can be equipped with even more payload, weight, language it went there even up to 200 kg, if it is possible , imagine if it is loaded up to 200 kg, respectively, most likely with explosives, if it is a kamikaze drone, but first of all, then it will be a rather serious and powerful weapon at sea, even more... more powerful than it is now. let's talk about this discussion that
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mr. macron started about sending allied troops to ukraine. in your opinion, there will be a development here, will there be a change of position, or whoever wanted has already put an end to this question, and the discussion is over. the development will definitely be because it is about you see, macron very well grasped the current situation and the ongoing discussion, that is, he did it for good reason on the eve of the first message. putin to the federal assembly, he understood that on february 29, putin would come out and threaten everyone with the use of nuclear weapons, after all, putin achieved certain goals. we see germany's position, how they reacted and how the german chancellor scholz acts with fear with serious warnings, that is, certain ones, let's say, they achieve the goal, instead , what macron did, he just said that ok, you want escalation, you offer. threats of nuclear war, and now, by the way , please note that we are talking less about it,
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but i want to remind you that now in the north of europe, in particular in the baltic sea and not only, russia and nato, here you are personnel from poland, this is one of the stages of the exercises , the crossing of the vistula, it is shown here, but russia and nato countries are also conducting exercises, that is, russia has created an additional military district, they are talking about the fact that they can still establish iskander in... belarus is still there in kaliningrad and so on, that is, they constantly talk about escalation, and macron says: well, we accept this challenge and says that in order to achieve strategic deterrence. russia even more so, the issue of sending troops must be considered. and from the point of view of logic, he is absolutely right, because it so often happened in wars that first, when partnership relations are created, weapons and funds are provided, then volunteers are sent, we have such in the international legion of the armed forces of ukraine, and then they can send and troops to perform certain tasks. it is already
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a question of what tasks they can perform, in what number, how they are armed, etc., etc., etc. that these are already such technical details, and i think it's very good that this discussion has taken place, at least despite the fact that most countries are against it, but britain has responded quite so modestly, the dutch chief of staff said that we should not rule it out, the czech the president also said that it cannot be ruled out at all, the baltic states, lithuania and estonia also spoke in favor of the possibility that it can happen, that is, at least some countries spoke in favor or... reacted neutrally and well that this discussion was born, you understand, we are at the stage where we can move to the next stage of relations, from partnership, serious, which we have are now our western friends, to the coalition-allies, and this is the transition that can be, but of course, before moving to this state, we still need to go through this
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debate that macron is talking about, it is generally amazing, you know , that from this point of view , look at it, that russia is essentially international there she crossed out all the commitments, and the international partners, there are the western partners of ukraine, they speak very cautiously about the fact that the troops of our country - it could already be the third world over there, and this could be a recognition that our country directly is taking part in this war, that is, there are such risks, is it possible to somehow pass between the drops in order to help ukraine with its troops, the military in particular, and at the same time there so as not to violate... international law and not really provoke russia there on even more aggressive actions? and first of all, with regard to aggressive actions, russia is already carrying them out, they are moves relative to other countries, not ukraine, so then! they moved nuclear weapons to belarus, nuclear weapons are in belarus, it is directed to lithuania and poland, it is not to ukraine, i immediately say the iskanders, who are standing right there, now they are conducting
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training, now pay attention that such things are happening in belarus , russian... special forces are coming there, together with the wagnerites, are training regiments of the sso, special operations forces to carry out sabotage actions in the body of the enemy in a wooded area, that is, it is also the baltic countries , then lukashenko already there issued an order on the readiness of the authorities to act in conditions of martial law and so on, that is, they are already taking certain actions, and as for decisions, you you know, you have to look at what i call boomerangs, which... were released by putin since the illegal annexation of crimea, when it began in 2014, he was a fool then, i apologize, when he told the world that there are little green men polite people, there is someone else there, well, different austin sentinets, and he did not say that these are russian troops, so i can say that he created a lot of such and launched such boomerangs,
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which he has long had to return and it is very painful, because look, i already mentioned that we have the internet... a national legion, how can it be legal not to be a participant in the conflict? join the international legion, a soldier with good military training signs a contract with the armed forces of ukraine. everything, this is a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine. yes, this is a foreign citizen. we have them now according to the washington post 2000 is fighting. imagine that suddenly there will be 50,000 of them. well, a large number of volunteers will go. what is it, direct participation? no, but prove that it is direct participation and direct intent. states, russia in general , you understand, if we proceed from russian logic, they have already interpreted the transfer of weapons to ukraine more than once as direct participation, and if you listen to them, then they are already at war with nato, that is, they are still in any, any which, let's say, additional help, perceive as there direct participation and so on, and by the way, ah, none of the western leaders
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expressed that they are ready to go there... to russia or something else, that they are ready to violate the territorial integrity of russia, they said that it is necessary to help ukraine stand up and preserve its own statehood, that is, we must understand that even the un charter guarantees the right to collective self-defense, and in this case it is precisely collective self-defense. i thank you, mr. oleksandr, for joining our broadcast. oleksandr mosienko, head of the center for military and legal research, was a guest of svoboda ranok. against the background of russian aggression against ukraine, the european commission proposed to transfer the defense industry of the european union to the regime of the military economy. the first ever defense industry strategy of the bloc was presented in brussels the day before. into which ukraine should be closely integrated. our colleague in brussels, olena abramovych, will tell you more details. russia's war in ukraine has exhausted europe's stockpiles of weapons and
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is now moving into the phase of industrial production war. eu chief diplomat joseph borel said. and he explained with his colleagues how exactly the european union will now disperse military-industrial complex of the bloc. peace no more. a given unfortunately, the war is being waged near our borders. russia's aggressive war gave rise to a keen sense of the urgency of building up the potential of the defense industry. it seems that it will not end soon, so the needs for military equipment, the use of reserves and the increase of industrial production capacity are increasing. over the past year, the eu countries have increased the production of ammunition by 50% - borel said on the fields: more is needed. achieve results in this and other defenses questions want through joint procurement, if countries buy weapons together, they may not pay value added taxes, and it will be easier for manufacturers to receive large
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unified orders, rather than separate modifications of the same weapon for different countries. from the beginning of the war to june 2023 , the member states spent more than 100 billion euros on defense purchases, almost 80% of this amount was. spent outside the european union, and the us alone accounted for more than 60% of this spending. because we want to invest more, we have to invest better, which is to a large extent means investing together and investing in europe. special attention was paid to european investment in the new strategy. the secret of money flows and european defense funds to the usa lies in american legislation - explained the european commission. because the united states has a mechanism called fms. usa, it gives an opportunity, when they are going to make an order for
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a particular type of product, taking into account a specific need for the american army, to order an additional reserve in parallel, which will be retained in case there are additional needs for them or certain allies or for missions abroad. the european commission proposed to switch to similar american mechanisms, to allow. it is easier to sell weapons to third countries and thus stimulate manufacturers, invest 1.5 billion euros in subsidies to expand production and start spending at least 50% of their defense budgets within the bloc by 2030. this defense strategy is the first defense-industrial plan in the history of the european union, and ukraine will be closely integrated into it. this is also a signal about future. of ukraine as a member of the european union, to say that ukrainian defense capability is part of this ecosystem, which we want to strengthen. for this
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, an office of defense innovations will be opened in kyiv, where european developments will be shared with ukraine and ukrainian experience in this war will be adopted. from brussels, olena abramovich, radio liberty. the russian military continued to shell kherson the day before in the morning, and then... in the afternoon, they hit a residential quarter in the central part of the city, as a result of which there are injured people, damaged as well power lines, high-rise buildings, private houses and cars, as well as an administrative building were damaged, the kherson regional military administration announced this and showed the consequences of yesterday's shelling of the city. it was about two hours, the beginning of the third, there are no windows inside, nothing, and there is a hole at the top, something must be done to close the hole, because water will pour out of it. meanwhile, russia is spreading information about the alleged evacuation of ukrainian civil servants from
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kherson in the ukrainian center for countering disinformation to the body under the national security council and of defense stated that the russian federation is conducting a disinformation campaign regarding the situation in southern ukraine, and the evacuation of civil servants before the alleged russian offensive is a fake, and added that the purpose of such fakes is to strengthen. panic among the population. let's discuss this and the situation in the kherson region. in kherson, roman mrochko, head of the kherson mba joined our broadcast. i congratulate you, mr. roman. thank you for joining. yes, welcome, studio. yes, have a good day. tell us how the day passed in kherson. you reported that as a result of shelling of the kherson city territorial community for last day, two men were injured of varying degrees of severity. tell me more details. you know, i'll tell you that... there hasn't been a single day since the deoccupation when the kherson territorial community was not fired upon by the russian federation, and only since the beginning of march.
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the kherson territorial community was shelled 63 times, which is hundreds of shells that destroy our infrastructure and residential buildings. yes, just yesterday two of our citizens were injured, 10 high-rise buildings were damaged, two private houses, two gas pipelines, as well as electricity supply, and yes, such attacks are carried out every day. i would like to note that during... the month of february, seven of our citizens were killed, 26 residents of the community were wounded, one can only think that they carry out such shelling, and on one of the days of february, four of our residents, two of whom died in a private car, a children's playground was also fired upon , as a result of which a 19-year-old boy died, and
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a 14-year-old girl. 246 of our citizens were injured since the de-occupation died, and these are all civilians, three children, 1,011 citizens were injured, 48 of them children, and for this yesterday, which we are talking about, residential buildings were damaged, not a single military one, that is not a single military target, these are our simple residents. civilians who just go to work in the markets, to the shops, and this, this abuse, these are terrorists, this is the real enemy, the inhumans, who carry out these constant shellings. with regard to the information, according to the information of the russian federation, that the authorities are supposedly evacuating, law enforcement agencies, i want to say with confidence that employees of the military administration, communal services, hospitals.
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everyone works as usual, employees of law enforcement agencies, prosecutors , employees of the national police , everyone is in kherson, everyone works, everyone is here on the ground, er, if crimes are committed, they stop immediately, if shelling is carried out, our investigators are working on the ground and record terrorist acts on the part of the russian federation. novel. and what does it look like now? the city, how battered is it by shelling, which areas suffer from the attacks the most? to date , 4,106 objects have been damaged in the community as a result of shelling, of which residential buildings - 3,688, infrastructure objects - 80, educational institutions - 114, health care institutions - 36, cultural institutions - 20, sports institutions - three and ... the most
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shelled areas are the coastal zone near the dnipro river, also taking into account the fact that our territorial community also includes old people, it is sadove, as well as antonivka, that suffers the most. considering, well given the numbers i have given, we understand the scale of these actions, and they are simply destroying our infrastructure. of course, we hope, er, that... these shellings will stop already, our armed forces will give a proper fight back in the near future, and we will be able to properly rebuild these institutions that i mentioned, because it is very important for our citizens, it is undeniable, of course, we would like to wish this to the people of kherson and other residents of other ukrainian cities who suffer from shelling every day, but can you detail
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the means by which the russian forces... are attacking now kherson.


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