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tv   [untitled]    March 6, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EET

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should have received more than 2,500 finished products, 2.5, more than 25 units of finished products that could already be used, but so far it is not really felt, and the needs at the front are huge, if we had such needs, if we had that amount every day, just for a minute, what is 2,500 drones a day on... even if we imagine that these drones, they will be under the influence of russian rap, as an option, and even 90% of these drones will be destroyed rebo, that's 2250 drones, for example it will be, it is conditional, it is only conditional, but there will be 200... and 50 drones that will destroy some
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objects, that will destroy equipment, tanks and so on, so this is a large number, well , you are showing us the correct arithmetic, mr. oleksandr , then with such arithmetic, at least in certain areas of the front, our fighters say that it was they who managed to stop this rapid onslaught of armor, or they are still on buggies , now they also drive on quad bikes and whatever else they call bagishaygu there, and this stops . precisely with drones, because artillery can be aimed at such high-speed targets that take out the russian infantry to zero are impossible. yes, mr. oleksandr, thank you for your comment on the current situation, let us remind you that we spoke with oleksandr kovalenko, a military-political observer of the information resistance group. in particular, he explained to us how it all looks from the view from the odesa port, as they say, to the black sea. we will remind that today.
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the seryog kotov that was destroyed there is one of the four available modern means of defeating floating vessels from the so-called flotilla, as mr. oleksandr said, now you can’t say the word flotilla, you have to flotilla we will also remind our viewers about this idea from the prime minister of ukraine shmyhal, who said that we will be in a state of drying, restructuring and reformatting, the number of ministries should be reduced by a third, this is such an initiative, an idea from u'. we ask if you support it, this is the abbreviation, if you do, call the first phone number, it's on your screens, if not, the second number, we care about your opinion, because we will be talking even further today in our program with the lawmakers, they need will vote something, either yes or no, think something and so on yours, we will direct your answers in the form of questions to people's deputies, so what do we have now? to check the connection and
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have the opportunity to communicate with the former minister of infrastructure of ukraine, and now our defender from the armed forces, volodymyr omilyan, callsign mif, is in contact with our studio. congratulations, mr. volodymyr, good evening roma, i am very glad to see you, thank you for the invitation. well, i'll start with you first, as a former minister, here, the actual idea is to reduce the ministries, connecting them, transferring some functions. other state institutions, what do you say to such an idea from the prime minister? well, you know, during the war it is usually extravagant, speaking simply in bureaucratic language, in order to implement it, it is necessary from 6 to 12 months, and in fact the expenses of the state budget in the first six months will only increase, because those people who are laid off, they receive relief upon dismissal. and there are a lot of other things, uh,
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about the political structure, uh, that really means only that the center of decision-making, by the way, that's how these ideas sound, uh the government center, or whatever they call it, or the center of the cabinet of ministers, becomes the secretariat of the cabinet of ministers, that is, all other ministries and departments perform such a more auxiliary role, they formulate some ideas in the form of policies or something else there, and therefore formalize them. submitted for approval, this is actually the center of the teresekretariat of the kabmi , well, how appropriate is it now, well, i have a huge question, it sounds beautiful, let’s reduce it by 30%, in the end it will only lead to growth, because in our case this parkinson’s law works without fail, that every reduction means increase, in addition to parkinson's, we also have ukrainian practice, usually when they try something, a commission, for example, to eliminate it, they first create a commission. for the liquidation of commissions
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, and accordingly it is ukrainian, without parkinson 's it's as if they guessed, it's all to be done, we heard your opinion, but i want now... to talk about very important things, because in fact, well, in fact, our logistics are changing a lot, and very the structure of export and import is changing precisely because of what is happening at all crossings of the ukrainian-polish border, and because it this blockade is already turning into a long-lasting one, so we understand the various very complex questions here, but for some reason it turns out that... it is ukraine, which is at war, that has to pay the green tariff of brussels, and somehow it all looks like a dead end, do you see a way out of this situation? well, to be honest, i am here in solidarity with the president of ukraine
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, who said that this issue has already gone beyond the boundaries of economics and morality, it is very unfortunate that tusk is playing this game, on... my personal belief is that the issue here is not only an agrarian one sector or the so-called green tax, here the deeper issue is that with ukraine becoming a member of the european union, these tens and hundreds of billions of euros that went from brussels to support and develop poland will go to ukraine, and poland itself will already become a donor and not a recipient of funds. this is a global problem, and we do not... need a thorough dialogue with the poles at all levels, political, economic, cultural, public, expert, patiently explaining the situation to them, reminding them of the mission, because i would very much not like that in in the 21st century, we
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repeated the same mistakes that we committed at the beginning of the 20th century, and to recall one simple truth of such a nature that as soon as it falls... ukraine and poland are divided. ugh. come on, right now, this, this is a very important moment, because parallels, no matter how much we want them, they are already starting to appear on the horizon. this is what president zelenskyi said verbatim about this situation. it is necessary to finally find a solution to the situation, in particular on the polish border, which has long been... beyond the limits of both economics and morality, it is simply impossible to explain how the difficulties of a bleeding country can be to be used in the internal political struggle, however, we will get through this too, i am sure that ukraine is able to endure, achieve its
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goals and defeat russian terror, together we are able to ensure this, so you actually, mr. volodymyr, mentioned these parallels with... the first russian-ukrainian war, which was declared by the russian and lenin when they signed all the agreements on the recognition of the ukrainian people's republic, there was also such an interesting situation, common fraternal arms and a parade of winners against the russian occupier precisely on khreschatyk, and then everything went wrong , as pilosudskyi would say, and in this case , perhaps we do not have exactly such a tragic point of bifurcation, because... a few days ago , there was no talk of ukrainian agricultural grain products on polish tv channels , everyone knew what the ukrainian truth and mykhailo tkach had opened for them, it turns out that russian agribusiness trades
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in this way, the trucks go to belarus, from belarusian numbers to polish and forward to poland and through poland, to europe and to poland and so on, and everyone was very surprised, very much surprised, they only talked about it. all day, and what consequences should there be after that, because it turns out that the poles discovered it for themselves? history teaches us that it doesn't teach us anything, and in fact several political parties in poland are playing this game, each one gets, tries to get its own dividends, it seems to me that this is quite dangerous, because you can play and what started with. tests or blocking individual crossings on the ukrainian-polish border can turn into much bigger and worse things, so i don't have, i don't see an alternative, except to sit down at a round table and negotiate , to bring this meeting that tusk talked about, which was announced at the end of march, to next
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week in a normal format, not at the border, in closed offices, and to clearly outline the agenda of our two nations for decades ahead, then... this is the only thing that can save this situation, we have already tried everything else, yes, and it is better to do without threatening calls or any notations or emotions, but purely pragmatic. almost calmly agree on what we do together next, how we live together, how we win together, how we earn together, the poles will understand this language, yes, mr. volodymyr, but how to communicate it, because it generally looks wild, that is, for the great polish people , a handful of people, and these 100 people announce, in particular, for example, an overlap that will last until the end of april , 100 people, this is not even a thousandth of a percent. population, but thanks to the actions of 100 of these people , who present themselves as agrarians, even
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the poles themselves are surprised, they say, here now it is necessary to prepare for sowing, to do something already, then what kind of agrarians are they, who from morning to night tractors are sitting on the border, it may not be farmers, well, these are polish questions, but they are so partial, and in this case, it seems that we cannot do anything, except to call on the government to act more strictly, and they... say, we are within the framework according to the law, we have the right to protest, there will be some trials only against those who destroy the crops there, or ukrainian property and all, and we hoped that it would give a result, that is what donald tusk, as the prime minister, said that we will make transitions to critical infrastructure, we imagined what that means there will be a certain zone that will not allow simply covering everything, including military equipment, destroying jeeps, because such stories are already on the rise. why didn't it work? well, you see, within the framework of the law , mykhailo tkach was also detained at
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the polish-belarusian border, twisted and held for a couple of hours, finding out his identity, only then released, although he did not block the border, but simply filmed there, so i am convinced that the law can be - to implement or apply differently in certain areas, the main thing is that it is our common will, if there is currently no confirmed meeting between the president of ukraine and the prime minister. poland , and that is exactly how it should be expressed at the level of not both presidents, but the president of ukraine, the prime minister of poland, which means that it is necessary to send to poland troops of ukrainian politicians from all camps, and from the ruling party from the opposition, well, except, of course, opz, which for some reason, it is strange that they are still in the ukrainian parliament, and trying to go to a meeting at the highest level, trying to agree to find this solution, because it goes beyond all limits, really, and we do not we see the certificate. because i have a very bad feeling that if we don't stop it in time, it will have much worse consequences than
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just agrarian issues or even ukraine's accession to the european union. you see, you , a former member of the polish diet, myroslav czach , just said on our air that this has already turned from protests into a kind of economic border war, but look, here we heard something optimistic, it was... from the prime minister of poland donald tusk, who announced an appeal to the polish the diet, well, it's to introduce sanctions on russian or so-called belarusian agricultural products, that's what he said. i appealed to the marshal of the sejm in warsaw and proposed a resolution calling on the european commission to introduce full sanctions against the russian and belarusian countryside. economic products, i am convinced that a joint european decision will be much more
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effective than individual decisions of the states of the region. i understand them, but i would like the decision on sanctions against russian and belarusian food products and of agricultural products was adopted by the entire european union. and this is what prime minister donald tusk said today, it confirms this information, which was transmitted to us from warsaw by insight, that he was sincerely surprised, as he found out. for himself, that the european commission never imposed an embargo on russian products, and now he says that it is necessary that there should be a european option from brussels, and what is preventing poland from imposing on russian agricultural products under belarusian numbers, unilaterally by itself, this other countries do the same there is nothing for which to look for such a difficult solution through brussels, well, you see, in fact, even to such a... difficult decision was led by ukrainian journalists, because i think that after
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without the reporting of mykhailo tach, without your constant emphasis on this issue, the polish government didn't even single itself out , it was stated, but nevertheless, we must approach this situation with a cool head, no matter how painful it is for us and no matter how difficult it is for our companies and drivers who spend their days. at the border with thousands of cars in a queue, the situation looks very simple: poland is a member of the european union and nato. we need the polish voice, we need... we need polish support in order for us to gain membership in these organizations, otherwise we will lose the war and all the victims will be, well, i don't want to say useless, but not not that we hoped, therefore, we must find the key to official warsaw, we must reach tusk, the president of ukraine must understand the reason for the cold relations between official
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kyiv and official warsaw, and solve them, it is the task of the nation. not just personal preferences, and i believe that this solution can be found. mr. volodymyr, but no , you don't think that's the case, well, at least you remember how the president said, you need to keep a cool head, be patient - wait a little and it will warm up, well, as a result of the warming, this blockade lasted for a month, at least polish blockaders promised, well, in this case, i think we already had many of them. tsyanok and the war did not end in two or three weeks, many other things did not i want to remind myself of this right now, but we just need to act wisely, for now we either ignore it or act emotionally, we are a problem, and maybe we will have to wait a month, mr. volodymyr, maybe really, maybe these elections on april 7 are local and that’s all, and after that will let at least those players who
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are parasites on it, like confederations and so on, then there will be elections to the european parliament, after that, well, that is... there will be many elections, i think that we just need to shift the accents, a great option, which was proposed in recent days, the problem is not ukrainian grain, primarily in russian and belarusian, if this is defined as the main way out of the situation, and ukrainian grain goes in transit or goes there at all by sea, it is possible to remove the external stimulus, but once again i emphasize that the problem is not in this single stimulus , the problem is much deeper and we are not able. to shape the agenda of polish-ukrainian relations, as warsaw expects, not with decisions, but simply to discuss, so that they see that these are serious partners, that we and poland are together for a very long period of time, and there is no need to be afraid competition or some opposites, on the contrary, to look for what unites us. mr. volodymyr, what else would you like, you once
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took care of very serious infrastructure, logistics, transport, there is also the topic of carriers, we remember that... there were blockades of carriers, farmers, and there were times when they came together , and today the european commission put forward such a proposal to continue, well, remember, there was an agreement at the beginning of the invasion, in fact , visa-free transport for ukraine, and we were grateful for such an act of solidarity, but we did not eurona members, here we are suddenly playing virtually quota-free and almost as if by the rules of the carriers of the eu countries, and here... today they say that some changes can be made there, and it seems to have fulfilled certain requirements of the polish carriers, do you know anything more, and whether this will be saved situation, not yet, but definitely that poland, not only poland, will use the situation as much as possible in order to maintain some preferences for themselves in
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trade with ukraine and in general on the market of the european union, according to my deep conviction here in... the ukrainian government has stand not a step back, just as our troops are standing in the east, not letting the russians through, because if we give up in one form or another the transport visa-free, or the transport visa-free is only a name, in fact we will return to quotas and restrictions, this is a big step back , this is a big political loss, and we see all such, let's say, the news that comes out of brussels seems to be... copied right there, do not allow their distribution and do not allow conversations about the fact that the transport visa exemption can be either revised or canceled, we you just need to go out for normal two-way conversations. it was very well said at one time, literally in the last few days, that bilateral negotiations between ukraine and poland on ukraine's accession to the european
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union have actually begun. if we look at this problem from this point of view, we will solve it for ourselves. there are a lot of illusions and we will be able to find a solution, yes, mr. volodymyr, we agree with you, as they say, 1500%. volodymyr omylyan, former minister of infrastructure of ukraine, current serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, thank you for your service and thank you for participating in our program, you are watching serhiy rudenko's verdict program, without serhiy rudenko, to whom we wish him recovery, and on his behalf we ask you all, here is the idea voiced by the ukrainian prime minister, to shorten it, then please give your. voice on the first phone number, and if not, on the second one, we heard volodymyr omilyan's opinion in particular, well, we will continue our conversation with the political scientist, the head of the one platform. coordination center, oleh sahakyan in contact with our studio, sir olezhe, congratulations, good evening , congratulations, it’s nice to see and hear, well, we ask everyone, and
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we ask you too, because you also have the right to vote and answer our question . not the ministry, how would you feel about this idea? not very positive. i would say yes, because the very principle of simply reducing ministries seems to me to be vicious, is it necessary to reform the civil service, certainly, is it necessary to reform the structure of the cabinet of ministers both hands for, but this is not a matter of quantity , it is the latter that should be determined, if the task is simply to reduce the quantity, then this means that either they are completely ignored or they are not communicated, but some wider changes inside are covertly implied, and ... then the question arises that they simply most likely do not understand at all what the tasks are now and what the challenges are before the cabinet of ministers, of course, that is, behind this idea you see what the soviet people once listened
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to on tv and knew as the word perestroika , a for some reason, it sends us to the old bearded joke about furniture and not only, remember, he wanted to talk with you about a very sensitive thing, to which, in principle, the answer should not be so public. but since it is the price of life and national security, it is sensitive, let's start from afar, let's start with the german espionage scandal, by the way, it was launched by margarita simonyan, it's rashi todei's black mouth, but after that the germans first said yes, then they said no, it's a fake, then they said it was, but they discussed it as if there were blows, as if... the german taurus all over the kercher bridge, but we don’t have those taurus, and here we sit and think where the legs are growing about this whole scandal,
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because it’s as if there isn’t, but as if they confirm, well, listen, in general, simonyan is such a classic cistern for such information, already in the west they even learned such a specific word for the western ear as babraetka, and i even met it in english latin. in the western press, and so, let's say, this very specific source of information was chosen, it is clear that it was the russian special services that worked in this way, why was it done in order to undermine now the issue of providing tauros to ukraine. it is obvious that in germany the elites and society have come close to a certain psychological barrier, beyond which provision can already be made, so it was an attempt and, as they say, to put sticks in the wheels, look how interesting it is, because the minister. of german defense boris pistorius, he actually communicated about it, he said, maybe someone was at work today and did not hear, then we will remind you what the german minister said
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defense the reason this conversation between air force officers could have been intercepted is due to individual error. not all participants followed the secure connection procedure as intended. according to available information... a data leak occurred through a member in singapore, he connected through an unauthorized, ie open connection. as you know, the singapore air show was held in singapore, which was attended, in particular, by high-ranking military personnel from european partner countries, which was obviously exactly what the russians were waiting for special services targeted electronic eavesdropping was conducted in hotels. so we have to assume that access to this webex conference. was an accidental find within the framework of a large-scale operation, on almost a ready-made script for netflix, yes, but in
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this case this whole scandal, it really swayed the political and military elites in germany in some direction to provide taurus long-range missiles to german ukraine, or on the contrary rejected them and more. further, no, no, do not give, well, as scholz says, i think that by this russia lost even more part of the german elites who, well, this is obvious, see a serious slap that russia gave to germany, german institutions, elites and special services. at the same time, within german society, if we are talking about the electoral division, then, unfortunately, i think that this russian provocation will still have a limited effect. currently , the situation with taurus is quite difficult for us from the point of view of supporting it in society. alternative for germany right radical political forces have quite serious electoral positions, and they parasitize as.
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on the topic of the russian-ukrainian war and russia itself, anti-european and this whole agenda is classic for them, and accordingly, with taurus, the situation not only has its own geopolitical intelligence or military, but also domestic political, and in this case for us currently there are windows of opportunity for to painlessly receive tauruses, unfortunately, is not particularly visible at the moment, a situation may arise in which we can, well, hypothetically imagine that... there is a question, ukraine receives several dozen tauruses there, maybe even missiles, but at the same time we can lose germany, because this situation will be actively exploited precisely by right-wing radicals , pro-russian forces and on the left-radical flank, there is a new star among the russians, and accordingly, in this way, a part of the political community that advocates more active support for ukraine may find itself in the negative electoral
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third. amazing effect of connected vessels, having thus received taurus, we can lose all large-scale support, which we are surprised by, because at the very beginning we remember that germany she passed on fairy tales and said, you hold on, and now they are one of the leaders of the support of the armed forces of ukraine, we will get taurus, we will lose a lot of support, a lot of package support, but we will not keep support, then we still need taurus, well, some kind of tyutswang, okay. but this is about some spies, i asked you, but there is another dimension, let 's see if the spy will get out in ukrainian, it has already been communicated at all levels, and the supreme commander-in-chief of the president spoke about it, and - to the main intelligence department and sbu, everyone in one way or another, they confirmed that the plan for the counteroffensive of the 23rd year, which disappointed some of our allies in its scope and volume, was in the kremlin even before
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that counteroffensive ... to name the name, even if i don't know, show the back of the head and the hands are tied, what happened to that spy and the mole who leaked it all, until now the security service of ukraine has not told us what delayed it? well, here i can only make assumptions, because the problem is that the authorities do not communicate, this question, at least, was not asked dots, that all this... they know where and how these leaks are no longer there, and why they cannot answer fully in this matter, or we do not know the version, i can only assume: the first is that counterintelligence measures may continue and , accordingly, they cannot demonstrate the full results now, because there is still, let’s say, a part of the network that may be under surveillance, respectively, so as not to alarm, secondly
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, this is... the version that the leak did not take place on the ukrainian side, on the side our allies who may have had access to a certain part of this plan, or they were consulted, because we remember that they did not like that ukraine was not moving according to the plan that looked optimal for them, and unfortunately, we had precedents and recent ones, again with leaks in our partners, where the russian federation in some places, apparently, receives information accurately... no more difficult than in ukraine. and it is clear, that is, you, you think that this is not a mole sitting in us, because we have a rather narrow circle, familiar with such extremely secret information, when the plan is adopted, we understand that this is the rate of the supreme commander-in-chief, there you can count on your fingers who has access, do you think that they are acting in the same way as they acted here in singapore in the hotel, that is, somewhere our partners are informed and somewhere on some of stages
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could be stolen. i only assume the first two versions, that it could be an internal mole and the calculation was calculated and the measures are continued accordingly, this is if it is with us, the second is if it is with partners, of course the third option, which i especially do not want to miss, is if the mole is in some high echelons of power , and then the question is whether or not this mole has been removed, or whether he or she has been removed, at least from access to legible information, if, for example, due to some circumstances they cannot now remove the figure from public... politics, so this is already a question for the ukrainian special services, to anti-freezing of the regime, and here it is definitely not you, nor i, we will not know all this information, if we knew it, then the price would be more our case. olezhe, here in these finno-ugric swamps, which historians called forest, well, now this is a temporary formation of the russian federation, everything is on fire there, my god, that they just don't talk about french president francois macron, and this after
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he actually... er twice, first he and then.


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