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tv   [untitled]    March 6, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EET

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to riya rudenko, see you soon. greetings to all viewers of espresso, i'm anna yavomelnyk and it's time to learn about the most current events at the moment. the number of people killed due to the russian attack on kyiv on february 7 has increased to six. one of the victims, yury nusov, a resident of an apartment building in the holosiiv district, died in the hospital, the man's relative oksana tkachuk said. in the public comment. doctors fought for his life for three weeks, but the man did not regain consciousness. two weeks ago , he died from his injuries. daughter anastasia. she
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after the russian attack was also in an extremely difficult condition. let me remind you that on february 7, russia hit ukraine with missiles. a fire broke out in one of the high-rise buildings due to falling debris in the holosiiv district of the capital. in donetsk region , a woman died due to enemy shelling of the netaylovye ocheretynsk community. the occupiers struck the village at 1:90 a.m. and injured another person. on the way to the hospital. she died, said the head of the region, vadym filashkin. in general, a dozen russian attacks were recorded in the region during the day. in krasnohorivka, shells of the occupiers damaged it house and killed a civilian. also in the middle of the night muscovites hit pokrovsk with four s-300 missiles. he is wounded. 11 high-rise buildings, three private houses and three administrative buildings were damaged. the number of injured by the enemy increased to three. opsila, kherson oblast
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, a man who came under enemy fire the day before went to the hospital, he had an explosive injury and a broken leg. during the day, the occupiers shelled two dozen settlements in the region, damaged 10 high-rise buildings and more than 10 private houses, the head of the region informed oleksandr prokudin. in kherson, russian shells hit the museum building, the creativity center and cars. power lines, port infrastructure and the territory of the park were also hit. at the same time , there is a gas pipeline, an unbreakable point and a garage in the ponivochyna region. the projectile also landed on the territory of the airport. at least 27 russian sailors were injured as a result of the attack, including serhiy kotov. this was reported by the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine. irreversible losses of the occupiers are unchanged, seven were killed military information about the loss will continue to be clarified. i will remind you yesterday. on march 5, the
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defense forces of ukraine sank the patrol ship serhiy kotov with the help of magura v5 naval drones. in the tavria direction , the enemy conducted 67 combat encounters and carried out 1,143 artillery barrages in the last day. according to the press center of the tavri region, the defense forces repelled 23 enemy attacks near avdiyivka. the occupiers carried out five attacks near orikhov. another 30. nine times they tried to break through the defense of our troops in the novopavliysk direction. in these storms the aggressor lost 515 of his soldiers and 71 units of military equipment. in addition, the defense forces of ukraine destroyed another important object - muscovites. in the village of bezymenne in the mykolaiv region , a man was blown up by a mine - the emergency services said, a 38-year-old local resident went to collect firewood and accidentally stepped on an ammunition. as a result of the explosion, the victim's
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left foot was amputated, he also had shrapnel injuries, and his hips. and the espresso tv channel asks you to donate to our initiative. for the second year in a row, we have been making our own vitamin mixtures for defenders ginger, citrus, cranberry, sea buckthorn, honey, caring hands and faith in victory, this is the recipe for hearty delicacies. in the cold season, they and give strength to our soldiers, we constantly have requests, which means that there is a need for vitamin mixtures at the front, so join and support our soldiers, you can see all the details on the screen. the monomajority in the verkhovna rada disrupts the plenary sessions, all because of resolutions on fortifications, fortifications on the implementation of the decision of the european parliament and the draft law on the banning of the russian orthodox church in...
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in the walls of the parliament, an appeal to the authorities was recorded with the demand to immediately consider these resolutions and start work. thank you, personally, please. the security service of ukraine warns that the russian orthodox church poses a threat to ukraine's national security. it was at the request of the security service of ukraine yesterday at the humanitarian policy committee, with the support of the majority of the audience, that we fully prepared for the second reading and for bringing to the audience the law banning the russian church of ukraine. we sincerely hoped, as did the representatives ukrainian services, as well as the ukrainian military, who protect us, as well as ukrainian society, which today is the fsb'. soon we will strangle and finally close the activities of the russian church in ukraine, but the meeting was disrupted, i think it is not accidental. therefore, today , the government actually blocks and harms the european integration of ukraine and the accession
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of ukraine to the european union by its actions today. our mission is to tell the truth, monitor, control the activities of the authorities, help, and we extend this helping hand all the time, but today we are here for... to vote for the law on the prohibition of the moscow church, for important social laws, important ratifications, no important, european, atlantic decision in support of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of ukraine was passed in this parliament without the votes of european solidarity. we will not allow you to call from the office to schedule a meeting or cancel a meeting, there must be systematic work, but today is a plenary day. it is not there, tomorrow there was supposed to be an hour of questions to the government, there is no government, there is nothing, and therefore our demand - reshaping the majority, creating a government of national unity, and ukrainians know that they are adults who are aware of their responsibility for the country, he
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heroized the russians and discredited ukrainian defenders. in cherkasy region, the security service of ukraine reported the suspicion of a cleric of the moscow patriarchate. the archpriest... denied the war crimes of the occupiers on the networks, accused our military of preparing for provocation in odesa , and called the soldiers of the azov special unit nazis. he supplemented his posts with reposts and with hostile slogans and videos from kremlin propaganda. during the search , prohibited symbols were found on him, the sbu said. the traitor faces up to eight years in prison with confiscation of property. battle of uhylyanta. five men who wanted to cross the dniester were detained by ukrainian border guards. according to their data, the violators tried to enter moldova illegally. three residents of kyiv and kharkiv regions were simply pulled out of the river. two more were preparing to escape on the shore. at the moment
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of detention, they were wearing wetsuits. on everyone drew up protocols on administrative violations and sent cases to court. seized fate. morning on the island and built a house. a man will be tried in kyiv for illegal construction and forgery of documents. he arbitrarily took possession of five acres of land on the territory of the zhukiv-ostriv landscape reserve of local importance. the violator built a house for himself and surrounded himself with a fence, after which he issued the right of ownership on the basis of false documents. as a result, he caused uah 3,000 in material damage to the community of the city. he faces up to three years of imprisonment. drugs disguised as cat food. the national police kidnapped an interregional group of drug dealers. the organizers created a wholesale online store, its assortment consisted of about 10 types of drugs and psychotropics, amphetamine,
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mephedrone, cocaine, ecstasy. drug parcels were sold all over ukraine. prohibited substances, disguised fertilizer or cat food. they were brought with the help of the express dist service. as well as by bookmark method. the police detained four people. the criminal police documented 12 facts sale of drugs through the postal service. five authorized searches were conducted on the suspects in the kherson, mykolaiv regions and the city of kyiv. what is it, what is it with you? precautionary measures were chosen for the perpetrators in the form of detention, the sanction of the article. provides up to 12 years of imprisonment, greek prime minister kyriakos mitsotakis arrived in odesa for a several-hour visit, reports the greek edition of kata marinia. it is noted that the prime minister plans to hold a meeting with president zelensky,
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later, mitsotakis will go to bucharest for the conference of the european people's party. that's all, i'll see you at 15:00, the news team is working, in the next issue we will tell you about the most important things, my colleagues marta oliarnyk and... greetings to all viewers of espresso, the information day will inform you about the most up-to-date information of today and beyond, so stay with us. over the next few hours we will definitely talk about the most important things, but before that
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adding our first guest to our broadcast, i would like to remind you and thank you , thank you first of all for watching us, it is important for us, and secondly, it is also to thank you for your donations, which you continue to make for support of our armed forces, so i will once again remind you , our viewers, both on youtube and on tv, that we are currently collecting funds for 50 fpv drones, we need to collect uah 800,000. actually, this collection of ours is currently ongoing and it is actually needed for the 81st separate aeromobile brigade, which restrains the onslaught of the enemy near beilohorivka and in the pekelny luhansk direction. so, if you can, please join our collection with your penny, and in fact, you can do it with the bank card and the qr code that you see on your screens now. i am adding dmytro snigirov, a military... and co-chairman of the civil rights initiative to our airwaves. mr. dmitry, i congratulate you. congratulations. let's talk about the situation
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at the front. how would you describe the enemy's actions now, how much the enemy is accumulating now our resource in certain areas of the front and what should we expect? the situation is complex, and in several areas simultaneously, not only in the ovdiiv direction. by the way, it was possible to somewhat stabilize the situation in the ovdiiv direction. complicated the situation is also in the lyman direction, precisely in the direction where you are going to attack the drones now, they are talking about bilogorivka, the occupiers are not receiving attempts to break through the positions of the armed forces of ukraine in the bilogorivka area with a simultaneous strike from the vesele area, this is an attempt to create operational encirclement of the ukrainian group in the siversk district, i have already spoken about it several times, the battles are taking place in the bilogorivka industrial zone, in the bilogorivka district. the most combat-capable units of the second combined arms army were reinforced by local
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collaborators. in addition, there are certain tactical successes of the occupiers in the area of ​​terne, advancement. there is currently no question of control over the village itself. the sterne direction is an attempt by the occupiers to go directly to the lyman. the key strategic and, accordingly , defense hub of the armed forces of ukraine. heavy the situation in the district. sledges the occupiers do not receive attempts to break through the defense of the armed forces of ukraine in the direction of kupinsk. the situation in the tabayvka region has somewhat stabilized - this is the kupyan direction. the armed forces of ukraine carried out a number of successful counterattacks, which allowed to stabilize the situation. in the area of ​​tabaivka and sankivka, we control the dominant heights. this is the main feature of the ability of the armed forces of ukraine to deliver point strikes using means of defeat, first of all, barrel artillery on the operational rear of the enemy. avdiiv direction:
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the situation, i repeat once again, has somewhat stabilized, and it is noted that over the last day, the armed forces of ukraine have the ability to strike, again, using barrel artillery, which most clearly indicates that the ammunition was delivered, and they are active. the ukrainian artillery is noted by the occupiers themselves, speaking of the fact that strikes are being made both on the assault groups in the area of ​​tonye orlivka and, accordingly, on the rear columns of the russian occupiers. there were attempts, this is the avdiiv direction, that is, we can talk that the situation is difficult, but the situation has more or less stabilized, there is hope that the time that... the ukrainian defenders are holding the russian offensive along the thin
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avdeivka line, thin, i apologize, orlivka, is used by the engineering troops of the armed forces of ukraine and, accordingly, donetsk of the military-civilian administration for the development of engineering and fortification structures, because there was a lot of criticism and constructive criticism regarding the unsatisfactory pace of work. extremely important points, but if we talk about stabilization, what is currently on what do you think is happening with the enemy's resources? that is, they have stopped them a little, or are they now regrouping in order to perhaps strengthen in some other directions, in particular, it is about the maryan direction, the situation there is extremely difficult, everyone understands that, but the issue of transferring reserves there has not stopped, it is said about regrouping, they did not stop for a day, the onslaught does not stop in any of the directions,
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regarding the mariana direction, and you rightly noted that there are some... several flanks of the offensive of the occupiers, one of them is in the buledara region, this is the flank coverage of ukrainian positions, the other is the battle of kurakhovo, kurakhovo is interesting to them as the appropriate location of the kurakhovo thermal power station, which provides the opportunity to supply electricity to both controlled and occupied territories. they tried to attack the bakhmut direction in the area of ​​klitschivka, and with the use of armored vehicles, this morning. received, i received a message, the attack of the occupiers was successfully repelled, and up to three units of the enemy's heavy armored vehicles were destroyed, and accordingly personnel at the moment, well , the ukrainian artillery is working overtime, a stable and difficult situation in the area of ​​chasiv yar, this is bohdanivka, khromovei, respectively, well, the pressure is directly
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on chasiv in order to break through in the direction of kostiantynivka, slavyansky kramator. again, i would like to hope that the actual engineering and fortification structures were still erected, and not only due to the use of the dominant heights in the area of ​​the yaru times. the attempt of the occupiers in the ughledar direction, on vremivskyi to improve their tactical positions was not successful. it is about that the occupiers tried again to attack the positions in separate units. armed forces of ukraine, but there is no further advancement. robot direction. here, the occupiers celebrate the successful actions of ukrainian artillery and, accordingly, unmanned aerial vehicles. moreover, thanks to repeaters, the range of drones has been increased to 10 or more kilometers. remote mining of the rear rolling roads
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of the occupying army is also noted, which makes it impossible to overturn armored vehicles. personnel from bc, the situation is difficult, they act in small assault groups, they try to break into the center of the settlement in the area of ​​the school, but again due to the successful actions of ukrainian gunners and , accordingly, unmanned aerial vehicles, these attacks of the occupiers can be minimized. mr. dmytro, if possible, we would like to ask you to assess the situation near krynyk and generally on the left bank. because we understand that the situation there is very, very difficult, and in fact our armed forces that are there, they are in very , very difficult conditions, but at the same time continue to hold this bridgehead, how would you describe the situation in this area? the situation is difficult, but again the occupiers themselves note the successful operation of radio electronic means of radio electronic
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warfare of the armed forces of ukraine, which do not give them the opportunity to use fpv drones and, accordingly. well, let's say, to adjust the fire using high-precision projectiles, in particular , we are talking about the red beak, in addition, it is noted, once again the successful actions of the ukrainian side were counter-battery combat, this is striking with the use of a barrel jet artillery, well, and already traditionally the fividron, the situation in krynik itself is difficult, the occupiers are trying to advance directly into the settlement itself, instead... there is an expansion of the zone of presence of the armed forces of ukraine on the flanks, but the main thing that the ukrainian society should know is that that bridgeheads exist. the occupiers did not succeed in throwing the armed forces of ukraine into the dnipro, and accordingly, all the stories that they minimized the presence in the area of ​​the antonivsky bridge and the kryna itself,
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this is nothing more than the russian informational and psychological operations. sir dmitry, we would also like to ask you in general about the situation with the lack of supplies from our western allies and about the joint conversation of the german military, this is a fairly high-level military, who actually talked about the possible use of german taurus missiles, and we understand that russia will now play this card in order to stop any supply of such weapons to us altogether. do you think there is? us prerequisites to believe that in the near future ours will the allies mature to the decision to give us long-range weapons? well, yes, they are already ripe, let's talk about what, but let's eat breakfast for the hungry. france is another country that supported the czech initiative to provide ukraine with 800,000 shells and allocated money. in addition, money was allocated by denmark,
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the netherlands and a number of other countries. moreover , it is worth noting that, according to the czech government, the projectiles will be delivered to the armed forces of ukraine in the coming weeks. therefore, the situation with projectile hunger will, let 's say, undergo changes in a positive direction. the projectiles will be of 155 mm caliber. works successfully. regarding the leaked conversation , you should not, you know, sprinkle your head with kopil, i believe that we are talking about a controlled leak of information on the part of the german special services, which was intended to show the intentions, respectively, not only of germany, but also of the nato bloc, regarding the possible actions of the nato bloc , that at the moment of restraining russian aggression, both on the borders with nato and directly in ukraine. it is worth noting that the so-called enthusiastic conversation coincides in time with statements macron about the possibility of sending a military contingent to france, finland's statements that this country does not mind if the armed
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forces of ukraine will use the weapons provided by it to attack russia on the territory of ukraine, i apologize, these are cardinal, these are tectonic fractures in the consciousness of the nato bloc. and most importantly, stoltenberg's statement. who stated that nato troops will not be in ukraine, but if the military contingent of a separate country from which there are bilateral agreements with ukraine enters the territory of our state, there will be no questions, so we can talk about the fact that this is a controlled leak of information from the german side, and the german side later confirmed the authenticity of these conversations, mr. dmitry, i would like to ask you, well, we are already talking about showers and so on and... about spy games, for a couple of weeks that's why there was information from officials, so that the enemy knew about the plans of our counteroffensive, it was not detailed,
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how deeply the enemy could know something, well, but your version of what was happening and why this information appeared, well i also questions arise, if the enemy knew about the intentions and, accordingly, the military leadership of ukraine knew about it, about what the enemy knew, i 'm sorry. taftology, but that's how it looks, then i have a question, what was the point of carrying out the ukrainian counteroffensive at all, if you consciously understood that you were exposing yourself to mortal danger, to actually liquidating the more combat-capable units of the armed forces of ukraine. and secondly, how does this correlate with zelenskyi’s statements that the counteroffensive was still successful when he talks about the naval component of the ukrainian counteroffensive, which is... an integral part of the all-ukrainian summer counteroffensive, that is, there are more than enough questions, if the witch hunting season has begun,
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and, excuse me, budanov's performance of these statements sounds, then i have even more questions , and what does gur have to do with counterintelligence issues, why does the main intelligence department, the ministry of defense take over the powers of the security service of ukraine. on the part of military counterintelligence, were there similar statements? no, malyuk performed with with similar statements, this is his field of activity, no, who is budanov, the head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense, so he is busy with intelligence issues. as a result, we have the failures of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense near avdeivka, when the group disintegrated, the breakthrough of the russian... occupiers into the rear of the ukrainian group using the drainage systems of the water supply system, plus , accordingly, a similar situation occurred when the group
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overslept, the capture of lysychansk, i once again i repeat, i gave this information employees of gur and, accordingly, in open sources that the fording of the river is being prepared and even the number of pontoon equipment and places were named accordingly... as a result, we have the loss of lyschansk, one of the largest industrial cities of the luhansk region, in three days. but mr. dmytro, well then, we must also talk about the successes of the main development department of the ministry of defense, in particular the sinking of the cat yesterday and so on, the fighters are working extremely well in the black sea basin. what does gur have to do with marine drones? what about at this time the security service reported. about the similar successful nature of using and, respectively, babies and maguura v5. you do not have a question as to what is trying with these
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successes... of the defense forces of ukraine, i emphasize, not the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense, to minimize the information failures of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense, i gave you examples, budanov should already be called budanov avdevskyi, clearly, this, this is a failure of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense, for which there should be personal charges responsibility of the leader. instead, we see the awarding of a hero star. well, i have no questions. i emphasize once again, what does gur have to do with the sinking of russian ships? we don't have access to this confidential information, honestly, we just don't have access, well, as far as we understand, if the main intelligence agency reports on the task and informs about the progress, and the number of losses, well, it's quite reasonable to understand what it will use. these maritime
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drones, this was the prerogative of the main intelligence agency in this case of the ministry of defense, mr. antin, i will remind you of the events related to the strikes on the crimean bridge, when gurkh began to make statements, the security service asked questions then, they came out three hours after the information of the main intelligence department appeared, they asked a completely reasonable question: what are you related to do you have well, mr. dmitry, in fact, we don’t need our special services to be with each other... who is behind this or that special operation, i think that maybe it will be appropriate to talk about all this after the end of the war, dear presenters, i i would like to say the defense forces of ukraine, not the sbu, not a separate military unit, not, respectively, the armed forces of ukraine, there is such a concept as the defense forces
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of ukraine. this very concept should appear in all successful combinations, and not arrange a socialist competition based on the principle of who will be the first to put on the slipper, and compete first, whether it is the operation of the sbu, or whether it is the operation of gu, the defense forces of ukraine. dmytro snyagirov, military expert, co-chairman of the public initiative the right hand was eteri espresso, and we talked about the situation at the front and also about the destruction serhiy kotov of the ship. in the sea of ​​azov, we will now take a short break , but before that i will remind you about our gathering, so if you have the opportunity, please join it, and actually, to those who watch us on youtube, i also urge you to be active, you should including the opportunity to ask questions to our experts, so if you have such questions, please write them to us, now we are going to a break and after it we will return to our air, we will talk with oleksandr solonenko, senior sergeant of the legion of freedom about what happening now
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