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tv   [untitled]    March 6, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm EET

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he is a military expert, a colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, in the years 14-17, join our assembly, assembly, do not forget about him, and then we have news on the espresso tv channel. farmers' protest in warsaw has resulted in victims, arrests, water cannons and tear gas. the coalition of shells for ukraine is increasing, which other country has declared its support. greetings viewers of espresso. with you, annayevamelnik and the news team summarize today's day. i'm starting that's
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what. there are dead and wounded. russians in the morning attacked odessa with rockets. president volodymyr zelenskyy said this at a briefing with prime minister of greece kyriakos mitsotakis. at the time of the explosion, according to zelensky, the ukrainian and greek delegations were in the port. as part of the bilateral meeting, they honored the memory of the victims of the russian attack on odessa on march 2. then shakhet hit the apartment building. twelve people died, among them... children , the officials laid flowers near the destroyed high-rise building and talked to the residents, necessarily to all families, all families who have lost, they will certainly be helped, who have lost loved ones, it is impossible, unfortunately, regarding the apartments, regarding the issue. unabated, muscovites
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attacked the shopping center of nikopol, reports the nikopol district military administration. there is no information about the victims yet, more details have been promised after the fire is extinguished. the russians killed one person, wounded seven more in kharkiv oblast, the enemy hit the village of boroova, probably with an iskander m missile. a private house, a garage, an outbuilding and two cars a 70-year-old man died. he was near the car. a 44-year-old woman and her five children were rescued from the rubble of the house. boys aged 12 to 18, as well as a 24-year-old daughter, were reported to the regional police. in children , injuries are light and medium. a 73-year-old resident of a neighboring house was also injured. all were provided with medical assistance for liquidation. the aftermath of
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the attack continues. the occupiers also fired at the ship district of kherson , a 45-year-old woman was wounded in her own yard, she is in the hospital, and at her house, and her house damaged by debris. children slept in it, who were miraculously unharmed - said the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. the enemy also dropped explosives from a drone on boryslav. there is an abandoned residential building. blast injuries. a couple, a 59-year-old man and his 58-year-old wife, received concussions, they were given medical assistance, they will be treated on an outpatient basis. an informant of the russian special services, who collected data on the location of the armed forces in lviv, was imprisoned for six years. in march of last year, counter-intelligence agents detained a female attacker for remote recruitment 34-year-old immigrant from the mykolayiv region. muscovites used her native. a sister who
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lived on the territory of temporarily occupied kherson together with a russian officer, and later left for russia. the already recruited immigrant maintained contact with the major of the special services of the russian federation through her sister. at the request of the enemy, the woman often visited the territory near the locations of military formations and made appropriate markings on electronic maps. and later she tried to transfer the collected data to the russian federation through her sister, using one of the popular... messengers already on the basis of the collected data , the court found the perpetrator guilty. ukrainian berdyansk is not a bad place. in the morning, an explosion rang out in the city. according to the russian media , explosives were placed under the car of the so-called members of the precinct election commission with a decisive vote. but it worked when the woman got into the car, she died from her injuries. because of this, the occupiers plan to increase the number of security forces in captured berdyansk.
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the current head of the city's military administration , victoria galitsyna, calls on ukrainians to avoid crowd, especially not to visit the so-called polling stations, provocations on the part of muscovites are not excluded. houses halytsina. trump's main rival, nikki haley, withdrew her candidacy from the presidential race. thus, donald trump became the only candidate for the presidency of america from the republicans. haley did not support trump in her speech, but congratulated him and wished him success. let me remind you that the republican lost the first five nomination contests and all the primaries on super tuesday. except one, the only one she won the lead in vermont, which allowed and prevented trump from winning a complete victory. clashes between protesters and police in warsaw , a farmers' rally continues under the prime minister's office.
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earlier, the participants of the action burned tires and a coffin, symbolizing the country's agriculture, writes the local publication polstat news. agrarians held in their hands. flags with anti-ukrainian slogans, law enforcement officers had to use tear gas, water cannons appeared under the diet. protesters throw cobblestones and firecrackers at the police. several people broke through the barricade and the police border to the territory of the polish parliament. the warsaw police reported that there are wounded among its employees, several demonstrators were detained. to borrow money, london can provide kyiv with a loan for the amount of frozen russian assets, british foreign minister david cameron said, referring to the assets of the central bank of the russian federation. according to cameron, this can be a guarantee of payment of reparations, which moscow will be forced
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to pay to kyiv after the end of the war. let me remind you that the european union will discuss the possibility of giving ukraine only profits from frozen assets, not the assets themselves. the sum of such revenues is 4 billion dollars per year. germany will join the czech republic's plan to purchase 800,000 shells for ukraine. this was announced by the spokesman of the german government, steffen hebeschritt. he noted that the federal government of the nsr will contribute a three-digit million sum to the czech initiative. let me remind you that france and lithuania have already joined the projectile coalition. a mother's story about the son of a volunteer who did not return from the war until the second anniversary full-scale invasion of russia , a new book by the writer olena cherninka was presented in lviv. in the publication lemberg mamtsyun do not cry, the author talks about her son's childhood,
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his service in the army, shares the memories of his brothers and his own experience of how to survive the loss of a loved one. a work of art in the genre of "nonfiction" can be purchased. in bookstores of the old lion publishing house. the book has already been called so by the people that it is such a survival primer for those who are involved in the war. these are either military personnel or their family members who are waiting as i waited and am still waiting. this one the book is indeed very complete, despite the fact that it is chronological, it does not have a clear chronology, because it can talk about mykhailo in his childhood, then in his adulthood. and then, well, that is, in fact, this is a conversation with myself, er, about my son. espresso tv channel asks nato to join our initiative. for the second year in a row, we have been making our own vitamin mixtures for defenders. ginger, citrus, gorse,
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sea buckthorn, honey, caring hands and faith in victory, this is a recipe for spiritual delicacies. in the cold season, they warm and provide strength to our soldiers. we constantly have requests, which means that there is a need for vitamin mixtures at the front, so join and support our soldiers, you can see all the details on the screen. and now we want to tell you how you, our viewers, helped close the next collection of the espresso tv channel. with the funds of one of these, we purchased and handed over vehicles to the armed forces of ukraine. let's see how it was. used cars that could be converted for military use have long run out, so volunteers buy them abroad. way such a car to the front begins with a request from the military, then volunteers announce a fundraiser and then look for the necessary vehicle at foreign auctions. but
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buying a car is only half the battle, it needs to be repaired for a penny. refuel and deliver to the military. the repair of one off-road vehicle can last from several days to a week, and while some cars are leaving europe packed with military and humanitarian equipment, others are being repaired, others. are already handed over to the defenders along the entire front line, the next ones are bought at auctions. team espresso, together with viewers and readers , constantly help the military. together, we closed the collection for 33 cars, we are grateful to everyone for their donations and we urge you to continue to bring victory closer together. thanks to the viewers of the espresso channel for helping to collect this bead. he will help us in the carriage of the bka. glory to ukraine. to the heroes. at this moment , the news team told about the most important thing, i tell you, see you tomorrow, i will wait for you in this
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podorozhnyk you and save. there are discounts on otrivin spray 15% in podorozhnyk pharmacies for you and save. see this week in the judicial program control with tatiana shustro. searches in the dnipro district court of kyiv, who was responsible for the illegal actions of law enforcement officers? interference with judicial activity is a serious enough challenge. but why did the sbi refuse to initiate criminal proceedings? they cannot put themselves in prison, although there is every reason to do so. on thursday, march 7, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatiana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in the new. in a two-hour format: even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests:
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foreign experts, inclusion from abroad , about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at the end of the day with the help of a telephone survey, switch on and switch on, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20:00 to 22:00 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. good evening, we are from ukraine. volodymyr zelenskyi's cortege was fired upon in odesa, there are dead and wounded, the enemy hit the shopping center in... field, well and actually, in the united states of america, trump obviously has no competitors.
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we will talk about this and other things for the next hour and 45 minutes. this is the big ether program, my name is vasyl zima, and we start it with an announcement about the collection. by the way, you have already collected almost uah 150,000 in baga. and espresso calls to join the assembly at bagi for the evacuation of the wounded and the transportation of combat kits, as well as for the car and trench rebs for the 12th separate special purpose detachment. our soldiers destroy the enemy every day. east direction this collection will help save lives and increase the effectiveness of the unit, so get involved, every donation strengthens the shield with which we hold back the aggressor and sharpens the sword with which our army cuts. enemies, our goal is 480 00 hryvnias , we already have 150 00, we have more than half left, but in any case we will do it, and now let's start right away by talking about the situation in nikopol, contact us, catch up dmytro bachkov is in touch with us, performing the duties of nikopol, so just one second, where is dmytro bochkov here in touch with us,
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he is the head of the nikopol district council, mr. dmytro, i congratulate you, and good evening. if he's good, well, it's not a good evening for us, and every time one of the cities comes under massive strikes, and so it flies there, and there and there, well, now it flew over nikopol to the shopping center, that's what , what we know, from what we can say, tell us more, please, yes, the enemy continues to shell nikopol and the nikopol district, striking with artillery, hail and drones, and today was no exception, another shelling of our... and one of the parts of this shelling was hitting one of the largest shopping centers of our city, we are waiting for the final details from this, shall we say, from this shelling from the state authorities, who summarize the daily report on the security situation in dnipropetrovsk
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, dnipropetrovsk oblast, including nikopol district, but this is what you are showing now. the video of the smoke from this hit, which actually covered almost the entire city, because, let's say, this is located in the residential part of our city, and in fact this landing took place, ah, and it was almost seen, heard and felt by everyone, so we are waiting for such final information, but we can say that in this way the enemy continues to influence and destroy the economy. of our region, and by firing at large industrial enterprises, small businesses, medium-sized businesses, thus trying to stop the vital activity of our city and region. and tell me, please, was this shopping center working or not? worked worked but i understand the information about the wounded, god forbid, there are no dead yet, because i just read
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literally that the information is being clarified? yes, this information is being clarified, in order for it to be more one hundred percent, it is necessary... just wait for the final notification from the regional state administration, and do you know what the enemy hit with? artillery , artillery, that is, there are seconds, and i understand that before the arrival, yes, we always say that in nikapalica, the arrival takes place from the time of departure to 10 there 14 seconds, and of course it is very difficult for people to orient themselves and be, let's say so, in preparation for these attacks, that's why these are the realities of life in nikopol, well, now the information has appeared. i don't know if you can see it right now, which is in the very place where the investigation is ongoing, well, overcoming the consequences of the enemy attack on the shopping center is the threat of the arrival of kamikaze drones, well, i think that this information, if i know it, then the rescuers there and those people who have to pay for safety know it for sure, because the enemy very often uses this terrible tactic of his, he strikes again at the places where the flight was, through
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for a while, realizing that there could be public emergency workers , rescuers, and so on... people who, let's say, because, well, if it can be there, it can be passed on, i think, although i think that the information arrived, but this, this , again, this is a tactic that, unfortunately, the enemy uses very often, and unfortunately, sometimes both firefighters and rescuers die from this, and that is, as far as i understand, that such a story , it is simply about the life of nikopol, so that people understand how nikopol lives, that is, here, there is an air traffic signal alarms, in my opinion, it does not stop , well, that is, not the signal, but the threat itself does not turn off, because this... this is a constant approach, and as far as i know, from enemy positions, from a possible place of application of artillery, well, artillery installations to from the coastal zone, where the epicenter is located, it is 5-6 km, yes, approximately yes, depending on the territory, it can be 5 km, it can be 7 km,
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so of course it is nearby, but in reality it is far, more than 200 km, and across the kokhov reservoir and today's dnipro river, this from 5 to 7 km, so the aircraft arrive very quickly, and very often the enemy attacks with artillery, hail and drones, which have been increasing recently, unfortunately, they are such a trend not only in nikopol, in general throughout the country, that an increase in the number drones well, we understand that it can be barrel artillery, it can be a reactive volley fire system that, let's say, covers whole hectares. well, there, let's say, mlrs, hail, death, hurricane, or what else the enemy can use, but here the question is simply the readiness of the local population, because we understand that there will be an alarm here, you will not even have five minutes. of the shopping center
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, we hope to say, maybe there are some nuances there that are not the actions of citizens in this situation, visitors for three minutes, so that you at least managed to hide somewhere, well, somewhere there, like people, what what algorithm, well, again from the fact that it is possible that everything will be fine with people, how to act, because as far as i understand, it has flown here and you have to hope that it just won't affect you, well, this is probably the most important algorithm. but of course, that people try to follow constantly in the channels, the corresponding groups for possible consequences, for alarms, for the information that is provided in order to find out whether it is safe now or not, well, although more or less some information that comes in telegram channels or in what other applications, so this is the most important thing, and it is desirable for people, of course , to move around the city less, ah and... and try to avoid such centers where this can happen, well, in general, what is the situation with humanitarian aid in
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nikopol, the provision of timely communal services, there is light, electricity , well, electricity, that there is water there now, this is a problem in general, we know, after the explosion of kakhovskaya gest, this is a problem for the entire region of dnipropetrovsk oblast, in particular, and to what extent the construction of this highway has been completed from the dnipro please, uh, in principle, everything is more or less normal, despite the water problems that exist in the territory of nikopol region after the explosion of the kakhovskaya gez, but it is partially there, the corresponding situation in different territories is different, somewhere drinkable in taps, somewhere technical, somewhere water delivery, and so in principle light, gas, ah, water and all the necessary and in principle things are there, but of course we are grateful to the utilities and critical infrastructure, emergency services, who quickly fix after arrivals, the humanitarian situation is more or less normal due to the help from the state and from regional regional state
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administration funds and humanitarian missions that work in the territory of the nikopol region, of course we need to improve the situation regarding the provision of educational, cultural, sports projects for children, which, in my opinion, suffer the most in our region, because... but online education does not replace the educational process, there are no children's, sports schools, cultural events, i will just give you an example that children who play sports, well in individuals with football , they leave to hold a friendly meeting, game or training 100 km from mykopolis, and 80-100 km, you understand that it actually cannot replace, let's say, a normal training process and i can say that there is in accordance... statistics that, unfortunately, over the past two years, the children of the nikopol district have become less healthy, because they have various androsis, psychological, nervous certain problems, vision loss, this
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is actually the fact that today children have stopped playing sports less, they live in constant stress, they hear all this, understand it, and that is why we need more and more projects, and we always try to involve them today in taking grandfathers, children... to appropriate healthy sports events, but we need more of this for nikopol and more, it is also important here regarding the enemy 's informational and psychological operations, well , let's say, as we had an example with had an example with kharkiv, and that the enemy is going to kharkiv, there is one people's deputy, she said, then and and well, what the kupyans will be captured, and then they will be taken to... this is kharkiv and that's all, and since the beginning of the year there has been shelling from kharkov, of course, but the shelling in kharkiv has not stopped in principle, but since the beginning of the year , people have left kharkov because of such fears 100,000 people
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is a lot, not 5 million people live in kharkiv, there no, not six, so it is clear that 100,000 is a certain percentage of and regarding nikopol and nikopol region, the enemy is spreading an informational and psychological operation, such messages that they, well, are russian groups on the left on the left bank. of this reservoir , the former, it breaks through the tunnel, and then there will be an exit of the landing party, and they will capture nikopol, it is discussed with the people, some kind of work is being done, clarifying, maybe, and does it cause any panicky moods, do people walk, look where there may be a tunnel, well, the mood is always panicky part of the population may have, relevant information to the state administration is always given accordingly, comments on, let's say, realistically. threats, unrealistic threats that may be in the territory of the nikopol district, but i can say that for a certain period of these shellings and the daily threat and anxiety
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of the residents. are already partially accustomed to the fact that such constant hostile psychological attacks exist, but i can say that they are partially working, but i can say that our people are already in the nikopol district, after you know how have already seen everything during this time, including with their own eyes, when the zaporizhia nuclear power plant burned at the beginning of the war, so i can say that they have experienced a lot, and that is why the people are already a little resistant to these issues, and... and i can say, that there is a lot of confidence and support of the armed forces of ukraine, and therefore i can say that i think that any horror stories about the corresponding trenches are not such relevant real threats now, because there is a corresponding confidence of the armed forces of ukraine. as i always want to ask interestingly to people from certain regions or communities, what is the situation with the filling of the budget, well
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, even if we talk about the district, and nikopolshchyna. and maybe about the city, as a key center in filling this budget, do we have problems, march has already started, and how much of this money is enough to at least finance the protected articles of the budget, well, the corresponding work is always about optimization, but i also think that it is necessary to always continue this optimization of local budget expenditures, and i can say, of course , the situation... it is not good in the territory any community of the nikopol district, we have three cities, five rural communities, because a large business that works has lost very significantly from the war and, of course, the deduction of pdf, land tax, hit local budgets, you understand that what we from the beginning of the broadcast, they started talking about this shelling, well, these shellings also happen in small and medium-sized businesses, people die, get injured, and a lot of people leave, some people
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return. this of course affects the economy of the region, and of course the opportunity provision of relevant social programs , therefore for every mayor, head of community, deputy corps, it is of course always a challenge to optimize and continue in order not to stop the implementation of relevant social programs and the guaranteed ones you talked about, whether it is monitored at all , well, maybe you know what is happening in these territories, where there was... before the water of the kakhov reservoir, now it is not there, it is a wasteland, something grew there somewhere, and maybe now it will grow again, which there, as they say, the ecological situation , the biological situation, even if it is so , well, of course, nature takes its course, the old channel of the dnipro river is being restored, this is what it was before the actual creation of the kokhov reservoir, so of course the landscapes that were before that, and of course there is a thing. which today
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flows in that place, therefore, in principle , nature is gradually leveling the situation that occurred. thank you very much for the conversation, thank you for your comments, and we wish that today everything would be calmer in dnikopol, we will wait for information about the results of the investigation of the consequences of the enemy's attack on the shopping center. dmytro bachko was with us, acting as the head of the nikopol district council, and i will remind you that the enemy hit the trade area. center, we are talking about, this was the epicenter, and , if i am not mistaken, and the information about the wounded and dead is being clarified, but as you heard from mr. dmytro, that it is seconds, 5-6 km, and there are enemy artillery installations, i am now i want to quote to you what the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi said, it happened today a story that first appeared from the local
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media in odessa, which are not very... well-known, but then the greek delegation, the prime minister of greece, who arrived in odessa, said about it, and then the statement of the president of ukraine, volodymyr , appeared zelenskyi, now i am subscribed to the president in the telegram, i just need to find him and this and read this, well, actually , there was a missile attack, unfortunately, in odesa, from what the president and local authorities write , there are casualties and, killed and wounded, but there the question was that when was moving president zelensky, his motorcade yes... his guests, his guest, this happened, this hit happened, yes, well, i don't see here, i don't see now in the president, and here the question is, you know, there what was the distance from the location of the president and his guest from greece, or was it supposed to be in the port, and to the place where the attack took place, the president wrote:


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