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tv   [untitled]    March 6, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EET

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the story that appeared at first from local media in odesa, which are not very well known, but then the greek delegation, the prime minister of greece, who arrived in odesa, said about it, and then the statement of the president of ukraine volodymyr zelensky appeared, now i am subscribed to the president in telegram, you just need to find him and this and read this. well, actually, there was a rocket attack, unfortunately, in odesa , according to what the president and local authorities write , there are casualties. and dead and wounded, but there the question was that when was moving president zelenskyi, his motorcade and also his guests, his guest, this happened, this hit happened, yes, well, i don’t see here, i don’t see the president now, and here the question is, you know, what was the distance there from the place of stay of the president and his guest from greece, in my opinion it should have been in the port, and to the place where the strike took place, the president wrote: i read this
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information earlier, wrote that he saw the place of the strike, but was it far, or was it closer, in any case, the situation here is not the same, but remember, it used to be like this the story is somewhere at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, plus there are several months, when it is their chief of the general staff, or who he is, or the commander-in-chief, gerasimov, he arrived in the combat zone, well, as one of the top military , a top military officer of the army of the aggressor in russia, he arrived at the front line and the armed forces of ukraine knew about gerasimov's location and they struck, well, he did not die there, but allegedly then there was a signal from our partners, it doesn't matter here from which, from our partners, who said that what are you doing at all, well, where are you guys going, it means killing gerasimov, let's somehow not touch the key figures of russian politics, the russian military-political of this aggressive government, and here it happened...
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that there is supposedly some unknown agreement that the key figures are not being touched, the war is going on, well, but there is the president, the chief of the general staff, the supreme commander, the prime minister, they are allegedly untouchable, but how russia showed her in principle, it does not matter whether the president is riding in a motorcade, or the prime minister, or the chairman of the verkhovna rada or the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, commander-in-chief oleksandr silskyi, colonel-general. in principle, he is constantly there on the front line, so he is protected only by his comrades and shelters from enemy attacks, but here russia shows that, first of all, it scares, and this is an absolutely understandable thing, because during the entire time of this of a full-scale invasion, if we do not talk about some first stages, there are saboteurs in kyiv, this is the first, well, immediate threat head of the ukrainian state. and it will be very interesting
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to hear about what the reaction will be. mykola knyazhyts, people's deputy of ukraine is in touch with us, mr. mykola, i congratulate you, i congratulate you. if i'm not mistaken, this was, in my opinion, the first case when the president of ukraine and the representative of the official delegation from greece, well, our partner, the foreign delegation, came under fire, and it was possible not even 100 m from them fell, but this is such a story, it was the first time during the war that this happened, well, obviously they were going to... which is under fire, and therefore, it is not surprising, we have seen examples when high-ranking foreign guests, the president of germany , steinmeier, for example, hid in a shelter together with people at the time when the shelling continued, unfortunately, this is how our country is often under tension, especially odessa, ugh , well, actually, on the political issues that should be discussed, the first is the parliamentary crisis, or simply a lack of votes, the people's deputies did not decide about, well, from the servant of the people. first of
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all, they decided not to hold the meeting on march 6-8, finding certain formal ones for this arguments we have read. and explain what is happening. well, crisis and lack of votes are actually synonymous. because if there is a crisis, then the deputies do not want to vote for laws, and there is a lack of votes. and in the servant of the people party itself, as a rule , about 170 deputies vote now. many deputies are outside ukraine, especially from the so-called former. pezh, who are in groups, or non-factional, we saw photos of mp shevchenko, together with mykhailo chepliga, a blogger who is called pro-russian very often because of his views, and saw many others abroad, and democratic factions expressed their protest due to the limitation of opportunities for deputies to engage in parliamentary work, in particular, due to the impossibility of attending international conferences and forums, which are extremely important, and now for ours. when we see
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the tension of the international situation, and obviously those who invite such deputies, when they are not released from ukraine, are perceived as a personal insult in the controversial law. this reduces support for ukraine, and the deputies of these factions also protested and said that will vote on bills that are in the second reading, putting each amendment to confirmation or to a vote, it is obvious that in this way the majority decided not to hold a meeting, and this is a catastrophic situation, that is , it is a crisis with which we need to find a way out , because that russia is most interested in the fact that our state authorities do not work, we are a parliamentary-presidential republic, that is, in fact... according to our constitution, the parliament is the main institution of power in our country, not even the president, and the parliament, and when the parliament is blocked, it means that the country 's power collapses, this is what the russians wanted to achieve with their aggression, because during the collapse of power , the country is very easy to take over, so this is a very
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unfortunate situation, which speaks of unfortunately, the irresponsibility of many ukrainian politicians, at least politicians from the majority , unfortunately, i have not prepared to show this photo now, maryana is cornerless, well, she is now... not from a servant of the people, but a people's deputy who came from servant of the people in the verkhovna rada, wrote that she was somewhere there somewhere she is at the front in a helmet, but god is already writing with him that there wanted to be shelled somewhere, and she says that she wanted, i say in the original language, to eat for the night, but she said that those who get fat for the night can eat at night to dream of poroshenko sewing their pants, well, you understand, it’s just not that he’s below the level of a deputy, it’s below the principle of communication, well, an intelligent person with a higher education, but it’s just about here and here with this... it’s said, it’s like that , you know, here is the spit in parliamentarism first of all and in the voter, the second question about, this is the question that should also consider today, obviously, or tomorrow, the ban on the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, whether russian church structures will really cease to exist and work in ukraine, if this law is passed, the bill? russian
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yes, because the draft law directly prohibits the activities of structures from the country of the aggressor, in particular the russian orthodox church in ukraine, structures affiliated with it. they will obviously be able to continue operating if they break this affiliation, i.e. the law is fully in line with european norms, convention on the protection of human rights and many other conventions that ukraine has ratified, any religious organization in ukraine has the right to act, as long as it is not part of a structure that is subject to sanctions and that conducts anti-ukrainian activities, which is the russian orthodox church, which it is essentially a branch of the fsb and the russian armed forces, so it is very important. bill, it involves a serious procedure, it does not happen automatically, it is in accordance with democratic norms, and i am very pleased that our committee, i work on this committee on of humanitarian policy, yesterday i fully recommended the adoption of this bill to the parliament, considered all
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the amendments that were submitted to this bill, there are a lot of them, and i hope for the quick adoption of this bill, which should finally become law. well, one more question, consideration. there was also supposed to be a bill on the use of the english language, explain what that is? well, it is difficult for me to explain it, of course i am in favor of using the english language everywhere, but this bill for me, although it has it has certain serious grounds, er, but it has a populist character, er, there are many different norms and points that should stimulate the study of the english language, in general, the purpose of this draft law is positive, there were certain... negative moments when it was forbidden to show films in cinemas in ukrainian, if they are produced in english, only in the original language, well, these points were canceled, our committee rejected them after the first reading, now to one more question, today
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there is a storm of discussions, well, not emotions, but discussions, raised a question that, as they said, united even the ruling opposition, well , at least among the opinion leaders, those who are conventionally called zelebots parahbots. i don’t think so, but it’s so that everyone here says that here we support, the first lady of ukraine olena zelenska refused to sit next to navalny’s widow in the states, as a result, neither she nor navalny was there, but the moment itself , that's how it is clear, how do you explain this step, it was done correctly diplomatically first of all, it was wrong, how it should have been done and whether and who here, as they say, reworked or not reworked on the receiving side, it means the us government, this is not a simple question. question: ukrainians are tired of any russian colonial policy, of bad russian policies, of good russian policies, and it is obvious that navalny, who at one time allowed himself to say that crimea was not a beterburot and did not support ukraine immediately after the invasion of the 14th , left heavy wounds in the hearts of ukrainians, so the act of the first lady
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can be understood, at the same time, i would still remember that navalny before his called for the complete withdrawal of russian troops from ukraine. to pay reparations to ukraine, fully supported ukraine, and the fact that he fought with putin and killed, was killed unjustly, illegally, obviously, we should also remember that. therefore, i understand this act of the first lady, it corresponds to the thoughts and thinking of ukrainians, but at the same time, i also pay tribute to the heroism of navalny, who essentially went to fight putin to the death, so this must also be taken into account, despite this, the act of the first lady is understandable for every ukrainian. thank you very much for your comments, mykola knyazhytskyi was with us, people's deputy of ukraine, serhiy zgurets will now have an important conversation with his guest about... the latest weapons for ukraine, as we see, in this war, when there is no shortage of shells or drones,
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unfortunately, no matter how much heroism and ardor there is, the enemy must be beaten with weapons, and these weapons must be better than the enemy's, there must be more of them. serhii zgrets, director of the defense express agency, removed the military summary of the day section. sergey, congratulations, please, i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate ours viewers, today in our column we will not talk about the situation on the front line a, but about new ukrainian developments and new teams that create equipment for... the needs of the defense forces, there are examples that are worth paying attention to, we will talk about the first sample of a new tactical armored car called inguar-3 and about domestic demining machines, which are urgently needed to secure the liberated territories, more on that in a moment. we are used to what is new. ukrainian teams actively manufacture drones and military equipment for our armed forces and defense forces,
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however, in reality, the number of directions in which our developers seek to create, or have actually already created, new models of equipment and weapons for our military is much larger, and as a first example, this is the inguruar-3 multi-purpose armored car, this is a new development of a kyiv manufacturing enterprise, and literally a couple days ago... there was information about this project, its developers say that this vehicle represents a new generation of modular tactical armored vehicles that can be adapted to any task, and of course we wanted to get more details from the designers themselves, and we managed to do it, now we are joined by artem yushchuk, this is the founder and director of the inguruar company, mr. artem, welcome to the espresso channel. good day. nice, of course, i'm sure that our viewers are interested in what is the potential
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competitive advantage of your inguara machine compared to the models that are already used by security and defense forces from foreign or from our manufacturers and suppliers? well, to be honest, this is the first ukrainian europ that was developed in accordance with nato standards 4560. 9 e according to the stanak level 3 protection class, e, this is the first ukrainian modular platform that was created on its own chassis, and its main advantage is the ability to configure cars in the 4x4 or 6x6 format, as well as, accordingly, choosing 4x4 or the 6x6 version, we can change the rear capsule, which gives us the opportunity to use the car in wider... variations and cover a wider range of needs, that is, it is
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actually an option when it is not a ready-made chassis, but in fact it is such a modular design, where the body itself is a carrier design, and in fact it is an armored personnel carrier rather than an armored car. well, if we speak , we can say so, we completely refused to use a ready-made chassis, we used ready-made as a basis... we created the car and the chassis ourselves, took separately the transmission elements, the engine, some elements of the chassis, designed and manufactured it ourselves frame and e did this primarily in order to maximally localize production in ukraine and in order to implement it in practice the knowledge we gained in the process of repairing those types of equipment that are in service of the armed forces of ukraine, that is, we studied the main advantages of the technology, which, as it is currently
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used, studied the main shortcomings, and after conducting such internal scientific and experimental work, we decided to assemble it all in our own ukrainian chassis, in fact, now there is a first prototype, what are the immediate steps ahead of you now, this is a test, still an exploratory exploitation. what is ahead of this car now? now there is the first experimental sample, it has passed factory tests and now it is fully ready for... state tests, which we are now and we are engaged in, and what time is allocated for state tests, because it seems that the ministry of defense has simplified these procedures and the time allocated for this is much shorter, when do you expect the completion of this process? and yes, there is now a simplified state testing procedure and we plan to complete it within the next two months. and what's next,
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what is the availability of personnel and industrial sweat in the company now. this is in order to start producing this machine in series, taking into account those wishes that may arise after the tests. currently, we have a small relative team, we employ about 50 people who are involved in the project, and in the first year of serial or small-scale production, we plan to make no more than 150 machines. in order to assemble a team, gather industrial capacity for the rapid production of this equipment, master the manufacture of some components in ukraine that we are currently forced to purchase abroad, having passed this difficult path from the maximum localization of production during the first year, we
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plan to increase the production of cars in the following years is a multiple of this number, i.e we... give ourselves one year to maximally optimize all technological processes to increase the staff and plan to increase this number. and is there any preliminary feedback from the military regarding your project, because linguistically speaking, if the test starts, i think the military already had some views on this model, what do they say, are there any wishes, what is their first reaction? and i think it is worth noting that this car... was created primarily with the military, with the operators of these machines and crew members, since at the start project, we turned to the department of military-e-technical policy, where we received answers that at the moment there is no expediency of opening scientific research works, accordingly , we carried out such scientific research work
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ourselves and tried to attract the maximum number of people who operate. different samples of this equipment, who collect feedback , give their wishes, and thus we focused on the experience of these people , thanks to these feedback, we at the base, for example, install a radio electronic warfare system on our car, a system protection against chemical damage, operators also asked us to do. the car is as easy to repair as possible so that it can be fixed in the field, there are some banal malfunctions, so uh, first of all, all communication was reduced to the fact that we, otras , tried to get as many reviews as possible and, based on these reviews , to develop for own technical task and
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create a machine that will be really convenient and really effective in... use by our armed forces, mr. artem, and the last question is whether competition with more to the powerful manufacturers that are on the ukrainian market, there is the company practice, and ukrainian armored vehicles, and suppliers of machines, he force, and foreign manufacturers, will your company stand up among these monsters, and the need for, according to yesterday's information, the need for armored ... in of the armed forces is now about 9,000 units, taking into account the production volumes of competitors' companies, and our common task, victory, we must, on the contrary , unite in order to manufacture the maximum amount of such equipment in ukraine, join forces, help each other one with supply, with some solutions with
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production in order to get our main task. winning this war, so i think the answer is obvious. mr. artem , thank you very much for your work, we hope that the journey of your car to the army will be short enough, and inguar the third will really help our military to be more mobile, more protected, i will remind our viewers that it was artem yushchuk, the founder and director of the kyiv enterprise inguar, which designed and manufactures this interesting machine, which is now being prepared for testing, will then look for it place on the battlefield. and then... talk about another topic, we will talk about the initiatives of our designers and manufacturers in creating domestic means for demining, where there were active hostilities, the enemy was knocked out of our... lands, now we have to deal with the consequences, because 30 % of the area of ​​ukraine agricultural land is now mined by the enemy, and they are dangerous for peaceful activities,
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and this mess must be removed from our lands, while preparing for the inclusion of our next guest, a short video on this topic with inherent in ukrainian humor regarding the need for demining. let's see. stepan , stepan, stepan, what are you doing, heh, you are so scared, because you are trotting across the field in front of the tractors, and if you go, hall, i am sorry for him, look how handsome he is, and what are you doing fell, he is caressing the iron, and i feel sorry for you. "i'll go ahead myself, galya , what are you doing, galya, woman, stop, your husband is ordering you, galya, be a weasel,
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stop so that pieces of anything don't fly across the field, don't ignore the beam's warning, wait for the permission of the sappers, and now to us". denis silych joins, he is the director of the research and production company arma airline, he is not joining yet, we are now establishing contact, and i will say that in fact , the ministry of economy has held a number of meetings with various foreign manufacturers, the ministry of emergency situations and the ministry of defense are also counting for foreign support in the supply of demining machines that can also perform military functions for the armed forces and the ministry of emergency situations. and the functions of humanitarian demining, it turns out to be two different components, because humanitarian demining is humanitarian demining requires such less requirements
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than the military, and now we see the machine that armaline is currently developing and where we now expect the inclusion of its director, this machine has the same modular basis, it has such a certain highlight inside that allows to reduce. .. uh, the financial burden of creating such a machine, and it somewhat resembles those samples, demining machines, which we already receive for the armed forces and for the ministry of emergency situations, for the ministry of economy from our partners, in particular , the well-known machine of the czech bozhen piata, but now we let's see a video about god's heel, it is actually considered a top development that is used in a number of countries for demining. and now we see how this machine is used in ukraine, it is a system that is quite expensive,
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but as we can see, in principle, all these demining machines are built according to a similar modular scheme, but what is the highlight of our machine, now it joins us denis silych, director of the research and production company armaline, mr. deniso, welcome to the espresso channel, see and hear, now we will show the design of your car, and tell us about what is special about it, why you decided, you decided to work in this direction, although i will remind you that domestic cars are the third, you also had a hand, because you designed the car that we discussed with previous guest, but now you, as the director of the company , are creating a demining machine, so what is its special feature, why... do we need it, what are its features? yes, this is now a very relevant topic, demining the territories of our country, we already have a lot of samples of foreign equipment,
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but we need to create something of our own, so our company decided to occupy this niche and start with a simple machine, a small class, an analogue of bazhena 4, it has the same power, the same demining organs, but there is more, how to say, newer in development, newer technologies are used in the design, so we can improve something , actually, than the existing samples at the moment, mr. darisa, what is the peculiarity, relatively speaking, we know that bozhena is worth it, i don’t know , in the range of 500-600 thousand euros, you are mine they said that you have such a solution that
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allows you to significantly reduce the price. manufacturing, but not without reducing the functionality of this machine. see, bozhena and or other machines, such as croatian, dokim, they are delivered in a complex, many, various equipment , it is a milling machine, a chain shaft, an excavator, a manipulator, which allows you to make the machine more universal, more engineering machine, not only a machine.. . mechanized demining, our machine also has this option, but the basic configuration will be for mechanical demining, er, what we have improved is that we will increase the productivity of the machine, there is no such overheating, er, we have increased the power of the engine, between analogs, which allows
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you to cover a little more in an hour, er... the area of ​​demining, and this is in generally reduces the time for demining itself. mr. denys, at what stage is the development now, or when will the tests begin, are there requirements for such machines in civilian structures in the military, so what does this mean? look, now we are already collecting the first test sample, and it will be tested already. primarily e testing with, well, factory tests, then for experimental operation, there are uh, yes, its technical requirements from the military or from private companies engaged in humanitarian demining, but it all depends on how the machine will show itself in the tests themselves, what will be its ability withstand mines, the number of these mines, in one pass. without
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, let's say, sending this machine for repair, this is all prescribed, we already have detu 8820 and international documents, such as imas 9020, they regulate the operation of these machines, as well the ministry of defense is developing a tactical and technical task for this machine, i hope that we... will enter this technical task and everything will be as we planned. sir, can this machine be used not only for humanitarian demining there, but for the provision of military units, because when we talk to the brigades, everyone complains about the lack of engineering equipment, and if they had such a a fast, small machine that can also deal with demining, there is also an excavator, something there
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dig, then they were delighted that... such a machine was in their staff, is there such a possibility in the future for the military itself to supply such a development? yes, first of all yes, there is such a possibility, and i will say that most of the machines that we, from partners, receive, they have such a function, and our machine will have such a function, also, it is an excavator, a manipulator, a loader, it will allow us to do some engineering works, buildings under construction. for protection, that is, to carry out engineering equipment of the area, mr. deniso, i would like to i wish you success in your project , i hope that we will support it with information , because this project is interesting in that it actually meets the needs of the armed forces and the civilian population, and i would like to remind our viewers that it was denys silych, director of the research and production company armaline , which is currently engaged in the development of a demining machine, which
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is directed by us for... humanitarian needs, but as we can see, it can also be used by the armed forces, especially against the background of these constant conversations that fortifications are needed, and for this there is a lack of equipment, i hope that such solutions will help our armed forces. these were the main, rather defense and industrial results of this day, and more international and economic news later on vasyl zima's big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. thanks to serhiy zurts, thanks to his guest. these were the military results of the day. good evening, we are from ukraine. well, the second hour of the great ethereum is ahead. stay tuned, there will be a lot of important, interesting information and nikki haley's decision whether she will run for president of the united states of america or continue she is fighting for the nomination from
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the republican party. money during the war also has a lot of important and interesting information.


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