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tv   [untitled]    March 6, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EET

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there were gas debts, and discounts on gas, and many, many things, and it was clear that it is fundamentally, fundamentally important for russia to keep crimea as a large base, a naval base, first of all, because this infrastructure, which is in new russia and beyond, which they can build in abkhazia, it may be there in the future, well, serious, what a serious harbor, and it does not give an opportunity, maybe. the entire black sea, such as sevastopol, is it possible to say now that in the future, that russia cannot and will not be able to restore the presence of the eye in the crimea of this entire large grouping, which has existed since the time of the soviet union and was of great importance for the entire black sea basin, we crimea, crimea... we will release, yes, therefore
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, of course, there are some conversations, agreements, that 's all, history, here in why, of course, the matter is the geographical position of crimea in the black sea, but on the map behind my head you can see that it is the center of the black sea, and the black sea, it is small, yes, well, what is there from sevastopol to the bosporus 501 kilometers direct e and we are still in our reports before the beginning during the great war, after the occupation of crimea, in the 17th and 18th years, these circles were drawn on maps , and the fact is that all the coastal missile complexes that are in service with the russian black sea fleet in the crimea are ee.
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even with the smallest ranges, even the oldest ones, they covered the entire territory of the black sea, including the coast of romania, including the coast of turkey and so on, that is, they tried to create, well, there is a special term, a zone of prohibited access, yes, where the entire complex of weapons, which they concentrated there, and this includes anti-aircraft guns s-400. crimea was the first to receive, and the bastion and bal coastal complexes , and they drove a bunch of iskanders there, that is, there was a lot of this missile component, which allowed them to really control theoretically on the maps the entire water area of ​​the black sea, well, it didn’t happen that way, we and you we see, and one of the reasons why it didn't happen like that and whether it could happen again in some... near future, here they
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have serious problems, well, look, only that we looked at open sources, and we are doing it every day, in the last calendar year, the ukrainian armed forces almost they attacked objects on the territory of the crimean peninsula 200 times, and 60%. of these attacks , they were concentrated on the western coast of crimea, i.e. sevastopol, yupatoria, saki, chornomorsk, zodolnia, i.e. these and tsylar were just military airfields, and there are many of them, in crimea there are up to 11 military airfields of the first class left after the soviet the union, and almost all of them, means that russia has been restored. their use,
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of course, that this, the attack, the attacks were on radar complexes that monitored sea traffic in black the sea, the last of such interesting ones is when the military intelligence of ukraine destroyed the very locators of surface and underwater observation and air, which were located. on the objects, on the platforms of the black sea aftogas, and they are located between zmiyny island and cape torkhankut in the crimea, so, and finally, of course, that the attacks - here in relation to attacks on military ships, well, look, er, only for the past year we counted by ships at sea, by ships at sea, i emphasize not... not counting those
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cases when there were attacks in the bay, when that means there were attacks on ships at the sevastopol shipyard, and there were at least 26 attacks on ships at sea, and, i put an exclamation mark here, most of these attacks took place at a distance of approximately 120 kilometers from the bosphorus, that is, and i already mentioned that from the bosphorus to sevastopol 501, that is, it was closer to the coast of turkey, that is , it is there exactly where the recommended so-called routes of commercial vessels that go from the bosphorus in the direction pass. stubbornness of great odessa, and it was these attacks that led to the fact that the russians began to be afraid to go to sea not only in the area of ​​zmiiny island, but where they already understand that
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ukrainian missiles can hit them wherever they can, even where there is a route for commercial ships to odessa, because they had an unpleasant... experience attacks by ukrainian naval drones, but this should also be evaluated calmly and realistically, because of course, now that the russians have already copied a ukrainian drone, they have the opportunity, because they have a huge industrial base, there are such copies, yes, to organize their mass production, and i have a feeling that we see... this year, as march passes , april, may comes, when there will be less storms, in the black sea, realistically speaking, we will see an escalation of the naval war in the black sea, so yes, now we have
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an advantage yes, there are achievements , and they are very interesting and important, but nothing is over yet and everything, everything will be. different, but about our victories and achievements as a result of yesterday's destruction of the russian patrol ship sergey kotov in the black sea, seven people died, at least 27 russian occupiers were injured, about this reports the main directorate of intelligence of the ministry of defense, and natalya gumenyuk, the head of the press center of the southern defense forces, stated that the destruction of the newest patrol ship caused losses to the defense capabilities of russian military bases in the black... sea, she stated this on the air of the espresso tv channel. let's listen to what natalia humanyuk said. we are talking about a patrol ship, which is fairly new, since it was launched on july 30, 22, that is
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, already at the time of the full-scale invasion, and in principle it obviously performed the function protection of base points, protection of that infrastructure. which still remains with the fleet in the water areas and harbors of the black sea on the crimean peninsula, since it is equipped with anti-aircraft systems, that is, it was a kind of guard and defender. mr. andriy, how do these strikes and how are our capabilities at the current stage, how do they affect the capabilities of the russian merchant... fleet, because we know that oil, russian oil, is mostly exported from the ports of novorossiysk and transported by the black sea, well, to posphorus, of course, and this is one of the main ways for of russian oil because all the other seas
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are too far away and not as good logistically, does that affect russia's capabilities? well, actually... this is a very serious issue, and today, if you take an average year there, about 4 million tons of crude oil and 4 million tons of petroleum products are exported, and there is mostly novo-russian, but there is also a toa pse, when to where our aerial drones have recently arrived, there is also the port of taman, eh... well, there are ports of the sea of ​​azov, where exports also come from, this from rostov, azov, there is timryuk, taganroh , yeisk, the port of kavkaz, actually, well, those who want can do so, there are 8 million tons, yes, on average there are 80 dollars per barrel, i take the average between
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the price of crude oil and petroleum products, yes , you can multiply 8 million by seven. and three will be multiplied by 80 in barrels, and it will be hundreds of millions of dollars annually, which the russian federation will receive from this, yes, the black sea. chased the baltic after the baltic used to be the leader among them in the export of oil and petroleum products, because a large part of the export went to the european union, it is close there, and now it should mean that the palm of primacy, so to speak, has passed to the ports of the black sea and the sea of ​​azov, and approximately 40% of russian oil exports are petroleum products. from the black sea, er, and of course we can't
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like it, er, just like they can't like, er, the ukrainian sea corridor, which they no longer control, as it once was with oloni in turkish, and here there is a huge question, and this question is called the at the beginning of the last century, there are several geac conventions that regulate, this is not the law of the sea, the law of the sea is about peace, about a peaceful situation, it is about war at sea , and there are these conventions, which are all ratified by ukraine and russia, in including there after the collapse of the soviet union, they prohibit, they say that it is not possible to... attack commercial ships of third countries that are not participants in the war. and,
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today, uh, there is just such a situation that, uh, most of all, the vast majority of tankers that go, uh, from russian ports, the black sea of ​​azov, these are not russian tankers, these are tankers of greece, tankers of turkey, china, vietnam, saudi arabia. etc. etc. from greece, turkey, as well as china, germany and 25 other countries, that is, if russia strikes
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a commercial ship that goes to or from odessa ports and belongs to a third party country, yes a third country, it is russia, russia cannot help but understand that this will instantly cause very large-scale. well, for example, a significant number of countries will refuse to work with russian ports at all, that is, any ship that leaves from there will not be serviced in foreign ports, that is, for them there is a huge question for their sea exports, and this, i am sure that they they know about it and take it into account, but it is not possible here. include today's strike, most likely something like a scanderoem from the territory
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crimea through the odesa port or the korean analogue of the north korean, it cannot be ruled out the situation that the russian federation will be able to when the great pue's nerves can't stand it. and they will launch a missile strike with ballistics, which is difficult to miss the ports of odessa, then this can lead to the escalation of the war at sea, very powerful thank you, thank you, mr. andriy, it was andriy klymenko, editor-in-chief of the black se news portal, head of the monitoring group of the institute of strategic black sea research, then we have tatiana in touch nikolayenko, journalist, member of the public anti-corruption council. at the ministry of defense of ukraine, a person who knows about corruption in the ministry of defense, everything, or practically
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everything. tatyana, i congratulate you, thank you for being here, good evening. let's start with the blackmail of atomservice, the ministry of defense, which was provided by the company that supplied food to the armed forces of ukraine. you published this document, which is about blackmail, or simply put, an ultimatum. when the atomservice company says that all conditions for participation in the bidding must be exclusive made for them, what does this mean, i.e. who and why in... the year of the great war and in the 11th year of the russian-ukrainian war allows themselves to blackmail the ministry of defense and why this is happening, and unfortunately, first of all , today we understand that it's not only atomservice, that it's about all the companies that have been supplying food for amino defense for the past decade, and they
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staged a demarche today, that is, not even today, yesterday after they actually lost the court through one of the plaintiffs' companies against dot when they failed cancel the conditions that were written in the contracts, namely the penalties for non-compliance with the military part of the goods to be delivered, as well as for the untimely delivery of the goods, they simply all withdrew their offers from the auctions that were to take place in the coming days on prozoro, i.e. actually these companies. the ministry of defense has given an absolutely specific ultimatum that now your troops will remain hungry, because you did not agree to our terms, you do not want us to be a business as it is convenient for us, and of course, i honestly did not see such impudence is nowhere and never there, even if i do not monitor all the trades that
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take place in other spheres, i have never heard of such impudent actions of the cartel as happened. now we are providing food for the military, and of course we are very worried, because these companies, because they have a monopoly on the supply of food for the armed forces, and they can do whatever and however they want to blackmail the defense so that they go to their conditions, including through the conclusion of direct contracts, are currently unknown to us. what happened already at the last meetings in the ministry, what decisions were made regarding how the contracts will be concluded, whether they will be concluded by the dot or in some other way, so we are waiting for these news, but really this is just a blatant situation when suppliers, the ministry of defense had a colossal margin, we can
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recall accounts chamber reports, we can recall... the statements of the national anti-corruption bureau, which indicated that the walrus campaigns can be from 26% to 100% on specific products, so that they never supply 409 items that provided, and for the supply to the military, that they supply only 26% of the catalog, and we saw, i literally spent the last weekend trying to find criminal proceedings against these companies, and indeed the sbi and the national... the police recorded, that atomservice, for example, tried to bribe one of the military in order to supply much cheaper products, write off more expensive ones, that the assets of the company, which we know well, through 17 eggs, they entered into a criminal conspiracy with the head of one of the military parts, and they reduced
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the food supply of the military of this part by just one third. and stole money, which was actually written off through fake invoices, we understand in the groman anti-corruption council that such a scheme was definitely not in one military unit, that it is quite difficult to detect them, if the military themselves do not surrender, we have a suspicion that there are also dishonest scammers, there are quite a lot of them, which is why such schemes exist, they allow us to launder a lot of money from our budget and... well, in this case, it simply unacceptable, because in fact we create an opportunity for unknown people who do not produce anything, do not transport any goods anywhere to any front line, and in fact have some incredible margin for themselves, build hotels in croatia, have a great life, and at the same time
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we periodically we receive complaints from the military, then some kind of... shonka , which consists of veins and bones, then oil in which there is nothing but vegetable fats, then mandarins that rotted there a week ago, but they were sent to the military unit, and then fish, excuse me, in which worms have already started, but they are still brought by the military, and we, when we just entered the ministry of defense, and we asked the employees of the state procurement department, how many complaints are submitted by the state? against such suppliers , we were told that there was a big problem, because the parts did not always have time to submit applications to the suppliers in three weeks, and the suppliers took advantage of this and... paid what was profitable for them, that is, conditionally, if you wanted a sausage from them of the highest grade, then they brought you sausages of the third grade and said: yes, eat it, it is your, your fault that you did not
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ordered on time, well, it is also desirable for us to hurry what you actually ordered, so that there are no nuances, and the military there do not have special, well, the military must be fed, they must eat something, and they often agreed to what was brought to them instead of buckwheat overfishing, instead of beef, pork and... in this way, companies received excess profits, our military, who risk their lives, received just some disgusting food. tatyana, tatyana, tatyana, here you are telling, and it is clear that these problems are much more than you can tell, and much more than i can ask, and it can be seen that, that this is an endless kind of shaft going on, and we in our previous inclusions with you ... talked about what was the previous composition of the leadership of the ministry of defense, then rustem mumierov came, then there was reform, reforms of anti-corruption officials in the ministry of defense,
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tell us, is something changing in these structures, or will we always catch them by the tail like rats and say: well , here's the nuclear service, here's grynkevich, here's more someone, and that is, it is endless, for someone war, for some, the mother is their own. and if dot can now take away the collection of applications, it will already be a significant step forward, because they will at least accumulate data on how much potatoes, meat, and milk are needed to provide for our military, and in this way they will also make this impossible corruption on the ground, because there will be no such contact between the military unit and the supplier, this is a very big deal, and that is why this really big thing is happening because of this nuance... they gave it now, because they do not want the suppliers to know and be there such a bridge in the eyes of communication between the part
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and the supplier, so it will allow us to move forward, unfortunately, we were very much counting on a reform that would allow us to purchase directly from manufacturers, now the ministry has found, well, i don't know if this is a compromise, or if it is a success, or this is already a failure, and because... there literally in a few days the discussion went from the fact that there would be an experiment in three areas, then it was shortened to an experiment in one area, where there will be just purchases by individual food groups from manufacturers and separately to buy logistics, and i think that the opponents are very much counting on this experiment to fail, we actually really hope that it will succeed and that way the state will invest its money, the small money of a real manufacturer who has a hired... signal, not there are some filkin letters and it is not clear who, that is, people who most likely do not exist, who do not have warehouses or
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transport, and this will be another step forward, but unfortunately, it is now postponed, most likely until the end of the year , and therefore i am afraid that this will probably be a task for the next one of the anti-corruption council, which will be elected there, or i don't know how the ministry will appoint these people, but... but it is a very long way, unfortunately, we would like it to be a little faster, of course, because it is very there are many problems of the ministry of defense, not only food, there will be a lot of work , i can’t help but ask you about hristo gruziev and his statement by the head of belinket, who said that russia had a fairly wide agent network among ukrainian politicians and law enforcement officers, and about anti-corruption they talk about what they... worked there for the fsb and the game, then a large-scale invasion began, well , in a word, let's listen to christ groziv better so that i don't repeat him.
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there are a lot of people who were political activists in pro-liberal organizations and even in organizations financed by western foundations, who also met and probably received money or something else, but most likely money from the fifth department of the fsb. of them were supervised by the gru, part by the fifth department of the fsb. now we do not see their activity on benefit of the russian occupation authorities. on the contrary, we see that they take a pro-ukrainian position. maybe something has changed inside them. i am not sure how much information should be published about them, their names. maybe they are defending their country. to be honest, i was confused by what he was saying, and especially what he promised to make public. investigation, because hristo gruziev has a reputation, but this statement is frankly not completely clear to me, can you explain who he was actually
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talking about? unfortunately, i don't have any either ideas, i would not even like to create a field for the kind of speculation that some telegram channels are currently carrying out, and because they simply do not raise yerakin to specific people now, it would probably be more correct on grozev's part to issue an investigation and to specifically accuse people of something, and it would be completely in the spirit of this organization, after all , as you rightly said, it has a certain reputation, and because to make such an accusation that... well, they might have something, but i don't i don't know if it should be made public or if they have changed position, well, it's like if you have some information, but you haven't finalized it and therefore you don't know what to do with it, yes, ah, well, therefore , it would probably be better to continue the investigation, do it, as it is, to ask some comment from these people, and then to decide whether to publish their surnames or not, because now it is such
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a simple field for manipulation, and... unfortunately, our society, it is already quite unbalanced, it has a lot of paranoid attitudes and a lot of internal conflicts that prevent us from being a united nation in the fight against our real enemy, and this only makes us weaker, and therefore it seems to me that all these theories about the third maidan, i understand that russia will really shake things up now and prove the illegitimacy of the president, but it seems to me that it is not very logical to talk about the third . the maidan, because we understand that for russia in general the maidan is something completely unacceptable and foreign, and they will never go to it, because they will never allow free thinking in their country and demonstrations against the government, that is, it is completely foreign to them and hostile, but really we are living in an era when there will be a lot of throwbacks, and i am with... i talk
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casually there with women who left kherson, or live two cities away, and they, too, and if you also saw the message about tsipso , that kherson will surrender, unfortunately, these people are so influenced by such information, they are afraid for their city, they are afraid that they will surrender, and i periodically come across posts in social networks of people with whom i wrote interviews after the liberation of kherson , and they also have such rather complex impressions, and therefore we are probably better off would work. to reassure these people, to give them confidence that no one will turn anyone in, so it will be very difficult for us, this year, unfortunately, we do not have the support from the united states of america, which we are very calculated, we have very few reserves, so this year will be a year of defense for us, and the most important thing is that the russians do not advance and take some more of our territories, thank you tetyana, well, we will wait for
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this investigation by khristo gruziv, because... interesting it would be interesting to see what he will do as a result will say, and what this announcement is connected with, including. thank you for the conversation, it was tetyana nikolayenko, journalist, member of the public anti-corruption council under the ministry of defense of ukraine. friends, during this broadcast we are conducting a survey. we are asking you about this today. do you approve of zelenskyi's decision not to attend biden's speech to congress. at this speech, zelenskyi wanted to sit next to yulia navalny, zelenskyi refused. did zelenska do the right thing by abandoning it, but now we see intermediates results 43% yes 57% no. next , we will broadcast news from our bbc colleagues, we will continue the survey in the second part of our program, and in 15 minutes we will return to the studio, where political experts maksym rozumny and oleksiy koshel will be, stay with us.
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the presidential election in the united states is in november, but now it is clear that americans will again choose between biden and trump. this made voting on super tuesday's great primaries one of the most important days in the race for the white house, the results of which are being discussed today on bbc news ukraine. live from london, i'm evgenia shedlovska. let's start with the fact that the primaries in the united states are such preliminary elections, when the parties, democrats and republicans , determine through voting who they will send to the elections. officially, the presidential candidates will be nominated in the summer, but it is already clear who they will be, trump and biden. the results of the primaries, which took place on super tuesday, actually confirmed this.


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