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tv   [untitled]    March 6, 2024 9:00pm-9:29pm EET

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the presidential elections in the united states are as far back as november, but now it is clear that americans will again choose between biden and trump, this was shown by voting on the great primaries of super tuesday, one of the most important days in the fight for the white house, about its outcome. we're talking today on bbc news ukraine live from london, i'm evgenia shedlovska. let's start with the fact that the primaries in the united states are such preliminary elections, when the parties, democrats and republicans , determine through voting who they will send to the elections. officially, candidates in presidents will be nominated in the summer, but it is already clear who it will be, trump and biden. the results of the primaries, which took place on super tuesday, actually confirm this. this is a very
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important day of the election campaign, because millions of voters vote on one day. both republicans and democrats hold primaries in 14 states at once, marked in yellow on this map, plus republicans vote for their nominees in alaska and democrats in american samoa. it is such an island territory of the united states in the pacific ocean, and it is there that biden won the first defeat he was passed by this man, jason palmer. have you heard of him? i just found out today, a businessman from baltimore, who , by the way, ran his campaign virtually, and his website crashed when people started looking up who he is, but in reality, biden is not in danger on the way to the presidential nomination. the current president is the primary nominee of the democratic party. the only thing is that now you can't say that biden won everywhere on super tuesday, let alone trump, even though he got a convincing advantage in a number of states: alabama, california, 70. votes, texas 60%, but still in one of
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the 15 states, trump lost, although this did not stop him from celebrating. it is called super tuesday for a reason, it is a force, and analysts and others tell me that it has never happened before, that the result has never been so convincing. and trump has no rivals left in the republican party, because his only one... haley left the election race. with not empty hands , she won exactly one state in vermont and thereby prevented trump from declaring about absolute victory. in her farewell speech, haley congratulated trump, but did not urge her entourage to vote for him. actually, listen to what she said. now donald trump has to win the votes of those in our party and the wider society who do not support him. and i hope he does. and this is at
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best a way to get people to support you, not push them away from you. we conservatives need new supporters now, and it fell to him to win them over. so how, will haley's supporters vote yes trump, or maybe for biden? we will see how the fact that the votes of the republicans have been divided so far can affect the election results in november, but now we can talk about what these presidential elections in the usa mean, where it is most likely to... this is what american sociologist robert kegale says. it will be a rematch, while many americans are trying to get comfortable and see if it will be year three or something else. it looks like it's going to be the rematch that no one wanted, but that's exactly what everyone got, because this is how the system is arranged, the president is rewarded by the fact that he gets the right to run for office. for four years. does it matter if you
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approve of his performance in office? this is what happened with biden, although his support is not very large. you know, since the previous presidential election, so many republicans are still convinced that trump did not lose then. exit polls confirmed this. most of the people who vote for him in the republican primaries do not believe that he lost last time. this is a strong motivation, because it makes these people say: "i want this revenge to right the wrong." and nikki gaye is very, very smart, she's now dealing, whether she likes it or not, with the kind of republican party that puts america first, there's no place for her in that party, so she's using the current opportunity to network with the best journalists and mainstream media to be able to become a lischenie on television, a commentator, i think she has a plan for the next four or eight years, based on the assumption that the party will tire of the current course, and abandon
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she is not going to fulfill her ambitions. but while trump failed to secure the support of haley, who dropped out of the race, he received the support of a heavyweight of his own. party, the leader of the republicans in the senate, mitch mcconnell, has not supported any of the republican candidates to this day, now he has supported trump, although he had disputes with trump in the past, so how is the republican party rallying around trump before the elections, oleksandr kraev, expert, is in touch with us ukrainian prizma foreign policy council, let's talk about the upcoming presidential elections in the us, not yet an official nomination, but it is already clear that these two candidates will compete in the elections. so how will biden and trump conduct their election campaign after this super tuesday, what could be the changes? as they say in america, the gloves have been thrown off, and now the campaign may actually get a lot tougher. we have already heard insiders among biden's political technologists that now biden
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will adopt a much more provocative informational position, they will really try to make trump constantly react, and not create his own narrative. they will to try to force... to say more very reactive, very non-standard things, which , according to the calculations of biden's political technologists, should just sink trump's rating and greatly undermine his position, on the other hand, trump is clearly not going to lag behind, we can already see from his first statements, when he said that the lives of hundreds of thousands of dead in ukraine and israel at the hands of biden, so now the campaign is only gaining momentum, and it will become much more provocative and much tougher. proceeds in the informational and political sense, well trump also stated again that there would be no war in ukraine if he were president, observers say that it is trump who is blocking consideration of aid to ukraine in congress, but in fact this us election campaign has already led to the fact that american aid to ukraine is not
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being considered in congress, under what circumstances will this aid be unblocked? it seems to me that at this stage the key nexus in terms of aid goes to the ... to the federal budget, we see that until march 22nd, the american federal system continues to operate on so the so-called temporary budget, but with the adoption of a permanent budget, because further delaying this issue is simply dangerous for the american economy, accordingly, the house of representatives will take up the issue of the southern border, even then the trumpists will have to agree with their party and the democrats, that the moment has come for considering the issue of aid to ukraine, because... again, the circumstances require it, a rational assessment of the economic situation requires it, and this is what america needs, including in order to to support economic and political stability. well, but how these victories in the primaries, biden celebrates, trump celebrates, how the results of the primaries will be reflected in
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the results of the elections, because we are talking about the previous intra-party elections, but what do you see, what is the level of support. these candidates, future candidates? first of all, it is worth starting with the fact that the primaries reveal the questions that their own voters have for their candidates. let's say, both biden and trump have a very big problem that a significant part of their voters, in biden is 80% of democrats, trump has 55% of republicans, who believe that they are too old to be president. we also see that during each individual primaries there are different groups. voters ask candidates various questions about the near east, about economic policy, border policy, and so on. therefore, primemarries , both for observers and for the voters themselves, is an opportunity to ask the candidates very direct questions. and if we talk about the level of support, then in principle, biden, no matter how strange it sounds, shows himself even more
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stable we see that the democratic party is rallying around him much more actively because trump's loss in d.c., trump's loss in the repair. downward trends in his support, because in principle the expected support for him is always 10% higher than the actual one, indicate that the republicans are still not convinced that trump is still the best candidate, he is the only one, but far from the best candidate. and these are the same two states that won the primary with nikki haley, who dropped out of the race, but the question is in the air, where, to whom will nikki's voters go hayley? this is an extremely difficult question, but we can... already predict that they will split in principle into two key camps. most of her support are those republicans who, according to the very good phrase of christy, will vote with their noses pinched, that is, for them it will be important that the republican wins, for them the most important thing is to support the candidate from
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their party and bring their own party to power, there will obviously be such the majority, however small, of those who voted for haley were independent voters, independents voters who wanted ... an alternative to biden, and that's where we 're going to be most interested in, they can go to either trump or biden, looking at who 's going to convince them and how, because that's what those people want to see. .. an alternative, neither trump nor biden obviously suited them, since they supported haley, so the fight for them is just beginning. thank you, oleksandr kraev, an expert of the ukrainian prism foreign policy council, was in touch with us. well, polls show that americans don't support the idea a rematch between trump and biden. why? the age of the candidates, the cases against donald trump, plus the outcry over biden's policy on israel's gas war. there was such a protest during the primaries. voting, what's the mood in the united states on super tuesday, which was a super predictable
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tuesday, this is a bbc report from colorado. getting to the top of the ratings is a necessary condition to convince people that the white house is good, but john biden's problem is a lack of enthusiasm, even among his own electorate. i think he was a good president, but i think there are doubts about his leadership. at his age, it worries me that we nominated him. and is that enough to get you to vote republican? would i have thought that if it was nikki haley? how afraid are democrats to lose to trump? i think they have already lost in their hearts. far from the ballot boxes , you can feel more comfortable in a cat cafe. whatever your politics, voters everywhere aren't enthused by a rematch between trump and biden. i'm not interested in politics at all, probably. because i don't like our candidate, i don't think he's accomplished much, and he's old. but if
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age is just a state of mind, that didn't stop america's oldest president from joining tiktok. of course, this also applies to trump's age, but analysts say that it is a much bigger problem for democrats. this is something that really worries many democrats. polls show, the race is going to be very tight, probably with a small margin for trump, and i think the real problem for the democrats are that they don't know what to do with it, even if they could nominate an alternative candidate, there's no telling who that would be. this time the president was much more confident in the numbers. according to the last five polls, i will win, five. five in a row. super tuesday added another challenge: six states, added. the option for democratic voters to choose an undecided ballot is a protest vote
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against biden's stance on the war between israel and gaza. surveys show that the majority of people in the us have already decided who to vote for, so turnout matters, if you haven't already convinced your electorate to get off the couch and go vote, it could be decisive. they believe that the fate of these elections will be decided by a small margin, not who voted. and the one who stayed at home with the cat. and more about the meaning of super tuesday. to what extent the fate of the presidential elections in the united states has already been decided, read on our website. trump lost one state. biden also stumbled, how super tuesday determined the fate of the us election. this is an article on our website and, despite the fact that this super tuesday took place in the united states, when from... in 15 states, but still it is not yet a nomination, not an official
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nomination of presidential candidates, and the republican party and the democratic party will officially determine their candidates in the summer, but super tuesday became the measure that showed the support of the candidates and, most likely, it is biden and trump who will meet again in the elections on november 5. well, our pages in social networks, so as not to miss the most important news, in particular about the american presidential elections, we are on facebook, instagram and tik tok, on youtube you can watch our broadcast, if you suddenly missed it live, i say goodbye to you, thank you for watching, see you, untimely sociology, good fortune is predicted ... a victory over zelenskyi, who needs pre-election ratings during the war.
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for the next 45 minutes, we will talk about this and other things with our guests, whom i will introduce in just a few minutes. let me just remind you, friends, that we do not only work live espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are now watching us live there. please like this video, subscribe to our platforms and participate as well. our survey, today we ask you whether you approve of zelenskyi's decision not to attend biden's speech to congress, very briefly, zelenskyi during the speech. before the congress, which is to be held on march 7, biden was supposed to be seated next to yulia navalna, and it was supposed to be a symbol struggle and the ukrainian people, as a representative of which are olena zelenska and yulia navalny, who is the widow of oleksii navalny, against the putin regime. so, we ask
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you this: do you approve of zelenskyi's decision not to go and not participate in biden's speech. to the congress 0800 211 381 yes no 0 800 211 382 if you watch us on tv in youtube everything is quite simple either with the yes button or the no button. if you have your own opinion, please write it in the comments below this video. let me remind you that all calls to these numbers are free at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. i want to introduce today's guest of our studio, this is maksym rozumny, a political expert, a political doctor. nauk, mr. maxim, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening. oleksiy koshel, political scientist, head of the committee of voters of ukraine. mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast. thank you, good evening. so, gentlemen, i also have a short question for you, first about whether it
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is correct that zelenska refused to fly, of course, in the official message of the office the president of ukraine does not. nothing is said about the fact that zelenska did not want to sit next to yulia navalny, but the washington post today writes that this was the reason why the first lady of ukraine did not want to fly to washington and be at this solemn ceremony of biden's speech to congress, how do you perceive it, whether zelenska did it right or wrong , and whether it is right that ukraine. the party does not allow at any moment to question our desire to defeat russia and our desire to win, including the good russian ones, mr. maksym. i do not think that in this case it was about some kind
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of confrontation between olena zelenskaya and the widow of oleksii navalny. rather, there would be a very unfavorable context for the first lady of ukraine, and she accordingly did the right thing, and it is obvious that this decision was made by a wider circle of people involved, zelenskyi's headquarters, relatively speaking, because in this situation, of course, yulia navalna won, precisely she would become the main character, she would be in the center of attention, and completely undeservedly, because after all, olena zelenska, the wife of the president, that is, she represents her by status, including the ukrainian state, and yulia navalna represents so far only herself, only the memory of her husband, well, and
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a small circle of russian oppositionists, with logic public relations. er, and the spin doctor and everything else that goes with it, it was absolutely the right decision, the only thing, of course, is that we risk somewhat spoiling the relationship with the biden administration, maybe with him personally, since it is clear that it was about their biden's own staff pr find, it should look spectacular, it should work. on uh, his image as a person who is not only able to support ukraine, but also gives some prospect of reforming russia, we will have to fight with this for as long as it takes, and uh, i don't know how successfully, uh , this is the desire
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to see the russia of the future, democratic and so on, this is absolutely uh, well, such a long-running story, we will deal with it in the near future, maybe even a decade, and here the logic of the americans can be understood in principle, they always yes acted in the fight against such regimes, they found some alternative, promoted it and at the right moment it worked, that is, it is a political technology, and the fact that we perceive it very emotionally and look at it from our point of view. changes absolutely nothing in american politics, well , without a doubt, the americans wanted to use this story, well, first of all, joseph biden during his election campaign, and it is clear... that here is the russian yulia navalna, here is the ukrainian olena zelenska, well, that’s almost as in the vatican in in 2022, they wanted ukrainians and russians, or
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a ukrainian woman and a russian woman, to carry the cross, and in this way they showed, the pope wanted to show that what this unity is, that we all carry this cross through life anyway, mr. oleksiy, how you perceive this whole story with yulia navalny, well, maksym explained everything clearly enough about their statuses, but it is clear that in this situation, apparently, some ukrainians did not accept such a neighborhood of zelensky next to navalny, and even more so all these stories with a sandwich oleksiy navalny, they would have, in principle, probably... the opposite effect in ukraine, and did the world understand this, except for the united states of america, that, well , biden put two women who are fighting
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against putin next to each other, but in different ways and in different places, by the way. on many, many platforms in the world, there is a temptation to sit next to ukrainians and russians, to play such a game that there is a part of good russians there, there is an opposition, there is something else, and you... absolutely rightly mentioned the pope of rome and this story with two girls who will carry there to lead the procession, a similar story with the nobel peace prize, which was shared , including with the russians, and there are quite a lot of such stories, there are sports grounds, cultural, cultural various events, they say, culture outside of politics and much more, ukrainian diplomacy made absolutely free , are free. the right decision, it is not the decision of elena zelenska, of course, it is also obvious to the ministry of foreign affairs, maybe the site of the national security and defense council, maybe the advisors
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of the head of state, but the decision was absolutely right, because we would have been accepted, well, i think that ukrainian society, at least , would perceive it extremely negatively, well , first of all, navalny's wife is far from the size for us to be able to communicate in...negotiations to influence the position, because her influence is purely symbolic, but now after navalny's funeral, it will obviously be more willingly received there at various world events, later this influence will simply be minimized, and here it would even be incorrect on our part to draw a line of such similarity with tykhanovskaya, because tykhanovskaya was recognized by some countries of the world. her legally elected president, this is very important , she is forming her government in exile, and this government is even working, that is, i talked to several members of the government, they are really working, this is not
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an imitation of work, but navalny's wife is a completely different story, that is, first, this person does not have a clear political position on the war, the fact that he does not say special operation, uses the word war, does not mean anything yet, that is, there is no position. regarding the borders, by the way, what is the key thing you mentioned about the sandwich that navalny mentioned, i let me remind you of the words that crimea is not a sandwich to be returned, his wife does not have any position on crimea, and therefore this is not the direction of cooperation with good russians that we should support, there are some good russians with whom we really should work, these are the russian legions that are entering the rear, working in the belohorod region. who are working for victory in ukraine, but this is about individual people, and from navalny's project, i think it will not surprise anyone if they say that we will not see any
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results there, but from this environment it is unlikely there will be a serious opposition force in russia, it is unlikely that there will be any influence on, say , the formation of the opposition environment in russia, that is, it will be such peripheral political games and nothing more, but the future... anti-putin opposition, it will certainly appear in russia, but i think that it will appear very quickly, chaotically, perhaps in the format of another riot there, another power play there and many other things, but it is not about the story with navalny's headquarters, and not the story with yulia navalny, because it is clear that she is not in russia on russian territory federation, it is clear that it is very difficult. fight against putin exclusively outside the borders of the russian federation, and this anti-putin story, which can unfold on the territory
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of the russian federation, can ... really be exclusively in the form of some riots, if there are any, but there must be an anti-putin coalition in the world, after all we see the formations of this anti-putin coalition, we see in different formats this coalition is trying to cooperate in the ramstein format and in the european union format and in the north atlantic alliance format, but we are witnesses over the past few days , gentlemen, how this anti-putin coalition is taking two steps back, because the russian federation should have made public the recordings of the german military, where they are discussing the issue of a possible strike with tauras long-range missiles on the kerch bridge, when suddenly everyone starts making excuses, saying, that it is not the case that germany will never provide taurus, that germany will never allow itself to be drawn into this process, that... mr. maxim, in
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your opinion, prevents the world from clearly articulating its position that such a russia is not the world needs it, well, in that form, it is not that it is not needed, it simply threatens everyone, not only ukraine, the whole world, the whole planet, because when obsessed people have a bunch of weapons, including nuclear weapons, it dangerous for the world, and the sooner the world realizes this. articulates its position, perhaps the sooner this regime will disappear in russia. well, if we talk about the north atlantic community itself, or more broadly, the west, although it includes today such reliable partners and allies of ukraine in current conditions, such as japan or
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australia or new zealand. so this progressive part of humanity, it seems to me, has already expressed its attitude to this act of aggression and to the nature of putin's regime clearly enough. the only thing we don't see yet is determination to help ukraine win on the battlefield. uh, why do i say that, because, uh, in my opinion, a certain scenario or a certain strategy is implemented, which allows to destroy russia, reduce its influence in the world, well, in such a way that is more painless for the west and less risky in ways that we would expect, that is, if russia is involved in a protracted war,
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if... that the putin regime continues to slide into international isolation and exhausts to a certain extent its economic potential, technological potential, then this attitude and this understanding of , that it should cease to exist, it is realized in a certain way, it is very unpleasant for us that we are suffering and we are also exhausting our survival mode, but... when we talk about geopolitics, there, so to speak , there is not much room left for sentiments, so if we talk about rhetoric, it seems to me that all the necessary words have already been said, not all the steps have been taken, no steps have been taken regarding the proper supply of weapons.


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