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tv   [untitled]    March 6, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EET

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reports from the hottest points of the front. freedom of life, frankly and unbiased. you draw your own conclusions. greetings, this is svoboda live, me. why did volodymyr zelenskyi send gur special forces to sudan last summer, what is the purpose of such an operation, what do the servants of the people at the front want to inspect, what are the results of super tuesday in the usa, these are the main topics of the issue. we begin. deputies' meetings were supposed to continue today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow in the verkhovna rada, but they were canceled. as the head of the presidential office explained.
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factions in the parliament of davit rahamia, deputies received an urgent task. the opposition says that the deputies were supposed to consider the draft law on mobilization on these days. he said that the lack of votes for the law was the main reason for canceling meetings. well, a public source in the service of the people reported that the deputies will return to work when the law on mobilization is ready. as a result, the plenary sessions of the verkhovna rada will not be held for almost a month - said yaroslav zheliznyak, a representative of the voice. regarding the urgent tasks that allegedly suddenly appeared before the deputies, rahamia did not elaborate, but said that in the near future, they say, the deputies should work with the military on the front lines, in training centers and in points of permanent deployment. now, in this direction , there is an urgent and important task for our deputies, which directly affects the assistance of partners. when it is completed, they will return to work in the session hall. and as for the opposition's plans for the near future. often, some of
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them go to party congresses in romania, some go on business trips that took place in the european parliament, others wanted to engage in right-wing terrorism, others with speeches and broadcasts in tiktok, this is clearly not what our military and our partners expect. well, the deputy from eurosolidarity, iryna gerashchenko, said that now three groups of 10 deputies are being formed and only from the party, allegedly only from the servant of the people party, in order to send them to military positions, wherever they ... inspect the fortifications, why are the deputies going to the front, if they really do go, and is it true that the urgent tasks that arahamia speaks of have arisen, so that to adopt a draft law on mobilization, and by the way, not only him, during these days the deputies also had to consider about fifty draft bills, and among them also the ban on religious organizations that are connected to moscow. joining our broadcast is roman kostenko, people's deputy, voice faction, secretary of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence, roman. good evening,
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good evening, studio. well, look, your colleague, people's deputy from the servant of the people and representative of the committee that you also represent, fedir venislavskyi, said, that the meeting of the verkhovna rada was canceled precisely on the initiative of your committee, or is that true? no, i do not confirm this information, no decision was made in the committee to cancel the meeting, on the contrary, we are working now. in the committee and a decision was also made by the committee that the committee will work in the direction, well, it is already there further there on the weekend there by regions, including regarding fortifications, but it was all planned on we planned for the weekend, so i do not know maybe feder had something else in mind, but we ourselves are in the committee about it we found out because one of our colleagues sent us a screenshot from... from the servants of the people faction, where they
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discussed it there, so the committee did not discuss it, as the secretary of the committee, it did not happen, i think fedir has something else in mind, maybe did not fully express himself, well , while you understand the reasons why the deputies, for the deputies, decided to suspend the meeting, is it true from your point of view the accusations that they took a break because there are not enough votes for the law on mobilization, and so far they have not gathers, the deputies are not in session hall, because precisely for this period of time, it seems, at the beginning of march, it seems to me, the same david arahamya told me that the draft law on mobilization will be adopted at this time, i do not know how this can be connected with the law on the draft on mobilization, because the bill on mobilization did not have yesterday or today, and today was the first day of the session, it was not supposed to be in the hall, we, i will say that today the first day just left. amendments, i will remind you that we
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considered them in blocks, today we only considered them we are considering it at the committee and in the coming days we will consider the amendments of those that were not included in the big 16 blocks, there are important ones. question, and it was definitely not planned for the first half of march, maybe if we finalize it, which is likely, it was planned for the second half of march, where we also had meetings planned, so i would not connect it in any way with with the law on mobilization, there and without the law without without the law on mobilization there is something to do, and there was a full agenda, plus there was supposed to be an hour on friday questions to the government, this is also... it is important during the war to ask the government also about the construction of communication, military, engineering positions, and i will remind you that this is the direct responsibility of the government here, also what military and about other
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draft laws that exist, so here what can we do without mobilization, we do not gather so often, so then, can you understand what the reason is then, why, why they decided to cancel the meeting, look, iryna gerashchenko, whom i am quoting... she claims that some groups of deputies, 10 people in each group, and they will go to the front, to inspect the fortifications, maybe you know something about it, or what is the reason then? look, our committee was going to work in this direction even without an announcement, that is , we, as a committee, talked about it, but it was not supposed to take place there during the plenary days, we do not plan to be absent somewhere during the plenary days, because we believe that this is the main thing, and when the servants are working, no one works anywhere in them on plenary days, so... well, why was this done, well, according to one information, they simply did not have votes for draft laws there, which even carried out, but as of now , as far as i know, a large number of deputies from various factions are located, including abroad, so the same deputies from the opz, well
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, in the past, who calmly go abroad, they are also there and therefore it is simple for most. according to my information , there were no votes even for such current draft laws, yes, i will add here for the context, for the understanding of our audience, that the fragments of the opz faction, which maintains a presence, these fragments, more precisely, maintain a presence in the verkhovna rada, they are usually very they vote synchronously with the servants of the people, and they help them promote certain bills, they cast votes, and they have no problems with going abroad, by the way, roman, is it true that you were kicked off the train recently? when you went somewhere abroad, it was like that no one took me down, so that it didn't look like someone could take me down from somewhere, the problem is that they didn't agree to my business trip, before the train they told me that they were sorry, in the morning they said , that there is a business trip, everything is fine, the munich
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conference, forward to protect the interests of the country, in the evening they said: sorry, you misunderstood us , and everyone here misunderstood me, there is no such team for you to go abroad, okay. and who, i'm sorry, gives the command in these conditions? well, do you understand who gives? in the verkhovna rada, the command for a business trip is given by the president from the office. and they decide there, there are special people who decide who should go abroad and who should not. and the council does it. but, as you mentioned, the opzh is abroad. well, well, another topic. look, after actually two years of full-scale war, on the eve of the russian one side, russian pro-kremlin channels, showed the destruction. of the hymers artillery missile system, the fate of the crew is unknown, but experts also point out that it is not clear why the hymer was standing in the open in broad daylight, it is said that it should only work at dusk or at night, whatever you say, we are right now let's show this video, well, these are already experts, well, listen, i
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've seen probably hundreds of times how hymars works, he works at night, and he works during the day, he works differently, and of course, what... uh, well, for so that iskander would appear like this, of course, a lot of time needs to pass, there will be some time, yes, he should be discovered, here he should, let the specialists investigate why this happened, of course, he was shooting, and we see that the enemy's intelligence is working precisely to to find hymers now, of course, he also has, but when they fly straight and depict him, well, there are ordinary means, i won’t say how... it’s not called, they are even on ours there, on the tactical, sometimes level, on the operative one, when you see what is flying above you, so it is necessary here at all to understand who it was that provided air defense, provided air, air security, who monitored, i am sure that in hymars,
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if there are these tablets at the level of the platoon and company commander there, which show uav flights, then at the level of hymars, i believe , that every car should have such a thing, it should see... what is flying above it and then, based on this , take one or another position, so i think there will be an investigation here, and they should investigate, because such means are lost especially you can't due to negligence, but i am now no... in any case, i do not draw conclusions that this is negligence, but it is necessary to understand, i think, such cases should, should not be. ugh. and one more topic that we wanted to discuss with you: the wall street journal wrote today, although other media also wrote about it earlier, that last summer volodymyr zelenskyy sent special gur appointees to the court in sudan, they fought there against the wagnerites and also trained the local army, the publication spoke with the sudanese, calls this sending of troops to africa such
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a new bold step and even part of the strategy. let us listen to the passage, the message and then continue. for ukraine, sending troops to africa is a bold new adventure, part of a strategy aimed at undermining russia's military and economic operations abroad to make war more expensive for moscow and to recast itself as a bulwark against russian incursions, including in regions where the west does not want to intervene directly. it is impossible to defeat russia simply by fighting on such a small piece of land as the front line in ukraine, - said a forty-year-old ukrainian officer with the call sign pravda, who led one of the ukrainian teams in sudan. if they have gold mines in sudan, we must make them unprofitable. and also in the material there it is said that the first soldiers were mostly hurivets. landed on a chartered plane in sudan in the middle of august 23rd. tell me, roman, can ukraine
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afford such operations in the midst of a war, in the midst of a war on its territory , do you agree with what was just said in the publication, that it is risky, but this is a very necessary story for ukraine. here we need to understand specifically what the goals are directly, i will say that, well, a lot of things and we... as a security committee cannot say what, well, what we are involved in, what we are told about in closed secret meetings , but i agree here that we have to hit the enemy everywhere, now we are not specifying which country, wherever we can hit, wherever we can undermine the economy of the russian federation, wherever we can kill their mercenaries, who can then also come to ukraine and continue conduct hostilities, let's say, wherever there are interests. our task for russia is to undermine them so that, well, it would be easier, including, as
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they say, a patchwork, and such a patchwork, probably, has not been seen since the second world war, i would not minimize the importance of the front line in ukraine, but if there is an opportunity and in other places to kill, well, let's not say, call on, kill, destroy the potential of the russian federation, we have to do it with the help of special services or other, in other ways, and i do... what from international partners for the ukrainian military in the africans opposed the hurivets against the wagnerians , there are no restrictions from the western partners and there cannot be, so what does that mean, they do not have any restrictions to give us at all, there may be verbal restrictions, and you know, here we also talked today, in the legislation of ukraine there are restrictions on... the armed forces of ukraine can fight abroad only with the permission of the verkhovna rada, but the group is not the armed forces of ukraine, so it is,
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let's say, a special body that performs special operations, which is a matter of them, regarding restrictions, well, i don't know such restrictions, that's why, that's why i think, and that's why i think, such articles appear. thank you very much, roman kostenko, people's deputy, voice faction, secretary of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence, was on radio liberty. thank you. nato is training to repel an attack on its eastern flank. the largest exercises since the end of the cold war will continue in europe until the end of may. they were planned even before the russian invasion of ukraine, and that war affected the maneuvers of the allies and their own scenario. everything that happens on the front line in ukraine is taken into account. what lessons have come in handy and is the alliance ready to defend itself. their own eastern borders, well, if, for example, the perceived russian threat becomes not imaginary, but real. report
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from the spot by zoryana stepanenko. an empty ferry departs from the banks of the vistula to return loaded. we have to transfer the very high readiness joint task force brigade, which is currently on standby, from the west bank to the east bank, i.e. deliver about 700 transport... for the allied troops, this is a kind of stress test in non-combat conditions, the purpose of which is to test how quickly and coherently they can reach a potentially vulnerable place, that is, the east. both armored personnel carriers and ambulance escorts with fuel tankers. this is how heavy equipment can get from one side of the river to the other, if necessary. these level crossings are capable of supporting 140 tons, which is two german leopard tanks, if measured in such units. these exercises are part of the maneuvers, the scale of which poland has not seen since joined nato, and they are happening
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now not only on its territory, but all over europe, especially its eastern part. this allowed us to bring together all nato countries and practice our skills, exercises and ability to work together, what we call interoperability. joint work has become a test for us, because we are heading all the way to the east of poland, which is a significant movement of military forces. the resilient defender exercise, involving all nato members and sweden, is the largest in four decades. that is, since the end of the cold war. new times and challenges have come, in particular , the unimaginable, as in the scenario of these maneuvers, but a real full-scale attack. the fact that it is now being repelled by one country thousands of kilometers from here, the allies are closely watching and taking into account all the combat experience. as you can see, behind me, there is no bridge, only a ferry, this is a lesson from ukraine. russia established a place, it was destroyed, and the russians did not reach the other shore. there were many other lessons, for example,
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about creating command posts and protecting them from enemy penetration. tactics changes, so we have to immediately. in these exercises taking place near the russian borders, the kremlin saw a threat to russia's security, despite the fact that its forces, along with belarusian ones, regularly train beyond nato's borders. russian state media described these operations as a rehearsal for the third world war, and nato insists. they don't want a global war, they want the opposite of peace, that's why they are preparing for the worst. our role is to prepare for peaceful deterrence. time and prevent conflicts, and if that doesn't work, be ready to engage in conflict and win. or we are ready to challenge russia's capabilities demonstrated in ukraine, we do not want this battle, but we are preparing every day to contain it beyond ukrainian borders. it is in russia that nato sees, as stated in the strategic concept of the alliance, a threat to the security of europe, and as long as the political leadership of the countries of this
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continent is loudly assessing how much time the military machine of a potential enemy will need to restore its eyelashes. and allied states test themselves and each other in practice and assure that they are ready for any crisis. zoryana is from poland stepanenko, marek hajduk, radio liberty. the current us president joe biden and the former head of the white house, donald trump , came very close to getting the status of candidates for the post of the next us president, and actually secured the nomination from their parties. american. super tuesday ended with both of them winning most states in the primaries. i will say that super tuesday in the usa is called tuesday during the presidential race, when internal political elections are held in several states at once. this is one of the key ones events during which presidential candidates from the democratic and republican parties are determined. well, at the moment it looks
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like all the intrigues are in the past, biden and trump can become rivals in the second election in a row. to some extent, the 2024 election promises to be a sort of rematch for trump after his defeat four years ago. in his victory speech after the primaries, trump called biden the worst president in history, and trump's biden a threat to american democracy. tatyana voroshko, senior, joins our broadcast editor of the ukrainian voice of america service. tatiana, good evening. we have an evening, at least. tatiana, what made super tuesday special. in 2024, well, actually, what's next? i will only add at this stage that the opponent, the opponent, more precisely, of trump, nikki haley , who also competed with trump for the status of a candidate, announced that she would stop her own race, and if i understand correctly then, there is absolutely no intrigue, and the candidates it's already
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quite obvious whether another miracle can happen, and i think you're right, and the intrigues are already well, practically not... it remains, the main result of super tuesday was that nikki haley announced her withdrawal from the race, she has purely mathematically no chance to become the only candidate, for this to happen, the candidate must score 1215 delegates, that is, electoral votes are counted as votes actually in actual delegates, as of today, donald trump has 995, nikki haley has 89, those races that are left, even if she wins, every state counts, she still can't. to actually go to this number, so today it is possible yes, so we expect by the end of march , donald trump will be, in fact, the candidate, the only candidate for the republican na na... in the presidential election, and he will officially be in july at the republican convention , and when nicki heli announced that she was leaving the race, she thanked
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her supporters, and she also said that she will continue to speak about the things that she considers important, and among which she mentioned the need to support allies, in particular ukraine, she also did not did what, you know, donald trump's supporters kind of expected her to do, which is this kind of official...endorsement, as it's called, she didn't do that , but she wished him the best in this race. donald trump immediately came out with his statement, he said that nikki haley won, she had a record poor performance, despite, as he wrote truex social on the help of the democrats, both electoral votes and financial assistance, support financially, and also now , so to speak about what intrigue remains, we know that such... the election was held in the primary elections in the democratic party, and joe biden won, you know, by a large margin, gaining a larger share of voters than, among his
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party, than donald trump among republicans, and now everyone is looking at who are nikki haley's voters, in different states she won from 15%, this is the smallest number, by the way, in irmont, she won the majority, but on average it is 30% of the votes of those... who came to the polling stations, and we know that in many states, for example, in you can vote in virginia, well, you can just decide at the precinct itself which primaries you can vote in, that is , there is a certain share of democrats and independents there, and now they are doing, you know, such analyzes of exit polls, well, i have previously seen one analysis of several states that voters nikki haley said that half of them are quinika paul, that half of them are going to vote for donald trump, 37% are going to vote for joe biden, and the rest... undecided, and the biden campaign also put out a statement where they said that well nikki gels are very similar showed so much courage
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by her standing against trump, even pointed out her words about, about putin, and also they said that they would like to see and that there is a place in their campaign for nikigeli voters, and so there is a kind of unfolding right now, you know , fighting and studying who these... voters are, how they can be influenced and who they will vote for, that is, it can still have a significant impact on the results of the general election. i actually just wanted to ask the next question, who will get the votes nicky haley, but it turns out that this is almost the main intrigue in the united states. tatyana, literally a day before super tuesday , the us supreme court allowed trump to participate in the elections, it was such a notable event. i will add here that there are several cases against trump, accusations. thoughts and suspicions, say, in principle, these numerous lawsuits against trump, or how they affected his ratings, can it be argued that they,
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on the contrary, helped him, or is there no such certainty? well what was determined on monday it means that donald trump, the supreme court made a decision that donald trump remains on the ballot in all states, that is, this topic that has been heard for some time, there were several... states that pursued not only the state of colorado, several other states, and this question, it removed from the agenda, and if we talk about other matters, there are four criminal cases against donald trump, a total of 91 charges have been brought against him, and we see from the results of the polls that his support is only growing at the moment, because donald trump is, let's say yes, well, it shows my voters that i suffer for you, and it shows, it says that this system, that it is political persecution. but at the same time, there are certain polls that say that trump voters, a small percentage of them, and that if donald trump is found guilty, that if they prove him guilty of at least one
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case, it could affect their votes, can it happen, this is also another intrigue of this election race, and because in principle we see that the hearings will begin, the trial will begin in only one case, and which will be conducted, well, it will definitely start before the elections, we don't know about the rest yet. and not the announced dates of the beginning of the trial, but will start in the case that the analysts consider the least important, which can least affect the votes of the voters, and this concerns the payment of money to a porn star, interestingly, some such fantastic story, i would say, is being made, tatyana , returning to such, i would say, to the question, to the issues of ukraine, to look at all these races through the prism of ukraine and the war. in ukraine, well, there was the statement of the speaker mike johnson that, more precisely, it was cnn who wrote, referring, apparently, to him, that the issue with help can
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be resolved at the end of march. april , i want to ask if we have any reason to believe that this is already final, or if it means nothing, and how, how long can the issues regarding the financing of ukraine be postponed, conditionally speaking, can it be postponed until november itself, when actually and there will be an election, what are they saying about it in washington? maybe anything, now it's hard to give any, any predictions, and why they talked about the end, about the end of march. this is exactly what speaker mike johnson said about when they will begin to consider the issue of financing ukraine, because they are ready to do it after the budget issue is resolved, and the final deadline that they themselves set for the adoption of government financing bills is only 12 bills on march 22, that is, the issue of ukraine, they are not ready, according to mike johnson, to start considering before that date, for now, that is, it may happen that
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anything really, because we have... we have a number of bills, we have a senate bill, if speaker mike johnson, not the democrats say that they hope he will do it, bring it up for a vote, then they're ready to vote for it democrats estimate over 300 members of the house of representatives with a majority, and if they vote for it, president biden can sign it the same day and the aid will start coming, well, as you were told in the pentagon, and almost immediately, it's one by one of those you know ways that can approve this help, but the problem is for the republicans, for mike johnson and for mike johnson first of all , the problem is that if he does that and his colleagues can start and start the process of his resignation, they have already openly stated that , and also the republicans say that there is no provision about the border, and actually right now such a key player in this process is congressman brian fatrik from pennsylvania,
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who represents pennsylvania, philadelphia, there is a very large... ukrainian community, he registered, developed his own draft law , which to some extent also takes into account the interests or demands of the republicans, there are regulations on the border, they are quite strict, the aid to ukraine there is only military, it was also a certain criticism of the aid to ukraine from the side of the conservatives, so why we we have to finance pensions, here it is the european union, that is, there is 47 billion, not 60 billion, he registered a petition, at the expense of which this draft law can be put to a vote. bypassing the speaker, that is, in this way the speaker can keep his position, or we don't know if this will happen, we are watching, following this situation very carefully, so it may happen to some extent by march 22, it may happen later, or it may not happen at all, we will certainly continue the topic of providing ukraine with american aid, and returning to the elections, i will probably still ask you to summarize taking into account the statements of the candidates, because we will then proceed to
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the discussion with the expert. well, i can sum up what can be said that such, you know, general elections have started today, that is, this is the start, the party elections have already ended the elections, although they are still formally continuing, they are formally continuing until the republican and democratic congresses, but in fact the main candidates have already been determined, and they are now starting such, you know, a full-fledged campaign aimed at each other. tatyana, thank you very much, tatyana vorozhko, senior editor. the voice of america ukrainian service told us about the results of super tuesday, one might say, and yes, volodymyr dubovyk, director of the center for international studies, associate professor of the department of international relations at odesa university, already joined our broadcast, good evening, good evening, did super tuesday turn out to be unexpected for you, or maybe brought you some discoveries, share your observations with us? no, i think that everything
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is expected and i completely agree. here is tatyana voroshko, by the way, as much as i know her , i have listened now, i think that she can also be considered an expert on those issues, because she is physically based there and reacts very quickly to all events, i know that tatyana is very closely follows publications in the american press, but i will say for myself that, well, we all understood that this is probably the last day of the primaries for nika helia, the former governor of south carolina and... the representative or envoy of the united states ambassador to the united nations, ah, the fact that she was in this in this race in this race, it was good for us, i think, because she represented, as we know, that part of the republican party that held this paradigm, you know, about an active role, america's responsibility in the world, a tough stance on aggression of russia against ukraine, and it is good, that such...


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