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tv   [untitled]    March 6, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EET

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pom, everything is expected and i completely agree with tetyana voroshko, by the way, as much as i know her, i just listened, i think that she can also be considered an expert on those issues, because she is physically based there and reacts very quickly to all events, i know , that tatiana follows the publications in the american press very carefully, but i will say this from myself that, well, we all understood that this is probably the last day of the primaris race for niki helia, the former governor of south carolina and the representative or envoy of the united states ambassador to the united nations, and what she was in in this race, in this race , it was good for us, i think, because she represented, as we know, the part of the republican party that held to this paradigm, you know, about an active role, america's responsibility in the world, a tough stance about russia's aggression against ukraine, and that's a good thing, that such a ... position has been sound
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for some time in this debate, but now only trump remains, and unfortunately, it can be predicted that his influence on the position of the republican party on this issue will only increase , that is, to increase, and this on the contrary, as we have seen for a long time , the position of the republicans in the congress is already affected by the fact that even such people, especially in the house of representatives, as well as in the senate, who in principle support ukraine, but now they simply do not... they are afraid or something so they are afraid, they are afraid of trump personally , because he is the kind of person who can take revenge, they are afraid of the electorate of such crazy nuclear, trumpian, because there are such people there, you know, unbalanced, that they can physically even some means apply against those who disagree with theirs.
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candidate, because it must be understood that trump now has such a, you know, position, status, not just a politician, but such a guru, messiah, demigod, that is, in this way, people sincerely believe in what he does, that he says he has to change the country for the better and stuff and so basically yes it is dangerous and many of them will have their elections this year in november as usual in america not only for the president. play, but a large part of congress, and these people would not want trump actively opposed them or supported some other candidates who would challenge them in certain states and so on. by the way, you mentioned publications in the press, just two days ago cbs news published a poll according to which trump is ahead of biden by 4% in the upcoming elections, 52 are ready to vote for trump, 48 for... say, and as of now, how
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representative can these results be? absolutely representative, that is, exactly as it is, the state as it is now, because in principle that measures are taken to understand what the trend is now, what the trend is, who has the initiative, who doesn't, which messages work, in which region it is better, with which, with which stratum, which social group or age group or something like that, i.e. , how it all works, and now, unfortunately, biden's messages do not work, his social communications continue to be unsuccessful, his pr work of the white house is not very successful, because in principle, somehow to reach the americans, to explain to them that there are certain, well, such , you know, uh, merit, certain victories, the economy is working fine, but somehow it is not possible to explain this to the americans, and that is why... biden's plus, after all, age,
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many people lose even from those who voted for him in the 20th year in the elections, but now they no longer say that they have the figure of biden causes some enthusiasm. by the way, by the way, about age, cbs also notes this in its news about the survey, that when americans were asked about the physical and psychological health of the candidates, this is precisely where trump showed the best results, and 45% agreed that he is... physically, psychologically ready to be president, and biden was preferred by only 17%. it turns out that biden's age may turn out to be a significant disadvantage, no matter how strange or funny it may seem to someone? i think that yes , i think that some of the democrats, or those who usually vote for the democrats and, say , voted for biden in the 20th year, they are saying this time that, well, enough is enough if a person wants to sit in byvom. home
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do we need new generations or do the democrats have anything but but but listen, vladimir, well, donald trump is a relatively new generation for biden 81 a trump 77, well, a very relative new gene, that's exactly what biden says. that, in principle, my opponent is not much younger than me, moreover, i can say for myself, and the americans also notice this, well, some of them, that when trump speaks, he just shouts for an hour or two, he is so very active, but is it activity or is it proof that he is more physically prepared, and biden does not communicate with the press so often, he goes out for one or two minutes, but speaks very quietly, and therefore he probably makes an impression on a certain part. americans such that trump is ready, physically, very active, in good shape, and biden is not, and this is absolutely wrong, but someone in the white house must think about it, i guess, and then somehow connect the candidate to his biden, show that he really is absolutely possesses the materials, etc., because in principle
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, information always came from the white house that biden knows absolutely clearly what is happening around domestic politics, foreign policy, he makes all the decisions consciously himself, that is, he never gets confused in the adoption of these issues, or falls there in such a state you know, which does not allow him to make a decision quickly, that he is guided by his great experience, and which trump never acquired, because trump has such an elementary basic-political such, you know, instincts , biden still has 50 years of work in american politics in various positions, but all this must be proven to the americans, explained that biden is ready and... throw some new messages into the audience, into this electoral base so that democrats and independents, after all, vote for biden. and also biden after winning on na the primaries of his victory, trump's victory, said that trump's second term
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as president will mean a return to chaos, division and darkness, this is, of course, such a political statement of the competitor, but it looks like that in ukraine and even in all of europe as well. they are afraid of this, although they do not say it as openly as trump's competitor biden, is there currently reason to fear for ukraine and europe that trump will become president, or is it better not to incite for the time being, because nothing is clear? it is absolutely possible to count on such and such that there will be problems with transatlantic euro-atlantic security, because in principle trump is not a completely new player, he was after all the president. there for four years, and we saw what he did, and how he said that he could withdraw america from nato, let's say that in general he does not pay much attention to nato and the eu. in general, these are key european allies, they are rather adversaries, opponents of america, the world order for which america fought and
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kept it as best as it could for decades, for him, this is something that is incomprehensible and that, in principle, it does not correspond to american interests that is why, in principle, all this is not a surprise, in principle, when he was president, he preferred close communication and showed such sympathy, he showed, towards different dictators around the world, from kim, to putin, to sisi in egypt and others, on the contrary , he had a very bad relationship with democratic leaders, in particular european leaders, so yes, he considers chaos rather a positive phenomenon, in relation to the internal... situation in america, and a large part of his electorate believes that the american political system should be dismantled, to change that model, to defeat the deep state and change something to a more populist one, let's say order or something like that, that is, for them
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, well, the subversion of the american system, chaos is rather a positive thing, the better, the worse, the better for trump, that is why in all his speeches in lately... and before, he says, everything is bad in america, so they have to elect me, but people try to explain or answer him that everything is not bad after all, but you see, the tone of the trump company is exactly that, and america is going somewhere in the middle of nowhere therefore, it must be saved, and i am its savior , unfortunately, millions of americans adhere to this opinion, but, but at the same time, you know, i read a publication in bloomberg, and the authors state that the united states is turning its back to the world of insignificance. with or without trump, in particular, for example, bloomberg writes that at a critical moment the us political system can be paralyzed, and here is the situation with aid to ukraine, this is demonstrated, and even when the president, the president of the united states calls ukraine
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central front in the great struggle between autocracy and democracy, when even the majority of congressmen and senators are in favor of ukraine, and it doesn't matter, and it doesn't matter if... everyone questions the leadership of the united states and does not make the necessary decisions, that is, we are talking about what is not even necessary , for trump to come to power, all things being equal, all things being equal, well, i don't want to say that the us. it's getting kind of dark there, but people are starting to doubt, so are european politicians, the world is in leadership in the leadership of the united states, well, look, this again, the trump factor is at work, if there was no trump, then no one would doubt it, because trump says that we should probably withdraw from nato or break up nato, why do we need nato, why the eu, why do we have to restrain russia at all, it's not our business, and he says other things , that there are republicans in china, by the way, who... say that there, supporting ukraine against russia distracts attention from china's opposition,
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but trump personally repeatedly said: "but to me in in principle, it doesn't matter what that china is doing there." recently there was an interview where he is said: "we will not defend that taiwan." i do not, i will not give such an order to defend taiwan against chinese aggression. therefore, in principle, he influences his party, which is the leading political party, which has a large number of people in the congress in both houses. well, in the senate it is almost 50 to 50, but in the house of representatives , the republicans have a slight advantage, but they have an advantage, and they are very afraid, as we already said today, of that trump, and in principle, even johnson is the one, why in particular he says the time from time, so ukraine must be helped, but at the same time, he does not put it to the vote, so that in particular the trump segment of his party, to which he belongs, by the way, he also left it, does not raise a new rebellion, some kind of rebellion against him. did not overthrow him as speaker, as was the case with his predecessor , kevin mccarthy, that is why the congress is almost
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dysfunctional, they cannot even pass a budget, this has never happened, because i have already lost my mind, a temporary budget instead of a normal permanent budget, then this is this approach, you know theoretical and practical, the worse, the better, and america is in chaos, and sometimes it is better for biden, then it is better for trump, and therefore, of course, in america, in europe and everywhere. looks at america and the same, and they are scared because even this is happening now, but we can definitely say that if biden and his administration remain in power, then there will not be such a break in relations within the framework of the euro-atlantic transatlantic community, because on the contrary, biden has shown in the last two years that the world needs american leadership, and american leadership is possible, but some things he can do, some cannot, because america still has, there are different branches of government, and now one of the branches of government... trump. i have one last question, if possible briefly, because we have
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a minute. the american media wrote that the first lady of ukraine rejected the invitation of the white house to take part in biden's address to congress because they wanted to seat her next to navalny, later it was explained that the schedules did not coincide. navalny, as it turns out, will not go there either. the question is, that is what the very idea of ​​the american side testifies to in principle imprison zelenska and navalna together. well, they have already gone and even our ambassador markarova was there on such a corresponding message of the president to the president to the congress in the previous year, and now i think that it is possible not to go, because you know, to go again and ask and hit the forehead, like that they say in russia, and let them first consider the aid, the aid package, vote, support, then we will come and thank you, and now it looks like zelensky was two months ago. sleep in america, it looks so simple people travel from ukraine and somehow beg, beg, beg, and if they don't make
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such a decision, then why go? thank you very much for your comment, volodymyr dubovyk, director of the center for international studies and associate professor of the department of international relations at mechnikov odesa national university, we also discussed the results of super tuesday in the usa. thank you. we have everything for today, i urge you to subscribe to... the pages of radio liberty on the internet, in social networks, instagram, telegram, facebook, viber, and also like this broadcast, in this way you will support our work, comments, retorts, remarks are always welcome in the chat under this video. goodbye.
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week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. searches in the dnipro district court of kyiv. who was responsible for the illegal actions of law enforcement officers? interference with judicial activity is a serious enough challenge. but why did the sbi refuse to initiate criminal proceedings. they cannot put themselves in prison. although there is everyone for this grounds on thursday, march 7, at 5:45 p.m., watch the program "court control with tatiana shustrova on the tv channel." great return of great lviv, conversations, discussions, search for solutions, ukraine's largest conversational format in the evening prime time. in general, i believe that we need two things: money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. the most important thing - every thursday at 9:15 p.m., velikiy
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lviv speaks in the project, on the espresso tv channel. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united football, stronger together. greetings, we are asking for your help in the search for 17-year-old student alina boshko. february 17. she disappeared under very mysterious circumstances in the volyn region. her friends asked for help in the search. they said that alina rested with them on a meadow, near the village of ugrynichi. around 2 p.m., the girl left for the forest, but did not return. and she left her mobile phone in the car, so there was no contact with her. friends, of course, began to look everywhere and call for alina, but she was nowhere to be found. find
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they did not succeed in getting a girl. the search for alina is already ongoing. for more than a week, 250-300 people are involved every day, police, military, border guards, caring local people, friends and native girls. so far, more than 15 km of forest have been surveyed, specialists with quadcopters and canine experts with service dogs are working. the search for the missing student is also taking place on the water with the help of a special camera and equipment, as well as examining the bottom and coastline. friends say it was her decision. and she went in an unknown direction, then they came to their senses and the search for her began. at the moment , we cannot put forward any other versions, we are working precisely in the direction of search. we work for a result, and until there is no result, until we find the truth in this situation, we will work. the search does not stop for a minute, and there is already some result: the girl's coat was found,
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it was lying in the forest 7 km from the place where alina was last seen. searchers do not lose hope. and they say that as long as there is even the slightest chance to find the missing girl, one should do everything possible for this. at the same time fellow villagers they said that alina comes from a prosperous family, and in the educational institution where the girl studies, she was described as a very good and calm student. she did not have any conflicts in the group. she is a cheerful, cheerful girl, she went to classes. until the new year , she lived in our dormitory. alina followed the rules of living and in lessons. was constantly it is also known that in the summer of 2023 , alina's 20-year-old fiancé died in the war with the russian invaders. after that, the girl returned to her studies and everything this time she tried to recover from such a loss. we really hope that alina is alive and she will be found, and in turn we are doing everything we can for this. and the least
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you could do to help in this situation is to repost and share this video on your social networks. the more the more people see the information about the missing girl, the more chances there will be to find her. and of course, i ask you to look carefully at alina's face again, she is 17 years old, she is of medium build, she has blond hair and green eyes. if you if you know something about alina bozhko, don't delay and immediately call the hotline at 11630. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. you can also write to us on the website or in the chatbot of the service. children in telegram. and i want to note that there is no unimportant information in the search. any little thing, any detail can become decisive. so we really hope for your help. attention and care and please share this video. and finally, as usual, i ask you to go to the website of the children's search service. here you can
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see photos of all the boys and girls who are currently wanted. do not be indifferent, take just a few minutes of your time and look closely at the faces of these children. they are all missing, but with your help we can find them. if you know any information about... one of them, immediately call the hotline of the child tracing service at the short number 11630, calls are free from all mobile operators in ukraine. we've created a resource where you can report any crime against a child, in any city, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stop. ua.
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you are watching the program of the ukrainian voice of america chas time. i am natalia leonova. congratulations. nikki haley has announced the end of her campaign for the republican nomination for election. of the us president and withdrew from the presidential race. this happened after super tuesday, when joe biden and donald trump won almost all 15 states in intra-party elections for nomination of a presidential candidate from the democratic and republican parties. the end of haley's campaign practically guarantees donald trump the nomination of the republican party. about the results of super tuesday and the course of the presidential campaign. we will talk to maria ulyanovska, who yesterday followed the voting on... these in the state of virginia. greetings maria. hello, natalya. what are the super tuesday results and what haley's exit will mean for the presidential race. well,
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the results of the super wind were not a super surprise. everything happened exactly as it was and observers and voters expected, and we also reported on it yesterday. joe biden won the primaries from the democratic party in almost all states except the american one. donald trump also won mostly from republicans in all states. he lost to nikki haley in only one state, vermont, and thus nikki haley only won in that state and washington, d.c., in all the other prairie states she lost. in this way, donald trump really cemented his probable victory victory at primemarries. he's won the most delegates, which, he hasn't won enough to say definitively that he will be the republican nominee, but he has no competition... because nikki haley has not won the necessary number of nominees, delegates yesterday, and purely mathematically she would not have had time to overtake donald trump in these primaries, so we can
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say that yes, indeed, the 2024 election will not be a surprise, it will be a repeat of the choice between joe biden and donald trump, whom so many americans did not want, but now it looks like this is exactly the choice that will await americans in the fall. nikki gelli said today that... her participation in this primary is over, that she will no longer be continuing her involvement in this primary, pre-primary race for the republican nomination. nikki haley represents more of these moderate republicans, she received a significant number of votes, many viewers said that she showed a much better the result was that it lasted much longer than expected. i will remind you that when the primaries first started, the biggest... rence for donald trump, as expected, would be ron desantis, the governor of florida, but when this race began, it turned out that ron desantis does not inspire such trust and favor of the voters, and after elections in new hampshire,
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before the primaries in new hampshire he withdrew his candidacy in favor of donald trump. thus, nikki haley was trump's only competitor in these primaries, and now she's also dropping out of this race because she simply won't be able to outrun donald trump and because using the funds to...continue this race also , she said, makes no sense. however, niki gelli emphasizes that it is impossible to ignore the number of voters who voted for her, which is 20, 30, 40% of votes. and in withdrawing her candidacy, she said she will continue to use her voice to advance the narratives she believes are important. let's listen. i am grateful for the support expressed, which we received from the whole. of our great country, but now is the time to end my campaign. i indicated that i wanted to make sure that the voices of americans were heard, and i did that. i don't regret anything. our world is on fire because of
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america's retreat. supporting our allies in ukraine, israel and taiwan is a moral obligation, but it is also more than that. if we retreat further, there will be more warriors, not less. geli's voters themselves see in her candidacy such an alternative between this choice without a choice between trump and biden. very the quinnipiac university survey was interesting and it showed that the choice. haley says 50% of her republican voters will vote for donald trump in the presidential race, but 37% say they will vote for joe biden because they don't want to support donald trump. my colleagues and i also talked to her voters and asked how they would vote if faced with a choice between trump and biden in the fall. let's listen to them. i would probably vote for
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trump because i wouldn't support anything. on i'm a republican by all accounts, anything is better than a democrat administration. i am completely against trump, i think he is a very bad man, i would probably vote for biden. if it's between trump and biden, my choice is obvious, it's biden. i don't want to think that will happen, but if it does, i know i won't vote.
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declaring that he would have to earn the votes of her constituents. how did donald trump react to this? this is also a very interesting question for natalya, because nikki haley built her entire campaign on opposing donald. trump she represents the interests of more moderate republicans who do not want to support the radical sentiments of donald trump. and so now to openly support his candidacy and force her to encourage her constituents to vote for donald trump would be a rather strange political move for her, because on the one hand, she was initially... quite moderate in her criticism, but by the end of the presidential campaign of this primary race, she said in an interview with med the press, specifically that she did not confident that donald trump will uphold the constitution, and one of her campaign paraphernalia was t-shirts that read "forever excluded," a reference to trump saying that nikki haley and her supporters would be permanently excluded from his political life . in addition, trump has repeatedly
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spoken quite harshly and unethically about... at the expense of niki helia, at the expense of her opportunities to be president, so now it would be quite strange for her to support the candidacy of donald trump and even some observers say a humiliating decision. at the same time, not supporting his candidacy entails a lot of political risks for her, especially for her future, the possible future of the american president in the next election, because, as we talked to many analysts, this participation in the primaries was aimed at her. not even for victory this year, for possible participation in the next presidential election in the united states, so it looks like she has found herself in a rather difficult situation so far and she spoke ambiguously about whether she will support donald trump or not, although at the beginning of these primaries she signed a commitment to support his candidacy, but later said that she does not feel such an obligation. thank you maria for your work, about the results of super tuesday and the progress
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of the presidential election. we talked about the us campaign with maria ulyanovska. president joe biden will address congress on march 7 with his annual state of the union address. the first lady of ukraine, olena zelenska, was invited to this event, among others, but she declined invitation. zelenskyi's office informed that she could not take part due to the planned events. in the schedule of events, in particular , the visit of children from the orphanage to kyiv, which was planned in advance. however , zma writes that the likely reason for the refusal was an invitation to the congress by the widow of the russian opposition leader oleksiy navalny, yulia. the white house said that zelensky's decision was likely due to scheduling conflicts. we will talk more about this with yulia yarmolenko, who had the opportunity to talk with white house communications advisor in...


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