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tv   [untitled]    March 7, 2024 12:30am-1:00am EET

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according to the spokesman of the naval forces of ukraine dmytro pletenchuk, five people were killed as a result of an enemy attack on the port infrastructure of odesa, today the memory of these people is bright. and we have our first guest, colonel of the security service of ukraine, people's deputy of ukraine, roman kostenko. mr. colonel, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. i wish you health. well, colonel, today we started our program. from the information about the attack by the russians, it was ballistic missiles that fly very fast and were fired from the occupied territory the odesa port area or the port area, and at the time when president zelenskyi and the prime ministers of greece were there, it is clear that in the conditions in which the russians are waging war and those rules, or rather the absence of rules of introduction. wars
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, they can act and do anything, how do you look at this story from the point of view of where is this border, beyond which the russians have not yet crossed, but they can cross, because well, when two leaders of two states and they they knew that they were in odesa, they were hitting right through the city, what does this mean for the world in general? not even for of ukraine, well, we really see that the russians once again showed that they wanted to spit on any rules, on european leaders, or their statements that they say before that, that they have claims only for ukraine, they fire ballistic missiles , without looking at all who and what is where, so of course we have to understand it and the world has to understand it too. perhaps this is another such
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lesson, i would like this message to be read correctly in europe, that they did not just talk here, hear the explosions of rockets and return to europe and continue to live peaceful life, they must understand that it can happen to any country now, because missiles fly anywhere, and they do not have , as a rule, restrictions, europe, at least they cover most of them, so of course, this should be such a wake-up call for of all leaders, including those who... make decisions on the transfer of this or that equipment, i want to say that greece also provided us with enough weapons at the beginning of the war, it is a country that is armed in many ways with soviet weapons , that's why she helped, she will hope that he will continue to help and tell his colleagues what it is like when the iskander explodes nearby, just a day ago it became known that the international criminal court warrants for
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the arrest of the commanders of the russian long-range aviation killers and the black sea fleet of the terrorist state , well, we are talking about high-ranking officials, that is, the commander of the black sea fleet of the russian federation and the one who commands long-range aviation in the russian federation, zelensky welcomed the decision of the international criminal court issue warrants for the arrest of high-ranking russian military personnel who are involved in... in ukraine, let's hear what zelensky said. in particular, they carried out and are carrying out a terrorist campaign against our state and people, strikes. in particular, they carried out and are carrying out a terrorist campaign against our state and people, strikes against our energy industry, our civil infrastructure. these are obvious crimes, war crimes of russia and crimes against humanity. and it is precisely in this regard that there is
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a principled movement in international criminal law judges, when international justice begins to work, it cannot be stopped, justice for ukraine, for ukrainians and for the international community, in general, will definitely be restored. these two commanders are the third and fourth people in russia who already have a warrant from the international criminal court, president putin, the children's ombudsman. that is, the people who took part in the removal of ukrainian children to the territory of the russian federation, now we see that this is the team of the black sea fleet and the commander of the long-range aviation of the russian federation, here are these warrants, mr. colonel, in the third year of the great war and in the 10th year of the russian-ukrainian war, what does this mean? this means that for the first time the military, the russian military, are getting serious warrants
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of the international criminal court, although they do not recognize them in russia, and this is a painful decision for the ukrainian state, or does the world understand that these warrants should... be thousands or tens of thousands, because many commanders are involved in the murders of ukrainians, commanders of various branches, and they must also appear before the international by a criminal court, of course, and how is it different, for example, the commander of the ground forces there or some other commander there from these two, yes they strike with rockets, but also on the front line we have a lot of villages. selych, especially at the beginning of the war, what are we saying, they so that they could accumulate some number of victims in order to issue this order, no, from the very beginning , the very first shots from the same rocket systems of volley fire or cannons, mortars kill civilians, all of them carried out the aggression, therefore all those who are responsible for it are those who carry it out
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criminal orders, in general, aggression against ukraine is an international crime, they must appear in the future. before the international tribunal, and this is a fact, and i believe that even in the first months of the war, these warrants should have been signed, and all of them should have been recognized as criminals, and it would, well, i doubt that it would have anyone from the russians in the future there, they would think before taking on those other positions, but it would be another example for us, such that if a person is appointed there, we remember how at the beginning appointed... there to the commander of their airborne troops, then removed, then put in, a person would know if he is appointed, he is appointed from the very beginning to a position that carries with it the fact that you are an international criminal, you will stand e -e in answer to the tribunal, it
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should have been that all of them were criminals from the beginning of the position. colonel, ukrainian drones successfully attacked twice today. mykhailo mining and processing plant in the kursk region of russia, and this was confirmed by sources in gur of the ministry of defense of ukraine, they said that it was a special operation, the russians also reported on the attack of drones in the voronet region and in belgorod, and yesterday the russian oil base near belgorod was hit, what do you think? the transfer of these blows to the territory of the russian federation, well, such dense enough and painful enough, will it be felt at all by those who live in russia, i.e. will the russian authorities, in principle, at any moment explain it
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as ukrainian nazis, well, shame on you nazis, i.e. people who are attacking the territory of the russian federation, you see that they need to be destroyed, because they are destroying what they are doing... oil depots are attacking our strategic objects, how much is this critical mass of that , how will the ukrainians destroy strategic objects and objects of critical infrastructure, how will it affect the situation inside russia itself and will it have an effect? well, these strikes, they once again show that our systematicity is increasing, gradually, the number of means of defeat is increasing, we understand that this is what made in our country. and it is very good that we are developing this direction, this is the first, second , how sensitive it will be, well, it is difficult to say how sensitive it will be for russia, because we are not hitting civilian objects, but for the russians everything , that is not according to him, then everything is allowed , and as far as we can see now, we have destroyed their
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manpower, equipment, well, they do not particularly suffer from this, therefore, of course, in order for them to feel this, it is necessary to build up the potential, to do not only drones that fly, and... make our rockets saps, to let them in, and so that they hit more targets , and then economically, i think , first of all, when we recently the security service hit their oil refineries, and this also affected their situation, including inside, in relation to the fuel restrictions there , we saw that they are even there due to the fact that they are waging a war and that there is an impression that they are there... they even banned the export of some brands of gasoline, because they understand that the problem with this is internal, so of course, it is necessary to build up, and this system, it will give its result, or quickly , well, let's not deceive ourselves, let's say so, it will not be quick, but the result will still be, well
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, our result will also depend on the weapons that our partners will provide, that is the question about missiles long-range taurus, this question has been raised, and especially now , in the context of this new scandal with the recordings of the conversations of the soldiers of the federal republic of germany, it is also gaining momentum, because the russians made public these recordings of the conversations of the german soldiers, who are discussing the attack on the kerch bridge with missiles, the possibility attack, with taurus missiles, the german authorities are already falling apart in front of the russians, they are saying that in fact, maybe there were such conversations, but we didn't mean anything, we didn't say anything about what could happen. and this is what boris pistorius says, and olaf scholz and other officials of the federal
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republic of germany say this, they apologize to the russians and say: "sorry for these conversations." how is this whole story, this whole spy story with eavesdropping and making these conversations public, how will it affect the further acquisition us these long-range weapons? well, we see that the russians are doing everything for that. to interrupt the transfer of these missiles, uh , so, of course, first of all, it is a question for the intelligence of uh, germany, that they allowed themselves such a puncture and talk about such serious things, uh, and, let's put it this way, unprotected somewhere in the hotel, hotel, using wi-fi, so here is the question and... of course, it will somehow spill over there now into this very international, let's say, not that international, well, yes, i think that several
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countries will fall under e this scandal, because first of all, germany must convey, someone has their vision, the same french, germans, not germans, british, who have already given a number of missiles and are waiting for these missiles to reach us, so let's hope that in the near future somehow this issue will be resolved, because there is still... there will be a question of how many of these missiles we really need, if it is there 5-10 for a tick of the missiles, it will not solve the issue for us if it is a certain number, which was even announced in these negotiations, it is already possible to talk about something, mr. colonel, i will ask you about the very end of our talks about the mobilization law or the draft law, because there is no law yet, there was a first reading, then amendments and amendments, more than 400 amendments, 4100, in my opinion
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, if i am not mistaken, and the question is what and where, and where is this draft law, and why is it not considered as a priority and one that was insisted on by the same president zelenskyi who said that it is necessary, it is necessary to consider, this is this is necessary, it is already necessary for yesterday, not for tomorrow, sir ? colonel, can you hear me? we have lost contact with colonel kostenko. please redial. unfortunately, you see the connection, which is not stable in ukraine, now we will redial colonel kostenko and ask him about this bill, because information has already appeared that shmyhal is working out fairer approaches to the reservation of military conscripts, and there is information about it, but no information when viewing. this bill is in the second reading, more than 400 amendments. colonel, what is being said in
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your committee about the mobilization bill when it is introduced of the verkhovna rada and when will it be adopted in the final version? we are working now, just as we were working today, there was a committee on this bill, we are reviewing the latest amendments there that did not make it into the 16 blocks that we have before. considered, look, well, as i said, i think that by the end of the month we should have time for him to go to the hall, and again, it will depend on whether there will be meetings, or whether there will be no such thing as a meeting again will simply be canceled if it is scheduled for the second half, then i hope we will have time to prepare this draft law, then everything will depend on how it will pass the hall, how people's deputies will make their amendments, that is, when it will enter into force. it is not known, because the president still has to sign it, if he does not sign it, he will return
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it to the verkhovna rada, then the verkhovna rada must take into account its amendments and changes, and it is not a fact that this bill will become a law, there are many options, there are still options, when does not return there with its offers, it is to return it is necessary to impose a veto, and we already know many options, when they can lie there for six months without a veto, this is, for example , a bill for 25 years, it has been there since may, for more than half a year, yes, but it is not signed thank you, mr. colonel, for the conversation, it was roman kostenko, colonel of the security service of ukraine, people's deputy of ukraine, we are friends. we are live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live on social media, please like this video, subscribe to our pages, and also take part in our survey, today we are asking you about whether you approve of zelensky's decision not to attend biden's speech to congress, i will remind you what this question has to do with the fact that
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during the delivery of this speech, elena zelenska wanted to sit next to yulia navalna. and perhaps one of the reasons why zelenska did not want to visit washington was precisely her reluctance to sit next to a representative of the russian movement, which is behind border, not of the opposition, but of the movement abroad, i will call it that, if you think that this decision of zelensky not to go to washington is correct, 0800-211-381, no, 0800-211-382, all calls to... numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we have andriy klymenko, chief editor of the black sea news portal, head of the monitoring group of the institute of strategic black sea studies, mr. andriy, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. congratulations! mr. andrei, let's talk about what
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is happening now in the black sea, because it is very important from the point of view of fixation. in the course of the current war and during the deployment of defense forces in the black sea basin, according to the estimates of the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine, the ukrainian military has already destroyed a third of the 80 warships of the black sea fleet of the russian federation and damaged quite a lot, said dmytro pletenchuk, spokesman navy, captain third rank. he says that it is 27 units together with the submarine, of which 14 are visible serious units of various classes, these are large landing ships, missile boats, and submarines, and a patrol ship, and at the same time he says that there is still a lot left in the arsenal of the russians, can we say, mr. andriy, that
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russia is losing crimea as a base for the black sea fleet russian federation? well, you can say that, of course, and i will say right away, well , first of all, i will make such a remark that i am there, all the right numbers, i call the captain of the third rank klatenchuk, of course, i just do not want to be such a bare-faced optimist, and i don't want to to be some kind of pessimist, but the reality is that... of course, now in all the navies of the world, in the leading ones and in the naval academies, the course of events in the black sea in the last two years is being studied, because unexpectedly for many, the concept or strategies
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or projects of strategies for the development of the mosquito fleet, they received such a visual - confirmation, and this is done for the first time in such large-scale military operations, in the conditions of war, and it is possible to draw the following conclusions, in my opinion: well , first of all, of course, russia almost all its new missile ships to novorossiysk. this is the first conclusion, and in this sense , of course, the importance of sevastopol as the main base of the naval fleet is sharply decreasing, there are many different ships currently stationed there, the main ammunition depots of the black sea passage are located there in the cracker beam, it is in the direction of the rudder there
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kilometers 6 from the entrance to the main bay of sevosto. that is, the value remains there, but they base their most valuable ships in the new russian, and that they have something left that continues to be a serious a threat to the entire territory of ukraine, these are undoubtedly missile ships that are capable of not carrying it, of shooting, which fired at all of us during all these two years with caliber missiles, they have two missile cruisers, three missile corvettes of the buyan type. and three karakurt missile corvettes are in service, out of four, the fourth one is essentially made in the halls factory,
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it will most likely not be in service, and three submarines, out of four, the fourth one is seriously damaged, they are now trying to somehow restore it there, yes yes so to speak in sevastopol, it is still dry, that is, it is 11 units of carriers of calibers. but there is another problem, the problem is that, look, according to our monitoring data, on september 25 of last year , shelling with calibers stopped, and only at the beginning of this year , three caliber missiles were fired from ships of the black sea fleet on the territory of ukraine, there may be two reasons, and i think that no one will give an exact answer now, but maybe a complex of reasons, well, first of all, for this, they need to be transferred from
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the same main ammunition base of the black sea fleet in the cracker beam, to transfer by sea, because there was a case last year when an echelon with calibers was blown up in the dzhankoya area, they are now very afraid to transport it... across the bridge, through the kerch strait, because it is not in such a condition that such valuable cargo can be transported there, and that is why they transport them, including by the very large landing ships that they use as a ferry, and no, it cannot be ruled out that the same caesar kunikov, who was going to sevastopol and was drowned opposite my native yalta, that he was going to take some batch of caliber missiles, take it away. new russian, to load on missile ships, that is , what i am leading to, the missile danger remains,
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yes, yes, it is possible that in russia, there are problems with the production of these missiles, because there are many foreign components, but this danger remains, it cannot be ignore, that's the situation, that is, and for the kal missile... it doesn't matter where it's launched from, it has up to two five, 2,500 km, range, it's almost to london and almost to madrid, that is, this, it's all ours military, military sailors know everything, that is, but here, well, there is no need to fall into such optimism here, it is necessary to be to prepare for any eventuality with these missile ships, well, that is, the transfer of ships or... the transfer of ships from novorossiysk or further there to abkhazia is of no fundamental importance at all for these ten missile carriers that launch these
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calibers at a distance of up to 200 km, this it's completely understandable, but explain to me another story like this. in 2010, yanukovych signed a series of agreements with medvedev, which before... began the extension of the black sea fleet's stay on the territory of crimea until 2042, there was a package of documents, and gas debts, and discounts on gas, and many, many things, and it was clear that for russia, in principle, it is fundamentally important to keep crimea as a large base, a naval base, first of all, because this infrastructure, which is in the new russia and beyond, which they can build in abkhazia. in the future, it could be there , well, what a serious harbor it is, and it does not give the possibility to control the black sea completely
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, as sevastopol is, is it possible to say now that in the future, russia cannot and will not be able to restore the presence of eyes in the crimea of this entire large grouping that has existed since the time of the soviet union and was of great importance for the entire black sea basin, we will liberate the crimea, yes , of course, there are some conversations, treaties, that's all history, that's what the matter is, of course, in that geographical the position of crimea in the black sea, but on the map behind my head you can see that it is the center of... the black sea, er, and the black sea, it is small, yes, well, it is 501 km straight from sevastopol to bosporus,
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and we even in his... reports before the beginning after the great war, after the occupation of crimea in 17-18, they drew these circles on maps, yes, the fact is that all the coastal missile complexes that are in service with the russian black sea fleet in crimea, even with the smallest ranges, even the oldest, they along... covered the entire territory of the black sea, including the coast of romania, including the coast of turkey, and so on. that is, they tried to create, well, there is a special term, a zone of prohibited access, yes, where is the entire complex of weapons that they concentrated there, and this includes anti-aircraft s-400, crimea was the first to receive, and coastal
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complexes bastion, and ba. and they drove a bunch of iskanders there, that is, there was a lot of this missile component, which allowed them to really control theoretically on the maps the entire water area of ​​the black sea, well, it did not happen, you and i can see it, and one of the reasons why it did not happen and can it happen again in some future, in the near future, here they have... there are serious problems, well, look, just what we looked at in open sources, and we do it every day, in the last calendar year, the ukrainian armed forces almost they attacked objects on the territory of the crimean peninsula 200 times, and 60% of these attacks were concentrated in the western part. crimea
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, that is, sevastopol, yevpatoria, saki, chornomorsk, rozdol, that is, and the targets were precisely military airfields, and there are many of them, in crimea there are up to 11 first-class military airfields left after the soviet union, and almost all of them, which means russia resumed their use, of course, that this is... an attack, the attacks were on radar systems that monitored maritime traffic in the black sea. the last of these interesting - it was when the military intelligence of ukraine destroyed the very same locators of surface and underwater observation and air, which were located on the objects, on the platforms
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of the black sea-naftogaz, and they were interstellar. snakes and cape torkhankut in the crimea are located, which means , and finally, of course, that the attacks, here regarding the attacks on military ships, well, look, only last year we counted on ships in the sea, on ships in the sea, i emphasize, not without taking into account those cases when there were attacks in the bay, when... so there were attacks on ships at the sevastopol shipyard, and there were at least 26 attacks on ships at sea, and, i put an exclamation mark here, most of these attacks took place at a distance of approximately 120 kilometers from the bosphorus, that is, and i already mentioned that from bosphorus to sevastopol 501 , that is, it was closer to the coast of turkey, that is, it is right there where they pass...
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the so-called recommended routes of commercial vessels that go from the bosphorus in the direction of great odesa, and it was these attacks, they led to , that the russians became afraid to go out the sea is not only there to the area of ​​zmiiny island, yes, where do they understand where they can be hit by ukrainian missiles, even here where... there is a route to commercial ships to odessa, because they had an unpleasant experience of attacks by ukrainian naval drones, but this should also be assessed calmly and realistically, because of course the russians have already copied it...


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