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tv   [untitled]    March 7, 2024 1:30am-2:00am EET

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that zelenska did not want to sit next to yulia navalny, but the washington post today writes that this was the reason why the first lady of ukraine did not want to fly to washington and be at this solemn ceremony of biden's speech to the congress. how do you perceive it, whether zelenska did the right thing or did it wrong, and whether it is right that the ukrainian side is not up to... allows us to question at any moment our desire to defeat russia and our desire to win, including and good russians, mr. maksym, i do not think that in this case it was about some kind of confrontation between olena zelenskaya and the widow of oleksii navalny, eh... rather, there would be
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a very unfavorable context for the first lady of ukraine, and she accordingly acted correctly, and obviously , that this decision was made by a wider circle of people involved, zelenskyi's headquarters , conditionally speaking, because in this situation, of course, if yulia navalna won, she would become the main character, she would be... in the center of attention, and absolutely undeservedly, since it's elena after all zelenska, the wife of the president , that is, she represents, including the ukrainian state, by status, while yulia navalna represents so far only herself, only the memory of her husband, and a small circle of russian oppositionists, with the logic of public relations and spindo. and everything else that goes
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with it, it was absolutely the right decision, the only thing , of course, we risk somewhat spoiling the relationship with the biden administration, maybe with him personally, since it is clear that it was a pr find of their own biden headquarters, it would have to look impressive, it should work on... his image as a person who is not only able to support ukraine, but also gives some prospect of reforming russia, it will take us a very long time to fight this, and eh, i don't know how successfully , this is the desire to see the russia of the future, democratic and so on, it is absolutely, well, so long-lasting. history,
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we will deal with it in the near future, maybe even decades, and here the logic of the americans can be understood in principle, they have always acted this way in the fight against similar regimes, they found some alternative , promoted it and at the right moment it worked, that is, it is a political technology and the fact that we perceive it very emotionally and look at it from our point of view absolutely does not... does not change anything in american politics, well beyond any doubt, the americans wanted to use this story, well, first of all , joseph biden during his election campaign, and it is clear that here the russian yulia navalna, here the ukrainian elena zelenska, well, it is almost like in the vatican in 2022, they wanted ukrainians and russians, or a ukrainian and a russian woman carried the cross, and in this way he showed. when
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the pope of rome wanted to show that , what is this unity, this is that we all carry this cross in life anyway, mr. oleksiy, how do you perceive this whole story with yulia navalny, well, maxim explained everything clearly enough about their statuses, but it is clear that in this situation, probably, some ukrainians would not accept it. of such a neighborhood zelensky next to navalny, and even more so all these stories with oleksiy navalny’s sandwich, they would have in in principle, it probably has the opposite effect in ukraine, and did the world understand it, except for the united states of america, that, well, biden put two women who are fighting against putin next to each other, but in different ways and in different places, by the way, on many ... in many venues
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around the world, there is a temptation to sit ukrainians next to russians, to play such a game that there is a part of good russians there, there is an opposition, there is something else, and you absolutely correctly mentioned: about the pope of rome and this story with two girls who will be there to lead procession of the cross, a similar story with the nobel peace prize, which was shared , including with the russians, and there are quite a lot of such stories, there are sports grounds, cultural, cultural events, they say, culture outside of politics, and much more, ukrainian diplomacy has done absolutely there is a correct decision. this is definitely not the decision of olena zelenska, it is also obvious that the ministry of foreign affairs, maybe the site of the national security service of ukraine, maybe the advisors of the head of state, but the decision was absolutely correct, because we would have been accepted, well, i think that ukrainian society, at least, accepted
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b it is extremely negative, well, first of all, navalny's wife is far from the size for us to be able to communicate, conduct negotiations. to influence the position, because its influence is purely symbolic, but now after navalny's funeral, it will obviously be more willing to be accepted there at various world events, later this influence will simply be minimized, and even here it would be incorrect on our part to draw a line of such similarity with tykhanovskaya, because tykhanovskaya, some states of the world recognized her as legally elected. president, it is very important, she forms her government in exile, and this government even works, that is, i talked to several members of the government, they really work, this is not an imitation of work, but navalny's wife is a completely different story, that is, first of all, this person does not have a clear political position regarding the war
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, the fact that it does not say a special operation, but uses the word war, does not mean anything yet, that is, there is no position on the borders, by the way, what is key, you mentioned the sandwich that navalny mentioned, i will remind you of these words, that crimea is not a sandwich, to return him, his wife does not have any position in crimea, and therefore this is not the direction of cooperation with the good russians that we should support, there are some good russians with whom we really should work, these are the russian legions that go to the rear, who work in the belohorod region, who work in... maybe ukraine, but this is about single people, and from the navalny project, i think it will not surprise anyone if i say that we will not see any results there, but from this environment it is unlikely to be serious the opposition force in russia, it is unlikely
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that there will be any influence, let's say, on the formation of the opposition environment in russia, that is, it will be such peripheral political games and nothing more, but the future a... anti-putin opposition, it will definitely appear in russia, but i i think that it will appear very quickly, chaotically, perhaps in the format of another riot there, another power play there and many other things, but it is not about the story with navalny's headquarters, and not the story with yulia navalna, because it is clear that she is not in russia on the territory of the russian federation, it is clear that it is very difficult to fight. against putin exclusively outside the borders of the russian federation, and this anti-putin story, which can unfold on the territory of the russian federation , can really only be in the form of some riots, if there are any. but there must
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be an anti-putin coalition in the world, in the end we see the formations of this anti-putin coalition, we see in various formats that this coalition is trying to cooperate. in the format of ramstein and in the format of the european union and in the format of the north atlantic alliance, but we are witnesses over the last few days , gentlemen, how this anti-putin coalition takes two steps back, because the russian federation should have released the recordings of the german military, where they are discussing the issue of a possible strike by tauras long-range missiles on the kerch bridge, when suddenly everyone starts. to make excuses, to say that this is not the case, that germany will never provide taurus, that germany will never allow itself to be drawn into this process, what, mr. maxim, in your opinion, prevents the world, well, to clearly articulate its position that such a russia is not
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the world needs it, well, in this form, it is not needed, it simply threatens everything, not only ukraine, the whole world, the whole. planet, because when obsessed people have a bunch of weapons, including nuclear weapons, it is dangerous for the world, and the sooner the world understands this, articulates... its position, perhaps the sooner this regime in russia will disappear. well, if we talk about the north atlantic community itself, or more broadly, the west, although it currently includes such reliable partners and allies of ukraine in current conditions, such as japan or australia or new zealand. so... this progressive part of humanity, it seems to me,
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has already expressed its attitude to this act of aggression and to the nature of putin's regime clearly enough, the only thing we do not see yet is determination to help ukraine win on the battlefield, why i say so... because, in my opinion, a certain scenario or a certain strategy is implemented, which allows to destroy russia, reduce its influence in the world, well, in such a way that is more painless for the west and less risky in ways that we would expect, that is, if russia gets involved in a protracted war, if er... putin's regime continues to slide into international isolation and exhausts
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to a certain extent its economic potential, technological potential, then this attitude and this understanding that it should cease to exist, it is realized in a certain way, it is very unpleasant for us that we are suffering and we are also exhausting our survival mode, but when we... talk about geopolitics, then there, so speak, there is little room left for sentiments, so if we talk about rhetoric, it seems to me that all the necessary words have already been said, not all the steps have been taken, no steps have been taken regarding the proper supply of weapons, the economic sanctions have an absolutely ridiculous effect so far, when we hear that even british companies ... we, britain, seem to be our most loyal and most determined ally, but we learn that in
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russian weapons there are elements that are supplied from the west, and british companies cooperate with russian ones, that is, there are many things that the west could be more resolute, and uh, but one more short remark, it seems to me that he will be pushed to... more decisiveness, as it is not a pity, but the threat of a catastrophe in ukraine, that is, we heard when the theses about the fact that the russians can break through the front, theses that ukraine is suffocating without supplies of ammunition, began to stir, the president of the czech republic began to propose, the prime minister, i apologize, the prime minister of the czech republic proposed his idea, macron spoke with decisive statements in the us congress after all
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some kind of movement has begun, but only such a threat that ukraine will not survive can, unfortunately, encourage the west to take more decisive actions. the president of france, mentioned by you, mr. maxime, stated that he does not rule out that the troops of individual countries participating in the north atlantic... may be on the territory of ukraine, later he said that there is no need to be cowards in the current situation, and called on the allies to help ukraine as much as possible, because the future of europe depends on this help. boris pistorius, german defense minister, says that macron's call to not be cowards, problems with the military. supporting ukraine will not solve the problem, and the eu high representative for foreign affairs and security policy
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josep borel said that it does not make sense to create an eu army yet, because there is also a lot of talk about it in europe now. at the same time , the coordinator of strategic communications of the national security council of the white house, john kirby, says that the united states of america is not going to send its troops to participate in hostilities in ukraine, he said so. which stated, let's hear what john kirby had to say. from the very beginning , president biden stated very clearly that there would be no american troops fighting on the battlefield within the borders of ukraine. and you know that president zelensky is not asking for this, he is only asking for means and capabilities, he never asked for foreign troops to fight for his country, he and his army will do that, but they need means, and here we have to help them, mr. oleksiy, but our western partners do not want
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to send military contingents to the territory ukraine, they give us quite... modest aid, they give us military aid, and the united states of america even now cannot decide in what way to give the same military aid, how do you think the defense is going to inflict a strategic defeat on putin, if they don't do anything about it, or they do minimally, you said the key words, extremely modest assistance and extremely... extremely slow and careful measures to limit the influence of the putin regime, and russia in general. so, when we are talking, say, about financial support for ukraine, i recall 2009, the beginning of the ten-year debt crisis in greece. then , for small greece, in order for it to cope with the issue of debts, international
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financial institutions and the european union allocated 260 billion euros. loans of 260 billion in order to solve the issue of debts, and 50 billion for four years for ukraine, in order to solve the question of its survival and the question of security for, at least, eastern europe. and so i think a lot of our partners understand that very well, that what they're differentiating in ukraine, support, equipment, weapons, ammunition, firstly, it is not enough, it is extremely little, secondly. it happens extremely chaotically, when the countries, the leading countries of the european union, throw up their hands and say: well , it didn't work out later, let's increase production, and the president of the czech republic says: stop, we have a backup plan, 800, 800 thousand shells, 800 or 800 million shells, a huge number, and
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that is, it shows a certain chaos in decision-making, there is no certain vision in a month, in six months, in a year. on the other hand, there should be, and i think, certain objections to the address of the ukrainian authorities, because there are issues that need to be worked on. if we are talking about finances, i think that we need to put on the agenda for a long time not only the issue of financial support for ukraine, but also the write-off of part of the debts, which will reduce our debt burden, we will be able to make serious enough savings. to save money, and actually, the very issue of war, such a force majeure as war, it allows to start these negotiations, to start the process, and this process can be quite effective, and therefore it's simple for us right now, i think it's one of the key events of this year, these are macron's
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words that he does not rule out the participation, the involvement of the french military, in the work in ukraine, it's a lot, and the details can go on. it will be technical staff, it will be training, instructors, it will be the third, fourth format, but the key thing is that macron started this discussion, europe began to perceive key security factors for itself more realistically and to be quite critical of the possibility of a quick victory over putin. this... this is important for us, because macron's statement has been picked up to one degree or another by four more states, these are states that have less influence on decision-making, but at least the discussion around this issue has started, which is an extremely big plus, and i think what exactly this statement is, it will have the effect of weapons, and equipment, and finances. well, macron
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acted simply as an atypical politician, he spoke against the will. his voters, well, at least the results of sociological surveys indicate that it is unlikely that average french voters will agree with the thesis of their president, that is, this is an extremely responsible step by macron as a politician, and not only as a politician on the scale of france, on the scale of the world, because we are talking about the fact that macron may be taking over the leadership now on the european continent. in security matters, because we are talking about what, if, or even if, if trump wins the presidential elections in the united states of america, then it is possible... the whole structure of the north atlantic alliance can change, or, let's say, adjust in some way , because trump says that those who do not pay, we will not protect them,
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or does not pay enough into the general budget of the north atlantic alliance. is it possible, mr. maximu, based on what macron said and what european politicians are saying, about the european army, although they are standing now and saying that it is impossible, is it possible for a new security... structure to appear already with the participation of ukraine, because ukraine is one of the cornerstones of this new european security architecture, but in the format of the north atlantic alliance we cannot be members of nato in the near future, while the war is going on, but in the format of a new european security structure of some kind, where we will play a much larger role than in the north atlantic alliance, we can be, is such a... scenario possible? the scenario is certainly possible, but there are many prerequisites for it to be realized. well, and to be honest, uh,
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ending the war with a positive result for us, i'll say optically, uh, our victory in this war, uh, is a necessary condition for such alliances to be formed and.. .were stable and were formalized and so on, because alliances are still formed and develop mainly in peacetime, during a war er few people risk, so to speak , to intervene in a fight after it has started, i think that many european politicians crossed their minds when putin attacked ukraine and.. .. they mentioned that at one time they did not, did not accept ukraine into nato or did not start its movement even in nato, by and large, because that would have required
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them to already intervene in the fight, enter the war, and we can talk about that , that maybe putin would not have attacked, but what is happening there in the baltic region, a threat that loomed over its individual nato member countries. shows that such a calculation is also, so to speak, controversial. so, if we talk about the future security configuration in our part of the world or in central, eastern europe, it will be determined mainly by the results of the russian-ukrainian war. how ukraine will come out of this war, how russia will come out of this war, so to speak. these will be key factors that will influence the choice and decisions of european partners, of course they are
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so to speak, they will be very careful and look after their national interests, and as for macron's statement and the logic of the one that develops within the euro-atlantic community and so on, i would draw attention to another... factor that few people mention now, they talk about the cautious chancellor of the federal republic of germany, who will lose against macron, in this case, but less talk about the rather restrained position that british diplomacy has recently taken, that is, britain has not changed its position, so to speak, but activity, leadership. so to speak, today she does not claim it , as it was under the previous prime minister, so there is a chance,
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a niche appears, but it is still a political niche, before decisive steps and new alliances military and political, i think, is still very far away. thank you, gentlemen, after a short break , we will return to our conversation, for the audience , i will tell you what will be interesting next. don't switch. there are 15% discounts on spasmalgon tablets in psyllium pharmacies to save you money. there are discounts on phyto broncholithin - 15% in podorozhnyk pharmacies bam and savings there are discounts on vitamin d3 d3 max 10% in psyllany bam and oskad pharmacies. premium sponsor of the national team represents the association.
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stronger together. great return of great lviv. conversations, discussions, finding solutions, ukraine's largest conversational format in the evening prime. in general, i think we need two things. money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. the most important thing - every thursday at 9:15 p.m., velikiy lviv speaks in the project, on tv channel uso. every saturday the political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on
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this is the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, we are live and also on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live on these platforms, please like this video, subscribe to our pages, take part in our survey, today we ask you about this, friends, do you approve of zelensky's decision not to attend the speech
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biden to congress? where at this speech , at these celebrations, at these, they wanted to seat zelensky next to yulia navalny, if you approve of zelensky's decision not to attend biden's speech because of this, then vote on tv by phone at the number 0800 211381, not 08021382, and please during of the entire broadcast, we conduct this vote on... at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote, all calls to these numbers are free on youtube, everything is quite simple, yes, you choose and or write your comment, what do you think about this. today , maksym rozumny and oleksiy koshel are our guests, we are talking not only about foreign policy, but also about domestic policy. today it became known that the central election commission declared that there are no questions regarding the legitimacy of president volodymyr zelensky after
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may 20. no, he will rule the state until the end of the martial law regime, this is stated in the central election commission's response to the request of the glavkom internet publication, that there will be no issues with legitimacy until the end of martial law, after the end of martial law, after may 20, after the end of this, grant martial law, for 30 days, after the end of this legal state will be. presidential elections were announced, at the same time information appeared about the presidential possibilities, the current presidential possibilities of zelensky and zaluzhny, sociology from socis, if the presidential elections were held this year, then the majority of ukrainians would support the candidacy of valery zaluzhny, the results from...


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