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tv   [untitled]    March 7, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EET

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the electoral center declared that there are no questions regarding the legitimacy of president volodymyr zelensky after may 20, he will rule the country until the end of the martial law regime, this is stated in the response of the central election commission to the request of the internet edition of glavkom, that there will be no questions about the legitimacy before the end of martial law, after the end of martial law, after may 20 at the end. this, grant martial law, for 30 days, after the end of this legal state , presidential elections will be announced, at the same time information about the presidential possibilities, the current presidential possibilities of zelenskyi and zaluzhno, sociology from socis appeared. if the presidential elections were held this year, the majority of ukrainians would support the candidacy of valery zaluzhny, the results show. poll of this company
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, valery zaluzhnyi has the most support at 31.3%, volodymyr zelenskyi at 21.7%, while in the second round with zelenskyi, zaluzhny would get 67% against zelenskyi’s 32%, this is sociology, in principle, mr. oleksiy, to you like a person who follows almost everyone started with the elections that were taking place. things, if i am not mistaken, since 1994 you have been in the committee of voters of ukraine, here, that is, for 30 years you have been monitoring all election processes, all election results, the course of the election campaign, during the last few months we have seen a lot of different sociology, where it is said about the presidential elections, about who can win and about the leaders of the trust rating despite the fact that it is absolutely obvious that these are not obvious. that
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these presidential elections will not be held soon, or will they be, what is this connected with? in my opinion deep convictions, there cannot be any presidential, parliamentary, or local elections during martial law. there is a rule of the constitution that clearly says about the non-holding of parliamentary elections, but this rule, its logic extends to other articles of the constitution, and at least the leading specialists in constitutional law, with whom or i spoke, i was familiar with their opinion, all have a unanimous position that , that the president is legitimate after may 20, and there should not be any discussions in this regard, but why did this discussion appear, in my opinion, this discussion was provoked by the bank, because i will remind you that in october-november last year, active topics about elections began, they say that it is impossible to hold, but you can change the law, and none of the representatives
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of the authorities, except, by the way, mr. venislavskyi, then the president's representative in the verkhovna rada, everyone except him said that in principle, if we want, elections can be held, we will change one law, another, 226 votes is not a problem and so on, and now that the situation has already been shaken up , now became it is clear that no, gentlemen, now we are already mentioning the constitution, it was necessary to mention it earlier, to make a submission to the constitutional court. get a clear conclusion get a clear conclusion and stop all speculation because it is dangerous. we educate the state during the war. and now, by the way, it is already difficult to apply to the constitutional court, because there are only 13 members out of 18, and 10 votes are needed to make a decision, that is, there are already serious problems, so now we have seen the statements of the cec , and statements from party representatives. servants of the people, i think
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this topic will live on for months and politicians will speculate on it, and russia will try, so i am convinced that there cannot be any elections now, cannot, er, all the ratings that appear, they are quite conditional, well, at least during the war, talking about ratings is a very conditional thing, but they show a trend, indeed, and kmiz and... previous polls show, and sotsis, and kmiz, and others, show that there is a trend an increase in mistrust of the authorities, of the institutions of power, in some cases it is not just an increase mistrust, you know, at an angle of 45°, the fall of mistrust, well, at least towards the verkhovna rada and the cabinet of ministers, we need to draw conclusions from this, because this tendency is quite threatening during the war, because distrust towards... individual power institutions, and mistrust,
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and the growth of mistrust there in certain personnel in power, this is generally a decrease in trust in the state. including before the mobilization and many other things, therefore it is necessary to stop political games as much as possible now and draw conclusions from sociology, not from ratings, but from other indicators but on the other hand, mr. maxim, these are the results of sociology, although they were probably predicted, and in principle it would be possible even without conducting sociology and polls, well, in principle, to predict that such a proportion could be. and without that, but this sociology, in fact, gives understanding not only to the authorities about what is happening and who is a competitor, well , a potential competitor, but also gives a potential competitor the opportunity to understand, and what to do with this trust rating , because
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one way or another we see what is useful postponed, but still the rating of trust in the industrious is high enough, and here the question is whether or not ... the industrious does not have, there will be no temptation to start with the creation of a party, and, well, it can also be or in his associates, headed by his name, or headed by his image, well, somehow we already talked about this situation in this studio, about the hard-working man, his potential political start, running for president or something. as a part of some political force and uh, they mentioned that in a similar way already the situation or certain people, certain groups pushed out the leaders, uh, sometimes uh, well, if not against
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their will, then regardless of their desire, they were pushed into big politics, into this, into the ratings of sociological services and so on, well, remember, that... viktor yushchenko, who there called leonid kuchma father and in general positioned himself there as a banker and in general so very forcedly became the president, so to speak, although later it seems he liked it, well, that 's it. so, this whole story with the stalwart, with his rating, it also has this flavor of political technology, but here i agree with my colleague, that groot. started, well, from both sides, and it was bankova who started it with the hope of her victory, i mean the whole story with the possibility of holding elections, with the regular
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publication of ratings of the current head of state high, accordingly, and in this situation, of course, that political intrigue will only grow. a decrease in the rating of the government , a decrease in its popularity is the fate of almost all politicians, especially in ukraine . year rule, in the conditions of the war, this logic was somewhat adjusted, but it was not canceled, besides , we did not know. know how the war will end, there is a high probability that president zelensky will have to sign the peace that is not or agree to it in an informal way, the peace that will not satisfy many ukrainians, under these conditions, of course, that
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his popularity may drop sharply, and there will be the question of an alternative, today we see such a serious application for an alternative, we... do not yet know what general zaluzhnyi himself thinks about this matter, because after his resignation he rarely says anything, but this application is very serious. thank you, mr. maksym, mr. oleksiy, but what can you do to return the rating to volodymyr zelenskyi, because we have already heard shmyhal say that the ministry should be reduced by a third, and it is clear that this will contribute to that. that the trust rating for zelenskyi will return, because in our country people like it when ministries are reduced, when there, well, even if it is a simulated reduction, there, a third of the ministries will be reduced, but the officials will not be reduced, but in different ministries they will root, as it happened more than once,
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or they will create state committees, as it also happened more than once, what do you think can now restore the trust rating of zelensky, or increase the trust rating. to zelenskyi, you know, i am afraid that nothing has happened, that is, a large number of system errors have been made, as volodymyr zelenskyi told during a few months ago. conference, the decision-making mechanism in the state, he spoke about five or six close people for whom, by the way, we did not vote in the elections, we understand that this mr. yermak, several deputy heads of the office, well, actually the president announced these names, and for me, you know, it was shocking the fact that among these five or six i wanted to hear, i wanted to hear the name of the prime minister, the chairman of the verkhovna rada and the secretary of the nsdc, and they were simply not there, that is... if we speak strategically, i think that nothing will help volodymyr zelenskyy now, because an illogical,
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ineffective management mechanism has been built, and therefore mistakes will continue, mistakes will continue, mistakes will be done based on the emotional component, the mechanism of authority will not work in a sufficiently high-quality way, and therefore this array of errors will continue to accumulate. and why i speak so skeptically, because the authorities today do not even understand what a hellish and inefficient model they have built, this model cannot work, you see, we can manage the country in the format of a soviet collective farm, so at a certain period of time there is a management format red directors or the format of the soviet collective farm such individual decision-making, this mechanism can work a short time, but... working for years to make the state effective is illogical, and that is why we see a huge
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number of management, management mistakes, we do not appoint the british ambassador there for six months, it is a lot, it is simply catastrophically much, there is not even an understanding, we do not appoint an ambassador to the netherlands, china has not had an ambassador to china for about two years, and ending with the latest examples, when in... yesterday, the parliament decided not to hold sessional meetings in order to make a pr trip to the front. well, you know, it's for to put it mildly, it is strange to me, because i saw the agenda, there is a large array of european integration bills. thank you, mr. oleksiy, we have to finish, give us also regulations, as in the verkhovna rada of ukraine. thank you, oleksiy koshel, chairman of the committee of voters of ukraine and maksym. smart , doctor of political science, were guests of our program today, during this program
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we conducted a survey, friends, we asked you about the following: do you approve of zelenska's decision not to attend biden's speech to congress, 44% yes, 50, 56%, no, it's on tv, on i put an end to this, it was a verdict program conducted by serhiy rudenko, take care of yourself and your family, goodbye. good evening, we are from ukraine. volodymyr zelenskyi's cortege was fired upon in odesa, there are dead and wounded, the enemy hit the shopping center in nikopol. well, actually, in the united states of america, obviously, trump has no competitors. we will talk about this and other things for the next hour and 45 minutes. this is a great ether program, my name is vasyl zima, and we start with an announcement about the collection. by the way, you have already collected almost 150. hryvnias on buggies, and espresso calls to join the gathering on bugey for the evacuation of the wounded and
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the transportation of combat kits, as well as for automobile and trench rebs for the 12th separate special purpose detachment. our soldiers destroy the enemy in the eastern direction every day. this collection will help save human lives and increase the efficiency of the unit. so join in, every donation strengthens the shield with which we restrain the aggressor and sharpens the sword with which our army cuts down the enemies. our goal is uah 480,000. we already have 150,000, we have some left more than half, but in any case we will do it, and now let's start right away with a conversation about the situation in nikopol, we are in touch, bye, dmytro bychkov is in touch with us, performing the duties of nikopol, yes, one second, i have dmytro vychkov on the phone with us, he is the head of the nikopol district council, mr. dmytro, i congratulate you, and good evening, if he is good, but what kind of evening are we having? is not good, and every time one of the cities comes under massive blows, and so it flies there, and there, and there, well
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now flew over nikopol to the shopping center, this is what we know, from what we can say, tell me more, please, yes, the enemy continues to shell nikopol and the nikopol district, with artillery, hail and drone strikes, and today was not an exception, another shelling of our region took place, and one of the... part of this shelling would be hitting one of the largest shopping centers of our city, we are waiting for the final details of this, let's say, this shelling from the state authorities , which sum up the daily report on the security situation in dnipropetrovsk region in dnipropetrovsk region and including the nikopol district, but the fact is that you are now showing the video of that tim who from this hit, and it actually covered almost the entire city, because let's say this,
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it is located in residential part of our city, and in fact this arrival took place. and everyone saw, heard and felt it almost like that, so we are waiting for the final information, but we can say that in this way the enemy continues to influence and destroy the economy of our region, and by shelling large industrial enterprises, small businesses, medium-sized businesses, thus trying to stop the vital activity of our city and region. and tell me, please, was this shopping center working or not? worked, but i understand the information about the wounded, god forbid, there are no dead yet, because i just read literally that the information is being clarified, yes, this information is being clarified, in order for it to be more one hundred percent, you just have to wait for the final message from the regional of the state administration, and do you know what the enemy hit, artillery, artillery, that is, it’s seconds there
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, as i understand it, before the arrival, yes, we always say that in nikapolis the arrivals take place in... from the time of departure to 10 there are 14 seconds and of course it is very difficult for people to orient themselves and be, let’s say so in preparation for these attacks, that is why these are the realities of life in nikopol. well, now there is information, i don't know if you can see it now, that in the very place where the analysis is ongoing, well, overcoming the consequences of the enemy attack on the shopping center there is a threat of the arrival of kamikaze drones, well, i think that this information, if i know it, it is definitely known by the rescuers there and... and those people who have to die for safety, because the enemy very often uses this terrible tactic of his, he strikes repeatedly at those places where there was a flight through for some time, realizing that there may be employees of the state emergency service, rescuers, and so on , people who, let's say, because, well, if it's possible there, then it can be transmitted, i think, although i think that this information has come, but this is this again, this is a tactic that the enemy unfortunately
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uses very often and unfortunately sometimes from that is why both firefighters and rescuers die, and... that is, as far as i understand, this story is just the life of nikopol, so that people understand how nikopol lives, that is, there is a signal of alarm here and there, in my opinion, he is not stops, well, that is, not the signal , but the threat itself does not turn off, because this is a constant approach, and as far as i know, from enemy positions, from a possible place of use of artillery, well, artillery installations to the coastal zone, where the epicenter is located, this there are five 6 km, yes, approximately yes, in depending on the territory, it can be 5 km , it can be 7 km, so of course it is nearby, by land, it is far, more than 200 km, and due to the remains of the kokhov reservoir and today’s dnipro river, it is from 5 to 7 km, so fly they arrive very quickly, and very
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often the enemy attacks with artillery, hail and drones, which have been increasing recently... well, unfortunately, they are such a trend not only in nikopol region, in general throughout the country, that the increase in the number of drones, well , we understand that this there may be barrel artillery, there may be a jet system volley fire, which, say, covers whole hectares, well, there, let's say rszv, hail, tornado, hurricane, or what else the enemy can use, but here it's simply a question of the readiness of the local population, because we understand that here there will be no alarms, you will not have conditionally even five minutes, three minutes, so that you are somewhere at least, well, somewhere there somewhere... and managed to hide, like people, how, what, what algorithm, well , again, from what can be said, maybe there are some there are nuances, which are the actions of citizens, or in this situation, visitors of a shopping mall center, we hope that everything will be fine with people, how to act, because as far as i understand, it has flown here, and you have to hope that it
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just won't affect you, well , this is probably the most important algorithm, but of course people are trying. constantly check the channels in the appropriate groups for possible consequences, for alarms, for the information that is provided in order to find out whether it is safe now or not, well, although more or less some information that comes in telegram channels or in some other applications , that's why it's the most important thing, well, it's desirable for people, of course move around the city less and try to avoid such... centers where this can happen, well, in general, what is the situation with humanitarian aid in nikopol, provision of timely communal services there, light, electricity. well, electricity, that there is water there now, is a problem in general, we know, after the explosion of the kokhovskaya hydroelectric power station, it is a problem for the whole region, in the dnipropetrovsk region, in particular, and
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to what extent the construction of this highway from the dnipro has been completed, please, everything in principle more- less normal despite problems with water, which exist in the territory of nikopol region after the explosion of the kakhovskaya gez, but it is partially there, the situation is different in different territories. somewhere drinking from the tap, somewhere technical, somewhere delivering water, and yes , in principle , there is light, gas, and water and all the necessary things in principle, but of course we are grateful to the public utilities and critical infrastructure, the state emergency service, who quickly fix the humanitarian situation after arrivals - less normal due to the help from the state and from regional regional state administration funds and humanitarian missions, who work in the territory of the nikopol region, of course we need to improve the situation regarding the provision of educational , cultural and sports projects for children,
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who, in my opinion, suffer the most in our region, because in fact online education does not replace the educational process, there are no works for children's sports schools, cultural activities, i'll just give you an example that children who play sports, well, in particular , football, they go out in order to hold... a social meeting, game or training 100 km away, and 80-100 km, it to understand that it actually cannot replace, let's say, a normal training process, and i can say that there are relevant statistics that, unfortunately, over the past two years, the children of the nikopol district have become less healthy, because they have certain osteohands, psychological, and nervous problems , vision loss, this is actually... that today children have stopped playing sports less, they live in constant stress, they hear all this, understand it, and therefore we need more and more projects, and i always try
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to attract children to take them out today children on appropriate recreational sports events, but we need more and more of this for nikopol, here it is also important regarding the enemy's informational and psychological operations, well , let's say, as we had an example, we had an example with kharkiv and that the enemy is going to kharkiv, there is one people's deputy, this one said, then and well, that they will capture kupyansk, and then they will take over kharkiv and everything, and since the beginning of the year from kharkov, well, of course shelling, but shelling in kharkiv in principle did not stop, but since the beginning of the year through 100,000 people left kharkiv because of such fears, this is a lot, there are not 5 million people living in kharkiv, not even six. therefore, it is clear that 1,000 is a certain percentage of and in relation to nikopol and the nikopol region, the enemy is spreading an information and psychological operation, such messages that they, well, the russian group on
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the left, on the left bank of the dnipro, this reservoir, the former, is breaking through a tunnel, and then there will be an amphibious landing and they will capture nikopol, this is being discussed with the people, some kind of explanatory work is being carried out, perhaps, and does this cause are there any panicky moods, are people walking... looking where there might be a tunnel, well , panicky moods can always exist in part of the population, accordingly, information is always given to the state administration , accordingly, comments are given regarding, let's say, real threats, unreal threats that may be in the territory of the nikopol district, but i can say that for a certain period of these shellings and daily threats and anxiety, the residents have already partially got used to the fact that... such constant hostile psychological attacks exist, but we can say that they are partially working, but i can say that our people in
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the nikopol district, after, you know, having seen everything during this time, including with their own eyes, when the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant burned at the beginning of the war, so i can say that they have experienced a lot, and that's why the people are already a little resistant to these issues, and i can say that there is great confidence and support for the armed forces of ukraine, and that's why i can say that i think that no horror stories about the relevant trenches are now such relevant real threats, because there is a corresponding confidence in the armed forces of ukraine. i always want to interestingly ask people from certain regions or communities what the situation is with filling the budget, well , even if we talk about the district, and nikopolshchyna and possibly about the city, as a key ... center in filling this budget, whether we have problems, march has already started, and how much money is enough to at least
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finance protected articles. budget, well , accordingly, the work is always about optimization, but i also think that it is necessary to always continue this optimization with regard to the expenditures of the local budget, and i can say, of course this situation, it is not good on the territory of any community of the nikopol district, we have three cities and five rural communities, because a large business that works very significantly lost from the war and the usual deduction of pdf, land tax. hit the local budgets, you understand that what we started talking about this shelling from the beginning of the broadcast, well, these shellings also happen on small and medium-sized businesses, people die, are injured, and a lot of people leave, some people return, and it certainly affects the economy of the region, and of course on the possibility of providing relevant social programs, therefore for every mayor, head of community, deputy corps, it is of course
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always a challenge in order to optimize food in order not to stop the implementation of relevant social programs and the guaranteed ones that you are talking about they talked, is it being tracked at all, well, maybe you know what is happening in these territories, where there used to be water from the kakhovsky reservoir, now it is not there, it is a wasteland, something was growing there somewhere and maybe now it will grow again, what is there , as they say, the ecological situation, the biological situation, even so be it, well, of course, oda is taking its toll, the old channel of the dnipro river is being restored, what was before the actual creation of the kokhov reservoir, so of course those are returning landscapes that existed before that, and of course there is a river that flows in that place today, so in principle , nature is slowly leveling the situation that happened. thank you very much for the conversation, thank you
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for your comments and we hope that today... everything will be calmer in dnikopol, we will wait information about the results of the impact of the enemy's attack on the shopping center. dmytro bochko was with us, acting as the head of the nikopol district council. and let me remind you that the enemy hit the shopping center. we are talking about, this was the epicenter, and if i am not mistaken. ah, the information about the wounded and dead is being clarified. well, but as you heard from mr. dmytro, that it is seconds. 5-6 km and there. there are enemy artillery installations, i now want to quote to you what the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi said , a story happened today that appeared from first, the local media in odesa, which are not very well-known, but then the greek delegation, the prime minister of greece, who arrived in odesa, said about it, and then the statement of the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelensky, appeared, now i am subscribed to the president in telegram , you just have to find it and read this and that,
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well actually. rocket fire took place, unfortunately, in odesa, according to what the president and local authorities write, there are dead and dead and wounded, but there the question was that when president zelensky was moving, his motorcade and also his guests, his guest , this happened, this hit happened , yes, well, i don’t see it here, i don’t see it now in the president’s house, and here the question is, you know, what was the distance from the place of residence . the president and his guest from greece , was it supposed to be in the port, and to the place where the strike took place, the president wrote, i read this information before, wrote that he saw the place of the strike, but was it far away or it was closer, in any case , the situation here is not the same, but remember, there was once such a story, and somewhere at the beginning a full-scale invasion, plus a few months there, when it is their chief of the general staff there or whoever he is, or the commander-in-chief, gerasimov, he... arrived
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in the combat zone, well, still, as one of the top military, not the top the military in the russian army, in the army of the aggressor in russia , he arrived at the front line, and the armed forces of ukraine knew about the whereabouts of gerasimov, and they struck, well, he did not die there, but allegedly then there was a signal from our partners, it does not matter from whom , from our partners who said, what are you doing? at all, well, where are you going, guys , it means killing gerasimov, let ’s somehow er... key figures of russian politics, russian military-political of this aggressive government, and then there was such an understanding that, well, it’s as if maybe some unknown agreement that the key figures are not touched, the war continues, well , but there is the president, the chief of the general staff, the supreme commander, the prime minister, they are supposedly untouchable, but as russia has shown, she doesn't care in principle.. .


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