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tv   [untitled]    March 7, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EET

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father mykola kuzmenko is the archpriest of the novokokhov diocese of the uoc mp. kuzmenko graduated from kherson state university and until february 24 was engaged in cosmetology and worked as a massage therapist. when the great war began, she came to her parents in the village of novotroitske. there she went to the occupiers and began to beg for positions. at first , the invaders placed kuzmenko in a local employment center. she served there with faith and truth, so the rashists decided to promote her to last year, kusmenko was included in the list of candidates for deputies of the occupying regional duma from the united russia party in the pseudo-elections that took place from september 1 to 10. on propaganda channels, yevgenia demonstrated true popular love and support for the russian federation. in local public places , the collaborator urged locals to repaint the ukrainian symbols in the tricolor. elections are a mechanism of checks and balances of power. citizens have the opportunity to evaluate their elected representatives and if necessary.
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replace them with new ones. this traitor won the election. the occupiers solemnly handed her the mandate of a deputy of the fake kherson duma from the united russia party. when there is motivation, i think it doesn't matter what age you are. you're young, you're old, you don't care what you're working for, and when there's some kind of incentive, it gets people going. this traitor knows exactly what she is talking about, because she has been through it herself. payback they encourage her with positions, so working for the bunker grandfather is an inexplicable joy for kuzmenko. the words of volodymyr volodymyrovych always sound solemn and penetrate deeply into the heart and soul of everyone. and kuzmenko's appetites are growing. for a short time she was an ordinary deputy, already in october 2023, the occupying authorities of the kherson region appointed a traitor to the position of head of the novotroitska community. during her appointment, she read the oath of... loyalty to the russian federation. now, in
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a new status, this traitor travels to forums in the russian countryside and glorifies the terrorist country. people meet in general from different regions, that is, from different points of our great country, which offers many opportunities. people have more experience, so i try to use and apply useful and successful practices. the only opportunities that russia provides for collaborators is to get suspicions from ours. security agencies, and then sit down. true, there is another alternative, but it is less pleasant - it is to lie down in our holy land. experience shows that the careers of all traitors end in the same way, so it is better to choose the first scenario before it is too late. it was the program collaborators and i , olena kononenko. if you have information about kremi sellers, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook. together we will send all the traitors in pursuit of the russian ship. see you in a week. in
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ether espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. congratulations, this is a joint project of the tv channel and the atp tv channel. together with veraber we are talking about temporary occupied crimea and ways of its de-occupation and reintegration. my name is khrystyna yatskiv and i greet dera muzhdapayeva. hello alley and everyone.
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viewers, well, let's start by outlining the main topics of this week: certainly, crimea was on the lips of ukrainian officials and our international friends, it was also talked about abroad, this is connected with the anniversary of the large-scale invasion, the second anniversary of the large-scale invasion of the russian federation to ukraine, and of course, no one knows what happened 10 years ago i forgot that it's been 10 years. continues and no institution, foreign or there, will convince us that we have been living in a war for only two years, just like that, in order to bring victory closer, we actually call on you to join the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, the defense forces of ukraine, and already a large number of our colleagues also joined the military campaign against the russian occupier. and we
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have a whole battalion, which is being formed in one way or another, and which sets itself the ambitious goal of liberating the crimean peninsula. ayder, please remind me. this, this , the crimean 48th separate assault battalion named after noman chilibijahan, i think all our viewers, regardless of whether they are crimean or ukrainian, we are all ukrainians, in the end know who chizhikhan is, this hero of the crimean people, the first president after the collapse of the russian empire of crimea, well, then he, like all ukrainian figures of that time, was killed, and this is the battalion that is named... here is his portrait on the chevron, and he once dreamed that the crimeans would all live happily, that none in this way, no one disturbed or destroyed their lives, his dream did not come true, he was
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killed, he was killed by the bolsheviks, the russians killed them when they came together with almost the entire crimean intelligentsia of that time, and it so happened that lenur slyamov, the head of the crimean... of the tatar tv channel, where i have the honor to work, he is now the battalion commander of the separate assault battalion of the 48th oshb of the nomanychalidzhikhan armed forces, where he has been the commander for more than six months, and our crimeans also serve there, many of whom, by the way, are also you you probably know, just in the face according to some reports there or simply according to the life of someone who lived in crimea. well, there are many people there from all over ukraine, ukrainians from the crimea, and even from volyn, from glychyna, from completely different regions, who want to fight for the crimea in the southern direction together with the crimeans, they are there, and they need our support, you must you know, you know exactly
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what the difficulties are in the army now, the lack of ammunition, the lack of almost all such, well, things that are simply needed. every day, so i ask you how to call this phone, so that if you want a resume, how to say it correctly, well, it’s shorter to start recruiting , yes, i’m sorry, yes, you can call this battalion, as well as qr codes, there are card numbers, paypal, so what, we have to collect, by the way, according to the plan, this is 50 drones with night vision , with television cameras, have already collected for... and you have 40 pieces , there are 10 left, i think we will collect it this week, help close this collection for this week, for the next week, thank you very much for your attention and support , together to victory, harim sarbelaja, well, now we will talk about
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what trends are observed in the temporary the newly appointed, newly arrived on the peninsula are now trying to show their effectiveness to the occupied crimea. officers who regularly detain someone , regularly search someone, regularly become victims of this pressure, in particular , representatives of the crimean tatar people, and very often these are people who are connected with religion, this completely refutes the thesis that was emphasized by the court in the hague, a recent decision, wants no persecution, so there is no persecution and in no way because of... origin, not because of religious beliefs or ethnicity, let's say, both ukrainians and crimean tatars are persecuted in crimea, exclusively because of their political position, the court in gaza tells us, and it is very difficult to agree with it.
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iskander bariev, head of the crimean tatar resource center, member of the mejlis of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us. eskander, congratulations, glory to ukraine. good day, glory to the heroes. selam aleikum, well , i think the first. understood the question, what do you think, iskender, is connected with such an intensification right now of religious persecution, in fact, national a sign, ah, am i really there, as grisya said, that some new portion of these fesbesh immigrants have arrived there, or is it, well, i mean, you can definitely see it, because the crimean tatar resource center is watching all this, meticulously... every day, please, well, first of all , you correctly said that in what way, well, this is also connected with the decision of the un international court of justice, and because right here, i would like to draw attention to the fact that right away after that, in the decision, but in
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relation to the crimean-tatar resource center, that is, the crimean-tatar resource center the center was a manifest organization, an unwanted organization of the russian federation, this is the first thing. secondly, we know about a lot of searches and arrests, but we can't talk about all of them. because the relatives of these people try , well, they really ask us not to talk about it, and here, too, there is such a tendency that when they detain a person at night, they take him out, and then promise that if he does not speak out loud about all this , then they can let go, so they let some people go, and then, and then it also gives information to others that... for the family, for each one, it is more important that the person is free, than with sizo or
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other cities there is no freedom, and here, as far as we know, they conduct a lot of searches on people , who were involved or are involved in local and regional minjlis, such searches also took place in the simferopol district, the nizhnyohir district, other districts, and so on. they don't want us to write about it, but we still collect information and record it, although i don't agree with it, i think it should be talked about talk about it, you need to talk about it out loud, and most importantly, you need to record and document it, because unfortunately, unfortunately, the decision of the international court was just like that, because there is not enough evidence, that's what it says in the decision. the insufficiency of the evidence base was presented by the ukrainian side, so here we need to draw
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conclusions and document more and more clearly all these violations of human rights that occur on the territory of crimea, unfortunately, such a trend now exists in crimea, well, we see that not only crimeans are being detained now russians er, specifically crimeans of crimean tatar origin, but also crimean-ukrainians, but today there is information again that two citizens who were recruited by the special services of ukraine to carry out terrorist attacks have been detained in crimea, gauleiter aksyonov writes about this, he is very grateful to the fsb officers for effective work, and apparently we are drawing, unfortunately , the next, maybe even political... prisoners, or again, this is purely a game of muscles, why
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is it so important for aksyonov, kostantinov and all these slobs to stay in order now daily, to demonstrate its effectiveness , which, to be honest, is under a big question mark, it is ineffectiveness, ideal, just perfect, yes, well, look, the fact is that at first , full-scale aggression of russia against ukraine, here, just like that before.. . was in the crimea, when explosions began to appear there, when damage to the climbing fabric began to appear there, when effective, let's say, sabotage actions began to be carried out there, and this is just as well, in terms of information, both the fsb and with such a hovlayter as aksionov and konstantinov, it is necessary to constantly inform the residents of crimea that... how effectively the power structures, the occupying power structures work there and how
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they find certain people. in fact, this is what happens there: well, let's say , the fact that our activists are there is true, the fact that our activists are trying to help us, it is true, the fact that our activists are trying to demonstrate as civil resistance, well, when they appear ukrainian flags, when inscriptions appear, when... are provided, information is provided, how things are going, something is happening, despite all that, when they they try to hide, well, for example, if they have an air alarm, then they are primarily in sevastopol, and first of all, they use such a smoke screen so that it is not possible to photograph or record on video how their air defense systems work, and here they are... they are trying to do all this, and besides, so that ordinary people do not see all this, well, on the other hand, when we
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talk about all this, then here we have to demonstrate to them that some kind of explosion took place there or something, well, if there is some event there, they are they immediately begin to search among activists among representatives, let's say people who are related to the system, conduct searches, kidnap people, first they quote them, and then provide information, and besides, they created such a civil , i would say so, the facebook civil movement, and both bloggers and smersh, bloggers try to participate in all events, which, well, let's say, including cultural events, and try to find why there is nothing russian there, or why is there something ukrainian to begin with
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information campaign against these event organizers. well, on the other hand, when we talk about smersh, they are the ones who first come to these people who expressed their support for ukraine there, or expressed, well, they honestly said that this is not svo, but war, and they come to them, torture, then they try to get them to apologize publicly, and then the fsb and... administrative cases and punishment in the form of fines or arrests. iskander, i would like to ask you to make such a volume of one more, well, it is related, but nevertheless, we constantly see, well, almost every week, that new spies,
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saboteurs are detained in the crimea, and... i just want to know what scale this spy mania was on the occupied peninsula, who they take, what they, how they are torturing people there, forcing them to actually sign these suspicions, as they call the occupiers, i do n't know what is happening with this part of the repression in crimea, well, first of all, when we say, how do they react to all this , well, first of all, i want to say that... everyone, for example, members of the local majlis, and there were more than 2,500 of them at the beginning of the occupation, they are on their pencils, and they are directly in pencil, and they directly, well , in direct texts say that you are all in pencil with us, and when we need to, we
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will come to you and search you, this is first, second, and so on. all these people who are trying, let's say, to use social networks independently of the russian federation, this means facebook and others, they they also try to respond to everything, that's why many of the residents of crimea are not very active on facebook at all, as far as they themselves are concerned. but here, starting from 2014, they began to educate or re-educate people so that a neighbor could cheat on a neighbor, or they start sending their agents there to the mosque, or they hang up and collect information,
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that is, this is how they look for love there. .. some information that they could get hold of and then carry out all repressive actions, that's why people more and more intimidated, but there are still people who are ready to fight, and we constantly inform them that they should be protected as much as possible in terms of protection systems and in order to... well, in the case of detention there even those messages that have been deleted for phone owners, owners of, i don't know, an ipad,
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a tablet, a computer, are impossible, it doesn't matter, and there may be some other nuances. about which i do not know, the nuances that can help people there, pro-ukrainian, our people, there somehow, well, no completely, but at least partially , to preserve myself a little bit, to allow, not to allow them to reproduce our best people there, there are some tips, some safety technique, i don't know, well, first of all, really, a specialist. he can find that information, even if it has been deleted, and that is why we offer to change the gadgets there that... use, this is firstly, secondly, if they already use social networks, and first of all, when they use and communicate there with us, for example, there or with people or
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relatives on the mainland of ukraine, then we advise you to use the signal, because it is more protected, we do not recommend actively using it, unfortunately, many people use telegram without knowing it, because indeed they can actively use telegram, it is actively used by the special services of the russian federation, and that is why we constantly we are talking about this, in addition, we suggest that, let's say, those people who communicate with their relatives, i do not mean activists or others, should use other gadgets. which are used every day, for example, it is very it is important, well, you really need to check all your, well, let's say, publications that were previously
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in order to really maximize all this, the more so it concerns these activists, who, well, it is possible on the lists of the occupiers. and here it is very important to anticipate all these processes, well , it is clear that no one can guarantee anything and in no way can secure themselves in the occupied territory, but these tips are actually sound, do not ignore them, i am asking you all who watches us both in crimea and in other occupied territories, divide your gadgets into public, non- public, etc., there are more requests. i have a question for iskender bariyev, he is, well, he is in prison in siberia, the first deputy
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of the midjlis, the head of the midjlis of the crimean tatar people, our colleague and comrade nariman dzhelal, and now, unfortunately, not many people remember his fate, well, they do in ukraine , but also not much, the attention of the entire world society is drawn to navalny, to other russians there. but he is in prison in russia for a long term, convicted of treason, and we must constantly talk about him and remind him to yourself and to others that this is not just a citizen of russia, whom they imprisoned there illegally, this is a person who was forcibly deported, who was repressed simply because she lived in her homeland, what can you say about what is happening now with noriman , like him... what is there, what, what , what information do you have, and in general, you know, and the second question, immediately, many people do not understand why
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the kremlin does not leave crimea, uh, everyone, well, or there are the most active, that there is danger, etc., and really everything is very bad, the occupation, the great war, and what is the motivation of people even under under such pressure to stay in crimea, i apologize that there are two questions in one, but... well, i think that we should start with the second question, i will start with the second question, because, well, first of all , it is very important for the crimean tatars that in the indigenous people remained in crimea, because in the future, development and preservation will primarily be connected when we all leave our, let's say, ties with crimea. this is firstly, secondly, it is very important that they are not just stored there, but very important that they maintain and preserve their identity.
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therefore, indeed, when we are still talking, including, returning to the international court of the united nations, here precisely because of the activity demonstrated by the representatives of the crimean tatar people, regarding education in the crimean tatar language, it is clear here... we can say , they really tried to close two schools with the crimean tatar language of instruction, it was in the village of annovka and in the city of stary krym, and thanks to the activity of teachers, the activity of parents, the activity of people, they were forced to leave these schools, and they did not close them. that is, this is an example of when it is possible to demonstrate a struggle, they demonstrate. or the struggle, let's say, more for the preservation of identity, yes, indeed, they are still trying to close the crimean tatar class, and the dynamics of this demonstrate everything, they and...
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that others are looking for other opportunities to close crimean tatar schools when they change their status and increase the study of the russian language instead of crimean tatar, this is also happening, but here it is very important that such actions related to all these processes are effective, unfortunately, i think that they will put more pressure on people after the decision of the international court, because they refrained from such actions, that's why... they were forced to close schools there, unfortunately, i think that in the future they will put more pressure specifically on destruction in order to destroy identity native crimean tatar people. as for nariman dzhelal, this is indeed primarily a symbol of the struggle of the representative body of the crimean tatar people, the mejlis
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of the crimean tatar people, because... he is the first deputy of the representative body native tatar people, and now he is in minusinsk, that is, in siberia, and he is really in a colony there, he is with him, including our compatriots from the crimea, and this, in my opinion, is good, because we understand when you are primarily among others, that is, other citizens , who have a different... as for the situation in general, now 184 people from crimea are in the territory of the russian federation in colonies, and of them
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exactly 125 are representatives of the indigenous crimean tatar people, and indeed each for it is very important for us that we maintain contacts, that we try to provide them with help and support, and we, for our part , are looking for an opportunity, including that there are also among, let's say, the russians, who are trying to help in some way, but now others conditions compared to full-scale aggression, and indeed the situation with political prisoners on the territory of the russian federation, it is very difficult, and we really need to talk more, more about this issue, and in addition, the crimean tatar resource center works systematically, and we see well, in relation to international law, we see more such a perspective for, say, exchange. we were just
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talking about the battalion named nomanachalijan at first, and on the charge of involvement in the battalion named majakhan, now more than 35 political prisoners are in the city hall of freedom. and in our opinion, if they are recognized as prisoners of war in ukraine, we will do everything within the framework of international law so that they can be exchanged. because political prisoners cannot be exchanged in relation to international law, although such also happens, but the prisoners of war must be and can be exchanged for the third geneva convention, and here is exactly the mechanism by which we could at least release and exchange 35 policemen who are in the cities of freedom
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, we understand that just that... a large number of civilians who, in particular , tried to carry out what is called civilian journalism within the peninsula, even when professional professional journalists were unable to do it, and iryna danylovych and mykola semena, we also remember these people who well actually suffered from the repressive russian machine, an extremely complicated story, and for them, for civilians... we ourselves have to fight, but to look for some options that the russian federation would take, that is , to put them in an uncomfortable position, this should be our goal. now let's take a short break, mr. iskender, please don't disconnect, because there are still a few questions that i really want to ask you, in particular, about how ukraine feels about crimea and itself with crimea.


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