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tv   [untitled]    March 7, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EET

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but we see how they go and level the cities, well, just with the landscape, er, so of course that part of the people who can, who want, who are ready, because to go is also to be morally ready for that you drop everything and start your life somewhere in another city. of course, people are leaving, but still a lot of people remain, i still ask, some media published an interesting article, now in some media, now in dniprovsky, about the fact that on the eve of the russian invasion, literally in a week the regional council was meeting to vote on the financing of territorial defense, well...
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they list them here, and i just looked at what these people are in principle, what is happening to them now, and they were such, for example, there was oleksiy borysenko from opzzh , there is such a one... valeriy chornyi, for example, also there, lyudmila selivanova, i'll just see what's going on with those people now, and they 're doing well in principle, that valeriy chornyi, as i understand it, continues to head the regional clinical hospital, nothing happened to him, no matter what, the same, in the same place and in the same way in borysenko, i see that everything is in order, everything is fine, he continues to sit in everything in the budget committee of the regional council. he has eyes, cheeks and farts, so
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to speak, what do you think about it and what do they think about it in general in dnipro? i will tell you that there is another person from this, from this list, he and i are in the same environmental commission, we were together, we were not, he was, i was, i, i am still there, maybe in a week or two. and before this vote, when there was already a lot of information from our western partners, regarding invasion, and if you remember, there was such a flash mob, they added a ukrainian flag to their avatars, then he added russian flags, this flash mob never ended, i'll tell you, for example, unfortunately, you know, that's how it became so more powerful, but... these are such external
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circumstances, let's say so, yes, this person i'm talking about is not the one who can be seen on the screen now, he added a russian flag there, and wrote something like, and about whom you are now saying, i beg your pardon, about harishka, harishka, volodymyr, yes, he wrote that there russians are brothers, friends, friends. something like that, i remember that almost the entire regional council was waiting for him, waiting for him to come, what he would say about it, in this regard, the head of the regional council wrote that there, well, it is in principle impossible to even understand that a deputy of the regional council could hang someone's flag on himself, and besides the fact that the flag of the country about which...
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they say that something will happen now, and it was already in the 14th year, well, that is all, but this person did not came, and where he is, and what he is, it is not known for two years, uh, no one knows anything, the only thing is, what will his voters say, whether they are looking for him or not, well, it is not entirely clear whether he is in the country or not . but some of the deputies who did not support, did not vote, and even before that voted for the tro, we initiated it in order to raise the salaries of the military, let's say, well then it was not very well received, it was not mainstream, unfortunately
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. they also said that the amount was too small. and the amount can be increased, but at that time the amount was too small, well, we, let's say, we were for a larger amount, that's why i remember, i remember, and by the way, by the way, right now, for a second, i'm sorry, i still remembered , in order to, well, yes, so that, let's say this, for the sake of justice, one deputy from opzh, he is, it seems, still a military man, he is a former employee of the ministry of internal affairs, and he mobilized and went to fight, well, in this way a person somehow apologizes for what he did before, if there is such a way,
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then we only use it, well, that is, if a person chose this method, we certainly welcome this method, and mrs. khrystyna, thank you, khrystyna kalyushik peltek, a deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council, was in touch with us, we talked about... what is happening in the dnipropetrovsk region, the party was mentioned here sharia, ugh, and i, er, remembered, er , that i read on the media detector that the head of the journalism department at the military institute, in kyiv, yes, the military institute, yes, they appointed, appointed, an ex-candidate in deputies from the sharia party, here is this man, and the 20th number of the list, his name is gennady nikolaychuk. it happened at the end of the 23rd year, that is, the war was already , a full-scale war was already going on, so a couple of months ago, let's call a spade a spade, and gennadiy nikolaychuk, i thought, maybe he was some kind of war correspondent, maybe he studied somewhere, well, he got a specialty a military
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journalist, he is the vice president of the kyiv boxing federation, and what connects him with journalism, and what connects him with journalism is that... he once wrote a book in 2017, ugh, zolotaryov, a trainer in the ring and in life, about the brothers' coach klitschko, he is also the owner of the charity fund ukraine sport, and he is also a master of sports in boxing, and i think that this is how you sometimes work, well, sometimes i say, now i am talking about everything, this is how you have worked all your life in journalism since your student years and not before i don’t know any teacher, you don’t get any work done, here a person also writes boxing and books and ... and becomes the head of the department at the military academy, moreover, sharia also visited the party, the lists are closed now, but they got to know each other, i said yanukovych to mustafa nayem’s question , how he lives there, ours such a big bitch, i don’t mind you,
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but i don’t mind you, neither do you, just you, you, don’t mind yourself, you, yes, you don’t mind yourself, yes, okay, so look, people have their own, so, there are other problems that we simply do not know about, so... the colonel was given to him immediately at the same time from his post, he is not just a real colonel, but how about now , the colonel is almost immediately taken to the trenches of the tuvdiivka, a well-known case, this only the beginning of his working career, but you know that it is an interesting parallel, that this borysenko, that he was shown that he did not want to allocate funds for the dniprovskoe tro a few days before the war, and then did not vote for the condemnation of russian aggression a week later, he, for example, is also known for that. that he, that he has a lot of money, on the one hand, it is not known where it came from, and on the other hand, that he, this one, is the head of the basketball federation, if this, this, this boxer, and that, and that basketball player, damn it growth in ukraine
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, that's how you do sports, and since you're already a big boss, i quit handball, you see, and i don't have any career, would there be a handball federation, for example, i don't know, zhytomyr region head, ho-ho, would have been a general by now. general, dear friends, we are moving forward in our roll call, volodymyr kovalenko, mayor of nova kakhovka. contact us and ask what life is like in the occupied city. mr. volodymyr, we congratulate you. tell me, please, because the reports we read from novaya kakhovka, well, they are very sad, everything looks bad somehow. what testimony do you have, perhaps, from residents about what? and now nova kakhovka. good morning, but the active phase is over, if it was, sorry conducting elections. because khovka was chosen as a remote district, and voting took place there, if you can call it that,
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on the 28th, 29th, that is, at the end of last month and there was a weekend, and i want to say that i am proud that absolute. for the majority of its residents, they simply found an option not to go to the elections, because these so-called agitators with this urn were present everywhere... two by three walked the streets, and the market, and in the courtyards, and knocked on the window , who live on the first floor, or have left, voted that a unique answer was found, we already voted, and if they had stopped, well, then we would not have stuck with those proposals, the absolute majority of people did so, but actually speaking, well... there were some reports from the hospital on the former territory of the city hospital, there were
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still some school spaces, but of course this is the picture for which everything was started, everything else, documentary information was collected about the inhabitants of the city, and therefore, of course, what was needed for the occupation authorities, they did with election indicators, this is about this difficult period, as everyone expected, feared, sincere those people who really do not want to get involved in this situation, about the situation in the city itself, you know that for several weeks the main thing there is the micro-ion, but the sokil development is called, he is without electricity, accordingly , without water, and since i was 15 or 17 years ago
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, the city was transferred to completely... from this point sight, well, there people can go to the old part of the city, there is a television cable at the address where the company is located, they come there, infect the phones, inform their relatives that they are alive and well, this, as they say, is the connection with the world and with i will finish with civilization. well, in the old part of the city , they started a substation there, and that is why water and the internet are temporarily supplied there, and there is electricity, but this is a small part of the population, both in terms of area and number, the same substation that supplied the main, so to speak , flow of electricity into the city, they are there they are trying to launch it again, but it is not launched from the point of view of living conditions, and therefore it is led to such, well, you know, such primitiveness, fear, expectation, and,
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unfortunately, time today is not an ally of those people who they are there, because the enemy is full in the city, this constant hum, shots, shooting, it is not in the newest kakhovka, but from the territory outside novikahovka flies towards the wells, flies to the right bank, our population will be cossack cheerful, although ... there is nothing there anymore to break up, everything there is practically destroyed, but not practically, but actually destroyed , these two settlements fly towards the right bank of the liberated, well, this is the situation, i personally see that there is a lot, that is, there is some, there is some kind of policy that now everywhere in the occupied territories, a lot of people bring something from russia, some kind of help, and they talk about it, a new tile was delivered, for example, help... first they make life
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worse, and then they supposedly give a good life, we have our own kim and such as mykolaiv yes, they also have nicholas, nikolay kim, who is the head of the all-russian association of koreans, they delivered humanitarian aid to the kherson region, in particular to and to nova kokhovka, reports. these demonstration performances of great charitable activities, well, mainly for bringing some products there, once they brought some chemicals there, but it was in order to take pictures, well, rather, you need some kind of eyes behind... but such options do happen, really , there is such an option, otherwise
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there is such information that some kind of handout was brought there, and it was also timed to those days related to the so-called elections, but basically, i tell you, it is so that, in order to at least show something to the world in the form of photos in the background of dozens of people gathered there and handed... packages people, i know the prices, that are there in those markets, i know that people are mainly saved by what they buy. the minimum is small in order to live with those residents, the surrounding area, because kherson oblast, especially the left bank, is an absolutely agrarian part, and most of the settlements are so rural plan, and what people still have left, since last summer, they bring to the city, the number is small, so it is enough for, i know, even the list of what they
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buy, it is so meager, yes, not to say to another, we are now, you are now talking about... primarily about such a material component, and i am also talking about the fact that it is very strong, a lot of effort is being made to somehow try to include residents of the occupied territories, citizens of ukraine, this is such the all-russian context, that is, they say, you see, you are now a part of great russia, and that's it people come to you from baikal, from the assr, even from some russian ass, they bring everything to you and meet with you in order to create this, well, there is such information here. a substation that cannot be started, they say that the specialist is taken away, yes , because what if it was gestures, i don't know, gestures of brotherhood, yes the so-called, which they demonstrate, but i want to say that it would be better if no one came and then would it be the way it was supposed to be, no, well, they, they, they are cosplaying now in the soviet union, we can see it clearly, for example, now we don't we know, for us this is not an inconspicuous, insignificant and
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unknown event, but in sochi, for example, a festival of all dimensions took place. young people, this is something very much like in soviet times, i can see that they left, they brought people from africa, some of the poorest countries, some of the poorest asian countries, it was like that, well, like, this is such a cosplay of owls of the union of yeti, such an imitation of the soviet union, some cubans were brought from cuba, and they were also brought from the occupied kherson region, there was such a fact, we have one dancer and a dance team there. is not for that, not for that, i see somewhere in moscow at some event they gave a speech, some certificate was handed to them, so there are those, if sometimes there is an option, well, sometimes a doctor is brought there, he comes from those, because what kind of hospital is there, how they took everything out, everything was taken out of the air, a minimum of those specialists remained, and
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such services as more serious medical ones no one will help, but sometimes they come. some, as they count the light, will walk around the hospital, take a picture, tell us what we will be, that is, don't worry, we will fix everything with you here, with your health, this will be mr. volodymyr, there is almost no time left, in your opinion, will such a strategy work that people will be able to renounce their ukrainian identity and call themselves russians, i said at the beginning of our conversation that, unfortunately, time works against those people who are there, because... in the process of such difficult, integration, the enemy applies, and er, disappears, somehow, you know, as i said, one said, you know, ivanovich, hope is fading so much on the horizon, i, she lives in me, but i already talk to many people it is difficult to convince that we, as he said, that we will be returned in
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the near future, considering that the absolute majority of people there are of such an old age and there, how much longer god will take away is unknown, so many simply resigned and remain silent, that is such a situation , oh, it's difficult, it's difficult to say something about those people who live in such conditions, but we thank all those people who, despite the difficult conditions , maintain this pro-ukrainian position, of course, we do not tell them to demonstrate it openly, because we understand what it means, it means you can get some basement walls or something else. i literally read a story yesterday, how a woman from berdyansk was going to the territory under the control of ukraine and was surprised that a woman from oleshok was traveling with her, and actually at such a filtering intersection, the russians asked the woman from oleshok where you were coming from, and she obstinately, realizing that this was a danger for her, repeated that she was not leaving the liberated territories, but
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the occupied ones, she was asked several times, she said it several times, we do not call on people... who want to leave the occupied territories territory to do so, because it is a danger for them, but we also understand that this position was worth to this person and we are grateful to him for this, for this courage, for this bravery, mr. volodymyr, thank you, volodymyr kovalenko, mayor novoi kakhovka was in touch with us, we talked a little about life in the occupied city, we are going for a break now, then we will come back and visit sumy oblast, stay with us. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from unpack tv is just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use it for... carpentry work - it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1,499. a reliable battery is also included.
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10% in the pharmacies of psyllium, ban and oschad. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. weekly the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. vasyl winter's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what
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the world is about. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two o'clock in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart people. and those who care about espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. dear friends, we are coming back, continuing our roll call. andrii kramchenkov, editor-in-chief of "suspilne donbas", which was such a surprise for us, because we mr. andrii as the editor-in-chief of the public suma. mr. andriy, we congratulate you. hello. tell us briefly, what kind of changes are these?
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such changes were led by public funds, transferred to public donbas. ugh. i actually applied to be a field correspondent, but in my company i found such a lack of application. well, then tell us what donbas lives like. what are you talking about now? donbass is fighting, digging additional lines of defense, suffering from shelling, it has become more frequent in the case of the use of guided air bombs , and if before that, these were mainly fabs, that is, high-explosive bombs, this is, so that the audience understands, one large high-explosive charge, then are now increasingly observed. aerial bombs, that is, when there are many small explosive devices in one bomb, the biggest problem with them is that not all of these explosive devices.
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are broken and it turns out that the territory on which this aerial bomb was used is as if mined, that is, in addition to the fact that there was an explosion, there are still unexploded cassette elements on it that pose a threat to civilians, from such important news comes the construction of such of the capital line of defense in donetsk region, i won't say in which settlements, but it is being arranged at... they are seriously digging trenches, building dugouts, including concrete shelters , using these concrete tetrahedrons, which are popularly called dragon's teeth, that is, they are digging such a capital line of defense to which, in the event of something, the ukrainian military will be able to withdraw as a reserve position, which as for combat clashes over the past day, the general staff
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reported in the morning in a briefing... that in donetsk region, there were 63 enemy attacks, the avdiiv direction remains the most active, there, uh, ukrainian defenders repelled 21 attacks, and also novopavlivskyi, or as we used to call it, uh, we jumped out of the bay of maryansky, the maryinsky direction, there 20 enemy attacks were repulsed, in general shelling. our settlements, so yesterday in the ocheretynsk community a woman was killed by artillery shelling, she was wounded and they did not have time, they could not take her to the hospital, also a guided aerial bomb hit the village of kleban-byk, where two women were, unfortunately, wounded, this is how donetsk lives now, closest to the front line.
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let's say so. finally, i want to say that there is really nothing for civilians to do near the contact line, if you have the opportunity to evacuate, please use it, because this is a window of opportunity that can close, as happened, for example, with avdiivka. mr. andriy, thank you for this information, we are glad to welcome you to your new position, and we hope for cooperation and your participation in. to our telethon, i really want that telethon to end and the war to end, but i have a suspicion that we still have a lot of work to do, thank you, thank you, andriy krymchenko, editor-in-chief of the public sum, my god, you see how it is a habit, the public donbas, he was with us, before that he was the editor-in-chief of the public suma, and the wind turned on us, now we will talk
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about it with him. what is happening in donbas , well, we are getting closer to the news little by little, but while we still have a moment, we can show you, dear viewers, a beautiful doll, and today we already mentioned the fact that an international youth festival of a worldwide scale was held in sochi, young people from of all the poor countries with authoritarian regimes in the world went to sochi, where they were given free voodoo dolls in the image of putin, run away. the doll is called putyasha, putyasha, putyasha, as you can see, putyasha is in the hands of someone there, i don’t know, masha, pasha, putyasha and so on, you know, all russians are like that, that’s it, that’s it, putyasha is what they say, this toy was very popular, it was the most popular, the most popular souvenir, you know, if i was even paid extra money, i would not have taken the road that
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the hell with it... it was done, so you come home, and there is a child playing in such a way, dear friends, 8 o'clock in the morning is approaching, kateryna shirokopoi appears, tells us about the news, and we watch and listen. greetings colleagues, in a moment i will tell you about the work of partisans in the moscow region and the dangerous flashlights with explosives that are scattered in the kharkiv region. greetings, espresso news time. kateryna shirokpoyas works in the studio. four people were injured due to russian aggression in the kherson region. during the day, the occupiers shelled more than a dozen settlements in the region. oleksand, the head of the region, informed.


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