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tv   [untitled]    March 7, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EET

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he does not accept the council at all, he does not accept his monomajority either, because even there many deputies spoke after the meeting with the president, where he clearly said that there is our team and your team, that is, he does not even associate the servant of the people with his team, although they are slaves to all his whims and all his demands, i don't know why they do it, but they get slapped by the office more than even the other factions. and the groups that vote with them, because today we actually see a new coalition within the walls of the parliament, this is the servant of the people, the former two groups, the former mps from opzh, well , from time to time the trust with them constantly votes, from time to time he also supports some votes for the future, i am not saying, there are laws for which we we get 300 votes, and in this case my position has always been that if it is a good law, i don't care who is behind it.
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if it is presidential, i will vote, if it is a monomajority, i will also vote, or it helped the state, but in a monomajority, the president has completely different approaches, i i remember when we pushed through the law, through treason, the law that the military asked for, about the appointment of the assignment of junior officer ranks to people who do not have a higher education, but have combat experience, have the respect of their brothers, they fight, they are already cool the commanders of their units, when we... voted for it, zelenskyy did not sign it for more than three months, solely for political reasons, because it is a reasonable bill, that is, the issue is not about passing, but about checkers, and this is the key problem, that some there are their own complexes and images, they play a key role instead of primarily looking at the interests of the state, the interests of the armed forces of ukraine, the ukrainian people, these are the realities in which you and i find ourselves today. thank you, mr. dmytro.
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for the conversation, dmytro rozumkov, people's deputy of ukraine, chairman of the verkhovna rada in the 19th-21st years was with us, we are going for a short break now, we are going for a short break, then we will come back and talk about ukrainian cinema and why ukrainian actors, directors, all people who create this ukrainian cinema, concerned about its fate, that it ended up in the hands of incompetent people who are connected to the office of the president, stay with us. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uro helped me. thanks to the natural components of feminost uro , it helps to restore control over urination both during the day and at night. feminost oro - urination under control. ask at pharmacies. there are discounts on motilium of 20% in pharmacies.
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by football together stronger, therefore, dear friends, this is our final half hour in the morning part of the morning. and now we'll talk about movies, which is still inextricably linked with the war that is going on in ukraine. alla samolenko , the casting director is in touch with us, ms. allo, congratulations, ms. allo, iryna tsylyk, film director, writer, recently wrote a post about the fact that the film community will need the help of journalists, here we are the journalists who are happy we will provide help, and... we will provide a platform to explain to ukrainian people what is happening behind the scenes of ukrainian cinema, and i want to remind you that about a month ago, more than seven hundred of the most prominent ukrainian film actors and representatives of culture appealed to
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the country's leadership that the money allocated to state cinema is a structure that should take care of distributing money to filmmakers. there and so that they could create films, film products, so that this money would be given to the needs of the defense forces, and this is a considerable amount, almost 600 million uah, 589 with a tail, to be precise, eh, of course, that the people who make films in ukraine, these are not the richest people, these are the people who also need this money, but they still say that now this money is for the army more necessary, but at the same time, despite the fact that they... ask to give this money to the army, they also ask that the state cinema should not be headed by marina kuderchuk, a person who is associated with the president's office, and they talk about the fact that this person is not competent and is not the one who acts in the interests of ukrainian
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cinema itself, we have already said more than once about marilina kaderchuk, who ended up in this position, despite the fact that this competition was, let's say, falsified. but she still remains in this position, despite the fact that foreign partners they say that they do not want to cooperate with her , because they also see her incompetence, but she still remains in this position, and therefore she is beneficial to someone , will it not happen that the money that was planned for ukrainian directors will be given to army, and maryna kadyrchuk will remain in her post . what an interesting sight. question, and i think that it is not quite such a connection, that is, it is rather the reverse, and that is why we direct this, this appeal, this money to be given to the army, because we see that
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the authorities do not intend to conduct any dialogue with us, as with the film community, and we understand that despite all that was happening, you described it perfectly, made such an intro, instead of me, i am not very good at making broad reviews, in short speaking, here, but you described everything perfectly, and i only need to add to this, what about the scandals of this head of the state cinema and everything that happens around, everything that is concentrated around her, that is, the council on issues of support, on issues of support cinematography, it also... you could say very close to the president's office, there are practically no random people there, if you analyze them individually, then you can see all the connections and how, who is affiliated with whom and for what purpose this person is in this composition of the council. to date, this board is illegitimate, it has already been confirmed by the court, and we
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are waiting for the final approval of this court's conclusion through an appeal, because of course the state cinema has a council to support the state cinema. they are still going to appeal, but that will be the end of it, and it will actually mean a lot to the film community, and despite all this is not... regardless of all the fights that exist in the public sphere, regardless of the support expressed by the world film community, we, as a community that is part of it, the authorities consider it necessary to keep ms. maryna kuderchuk and all this the council, which is already illegitimate, as i said, in power, well , the government believes that it needs these people in order to prevent such people who do not... well, let's say, do not satisfy the president's office with their position or their views on art, which is actually
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a much more alarming bell, because a cinema is actually an extremely powerful tool, we all know that very well, it is a tool that the government could use very effectively right now all over the world, in all possible platforms, in all possible formats, and in fact we see that it is not being done, and that it is done only by you... exclusively thanks to the fact that there are caring people who have personal connections who have the power to do it, and at the same time the state cinema and the ministry of culture still manage to stick sticks in the wheels of such people, for example, if they are men, and if some persons manage to go abroad without hindrance, then those people who, let's say, do not have a certain status at the office of the president, do not show a certain benevolence there, they simply receive some terrible bureaucratic obstacles. and as a result, some of these departures, which could affect the reputation of the state of ukraine
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, are canceled, well, this is a common practice, we do not look into it, but as for it, i correctly understand that there are people, filmmakers, the name yes, there, there there will be everyone, sound engineers, directors, actors, illuminators and so on, those who are loyal to the authorities, and then they have the green light to go abroad, to some presentations at public events, and there are those who are disloyal, there are, there are those who are disloyal, these. .. how disloyal, they get obstacles, even if they are known venerable directors who have made many interesting works presented at international festivals, they still have to go through all these obstacles with great difficulty, very often it happens that they are simply not issued abroad. ms. ama, one question because now i suspect that the audience will say, why should some go to the trenches, and these directors will go somewhere abroad, it is so easy for us not to go abroad, well, let's start with... the fact that among the 700 people who signed, they managed to sign, so that we did this petition very
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quickly, and actually, if it had been filled for, like, a week or two, i think there would have been over 700 signatories, and actually a lot of the people who signed it are active duty military, who are filmmakers, and among them are very famous people, there, for example, one of the country's best producers, volodya yatsenko, or yaroslav pilunskyi. who yesterday, for example, presented his award received for the defense of the homeland, and these are all people who agree with our position, because while they defend ukraine with weapons in their hands and have their position regarding this money, they support those people , which are located in the rear, which have certain artistic needs, let's say, and these needs are artistic and administrative, they do not satisfy them in any way. power, and at the same time there is a part of the community, yes, it is, usually it is
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the television lobby, these are usually those creators who , before the invasion, for example, they were engaged in the production of russian-language series for two markets, and they are known exclusively in the domestic market, and there, let's say, they have ambitions, but these ambitions are not supported by any specific an expressive finish, or a certain... artistic level of understanding of the problem there, which we want to highlight for the world and so on, well , we can talk about this for a very long time, but i want to finish about this money, and it is small money, you said that it not a lot, but really this is small money, it is, for example, an amount equal to the financing of one full-length film produced by a british fund, for example, they minimize the amount of expenses to support one full-length film
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by the amount of 15 million pounds, and if you understand, this amount that was allocated to us, well, the state allocates cinema, so it is very little money, and in fact it should be used as efficiently as possible and support those initiatives that work, support those artists who have to... tell the world, because appealing to the domestic market, that supposedly the domestic consumer really needs this product, we have already seen how it ends, now on the television screens are broadcast these casual series, i can’t call them otherwise, they are very poor quality fakes, in which have nothing of value, which are watched mainly by housewives , which grandmothers, yes, who, who watches tv, because on youtube they do not get as many views as their creators would like, probably,
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these are series that are made by those people who the invasion was made by the russian-speaking people themselves products for two markets and do. they are based on the same patterns, and as researched by culture columnist lena chechenina, for example, very often these are, for example, the same series, just already translated into ukrainian, they were in russian, and now their creators have decided to make money from them once again, took money for the adaptation of the script and released the same product, only with ukrainian actors and in the ukrainian language, and more than uah 220 million was spent on it, yes, and in fact. to say that it will somehow kill the desire to watch the russian-language one there the product, no, it won't stop, it won't stop, people who wanted to watch a russian-language product, and what's more, they often do it, well, i would say, unconsciously, it could be ukrainian-speaking people, they're just used to it, they they are used to it, and for them this russian-language product that pops up on youtube is a familiar
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product, they don't switch it, that is , look, well, i'll finish my thought, this little money. in fact, really small money should be spent very rationally, and not as they are currently offering us, to distribute, smear it, and do it there distribution, and another big, big claim, and why we don't want it to happen now, because we don't trust either this composition of the council that will approve the final list of winners, nor this composition of experts, they recently presented us with a list of experts. yes, there is a very clear confirmation, if you look closely at these people personally, it becomes very clear who is standing for whom and who is chasing whom, and what will be the verdict of these people, often there are people who most likely will not watch the projects at all, because in they have some personal circumstances, there are, for example, active directors whose queue is waiting, like denys tarasov or pavel tupik, they
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will shoot these tv series, which our housewives and... our pensioners love very much, and, well, let's put it this way, to believe that , for example, denys tarasov, who is a director in great demand from the point of view of our state cinema and a great television authority, that he will watch all these projects, i cannot believe that the director of the inter tv channel can make any correct verdict , choosing works of art, i too... i can't what the same will turn out to be the case, for example, of his host of the inter tv channel, that he is so focused on art that he will judge all the categories that are possible in this competition, i do not believe, sorry, i do not trust almost all people, there are random people like, for example, the president and financial
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director of the linoleum festival, and i already know that they, well, they are just one of the best... the desire got there, but there are absolutely frank, well, let's say, there are people who are written about, that they are producers, or they are film experts, but it's not googled, that is, people who are film experts can't help but google it, it 's an objective reality, and producers who haven't made any decent project, sorry, what they're going to judge, sorry, on the presence there, for example, of such a director, as oleksandr bilyak and his wives in... as experts, this is generally a terrible disgrace, this is an anti-director who made three films that are even shining in the ratings somewhere, people even came to see them, but this is anti-art, it is not at all can be allowed to do such things as judging the art of others, and here we are offered this composition, as people who will choose the works that will be allowed to be
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realized, it is obvious that these people will make such decisions that are necessary for those who used all this. and they will take them out for the benefit of their own companies there or affiliated with them, that is, it will again be a close match between themselves, and it will again be a decision in favor not of art , but of the distribution of funds, in order to benefit our own, to feed our own, that is why we do not we want, that's why we are protesting, because if, let's say, there was a transparent competition for the head of derzhkino, if this council was re-elected, and really trustworthy people got there... the film community, maybe the conversation would have been different, although in fact, if you ask me, yes, i am in favor of giving money, all possible free money to the army , because the film community has already learned over the years. to survive and adapt it in this way is blasphemy, in my opinion, but on the other hand, i understand that there are projects that need to be supported very much, there are projects that can
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speak for ukraine in the world, and if we have this minority ukrainian part, for with the help of which we can receive financing abroad, it will probably be a good and correct step on the part of the authorities, but we need to see who distributes the money and for which projects, that's how we have very little time left, i don't know about your movie bubble a scandal, not a scandal, a discussion of the interview, parts of the interview of masha efrasinnaya and khrystyna solovya, where khrystyna solovyy said that there is blood on the hands and hearts of those people who involved russian culture in ukrainian culture, and they have to bear responsibility for it, even if they now changed their position, began to speak ukrainian, began to be interested in ukrainian culture, where masha efrasinna said that she answered that we did it because that is what the audience in the cinema wanted, this is also similar in the cinema , in the theater with actors who spoke russian here , they spoke ukrainian here, very briefly i will ask you to reflect on this, well, what
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is there to comment on, of course , of course, there was a movie here, or rather not a movie, well, it was probably a television production, it was at the forefront of this movement, and moreover, mine my own point of view, i believe that a very large number of managers who made the tv product at that time... they were people who were brought from russia, i think that it was sometimes done under direct instructions, you know from where, and some of the products had the appearance of absolute complete sabotage, even if they were ukrainian-speaking, i can cite here as such an example, a very vivid example of such art, this is the last muscovite, but in my opinion it was an open provocation, and not to mention russian-language products, not to mention these are famous simply... for the whole the world is already saying that some television managers do not like the ukrainian language , it does not suit them, you see, for dramas, for melodramas, it suits them only for
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comedy, but these people on the ground, they continue to do their work, with some exceptions, a few female television managers fled, some of them settled in russia, yes , and some of them, on the contrary, came from russia, now here too we decide the fate of cinema, there are some, and to be honest, i wouldn't trust them, but that's the case there. .. tv producers at whose expense it is is being done, but you are absolutely right that everyone, practically everyone who was engaged in film and television production, should have the feeling that we are involved in this, everyone who had at least some relation to this production, they should rethink their position, repent and say frankly , that we did it consciously, and we have to bear responsibility for it, and thank you, ms. hello, we hope. that they will also hear your opinion and understand it, alla samolenko, the casting director was with us, we talked about ukrainian cinema, and not only about why it is so important for the authorities to keep
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maryna kadyrchuk, who is handy and handy, is in charge of state cinema. dear friends, lesya vakluk, andriy saichu, worked in this studio for you, we will see you tomorrow at 7:10, well, you stay with espress, because our ether continues, there will be a lot of interesting things to come, so stay with espress. there are 10% discounts on parafast in travel pharmacies and eyeglass stores. tired of heavy and bulky saws? then pilka strong from unpack tv is just for you. you can easily cut trees and bushes from the outside. it is so convenient to use it for carpentry. it. an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1499, a reliable battery is also included, call now and order,
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12:00 pm
greetings, kateryna shiropoyas, a civilian, works in the studio of chas noviny in eteres. died, another was injured due to enemy fire shelling of vovchansk in kharkiv oblast. the russians hit the city with guided aerial bombs and settled in the private sector, said the head of the regional police, volodymyr tymoshko. rescuers are currently working at the scene of the impact. information about the victims is being clarified. collected money for charity, but spent it on casinos and drugs. in kyiv
12:01 pm
, law enforcement officers kidnapped. a 26-year-old fraudster, she gives out:


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