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tv   [untitled]    March 7, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EET

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greetings to all viewers of espresso yaanamelnik and this is news. let me start with this: the russians are shelling kherson in the morning. a 45-year-old man was injured. now he is in the hospital, he is being examined - said the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. a private house, garage premises and cars parked there were damaged. the russians do not stop terror. in the front-line areas of the zaporizhzhia region, the enemy shelled the village of bilenke with cluster munitions. a man was injured, information about the destruction is being clarified, the head of the region noted ivan fedorov. one woman died, another was injured due to enemy shelling in vovchansk, kharkiv region. the russians hit the city with guided aerial bombs. they aimed at the private sector. at least 12 residential buildings were damaged, the head of the region oleg said.
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lips, specialists disassemble the blockages. rescuers found her cat in the destroyed house where the civilian died, miraculously it was not crushed by the beam. specialists lifted the heavy structure and pulled the animal out of the deadly trap, the state emergency service said. march 2022 remained in the memory of ukrainians as a month of fear and despair. even two years later , the housing destroyed and vandalized by the russians continues to be rebuilt in the kyiv region. history of the family that survived the occupation of gostomel further? we were shelled by five, five mines around us. you can imagine whether such luck, or such happiness, broke us, of course, it damaged us a lot, but our house remained intact. mrs. halyna tells about hers. house in
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gostomyl, the village was the first to accept the battle for kyiv, because at the local airfield the invaders tried to land a landing party. at first, the woman with her husband and son decided to stay at home, although all relatives convinced her that she should get out. i even had a push-button phone, so i was already holding it so that my son was in kyiv and my daughter was in obukhov, and they were already worried there, and they were calling, calling. and i only say two words: alive, and everything, alive, well, so that they can be calmed down already. electricity has been missing almost since the first days of the russian invasion, and gas has also disappeared since march 5. battles were already going on around gostomile, and the village itself was being shelled, in some cases the roof of nearby neighbors was blown off, and the walls of others' houses were damaged. as a result of the blast waves and shrapnel, mrs. halyna's apartment was blown away. it became very cold,
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it was unbearable to live in such conditions, so they decided to leave gostomel. i wake up, i hear that my landlord is not sleeping, i say, you know, we must leave, he says, yes, we will leave, there is no evacuation, there is no evacuation. the car was hung with white flags in advance, on the way it had to... hit a russian roadblock. fortunately, he succeeded to pass, a blue-yellow flag finally flew further on. as soon as i saw the flag and those soldiers of ours, my heart sank. i've already entered, i started crying, it's me, and you 're a soldier, hug me, mommy, don't worry, everything will be fine. until april 30, they visited their daughter in obu. that was also in kyiv region, however, after
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the deoccupation they decided to return home, they understood that there was a long and difficult road ahead of rebuilding their cozy corner, we arrived, well, we arrived, it’s cold , come on, give me a little, a little, come on, what money was there pennies, you have to bet doors, we need to install windows, first of all, most of the work... we managed to do it ourselves, little by little we restored the windows, facade, fence, rooms, we also asked for help from the state, the restoration program compensates citizens for the reconstruction of housing, but only for those works , which the owners did not perform on their own, ms. halyna's house still has a damaged roof, because it is a complicated and expensive repair, a man came, everything, everything, we have a second floor and the ceiling cracked. to petya
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, knock down the boards, so that even the ceiling is not fell, but he took everything, photographed everything, put it all into action, and now if... this help is ours in the process, so for now ms. galina and her husband are waiting for the promised help from the state, although they themselves have already spent on repairs works over uah 150,000. their house is now warm and cozy. this is the whole strength of ukrainians, to rebuild their own even after non-humans have walked over it. and we have a new collection of the espresso tv channel and the iryna kovai charity fund. they are asking for help with the purchase of drones and accessories for them, as well as fpv drones for the 74th battalion of the 102nd separate brigade. these soldiers are defending our country in the zaporozhye direction, the losses of drones are constantly increasing, and they must be renewed
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so that our soldiers do not risk their lives and do not go on an assault on minefields. we can help. our goal is uah 500,000. so join the collection, you see all the details. screen two people died as a result of carbon monoxide poisoning in kharkiv region. in the morning , neighbors entered a private house in the city of lozova and saw the bodies of the couple. to a man he was 55 years old, and the woman was 50. there was no fire at the scene of the tragedy, the regional emergency department notes. previously, people poisoned themselves with carbon monoxide. they left the flap closed. hrubka used natural gas as fuel. they worked for the enemy. law enforcement officers detained two ex-officials of kharkiv-gas, who supported the invaders. they gave the russians maps of the region's gas networks, which the aggressor used to prepare shelling of the region, as well as information for setting up engineering barriers and minefields
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. in addition, the traitors took fuel in the ukrainian gas transportation system for the needs of the occupiers. after the liberation of vovchansk community. were hiding in kharkiv, now they are in custody, they face up to 12 years in prison with confiscation of property. acting in a group, without prior conspiracy, supporting and implementing the decisions and actions of the aggressor state, they participated in the creation of the so-called state enterprise of the russian federation on the territory of the vovchan territorial community. in the future, the specified citizens took leading positions in the specified state. enterprises and used the material and technical base for the benefit of representatives of the aggressor state. they gave the green light. the profile committee of the european parliament approved the extension of trade preferences for ukraine. this was reported in the press service
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of the body. in the proposal , customs duties and quotas for the import of ukrainian agricultural exports to eu member states were suspended for another year, i.e. until june 5, 2025. at the same time, the legislation of the european union allows for the introduction of any necessary measures in the event of market disruptions that may occur through ukrainian imports. the embassy of india in russia announced the death of its citizen in ukraine. according to the indian press , the 30-year-old man came to russia in december 2023 to work as an assistant, but he was tricked into joining the ranks of the russian army. and sent to the border with ukraine, information about his death was received at the embassy on march 6, but it is not known when he actually died and under what circumstances, earlier the indian authorities said that they were trying to return about 20 citizens of their country, who ended up in the army of the russian federation.
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a large-scale fire in russian kazan, the tank school is on fire there, the barracks are engulfed in fire and it is quickly spreading to the roof. public eyewitnesses. video in social networks, where a very large area of ​​ignition is visible. the fire was contained, but still not extinguished. officially , the authorities there did not comment on the causes of the incident, nor do they talk about the victims. explosions at a metallurgical plant in russia were heard in the morning by residents of the city of cherepovets. there is located a large plant of seyvirstal for the production of steel for weapons. in social networks assumed that the enterprise was attacked by drones, the management of the plant noted that there was a technological incident, its causes are being established, one of the units had to be taken out for unscheduled repairs, and they assure that no one was injured. that's how
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things are for the moment, the news team will meet with you at 3 p.m., and then my colleagues marta oliyarnyk and antiin borkovskyi will work on espresso. oleksiy collects cars for the military. such an idea appeared when he could not order all-terrain buggies for the soldiers, because the queue was behind them was large, and the car was needed here and now, so oleksiy rented premises and began the development of his own analogue. the sample appeared in six months and is already helping the armed forces at the front. it's going pretty well, look. the entrance is excellent, but this was only the beginning, at the request of the fighters, a new model is currently being developed,
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it is a vehicle for evacuation from the front line, there are special places for this purpose, and such a car weighs no more than two tons, which allows you to move quickly, it is free place, length 2 m, width generally car m 80, three people can lie comfortably, if necessary, four can, well, the needs are different. the car is armored, it will be additionally sheathed. net to save the lives of soldiers and so that enemy drones cause as little damage to the equipment as possible, it absorbs the impact of the drone, the armor already absorbs the shock wave, and this is a big difference when it detonates on the surface and when the wave is hit, especially since this machine has more ability to withstand some, well, plus we will add a skull on top, the cost of the car is a little more than 300 uah. in the first queue there will be two productions of such machines: paid for by a charitable organization, the all-ukrainian charitable fund zhivago.
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over the past year, only one fund supported the zhivaga fund , and they financed the cost of the car in full , this is the only one that financed it in this way, and without extraneous ones, as if there, yes, we talked, i explained the project, told it, answered all the questions, everything, what was needed, and they made a decision very quickly. the first car will be completely assembled in a week. further trials and later she will save the lives of fighters in the hottest spots the front greetings to all espresso viewers. we will inform you in this hour. about all the most important things and together with you we will analyze the most important events of today and not
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only, well, but i would like to remind you, our viewers, about our meeting and i would like to thank everyone who joins our meetings. now we are collecting funds for 50 fividrons, we need to collect uah 800,000 in order to purchase them, this is actually needed for the 81st separate airmobile brigade, which is holding back the onslaught of the enemy near bilogorivka and pokelny luhansk directions, so if you have the opportunity, please... join our collection qr code and bank card number you now see on your screens and remember that there are no small contributions, so if you have the opportunity to throw a few hryvnias, please, so that we can actually purchase these much-needed fp buckets as soon as possible. now we will add to our broadcast, meanwhile , ivan varchenko, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine and an expert on national issues security mr. ivan, i am glad to welcome you to our air. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. good day. look, information has appeared from british intelligence that the russian
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federation is not capable of launching an offensive against the jeweler it wants to capture. we understand that the enemy's plans for this particular settlement have intensified. how would you assess the enemy's potential to enter this settlement in the near future? it is the ability or inability of the enemy. we understand that the situation is quite dynamic on the front. is the ability to quickly transfer forces and means from one direction to another, although , again, for the russian occupiers, who operate in a wide part of the circle, not inside the circle, but outside, outside the arc, it is difficult for them to do this , taking into account the capabilities of ukrainian artillery, the capabilities of today's ukrainian strike... systems, it is clear that
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it is difficult for him to transfer intelligence, of course, intelligence capabilities, to transfer unexpectedly and imperceptibly large forces, in one direction or another, at the same time, of course, they use that the situation that has developed now, including on the geopolitical and diplomatic front, on the front of aid and assistance to ukraine from the side of our partners, they see these problems, they see that we are forced to act. we are operating in the conditions of a shortage of the main ammunition of 155 and 152 calibers for artillery, which we experience a shortage of many others. system means of impressions, impressions, and accordingly, of course, the enemy is trying to use this situation to the maximum, spending forces and means in order to achieve at least some success, that is, there are several factors that are stimulating the russian occupiers, on the one hand, the political discussion, the absence
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of our partners, the main partners in the united states, on the other hand , the approach of the voting day in the russian absolutely expected and predicted elections, but at the same time they would like to do all this with pathos and on the rise, to show that russia is moving towards huge victories, at the same time they do not need to explain to their population that the huge victories of the second russian army in the world consist of small district, one small district center , which they managed to conquer for a whole... year after bakhmut practically, the only district center to date is avdiivka, in a year, a year after bakhmut has passed, i will remind you, so there is no need to explain to them here, zombified and impressed by russian propaganda , russian citizens, consumers of this propaganda, they are quite undemanding and uncritically analyze everything they eat, what they
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are fed, and accordingly it is clear that a huge victory can be made from this and... another berlin, what russian troops took, therefore, therefore, within the limits, within the limits of these narratives, in principle, russian propaganda develops, they do not manage to achieve successes that would already have some operational character, but tactical, tactical certain advances they, they achieved, we leveled, that is, in .. destabilized relative to the front line, but at the same time it has not become easier at the moment, and it should be expected that in the next few weeks we will still have to, in these scarce conditions, but to restrain , restrain the enemy, we compensate for the lack of those classic ammunition, we will compensate with a certain number of semi-drones, which
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the ukrainian civil society mainly now provides for the front, and of course, unfortunately, we will compensate. again, by the personal and collective skill of our soldiers, where it would be appropriate to have additional means of impression so that the soldier does not switch to shooting combat in most areas. mr. ivan, look, the spokesman of osuv tavria, dmytro lykhova, said that not only the avdiiv direction is very hot now, it is also getting hot now direction. let me remind you, this is actually orihiv, a city that is near the robot willow, where the so-called surovikina line once passed, and now they are trying to regain those settlements that our armed forces won back last year, how do you think, actually, how many are there now we entrenched ourselves well so that the enemy could not advance there,
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because we understand that we do not have enough weapons at the moment, yes, but some certain for... defensive structures, fortifications that could be on this, on this part of the front, have been erected, they can help counteract the enemy's offensive, but in this case i will allow myself to interpret your question and the word guess in a slightly different context, just as you asked the question, yes, as i think, i would not like to guess , i would like to think, yes, but, unfortunately, the situation that was demonstrated after avdiivka, when we see, and here it is not necessary, here it is not necessary... to be ashamed of what is called true things, what is happening between ukrainians and what must be taken into account, for avdiivka, serious defense lines were not built, although there was enough time, and the ukrainians certainly paid for it, the ukrainian soldiers paid the price for it, and it is definitely not necessary to talk about it and definitely not
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to try to say that there is no problem, and it is definitely necessary to set the task now for today, for today...evening, for tomorrow, for the day after tomorrow is to strengthen our defense lines in places where the enemy is trying to advance, the orichiv direction, the zaporizhia direction are being maligned as the territories of their defeat, where they have not been able to achieve success for a long time, and of course they are trying to concentrate and here efforts and of course they are trying to traditionally concentrate efforts, as the ukrainian general staff gives information, now and in the direction of kupyansk-limansk and... in the direction of the south-eastern part of the kherson region east of the dnipro, now that is. in fact, everywhere the enemy is trying to keep the pressure, using and raising large forces and means, we see that almost all of his reserves are now in battle, and this means
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that the ukrainians must work seriously to compensate for the lack of a sufficient amount of ammunition. and first for to think through everything and take into account the peculiarities that have now happened with the fact that... there were words around the boundaries of the formation of defense boundaries, but as it turned out, the boundaries themselves did not exist, or they were not formed to a sufficient extent, so now it will be necessary to talk about engineering, front-line engineering, and that which concerns the front-line zone, should be taken care of very well and taken care of not only in meetings and meetings, but also taken care of at the physical level, the ukrainian nation, including construction workers. including professionals in their field, because we understand that in the military has a rather limited engineering resource, that is, a resource that is available in
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state authorities, local self-government and, above all, the private sector, this resource should be directed to the construction of seriously fortified defense structures. mr. ivan, look, you and i are talking now about how to defend ourselves in the current conditions, but... the commander of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr pavlyuk says that ukraine will stabilize the front line and start preparing for counteroffensive actions for seizing the initiative, and the institute for the study of war actually also says to itself that ukraine should seize the initiative from the russian invaders, but as they say, and for what resources can we afford it now? eh, look, the theory of the military. of art and the history of military practice, of course , shows that the commander and the state that is waging war in
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the context of the fact that we are currently defending ourselves, of course, are absolutely correct in their thinking, but we clearly consider the situation to go on the offensive, counter-offensive, especially when this war is a national liberation war, when this war is fought on your territory, when we understand that we will have to liberate the occupied territories, and... not only keep on the defensive, because with a good, high-quality defense , you can exhaust the enemy, but you have to drive the enemy out in offensive actions, so we, understanding this, realizing this, of course, we are preparing, but i will be quite careful to comment on, say, announced offensives or counterattacks even on a smaller scale, yes, in the conditions of war there are quite a lot. information e-e informational struggle, informational precisely ee er, informational various measures of influence
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, both in order to support our own troops and in order to disorient the enemy, that 's why these are the announced offensive actions, let's not talk about them, we'd rather them we will prepare in informational silence, but the fact that we are preparing unequivocally to expel the enemy from our land, and now even in our defensive actions, we assume that our task is to exhaust the enemy, to destroy him while he advances, while he spends resources for the offensive, in order to later expel him from our land already during our offensive actions. mr. ivan, do you not assume that, for example, after the elections that will be held on march 17, putin will still announce the next wave of mobilization and this period, when the enemy will be exhausted. and he will be one who will not be able to attack so intensively, there will be no such period, or is such a thing impossible in nature, that sooner or later
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the enemy will still have periods when he weakens? you know, if russian propaganda i didn't want to disprove all the laws of physics and the laws of evolution, dialectics and development, so if somewhere it becomes more, then somewhere else it must become less. "if in ukrainian land, in ukrainian fields, there is more enemy meat destroyed, then, accordingly, it becomes less somewhere, the birth rates in russia, they were already negative, today the rates of destruction are such that no women give birth , sorry, yes without any yes, this is a quote from the russian generals of the past , zhukov, who spoke about..." the power of the russian people in the fact that you can't spare the soldiers, because the russian women offend, so no attempt will offend more than they are destroyed,
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it is obvious that... they cannot be successful, because there is no, there is no such pace at which it was now possible to compensate for the rate of destruction of the russian occupiers that is taking place in ukraine, so the same applies to russian equipment, the same applies to other resources that russia currently has or does not have, so there will be no miracle here, none of which depend on russia, no mysterious... er resources that suddenly suddenly they will appear, it won't happen, if they had them, they would have worked in ukraine long ago and put additional pressure on us, the more so, the only thing that we also have to give credit to is that we are also a country with its own defined resource, yes we often compensate for the lack of something material with our courage and heroism , but again, rationally approaching, we understand that only together with our
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partners, with a serious approach to ukraine, with a sufficient number of weapons , we can be more effective than the russians and not exchange a soldier for soldier, and significantly to more effectively destroy the russian resource, at the same time protecting, protecting our soldiers and our equipment, so here in this case i will not find simple answers for you, but we are doing our job, we are destroying... the enemy now or in offensive or defensive actions, and the russians don’t have many chances , they just have to attack, that’s why putin will of course throw in hundreds of thousands of russians again and again, the russians will be much worse off after the elections, this is definitely what you can assume, fooling yourself , putin and his, respectively, the nearest camarilia, writing there 60, 70 or 80%. for their only and
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ingenious weapon, they will believe it themselves, and they will understand that they are nobodies, and accordingly, as nobodies, they will act, and this emotion is very, very harmful precisely for the ordinary ordinary russian, because it destroys this simple a russian, he will be thrown into the crucible of war just to save putin and his company, so there will be no relief for the russians, whether they will be given an operational... some operational pause at the front is also not a fact, we see that the russian generals and commanders and commanders of the russian forces, they are not too concerned about where to get the resource, and the operational pause comes when the soldiers run out, so our task is to destroy this russian soldier in order to get an operational pause for ourselves, and to force the russians to search where are the other resources, regarding mobilization,
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unequivocally... they will speed up and tighten the nuts on russian mobilization. thank you, ivan. ivan varchenko, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, an expert on national security issues, was in on our airwaves, they talked about the enemy's plans, the enemy's capabilities, and the fact that ukraine is still preparing for counteroffensive actions when the enemy is exhausted. let's go now for a short break, after which we will have the marino direction. now one of the hottest. now the enemy has also stepped up their actions there, so stay with us, we will be back in a few minutes, tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from rozpak tv is for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient can also be used for carpentry, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from 1,400 uah. 99 uah
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