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tv   [untitled]    March 7, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EET

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of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself, the following shots may shock you. live news from the scene. political analysis objectively and meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. freedom life - frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. continues information day of the espresso tv channel, there is a lot of interesting information ahead, we are adding it to ours. to serhiy voronov, an officer
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of the legion of freedom, who is now in the maryansky direction, one of the hottest directions, which has now become practically a new target of the russians, mr. serhiy, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine , glory to the heroes, i congratulate you, i would like to ask you to describe the situation , what is currently happening on your side, where the enemy is trying to press and, in fact, what resources he is using there. well , actually, i want to say about what really directions is very hot, today there is a lot, yes, so to speak, a whole hell near pervomaiskyi, since the enemy has gone on the offensive there, it is also pressing near nevelskyi, and it can also be said that near maryanka it is trying to expand the springboard as much as possible for the further direction, the offensive , i want to say that the defense forces repelled an attack near maryanka today, in particular from the northern direction.
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there they are trying to put pressure on krasnogohorivka, and there is also a certain advance of the enemy near novomykhaivka. in particular, the 33rd and 39th actively manifest themselves motorized rifle brigades of the enemy, but it still presses on everyone, along the entire line of contact, and it is not easy for our defense forces today, but we still courageously try to stabilize the situation and not let the enemy pass to... further, well , actually there are shades of the front, in particular near staromykhayvki, where the enemy is also trying to fire at our positions, but i want to say that there actually is a clash at the level of several positions there, but the line of conflict does not shift in either direction, but how long has the enemy's active offensive been going on on this front line, because we have been very active for a very long time. attention was paid precisely to what
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was happening in the avdiyiv direction, while the mariinsky direction was, well, somewhat, let 's say, overlooked, for how long the enemy had been intensifying its attacks there. actions, well, actually, after avdiivka , the enemy apparently released some of its reserves in other directions of the front, in particular, in our direction, in principle, there were quite intense combat operations, but, accordingly, today the attention of zavdiivka, it is not that it has been transferred, the enemy they continue to press there, but in our direction, as you know, a few days ago they made... such powerful attacks on krasnohorovka as well, maryanka as well, well, maryanka was actually very active in this way for three years, you know , along the contact line near maryanka, today the enemy, trying to expand his bridgehead, just to the north,
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to the south, to the east or to the west, is conducting offensive actions, well, here the front line is relatively hot, constantly during... all over 740 days, when a full-scale russian invasion is underway federation. mr. serhiy, is there a transfer of reserves in this direction, maybe they are transferring reserves from other directions, is there any revival now regarding new, let's say, meat from the enemy in your direction? well, the enemy obviously , especially during the last time, it can be seen that... that they have accumulated some reserves and today they are using them against our defense forces, i want to say that our brigands are opposed by well-equipped regiments, and they constantly, constantly send small groups to assault
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new and new fighters, well actually with the active involvement of armored vehicles, the involvement of skids, drones, fpv is actively working, today it is very important. to saturate the front with rebs, because it is extremely important, the war is taking on such a technological nature, and if the enemy feels that some branch of the front is not saturated with rebs, well, believe me , it immediately becomes unpleasant here and there, so it is very important, in particular, to support, support the civilian population , the armed forces of ukraine and help in this, in particular direction. mr. serhiy, i would like to clarify with you, because over above... there was information from the spokesman of usuftavr dmytro lykhovy that the russians are using grenades with poisonous substances in your direction, can you elaborate on this information, do you know exactly what the enemy is using, what poisonous substance it is, and in fact, whether you have you ever experienced the effect of such a weapon? i
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can only confirm the words of the spokesmen, because , in particular, in the direction where our unit stands, in particular, it was used. just drops with grenades, respectively, with a poisonous substance, our guys have burns, respectively interaction with this substance, because of this , well, fighters, in particular, our unit actively use all means of protection in order to protect themselves from similar incidents, what kind of substance are experts still investigating, i can't make it public yet, what was it? that there were such cases, i can confirm this one hundred percent. mr. serhiy, please also tell me about the use of blood air bombs, is the enemy using them intensively now, or does the minusing of droughts lead to a certain reduction of this tendency? i can
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to say that everything is relative , of course, if compared to how the enemy used cabs near avdiyivka, then... sections of the front in this direction can be considered quiet, but in fact this does not mean that the enemy does not use them at all, also, literally yesterday, the day before yesterday, the launches of appropriately guided bombs were recorded in our direction, and actually, well, how can i say, the intensity has decreased somewhat, but they still use it, and i understand that they are placing a big bet precisely on the work of e. .. and in particular kabama along the line of contact. and i would also like to ask you, what is the actual percentage, or perhaps the ratio of the enemy's advantage in weapons? i mean artillery and other weapons, in fact, with which the enemy activates his efforts to advance?
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well, the enemy, the enemy, i worked in this direction in 2022, then we defended the ukrainian sands and, in particular, worked in pervomaiskyi, which today the enemy is actually trying to turn and destroy and turn into hell, and actually then i remember which was much inte'. shelling, today it is also impossible to say that the enemy feels anything lack of ammunition, of course, i already said on one of the broadcasts, about 10 of their shots, three shots of ours, but well, our mortars, in particular, our guns are trying to be accurate, i cannot say the same that the enemy is firing very chaotically, he also studies, studies, takes aim. and he also tries to rationally use his shots, of which he has more, well, we
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try to use the effectiveness of what is available, and i will tell you that the ukrainian nation, i think, will enter the textbooks with the way it courageously resists in such a ratio, a larger, stronger enemy, and i am sure that sooner or later we will reach the stage of the war, when we will already shoot them, go on the offensive to... in order to liberate ukrainian lands. thank you, mr. serhiy, for your work and for the fact that you are now defending our state. serhii voronov, an officer of the legion of freedom from the maryan district, was in direct contact with us. i will remind you, our tv viewers and our viewers on youtube, who are also actively watching our broadcast now and even leave their comments under the broadcast, for that we are also grateful to you, that you are active, we remind you about our collection, yes, we need to collect 50 f'. drones, we understand that the enemy has a lot of drones, and we also need to increase this number for
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our benefit, so if you have the opportunity, please donate, we need to collect uah 800 and actually purchase these fpv drones for that , so that they end up as quickly as possible in the hands in which they will bring us the maximum benefit. we're going to take a break for a few minutes, and then we'll be back to our studio, so leave it. with an ace bleeding and inflammation of the gums. my advice. lakalut active. lacal active actively overcomes bleeding gums, protects against periodontitis and visibly tightens the gums. lacalut aktiv - an action that you feel immediately. novelty. lakalut aktiv++ with two-phase technology and a plus of active ingredients. for even more active protection, lacalot active plus. there are discounts on cars of 15%.
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, we will have even better ones, a special look at events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what the world dreams of, norman, we can imagine it, all this in an informational marathon with mykola in september, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. great return of great lviv, conversations, discussions, search for solutions. the largest conversational format of ukraine in the evening prime. in general , i believe that we need two things: money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we started it must finish and we must win. every thursday at 9:15 p.m. in the project , velikiy lviv talks about the most important things on the espresso tv channel. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football,
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stronger together. well, let's go back to our ether and actually. i want to tell you the good news, the fundraiser actually that we were doing to buy 50 fpv drones, you and i have already closed, this is very good news, in fact, we thank you very much for continuing to support our armory forces and defense forces, and today we are actually launching a new levy, which concerns the collection of funds for a buggy for the evacuation of the wounded and the transportation of combat kits, as well as for a car and... mine workers for the 12th separate detachment of special forces, our defenders destroy the enemy in the eastern direction every day, this levy will help save human lives and will increase the effectiveness of the unit, so join in, every donation strengthens the shield that we hold back, with which we hold back the aggressor, our goal is 480,000 hryvnias, so we actually had to turn on
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our military, and who informed us about how important good news is now. have to resist russian drones and so on, so this collection is specifically for the purpose of buying trenches, so please join this collection, we will count on your support, as always, the qr code is on the screen you are now you see, well , in the meantime, we will add to our ether andres umland, an analyst at the stockholm center for eastern european studies, mr. andres, i welcome you, congratulations, thank you for the invitation. look, here is the information from the intelligence of lithuania that russia can fight in ukraine for at least two years, and it is preparing for a long-term military confrontation with the baltic states, the kremlin is currently expanding its military potential in its western regions, how would you rate this information, to what extent do you think it reflects
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the real intentions of our enemy? well, this can be fully understood first. all these countries that have borders with russia in europe, they are now, well, they are afraid of belarus, but on the other hand, i think that while there will be this war in ukraine, and if and when it is this war in ukraine will be victorious for ukraine, well, this will not be such a risk. already for these countries , that is, well, russia is still busy in ukraine, and if it is then defeated, then there will most likely not be any direct conflict with nato countries, well, if you look at russia’s past conflicts there, it
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will always it has always been very careful with regard to nato territory and, well... with regard to avoiding escalation with nato, that is why, unfortunately, there is such a difference between nato countries and non- nato countries, such as ukraine, moldova or georgia. mr. andres, i would also like to ask you, in general, do you think that the european community has come to realize that the threat is quite real, right? perhaps now, in the shortest term , this is a threat for them. looks pretty ghostly, but if we're talking about strategic thinking, are there any definite glimpses that our european friends are trying to prepare for this potential conflict with russia? yes, i think there is a slow one, but there is progress, uh, that is, now ukraine is signing these agreements with various
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european countries, and there are, well, almost every week... some new initiative regarding support for ukraine, now we have this initiative of the czech president to quickly supply artillery to ukraine, and there is an intensive discussion in the west as well, i am especially aware of the discussion in germany , and so far it is, let's say, no, no, not completely satisfactory regarding this... this issue of taurus missiles, nevertheless, the discussion is, well, it is useful, and this process of rethinking is going on and... and it has results, well, especially germany, it has changed over these two years, and it is still changing now
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does not supply these taurus, but it supplies many other weapons for ukraine, and there is such a strategic reorientation, and in general, i am optimistic about the future because of this development. mr. andres, look , if we are talking about rumors of this kind, they are already at least emerging in the western media about a possible conflict between scholz and macron, because macron is now taking over the leadership, and scholz, on the contrary, wants to delay, so he is very careful in their statements and especially in their actions. do you think there is really a conflict between them? well, first of all, it must be said that... these conflicts are not like that, this is a normal process for europe, i would say, because
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these are the two most influential countries in continental europe, france and germany, and as a rule they cooperate, but they sometimes have such conflicts, and now the situation is a bit strange in the sense that there is no more help to ukraine, not only in absolute numbers, but in terms of percentage of gdp, and this also applies to military aid for for ukraine, if you believe the official figures, but not macron's rhetoric less, she is more like, well, progressive , aggressive, i don't know what to call it, better, well, she is more... pro-ukrainian, but so far this is not reflected in the figures for support for ukraine, and that's why this is a bit strange situation , the german rhetoric, it
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is much worse, you can say, especially from scholz and other representatives of the social democratic party, but the actual actions of germany, they are better now than, say, france, and that is why there is such a tension between them. countries, but i don't think it's something so bad, so, well, it's such a conflict, they can be useful, and well, both france and germany, they are so close, in general now over the last 70 years, they have become that well, it can, it will rather help, if there is such a small quarrel, let's say, between france and germany. oh yes, but i would also like, maybe you could still analyze and explain whether these statements of macron are not a kind of information war,
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yes, some kind of trigger that will push other countries, conditionally you have already said about that if you compare the amount of aid, it is obvious that germany helped more, but such statements also have their own benefit, and perhaps in some direction even more significantly than... is the provision of this or that aid, that is, such statements, they are a serious trigger for other allied countries? yes, of course, france is an influential country, and macron is a popular politician , and if he has to make such statements, it has weight, and it will have some consequences, but nevertheless, we have to wait and see how it will turn out. will there really be a new level of support for ukraine in the material sense, not only
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in a rhetorical sense, and whether there will be any new initiatives, well, nevertheless, well, this is good, and it also solves, as it were, such an old problem of different strategic views in central and eastern europe. and in western continental europe, that is, in the last two years, there was still a certain tension between continental-western europe on the one hand, and northern europe and central-eastern europe on the other, there was simply such a difference in strategic... approaches, and even now, if you believe what macron said in prague, and also before paris, so real. as it seems to me
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, the statements are very close to the discourse of the scandinavian countries or poland or the czech republic or estonia, finland and so on, if it all really turns out that way, that's good. mr. andres, i would also like to talk with you about this situation with the merger of the conversation of the german military, which was related to tauria. and we understand that this is an element of the russian war, including because it was not for nothing that they decided to make this conversation public and intended to somehow use this whole thing, we understand that most likely, this was aimed at practically blocking the possibility of transferring tauruses to ukraine. how did you react to this information leak in germany? well, here we need to separate the issue
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of supply. these taurus missiles and this is a scandal, because it was scholz who had already expressed before this scandal happened that he was not ready to give his consent to the supply of these missiles, because it would allegedly involve germany in the war, and unfortunately, now there is such a strange situation in german public opinion that germans in general... get that germany supplies weapons to ukraine and also your big, well, heavy weapons, but with regard to these taurus missiles, there is, unfortunately, a majority against it being supplied to ukraine, and scholz was simply expressing that, and he was reflecting this, well, this
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public opinion, and he is here as if... if he follows public opinion, uh, the scandal itself , he, he did not have a great, great influence on the german debate, he was rather, i think, useful for germany in some ways, because, apparently, now they will treat these unsafe issues more seriously, and there there was even such an element that the content of this conversation, which was published, he, she rather ... well, it did not correspond to the fact that scholz, what scholz said about the problems with taurus missiles, because these officers, they say, said yes , yes, this is a complex system, it will not be easy for ukrainian soldiers to use them, but it is possible, they need to be trained there, and ukraine can use these missiles without cooperation with germany,
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and... scholz's moment was just such that allegedly this is not possible without cooperation with germany, which that and by the same token, if germany became a participant in this and that war, and well , this is still an opinion, therefore, from the russian side, it is not at all clear why it was published, because, well, such an effect was useful for moscow, i don't think , thank you. to you, andreas umland, an analyst at the stockholm center for eastern european studies, was on our airwaves, and here is the actual conversation, i would also like to inform you that the news has arrived that norway has also decided to join the initiative of the czech republic regarding the purchase of ammunition for ukraine, it is ready to allocate 153 million dollars for this need, and actually, i quote: ukraine urgently needs a large amount of artillery
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ammunition to resist. norwegian kroner, that is 153 million dollars for this initiative of the czech republic, and here, by the way, i will note that this is not the only country that has joined this initiative, also germany, and belgium, and the netherlands, well, but less so, now it's time for news on the espressu tv channel, so i'll pass the floor to my colleague anna eva melnyk, who has already prepared for you from the newsroom. relevant and fresh information, i congratulate you, i'm glad to see you, and i'm actually giving you the floor. congratulations, colleagues , thank you for your work, there was an explosion in sumy, the news team will tell you the details, and today it is a year since dmytro kotsyubailo died near bakhmut, my colleagues have prepared a material about the legendary defender, all the details will follow, stay with us.


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