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tv   [untitled]    March 7, 2024 3:00pm-3:29pm EET

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the number of artillery ammunition to counter the russian aggressive war, today we decided to allocate up to 1.6 billion norwegian kroner, that is 153 million dollars for this initiative of the czech republic, and here, by the way, i will note that this is not the only country that before this germany, belgium, and the netherlands also joined the initiative, well, but less of that, now it's time for news on the espresso tv channel, so i'll pass the floor to my colleague, anna eva. which has already prepared for you an actual and fresh news from the newsroom information, i congratulate you, i'm glad to see you, and i'm actually giving you the floor. greetings, colleagues , thank you for your work, there was an explosion in sumy, the news team will tell you the details, and today it has been a year since dmytro kotsyubailo died near bakhmut, my colleagues have prepared a material about the legendary defender, all the details will follow, stay with us.
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three people were injured due to the russian shelling of turetsk in donetsk region, the enemy dropped a kp-500 aerial bomb on the private sector of the city. at that moment, neighbors, two men and a woman, were talking on the street. they have contusions, arm injury and fracture. all were given medical assistance. told the regional prosecutor's office. as a result of the attack , several houses were damaged, one of them caught fire after the shell exploded. an explosion rang out in sumy, the correspondents of the public reported. earlier, the air force informed about the ballistic threat to the region, the city continues to eliminate the consequences of the previous attack by the shaheds. another person went to the hospital with an injury. the city military administration reported. that
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the heat supply was restored in the fifth hospital, in two outpatient clinics they closed all the damaged windows, in one more you can't use electricity while it's dangerous. one woman died, another was injured due to enemy shelling in vovchansk, kharkiv region. the russians hit the city with guided aerial bombs, and the private sector sweated. at least 12 residential buildings were damaged, oleg synygubov, the head of the region, said. specialists are sorting out the debris. rescuers found her cat in the destroyed house where a 40-year-old civilian died. he was miraculously not crushed by the beam. specialists lifted the heavy structure and pulled out the animal from a death trap, the state emergency service said. in the south , the defense forces will launch a counter-battery fight and inflict fire damage on the russian deployment positions on the occupied ones. part of
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kherson region. over the last day, our soldiers eliminated 74 occupiers and 29 units of weapons and equipment, as well as four observation posts and a fortification structure of the russian army. despite significant losses, the enemy is unsuccessfully trying to knock out our units from the left bank of the dnieper , the southern defense forces reported. during the day, the invaders dared for one assault, suffered losses and retreated. muscovites intensify aerial reconnaissance, pressure with shelling. many strike drones are used. and we have a new collection. the espresso tv channel and the iryna koval charitable foundation are asking for help with the purchase of mavics and accessories for them, as well as fpv drones for the 74th battalion of the 102nd separate brigade. these soldiers are defending our country in the zaporozhye direction. the losses of drones are constantly increasing, and they must be replenished so that our military personnel do not risk their lives and do not attack them. we can storm minefields
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help. our goal is uah 500,000. so join our congregation. you can see all the details on the screen. young guide. border guards stopped a group of five men who were heading to the ukrainian-romanian border accompanied by a 15-year-old boy. he knows his way around the border area well and set out to help the evaders. and they paid the teenager almost four. to leave ukraine illegally, the state border service reported. the minor was handed over to his parents, administrative reports were drawn up on the detainees. now looking for the organizer of this scheme. they sold drones that do not exist. the odesa police detained two fraudsters. the men extorted money from people under the pretext of selling quadcopters and driving cars from abroad. for the needs of defenders of ukraine. placed an ad. on a popular
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online platform, funds were withdrawn to cryptocurrency wallets, and then to bank accounts. during the search, the suspects seized computer equipment, smartphones, cards, as well as... almost uah 40,000, they face up to 5 years behind bars. one of the participants searched for bank cards of drops, which he sold to his accomplice for cryptocurrency equivalent to $200 us. the latter, in turn, sent their victims to make a subscription for a non-existent product. a preventive measure was chosen in the form of detention in the case of depositing bail in the amount of 19 million hryvnias. petition regarding the selection of preventive measure. regarding his accomplice was referred to the court. from tomorrow, march 8 , the capital metro station dnipro will start working normally. the work schedule is unchanged, it opens at 5:41 a.m. and closes at 10:36 p.m., the kyiv city state
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administration reported. the station is ground-based, so it will not work during an air alert. let me remind you that the dnipro has not been functioning since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia in the u. wait, sweden will officially become the 32nd member of nato today, this was reported in the white house, it was noted that the country has a strong democracy and highly effective armed forces, and also shares the values ​​and vision of the world alliance, so its accession will significantly strengthen the forces of nato, as the swedish publication from local writes the foreign minister of hungary, peter szijárta, has already arrived in the united states, he... is to hand over the ratification documents to sweden. they came to help the ukrainians. today is the anniversary of the creation of the international legion of the main directorate of intelligence. the unit united volunteers from more than 50 countries of the world, who after a full-scale
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invasion began to fight with russian troops. the ranks of the legion include experienced fighters, veterans of special operations forces and other military units from the united states. great britain, australia, denmark and other countries. they took participation in the defense of kyiv, in battles in kharkiv oblast, mykolaiv oblast, kherson oblast, zaporizhzhia and donetsk oblast. the best give their lives for ukraine, but by sacrificing the most precious, our soldiers know what they stand for until their last breath. these are the words of dmytro kutsyubail. a year ago, a legendary warrior with the call sign davinci died at bakhmut. an 18-year-old boy joined. joined the resistance forces in 2014 and became the first volunteer to receive the title of hero of ukraine during his lifetime. let's remember him today. glory to ukraine! glory to heroes. strange only there
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go there. glory to ukraine. dmytro kotsyubailo wanted to become an artist since his school years. however, he chose not his dreams, but reality, his homeland. in 2014, an 18-year-old participant in the revolution of dignity, dmytro volunteered to go to the front. the nickname davinc stuck with him, because before the maidan he studied at an art lyceum. then, in the area of ​​the anti-terrorist operation , he defended one of the hottest areas - the sands. in the same year, he was seriously wounded by a tank shell. and already in a few months after rehabilitation, he returned to the front line, already at two at the age of 21, kotsyubail was appointed commander of the first separate assault company of the da vinci wolves. the unit worked in almost all hot spots of the ato. the volunteer company was not part of the armed forces of ukraine and actually did not report to anyone in the army. i am proud of my boys, they are the best for me. and
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the first assault yak will continue to work in the interests of the ukrainian people. in defense of territorial integrity. da vinci was convinced that a big war is a matter of time, he openly said this from okop in donetsk region, back in 2017. what's going on, well, me i think that it is going to a big, big war. i believe that only by military means can we take our land. in 2021, dmytro kotsyubailo becomes the first volunteer who received the title hero of ukraine during his lifetime with the award of the golden star. personal courage shown in the defense of ukraine. in february , dmytro's unit encountered a major attack by the russians in the luhansk region, near the city of shchastya. they also repelled the attacks of the invaders in zaporizhzhia and
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kyiv region, worked in the kherson region, and liberated kharkiv region from the occupiers. then in 2022, kotsyubailo joined of the armed forces and received his primary military. the rank of junior lieutenant. when the attackers threw all their forces at bakhmut, the unit returned to the donetsk region. dmytro kutsyubailo died on march 7, 2023. he had 27. they said goodbye to the hero of ukraine dmytro kotsyubail on march 10 in the ukrainian capital, thousands of soldiers and civilians escorted the hero on his last journey, and buried the legendary warrior at the askold grave. eternal memory and glory to da vinci and everyone. to the defenders of ukraine, who gave their most precious life for our future, for our country
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life. for the moment, i have everything, i tell you, see you at 16, you can always read more about important things on our website esпso tv, also subscribe to our channels in social networks, be close. oleksiy collects cars for the military. such an idea appeared when he could not order hid buggies for soldiers everywhere, because the queue for them was long, and the car was needed here and now, so oleksiy rented premises and began the development of his own analogue. the sample appeared in six months and is already helping the armed forces at the front. it's going pretty well, look aisles great, but it was only the beginning, at the request of the fighters, a new model is currently being developed,
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it is a vehicle for evacuation from the front line, there are special places for this purpose, and such a car weighs no more than two tons, which allows you to move quickly, this is a free place , 2 m long, the width of the car is 80 meters, three people can lie comfortably, if necessary, four can be, well, the needs are different. the car is armored, additionally it will be lined with a net. to save the lives of the soldiers and so that the enemy drones cause as little damage as possible technology, it absorbs the impact of the drone, the armor already absorbs the shock wave, and this is a big difference when it detonates on the surface or when the impact is on the wave, especially since this machine is more able to withstand some, well, plus , let's add rap from above . the cost of the car is slightly more than uah 300,000. in the first phase , the production of such machines will be two: one. charitable organization all-ukrainian charitable fund zhivvago. over the past year
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, only one foundation has supported the zhivvaga foundation. so, they financed the cost of the entire car. he is the only one who financed like that, and without extras, as it were. yes, we talked, i explained about the project, told it, answered all the questions, everything that was needed. and they made a decision very quickly. the first car will be completely assembled in a week. further tests, but later she will save the lives of soldiers in the hottest points of the front. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, the information day of the tv channel is in full swing from 1 to 3 p.m. we will now add volodymyr tsibulka, a political an expert glory to ukraine, mr. volodymyr, we congratulate you. glory to the heroes , well, i would like to talk about international affairs, but let's start with ukrainian affairs, so
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people's deputies prepare groups to go out with an inspection or an audit, to fortifications , and to educational centers, as far as this practice is concerned justifies whether it is worth using a similar one, well, and in general , what is more important, wouldn't it be possible, for example, somehow to glue this graph like this, the graph on... people's deputies, so that it, well, somehow synchronized with the plenary sessions of the verkhovna rada. well, i think they did a great feat and they didn't go to check the prenatal centers, but they went, as eminent specialists in fortification, they went to check the fortifications. in fact, this is cheap pr, and it is connected with the fact that the servant of the people faction did not gather a quorum. necessary for holding the session, because of which they disrupted the holding of the session on march 6, 7, 8, and for this
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they came up with, well, this is an idea that slipped out of their fingers, in fact none of these people understand anything in fortification, all the more, well, for such a revision, deputies are not actually needed, it is necessary to summon the head of the government for the hour of the government to the verkhovna rada. and get a more qualified answer, although, well, we also don't know what to expect from shmyhal, since he is very imitative, the prime minister, that is, the government is not involved in this. in the case of liability, what will be the result of this trip in general, well, that's a good question, what will be the result, for example, they will see that something is not being built there, well , i don't know if they have the necessary volume information, well, this is every construction, there , if it is not even classified, it, it provides for phasing, receipt of funds, responsible persons and so on, well, even more so, that is, if in one place they checked
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something there is not good, well, then it is already necessary to check that the entire front line, well, russian intelligence. and records the phones of people 's deputies, where they are concentrated, at which points, draws the entire echelons of the ukrainian defense only through the deputies, we already had a story when the yavoriv training ground was also lit up by bank employees, yes the very corner illuminated the demining machines in the troops before the start of its summer offensive. that is, it seems to me that this is pr, it is designed to disguise the helplessness of the verkhovna rada, the inability to pass laws. the most important thing is that this whole circus is connected with the refusal to consider the law on mobilization, and in fact, at least this refusal to hold sessional
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meetings, it will lead to the postponement of the adoption of the law. about mobilization for another two months, and if we take into account when her ukrainian men will be mobilized, when go to training, i think that there will be such a moral and psychological burnout in the troops that no one will be able to hold the front. look, the committee of the verkhovna rada has adopted an important story, in particular, when we talk about the activities of religious organizations and institutions connected with the state, the aggressor with... moscow, the committee has adopted this, here the question is still pending in the plenary session, the corresponding vote, your prospects, and why is this story dragging on for so long? well, the committee made a big compromise with the opposition, because in fact, as we recall, it is very much like that
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mykola knyazhytsky's transparent, clear, very successful law, which was introduced, was suddenly rejected by the authorities, and the cabinet of ministers... allegedly prepared such, well, a little confusing, but softer law, in the end , some of mykola's initiatives were presented to the committee knyazhytskyi were included, we could not have an opposition if we had a military cabinet and representatives of the opposition were included in this military cabinet, this is an absolutely simple formula, yes, mr. volodymyr, but we would also like to talk to you about our international affairs, yesterday it became known that the first lady of ukraine, olena zelenska, will not come to biden's speech, explaining this by the fact that they allegedly tried to plant her near yulia navalny, the widow of oleksiy navalny, a russian oppositionist who died in a pre-trial detention center. and in fact, there are also other versions of this
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event, on the one hand, the op says that the schedules have overlapped, but there are also... other assumptions of the western media that in this way ukraine is going to demonstrate to the united states its dissatisfaction with the fact that they take so long with help. how are you do you think what was the real reason for zelensky's refusal to go to this speech? look, it wasn't ukraine that started spreading this same topic, as far as i understand, this topic was made public by the journalists of the wall street journal, i think it was the washington post, but i'm afraid i'm wrong, for sure, one of the western publications is the author. and if the journalists dispersed it, then someone from the protocol, and only zelensky’s wife has the protocol, and the protocol is usually in the white house and in jill baide, that is , someone, someone made it public from the protocol, and the ukrainian side, as far as i know noticed, she very delicately commented
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on the problems with logistics, that is, olena zelevska simply did not have time to... fly to this message, well, because she has such a very tight schedule in this regard, well, this is a very, very soft form, her refusal, so to speak, but as far as i understand it, navalna and her supporters, whether they are or not , threw in this information, because the first report that she refused appeared from her source. that is, this is all absolutely manipulation, on which, the fact is that mrs. navalna, she is only a widow by status a public figure, that is, she... she is not from the political circle, although sometimes there is public activity that is more powerful than politics, and in this, perhaps, navalny was
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like that for russia, but still, to create a protocol figure out of navalny, figure of the first echelon for international politics, it ’s probably a bit too early, because it’s not known who it relies on in general, whom i... understand that the western world would be very comfortable to have some kind of main communicator with the russian opposition with anti-putin circles, well they automatically chose her due to tragic circumstances, but does this person have the potential to represent the entire russian opposition, but we know the story of, for example, svitlana tykhanovskaya, and svitlana tykhanovskaya was still a participant in the elections. campaign , that is, the opposition has every reason to see her as a leader, and as to whom ms. navalna appears, this is a question, yes, and since we are already
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talking about international affairs, we would like to hear your opinion, mr. volodymyr, regarding the hint of the message from on the part of french president emmanuel macron, in particular about the prospects the involvement of our foreign friends, yes, specifically, when it comes to... the best, most powerful and self-sufficient army in europe, because france has all the weapons technology, quality communication, nuclear technology, missiles, carriers, it builds aircraft carriers, it produces aviation, including military... transport artillery, that is, france possesses all the weapons technologies, and it is a completely self-sufficient country in terms of weapons. it seems to me that
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france reinforces its firm intention to become, well, such a military leader in europe with a package agreements with moldova. in fact, moldova is now coming under the direct protectorate of the french armed forces, as in paris. franco-moldovan agreements were concluded, and france delivered some equipment to moldova the day before, and now it will be engaged in the training of troops, and i do not rule out that it is in moldova that the first french bases may appear. mr. volodymyr, we would also like to discuss with you the situation that happened yesterday in odessa, we understand that this is also a serious story, although the military does not connect the stay zelenskyi and the prime minister of greece in odesa, nevertheless this... it all happened, i mean the missile attack on odesa at about the same time when the delegation was not far from the place of the explosion, and do you think that this
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whole did the story still have an implication of encroachment on the life of the president and actually a foreign delegate in our country? if this is true, there are several questions, i.e. was the explosion okay, was an air raid alert issued at that time? because the transfer of officials, there is its own security protocol, the prime minister, a guest of the country, is staying here, and what security measures were used, if an air alert was declared at that moment, secondly, in the russian public it is allegedly indicated that there were two missiles, one was shot down, so here is also a question, the aim of the russian missiles, if russia really ... hit or according to the prime minister of greece, or according to volodymyr zelenskyi, then these circumstances, here, well, until the end we have to figure out in what radius from
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the presence of the officials the strike happened, but in any case, to hold events in the open air during an air attack, it seems to me that it does not meet the strict requirements of the security guard regarding the protected persons, it seems to me that if such a blow was missed, then some security officials should have been thrown out of their positions, thank you for your opinion, volodymyr tsybulko, a political expert, was on our airwaves and actually talked about the situation in the ukrainian parliament and also about the international situation, including, we will now go on a small... break and after it we will talk about the traitor viktor medvedchuk, maybe something unexpected, yes, but we will not simply talk
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about him, because, as it turned out. now victor medvedchuk is not only trying to regain his ukrainian citizenship, he is even suing for money and his deputy mandate. this is the situation, we will understand it in a few minutes. there are discounts on mebicar ic tablets. 10% in plantain pharmacies, you and savings. rose b. rose b. professional hair care at home . roguz b. buy plantain, bam and oskad in pharmacies. there are 20% discounts on mikrolax in psyllanyk, pam and pharmacies savings there are discounts on lactacyt, 25% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong unbox tv saw is just for you. with it you can easily cut trees and bushes. it is so
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