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tv   [untitled]    March 7, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EET

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it means to incite someone somewhere, and so on , but now it is absolutely proven in fact that the west has this goal and intends to achieve it as long as they all, mind you, all the leaders of the west say one thing: we will achieve this goal of destroying russia, no matter what cost, well, whatever it cost us in the sense that even if the sarmatians fly away, in this sense it is also nothing... i believe that they are really on the verge of deciding that they will have to conduct direct combat operations from our side, moreover, i have a number of factors about the fact that such a decision can already be taken, with a high probability, well, that is , before he was paranoid, he said that nato is already at war, now he is paranoid, he says that nato must attack, the only thing that is
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at stake here, so it’s actually about the fact that why scare the russian population with all this, well, you know, you’ll remember, well, before that’s exactly how they used to scare the russian population with ukrainians , who will attack the ukrainians didn’t attack, the russians attacked, well, that’s why it’s absolutely, well, you know, no a ghostly possibility that the kremlin might want raise rates. and really attack some nato countries, the baltic countries, the same poland, why not? that is, well, i don't know if they will dare to attack finland, it is unlikely, something tells me, but they may dare to attack the baltic countries, even before all this talk that they were preparing something there, probably, well, no, and it doesn't matter, that in fact they all have paranoia, and between who, in fact, who... really,
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unlike the western leaders, who have never actually said that they intend to destroy russia, no, they do they don’t say it, we would like it so much that they really want it and understand that it is necessary to simply dismantle the russian federation, but unfortunately, unfortunately, far from everyone, even political leaders, i’m not talking about the leaders of countries, the western ones are ready it is to think and even reflect on these topics. meanwhile, the russian, well, the leaders of the state are directly telling how they are going to seize something there, how they are going to seize something else, well, at this moment, when they were talking about how here and there nato is going to attack, in fact the head of the security council of the russian federation medvedev once again showed how they are going to destroy... ukraine,
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despite the fact that they constantly tell, again, that not a single leader of the russian state has ever said that they want to destroy ukraine, but look how they do not want to destroy ukraine and how they actually demonstrate it directly. russia will definitely bring the war to victory, to the surrender of the neo-nazis, deputy head of the security council midveviv recently stated at the world festival. and in russia, as you know, there are no borders. medvedev said that we will never give up ours lands he said slovakia against the background of a rather strange map, as they joke on the internet. this is a map from a geography textbook, maybe for next year. much of this on this map
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belongs to our state, why is it written in latin, it is not clear, look, our opponents must firmly and forever understand the simple truth, the territories on both sides of the dnieper are an integral part of russia's strategic historical borders. and you would think that this map, if we have it, let's look at it, that this map is fiction. one such medvedev, yes, but no this is exactly the case, because literally at the same moment when medvedev was speaking for this, another leader, naryshkin, the head of the russian intelligence service, also spoke to solovyov, he decided, well, to develop the same idea as well, to tell about it , that you need some, well, literally, not only that. that
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they have already been able to capture, yes, and also to take something from ukraine and something else there, well, in short, listen for yourself, because this is also a delusion that they constantly say, and which name... really, actually, does not hide the desire to really simply destroy ukraine as such how do you see victory and at what point do you think they will admit that they have lost this war? i will answer briefly. we will win when we see that we have freed from this corrupt nazi regime all those who... they determine where to live, in which country, this has many hidden meanings, we are not at war with ukraine, we are at war with nato, in particular, when volodymyr volodymyrovych says, part of
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it was hungary, austro-hungary, and the question of the people, as they will, that is, ukraine may face a completely different perspective, some part lands will decide that they want to go to their historical homeland, not only russian lands, it will be democratic, well, it works in the other direction perfectly, because maybe it is time for the russian people to ask where they want to live and free everyone, who want to free themselves from the corrupt regime of putin and, in fact , naryshkin and others, this seems to me to be a completely working idea, and then it will be democratic and... let's see then where this russia will go very quickly, but you know, again, all of them talking about how they were attacked there, how they are the ones who are ultimately trying to bring the war closer to nato, well, in principle
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, russia is trying to bring it closer when it attacks and when they shout that let's do some more provocation, but now this provocation sounds like let's shoot down the foreign ones. planes that fly in neutral waters , that fly over neutral space, air, let's shoot them down, because we just want to, this is all the time, now the russians are talking, this is some kind of new idea of ​​theirs, russia cannot openly say that we are not we will negotiate with zelenskyi, because it will undermine our international reputation, that's a fact, but we can do so, put forward such... these conditions for negotiations that there will be none. we have already done it when the russian president or the russian minister of foreign affairs says that any negotiations will be conducted in the current territorial realities, to put it simply, talks about returning to ukraine its former territories,
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not only crimea, but also the azov region and donbas is not going away. dmytro anatolyovych was speaking in sochi at a forum with a card behind his back, this the real map, right there... where is all ours, no , this map is bad, don't show it, the map is great, well, you actually saw what all the talk is about, in fact, they are to start the whole situation on a new this is, you know, the origin and attempt, well, really to disrupt any possibility, well, really to some reasonable negotiations, yes, that is, when someone here thinks that it is possible to conduct some negotiations, something is agreed upon, then this is... the answer to it, this is the map, this is how you can talk, you really want to talk like this on such terms as you have seen, and there are no other conditions in fact, there are simply no other conditions in conversations with the kremlin, this must be understood very clearly, and well, the russians
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speak about it directly, who has not yet understood this, well, listen to the russians again, you will know, well, now actually about the way they are provoking her now... well, they will try to provoke nato countries with such steps. every time i hear that the next attack on the crimea, on the black sea fleet, this whole targeting is being carried out, we know by whom. this means that there should be no nato reconnaissance equipment in the skies over chernigov by the sea and i don't care in which zone they fly. let's crush them all. how will they react, what can they do? it's time to knock them all down, it's time to knock them down. well, what can they do? in fact, they can finally give ukraine the weapons that allow normal destruction of targets on the territory of russia, i think, then it will change the whole situation and change the way
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the war is going. but here is another separate story, well , actually, what kind of future is painted for the russians, well , how... someone thinks that it is possible at the expense of of ukraine, or to end the war in ukraine, it will somehow end, because no one is going to go west, this is also not the case, and again... moreover, russian television talks about this non-stop, constantly, i don't believe in the coincidence of the publication of this thing in the military opinion magazine, because there are always some serious global things, they are announced in advance, for example, the war with ukraine, how much was discussed, exactly a year was discussed ironically, so this is what is being said today, that nato. let's conditionally, we will tomorrow
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finished with ukraine, they will let us live peacefully, they came closer to us , why did we start this, to remove the buffer zone, what did we tell them, let's go for the oder, for the elba, that is, let's go for the odar, for the elba, it's fantasy, they never really are. did not leave all these fantasies, this must also be understood, this is not something that arose literally today, it’s just that now the russians, you know, are in a state of a little euphoria, they somehow think that they are winning, and now the west will sit down to negotiate with them , and trumpushka might be suitable there there will be an agreement with them, but in reality these agreements cannot happen, because putin's regime cannot exist without war. if he will not fight in ukraine, then he will fight somewhere else, and he will fight exactly until he
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is capitally beaten in the face, all the talk that the war will not end if ukraine reaches the borders of 91- th year, will they stop shooting, yes, friends, they will stop shooting, because this will be the most vivid demonstration that the putin regime is not managed that he in... everything he did was in vain, and after that the war will really stop, no matter what anyone tells you, because any talk of what's going to happen will still be shot across the border , well, if they shoot from the belgorod region, they will also fly to the belgorod region, how long will this story last, how long do you think, how long will putin be able to sit just shelling ukrainian territory from the border of 1991. absolutely no, absolutely it is not so, therefore, in fact, it is the only one and really
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an achievable goal that will really end the war is to return to the borders of 1991, well, and there it will be seen how this process will proceed in russia, it is clear that it can go in any direction, the russians can close and sit as in camps, the regime may or may not collapse, but that. that the war will end there, that is absolutely certain, and if not, if there are again talks about the fact that it will not, let's go there, maybe along some currently active line, maybe we can agree, maybe we will freeze there, then listen to putin, he already has beautiful ideas about belgium, by the way, by the word belgium, you probably know about it, to a large extent appeared on the world map as an independent state, including a significant one... lenin
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also invented belgium, probably also, well, like finland, actually also, and maybe the wealth of countries can hear that they were invented, if not lenin, so it is not known who else is there, so the only real way is the borders of the year 91, there are no other ways, all these are fantasies, which are simply, well these are... really fantasies and there is no point in wasting time on them. see you what to do in order not to get sick? vitamin c, d3, zinc. and the main thing is quercitin to strengthen blood vessels. just take quertin immuno. four components together in one capsule. quertin imuno for strengthening immunity and protecting
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united by football, stronger together. for what i provoke. so, is there an operational pause at the front that the enemy planned, is the russian federation preparing to respond to the destruction of putin's fleet, and what new objects has the intelligence agency started hunting for? all the most important, thursday, march 7, at 9:15 p.m. , velikiy lviv speaks in the project - a platform where everyone will have a say and everyone will be heard. on the air of the espresso tv channel. vasyl zema's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many, and also distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart people
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and those who don't care, in the evening for espresso. verdict with serhiy rudeku. from now on, in the new two-hour format, even more analytics , even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday, from 20 to 22 at espresso. premium sponsor. represents the national team. united by football, stronger together. see this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. searches in the dnipro district of kyiv. who was responsible for the illegal actions of law enforcement officers? interference with judicial
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activity, the challenge is serious enough. but why did the sbi refuse to initiate criminal proceedings? can put themselves in prison, although there is every reason for this. congratulations, this is a program of judicial control, and as always, we are talking about the main reform, on which direction our european prospects depend. in ukraine, after a complete reboot of key judicial bodies an honest judicial corps is being formed. but while the employees of themis prove their professionalism and compliance with their positions, law enforcement officers openly press how the state bureau of investigation manages to interfere with justice and why for illegal searches. no one is responsible, let's tell today, but first traditionally to the news. there is a shortage of judges in ukraine. more than half a thousand vacant positions in appeals courts should be filled by honest candidates this year. the competition was started by the higher qualification commission of judges. at the next meeting, the members decided who candidates to be allowed to participate in the selection. the commission checked the documents of the participants and
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determined whether they were properly executed. one question about the admission of candidates to the exam. official evaluation and participation in the competition for vacant positions of judges of appeals . among those who want to sit in a new chair, the judge of the northern appeal economic court, the scandalously known head of the economic court of the kyiv region, pavlo gorbasenko, turned out to be. in this way, he seeks not only to get a promotion, but also to nullify the corrupt, fictitious past divorce, property that cannot be explained by official income and decisions that have signs of raiding. concerned citizens opposed gorbasenko's candidacy at the contest. "i am generally not satisfied with the corruption that exists in our country, and in particular with the work of such judges as gorbasenko, a corrupt person who takes..." court, in our ukrainian one. to convey their position to the commission, people gathered near
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the vkk building with posters, they are not satisfied gorbasenko's work, consider him unscrupulous and demand that he be excluded from the competition. they should understand that people are dissatisfied, there are honest, fair candidates who have a judicial education, but for some reason they are not allowed. the final decision on horobasen. the commission will decide after a detailed interview. now the members of the vkk have allowed him to participate. the judge submitted the documents on time and in full . the commission unanimously decided to allow pavlo volodymoch to pass the corruption assessment and participate in the gorbasenko competition. interview with the head the commercial court of the kyiv region will be held in a few months. it is then that the commission will be able to ask him questions about his wealth and questionable decisions and will determine his future fate as a judge. for two years , a full-scale war has been going on in ukraine, every day russia tries to destroy our state, launches hundreds of rockets, kills civilians, tries to seize territories. for two years
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, ukraine has courageously resisted the aggressor, and there are those who are trying to implement dubious schemes under the guise of war, resorting to illegal actions. low law enforcement agencies continue to work, but in this mode that the war probably justifies everything, and maybe in time. in this state , we can do what we did not allow ourselves to do during normal peaceful events there or simply the regime of an anti-terrorist operation. at the beginning of the year , the state bureau of investigation raided the dnipro district court of kyiv, without any court decision. sbi investigators conducted an urgent search without any court decision in connection with an urgent case related to the rescue of property. the investigative actions lasted 5 hours and were accompanied by gross violations. when entering the building, the security forces searched all employees of the apparatus, investigators, prosecutors and even ordinary visitors. taking into account even the address from the general meeting of the dnipro district court and the reaction of the supreme council
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of justice to it, still, this urgency, it really raises doubts. they checked not only personal things, but also the contents of mobile phones and other devices. at the same time, personal searches of women were carried out by men, the main purpose of which was allegedly carried out access to the official computer of judge yuliya ivanina was not... urgent search. access to the draft of the court decision in the case, as well as to other drafts and court decisions, in which the personal data of the participants in the court proceedings are indicated, was found and obtained. at the same time, the full text of the specified court decision was not announced at the time of the search. as stated in the sbi, the search took place within the framework of criminal proceedings on the fact of alleged assistance to a criminal organization. the security forces assured that it was not their intention the implementation of pressure, however, it is difficult to call what happened otherwise than pressure. during the search, the investigator took a photo of the text of the yet-to-be-announced
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court decision on his personal mobile phone and sent the photo to someone via messenger. this archi is illegal. and these are far-fetched grounds, and no one has understood what property was being saved until now. and not only did they search the court itself, they also... searched all the people who came there, that is, there was arbitrariness multiplied by arbitrariness, and it was demonstrative, demonstrative, what do you see, there is one power of the dbr, that is spitting on the court, the judges, is a show of force, and it is very bad. the sbi also seized data from video surveillance cameras, copies of timesheets, and even the vacation orders of judge yulia ivanina for 2020. 22 and 23 years old. the decision of the investigative judge of the pechersk district court of kyiv city of february 8, 2014 satisfied the complaint of judge ivanina and
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obliged the authorized persons of the state bureau of investigation to return temporarily seized property to judge ivanina. in addition, from the content of this decision on the return of property , it can be seen that it was carried out in the premises of the court the search was illegal by the investigating judge, the request for the search was refused. the supreme court immediately reacted to the illegal actions of the sbi, declaring the inadmissibility of pressure from themis officials and the interference of law enforcement agencies in the court's activities. the supreme court appealed to the director of the sbi, who is directly responsible for the actions of his employees, with a demand to provide an explanation. it is possible to enter into the register and conduct a search of the judge, without having reasonable grounds for this, and at the same time conduct the search without permission of the court. i mean, you all know, the decision of the assembly, which was considered by the supreme council of justice, on interference in judicial activity, such a challenge is quite serious,
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and supreme. the court, in particular the head of the supreme court, could not help but react to this with a corresponding letter, demanding a proper investigation, because it is a question of the authority of the system, and the leadership of the supreme court should be here, for me it is obvious for the protection of judicial independence, because it is also an obvious criterion, based on the fact that there will be no independent court, there will be no rule of law, the supreme council of justice in its turn considered. address of the meeting of the dnipro district court regarding possible pressure from the sbi and, having established the presence of signs of interference in the judge's activities, turned to the office of the prosecutor general to enter this information into the edpr. on march 1, 2024 , a letter from the prosecutor general's office was sent to the address of the dnipro district court of the city of kyiv stating that the prosecutor general's office had initiated an investigation before the state bureau of investigations
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official investigation. reactions. vrp also demanded from the state bureau of investigation itself. we appealed to the state bureau of investigation for their explanations regarding the circumstances of conducting such searches, emergency searches. we do not know whether the sbi finally provided any new explanations, and the state bureau of investigation refused to investigate the actions of its employees who broke into the courthouse with an urgent search. from the answer. in the supreme council of justice. we inform you that according to the results of the consideration of the said decision and the notice of the judge ivanina of the dnipro district court of kyiv, the investigator of the state bureau of investigation did not establish grounds for entering information about a criminal offense into the unified register of pretrial investigations. a month ago , there was an illegal search, it was a deliberate overreach by the sbi of its powers and... interference
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in the administration of justice, and as i understand it, today there is already information that the sbi refused to initiate criminal proceedings, in principle news, let's say yes, expected, the actions of the sbi are logical, because she is not can catch themselves, they cannot put themselves in prison in this case either, although there is every reason for this. we sent an information request to the state bureau of investigation with a request to explain the actions of the bureau's employees during the search and the reasons for its conduct, but they did not receive an answer for a month and a half. we also asked the prosecutor general's office whether the information about interference in the judge's activity has been included in the edpr at this time. we are still waiting for an answer. currently, information on entering data into the single register of pretrial detainees there are no investigations in court. i've been spectating on activities for a long time, and they are practical.
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how to use blunt force, under the pretext of urgent searches, the whole house is turned over, property, cars and so on are seized, the authorities do not react to this, they do not make any comments and do not put things in place, so these are coordinated actions, everything indicates that urgent search. took place in the dnipro district court of kyiv, nothing but arbitrariness on the part of law enforcement officers, interference in the work of the court - refusal to initiate criminal proceedings and lack of reaction of the authorities shows that ukraine will face many challenges on the way to the rule of law. we will continue to follow this topic and will share more in future programs. and for today i have everything. if you want to report corrupt or illegal judges. message
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me on facebook or at this email address. see you in exactly a week. it. anna's former office, she worked in the local cultural center for more than one year, recalls the last holiday that she organized with her colleagues, the day of unity on february 16, two years ago, it was like that, you know, feeling pride, unity for their country, and at that time it was not thought that such a thing would happen, such tragic events, the life of the horbel family
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changed radically. already in the morning of february 24.


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