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tv   [untitled]    March 7, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EET

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program velikiy eter, my name will be vasyl zima, i will say goodbye to you until tomorrow, take care and stay in touch, now it will be interesting with serhiy rudenko and his guests, let’s watch together, good evening, we are from ukraine, glory to ukraine, this is a verdict program, me my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health, during... the next hour we will talk about ukraine, about the world, about the war and about our victory, and of course, about the new appointment of valery zaluzhny, today in the program. 500 m from the conflict with details of the russian attack on odesa appeared to nato during the visit of the greek delegation. what could be the consequences? bypassing the congress. the white house is looking for alternative ways to provide emergency military assistance to ukraine.
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sources, how long will the delay last? a new paradigm of relations. china plans to strengthen friendship with russia and seeks to bring ukraine to the negotiating table. what to expect from a special envoy? we will talk about this and other things during the next hour with our guests, the executive director of the world institute politician yevgeny magda, journalist roman tsymbalyuk and spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army south, serhiy bratchuk. but before that... how to start our big conversation, let's watch a video of how the maroon berets continue to destroy the russians, the fighters of the 79th separate airborne assault brigade of tauriy defeated another enemy assault near novomykhaivka in donetsk region. ukrainian soldiers managed to destroy 12 units of armored vehicles, four of which are tanks. let's watch this enchanting video.
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friends, we are working on live tv, and also on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are watching us live there now, please like this video, vote in our poll, today we ask you this, can china stop russian aggression? yes, no , everything is quite simple on youtube, if you want to leave your opinion under this video, please write in the comments, it is important for us to know your opinion, if you watch us on tv, take it. please take your smartphone and vote if you think that china is capable of stopping russia's aggression, 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, call us, it's important to know your opinion. i would like to introduce our first guest today, this is yevhen magda, executive director of the institute of world politics, mr. yevhen, i congratulate you and thank you very much for being with us today, congratulations, mr. serhiy. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. let's
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start with the heroes. from the hero of ukraine valery zaluzhny, whose candidacy president zelenskyi approved today for the position of ambassador of ukraine to great britain. it became known literally a few minutes ago. the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine reports that it has already sent the british side a corresponding request for agreman. that is, the decree on the appointment of a diligent ambassador is. we are waiting for confirmation. from the british, how do you like this appointment, mr. yevgeny , to what extent it was expected, and whether it will affect the trust rating in the future, first of all for president zelensky, and accordingly , the trust rating for the hard-working, well, let 's be realistic, let's talk about these things as seriously as possible, i can't remember in over 30 years. of ukraine,
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when there was a message that the president personally approved the candidacy of this or that ambassador to this or that country, honestly, i understand what the constitution is. here it is the head of state who heads foreign policy, but usually the minister of foreign affairs, or in ukrainian realities, the head of the president's office, deals with such matters, but still the authorities preferred to say that the president did, well, you know, that in fact , in this way, zelensky's team demonstrates not so much his omnipotence as their own reluctance... to explain why valery zaluzhnyi was fired a few weeks ago, and accordingly does not want to talk about it in more detail, regarding the appointment as an ambassador, well , in fact , a presidential decree on this matter can appear only after
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agreman of the party that accepts, there are different situations in interstate relations, there were , for example, in the polish-ukrainian... situation, when marchen vaitsechovskyi already received agrimans , they even say he bought a ticket in order to fly as an ambassador to kyiv, and then it was not assigned. in ukrainian realities, to be honest , i do not remember anything like that, and to be honest and frank, zaluzhny would be more appropriate, if you can say so, in the position of permanent representative of ukraine to nato, because then he would demonstrate his own. influence, he could broadcast his own experience, he could talk about many important things, but the fact that he will go to britain, i think that despite everything, bureaucratic features, he will go, it is also not the worst situation, at least with that
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for the simple reason that britain is our reliable partner, for the reason that britain plays an important role for us, and by the way, in britain this year there will be parliamentary... nad, will this be the beginning of a political career? well , you know, a hard-working professional soldier, a professional soldier is a person who, on the one hand, knows how to give orders, and on the other hand, to obey orders, and in this case i think that ... everything should be clear enough has been said, and we must understand that valery fedorovych will not be the worst diplomat, well, if we take into account the principles of personnel policy in the formation of the diplomatic service, i just wonder how
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the next diplomats who will be appointed to the positions of ambassadors will feel, after the ambassador will be valery zalu, well, here is the question, mr. yevgeny, whether it will be an honorable cover for the industrious in this situation, or still, taking into account the role that great britain plays in the current situation, in our help, help us in the russian-ukrainian war, that in principle zaluzhnyi can be a sufficiently visible and important figure in great britain, because this is not the former general prosecutor iryna venediktova, who is sitting in switzerland, these are not other diplomats. mothers who may have more experience in diplomatic work, but are not such bright and powerful figures as valery zaluzhny, but on the other hand, this appointment shows that zaluzhny is a member of volodymyr
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zelenskyi's team, well, otherwise he wouldn't have agreed to this position, it's true, he's a hard worker... statesman, and when the general is offered to go somewhere as a diplomat, he cannot say to himself, well, i think, due to his professional career, you know, i'd rather sit here in a warm bed and sleep while the war continues, and you continue to do, this is one time, secondly, i think that it is useful as a person who grew up and a career, whose career was the formation of the military hierarchy. clearly understands that his presence on the territory of ukraine, at the moment , can create the effect of bifurcation, that is , it creates one way or another informal or unofficial competition, give with oleksandr
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syrskyi, with the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. deserving, as far as i can understand, because i do not know him personally, i am not interested in such a development of events, he is interested. in serving the state. in any case, it seems to me that during his tenure as commander-in-chief of the armed forces, he confirmed this as much as possible. therefore, i think that zaluzhnyi is not a person of the zelenskyi team, he is a person who plays for a team called ukraine, and that is normal. another question is that in volodymyr zelenskyi's team has enough people whose presence raises questions, and therefore we will see similar things. i do not see any...threat for valery zaluzhny that he will
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work as an ambassador, absolutely, i do not see any political threat for volodymyr zelensky, because our western partners evaluate him quite rudely, to me, i just returned from poland today , i've heard different opinions about this , and it's telling enough, i repeat, i'm just looking at the running line that... sweden became the 32nd member of nato, so if zaluzhny went to brussels, it would be a strong step, a step to broadcast the ukrainian experience, but also to broadcast it to britain, as a permanent member of the un security council, as a country, which, among other things, has informal contacts with the united states, builds them, this is also a good choice, mr. yevgeny, let's listen to what zelensky said about visionary were responsible for this war, we have already achieved a historically
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unprecedented level of cooperation with britain. by the way, it was with britain that we signed the first bilateral agreement on security guarantees, we must fully implement it, for the sake of our joint power. today , general valery zaluzhnyi, the candidate of our country's ambassador to great britain, told me exactly this. direction for yourself, diplomatic. the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine sent a corresponding request to agremman. our alliance with britain must only grow stronger. and there are several decrees today that are worth talking about. signed two decrees of recognition. well, actually, of course what a diligent diplomat will be, we will obviously see what he was like as the head of the armed forces of ukraine. we have seen and... and we will already draw conclusions from his diplomatic work, when britain agrees to zaluzhny's presence in
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london, well, i think there will be no problems with this, otherwise it would not have happened, there would not have been this appeal by zelenskyi, he would not have spoken about this appointment, obviously, everything has already been agreed upon. let's talk more about what statements were made today, because today sweden became the 32nd member of nato, but there were also several important statements of the leaders. of europe, in particular macron, that he stated that there are no restrictions, no red line for supporting ukraine, and lemont writes about this, and medvedev immediately reacted, the deputy head of the russian security council, says that if macron says that there are no red lines in support of ukraine anymore, and the russian federation no longer has red lines in relation to france, what do you think, sir? this does not mean that there are no more red lines in supporting ukraine. it means long-range weapon, it
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means the supply of all types of weapons, except for nuclear weapons, of course you mentioned that france is a country that has a nuclear arsenal, but the owner of this nuclear arsenal is immediately different from i think that in reality the situation is somewhat, yes, yes . i think that the situation is somewhat less optimistic than it seems to us. the issue is that emmanuel macron, with the help of ukraine , started a kind of political race to become the informal leader of europe. an informal political leader. he is pushed to this by the position of germany, which does not cannot give birth to the decision to transfer the tauruses to ukraine. and accordingly, macron, together with other european... politicians, he makes various decisions , shows the involvement of france, for example, in
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the process of procurement of shells for ukraine, here this is an interesting moment, because before the beginning of the large-scale invasion, france, germany, as members the normandy four, well , i think you remember this design, but many of our viewers, i'm sure i don't remember anymore, they didn't supply ukraine with any ammunition, even for small arms, and therefore... macron's position, it is weighty, we need it, we should encourage it in every way, but we must not allow dizziness from success for the simple reason that such dizziness. it will simply be harmful to us. ukraine continues to be in the center of attention and it is clear that it will be a significant player for france, no less a significant player for britain, as we found out for ourselves. and the question arises as to what kind of player it will be for germany, because olaf scholz, he is still, well, not just a chancellor, but
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the chancellor of the traffic light coalition, which... in the event of its collapse, could suffer a heavy political defeat, and the issue of the transfer of taurus missiles to ukraine, it continues to be on the agenda, so i think that what we heard from the mouth of the french president is not only a declaration about the intentions, but also the desire to achieve appropriate changes in european politics for the benefit of france first of all, you have already mentioned macron's leadership. in europe, well, about the fact that he is trying to be the leader of the european community, and it was clear two weeks ago, when he gathered representatives of european states and spoke about the fact that we need to do everything so that ukraine does not lose to russia, possible troops that can be moved to
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the territory of the ukrainian state, then he gave many interpretations of this, but at the same time today... the head of the european commission, ursula fondeen , in a speech before the vote on her nomination as a candidate from the european people's party for the position of president of the european commission, stated that the european union should launch the production of new generation weapons for victory on the battlefield. let's hear what ursula funderlay said. security in europe also means doing more for our own. our common goal must be very clear, we must significantly increase our defense industrial capacity over the next five years, and at the heart of this must be a simple principle: europe must spend more, more efficiently, and it must spend european money, and this will help us meet the urgent need to replenish and modernize the armed forces of member states, and we continue to support
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ukraine. mr. eugene, it seems that neither macron nor ursula. fonden did not expect, and other european leaders did not expect that russia is capable of such a large-scale war, on such a scale of war, and why do you think, all european analysts and european intelligence services, why did they not consider such an option, that this war may be greater than they imagined, and that this war may in the long run affect them as well, this is our inertia. and unwillingness to imagine a world without russia. i would like to remind you that until february 24, 2022, the vast majority, more than 90% of western analysts said that ukraine would collapse under the first strike of russia. they predicted a blitzkrieg for them, right? blitz-krieg, which will lead
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to a heavy defeat, to the destruction of ukraine. but this did not happen. the war has become protracted, european politicians have been shamed, they promised ukraine a million shells by march of this year, but delivered at best half, and this undermines their position. ursula vonderlajen, she is a very interesting politician, because on the one hand she managed to be the minister of defense of germany a few years ago, and on the other hand, if you read her biography, you will see that she is... well, really, a pan-european politician who is stuck in a procrusian box in purely german politics despite the fact that germany is the most powerful country in europe, and therefore she calls for the enlargement of the european union, she calls for increased appropriations for the production of weapons, she calls
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for maximum success, and she ... wants to remain at the head of the european people's party and be its representative as president accordingly european commission. that is, let's not forget that in three months there will be elections to the european parliament, in which the european people's party will try to maintain its position as the dominant political force of the old world. this also determines the position of ursula fonderlein. and the continuation of ukraine's effective... resistance, the continuation of ukraine's struggle against russia, this is currently a component of the pre-election program of the european people's party, i have nothing to do with this issue. mr. yevgeny, one more topic is quite important, because literally, in a few hours
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, the president of the united states of america, joseph biden, should speak before the congress of the united states of america, but, obviously, one of the topics will be an appeal for assistance to ukraine, restoration of funding, 61 billion dollars are planned to be allocated to ukraine, well at least. was previously planned, but information appeared that the administration of president biden is considering the possibility of using about 200 million dollars from the budget of the american army to provide operational assistance to ukraine, since a large aid package remains blocked in congress, bloomberg reports. at the same time, as john kirby, the coordinator of strategic communications of the white house national security council, says that... the biden administration continues to work with congress, which approved such a funding package for ukraine. let's hear what john kirby had to say. there was no way we
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weren't looking at other options, but whatever they are, they won't be like additional funding, there's no substitute for it. as i have said many times, there is no magical source that can do that. can additional funding, and are we looking at options, absolutely we should, given the situation on the battlefield, especially in the east. mr. yevgeny, everyone is talking about the need to help ukraine, the french president is talking about the need, no no, that red lines need to be crossed, that there are no such red lines, olaf scholz is talking about the need to help ukraine, but does not provide taurus, the united states of america says that it must be restored. financing of ukraine, which is holding them back, why they are not helping ukraine for the last three or four months, but only talking about it. they are restrained on the one hand
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by the political situation within their countries. on the other hand, they are restrained by the fact that they do not want to imagine a world without russia. they do not want to tell themselves that the russian empire is an empire that must collapse. and from the ukrainian side. there should also be more active efforts aimed at showing that the russian empire will definitely collapse, and we ukrainians will march at the funeral of the russian empire, this should be a fairly obvious point, we have to work with it as actively as possible, and accordingly , this is what is currently the task of our foreign policy, we cannot afford to simply watch as this or that is simply moved there or back, no , it won't happen, we have to be proactive, we have to work in a different way, and not just
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wait for our western partners to finally find a way to recognize russia as the one that needs to be dismantled as much as possible smaller parts and not allow them to combine, we have to understand that... unprovoked russian aggression is an extremely serious challenge not only for ukraine, but for the whole world, and we have to work with it as actively as possible. thank you, mr. yevgeny, for the conversation, it was yevhen magda, executive director of the institute of world politics. friends, we are working live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching live there. please like this video and vote in our survey, today we ask you about the following: is china capable of stopping russia's aggression? yes no if you vote on youtube it's pretty simple either
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yes or no if you have your own opinion please leave it in the comments below this video we always want your opinion if you watch us on tv , pick up your smartphones and vote if you think china can stop russia's aggression 0800 211381, no 0800 211 382 all calls to these numbers are free. serhii bratchuk, spokesman, will be on our air later ukrainian volunteer army south. mr. serhiy, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. glory to ukraine, glory to the armed forces. thank you for the invitation, congratulations. glory to heroes. let's start with yesterday's event, since almost all major western media wrote about the missile attack on odesa and ... how a russian missile exploded 500 km from president zelensky and 500 m away from president volodymyr zelensky and
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the prime minister greece kyriakos mitsotakis, both cnn reports and greek media reports, at the state department the united states of america commented on this incident. let's hear what washington has to say. i think this strike is another reminder of how russia continues to strike ukraine every day. this is a reminder of ukraine's need for anti-aircraft missiles. defense, and this is a reminder that the united states congress must take the steps we urge it to take to support ukraine in its fight against russian aggression. mr. serhiy, explain how it all happened and what it means, a blow to the port infrastructure, considering the grain corridor and the fact that the greeks are one of the largest transporters from
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odessa, according to... the mediterranean, the mediterranean countries, and can this be considered a provocation by the russian federation and a deliberate blow during the visit of the prime minister of greece? well, first of all, i will start with the second part of your question, is it possible to consider this a provocation, this is terror, purely, purely terrorist act, another war crime of the russian federation, which, by the way , is documented, of course, because... on it's a pity, there are dead people, there are injured people, he recorded, and it will also be documented, and the table is set for the judges of the international tribunal, which will undoubtedly take place , of course, unfortunately, not tomorrow, not today, maybe not the day after tomorrow, but nevertheless it will be, and all criminals have to suffer punishment , how can the actions of a terrorist be explained in general
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, i am often asked why odessa, let's say, is having nightmares these days, although i would like to remind you that since the beginning of the great invasion on february 24, 2022 , the first flights to odessa minutes of the beginning of this war, let's talk about the second of may, when the enemy failed to capture odesa in the 14th year, then there was a battle, and actually from that time odesa, and this is the answer, including to the question, why he continues to have nightmares and will continue to try to do it, of course , although we fight back as much as possible... actively in my opinion, so here is the second answer, it already lies in the emotional and moral plane, because odessa is really a bone for the enemy, because odessa has shown itself as a ukrainian sea gate, as a southern outpost of ukraine, which fought and continues to fight, to strengthen the defense capability of the state and does not even plan
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such even terrible efforts... terrible efforts to imagine itself as some malosian, novorossian, or even more so russian city, that is why this revenge is so, you know, pathetic, as it is customary to say, sorry for the word, boyish revenge, the speaker's bully , well, it's actually emotional, and if you take geopolitical, military-political moments, including economic ones, then it's already returning to the question of why ports, why port-side infrastructure, it's also understandable. because that grain deal, which has long gone in history, many probably even forgot about it when there were ukraine, turkey, the un, on the other hand, sorry, god, russia, turkey and the organizations of the united nations, they forgot about it, why, because ukraine won back, i i emphasize, won back my right, as well as the opportunity for our western partners and not only western partners, to work for new export, i emphasize, this
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is not purely. grain, and export corridors, and we see that today it was possible to create such conditions so that the pre-war indicators of these corridors reach pre-war indicators, and in fact, the most important thing is changing and the nomenclature has changed, that is, it is not purely ukrainian grain, but also ukrainian grain, so of course this cannot but disturb the enemy , that is, we can see very well that ukraine, with offensive actions in the black sea, drove away the russian black sea flotilla to novorossiysk. ukraine destroyed three enemy ships already this year. ukraine, which, as we say, such a formula currently exists, unfortunately, does not have a full-fledged naval force. on the other hand, we have planned military operations, we have a flotilla of naval drones, we have strikes on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea, because...


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