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tv   [untitled]    March 7, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm EET

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kanal spresso and ukrainian pen present their own title project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week, and actually, who will be the guest of the studio? we will find out already this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special. proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday: 5:10 p.m. greetings, this is svoboda lyme, my name is vlasta lazur. today we will be completely and completely talk about mobilization. to wage a protracted war, ukraine needs not only new technologies, which the government representatives often talk about, but also people, whom the state is finding increasingly difficult to attract to the army. we begin. in order
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to replenish the ranks of ukrainian army servicemen in ukraine, recruiting centers are being created, recently they have started working even with brigades, but so far this is not provided for by law, how the ukrainian military is trying to overcome the personnel shortage and how the actual training of new recruits takes place, about this see below, our exclusive report. shoot, run, lie on the ground, and so on until the next round. among the new recruits, maksym , formerly a 3d designer, needs to be reclaimed, to take away what was rightfully his, his home, everything, he is just from the luhansk region, from the territory, he got to the local fields from the british training grounds, he was trained there, maksym 24 , to two of his friends, they are also new recruits, about the same number, the commander cannot be satisfied, young guys, 25 to 30 years old, it is simply impossible to find them,
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the fight is going on for them, you can say that, yes, the fight between units, yes, and between brigades and so on, well, like the youth, it is more durable, less painful and so on, according to statistics, the average age of the ukrainian army has exceeded 40 years , and this is a huge problem for the armed forces, the number of recruits is decreasing, heavy protracted battles, the loss of territories only worsen these statistics, the military recruitment centers... are overgrown with legends that do not give a positive image of the army, and in order to recruit people, combat brigades officially, or not really, start their recruiting companies. we have created a running website, we are working on a volunteer basis, a recruiting campaign, civilian. ivan, chief sergeant of the 93rd kholodny yar brigade. the unit maintains a heavy defense near bakhmut. ivan says that in order to find motivated people, they allow potential recruits to ask.
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the rear cities were dotted with it, then it was considered know-how, now it is the demand of the time, for this they launched an advertising campaign, it is a great pity, due to a large number of bureaucratic situations and circumstances there, with the brigade we can faster react, we can do it faster... we can do it all, the war changes every minute, and here on the battlefield we immediately begin to teach our recruits, which is true, there is a nuance: the place of service of the soldiers is determined by the troops of the coma and often the desire to serve in a certain brigade is ignored , for this the recruiting centers want to submit the new recruit's documents on their own in the near future and accompany them to the military unit. the law does not provide for this, but all these efforts should not be lost, as a maxim. i was offered in 1993, i decided
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agree, but what exactly is 93, because it is just going in the direction, well, roughly speaking, of my village, well , what is missing most of all are really motivated and normal people, we are not fighting with infantry alone, now the war has generally switched to collective weapons, the infantry, when it knows , working brigade, working collective weapons, working, resets, artillery, infantry. then it works, it is the artillery of the 93rd brigade covering the infantry near bakhmut, this point is fire, then love, then love, sau, although it is old, but the shells are said to be there, recently new batches began to arrive, the soldiers breathed a sigh of relief, that is, there is no such extreme hunger that we are sitting, well, there, in general, every shot is as if you tear it away from yourself. but lately
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batches have appeared, the ukrainian manufacturer we worked with started to appear, and i really liked them, they fly well, are adjusted, that is... they are aimed, there is more accuracy of these projectiles and that is good, it is nice that this ukraine is now making progress to a certain level, this is a good one, the situation near bakhmut is difficult, the russian military is pressing, ukrainian fighters are now retreating, then recapturing positions, they call it positional war and believe in the best, what kind of mood do you have here in spring, soon everything will bloom and blossom, soon it will be green, soon there will be camouflage, soon we will not be. when they say spring mood, civilian people usually think that oh, spring, love, and you are green, well, green will dry up a little , there will be a little mud, then summer will dry up and everything will get better, it will be even better, we survived the bitterest time, to the best times, we still have to wait, the recruiting company has only
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been launched, it will take a few months until it will start working, until people start joining the brigade, but there will be people, - says the chief sergeant, we plan somewhere on 70 percent, more. to increase, we are again working as hard as possible on our part, we want to show, highlight that this is a job that many people are capable of, now is a very decisive moment in the moral and psychological state, maxim is also counting on people, so far the ukrainian army is only defending itself, but he is sure that it is still possible to liberate his native village , when do you think you will get there, i don't know when, but we will leave sooner or later, when there will be more people, when people. will be more, then and let's get there peresychalko, serhiy dekun for radio liberty. you have just seen, one might say , a positive example of how the ukrainian military, the military, is trained, but this is not how recruits are actually trained everywhere and
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not always, and we have another example, and it is not so positive, well, for example, a journalist and a writer, and now also the serviceman stanislav asiyev candidly described his personal... experience of undergoing military training in the so-called uchepkas, two military units of the tro in the east of ukraine. conditions in the training center, as stanislav writes, rather, they resembled a combination of a tup dispensary with siz, mold, fungus, humidity, full of sick people who are given children's dragee for the flu at a temperature of 39. most of the recruits, asiyev writes, were frankly random people in the army, some with criminal records, serious illnesses, without motivation, without education, literally without education, one even. he could not write, and at one point he was even brought to uchepka without a hut with sore legs, and in the tcc they simply offered him a warm winter. well, in general , aseev got the impression that most of the time they mobilize people, as he says, from the hinterlands of the regions, and not from the offensive centers. they were busy
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collecting garbage, gathering firewood, sorting pallets, until i, with the help of the general staff, succeeded. to meet with the commander of the unit, he allowed to ask questions that are disturbing. since the training did not start for us in the first hitch, and because of the pressure of the general staff, our stay became a problem for the leadership, the latter transferred us, new arrivals, to the next training center, where the mold changed to tents in the forest. if to speak metaphorically, in my case the hitch turned out to be turned outward on february 24 , 2022, falling epileptics. murmuring ex -zeks, szechesniks, a few cases of part abandonment in the first two weeks, and a lot of random people with no connection to any brigade waiting for buyers. some openly said that they came for money to cover debts. the feeling that we are here for a common cause completely
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disappeared, however, the composition of recruits still differed in both training centers. in the first percent , 70 purposefully came to the contract, often already having at least ideas about the handling of weapons or even combat experience, while in the second training center the volunteer sector was minimal and the age limit was mostly measured at 40+. oleksandr yabchanka, the commander of the honor company of the first separate battalion of the davincha wolf, has already joined our broadcast. alexander, good evening. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. well, i will probably continue to quote stanislav asiyev, as he notes, in fact, what the volunteer is waiting for there. literally yesterday's civilian, who for the first time in his life gets to training center, he expects an intensive course of training from morning to evening, but in reality he ends up, as he says, as if in a correctional labor colony, and not for a specified time, say what stas described, you heard it too, it is rather the exception or
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rather the norm? you see, i 'm not a representative choice in this matter, because the davinci wolf battalion is either... fighting or training, and that's how it's been since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, when i joined the goler volunteer group, and that's how i... was our life in the first months wars, we or trained, or we fought, and with the only difference that the training process was not provided for us by the state, but provided by ourselves, since we were a volunteer, then when we already became part of the structure of the davinshi battalion, nothing changed conceptually, we then we are either fighting or training, in particular, now we are... born, we are being re-staffed, this means that those
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fighters who expressed a desire to fight in the vovka da vinci battalion, they are either training, well, or being registered, that is, this cannot be the case , to on e, to, for example, in her at the training ground, she just didn't do anything, or was doing some stupid thing, well , because there is a part of the work that... has to be done by a part of the unit to provide for everyone else, and the rest do what they are there for, of course they're training so you see i can't answer your question because in my understanding it should only be as i described but of course i've heard of other cases, i just don't have an understanding of the percentage of situations like ours and such situations, as you described in the plot, we described and actually positive examples well, for example, almost all the military personnel who were on our broadcast praise the training of some brigades there,
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they often call the third assault brigade, but do you understand why there are such different experiences, and what do you think is the problem of scaling a successful experience completely to everything , on on on all the armed forces? people's awareness of what they do in the army seems to be the most important thing, at the same time awareness from the one who has just entered the ranks of the defense forces to the one who commands the process at all levels, and here at these, here from the private to the highest there are very different people in the command, that is , the actual human factor, it seems to me, in this... the question is decisive, because under the same conditions, for example, our
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battalion, the third assault division, there are other excellent cases, prepares fighters so, that those fighters then carry out combat tasks and carry them out with maximum losses for the enemy and with minimum losses for themselves, so in march-april of 2023, the road to bakhmut chasiv. our chrome loss ratio was 1 to 13, why? and because we were trained, because we were maximally coordinated, and you are coordinated when you have different units not just learning, but conventionally speaking, aerial reconnaissance trains itself, for example, well, conventionally, infantry trains itself, coordination is when aerial reconnaissance, infantry, artillery work as a single unit, but you simply cannot. physically you can't achieve it if you don't train for it
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, only when it's on automatic then you go directly to e you e if you're not trained then during combat you can't improvise if you don't have skills , during the performance of combat tasks you you won't be able to do even half of what you planned for yourself. if you are trained, then you have every chance to put at least some of what you have learned into practice, and then the casualty ratio is, as i said, how would you rate the motivation of the newly arrived servicemen now? well, again, those military personnel, yes, they are motivated people, but they are motivated people, again, they are very different, but they all have one thing in common, that... they are motivated to go to the army, that is, it is a voluntary decision of a person, and when a person voluntarily
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made this decision, then a person will make maximum efforts to implement his decision in the best way, especially since the life of the person himself, the life of his fellow citizens and ultimately the life of the country depends on it. i don't know how much the number of volunteers has decreased, maybe over the past six months. well, you know, it's difficult to estimate, because recruiting centers started working in our country not so long ago, they started working in lviv, a recruiting center started working in kyiv, we are planning. to open recruiting centers, but when they have been working for several months, then already it will be possible to monitor some dynamics, huh, and which specialists are you lacking the most now, who are in demand, you know, there is a demand for people who are, firstly, motivated, and
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secondly, determined to learn new things, what i mean , we are happy for ourselves... that, for example, many people who are interested in the latest technologies, including us , who were among the first to use ground-based robotic complexes, now there is not just a lot of talk about it, but it is already a direct solution of the state to move in the direction that is fantastic, in other words, what the state is doing, it sees the initiatives on the front, picks them up and scales them, now it's just a question of how much... units will quickly catch up with what the state is offering. going back to your question, there are a lot of people who come in asking about innovation, asking how can i fight with newer technology, how can i fight better than the adversary, that's the most gratifying thing
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because really we understand that we're dealing with big... so not graceful, but with enormous strength, and we have no chance here draw, we will either win or be defeated, and we can win only with the strength of the spirit and the strength of the intellect, and when people come voluntarily with the strength of the spirit and ask about the strength of the intellect, it is very inspiring, that is, actually about the strength of the spirit of the spirit, here i am again i will probably quote stanislav asiyev, he tells how he has to do it in the trailer... there he prepares to harvest firewood , deal with pallets and garbage, and so on, and he says that where there are pallets and firewood, there is usually no ideology and that in in general, the what he saw, the ideological component is not just at zero, but it turns into a minus. tell me from your point of view, who should be responsible for this?
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well, hardly at the level of brigades? well, you see, i have... a rather original attitude to this process, but i say that i am not a representative species, but the fighter himself answers why i am not a representative sample, because i cannot recall any initiative that i would come with to his commander, he told me that it was nonsense, at least he thanked me, and we implemented many of those initiatives, but unfortunately, i am not a representative sample here, so it seems to me that everything starts anyway, well, they say conventionally, whether with an activist, that is, with a person who wants to change something, but apparently, probably very motivated people and those who you call activists, most of them probably became, joined the army, took up arms in the first, in the first days of the full-scale war, maybe most of them did, but first of all, not all, not all, now
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people with active civil position, secondly, you know... activism, well, not an activist are born, they become it when you understand that your future depends on your actions, and more and more ukrainians begin to understand that the war will not be won by itself, that in order to win the war in which they want to destroy us, it is necessary to act, that's how activism is born, so of course now the situation is not the same as it was on the 24th of the year 22, but... we continue to fight and people are ready to fight, that 's enough, one request to those who still haven't realized the level of danger , please wake up, help, or come yourself as fighter, or help with resources , or help technologically, this is our common war, and this is our common danger with you
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, god forbid we will lose, believe me, no one will like it, you mentioned about... recruiting, in fact, a lot of hopes in ukraine are placed on recruiting, what do you think, is recruiting in principle capable of solving, completely solving the issue of the lack of military personnel? you know, absolutely not, but it is absolutely necessary, i will explain why, because this is my philosophy, i think, i am convinced that a citizen of the republic himself... to choose where exactly he should go to defend his own country, therefore, of course, recruiting is an opportunity to choose his own fate at the front, next to him. who will you fight with and in which military unit will you fight, what i mean is, you can come to one
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recruiting center with several friends and not just get into one brigade or one battalion, you can get into one platoon, or even in one department, in other words, recruiting is extremely necessary for a democratic country, because recruiting is about the right to choose a free man, we are fighting precisely for... a free state, oleksandr, and tell me, please, and you, you, you are sure, you can guarantee, or from your experience, from the experience of your brothers, when a person goes through recruiting, and conventionally speaking, she is responding to one vacancy there, how likely is it that completely different people will set the tasks before her directly in the army? er, if we are talking about the unit of the vugti da vinshi, then... we, taking a person to the position of an air scout, train an air scout, and we are aware that an air scout will not hold the position well in
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the qualities of an infantryman, because he was trained for another, of course he has basic training, he can shoot, but still it is not his function, so we are the first interested in having our aerial scout flying, having our fpv drone piloted by fpv . and a semi-drone to have our ground robotic complex operator control the ground robotic complex, rather than manually fire from a machine gun that can be attached to the ground robotic complex. we are personally interested in this, but we must understand that there are situations when you have to, and it is a task commander, it is to prevent these situations, but this is not only the task of the commander, it is also the task of the staff, so we can safely return to the beginning of our conversation and mention the preparation. and the last thing i will ask you, maybe you will say again that you are
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a non-representative example, but do you agree with the fact that most often people are mobilized from small towns and villages, and not, for example, from regional centers or the capital. and if so, how do you, how can you explain this trend? well, again, i can only say. still in his own way subdivision, we have boys from the villages, but now you have asked a question, i have never asked it myself, it seems to me that after all , the content of boys and girls is still more content, or maybe it just seems to me, why my answer, and i don't see the difference between them , now in order to answer your question, in the near future i will simply ask for myself, and you are from the city or from the village, that is, in dobrobaty, it is so blurred that well, i didn't notice for two years, well, how do i know who is from the city of kyiv, because i was friends with these people even before the full scale, but even if a person came and i knew whether he was from the city or from the village,
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no, because here we are equal, and people do not even ask themselves this question, this will be my answer, thank you very much to you, oleksandr yabchanka, commander of the honor company of the first separate battalion of the da vinci wolf, we talked about mobilization, motivation and recruiting. thank you, and now we will talk in more detail about how recruiting works in the armed forces, for the armed forces, to the armed forces, what are the vacancies, what are the opportunities, what are the salaries, and the main question is whether recruiting can solve the issue of the lack of military personnel, whether recruiting can replace, conditionally speaking, mobilization, we now see that although it is not regulated by law, so to speak, agencies create at the level of individual brigades , basically, yes, or there are separate recruiting agencies, for example, as a lobby, and we will now include a representative of this agency
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on the air, but the main question is really whether this will solve the issue of mobilization, we know that the verkhovna rada is currently registered the bill on mobilization, the people's deputies promised to adopt it before the end of march, but it looks like this decision will be postponed due to the fact that more than 4,000 amendments have been collected to this bill, so in the meantime we will talk about recruiting. vladyslav grezev, founder and head of lobby x, is a recruiting agency, an employment platform. vladislav, good afternoon, good evening. good evening, nice to see you. i do, i guess i'll start with the fact that in november, you personally, as i recall, signed a contract with a representative of the ministry of defense and announced a project on recruiting to... the armed forces of ukraine, this is your joint project, as i understand it, with the armed forces. share the results, what you managed to do during this time, and in the end, how many people did you attract? yes, indeed we... signed an agreement
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with the ministry of defense, in fact, our work on recruiting into the armed forces and the defense forces in general has been going on since july 22 , when a new team led by rustem omerov arrived, one of the first decisions that they decided to sign an agreement with us, give us the opportunity to do even more, more tools, because after all, legitimization at the level of the ministry is a certain boost to the trust of the wider public, our platform has become even... more popular, we have started to achieve even greater records in terms of the number of feedback on vacancies and so on and the like, the ministry formulated it for itself as a recruiting project, because besides us, well, we were the first to invent this approach and advocated its creation even before rustem's arrival, but the actual signing of the contract launched the mass of this process, and after us, other players of the employment market joined. the opportunity
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to publish vacancies for free on your resources, this is actually a recruiting project, so-called. speaking of results, as of today we have over 7,700 volunteer responses for over 3,200 vacancies from over 500 different teams. these are the results, the number of those who joined vasil defense directly thanks to us reaches thousands, a specific figure, unfortunately, we cannot. investigate because military us during everything, all this time they do not report and should not report, we are not their commanders, so this is our approximate analysis. you know, most often i have to hear such theses from men of winter age, they say, well, i will apply for one vacancy, and then it is not known what tasks will be set before me, i just spoke with military personnel from da vinci's wolves, he says that they do not have yes, they deliberately teach
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people some profession. then this person performs this profession, have you had any complaints from the people you employed, when they were hired for a profession, i don't know, maybe an air reconnaissance, but they had to go on an assault, there were no such cases, if suddenly a problem occurs, if suddenly something unplanned happens to a person, and he, i don't know, is in the process of training in the training center she sees that she... will not be assigned to the right place, she can always turn to us and we will solve this issue, well, first of all, she is accompanied by her offensive commander, well, the future commander from the military unit, who actually posted a vacancy, was completely structured from our side, how the process of organizing mobilization or signing a contract is reflected in order to guarantee getting to this particular military unit, and this is the first person who
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can help with this, if not... if it does not work out at her level, something can be decided, it is possible to contact us, i will honestly admit to you, as of now, not even a week ago , there were no such cases, that is, everything worked harmoniously, now the new team of the general staff is implementing certain of its new approaches, certain of its changes, such situations arise, but again, we cooperate with the general staff, that is, how threats of such situations arise, and we cooperate with the general staff very closely with the new team in order ... to solve all these problems, that is, it is unlikely that when a person leaves through recruiting, he will be engaged in procurement there firewood, take out garbage , and so on, all this experience, which, for example, described, if you read stanislav asiyev's column for radio liberty, how he volunteered to get to uchepka, honestly opened the column, did not read it, see, to put it conventionally , we will have a vacancy for a person who has engage in healthy activities and the person
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responded to her, then she will engage in firewood. but anyway, that is, she will do exactly what she chose. good, but please tell me what vacancies are now, firstly, which vacancies are in the greatest demand, and secondly, which ones do you manage to close the fastest? the highest demand for front-line positions, staff, all different specialties, in second place is programming, in third place, transport, that is, everything related to transportation, drivers, in fourth place is uav operator. in the fifth position in the press services, this is if talk about popularity from volunteers. uhu, that is, as i understand it, there are no particularly interested people on the first line. at the seventh place of intelligence, well, it was necessary to continue. reconnaissance, which is not aerial reconnaissance, but which is on the ground, is a very dangerous job, it is...


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