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tv   [untitled]    March 8, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EET

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and other lawmakers from both parties, what do they say about biden's chances of convincing them to approve funding for ukraine? in general, as yulia also just noted, the call for continued aid to ukraine will be an important part of biden's speech during today's congressional address. as you rightly noted natalya, i spoke directly yesterday with the speaker of the house of representatives, mike johnson, and asked him if president biden could say something that would encourage the speaker to withdraw aid to ukraine. on voting as soon as possible, in turn the speaker said that everything depends on what the president will say, but in his opinion, not a single word of the democratic president, the representative of the democratic party and the current head of the white house, can be trusted. i suggest you listen to what he told me. is there anything biden can say that will encourage you to put aid to ukraine to a vote? let's see what the president will say.
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in general, both republicans and democrats, both in the house of representatives and in the senate, with whom i have spoken, agree that ukraine will be an important part of biden's speech, and in particular the call for continued aid to ukraine, but if democrats believe that part, this part of biden's speech, can convince some republicans to change their position and support aid to ukraine, then republicans claim that their party is already ahead. the majority supports aid to ukraine, and any speeches of the democratic president, the head of the white house, will not convince those republicans who are against aid to ukraine. i am sure that we will vote for help in the house representatives the speaker and everyone else is now focused on the government's budget, but i think there are enough votes in the house and we will pass the bailout. there are many people who support ukraine, there are others who do not. i
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doubt very much that anything the president says in the address about ukraine will have any effect on the republican position on this issue. i expect the president to speak very strongly about our support for ukraine, because our support for ukraine is really about supporting ourselves, our own national security, our belief in the need support other democracies. i do not support aid for ukraine. i believe that there is a serious risk. escalation due to us participation in this war. speaker johnson has made it quite clear that the first thing we need to worry about is our border in our country. i 'm sure we'll hear president biden's call to do more for ukraine, but house republicans want to make sure we do more, first and foremost for this country. thanks to yulia and katya, yulia yarmolenko from the white house and kateryna lisonova joined our studio from the capitol. we talked about expectations for the state of the nation address, which... on thursday at 9 a.m. et
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, president biden will address lawmakers. hundreds of american components have been found in russian drones, missiles and ammunition seized on the battlefield. if the route of their delivery is blocked, russian military production will also stop, analysts believe. they convinced the american senators of this at the hearings in the congress . whether to introduce additional export restrictions against russia, whether these steps will be able to stop the kremlin's war machine, oksana asked bedratenko the russian military-industrial complex can be stopped by 100% if you act quickly, analysts believe. they convinced american lawmakers of this during the hearings of the senate homeland security committee. senator richard blumenthal, presiding over the hearings , visited ukraine in february, and then the president of ukraine , volodymyr zelenskyi, handed him the evidence.
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that a large number of american components are found in russian weapons. the simple truth is that in russian weapons seized on the battlefield, a large number of american parts and components. american manufacturers fuel and support russia's gargantuan war machine, they are used in missiles, drones, ammunition, and other weapons. russians rely on american technology. in cruise missiles, almost half of the components are not russian, in drones, almost 100% of the components are not russian. these components are not obtained from household appliances - researchers say. when we open these weapons up, we see no evidence that these are reoriented chips taken from somewhere else. we don't see the point for russia to buy a $500 washing machine to get a $1 component that can be obtained more easily. some of those chips
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can also be used in home appliances, but others not, unless your washing machine flies, which i doubt, the components we find in russian drones are not suitable for washing machines. russia has been actively trying for years, but cannot establish its own production of components, says elina rybakova, a researcher at the kyiv school of economics, who also testified at the congress. 95% of the components are in this military enrichment from the coalition countries, 70% from the usa, this shows that russia is not capable of producing, if they had a successful diversification, there would not be such impressive figures of dependence. from the western components. yes, russia may slightly improve production in the future, may get some from china, but we need to act now to cut 95 components of the event. that is, if export restrictions are tightened, will it really harm the russian war machine? in
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the best case scenario, if russia's access to the components were to be completely cut off, it is would probably bring russia to a complete standstill. this is in an ideal world, where the government's policies would produce one hundred percent results. russia would not be able to produce anything. this is obvious. however, of course, russia still receives hundreds of billions of dollars in exports and has a strong incentive to continue doing so. she will always look for ways to circumvent export restrictions. so we don't expect 100%. if it was 100%, then tomorrow the russian war would stop, because they would not be able to produce. unfortunately, it is. never 100%. american senators turned to the ministry of commerce the us to tighten export restrictions, but there are those who are skeptical. in particular, senator ron johnson considers such actions useless. i think it's mostly futile, i'm
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sorry, but it's true. i'm not defending the company, but it's so complicated, what you want to do, that i go back to the word mar. controlling these goods is complicated by the fact that most of these chips are not manufactured in the us, but instead in factories in china, malaysia, the philippines, or are shipped to russia via countries such as the uae, kazakhstan, china hong kong and turkey, rybakova explains, but urges not to give up and strengthen sanctions. if you think it's useless, then we have to arm north korea to the teeth with our military goods, that's the solution. i don't think even senator johnson thinks this is a great decision. these export restrictions are not in place for nothing, so it is wrong to say that it is useless if we have not been fully successful in implementing and enforcing them. these are extremely new measures. in 2018, the usa completely revised the regime
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export restrictions, the powers regarding dual purpose goods have been significantly expanded. this restriction was applied first to china, now against russia because of the war. this is news. fast, and the government can't keep up, and the company doesn't have enough internal procedures to comply with the rules. blocking russia's access to international components is necessary, analysts believe, however, as stated by senator richard blumenthal, export restrictions will not replace additional funding for ukraine from congress. oksana bedrytenko, oleksii osyka, voice of america. the other day, three children from mariupol was visited in new york and washington. to remind about the deportation of ukrainian children to russia. the russians deprived them of their parents and , despite the presence of their grandparents, forcibly took them to donetsk. it was a native miracle that they managed to get the children back. their stories in the plot of iryna shinkarenko. i want to tell the world about
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the war so that they will help us, our country and me. because my mother has been in polonia for the second year. i don't know where she is. on my example. the world should know that the russians are heartless, they can just leave it like that family, or shoot someone, or divorce , well, it is very tragic, 13-year -old sashko talked about his tragedy at meetings in washington, and before the second anniversary of the full-scale russian invasion of ukraine, he visited the un headquarters in new york, where with two talked to other children about russian crimes. i was... i also told my story there, people supported me there, said they would help me find my mother. her name is snezhana mykhailovna kozlova. at every opportunity in different countries of the world, the boy calls for help to find him
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mom sashko last saw her in march 2022 . then he was wounded during shelling in mariupol. he and his mother went to the ukrainian military medics at the metallurgical plant for help. there , the russians captured peaceful civilians and then separated them during the so-called filtering. at first , sashka was told that she would be returned in a while, very quickly, in a few. hours, but she was never returned, and sashko was never able to say goodbye to his own mother, where his mother, snezhana kozlova, we have not known for more than a year and a half. sashko was sent to a hospital in donetsk, despite the fact that the boy has a grandmother to whom he wanted to return, sashko was told that he would be adopted by a family in russia. i told them that i have a grandmother and i know her phone number, but they wouldn't let me call. i was more afraid that i would be sent to russia. sashko was able to secretly call his grandmother, with the support of the authorities and public organizations, she
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managed to pick up her grandson. in march 2022, ilya, who is now 11, ended up in a donetsk hospital. his mother died of injuries due to shelling of mariupol, hugging her son. the pins hit me in the leg, in both legs, on the left, there was a torn tendon on the right, and my mother was hit. it was. very deadly, i was taken by the russian military, well, deported to novoazovsk, and then to the donetsk hospital, about the fate of ilya, his grandmother learned from a video on russian television: the russian media filmed ilyusha in the hospital, and i found out that my daughter was killed, and ilyusha one is lying in a donetsk hospital, in a russian hospital... propaganda lessons have begun, as the boy told him taught to say glory to ukraine as part of russia and
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prepared documents for adoption by a russian woman. i don't know why they do it, i just know that ilyusha had a boy, vitalik, also of the same age, and he was taken to moscow on a plane right in front of me, and they wanted him too, but he said. said: "i'm not going anywhere, i'm waiting for my grandmother." in april 2022, grandmother ilya managed to make a dangerous trip to donetsk to pick up her grandson. let them kill me, let them shoot, whatever they want, they do, i will go and take it, but he was lying down. when we met, he did not believe that it was me, he was so, you know, confused. i didn't believe until the last moment that... she would come, but when i saw her, well, my fathers couldn't believe it, i was very happy. until the last, she did not
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believe that she would see her grandfather and kir. the girl is now 14. she was a half-orphan, grew up without a mother, at the beginning of a full-scale war, she lost her father, who was killed during the shelling of mariupol. kira wanted to get out of the occupied city to the territory controlled by ukraine, but the russians took her to the donetsk hospital. i already have directly the doctors said that they could take me to my grandfather or a friend's family, if the grandfather did not get pregnant, the ward was opened and there was the grandfather standing there, my god, i was so glad i just did not convey these emotions, according to the information of the authorized president of ukraine for children's affairs, kyiv managed to return 388 children deported by russia, the exact figure of how many more minor ukrainians are illegally detained by the russian federation is not available, it has been established so far. the names of almost 20,000, and all of them, the ukrainian authorities say, are exported to russia according to
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clear scenarios. the most massive is this forced rest in health camps, from which children are not returned home. the children who were in the camps, in different camps , in different parts of the russian federation, they testify to the same deadlines, that after two weeks there they started with them, well, the children started asking, when will i go home, they were told, we extended the deadline your stay there for another two weeks. ok, until a month, then other conversations started, then after two weeks, conversations started that in fact your parents left you, look, they didn't they take you away, and that’s it, they don’t need you anymore, then they started holding individual conversations, taking the child away from the team, driving around the city special, well, as an education officer, held special conversations, accordingly, we can clearly say that in different scenarios are clearly written. the main goal of the russians is to increase the number of the population at the expense of ukrainian children - says
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the representative of the president of ukraine for children's affairs, they are being re-educated as russians, and older ukrainian teenagers are already being warned about being drafted into the army. i saw there are a lot of children who are psychologically very broken, that is, they are really, if it didn't sound like it, their brains are not just washed, rewired. the children are coming back and are in great need. the us state department confirms that they clearly see signs of purposeful deportation and re-education of ukrainian children. the russian authorities are blocking attempts to return these children. russian authorities have refused to respond to information requests from the ukrainian government in thousands of cases. they reject the offers of international organizations to help return these children. it not the random chaos of war, it is a purposeful effort. despite the kremlin's claims to the contrary, its actions are not efforts to save children. these
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reports are widely documented. these children are subject to militaristic pro-russian re-education. they are prevented from contacting their families, who, according to russian officials, have abandoned them. imagine the horror of hearing that your family has abandoned you. this is a deliberate attempt to break ties with home, with their people, when they are told that ukraine no longer exists. in march 2023 the international criminal court in gaaz issued an arrest warrant for vladimir putin for the illegal deportation of ukrainian children. minors from mariupol, who have already experienced the horror of deportation, tirelessly. urge the world not to forget about this crime, i would like to convey that they, well, they did not do so much evil, they left many children without families, without, they steal children, and very few of the children had to be returned, we as a team, we tell our stories
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so that the rest of the world, america, europe, knows that... it will be created, know that it is not fairy tales and the very end is a story about a 96-year-old resident of the zaporizhzhia region, who is already experiencing the second war and is forced to leave her home for the second time. in 1947, the soviet authorities sent her to a ten-year hard labor in siberia. and at the beginning of the full-scale war, she ran away from shelling from orichov. eva myronova and oleksandr oliynyk met with her. in two years full-scale. russian occupiers turned the once flourishing town of walnuts in the zaporizhzhia region into ruins. most of the residents evacuated during this time. 96-year-old stefania also had to leave with her family kaprovska. it was a shame to go, i didn't want to go, but i had to. who knows how it will be, what it will be. we thought for a little bit,
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you see, as much as we had to, for a very long time. more than a year ago, mrs. stefania, together with her son and daughter-in-law, fled from russian shelling to the nearby komyshuvakha, where it is a little quieter than in her hometown. well, i didn’t want to, but we had to bomb it, we had to run to the cellar , because you won’t be sitting there all night, they’ll wait, because it’s cold in the cellar too , no matter what, it’s still cold, we’ll get out, just climbed out, and it just arrived. for stefania kaprovska, this is not the first war and not the first forced exile, well, it was the year 47, well , i was arrested, so, well, then i went
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to prison, i was not in prison, but i was kept in prison for a short time. we were not arrested on the second of february, but on the first of april we were already sent to siberia. a native of the lviv region was arrested by the bolsheviks at the age of 20 for helping the organization of ukrainian nationalists. the girl was handing out postcards on the street. after a quick conviction, stefania was deprived of her liberty and native home well, we came to believe. they brought us to the kutsk region, we traveled by tovarniak train for a month, arrived in taishet for a transfer, and then from the transfer there was the last stop to bratsk, tolun. for the next 10
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years, young stefania built a railway in russia with other convicts. until the forest. the forest was felled, well, there were also mountaineers , well, the whole movie is a forest, the forest is scary, and gas, read it, the trees were cut down, everything, everything was done by hand, where it was necessary to incite, manual drilling was done with drills, a wheelbarrow, a shovel and a shovel, this was our work, it was in the camp that stefania met her future husband volodymyr, a convict from the ivano-frankivsk region, we arrived so we took a playground and... i had, well, there was porridge in a blanket and what did we have, nothing , for a braid or two, and he also takes that square, takes bets on it and says, let's go... my wife. that girl will be my wife. only in 1956, stefania koprovska and other convicts were released and given permission
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to return to ukraine. if it hadn't been for malenko, she might have been on kolyma until today. how alive would be the young family settled in orihiv, zaporizhzhia region. apart from the fact that the climate here was favorable for mrs. stefania, who was treated for asthma for a long time after russian hard labor. everything is fine, you can say , no matter how difficult it was, well, but you could live on that, and everything would be fine, if it wasn't, it wasn't a war, and no one thought that it would drag on for so long, mrs. stefania was born in orichov son ivan, over time the family grew, and after 50 years they again left their own home, which was destroyed by the russians, son... stefania shows the house in which he farmed after his father's death. yes, i spent my entire childhood here. everything was fine, everything was good. until, as they say, they came
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to help us, they helped, that's it. you saw it yourself. ms. stefania feels the irony of fate, life began with war, ends with war. then? there are discounts on amixin ic tablets, 10% in psarynsky, ban and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on helpex anticolt, 20% in pharmacies plantain for you and savings. there are discounts on maridoza of 15% in pharmacies plantain you and save. there are discounts on mebicar ic tablets. 10% in pharmacies plantain, ban and saver there are 10% discounts on zzilor in psarynskyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl
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zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. right now, we will talk more about... the war, serhii zgurets with us and what the world is doing now, about what has happened in the world, yuriy fizar will talk in more detail, yuriy good evening, please , i have two hours to be in courses economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka is with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, thank you very much elina chechenii for information about cultural news, presenters that have become familiar to many, natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather on... as well as distinguished guests of the studio, andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for
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smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week, and actually, who will be the guest of the studio? we will find out already this sunday. undoubtedly, topics will be relevant. special guests, own names with myroslava barchuk. sunday, 17:10 at espresso.
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you could see how the war started, how the first rotorcraft flew here. karina lives on the 13th floor in the very center of buchi, a prestigious high-rise building with an incredible view from the window. february 24, 2022 became the observation deck of a terrible disaster. the first explosions, black smoke, and the airfield could be seen from here. in gospomila, the girl dared to drive away closer to the evening, sat in the car in the parking lot, my car was alone, the guard looked at me, called me a brave girl, at first i decided that i would...
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leave the dog at home, i would come back for it tomorrow, i left the entrance and literally on the nearby boulevard just as the flight was arriving, i jumped back into the elevator, took dog and realized that we were going for a long time. karina comes from luhansk region, from alchevsk, so she knows well what war is like. she started preparing for the big invasion a month in advance, she knew that she would go to her friends in nemishaeve in the kyiv region. usually the way there is 12 minutes by car, but on february 24. 4 i drove for an hour and a half, the woman saw russian tanks coming along the road, and when i was leaving the highway, it seemed to me that we would be relatively safe, because at that moment all the tanks were driving exactly along the warsaw highway, but i did not know that the field , which is behind us, that so much will be based on that moment of the occupiers on this field. nemishaev, the russians already occupied the second.
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in march there were tanks, we remember the number 38, we counted them and the task was to sit in the basement so quietly that no children, no dogs, no cats the military heard, because we understood that this could be the last sound in this basement. on march 8, it became unbearable, 50 cars left the colony, without green corridors. we got into the car, and i saw my father in the rearview mirror. who serves in this church , he baptized our column, it was visible in the rearview mirror, and at that moment it seemed that nothing would work, it seemed that we would not be able to leave, they managed to leave, the column before and after them were shot, the women were sheltered in poland, but they still wanted to go home safely there. 33 days occupation of buchi, 33 days of obscurity and silence,
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however, on march 31 , the blue-yellow flag flew over the city again. the first thing i was waiting for was a paska. i knew that i had to celebrate easter in buch. it didn't work, because there was no light or water. then some panicky eyes started talking again about the may 1 offensive. i had a date - may 16, when i have to leave buch, by the way, photos, even a hand-drawn calendar, i crossed out the days before our departure home. and oh, i couldn't stand it on the 13th, we got into the car. at that time from the horrors, atrocities, russians in buch shook the world, but it was not easy to prepare for what was seen. the scariest thing to see in me is the windows of my kitchen overlooking the church under which there was a mass burial, and i couldn't imagine how you would sit in the kitchen, drink your morning coffee and look at this view,
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although... the moment of purchase of this apartment, this view from the window was, i thought, very cool. despite everything, the residents of buchi are rebuilding their city. karina, the founder of a real estate agency, modestly calls herself a sales manager. she knows how they were built most of the houses in bucha, irpen, gostomyla, knows many people who bought apartments there. it was very difficult to live in the moment of a full-scale invasion, you know. each house, how it was built, who built it, what construction technology was used, and if you can call it that, it was like this, during the occupation , the game was, you knew that if there was a span in this house, then it would stand, if in this span won't be, or he will be around, then there may be moments, she admits, she wasn't sure if she would be able to return to work, but the city comes to life and becomes a home for new residents, from
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mariupol, berdyansk, kharkiv, and... but here are the houses, like the cities, wounded by the war, some houses are still without windows, doors and facades, the most terrible thing was to accept what it looks like what have you been doing all your life, every house you know is there, brick by brick, how it was built, you didn't know if those people who once got their dream home with my help survived, and in some places still what we sell has... this is what it looks like. kyiv region is recovering. in buchi again children are walking a house in nemishaevo is being repaired after being hit by a shell. they even plant an exotic garden there. a new bridge was built across the irpin river. life goes on. however, no one will ever be able to forget what happened here in february-march 2022. kateryna galko, oscar janson, espresso tv channel.


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