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tv   [untitled]    March 8, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EET

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worried about the fate of the protesters, who were thrown behind bars en masse by the same judicial system, he actually worried about the independence of judges , nevertheless, this did not prevent him from being elected and now electing judges of the constitutional court, but here the key thing is that after all, the final, one might say , the final blessing from the relevant group of experts rests with the international experts appointed there, because they have the decisive vote, they have to vote in the majority, therefore the procedure... has already shown several times that it is much better, than that which happened when the national bodies formed some kind of selection commission there, and it was much , clearly much better, when this competition was only a showcase and unclear, closed and the selections were made, well, they were selected according to the judges of the constitutional court and behind the scenes, and well, this openness of the competition, on unfortunately, it shows what is the real situation with personnel in the country, because people who formally meet the requirements...
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zelensky approved the candidacy of valery zaluzhny for the post of extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine. in the united kingdom, great britain and north of ireland the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine sent the british side a corresponding request for egreman, that is, approval. i think that there will be no problems, because general valery zaluzhnyi can become the ambassador of ukraine to great britain. the court considered the appeal against the preventive measure of the ex-deputy of ukraine, the head of the national association of defense industry enterprises, serhiy pashinskyi, our correspondent. dmytro didora knows
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the details of the meeting. dmitry congratulates, tells what decision was made and what they talked about. congratulations to vasyl. first i want to note that the appellate chamber of the higher anti-corruption court left unchanged the preventive measure applied to the former people's deputy serhiy pashynskyi and i immediately propose to listen to what the lawyers said before that. the situation is expected, unfortunately, because at such stages of the investigation, when there is such an order, unfortunately, our courts do not understand the circumstances of the case, that is, just in case, let the person be under arrest, let him be on bail , and then it is not for us to consider this matter on its merits, someone else will already be there, then leave it to yourself disassembled i will also
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note that during the meeting, pashynskyi's defense attorneys stated that the prosecution did not provide any documents that would confirm that serhiy pashynskyy was involved in the conclusion of agreements on the sale of oil products, and according to the lawyer, the court of first instance also ignored the argument of whose oil it was, who owned it companies that belonged to kurchenko, however, when the oil was seized, it did not belong to the state. it was announced today, serhii pashynskyi himself said at the court hearing that he did not have any relation to the sale of these oil products, and the activation of the case against him began after he took certain documents about corruption to the ministry of defense, let's hear what serhiy pashinskyi says about this appeal and the arguments of lawyers, prosecutors, sorry, from this appeal, i hope , that the amount of my bail, which... was paid by the enterprises
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of the defense complex of ukraine, will be returned to them and weapons will be made with this money, and they will not be frozen, because there is an order for my arrest, they do not refer to anything, except that what you all saw is this some testimonies of witnesses, from someone's words and so on, witnesses whom i personally caught by the hand and put in prison, so it's all a farce, but i'm not about that, i'm about the war, i'm about what i have to do and on sorry, what do i do? i would like to remind you that in february of this year, the sbu nabu and the saps announced a charge against former people's deputy serhiy pashinskyi for the illegal appropriation of oil products and causing losses to the state of almost 1 billion uah, this is what the investigation emphasizes, they also say that it was a criminal scheme to which included four more person, so this is all the information i have for vasyl. thank you very much, dmytro didura was with us,
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well actually on the appeal, on the decision regarding serhii pashynskyi, we will continue to monitor this high-profile and important case, but now we will have a short pause, leave it. with us, because it will be interesting later. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and even feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 8 p.m. until the 22nd on espresso. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics.
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objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. you draw your own conclusions. good evening, we are from ukraine. well, we continue, once again i will announce the important news that general valery zaluzhnyi, ex-head, may become the ambassador of ukraine to britain, they are waiting for a response from the british side. president zelensky approved his candidacy. well, now money during the war. oleksandr morchyvka is with us. oleksandr, congratulations, you have a word. good evening looks. thank you vasyl for the word, in the next few minutes i will tell news from the border, in particular, what is happening with the ukrainian agricultural woman, you will find out what vacancies are in demand now, in particular, military specialties and how much they pay there, about that i'll tell you everything in a moment, wait, i'm oleksandr
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morshchevka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war, they gave green s... the profile committee of the european parliament approved the extension of trade privileges for ukraine. the proposal suspended customs duties and quotas for the import of our agricultural exports to eu member states for another year, i.e. until june 5, 2025. however, the legislation of the european union allows the introduction of any other necessary measures in case of disruptions in the market that may arise due to ukrainian ones. goods, well here we see the positive news: the benefits that were introduced at the beginning of the full-scale invasion for ukrainian manufacturers and exporters have been extended, and this is good, but they leave behind them in the european union, well, a certain window in order to, at the request of the poles,
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who are now protesting on the border, or the czechs, who are also essentially holding protests against ukrainian agricultural products, well, to make some... corrections at the request of the governments of these countries? well, the requirements of the governments of the countries can, of course, be different, especially since there are countries that have specific things, but i i think that if there is global , pan-european approval, everything must be, everything must be, everything must be done, well, vasyl, but in the meantime, about 2,300 trucks are stuck in queues at the ukrainian-polish border, the situation is extremely difficult with traffic on three out of six blocked checkpoints. we are talking about the kraków shiginia and berries - said the spokesman of the state border service andriy demchenko. here in jagodina, polish farmers have completely blocked traffic for freight transport at the entrance to poland. also, the indicators at this checkpoint are small and in the opposite direction. well,
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the trucks are moving very slowly. but the situation is essentially gaining momentum, manure was dumped in front of government institutions and the streets of prague, tractors were blocked. czech farmers protested again, one of the participants was arrested by law enforcement officers, farmers renewed their demands, now they want to increase support for the agricultural sector, reduce bureaucracy and stop cheap imports to the european union, well, i understand, they are hinting again at the goods that are going from ukraine, well, indeed, vasyl was even detained in protest. both in poland and in the czech republic, well, in warsaw, this is simply indicative, well, there is the czech republic, it cannot block the border now, it does not have a border with ukraine, but when farmers block the border at shigina, i am a kraków over there kraków's szegyny, all these others, rava
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ruska, they don't say anything to them, and when they spill shit in the middle of warsaw, excuse me there, 55 farmers are detained, especially. such established ones, well, to be honest, they put their faces in the asphalt or something cobblestones and pressed them with their knees , that is, we are detaining here, this is a violation of the law, but when these same farmers... commit indecent acts, well , in fact, they commit crimes, they break these seals and spill grain, this is a crime, this is someone else's property, then this it is possible, and there is some kind of misunderstanding of the actions of the police, well, not the police directly, but those who give them orders, well , let's move on to the topic that we will discuss with the guest, before that i saw interesting information from the national bank, so from the beginning of the year of new vacancies increased, while the number cv is significantly lower than the indicators of 2022. 2023, according to a recent review from the nbu. analysts say this may
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indicate that the business has largely adapted to wartime conditions and needs staff to continue recovery. instead, there is a shortage of people, mainly due to migration and mobilization. currently, companies are experiencing a shortage of both qualified and unqualified workers, in fact they are trying to attract to work now, well , everyone who can, everyone, who... they somehow motivate everyone they can find, well, that's how it is information, serhii marchenko , founder of the borshch recruiting agency, we are in touch, good evening, congratulations, congratulations , glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, glory to the heroes, mr. serhiy, is it really a difficult situation with people now, vasyl and i are discussing, well our life is simple, we go to certain service institutions, shops, well, we, in fact, people of the older generation see who is being recruited, children are being recruited after school, unqualified. because there is no one to work, or what is the matter, i can only reply, today
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evgeny magda, well, ours, we all know him, the director of the institute of world politics, he said that for the first time in kyiv he saw a woman driving a minibus, this is what i am leading to the conclusion that there is a lack of men, even for such and such positions, please, in his comments they joked that probably the route runs around tsk, but it is possible, yes, in fact, what is the situation? look, in reality everything is as you say, because in fact there is a serious shortage of personnel in ukraine, and the revitalization of employers began at the beginning of last year, this year the trend continues, and employers also want to hire, but the number of hired workers is decreasing, for example, if we speak in the language of numbers, then in just one week, in one week on one of the... largest job search sites, employers posted 60,000 vacancies, which is 5 thousand
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more than they posted last week, i.e. the trend is towards an increase in the activity of employers, and this trend is stable, this trend in turn leads to an increase in wages, and wages are also growing quite significantly, we can also talk about how much they grow, how much it motivates to work, well... who are unemployed, unqualified , but ready for money, well, to work anywhere, and here is a clarification, that is, white money is growing, is the money that is paid in the shadows also growing, well , this is also important to understand, sure there is, good question, i use statistics for job search sites and these job search sites base their statistics on the ads that employers give, like jobs... the jobbers then pay, are they paying fully legal wages or they pay not quite legal, if not
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is of significant importance, and thus such statistics are more accurate than those of job centers that operate, for example, or pension funds that operate on legal, exclusively legal wages, so now, according to estimates from one of the largest job search sites, the average wage in ukraine is about 18'. hryvnias, and these wages have increased by about 4.5% since the beginning of the year. 4.5% growth in two months, that's a lot for the labor market, the labor market, it's very inertial, and it never moves quickly, it always moves very slowly, so this growth indicates a critical, critical shortage of personnel. entrepreneurs and the fact that entrepreneurs are now trying to compete with each other for people
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by raising wages, and the last question, how much demand is there now for vacancies that appear for the armed forces of ukraine, how well are the platforms that publish these vacancies actively and do people go there? well, recently i remember one of such platforms, which again uses a site. at work, she reported that about 40,000 people had passed and joined the armed forces applied to the armed forces of ukraine for those vacancies that were posted, placed, therefore... if these processes were quite active, we should not forget that the armed forces of ukraine is not only the defense of the country, but one of the largest employers in ukraine now, and a number of people considers the armed forces, including as an opportunity to earn money that was previously unattainable for them, so the armed forces is not only some kind
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of horror that they are mobilizing me, but also an opportunity for... people who see themselves in the ranks of the armed forces and can choose professions that they are good at. thank you, mr. serhiy, for the interesting analysis and such promising forecasts on the labor market. serhii marchenko, the founder of the recruiting agency borch, was in touch. well, at the end of the column, also pleasant, such a winning news, interesting: the royal canadian mint has released a collectible silver easter egg coin. so. continues to popularize ukrainian culture, the face value is 20 canadian dollars, the price in the online store is 135 dollars, the design of the coin was created by tanya mykytyuk, a rope of ukrainian origin, she has been writing pysanka for more than 40 years, the coin has here we see the shape of an egg, the reverse shows the original easter egg design, the obverse features a portrait of queen elizabeth ii. this
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easter egg coin is dedicated to the recent wave of ukrainians who arrived in canada in search of asylum and new ones. beginnings, the author of this coin notes, well, i will conclude the column about money during the war with this, but a big broadcast continues, there will be more, watch us, well, we continue, thanks to oleksandr morchyvka, now we have a plot for your attention: mother's story about the son of a volunteer, who did not return from the war in lviv, presented a new book to the writer elena. my colleagues will tell you what this book is about and why it should be read by every ukrainian. this is a book for every ukrainian. that's how the writer olena cherninka talks about her publication. the author wrote a story about the missing son of a volunteer. in may
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2022, she started making posts on the facebook page, which she then edited into a book. i think. that the book will be useful for ukrainians who care, and i think that it will will even be useful for those who have not had the experience of touching the war as close as i have, but they will be able to better understand those who live next to them. in the book, the author talks about mykhailo's childhood, his service in the army, shares the memories of his brothers and his own experiences, and ms. olena also raises the topic of how to survive the loss of a buska. the book has already been called so among the people that it is such a survival primer for those who are involved in the war, these are either military personnel or their family members who are waiting as i was waiting and i am still waiting, the modern newest heroes, about whom we once studied at school, at the university, and now the time has come that the modern newest
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heroes, they are among us, the book in the genre was printed by the publishing house of the old lion, and timed to... the second anniversary of the full-scale invasion of russia, first edition - 300 copies. there are no internal illustrations, there is a cover, and olena sodny actually told the meeting that the basis for this cover was a selfie taken by mykhailo himself, and it is a very powerful portrait. the idea came after the speech completely spontaneously, when olenka and i just met for coffee and already discussed the last edits, we realized that this afterword should be. like a chord, like something special, and she asked there. according to olena cherninka, lemberg represents the generation of young ukrainians who took up automatic weapons to defend our independence. when i started reading that book, i realized that our sons are very similar, our sons, probably, our ukrainian land
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prepared those soldiers for a long time, it fed them, prepared them strong, they, they were born. strong enough to buy a book - lemberg, mommy, don't cry, you can in the bookstores of the city or on the website of the stary lev publishing house. kateryna oliynyk, nazar melnyk, espresso tv channel. well, i encourage you to read this book, it is important. well, i will remind you that there is a candidate for the post of ambassador approved by president volodymyr zelensky. of ukraine in the united kingdom, and this is general valery zaluzhnyi, now they are waiting for agriman from the british side. and for them to accept this candidacy of his, because you remember, there was one before there is another candidate, i will not mention whose, and britain refused this person, to give
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her an agreement, they didn’t want this person, but now we are waiting for a decision on the meritorious person in london, and president volodymyr zelenskyi signed the law on the release of conscripts into the reserve , in which the term of military service during the martial law has ended and... this decree will enter into force in april-may 2024, that is, next month or in may, these people will be released into the reserve, so now we will, now we will learn about what kind the weather will be in ukraine tomorrow, because now it's a little cold in the country, i don't know if it snowed somewhere or not, well, but in any case... it's not winter, but it's not spring either, let's put it this way, but here's what to expect tomorrow , ms. natalka will tell us in detail, ms. natalya, good evening, please have a word, congratulations, vasyl, congratulations, our dear viewers, now we will talk
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about the weather of the spring day, after all, it is spring, well, literally in a second, we are with you today we continue our cycle dedicated to... the upcoming world day meteorologist, which is celebrated on march 23, the cycle is called the weather station of kyiv region, and today we will talk about the famous fastiv and the equally famous fastiv meteorological station, as always, a little historical information and interesting facts for your attention. the station was organized by the south-western railway and was called the fastiv vokzal anemometer station. in 1928 , the station was was entered into the state register, and until the 30th year, the work was also carried out part-time by telegraph operators of the railway telegraph, that is, railway workers and now can
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can also help us. at the beginning of 1941, the station continued its work and only stopped it already during the occupation of fastov by the germans. during the occupation of the station , work was resumed and, of course, only climate observations were conducted. and... in connection with the military operations, the station then stopped its work again, and it is interesting that the observations were carried out by walking instruments 9 km from the city in the hamlet of vyshnyaki near the sorochiy brid railway station. well, on april 28, 2022 , there were two missile strikes 200 m from the station and the offices of the station were damaged. this september marks 50 years of work. at the station of mrs. parkhomenko, who has been in charge of this station for almost 46 years, this is such a metrogic fastov station, and without such small
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meteorological objects of ours, we would simply all be left without weather, please take this into account and with great respect and well it is always worth perceiving the work of such workers, we go further and talk about the behavior of the earth's magnetic field, now to you. attention will be paid to the prognostic diagram, from which we will see that tomorrow at the end of the day, well, in day even a little, and more so towards the end of the day, an increase in magnetic activity, i.e. magnetic storms, is expected, and therefore , please pay attention to this, who noticed that, for example, his body reacts negatively to a magnetic storm. well, we actually go back to the weather and see what it will be like tomorrow , march 8, and traditionally we will start. of course, from the western regions, because we are going clockwise, so tomorrow in the western part of ukraine, precipitation is not expected, the air temperature is not high, compared to
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with the recent april weather that was there recently, just, as you can see, somewhere +3 +7°, and in transcarpathia up to 9, maybe up to +11, in the north of ukraine the night will be frosty -1-5°, it's cool during the day, but of course with pluses, although... big +2 +4° and also precipitation is unlikely and tomorrow the sun will definitely peek through the clouds. in the east of ukraine, cloudy weather is expected tomorrow with clearings, the air temperature at night is around -3 -7°, during the day +2 +6 and, as i said, mostly sunny. in the central part no precipitation is expected in ukraine on march 8, the maximum air temperature will fluctuate. in the range from three to 7 degrees of heat, and i would like to say that the anti-cyclonic nature of the weather, therefore , substantial precipitation is not expected, firstly,
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and secondly, there will be a weak wind. in the southern part of ukraine , dry, even sunny weather will also prevail tomorrow, a little warmer than in ukraine in general, well, but this is the south, of course, plus 7 +8°, ​​in the crimea up to 10-12 above zero, and in kyiv, in the capital, the weather is expected tomorrow, well, i won't say that it will be warm, because at night, for example, next night -1-3°, during the day only +3-+4, but precipitation is not expected and the sun will definitely break through the clouds tomorrow in kyiv, so tomorrow i recommend spending more time, walking outside, well of course, who can afford it. march 9-10, special days for all ukrainians, shevchenko days. the weather in ukraine will not change significantly, although there may be more clouds, but the air temperature will fluctuate in the same range as in the forecast for tomorrow. that is, at night
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there is a slight frost, during the day there is a slight frost positive air temperature. this is the nearest synoptic perspective in ukraine. of course , always keep a close eye on our detailed forecasts on the espresso channel. thanks to natal slidenko for the information about the weather. well , you know, they asked why macron made a statement that nato troops could... be in ukraine, it is not known where, it is not known how, it is not known in what status, but nato troops. zahil newspaper wrote that the french president pushed europe to realize that it is necessary to act without relying on the united states america. it's very important actually that, well , for a young politician, emmanuel macron, he's 46 years old, he made this statement, well, first of all, france is a country that has quite a strong economy and the only country in the european union that has, and nuclear weapons.
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and, this, this is important, has a powerful fleet, has a powerful army as well, well, there, and it’s good that he took the initiative and realized that it is not worth pulling the rubber band now, because these are those periods of history that happen very rarely and when, as vladimir lenin once said, yesterday was early, tomorrow will be late, and here too we must act now, it's good that he did it and let's believe that this reaction will be quick. good evening, we are from ukraine, congratulations, this is an exclusive on espresso, my name is yuriy fizar, today we will talk about security, about help from the united states of america, in the end, when we will receive it from the american congress, and we will talk about donald trump, and i will talk about all this
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with mine. today's guest is john bolton, the national security adviser to the 45th president of the united states of america, donald trump. mr. ambassador, congratulations and thank you joined me glad to be with you. mr. ambassador, my first question will be somewhat introductory. why is ukraine important to the united states of america, if it is important at all. i think it is very important, since 1945 a key national. the interest of the usa is peace and stability in europe. we've come through the cold war and really have great prospects for achieving these goals. however, due to russia's desire to recreate the russian empire, and although ukraine is not a member of nato, ukraine's security is vital to the rest of the european continent, and therefore to of the united states. you know that george bush proposed to admit ukraine to nato in april 2008 at the bucharest
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nato summit. and frankly. saying, if our french and german friends agreed to this, then maybe we could avoid invasions in 2014 and 2022 as well. garad, let's talk about the recent statement by french president emmanuel macron that we should not rule out the possibility that at some point in history, western troops may be stationed in ukraine. president joe biden's administration has already responded to this and... john kirby , the white house security council's strategic communications coordinator , said the only us troops currently in ukraine are those working at the us embassy, ​​and no other us troops will be in ukraine, but in the past few days since different opinions appeared from various western leaders on this matter.


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