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tv   [untitled]    March 8, 2024 4:00am-4:30am EET

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we could have avoided invasions in both 2014 and 2022. okay, let's talk about french president emmanuel macron's recent statement that we should not rule out the possibility that at some point in history western troops could be stationed in ukraine. the us military currently in ukraine are those who work in the us embassy, ​​and there will be no other us troops in ukraine, but in the last few days there have been differing opinions from various western leaders on this matter. some
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say that western troops cannot be in ukraine, because it will mean further escalation. but some of them, for example, the prime minister of estonia, kaja kallas, said that we should not rule out such a possibility. what is your opinion on this matter, given that you are one of the best in the world in the field of security and foreign policy, and what advice would you give to the president of the united states of america on this matter, if any? his adviser. i don't often agree with president macron, but i'm happy to say that this time i did. i must note that we are in the midst of the presidential election campaign and think the chances of the biden administration saying they agree with macron are zero. it touches on a fundamental question about the overall response of the us and the west to the russian invasion two years ago. it's obvious that...we couldn't stop
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the russians from attacking, in fact, i'd say we didn't even try very hard, one of the ways that we could have acted in addition to a few other things that we could have done was send more troops into ukraine, especially american troops, not to fight the russians before the invasion, but to training targets, and let the russians worry about what an increased american or increased nato presence would mean, as i said...we should have done things differently, more economic sanctions, more rapid arms delivery, but the failure to contain the russians was mirrored throughout the two years of the conflict in constant fear of what the white house calls a wider war. this inhibits the strategic supply of weapons that would allow ukraine to conduct the war most effectively, which has largely led to the current impasse, in which... found themselves, so it was very unfortunate
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to see the behavior of the white house, i think that this indecision because of the fear of provoking the russians, gives the russians what they want absolutely free. and what do you think about the bilateral security agreements that ukraine signs with various european and world countries, do you think it is possible, or even better... to have such an agreement with the united states of america? it is an inadequate alternative to nato membership until we achieve what each nato member calls for our goal is to fully restore the sovereignty and territorial integrity of ukraine. in accordance with nato practice, we do not accept members who are under occupation by an enemy state, because this immediately puts us all in a state of war. the first step here should be victory in
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the current war, the next step - ukraine's entry into the nato alliance. today we see that the threat is that russia is multiplying the transnistrian republic. i am sure that on the initiative of moscow, ukraine asked for protection from the russians, if this will lead to more russian troops entering transnistria, then this will be a very bad development. we are in an unstable situation, we need. a strategy for the future, and now we don't have one. mr. ambassador, there are some world leaders and even european leaders who are still wary of helping ukraine, of providing ukraine with everything it needs to fight against the russian aggressor. is the west really afraid of an asymmetric response from putin, and that is why they are so cautious. if the russians
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try to attack nato members directly in cyberspace or elsewhere, they are taking a lot of risk, and they should know it. the point is that all this concern is about possibility. of a broad war implies that russia has the ability to wage a large-scale war. given her failures in ukraine, i doubt it. even when it comes to nuclear intimidation over the past two years, we have never seen evidence of russian nuclear deployments that would threaten ukraine or the rest of europe. therefore , i do not think that the kremlin has many reserves. i believe that their military failures in ukraine inflicted on them great. difficulties and yet the deterrent effect they exerted on us, on all of us, in fact, hurt ukraine, unfortunately, about three weeks ago, bloomberg reported, citing its own
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sources, and i will quote now: donald trump is considering pushing ukraine to negotiations on ending the war with russia if he returns to power. next year, end of quote: one of trump's advisers told the agency that the threat of military aid cuts could push ukraine to negotiate, while its increase will only provoke russia. can we say that trump is already on his way to his goal? attempts to pass the last tranche of aid through congress have seen total confusion. and yet i hope that they will find a way to overcome these difficulties. the problem with the general budget for this financial year also remains relevant. progress is now evident, and i think there is significant majority support in both chambers to pass this package.
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unrelated issues such as the biden administration's inability to implement are holding up approval effective policy on the mexican border vs. however, i am worried about trump because , firstly, as president, he announced the withdrawal of the united states from nato, and secondly, during the election campaign, he also promised to put zelenskyi and putin in the same room and solve the problem in 24 hours, now, as zelensky said, it's funny, but i'd be worried if they tried it and it didn't work. it is clear that trump will not blame himself. it's not his. trump , in my opinion, would be dangerous for both the united states and ukraine. since you've already started talking about trump, i
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'll ask a question about him. what are the chances that he will win the election this fall. unfortunately, he now has a very good chance of winning. biden is considered too old to be president. he won't be any younger until november, and the democrats don't seem to understand that. i think the final decision will be made by a large group of american voters who don't like either of them. and the question will be in november, which of them they don't like anymore. and that would mean that another will win. it's not the best way to elect a president, but i... i think that's the perspective that we have, and it's impossible to predict now who will be more unpopular in november. can a court prevent trump from becoming president of the united states of america?
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no, if it doesn't sound strange, even a convicted felon can be elected president. it is currently unclear whether any of the four criminal cases will go to trial before november. and even if the jury returns a verdict against trump, he will appeal. i think for many americans who don't want to elect a convicted felon as president will be a significant factor, but even that is hard to say. trump's support has soared since he was impeached four times. and he became even richer, as far as i know, after that. a few weeks ago, putinska... said, or rather it was a week ago, said that it would be better for russia if joe biden became the new president of the united states of america and not donald trump? and yet, in your opinion, which us president would actually be better for putin. putin, a former agent
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kgb, conducted another operation to influence american voters, saying that he supports biden. and all this in order to... make some people support trump, but i have been in the same room with putin and with trump more than once. i've had several meetings with putin without trump involved, i can tell you what i think. and that's one of the reasons why i don't think trump is fit to be president. they consider him a winning party, but what is the phenomenon? i would put it this way, trump's popularity among americans, particularly among republicans. why some of them seriously think he's even a president from god is a bit hard to understand,
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but i think it reflects the opinion of a lot of people who are pretty alienated from the system, they feel like the democrats are looking down on them, remember in 2016 hillary clinton called trump supporters pathetic, and they don't think they're pathetic, they don't like how they 're treated. attested elites, and they express frustration and displeasure in supporting trump, and i understand, and in fact, sympathize with their sentiments in many ways, but trump is the wrong vehicle to express these feelings. i hope that americans, i mean republican americans, will find the right remedy for themselves, i really hope so. we're working on it, are we working on it or? are there any other candidates? at this point, no, i mean, i think
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it's realistic. trump will most likely be nominated by the republicans. i don't see anyone who can stop him at this point, but the convention in july is still a long way off, and we are witnessing a very strange time in american history. a lot of can happen how realistic is this threat? i understand that this threat from trump is not even for the united states of america, but for the whole world. but are there any deterrents for the president in the american legal system? in case trump becomes the new head of the united states of america? the law should apply to every us citizen. trump claims immunity and has several criminal cases against him. the supreme court decided to consider this issue and make a decision. i think they will rule against him. yes, there are limits, but he sees things through
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the lens of what benefits donald trump. laws and regulations that bind most sane people to be responsible citizens are of little concern to trump. that's one of the reasons why i think his second term will wreak havoc. what is beneficial to trump? is there anything congress can do to limit him. well, they passed a law that tries to prevent him from withdrawing the country from nato without congressional approval. i believe it is unconstitutional. the president has constitutional powers the power to withdraw from contracts, even very good contracts. after all, there is no paper document in the world that can restrain someone who does not feel any limitations. if trump is re-elected, it will be a test of the american constitution and ours. institutions, i think we will win in the end, he won't be able to do everything he wants, but he will push the limits. i don't
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think there is any doubt about that. that is, if he decides not to help ukraine financially, no one and nothing in the united states of america will make him change his mind. they may try to impeach him again . do you remember the first impeachment was related to the question whether? he tried to bribe zelensky by denying him military aid unless he received help in finding hillary clinton's computer server and other similar things. so there could be an intense political fight over many of the things trump wants to do, and it could reach the level of a constitutional crisis, which is one of the reasons why no one should expect a second trump term. and my last question. to you today, mr. ambassador, what do you think are the main challenges facing the world in
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2024 and is the world really ready for them? the war in ukraine remains at the fore , the war in the middle east is another very worrying situation, i think the threat of china doing something somewhere on its indo-pacific periphery while the usa and others are preoccupied with europe and the middle east. also remains a very serious concern, this is a dangerous world, i fear that a weak, introverted america will only make this world more dangerous. very thank you, mr. ambassador, thank you for joining me today and thank you for answering my questions. thank you for the invitation. well, it was the national security advisor to the 45th president of the united states of america, john bolton, and i talked to him about a lot of interesting things, including the united states of america's aid to ukraine, whether we're going to get it,
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whether we're going to get it in the event , if donald trump becomes president, and as he said, trump has huge... chances, and about a lot of interesting things, well, my name is yuriy fisar, this there was an exclusive on espresso, see you soon , congratulations, i’m olga len, this is the chronicles of the war, and i’m asking you to... read to our gathering on duty, the espresso tv channel is asking you to join the gathering on buggies for evacuating the wounded and transporting combat kits, as well as for automobile and paid slaves, and that's all for the 12th separate law of special purpose. our defenders destroy the enemy in the eastern direction every day, and this collection will help save
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human lives, facilitate and increase the effectiveness of the unit, each... over strengthens the shield with which we restrain the aggressor, our goal is 480 00 hryvnias, you see the qr code, you see the card number, join, please, and now let's see what happened at the front in the last few days, and see our battle map. map of hostilities for the period of february 28, march 5 , 2024, large-scale russian offensive. choked armed forces attack crimea in the last few weeks, the russians have advanced along the entire front line from luhansk region to zaporizhzhia, with great effort near avdiyivka, bakhmut and ughledar, but the window of opportunity for the armed forces of the russian federation has closed. armed forces finally received shells. stabilization of the front near avdiivka. the occupiers failed to develop
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their success west of avdiivka. all of their mechanized assaults are mostly broken. after the withdrawal of the lastochka zsu , a new line of defense was established through the villages of berdychi, semenivka, orlivka, and umanske, and the advance of the russians east of this line was also stopped. in particular, using water and other landscape obstacles, the defense forces managed to break the marching offensive of the russians. currently , active fighting continues on the eastern outskirts of the village of tonenke and in the southeastern part eagles the rashists also tried several times to break through to berdych, but failed every time. they were rejected, given that the ukrainian artillery spoke again at full voice, in a language understandable to the rechists, probably this was the end of their successes near avdiyivka. chasiv yar is on fire, this week the enemy has concentrated excessive efforts to break through our defenses around the temporal chasm. for several days in a row , cabs of the occupiers often flew into the city, suffering
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heavy losses they managed to push the defense forces from the eastern outskirts of ivanovsk. but ours the military takes countermeasures to drive the invaders out of the village. meanwhile, the armed forces managed to recapture several positions in the village of bohdanivka. the battle during the time of ya will probably be no less long than during the time of bahmud, because this fortress protects the security of kostiantynivka and kramatorsk. coal mining direction. in novomykhaivka, heavy fighting continues in the central part of the village, where the enemy managed to break through from the south. however, for several days now, they have been missing. before the advance of the armed forces, with the help of bradley, the occupiers are gradually knocked out of the village. at the same time, the defense forces managed to repulse the advance of the rashists from the north and remove the threat of a breakthrough to their rear. the russians were partially knocked out of the village of pobeda, but the village itself moved into a gray zone, as they say, neither ours nor yours. works are not a tokmat area. the situation on
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this part of the front has stabilized. in the first days of march, the russian offensive on the village expired, and our heroes launched a counteroffensive. in the course of which a significant part of the lost positions was returned, in particular all the suburbs of robotyny. for the enemy, the offensive ended with significant losses and without changes in the line the front despite this, we will probably soon see new attempts to revise the results of the summer counteroffensive of the armed forces, and not only near robotyny, but also in the berdyansk direction, near staromaisk. luhansk region, kupyansk in three days. all historical statements about the breakthrough of rosha. to kupyansk and further to kharkiv this week ended with the fact that the ukrainian armed forces conducted a successful counteroffensive near the village of tabaivka, which the enemy captured at the end of january. therefore , the northern and western outskirts of the village are back under our control, heavy positional battles are currently ongoing in the village itself. on in the south of the region, the russians continue to attack in the direction of the zherebets river and the villages of yampoliv
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kaiterny. in a week, they managed to improve their position by a hundred meters. airplane pad and clear sky above the front. in 14 days, the armed forces shot down 14 of the latest russian su-34, su-35 and a-50 aircraft. the last four caught fire. in the sky as early as february 29 and march 1, since then cabs began to fall less on the heads of our military, in the south , the cessation of round-the-clock scanning of ukrainian airspace finally became a reality. air force spokesman yuriy ignat said that the sky is clear, even the temporary disappearance of the a50 plane from our sky opens promising horizons. currently, the enemy is thinking about how to get out of this difficult situation. meanwhile, this week the russians had a big... historical achievement, they destroyed the first hymers and the first abrams. crimea is again under the sights of the armed forces. first, near dzhankoy, the armed forces of ukraine
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destroyed an air defense complex, which included s-400s, several beechs, armor and a torus. it was supposed to protect the south of the peninsula from missiles and drones. after the protection was removed, our military continued the hunt for russian planes and carried out a number of strikes on airfields, in particular in saka and in... gvardiyskyi and sevastopol. the consequences of these strikes are currently unknown. in addition, a massive drone strike on feodosia destroyed part of the oil pipeline. the center of material support of the black sea fleet of the russian federation in the inter-water area was also under attack. taking advantage of the fact that the crimean bridge was unguarded, part of the drones flew in its direction. the bridge was closed, explosions rang out. in the end, five of our naval drones were hunting in the sea near kerch the newest and the largest, almost hundred-meter long patrol ship, serhii kotov. nato, oysk detachment. officials of five nato countries, france, the netherlands, canada, lithuania and
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latvia, have stated that they are ready to one degree or another to send their troops to ukraine to help the armed forces. it is likely that this coalition will soon expand and move from words to action. we win daily, death to enemies. so, let's discuss these and others. events with vladyslav seleznyov, he is a military expert, colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, spokesperson of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine 2014-2017 of the year, congratulations, mr. vladyslav, congratulations to you too, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, mr. vladyslav, well, have you heard, in principle, the assessment of our experts, do you support the opinion that it has slowed down a little after all, or maybe as optimistically they say, this large-scale offensive... the russian one, which they basically tried to organize these months, about two months ago, the head of military intelligence of our country,
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general kyrylo budanov, said that by the beginning of march, the russian offensive would be finished, well, obviously, that the logic of our reasoning of the main military intelligence is that the enemy army cannot constantly advance, there is a certain period when it must take an operational pause in order to accumulate resources. by the way, the president of our country volodymyr zelenskyi speaks indirectly about the very fact of the operational pause, who emphasizes that, most likely , at the end of may, at the beginning of summer, the enemy will again resort to large-scale counterattacks, and therefore, for several months in the spring months, the enemy will be forced accumulate resources. i can not to say that the offensive potential of the russian army has been completely exhausted, because in the areas of the front mentioned by your expert , combat operations are actually taking place, in particular the southern ones. from marinka, hellish battles are taking place in the avdiiv direction, it is also very hot, and although the enemy does not have any territorial gains and his advance has stopped, but
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why did it stop? because our soldiers finally established themselves on the prearranged lines and positions of our fortifications, brought artillery ammunition to the front, by the way, it is worth paying attention, this morning the ukrainian general staff amused us with quite serious figures regarding enemy losses over the past day, why? because there is artillery. there is artillery ammunition for them, which means that there are gains on the battlefield, and the enemy has corresponding losses, what will happen next, so far it is difficult to predict the end, because we do not know one of the key variables, namely the resources that the ukrainian army, because it is obvious that fighting head-to-head with armed tanks is a bad thing, and therefore knowing only this position regarding resource capabilities of the ukrainian army, we can make appropriate forecasts regarding the intensification of hostilities, although we... it seems to me that most likely the current 24th year will be a year of strategic defense, our units that are on defensive lines and positions are actually everywhere along the 1350 km with the help
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of engineering fortifications, they will slow down or even stop the enemy's advance, respectively, in the same way, with the help of engineering fortifications, they will protect the lives and health of our soldiers, but the enemy, the enemy, it is likely that the next three months will be spent on accumulation of relevant resources, well, then again into battle. of course, the question immediately arises here: in two weeks, putin's election, and then what will happen, whether the russian army will be declared primo... mobilization scaled, for example , in the fall of 22 or not, it is still difficult to predict, although indirect information regarding the intensification of such activities, for example, the crimean governor serhiy aksyonov , during one of the meetings that was recorded on audio, said that in march, in the second half, intensification is expected measures to mobilize the local population, whether it will happen, or whether there
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have been any changes in the enemy's plans. troops is still difficult to predict, and besides, we have to remember that about a thousand citizens of the russian federation are coming to the enemy army, by the way, not only the russian federation, because just the other day i saw information in belgorod pubs, they say on the streets of the city of villages in the belgorod region, a lot of alleged russian military personnel, or rather military personnel in the uniform of the russian army, appeared, but with a bright pronounced features on the face that look like africa. americans, that is, it is obvious that the russian hawkers, apparently, all over the world are collecting 200 dollars from everyone willing to earn, taking part in the russian-ukrainian war, respectively on the side of the russian army, what will come of it and how alarming are the trends so far which is difficult to predict, because the number of mercenaries is unlikely to be decisive, and any such information, well, in particular, information about the fact that hindus appeared in the russian army, they are
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always confirmed and enough... war uncomfortable for the moscow government. well, just about the indians in the russian army, today , it seems, this video appeared, where literally indian tourists, who were there, were lured to belarus, after that they were arrested for crossing the border incorrectly, and actually intimidated by that you will sit for 10 years, or go to fight, and right away they were sent to the front line, so this is a hfeorical story. what, well, you said, is in principle clear, and it was and is visible somewhere along the front already, that at least the russians do not there are enough forces now to try to go to some assault actions there, with the same intensity along the entire front, it can be seen that the fighting has slowed down somewhat in the kupyansk direction, there has been less in the zhavdiivsk direction, but meanwhile there is still a lot of
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activity in the direction... mass ravine and in the area of ​​novomykhaivka, we will talk about this later with those fighters from these directions in the second half of our program, but now it is also noticeable that the successes of the ukrainian air defense, which destroyed the there are enough planes, and at least the bombing of the front line has become less, and here it is also interesting how long this effect of such a thing will last. well, it was a certain shock, after all, 14 planes in 14 days, well, i do n't know, it seems to me that we did not have such a story at the front, well, at least i don't remember, and how much, how much can it last this effect, this shock, well, because it is clear, they will try further, and for the sake of justice, ms. olga, we must remember that the greatest loss of fortune telling is fall on the first two months of the russian
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invasion of the territory of... ukraine , a full-scale invasion, because then the russians behaved absolutely defiantly in the vast space of our country, accordingly, as a result of their audacity, they suffered considerable losses. now, of course, there are 14 planes , it’s great not her, but we have to understand this: the enemy absolutely clearly understands that the success of the enemy’s military actions, not only in the offensive or counterattack , depends on the number of guided aerial bombs that will be sent in the direction of our defenders . and during defense, that is why the enemy, despite serious losses in the aviation component, continues to transfer additional resources and reserves from various territories of the russian federation in order to have the same pressure, a shaft of fire with the help of kabi, with the help of russian artillery, in order to exert the same pressure on the ukrainian defenders, and i think to some extent for...


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