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tv   [untitled]    March 8, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EET

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we must remember that the greatest losses of fortune-telling occurred during the first two months of the russian invasion of the territory of our country, a full-scale invasion, and because then the russians behaved absolutely defiantly in the open space of our country, accordingly, as a result of their audacity, they suffered considerable losses, now, of course, 14 planes - this is great news, but we must understand that the enemy absolutely clearly understands that the success of the enemy's military actions depends not only on the number of controlled... aerial bombs that will be sent towards our defenders offensive or counteroffensive, as well as during defense , that is why the enemy, regardless of serious losses in aviation components, continues to transfer additional resources and reserves from various territories of the russian federation, in order to have the same pressure, a barrage of fire with the help of kabi, with the help of russian artillery, which will exert the same pressure on the ukrainian defenders, and i think that to some extent for... it was a surprise that the presence of
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our anti-aircraft systems in the immediate vicinity of the battle line defenses that hunted, respectively , hunted down enemy aircraft, su-34, su-35, by the way, are very effective from the modern developments of the russian army, but nevertheless, even they were unable to effectively resist the influence of the ukrainian air defense system, i what i will introduce, it is unlikely that we will see seriously in the near future. strikes by enemy aircraft, because the enemy has resources, the enemy understands how important these resources are in order to achieve certain territorial gains, and this means that the war will continue, including with using the same aviation component. well, actually, i can't help but ask, since you are also from the crimea and it must be for you, you especially follow everything that happens there so closely. well, on march 5
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, the main intelligence agency told and showed, not just told, showed how the patrol ship serhiy kotov was destroyed, it is interesting because it is a completely new ship, it appeared in the black sea fleet in july 2022. not only the ship itself was destroyed on it, but also the helicopter that was on it was destroyed there some such anti-aircraft installation, as i understand it. this ship now performed functions, well, such as an element of air defense of the crimean bridge, and which, well , it is clear that any destroyed ship pleases us in any case, but each destroyed ship pleases in a special way, that is what is the peculiarity of this joy and actually, what , what, what does he add to this whole story, well , i don't know, maybe something like that will be simplified for us after this, maybe it's... preparation for
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something. serhii kotov, a patrol ship of the russian black sea fleet performed a very important mission. it covered the structure of the kerch bridge, respectively, from the black sea water area from the south and covered the airspace. but, as we can see, he did not even manage to protect himself from the influence of our fifth magurs. russian media report that the same ship was allegedly attacked by five maguras. and it sunk as a result of a direct hit by the bronikomz, and it sank not immediately, during its alleged transportation towards the fleet of feodosia, how it actually happened there, it does not matter, but the fact that we destroyed the modern a russian ship, this is actually a wonderful story, because it means that our maguras are able to go to such great distances around the crimea , about 800 km, and to successfully maneuver and bypass it... russian
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resistance, which is also important to remember if serhiy kotov performed a mission, and by the way, there were several ships there that performed the mission of covering the kerch bridge structure, we sunk it, so accordingly, the next stage we will get as close as possible to the kerch bridge structure itself, here it is worth mentioning the statement of the american general ben hodges, the former commander of the us forces in europe, who is sure that... the complex application of various elements of influence on the construction of the kerch bridge can lead to a positive military result for ukraine. we are talking about tauros-type missiles from german-swedish manufacturers in order to target lung elements based on the same structure, we are talking about atacoms-type missiles, which are in service in the american army, and there will still be discussions when we get them, but they are capable of effective to destroy the railway and car freeway
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of the same kerch bridge, well, of course, we are talking about sea drones, comedians, which will become relevant and in the lead in order to destroy the very foundation, the foundation of the kerch bridge. how quickly this case will be implemented depends directly on supplies, on our western partners, the same atakoms and taurs, and, accordingly, their f-16 fighter carriers. this is an unknown component so far, so no specific predictions should be made, although many of our senior military officials say that the 24th year is the last year that it exists in its current form. kerch bridge. god grant that it will happen like this, because the same general ben hodge claims that the ukrainian army can release. from the enemy presence by , first of all, destroying the structure of the kerch bridge, and in this way the logistics of the entire group of russian troops operating in the crimea and sevastopol was deprived, well , then the systematic and methodical combat work of our aviation regarding the destruction of military enemy objects in the crimea and sevastopol,
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our journalists and researchers counted 232 confirmations in sevastopol, of course why, because there is... the main base of the russian black sea fleet, there are reservations and logistics bases and support units and combat units, and therefore all of them should be turned into ashes by destroying them with missiles, uh, well, that is, they cleaned up a little bit, as if way, we cleared the air over the kerch bridge, we can say we took another step towards our goal, that's it and that's great, i'll remind you about our gathering so that you don't forget the special present for the 12th separate detachment. for trench and car rap and nabagi for evacuation, ot look again, take a picture if necessary, and now we have to go to a break, after the break we will talk in more detail about what is actually happening in the bakhmut
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direction and on novomykhai near novomykhaivka, so wait for this moment. events events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news story reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, you need to understand it. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat of fr 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live.
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we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. big ether. of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as respected guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. yes, continue. we talked with vladyslav seleznyov about the general picture, and what is happening in the black sea and in general along the front line, about how the russian offensive was choked, and now volodymyr nazarenko has also joined us, he is an
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artillery officer of the fourth brigade of the national guard of ukraine rubizh from the bahamian direction. i congratulate you, mr. volodymyr. good evening, studio, good evening viewers, thank you for the opportunity to join your broadcast. and thank you very much for joining, i also want to tell our viewers that we are also asking you to join in helping mr. volodymyr's unit to raise 120,000 for a copter. i ask that you output the data, well, the card number and the bank number are actually there, and make them available for our broadcast as well. please make it so we have it. yes, please, here it is on a copter, take a picture for yourself. or somehow on the driver, it is very important, this is now, the fourth the rubizh national guard brigade is in the hottest direction that there is now, this is bakhmut, this is the chasovoy yar area, so please, they really need these copters, they really need this help,
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please join, and mr. volodymyr, give us then tell me, it's just you, well, it's really hot right now. er, the russians certainly intend to storm the times, they want to, well, rush there, for them this is a key point, er, well, that's it in principle. came such er, i would say, comforting news that after all more appeared - artillery shells in particular, is there really any relief in this regard, do you already feel it in your direction, has the situation really leveled off a little, eh really, look at the situation, in general, the situation is very tense throughout the eastern direction, throughout bakhmutskyi, that is, we perform tasks further north, i don't want to. to say the very place, the very point, where we execute for security reasons, but
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the situation, i repeat, remains tense, and the enemy has chosen tactics that he is all about the eastern direction is pressing in small groups, but in small groups it is not just a few orcs there, they try to advance, throw in meat assaults, and in principle they, well i hope, and in most cases they do not succeed, but the tactics , which they have chosen, they... press on a wide front in such small groups, small groups, and the battles actually take place for every landing, for every street, if we talk about the settlements on the outskirts of the settlements, we have to say that actually from kup janska, in fact, they are being pressed by the mudflats, beilogorivka is very hot, the enemy storms a lot. tries to move a lot in one place or another, the situation is also very hot,
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a notch, it’s fun, from solidar, actually in the direction of siversk, from solidar, in principle , along a large perimeter, the enemy is trying to advance, trying to press and actually, again, i won’t get tired of repeating myself , but the battles are not even hundreds of meters away, but dozens of meters away from trenches, trenches, landings, and all this is accompanied by the tactics of the enemy, sometimes with the use of. armored vehicles, sometimes without support of armored vehicles, sometimes single tanks, sometimes they use and try, in particular, a very hot situation from bohdanivka, from ivanivsk during the yar, including the vicinity of klischevka, positions that our comrades recaptured, again in the summer, and the enemy in all this direction tries to try to advance at least somewhere, in most cases he... receives a decent repulse, suffers heavy losses, the enemy bears heavy losses, but the situation
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remains very tense, very hot, very very difficult, because the tactic is that these small groups, they cover themselves with artillery , the enemy, the enemy, no matter what, the advantage in artillery shells, in the number of ammunition, in the number of barrels, in the amount of this scrap metal, they use both the old system, and newer systems, and artillery. moreover, they perfectly understand that their artillery is inaccurate, they actually bomb the near rear, in the front zero positions, in the front trenches, they have basically chosen tactics and are trying to improve tactics, this is a visual observation of each of their gap, each of their corrections, and in these conditions, in addition to the fact that this is the enemy's war again ... we see both movements and rotations, accumulations, in addition to the fact that this is the enemy's war,
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advantages in manpower, advantages in artillery , in the number of barrels, they also actively use means of radio warfare, they actively use uavs, from eagles, from zal, quite often, unfortunately, they also use projectiles, which are high-precision red fields, which are illuminated by a laser from the zal. and actively use both fpv drones and shock lancets, and on the near rear, on the zero line, and in these in the complex, all their breakthrough groups, they are also covering up and calculating, in these conditions, we must have leadership in technology, we must have leadership in the sky , in drones, and in particular, once again, i thank you very much and would like to once again urge you to join this gathering promptly. after all, each copter is our eyes in the sky, the eyes of the artillery, i am speaking now as
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an artillery officer, because in these conditions we must talk about and do everything so that each of our shots is as accurate as possible, as possible rational, and so that the first, second, third flies to suppress the target, to destroy the target, we see, again at a certain distance, i don’t want to disclose when the enemy tries to rush in... to be ready for small assaults when the enemy tries to approach, and we train regularly against the enemy, the enemy suffers daily losses, the enemy does not . every day losses are the same as in manpower, that is , there are groups of several orcs, which they are constantly moving, and we also perfectly understand that our responsibility is in counter-battery fighting, because from success the life of every ukrainian soldier and the life
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of every ukrainian hero is the highest priority for us, so thank you and duty... please pay attention to this our gathering and mr. vladyslav, we know that in the bakhmut area, well the situation in bohdanivka is very difficult, because they are trying to bypass from the side of bohdanovka, from the side of ivanovka, if from the side of bohdanovka it is more or less, well, at least it is a little calmer there, then in ivanovo, in principle, the fighting is going on in the village, well , actually there is a threat of loss of this village how realistic is it for us to... keep, if they don't keep, well, actually, what is the threat? certainly, the threat lies in the fact that the next settlement that the enemy will attack is the time of the afiar, and the time of the afiar is actually the keys to the administrative agglomeration of slavyansk and kramatorsk, which is the largest in those territories of the donetsk region that are under control of the ukrainian army, so it is obvious that the boundaries must be obtained,
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but we must understand that the current war has entered the phase of rational decisions, the key... mission is to preserve the lives and health of our soldiers as much as possible, that is why constantly, including the president of our country , volodymyr zelenskyi, emphasizes the construction of engineering fortifications, because these structures primarily protect the lives and health of our soldiers, well, in the second, they are slowing down the advance of the russian army of occupation as much as possible, the situation on the battlefield will be determined by one single factor, resources, that is , if the ukrainian defense force does not barge artillery systems and... stocks to them, then the enemy will not have any chance, he will suffer incredible losses, conducting those so-called local assaults, well, our troops will effectively mix the enemy's manpower and armored vehicles with ukrainian land, but if the same resources are lacking, then of course, we will see defensive maneuvers performed by the ukrainian defense forces, because even the most powerful
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structures made of steel and concrete are unlikely to be able to withstand long-term artillery strikes and strikes from behind ... the main air bombs, as we can see, the enemy does not stop the same tactics of using kavium, because he sees that it succeeds in the air, and even some planes, something is interrupted in mr. vladyslav, mr. volodymyr, tell me, oh, it’s fine, it has already been restored, mr. volodymyr, please tell me such a thing, well, actually, we are observing a slight decrease. the work of cabs, as far as it can be, you know, well , the key story, if there is indeed a long-term reduction in the ability of the russians to use cabs, will it make it easier to repel people like you you say assaults in waves with these infantry, well, that is
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, how many assaults will there be without the cabals? effective or less effective, like that? unfortunately, the enemy uses cabs not for the first month, not for the first year, guided air bombs that are launched, in a certain way we congratulate the successes of our brothers, i don't know, well in principle wi-fi, yes, please tell me, because it's that simple overlay, we congratulate the successes of our air defenses, which pleased us. in the last days, in the last weeks, news has been falling every day , and in a way it is, well, a certain success, but again, the enemy chooses the tactics of maximum pressure, as well as artillery bombards the rear, and they really use cabs and other shock systems, missiles, of various
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types, both near the rear and more distant rears, so in this there is ... a great danger in the fact that we really have to do everything so that the enemy's blows do not bring success to the enemy and protect every ukrainian hero, and answering your question, unfortunately, a certain systematicity is not possible there follow but the enemy continues to apply and inflict blows along the entire line of the eastern direction, that is, it cannot be said. only there are times or something or other, but it is pressing all over the eastern direction and the defense forces are trying to fight back and in most cases it works, thank you. please also show the fee for copters for mr. volodymyr and his unit, let him stay a little while, while we
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are still hanging this fee with mr. vladyslav , let's give this and that, if you look in the ivanivsky district, dear, what do you think? does the enemy have a chance to bypass the times, or is it possible for him? in general, in principle, just try to bypass him and move somewhere further to kostyantynivka or wherever he wants. but it is clear that he wants to move towards the slavic-kramator agglomeration, as to whether he will be able to move forward, bypassing time and fiyars, i have a serious doubt here, well, first of all, yaar time is at the dominant heights, and besides, around a powerful network of engineering fortifications is being built and continues to be built, and we must pay attention to this, the situation on the field... see both enemy forces and, accordingly, our commanders i think that it is not for nothing that general syrskyi, who has recently been inspecting parts of units that participate in combat units,
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specifically emphasizes that teams that do not understand the situation on the battlefield, that do not know the situation in subordinate units and units that do not know and do not have databases of information about enemy forces and means, they should not remain in their positions, that is , situational awareness is a key factor that allows. i think that they are well aware of the situation, because it is fundamental, in principle, the knowledge that gives us an advantage in combat, given that we are de facto on strategic defense, the careful monitoring of all routes, probable routes of the advance of the armed forces is one of the elements that will allow. we need to be on the alert and be as effective as possible in this matter, as for the enemy, it is obvious that he is implementing putin's task, the same task that started the so-called
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special military operation, the full occupation of the donetsk and luhansk regions, and therefore the enemy will so persistently move in the direction of the slavic kramatorskation, i think that in the long term the enemy will resort to at least such actions from three directions, accordingly, in the liman direction , this case will be broken and implemented, well, in the future, if he manages to break the ukrainian resistance south of marinka, then accordingly from there he will form his own strike group to move, well, in fact, from three sides in the direction of our slavic-kramator agglomeration, how realistic is this and what are the prospects implementation of this plan, once again depends on the decisions that will be made in the kremlin, i mean a large-scale mobilization campaign, not in accordance with the resource capabilities of the ukrainian army and this is not only about material and technical means, but also about the training of our servicemen , who will be called up as part of the mobilization, as well as their training, training, yes training, appropriate
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equipment and provision of modern weapons and military equipment, all this is very important, but again, a lot factors that have not yet been determined, and in such a case to make any predictions, well , so far the matter is thankless, well, we have the opportunity to talk now, just as you mentioned... south of maryanka, it is exactly where we are also currently fighting fierce battles, in the novomykhaivka area, yaroslav chepurnyi, press officer of the 79th separate airborne assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, has joined us, congratulations, mr. yaroslav, congratulations studio, well , it’s actually your brigade, well, even such an assessment dibstey was that only thanks to your team it is still possible to receive novo mykhailiv. the brigade is just fighting heroically and now the battles are actually going on, you can actually say that there is in the center of this
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village, tell me how much the defense of this place has been going on for a long time, the attempt to capture it has also been for several months, but what exactly is different about this last week, that is, whether did they pull something extra there, did they start any additional assault actions, well, that is... what just now has become so active there that they started talking about it? well, it really perked up and really perked up yesterday we had a very difficult day, yesterday the enemy stormed the positions of the paratroopers of the 79th air force more than 30 times, actively using armored vehicles, from the very morning they went on the defensive from several directions. positions in the area of ​​novomykhaivka, well, of course, we met the enemy still on the far steps, the video is currently
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being processed and either tonight or tomorrow morning it will appear on the facebook page of the brigade, and there you can just see how the enemy is advancing using tanks using mtob armored personnel carriers for transporting infantry moved in the direction of this settlement. however, all his attempts were thwarted by courage. courage and professional actions of tauri paratroopers, it is enough to say that 12 units of equipment were destroyed, including four tanks, and this such a powerful assault was yesterday, we believe that it was not in vain, today the assault actions are continuing again, today according to her data, which i just received, we already had 17 assault actions.
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the enemy also actively used armored vehicles, we knocked out one bmp, it remained on the battlefield, and it seems that no matter how strong we hold this defense, holding defensive positions, the enemy continues and it seems will continue to press in this direction, well, from what you say. then i would say that this is probably the biggest such, well, the use of armored vehicles in the last few days about the attempts of assaults in your direction, because in other places, well , it is used less, that is, in you are most likely to use such a technique, and it is clearly visible there, and whether or not you are watching is there any more accumulation of strength now?
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that is, well, because it looks like your direction is leading to some sort of exit, as it is now one of the main ones, i can’t tell you everything that is known in our intelligence, but really, in our direction there is an accumulation, a certain accumulation of combatants parts that consist of contract workers, that consist of mobilized, that consist of ex-servicemen. of them are the so-called stormz squads that bring in equipment, and you rightly pointed out that in the last, well, i'd say a few weeks, it's a very powerful assault took place yesterday with the use of armored vehicles, but it cannot be said that the enemy did not try to push through the defenses in this place, we also had a very active january in terms of assault actions. and
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precisely in terms of the enemy's use of armored vehicles, it is enough to say that uh, well, in just two months of winter, 107 units of armored vehicles were destroyed by us, among which the vast majority of armored vehicles fell on january, well , that is, if such a small analysis is carried out, then in in january there were powerful assaults with armored vehicles, in february it took place a slight decrease. but the decline was due to the fact that the enemy threw more infantry into the positions, and now they again, seeing that the infantry alone could not accomplish the tasks set before them, began to actively use armored vehicles. well, yes, this, well, we wish you every success there, because this is an important, important direction and
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such an important point of our defense. well, actually our time has run out, thank you very much to mr. yaroslav chepurny, the press officer of the 79th separate airborne assault brigade, and mr. vladyslav seleznyov, this is a military expert, a colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, the spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine in 14-17, join our meeting, the meeting, don't forget about him, and then we have news on the espresso tv channel. watch this week in the collaborators program with olena kononenko. who headed the rashist organizations in the occupied territories? under the protection of our friends, russian soldiers. but to whom did united russia entrust the fake mandates? the words of volodymyr volodymyrovych always resonate. greetings, i'm olena kononenko and this is the collaborators program
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traitors who at the call of the heart and. khavanets was offered to serve as rashiv occupier.


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