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tv   [untitled]    March 8, 2024 6:00am-6:30am EET

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before the start of negotiations with moscow, the acceptance of some separate conditions of these negotiations, this is an opportunity to use the levers of pressure not only in ukraine itself, but also in the west. and in this sense , quite strange information is already beginning to appear about the speaker of the chamber, representatives of trumpist johnson, about his separate connections with business and personalities. chair factory, huh. look, in any case, i cannot imagine that moscow does not act, does not use all the levers and resources to achieve its goal. they always acted through their agents, proxies individuals, business and other sources. otherwise, we will never explain the perversions that are happening with elon musk, because it is impossible to explain it by any normal criteria. why does
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a person who is engaged in technology and business suddenly get into politics? why should he? he has no other business besides crimea, putin and everything else? why is this a mask? always, in all cases, information leaks out that something was unclean here, that there were some connections, primarily material, that influenced these political issues, changing positions, creating alliances, and so on. see for example, the role of abramovich. they say that even in the negotiations, in the exchange of krasikov for hershkovich and possibly navalny , abramovich also had something to do with it. and under other circumstances, they would not have talked to the abramovichs. he would not be such an intermediary. completely different tools would work. after all, direct contact is through the head of the special services. for example, the american special services through the same burns. moscow will not stop and will continue
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to act in this direction. thank you very much, mark , for this extremely interesting conversation . i want to remind our viewers that it is currently on the air mark feigin, a figure of the russian opposition in exile, a former member of the state duma, worked as an espresso machine for them. thanks mark. thank you, everyone, all the best. the time of our program is over. stay with the spresso tv channel, my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of the day, take care of yourself and your loved ones, see you on the air, we are looking for two brothers, 11-year -old artem and 10-year-old denys abramovichuv. the boys lived in... kherson oblast in
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boryslav district in the village of dubchany. the territory was occupied almost from the first days full-scale war. but in the fall of 2022 , she was released, and it was during this period that it became known about the disappearance of two brothers - artem and denis. no one knows where the boys may be now. it is possible that shortly before the liberation of kherson oblast, they were taken to the temporarily occupied territories, or maybe to russia in general. that is why your help is very important. if anyone has information about the missing boys, please call the magnolia children's helpline immediately on the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operators are free, if suddenly there is no connection or an opportunity to call, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. this is just one story of missing children. in total, since the beginning of the war, we have received almost 3,000 requests for help in the field. fortunately,
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most of the children have already been found, but the fate of many remains unknown, especially in the temporarily occupied territories, where the work of the police is virtually paralyzed, where it is impossible to leave and there are communication problems. sometimes people who can not find own children, they don't even know what to do and where to turn. if you suddenly find yourself in a similar situation and have no idea how to act, call the short number 11630 or write. search services for children in telegram. here you will be provided with all the necessary advice. in addition, everyone who sees me now can already help find the missing children. take just a minute of your time and visit the magnolia children's tracing website. here you can view all the photos of the missing. who knows, maybe you will recognize someone in the end help to find i also want to remind you that the search for the ten-year-old is also ongoing. the subject
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of the cold, who disappeared in the kharkiv region back in september 2022, his mother asked for help in finding the boy. imagine that a woman has not seen or heard from her son for more than a year. i am appealing to everyone who may have seen or know any information about my child, my son, the cold one, artem andrievich, if anyone has seen or heard any information, please provide it, i am asking you to do so, because the mother's heart is breaking and the thing is, that artem kholodny's parents are divorced and live separately, it so happened that when the war began, the boy was with his father. in the city of kupyansk, kharkiv oblast. on the third day of the full-scale invasion , the city was completely occupied, and later communication was cut off there. for almost 6 months, mrs. olena did not have any news about her son, and only in september 2022 they received a short message from him in viber. it was
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september, around september 10-13, 22nd. let me remind you that on september 22, the soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces liberated kharkiv oblast from the occupiers and it was during this period that the son of mrs. elena got in touch. of course, the woman tried to call artyom, wrote him more than one message in response, but all attempts turned out to be useless. communication with the child mysteriously broke off again , and it is still unknown where artem kholodny is now. therefore, your help is very important. look at the photo again and remember the boy's face. he is a very active boy, fair-haired, so handsome. if suddenly someone has seen artem kholodny or knows where he might be now, do not delay and immediately call our service hotline search for magnolia children by short number
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11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. if it is suddenly not possible to call, write to the chat bot of the rosshu service. children in telegram. any information is important. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stop will accept ua. there are discounts on voltaren forte 20% in pharmacies plantain to you and savings. there are discounts on mebicar ic tablets. 10% in pharmacies plantain to you and save. there are 10% discounts on zippel in
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the psyllanyk, ban and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on spasmal tablets, 15% in pharmacies, plantain for you and savings. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together! hello! this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. live inclusion. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00.
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vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great aether. my name vasyl zima. and we begin. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to find out about... right now, serhii zgurets will talk more about the war with us and how the world lives and now about what has happened in the world . two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. oleksandr, congratulations, please affection. and sports news. a review of sports events from yevhen postahov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much, elina chechenii, for the information about culture news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. let us know about the weather on the day of pride, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening.
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estoy por qué
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congratulations, you can endlessly look at how the russians first say that something didn't happen, then that it wasn't them, and then finally that it was them, but somehow it's not like that, well, this time they had such conversations about how the russians hit odessa , at the moment when the president of ukraine and the prime minister of greece were there. well, actually, the story, well, it's actually very scandalous, because they almost missed the greek prime minister, they almost killed him, there, the whole delegation was very scared of him, because all this happened 200 m from him, from motorcade of the prime minister, the explosion happened, but... at first, the russians began to tell that nothing happened at all. we start with
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urgent and absolutely crazy news. russia in odesa seems to have tried to attack zelenskyi's motorcade. the sensation is reported by the greek newspaper protothema. a ballistic missile attack, as if it happened during the visit to the city of the prime minister of greece kyriakos mitsotakis. there is even a witness, here he is, a bald man with a beard. on the sixth of march at approximately 10:40 an air alert was announced. almost immediately above the city center there was a very loud explosion. according to some data, these were launches of iskander ballistic missiles by the russians. in general , we can conclude that the russians tried to target the president of ukraine and the leader of one of the countries of the european union and the nato bloc. the greek newspaper
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gives the only words of the only eyewitness as the truth: well, in fact, at that moment the greek prime minister himself also said that he was fired upon, he heard it all, but it is obvious that the russian propagandists did not say anything about it, moreover, well, you remember, maybe last year, how they talked about the fact that they were driving. around ukraine, they go to kyiv, they go to odesa, and it is necessary to hit and kill someone from the officials of foreign countries, here suddenly, when it did not happen, they were terribly frightened, and of course, how come russians would not be russians, if they didn't start saying something like that, it's not them, but if they are, well, i don't know if it's us or not us, or maybe it's... fighting nazism,
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we're dealing with it, we're dealing with it , who and what arrived, how did it arrive, well, the notification system did not work there, maybe not there look, maybe we didn’t make it up, maybe we should look at zaluzhny, zaluzhny is not the head of the ukrainian army now, so it’s not clear what he was going to look at there, well, but the very fact of these conversations, you know, we, not us, well directly it is very reminiscent of the usual conversations when the russians commit some crime, starting with the seizure of crimea and ending with any kind of shelling, well, when we talk about the fact that, well, nothing... there was nothing at all , there was no strike, it became russian impossible, they then began to tell that
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no, of course they aimed at something else, literally at some military objects, that there, well, there were different conversations, which they tried to dissolve several versions at once, well, but the most it sounded like this on television, i will start with the missile attack on zelenskyi , i have confidence that... one well-trained iskander, in order to solve this task, would definitely be found in the russian occupation forces, if such a task stood. this, as it is called, complicates his creativity. if earlier it was just an air alarm, now it is simulated murder, why? i inform him that his personal iskander has not yet taken off, i inform him that his personal iskander has not yet taken off, a new move, he is an actor, a few kilometers from where he was, our missile hit a specific target, i think what it was planned in advance, that is, when
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a russian missile hits and five children die. just so you know, it was pre-planned too, judging by how they like to talk about how their iskanders and their shaheds always fly to where they aim, but why all this talk at all? well, actually, because it's one thing when ukraine constantly says that they are hitting civilian objects, they are hitting civilian objects, and it's another thing when the prime minister came to a civilian object the minister of greece saw... firsthand how they hit a civilian object, and even when he was there, and it was precisely at this point that the opinion was already formed in the world that the russians were hitting civilian objects, now and russian propaganda is somehow trying to dissipate there or say something: no, this everything is wrong, it was probably some kind of military
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object, and that's why there's all the delusion that it was hit, no, probably it was hit somewhere else , it was hit somewhere in the wrong place, but... or it was hit where it should, they hit, and of course, the same conversations about the fact that it turns out that civilians are not hit at all, and they do not hit civilians at all. in odesa, he perfectly understands that if a rocket blew up something there, it flew there, not along zelenskyi. at the same time, as far as is known, they hit the odesa port, where everyone knows that the british base is located. in ukraine the number of civilian victims is small, compared to military victims. to tell that the number of civilian victims in ukraine is small, in ukraine, well, at the beginning of the 24th year, there were already 10,000 civilian victims, these are those who are known and
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these are those who are not, well, actually, not in the occupied territories, how many in the occupied territories , we... we know, because every time the ukrainian army liberates some occupied territory, the number of victims increases by thousands, because thousands and thousands of new corpses are found, and to say that this not comparable to the losses of the army, well, it's not like that , it's not like that at all, moreover, that's exactly why we 're talking about genocide against the ukrainian people, precisely because we have absolutely, well, comparable victims among the army. and the civilian population, that is, the russian occupiers kill both the military and the civilian population , and in approximately the same number , even, well, if you look at what happened when cities like mariupol were demolished, we cannot say how many were there victims in general, how many thousands, we just this
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we don't know, because the russians hide this number of victims in every possible way, and so... if you compare it with the civilian victims that are in russia, yes, well, they will really have it, it will not be just a small number, but simply, well, completely random number , you can count it on the fingers of two hands, while in our country, i mean, just at the beginning of this year, there were already 10,000 confirmed ones, those who know the names, and well, they were definitely found and found , well, that's all about them, how many more are there ... which are not confirmed or cannot be to understand what it is, well, we can only guess, that’s exactly what it is, well, and in the background of these conversations, what do you know, it is unknown that they are literally aiming somewhere in odessa , it is not known where in odessa, at the same time they started talking about that it turns out that nato
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is already going to attack russia literally in the near future, they pulled out. for this , they began to tell an article in their own magazine of the ministry of defense of russia against this background, which probably means that nato is preparing to attack russia? the ministry of defense talked about possible scenarios attack on russia. the journal of the ministry of defense predicts that even before the start of the active phase , the enemy, that is, the nato alliance, will wage an information war. then the main role. aviation will play. first, there will be a quick global strike, god forbid, and at the same time several massive missile and air strikes. in addition. actively participate in missions
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on the territory of ukraine, determine the exact information that the american f-35 is already the location of russian air defense systems. well, if you look at this plan, it was the impression that the plan was described. like russian the federation actually attacked ukraine on february 24, 2022, this is exactly how it happened, and what nato actually has to do it, it’s just that they laid out their plan and told, if nato can probably do that, but of course this does not stop the russian propagandists at all , this is what the ministry of defense wrote in its magazine, moreover, someone there even tried... to be told by some such military expert to skabiev that, well, this is a theoretical article, well, why can’t it be treated like that, that, no , she didn't listen to anything, she immediately started telling and scaring
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the russian population that it would probably be a nuclear war. there is a disturbing feeling that this year the world is in for an unprecedented escalation, god forbid. we also publish very interesting articles, for example, in the magazine. which made everyone sick today, call a spade a spade, a story about how nato will attack us and possibly destroy us. an air-ground or air-sea operation may be deployed against russia, which will begin with a rapid global strike and at the same time several massive missile and air strikes. talk will lead to nuclear war. whether a nuclear war will not happen, we have moved on to talk about exactly how a nuclear war will start, and we are discussing whether it will happen one way or another, but what will not happen we
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have not considered lately. well, in principle, it’s not just scabies, as if a little bit of it blew the roof off her, in parallel , salavi and others also told the same thing, well, maybe not by... they already referred to this very article, but they talked about the fact that nato is going and has a plan to directly attack russia, and that's all it is necessary to discuss, they have been discussing it for the last few days, to intimidate russia with their concepts, i think the enemy will not succeed, no matter what scenarios they draw, they do not want to scare us, they want to destroy us, they are not going to scare us. they want to destroy us, and that is why i am surprised when some of our colleagues say that they need cheap gas or grain from us, which they have no way
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of getting, even if they take over russia, gas and grain, at prices lower than what we supplied, because their costs are higher, they are not that want, they really want to destroy us, and what macron began to declare and... they took a 100% course for war, which, according to their ideas , should end with the complete destruction of russia, well, you know, it’s also interesting how so and so nightingale so between in the middle of the business, he told me that you know, we supply everything there , including grain and oil and gas, for a very cheap price, because they already have more expenses than we do, which the western world has more expenses for and... lats, that is, in fact, due to the fact that there are no salaries there, they are small, well, due to this supplied due to the fact that there are no toilets, gas, heating and everything else,
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well, due to this, gas and oil are cheap, like gas and oil, well, these are interesting conversations, well, but besides that, get ready, get ready, that’s it , you know, this is all such intimidation of the russian population in the first place, it is not aimed at us, it is aimed at the russian population, story. about the fact that nato will attack here, despite the fact that they, well, it has already attacked, they have been telling for two years how nato attacked, here it turns out no, nothing like that, just now he is going to attack , he seems to be drawing some plans, and and even more , not just there, they already know for sure that the nato countries have already made a decision that it is necessary to attack, when i claimed all these years, how much... i went here for a program that the west has a goal and intention to destroy us, i was told that i have paranoia, and i am allegedly telling all this in order to make
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an impression. it means to encourage someone somewhere , etc., but now it is absolutely proven in fact that the event has this goal and intends to achieve it as long as they all, mind you, all the leaders of the west say one thing: we will achieve this goal of destroying russia, no matter what it costs us, well, no matter what it costs us in the sense that if the sarmatians fly away, in this sense is also nothing... i believe that they are really on the verge of making a decision that they will have to conduct direct combat operations on our side, moreover, i have a number of factors that such a decision can already be made with great probability, well, that is , he used to have paranoia, he told that nato is already at war, now he is paranoid, he says that nato must attack. what
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we are talking about here is actually the point of scaring the russian population with all of this, you know, you remember, well, earlier they used to scare the russian population with the ukrainians, who are about to attack, the ukrainians didn't attack, the russians attacked, well that's why it's absolutely, you know, not a remote possibility that the kremlin might want to raise the stakes. and really attack some nato countries, the baltic countries, the same poland, why not? that is, well, i don't know whether they will dare to attack finland, it is unlikely, something tells me, but they may dare to attack the baltic countries, and before that, all this talk that they were preparing something there, probably, well, and it does not matter that in fact they all have paranoia, between who, actually, who... really,
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unlike the western leaders, who have never actually said that they are out to destroy russia, no, they don't say that, we would like that, that they really want to and understood that it was necessary to simply dismantle the russian federation, but unfortunately, unfortunately, far from everyone, even political leaders, i'm not talking about the leaders of western countries, are ready to think about this and even reflect on these topics. meanwhile , the russian, well, state leaders are directly telling how they are going to grab something, how they are going to grab something else, well, at this moment, when they were talking about how nato is going to attack here and there, in fact the head of the security council medvedev's russian federation once again showed how they are going to destroy... ukraine,
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despite the fact that they constantly tell, again, that not a single leader of the russian state never said that they want to destroy ukraine, but look at how they do not want to destroy ukraine and how in fact they directly demonstrate it. russia will definitely bring the war to victory, to the surrender of the neo-nazis, deputy head of the security council midveviv recently stated at the world festival. that we will never give up our lands, he said in slovak against the background of a rather strange map, as they joke on the internet, it is a map from a geography textbook, maybe for the next
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year. a lot of it belongs on this map our country does not understand why it is written in latin. look, our opponents must firmly and forever understand the simple truth: the territories on both sides of the dnieper. an integral part of russian strategic historical borders. and you would think that this map, if we have it, let's look at it, that this map is fiction. one such medvedev, yes, but it is not quite so, because literally at the same moment, when medvedev advocated something, another leader, naryshkin, the head of the russian intelligence service, also spoke to solovyov, he decided, well also the same thought.


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