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tv   [untitled]    March 8, 2024 10:00am-10:30am EET

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that is, you provide quality information, you tell the truth, ukrainians unite themselves, this is not a task, it is a consequence of performance, quality journalism and the existence of freedom of speech. thank you very much for this conversation, the people's deputy of ukraine, the head of the freedom of speech committee was with us, and now, well, now kateryna shirokpoyas and a selection of news from her will be with us, we listen and watch. greetings colleagues, in a moment i will quickly tell you about the most important events as of this hour. greetings, it's news time at the spresso studio, kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the russians are not stop terrorizing odesa. at night, the enemy repeatedly attacked the area with attack drones. 18 shaheds were destroyed by air defense forces.
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it was not possible to avoid the hits. damaged preserved infrastructure object. a fire broke out in an open area, which was quickly extinguished, said oleg kiper, the head of the region. fortunately, there were no dead or injured. russians wounded five people in the kherson region. the enemy shelled 15 settlements during the day. in kherson, a theater, a museum, a gas pipeline, an enterprise, a shop, garages, etc. were damaged cars in the region, the enemy has already kissed. the main quarters, mostly three high-rise buildings and 12 private houses, there is a hit to the object of critical infrastructure , the admin building and farm buildings, - said the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. a three-year-old girl and a 16-year-old boy were injured as a result of the shelling of chuguyev in the kharkiv region, up to seven. four men and a woman were also injured. at night, the enemy attacked the city with... zrks-300 hit the ground
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within residential buildings. in windows of the nine-story building were broken, a shopping center, a bank, shops, a hotel and 13 cars were damaged, - said the head of the region oleg sinygubov. the russians also shelled kupyansk, partially destroyed private houses, and rescued a 36-year-old civilian from the rubble. a woman and a man died. in general, the russians attacked at night. over ukraine with one s-300 anti-aircraft missile, two g-59, and also launched 37 shahed missiles. the drones attacked from the temporarily occupied crimea. our defenders shot down 33 shahedis within odesa, kirovohrad, mykolaiv and kharkiv regions, the air force reported that the attack was carried out by anti-aircraft missile units, mobile fire groups and means of radio-electronic warfare. tonight , the president. joe biden addressed the congress and
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spoke, in particular, about support for ukraine. the head of the white house said that the purpose of his speech is to wake up congress and warn the american people that democracy is under threat. biden insisted that congress provide ukraine with additional funding for its war with russia. putin invaded ukraine, and he is there won't stop but ukraine can stop putin if we stand with her and give her the weapons she needs, and that's all ukraine is asking for, she's not asking for our soldiers, there's not a single us soldier in ukraine, and i'm determined to make it happen, but now aid to ukraine is being blocked by those who want to withdraw from at the same time, biden began his
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speech by sharply criticizing former president donald trump for encouraging russian president vladimir putin to invade nato countries if they did not spend more on defense, he called trump's position terrible and unacceptable, according to the us president, the country cannot frame ukraine. europe and the entire free world are at risk. we must respond to putin's challenge. history follows us. history is watching. if the united states leaves, it will put ukraine at risk, europe at risk. the free world will be under threat, which will give determination to those who want to do us harm. my message to putin, whom i have known for a long time, is simple: we will not leave. did the drones
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allegedly attack two russian regions, did the air defense work and... eliminated 15 aircraft-type drones on the territory of the volgograd region, this was reported by the ministry of defense of russia. another one was neutralized over the belgorod region, no damage or casualties have been reported. lithuania transferred another batch of military aid to ukraine. the armed forces of ukraine received new artillery ammunition. this was reported by the ministry of defense of lithuania. armed forces received another batch of 155 mm artillery shells. let me remind you that earlier the president of the czech republic, peter pavel, said that his country had found 800,000 artillery pieces ammunition that can be purchased for ukraine. germany, latvia, lithuania, the netherlands, denmark,
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canada and france have pledged to finance the czech initiative. canada joined the coalition of drones for ukraine. about this. the ministry of defense of canada informs. to date, the country has already made a significant contribution to strengthening the potential of the armed forces of ukraine, in particular, by handing over 100 specialized cameras for uavs produced in canada. also earlier it became known about the additional assistance of more than 800 drones. the appeal of the higher anti-corruption court remained unchanged preventive measure exnartep head. let me remind you that pashynskyi was declared a suspect in the case of the nationalization of oil products of the oligarch kurchenko. the state allegedly suffered losses of almost a billion hryvnias. on february 26, the court
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arrested pashynskyi with the alternative of posting a bail of more than uah 270 million. these funds were contributed by the national association of enterprises. pashynskyi's account, at least, has not yet been proven, maybe we will never prove it, but the subject of consideration during the investigative judge's hearing were questions. the court rejected us and left the decision of the investigating judge in force. situation expected, unfortunately, exactly, because at such stages of the investigation, when there is such an order, unfortunately, our courts do not
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understand the circumstances of the case, the judge asked to pay attention, under what circumstances, why 10 years, why now, who ... who is interested in this? the ukrainian state is definitely not interested in this, because even if you take the money, 270 million hryvnias of working capital of the members of the association, which i head, have been laundered, for which i thank them profusely and i am ashamed of it. it's all a farce, but i'm not about that, i'm about the war, i'm about what i have to do to do and, unfortunately, what i do. with the beginning of a full-scale invasion, the armed forces of ukraine have an urgent need to go off-road. vehicles and special vehicles. the espresso team, together with the viewers, is constantly helping our soldiers and we have already closed a lot of requests. raising funds is a small part of what you and i see and do. and how is the purchase and transfer of vehicles for the needs of the social security system.
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let's watch together. ukraine has long since run out of used cars that could be converted for military purposes, so volunteers buy them abroad. the path of such a car to... begins with a request from the military, then volunteers announce a fundraiser and then look for the necessary vehicle at foreign auctions. but buying a car is only half the battle, it needs to be repaired, disguised, refueled and delivered to the military. the repair of one suv can last from several days to a week, and while some cars are coming from europe , they are packed. military and humanitarian equipment, others are being repaired, others are already being handed over to defenders along the entire front line, the following are bought at auctions, the espresso team, together with viewers and readers , constantly help the military, together we closed the collection for 33 cars, we are grateful to everyone for their donations and urge us to continue
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to bring victory closer together. thank you to the viewers of the espresso channel for helping us collect this bead, it will help us in bringing bc. glory. glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, glory to the heroes, for this hour i have everything, see you. when the russian troops tried to enter kyiv from the chernihiv highway, the village of bohdanivka, located in brewery district, the enemies occupied the village for a month, and during the retreat they destroyed the entire social infrastructure. the kindergarten suffered more, because they had nowhere to take the looted property, these are tvs,
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refrigerators, there are washing machines, scooters, quad bikes, and they made their weapons store here at the school and unloaded their rockets, their shells, cartridges, and when they were pushed out of here on the 29th, of course, they didn't want to throw away what they looted and blew up the garden, all that was left of the garden was... a cliff and two sloping walls. on the coca-cola plant has been operating on the territory of the village for about 25 years, so the company, in cooperation with the ukrainian red cross, decided to start building a new kindergarten. for the past two years, we have been providing projects for communities all over ukraine, and we always focus on those people who need help right now, including children. children are our future, and our life depends on their well-being. that is why rebuilding a kindergarten is a very
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important step in supporting children and their development. we are very proud of what we were able to do contribute to the development of the community in which we work and operate. a lot of unexploded ammunition remained at the place where the garden was. demining is currently underway. the issue of demining, yes, it was planned, but not on such a scale, to be honest. but we didn't think it would be such a big problem, yes, because well, let's say this, previously it was planned to spend a week or a half on it, now it's already going on much longer. the coca-cola system allocated 3 million dollars for the new kindergarten in order to provide it autonomous power system and the most modern anti-radiation shelter. the new kindergarten is planned to open in 2025. coca-cola notes that it is important for them to help ukrainians in such a difficult time. yulia zubchenko, oscar yanson, espresso tv channel.
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the maternity hospital in vorzel in the kyiv region was under occupation from the first days of the great war. this place remained the only medical facility where you could get medical help during the offensive on kyiv, here they operated on minnow injuries, anesthetized and bandaged wounds. after the liberation of kyiv oblast it became clear that the work of the institution needs to be resumed. that is why the vibet foundation, the main patron of which is vibet ukraine, decided to equip the maternity hospital with modern equipment. vibet foundation made a significant contribution to our capabilities, namely a hysteroscopic module that... can diagnose, can operate minimally invasively, and those women
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who were previously forced to go to kyiv, to the kyiv region, in order to receive appropriate assistance , will be able to receive it on the territory of our institution, within three days, a woman can be operated on, diagnosed, discharged. according to doctors, they have already managed to use the device and are satisfied with its work. the vibet foundation cares exclusively for humanitarian projects, their the priority is to help the civilian population. we respond to the initiatives and requests of medical institutions, other charitable foundations, volunteer organizations that provide assistance and support to medical, health, and sports institutions, build temporary premises for internal displaced persons, we provide assistance to those working in frontline areas. new projects to help ukrainians are being implemented. according to benefactors, they are already launching initiatives for prosthetics and sports rehabilitation for
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war victims. dear friends, olesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk will spend two more hours in our company, we are also working for you in this studio, then we will talk about the affairs at the front, then we will talk about the disputes of masha yefrosina. and khrystyna silova, who are still is being discussed by ukrainian society, then we will talk about march 8 or march 8, which version of the holiday is accepted by ukrainians, even for... now it is the second year, already the third year of this large-scale invasion, there is a version of the holiday, there is a version that is not a holiday, because, well, if it 's women's rights day, which is a holiday, it's the kind of day when everyone remembers women's rights, about the really complicated debate about who a woman is in today's world, which is actually going on, even in the feminist movement, which
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is terribly split, digested among itself in different wings and so on, that is, it is a women's story, but... in principle , they understand who is a woman in the modern world, is there no woman in the modern world, maybe and so on, maybe, maybe there are just some gender certain roles, and then who plays those roles and so on, so, similarly, its own internal discussion, and here, too, you have a bouquet of flowers, and with that bouquet of pee, this is a good answer, we will talk about it later, and we will also talk about what the ukrainians equaled during the war, actually equaled with... the purchase of cars new ones with the level that was before full-scale tuesday, and they also buy chinese cars, chinese cars, about this later, now ivan yakubets, a military expert and ex-commander of the airborne assault troops of ukraine, don't forget too, dear friends , let me know, i remind you that we are going to collect for the 12th separate special forces unit
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, the qr code will appear throughout our ether, here it is instead of flowers, somehow some tulips, if... your hands itch to do it, you can have the money, i don't know how much that tulip is worth it now, but transfer those hryvnias to our military, it will be needed more. mr. ivan, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, i would like to ask, first of all, about the situation now at the front, there was a publication in the new york times, precisely about the fact that, as it were, washington is dissatisfied with ... how the armed forces of ukraine are now they are planning an operation, they blame the supreme commander-in-chief zelensky for this, they believe that it was not necessary to cling to the avdiivka, they left for the avdiivka too late, the retreat was chaotic, they from the very beginning it was not advised to hold any insignificant strategically unimportant cities, well, in a word, this is what seems to be accumulating
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here and there, mutual misunderstanding between the ukrainian political... command and the americans, well, let me first congratulate all ukrainian women, ukrainians who are serving in the armed forces today forces of ukraine, there are currently 100,000 of them, according to the ministry of defense, so i want to congratulate them on this after all women's holiday, the spring holiday, as they say, and wish them success, health and military luck, as well as to congratulate other... ukrainian women on this holiday, after all, this is a holiday and the fact that we have the opportunity to celebrate this holiday and celebrate it even during such harsh anniversaries, it is still the world that we live in, and this is our life responds and will respond with the same response in response, so once again on the women's
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holiday of women, health to you, luck, happiness, on the front of military luck. as for the issues related to what happened with avdiivka, i can tell you, as a person who has commented dozens of times on the situation around avdiivka, i want to say that there has been a long time a situation was definitely brewing that it was necessary to leave avdiyivka, or to launch counterattacks and cut off the claws, the claws that surrounded it from the north. from the west in order to unblock the semi-surrounded group of troops in avdiivka. there were two such decisions, not two decisions, two moments that could solve this issue. well, apparently, for the second, there were not enough forces, to counterattack and destroy, the enemy who was advancing from the north from the west, surrounding avdiivka, so they decided
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to make a decision to withdraw from avdiivka, this also. exit, it is also possible, but i was so bothered and bothered by the question of how they got out, how did they get out, you said correctly, how did they get out, why were they captured, why did they throw some of the wounded there, this is for me, i will understand, i understand it, how it happened, but why certain brigade commanders allowed it to happen, i didn’t understand, i didn’t understand, the brigade commander, as a commander... the ship should leave the deck to the extreme, he probably didn’t leave the deck to the extreme, abandoning, leaving before his units, and that's why some of the wounded remained there people who were surrounded, who covered the departure. this suggests that the departure itself was organized and conducted not at a long-term
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level, not at a professional level, it was organized. i would like to hear the order of that commander, it is not secret now. now there is nothing, everything that was secret in avdiyivka, there is nothing there anymore, not for anyone, not for us, not for the russians, therefore... i would like to ask, if possible, who gave the order, what is this order, in the order to be, there should be at least 10 points, measures that need to be carried out to subordinates in order to leave in an organized manner, the order does not mean that the guys retreat , it is not, it is not an order, it is a command, it is a command to scratch , the order is where there are 10 provisions, points that must be done by all subordinates in order to organize an exit ... to go to another frontier, this is firstly, secondly, of course, our military commanders who were preparing had already seen that the avdiivka was about to close, she
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had to either get out or launch counterattacks, if the counterattacks could not be launched, means to leave, and where, where to leave, boundaries, where the boundaries have been prepared, mr. ivan, but you see, we already have all the experts saying, sorry, i'm going to interrupt you, literally for a second now, i'm sorry, we already have all the experts. for two or three weeks they said that avdiivka is unlikely to hold out, this was said by journalists who visited there, for example, butusa visited there and said that the situation was critical, we officially said that everything is fine in avdiivka, it stands firm and will never fall , and you say when there were orders, i have a question, at that moment the orders were already being prepared, did they give the actual command at the end, as you say, if a command was given, then this command will make everyone flee, a command to retreat. to scratch, that means, but if they prepared and gave an order, then the order requires time for its organization, preparation, implementation, of course, therefore, the order is an organized thing
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that is prepared, well, let's say this, in advance of the departure, while we are still barely holding on, we need to prepare and give an order and organize its execution, then it will be competent, but we also had to think about which lines to retreat to. who will prepare these frontiers, with what forces will equip their forces, so that it does not happen as happened with the following , that is, populated areas that are already further behind the front line, are deeper, and why did it happen that one was captured, and now it is being repulsed and so on, our troops, this is all evidence that there was no unity in the military and political leadership. unity regarding actions, evaluations of actions around avdiivka, and this lack of unity led to such,
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shall we say, not very organized exit from avdiivka. you know, we have a new commander of the ground forces, general pavlyuk, recently made a statement that we will have a new counteroffensive at the end of the summer or whenever. powerful, here , and that the russians are somehow discussing it and so on, but we really have reasons to say now that we will have a counteroffensive, why announce it and emphasize it, announce that it basically gives, well, maybe he knows something , which we do not know, in general, how are military experts who are themselves in the personnel military, like you, for example, a reserve colonel. command of mobile troops, well, what does such an announcement mean, it's just some kind of pr or something something knows why the new team is saying this, well , you and i must keep track of the fact that all
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of us draw conclusions based on the analysis of the very small amounts of information that we receive from the front or from those actions on the front, practically we receive somewhere percentages two or three , no more information, or we have information in general in the form of... to move away from avdiivka, and everyone left avdiivka, and the rest are gone, as we know, the third assault brigade was introduced into avdiivka, which is disarmed, is the most a combat-ready and strong brigade, formed prepared, and already, which was counted in battles, successful battles against the enemy, but why did this brigade then make such a withdrawal, cover such an exit, it was not... not very organized, who is to blame here, the command or the discipline of the soldiers who carry out the command, brigade commander, we need to understand here, but unfortunately we do not have access and therefore
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we cannot say this, but we can only... assume, and this is not a very, very good action, which is generally related to the issue of the possibility of an offensive, about which said general pavlyuk, well, that's the first thing i will say, i take general pavlyuk very seriously, he is a professional military man, a sufficiently well-trained person with experience in managing a union, formations and associations, er... and that's why i think he knows what he's talking about or says what he was agreed to say, it must also be understood that such people themselves cannot appear on television there or in any mass media, they cannot, without agreeing their speech with a senior leader, that is at least the head or the president, if he said so, then they are they mean something, they have something, or there can be two positions here, the first position is
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that... they are really preparing, we are preparing for possible counterattacks, and the second is a political action in order to support the people in moral and psychological state, our population, that's because president verkhovnyi holokomovych can't claim to be a leader, because suddenly it's not like that, and then they'll be frivolous leaders, look like frivolous leaders, well, it won't have much of an effect on general pavlyuk, so to speak. therefore , i think there are two such, two factors which contributed to this speech, and as for the general assessment of possible or impossible issues, i can say unequivocally that russia will begin to actively advance with the onset of normal weather in the month of april or in may, and this indicates that it has the strength and means, it and are now actively conducting offensive operations, but these operations are conducted in the ... tection in which
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they started them, like during the offensive on audi, let's say, on bakhmut and so on, in which, i mean, that level of tactical tension, involvement of the association, connected military units, they decided, that it is not necessary to make an offensive tactically, that is, to attack in small units, pushing us out of the territory gradually behind... one line to another, and in this way they advanced both in bakhmut and in avdiivka, they liked it there, they are so far actions and act on the front , here is only a question, but can they act with other actions , well, here we need to ask our mr. budanov, who conducts military intelligence of the enemy, about his potential capabilities and must know clearly how capable they are of forming
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large-scale farms. pouvation in order to resolutely break through our defense and further. i think that they still have such plans, why, because they hope that the support for ukraine will still be the same as it is today, and that the states will delay the decision on support, europe will not be able to mobilize, so in such a way as to lead us as much as possible to everything that was promised to us, and in this way our armed forces will be in the same difficult position as ... together, and then they certainly, taking into account the weather, the weather and climate conditions, the dryness of the land, above all , will be able to apply more decisive counterattack, well, but for this they need to gather certain groupings of troops, as much as it is possible for them, i will say that it is possible, because so far they manage to group troops in one direction or another and strike at us, and we are not we do not inflict counterattack... fire damage,
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that is, in order to bleed them and not give them the opportunity to advance, and this indicates that they can form a larger such, a larger group, which can attack at a more decisive pace, with deep wedges to advance deep into our territory, we are ours the leaders should understand this, i think, well , what are we to evaluate with you, we cannot fantasize much with you... or assume some actions there on the part of russia or our troops, who do not have at least 25% of the information that they should know for that , so that such actions can be predicted, that is why all the speeches of experts, such as swidon, for example, are more rhetorical than...


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