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tv   [untitled]    March 8, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EET

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hygiene in order to present them to women, defenders in the armed forces. that is, this is already such a change in the format of the celebration. there was a bit of femininity here, there they said, thank you to our guards, but to those men who protect us, our safety in the army, and they collected deodorants and deodorants for them there. this is a very good example of how you can change the meanings of this celebration at school little by little, and i think that the more... we will talk about this topic publicly, thank you very much for raising these issues often in your broadcasts , the more we will change practices on at all levels, because really this is the celebration of march 8 as the international day of struggle for women's rights and international peace, it should take place at all levels, from the kindergarten to the greeting of the president, by the way, i recommend you to analyze the greeting of zelensky, as far as it was this year ... emancipated and how
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conservative was it? ok, haven't seen it yet , let's analyze it, thank you, tamara zlobina, philosopher, candidate of philosophical sciences, art critic, we talked with her about what, what this day should be, march 8 or march 8, as an international day for the protection of women's rights. dear friends, we are going to take a short break now , we will come back, we will talk about the fact that during the full-scale invasion, the ukrainians have already equaled the number of car purchases, equaled the level that was before the full-scale invasion, moreover, they prefer chinese electric cars, about this and not only further, damned stairs, my legs can't walk anymore, wait, i 'm suffocating, that there is no health, but what kind of health is there? in my sixties and i thought so
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rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad , about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at the end of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. on espresso. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self- titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what news will be analyze the guests of the project this week and actually, who will be the guest of the studio? we will find out already this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests - special. proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday. 17:10 on ereso.
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the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football together are stronger. dear friends, we are back and this is our final 20 minutes of our marathon today. lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we work for you in this studio. if your hand reaches for a tulip because you want to congratulate your loved ones daughters wives, sisters, mothers, grandmothers, uh, or they have such a request, then maybe talk to them and agree that maybe a few hryvnias for a qr code for our military, for which we are currently collecting, this is the 12th separate special forces unit, maybe these
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hryvnias will be more appropriate this year as a greeting from march 8, as the international day for the protection of women's rights, so don't forget to report, and we... in the meantime, we are adding ilya neskhodovskyi, an expert on economic issues, to our conversation. mr. ilya, good day to you, good day. lesya really wanted to start with automotive theme, let's start with it. purchases of cars by ukrainians at car dealerships have almost reached pre-war volumes. there is 11%, it seems that the gap was in the last month, and this is a good pace, they probably say that our economy is working well, lesya is indignant about something, says that it is simple. serez is even more than that, well, first of all, there is a war, and there are some challenges, for example, how are there challenges, like we see a qr code, and for our military, we collect money, we need 480,000, i don’t know, how much the car in the salon costs now, well, it depends very from the car, the most popular car
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bought by ukrainians last month was a duster, not a renault, well, dacha duster, and it costs somewhere, i think, somewhere around 700-800. thousand hryvnias, well, we are collecting for automobile and trench rebs, for buggies for evacuating the wounded and transporting combat kits, and this is a smaller amount than duster, but what else infuriates me is that chinese cars are among the letters, when something breaks with the equipment, or some products, when i search, i look at who makes them, and china, well, i'm sorry, but he is not on the side of ukraine, on the side. russia, mr. ilya, how, how to react to such statistics of the purchase of cars, to who is among the leaders? well, first of all , regarding the statistics, there is a certain moment here, regarding the deferred demand, and as a result of this deferred demand for the 22nd
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and the beginning of the 23rd year, now it is actually catching up, this is the first moment, the second moment, that is, people literally said, well, when the war ends, then... i will buy myself a new car, because this one is already falling apart, they still think well, the war may not end for another 100 years , i take this moment, it is a psychological moment, that it is necessary to make a decision accordingly now, the second moment, it is from a completely different side, this is what buys such cars, in that including the military, i.e. when they are on the front line, having accumulated a certain amount, accordingly they make a decision to also buy a suitable car, i.e. this... influences the fact that demand increases, because if we look at who earns how much, how they earn, then in this regard, the military, which are now on the front lines, and those soldiers who have already returned, from the front lines, we understand that what is happening now is not a process,
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not due to demobilization, but due to a little , let's say, sadder reasons why a person already finds himself at home, but having a certain capital on ... your capital for the fact that he defended our homeland and sacrificed his health, he also makes decisions about the purchase of a car, and of course, it must be objectively said that the saturation of ukraine, this international aid, these funds are poured into economy, and these funds vary, including among the population, or among different people, and they ... have enough money to buy these cars, so in that sense it also affects the demand for the fact that we have these statistics, that is these are the three main factors, i.e. the demand was postponed, it is being implemented now, the second point
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is the military, who have the appropriate capital and they decide to invest it in a new car , and the third point is that international aid is coming in significant amounts, and as a result it affects the situation except moreover... we also understand that all these cars are imports, and also one of the reasons why they make a decision is the expectation of a price increase, why, because now... the exchange rate , accordingly, has been kept at the level of 36 there for a long time, 37.5 for the previous year and at the beginning of the year, it rose to 38, 38.5, respectively , realizing that such trends may change accordingly in the future and the rate will be even higher, otherwise they make a decision to buy now, because in most new car dealerships, there is a direct dependence from the cost of the car and the exchange rate. and according to which it is cleared through customs and, accordingly, according to sales, that is, such reasons, why chinese
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cars? well, the chinese auto industry , mainly because they started to produce quite cheap electric cars id4, id6, and as a result, volkswagen, as a result of these chinese cars, they enter ukraine, ukrainians, taking into account the fact that europeans , american cars, they are much more expensive, accordingly, they no longer transfer... not from patriotic reasons, i understand, here they postpone such motivation for purchase, for choice, but based on the fact that the price difference is significant, and as a result they buy chinese a cheaper car, that's why there are such trends in chinese cars, and mr. ilya, i would like to ask about such a story, just now the draft law on mobiles is suspended with 4 thousand rights of modification. tion, where there are some things currently in this background of the law, the draft law to be more precise, which
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can significantly affect various economic factors, for example, the head of the national bank is already forced to give a briefing, and andrii pyshnyi has to refute that it seems that ukrainians have rushed to withdraw all their deposit funds, fearing , that later they will be arrested, so what about you you can, i can explain clearly. firstly, the negative dynamics was observed only for one month in january, and yet taking into account the fact that in the previous months, in november and december, there was active depositing into deposit accounts, in january the deposits mostly ran out here, and those who ran out of deposits, they didn't continue them, and one of the reasons why they didn't continue, really, is the norms that were quite like that in the mobilization law, about the possibility of... blocking accounts, as a result of which people in this case they simply expected what would happen next, how
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the situation would develop and what to do with the money. in addition, people saw the trend in the foreign exchange market, that is , what i was talking about, that is, from 37.5 there rose to 38.4, as a result, the expectations were negative, and therefore they began to transfer their hryvnia currency, and at the same time, very often, well, they didn't... some part remained in bank accounts, and mostly it went in cash, and we can see from the trends that ukrainians bought a record amount of currencies in january in the months of january, that is, in other words, these are still more situational factors, in february the situation has already improved, the hryvnia is stable, and no one transfers the currency in such large volumes, deposits have again started to... grow, and those more than 700 billion hryvnias in hryvnia deposits,
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is everything calm with them, is this panic not likely to start, or are these dangerous norms still remaining in the draft law, which can undermine this economic stability in your opinion, and take away the deposit early you can't, because they are all temporary, and you just can't, and it's actually prohibited there. take, that is, only demand funds, which you can withdraw, if three months, six months are specified there, they will continue to lie, so in this context, i believe that here of course, people will simply not continue deposits whose term has expired, and if there is such a norm, but at the same time they simply will not be able to withdraw their funds due to the corresponding ban, so in this context i do not think that it will be such a flurry there withdrawal of deposits, if there is even such a norm, while, as far as i
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know, the deposit deputies are opposed to this norm, because it is really a violation of certain parts of the constitution, that seizure of accounts, or let's say freezing of accounts, of course, this is not the reason and is a step that violates the current ukrainian legislation, therefore, in this context, i think that this norm will not exist, therefore this lady... she is clearly premature, now one of the top topics, it is of course the construction of defense structures, there is a lot of criticism, which appear in the western media, first of all, which tell about what is missing. there were structures near avdiivka, or now near bakhmut, and so on, now there is also a lot of talk and show that construction is taking place, we heard there that, for example, in zaporizhzhia, it seems that over a billion hryvnias are being allocated for the construction of defense structures. the question is , we discussed it recently, what is here, how, what should be the best strategy for
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them to be built quickly and efficiently, should it be done by local administrations, should it be some kind of government program, for example, i don't understand whether it exists or not, or could it be the maximum involvement, for example, of private enterprises, which, accordingly, will be able to perform these works more flexibly, perhaps? well, there is such a program, but i draw your attention to the fact that it appeared only in december of last year, that is, in other words, well, i have repeatedly expressed my opinion about the government and i can repeat it here. a government that is so amorphous, so inactive, ah, can't be in wartime, definitely needs one reformatting, clearly requires faster decision-making, allocation of funds, and the need to involve both private, private business, and directly state enterprises, removal of equipment, in particular from utility
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companies that have the appropriate equipment for digging relevant trenches and construction. necessary concrete and other constructions, that is, in other words, it is the responsibility of the government in the first place, and the local administration, after the withdrawal of funds, does not have the amount of resources and the opportunities that central authorities, therefore, in this context, what needs to be done is , first of all, it is more urgent to conclude appropriate contracts for the construction of such structures, this is the first moment, second, to allocate funds in a timely manner, to monitor their use in a timely manner, to monitor the execution of works , because what is happening now, in my opinion, it definitely creates significant problems for the ukrainian army, even when we have moments like avdiyivka, when we are retreating there, we had enough time to prepare
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the second and third lines of defense there, by allocating funds for this and attracting from... the appropriate equipment, people and other resources and being able to defend our territory quite powerfully, so in this context it is clearly the responsibility of the government, and the government should simply resolve these issues more quickly tasks and adopt relevant regulatory documents, as well as allocate financial resources, and it does not matter who allocates financial resources, it can be both utility enterprises that have the appropriate equipment and construction enterprises that have the appropriate equipment, as well as some other private enterprises that can provide and actually perform these works, and the bureau of economic security, whose reform is demanded, in particular by our western partners and the bill that was failed, in particular in the verkhovna rada, because it was believed to be corrupt and has not really
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reformed anything, what is the current situation with the government, what, what, in fact, needs to be changed in this structure and... will the authorities try again to push through the draft law, which is considered dangerous? i will definitely miss it, because i'm not here i doubt it, we understand, first of all, this is such a failure, on the contrary, it is our victory that tatarov’s draft law was not allowed, in fact tatarov wants to have the signature of the cabinet of ministers, who tried to maintain control over the bureau of economic security, at the moment there his people work. it was actually formed from former employees of the tax police, as a result of the reform , which did not take place as such, one of the reasons for the reform, it is not in a bad law, but as a result of placing their people in all positions, without competitions, with violations that do not meet the qualification characteristics, that did not meet, did not pass for the appropriate
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number of integrity, then in this context it is of course what is needed to have... those norms that are insisted on by our international partners, and business, and deputies, this is a question, first of all, of the very election of the head of this structure in order not to appoint one's own, this is the first moment, and the second moment, it is now necessary to carry out a full re-certification within the next year employees, because let's be honest, this is the tax police 2.0 and accordingly. the functions it performs and the work methods it performs are not new. the leader who was mr. melnyk, he did not set himself such a task, he set himself the task of restoring. the tax police, and he actually managed to do it, he recruited there from completely different places and from the tax police mainly, as well as from the sbu, the prosecutor's office and other law enforcement agencies,
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which were engaged in, among other things, economic crimes, and they built their vertical crushing illegal business, and according to the statistics on the growth of illegal tobacco production, sales of tobacco, illegal production of alcohol, as well as gasoline, we see that... bep does not perform its work properly, in fact, covering up all these schemes. we read that putin plans to raise taxes again in his country, explaining that the country is at war, and the war is long and serious, from time to time we have voices that taxes should be raised, there the fursa likes to talk about it, nevertheless , currently, what is our situation, is it worth it raise by... if so, how and to whom do you think we literally have two minutes left, very briefly, there are alternative ways, of course, first of all, i already
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insisted that there are schemes that can be closed and to ensure a significant increase in revenues to the state budget, this is a matter for the relevant law enforcement agencies, the tax office, and the customs office, which must perform such functions, this is the first point, and the second point is the question of how much of the state budget i would transfer more to the national bank. why because it's his policy, in particular the high discount rate , which leads to the fact that the 579 program pays out significant payments of the difference between these 579 interest and the rate that is established based on the discount rate, this is billions of hryvnias, this is also a question of an undervalued exchange rate, because the national bank of the fact is, not only that our gold and currency reserves are decreasing, because his policy is not sufficiently substantiated in terms of what goals he sets for himself. by reducing the rate of the national currency, we lose as well as in the case of customs payments, as well as on the issue of the implementation of our international aid, which is received and sold at lower interest rates, these are tens
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of billions of hryvnias lost as a result of this, in addition to this, also in terms of accounting rates, well , we have a bond of internal government services and the main holder is the national bank of ukraine and a significant the amount of these bonds is again tied to a discount rate of 15%, with inflation... of 5%, as i recall, so we have a lot of different alternative ways to increase the filling of the state budget, and if we are going to talk about taxes, then first of all, here we should , excuse me, not pull from the fops, as it was already announced by the ministry of finance, but focus more on those things that would help ukrainian business, in particular, for example , this is also a matter of increasing the import duty, which would equalize the situation in terms of competition, because we see that we are already buying not... ukrainian goods, but polish goods, as well as a possible increase in vat, which is neutral in terms of economic growth. sir, thank you very much for this very complete nice answer. lyanes khodovskyi was
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an expert on economic issues with us. on this we have almost everything, almost everything. today, we collected almost 20,000 with you for the 12th separate detachment of special forces on buggies for evacuating the wounded and transporting combat kits, as well as for automobile and trench reb, dear friends, thank you for this. andriy saichuk, lyas vakluk worked for you, see you tomorrow at 7.10, and you stay with espresso, because ether espresso continues. there are discounts on lactacyt 25% in pharmacies plantain, bam and savings. there are discounts on parafast, 10% in travel pharmacies, bam and oskad. there are discounts on voltaren forte of 20% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. tired of heavy and bulky saws? then pilka strong from razpak tv is just for you. with it you
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sport. the national team represents the stronger united by football. greetings, it's news time on espresso. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. vice president of the european commission valdis dombrovskis also arrived in kyiv. he published a photo near the train on the x social network, and also wrote that it is a great honor for him to return to ukraine, which courageously resists
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russia's brutal and illegal aggression. european oarsmen .


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