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tv   [untitled]    March 8, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EET

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for the production of weapons, she calls for maximum success, and she wants to remain at the head of the european people 's party and be its representative as president of the european commission, that is, let's not forget that in three months there will be elections to the european parliament, in which the european people's party will try to keep its own. the position of the currently dominant political power of the old world, this also determines the position of ursula funderlein, and the continuation of ukraine's effective resistance, the continuation of ukraine's struggle against russia, this is currently a component of the pre-election program of the european people's party, i have no doubts about this issue. mr. yevgeny, one more topic is quite important, because literally...
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in a few hours , the president of the united states of america , joseph biden, should speak before the congress of the united states of america, but obviously one of the topics will be an appeal for aid to ukraine, restoration of funding, 61 billion dollars is planned to be allocated to ukraine, well at least it was planned earlier, but there was information that we are considering the administration of president biden. the possibility of using about 200 million dollars from the budget of the american army to provide operational assistance to ukraine, as a large aid package remains blocked in congress, bloomberg reports. meanwhile, according to john kirby, the white house national security council's strategic communications coordinator, the biden administration continues to work with congress on whether it has approved such a package of funding for... ukraine, let's hear what
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john kirby said. there was no way we weren't looking at other options, but whatever they are, they won't be like additional funding, there's no substitute for it. as i have said many times, there is no magic source that can do what supplemental funding can. but are we considering the options? absolutely, we must, given the situation on the battlefield. especially in the east, mr. yevgeny, everyone says that ukraine should be helped, president france says that it is necessary, no, that it is necessary to cross red lines, that there are no such red lines, olaf scholz says that it is necessary to help ukraine, but does not provide taurus, the united states of america says that it is necessary to restore financing of ukraine, which is holding them back, why they have not been up to date in the last three or four months. they are restrained on the one hand
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by the political situation within their countries, on the other hand by the fact that they do not want to imagine a world without russia, they do not they want to tell themselves that the russian empire is an empire that must collapse, and on the ukrainian side, too, there should be more active efforts aimed at showing that the russian empire will definitely collapse and we... ukrainians will play a march at the funeral of the russian empire, this should be a fairly obvious point, we have to work with it as actively as possible, and accordingly, this is what is currently the task of our foreign policy, we cannot afford to simply watch how this or that was simply moved there or back, no, it won't happen, we have to be proactive, we have to work in a different
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way, and not just wait for our western partners to finally find a way to recognize russia as one that needs to be broken up into the smallest possible parts and not allowed to combine . we must understand that unprovoked russian aggression is an extremely serious challenge not only for... ukraine, but for the whole world, and we must work with it as actively as possible. thank you, mr. yevgeny, for the conversation, it was yevhen magda, the executive director of the institute world politics. friends, we are working live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching live there. please like this video and vote in our poll. today we ask you the following question: is china capable of stopping russia's aggression? yes, no, if you...
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vote on youtube, it's pretty simple, either yes or no, if you have your own opinion, please leave it in the comments below this video, we always want to know your opinion if you watch take us on tv. to take out your smartphones and vote if you think china is capable of stopping russia's aggression (0800-211-381) no (0800-211-382). all calls to these numbers are free. serhii bratchuk, a loan shark, spokesperson of the ukrainian volunteer army south, will be on our air next. mr. serhiy, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. glory to ukraine, glory to the armed forces, thank you for the invitation, congratulations. glory to heroes. let's start with yesterday's event, since almost all major western media wrote about the missile attack on odesa and how a russian missile exploded 500 km from president zelenskyi and 500 m from
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president volodymyr zelenskyi and greek prime minister kyriakos mitsotakis, and cnn reports the greek media as well. the state department of the united states of america commented on this incident, let's hear what washington says. i think this strike is another reminder of how russia continues to strike ukraine every day. it is a reminder of ukraine's need for air defense missiles, and it is a reminder that the united states congress must to take measures to which we his... mr. serhiy, explain how this all happened and what it means, a blow to the port infrastructure, considering the grain corridor and the fact that the greeks are one of the largest carriers from
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odessa, according to of the mediterranean mediterranean countries, and whether this can be considered a provocation by the russian federation. and a deliberate blow during the visit of the prime minister of greece? well, first of all, i'll start with the second part of your question, is it possible to consider this a provocation, this is terror, purely, purely terrorist act, another war crime of the russian federation, which, by the way, is documented, of course, because, unfortunately, there are people killed, there are people injured, it is recorded, and it will also be documented. and the table is laid for the judges of the international tribunal, which will undoubtedly happen, of course, unfortunately, not tomorrow, not today, maybe not the day after tomorrow in time, but nevertheless it will happen, and all criminals must suffer punishment, how can you explain the actions at all
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terrorist, i am often asked why odessa, let's say, is haunted these days, although i would like to remind you that from the beginning of the great invasion since february 24... on the 22nd of the year, flights came to odessa from the first minutes of the beginning of this war, let's talk about the second of may, when the enemy of the 14th year did not manage to capture odessa , then there was a battle, and actually from that time odessa, and this is an answer, including to the question of why he continues to have nightmares and will continue to try to do it, of course, although we are fighting back as effectively as possible, in my opinion, that is the second answer, it is already paid emotionally and morally. lies, because odessa is really a bone for the enemy, because odessa showed itself as a ukrainian sea gate, as a southern outpost of ukraine, which fought and continues to fight, to strengthen
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the state's defense capabilities and does not even in its worst dreams, terrible dreams, imagine itself as some little russian, new russian or even more russian city, that's why it's not. .. such, you know, pitiful, as it is customary to say, excuse me for the word, boyish revenge, the speaker’s bully, well, it’s actually emotional, and if we take geopolitical, military-political moments, including economic ones, then it’s already returning to the question of why ports, why port-side infrastructure, this is also understandable, because the grain agreement, which has long since gone down in history, many probably even forgot about it when they were in ukraine. turkey, the un, on the other hand, sorry, god, russia, turkey and the united nations, forgot about it, why? because ukraine won back, i emphasize, won back its right, as well as the opportunity for our western partners and not
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only western partners, to work on new export corridors, i emphasize, these are not purely grain, but export corridors, and we see that today it was possible to create such conditions so that the pre-war indicators of these corridors reached pre-war indicators and the most important thing is that the nomenclature has changed, that is, it is not purely ukrainian grain. and including ukrainian grain, therefore, of course, this cannot but disturb the enemy, that is, we can see very well that ukraine drove the russian black sea flotilla to novorossiysk by offensive actions in the black sea. ukraine has already destroyed three enemy ships this year. ukraine, which - well, that's how we say, such a formula on today, unfortunately, it does not have a full -fledged naval force. on the other hand, we have planned military operations. we have a flotilla of naval drones, we have strikes on
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the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea, because this is the logistics of the black sea fleet, and again, in the end, we return to the fact that these corridors and routes are grain metal, they are working for export today, and our allies, and ukraine brought order to this process, actually, of course, what the enemy is doing, you tell us... let's hit you on the port and near -port infrastructure, let's not forget that the south of odesa region is the danube, so it's all clear, that's why it's possible to explain the fact that the enemy once again struck yesterday, attacked with ballistics, previously it was inhabited by a point in the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea, ballistic missile launchers were recorded there, the investigation will give an answer. is it final that it was, but i will say that there is such information in advance, the most important thing,
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unfortunately, is that people died and were injured, and that at that time they were very close, and the president of ukraine and the prime minister of greece , this is a war, we understand very well that he can fly to odesa, in particular , at any hour, any minute today, both at night and during the day, we can actually see it, it is right now the president and prime minister of greece. they honor the dead, our tragedy from the first night from march 1 to 2, then 12 people remember, five of them were children, so this is a war, and this is a reminder, including that the war continues, it is not somewhere far away , she is nearby, and on the other hand, we always talk about the fact that in this way and those guests who enter, well, let's say such conditions, when ours just sounds there and the air alarm signal, they also understand that it... continues, they see it all with their own eyes, it's completely, let's say it, different, maybe
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the motivation for them arises, and this motivation , including, it helps, i hope , helps us, if we are talking about weapons, about air defense systems for odesa, again, to cover our ports, so that they work, to cover our the sky to enable odeshchyna to work further on the defense capability of our country, mr. sergey, literally... a few days ago, the deputy head of the security council of the russian federation, dmitry medvedev, spoke about odessa and the encroachments of the russian occupiers on this city. let's listen to medvedev's rather short synchronicity. odesa, come home. we waited for odessa in the russian federation, even because of the history of this city, what kind of people live there and what... language they speak, this is our russian city, different
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languages ​​are spoken in odessa, and those who speak russian, are they somehow perceive medvedev in private conversations, in some conversations in a public place, do they somehow reflect on what he says? i will tell you, you know, there is such a formula, unfortunately it is not mine, i am very jealous of the author, she is a woman, the author of this form. because it really impresses me, and it just gives the answer to a much more important question, why odessa is like this today, and it was like this yesterday, in fact, and in the future it will only be like this, because it includes the russian language here, a lot odessans, i'm speaking the original language now, many odessans went to bed at 24, i'm sorry, february 23, woke up. february 24, this formula, it, well, in fact
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, let's agree, gives an answer to many questions, who, how, to what and to whom, ah, behaves, and how do odessans relate to what happened and continues to happen, you know, you can joke about the fact that medvedev uses too much, there, but we understand that he voices what he voices in a narrow circle, maybe putin too, or one of these putins, yes, if they there really are several of them there, and we can actually say that medvedev's house was taken prisoner, he drinks and uses that boyar and in this way... is sending us signals that take me to ukraine, take me away from that accursed moscow, because there everyone will sit on the bench later, and i don't want to sit, i want to breathe fresh air, of course it's all the same , but on the other hand, i said how odessans feel about it, and that's why i think there is already a question here, or rather the dots have long been placed, and even
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to return to this question, well, you know, not everyone in odessa even heard it expressed. and we will say very simply to close this topic, although it will continue, you understand that odesa, it is my country, and we must speak about it first, and about medvedev, let feathers grow in his mouth, that would be enough, well, as the ukrainians say, so that our enemies they crawled, well, it’s also in principle, you can say that, look, mr. serhiy , over the past two months, a lot has been said about... well, the ukrainians are preparing for fortifications, they are preparing fortifications, forgive me, is this kind of work being carried out without unnecessary details, of course, in the odesa region, given the fact that there are many problematic areas, well, in particular, the border with
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transnistria is not recognized, and where is the rest of what is there a fortieth one. the 14th army , the former soviet, now the russian federation, are such works being carried out to strengthen the borders of odesa, you know, i wanted to make a joke about the remnants, the unfinished remnants of the 14th, and this is what i actually meant, of course, as regards fortifications, first of all, as a military person, i want to tell you that the defense system, it is... is always being improved and it does not have these limits of improvement, defense is, again, progress does not stand still, including the construction of engineering structures, and military fortification, including many new materials and many ideas arise, there is a classic, something that will never disappear to bite into the ground as much as possible to withstand under enemy
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invasion, this process, it did not start today. not yesterday, i understand why today society has such a request for information about whether or not the construction of fortifications is taking place there in which directions, i will not talk about the directions, say what, where, when what is happening there, what i will tentatively say, entrenchment has been going on since the beginning of a full-scale invasion, it is absolutely true, in which areas, on, on... more dangerous and where this fortification should be built, well, and most importantly, i think that this is all that we will be fine in any case, because no matter how much we want to, unfortunately, we will not geographically transfer this neighbor, this russian location, somewhere to another universe, maybe someday in time, our great-grandchildren
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will do it , so let it be better, there is nothing wrong with me personally, to be honest, i don't i see in fact, this is what saves lives, this is what should be, and if these works are actively taking place now, we can see this activation in different regions, i would prefer that our people do not perceive it with a sense of some kind of panic, that there is an attack to kyiv, tomorrow landing on odesa, all this is panic-mongering, good people, accept it. that it is good, because it is our protection, our defense, our security, i think this should be enough to understand, let there be more. thank you, mr. serhiy, for the conversation, it was serhiy bratchuk, the spokesperson of the ukrainian volunteer army south. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. don't be stingy.
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please like this video so that it can be trended on youtube and facebook. well, vote in our survey, today we are asking you about the following: is china capable of stopping russia's aggression? yes, no, it 's quite simple on youtube, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone and vote if you think china can stop russian aggression, 0.800-211-381, no 0800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote, it's important for us to know your opinion. next, we will be in touch with roman tsimbalyuk, a journalist, my former colleague. laskorunian in moscow. mr. armand, i welcome you, thank you for being with us today. greetings, serhiy. those who watch us on youtube, once again i urge you to subscribe to... the youtube channel of roman tsymbalyuk, a person who is watched by millions of users on this platform, you can also become these viewers, but for now, let's start
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our conversation roman from appointment: valery zaluzhny will become the ambassador of great britain, ukraine in great britain, the candidacy of the former head of the armed forces of ukraine has been approved, they are waiting for a response from london, i.e. agriman, what do you think? destination and what does it mean? well , i think it's great news from every point of view: firstly, it's long past time to appoint a worthy candidate to london, to great britain, which is one of our greatest allies, and as far as i know, the former secretary of defense, great britain from ... that it is so, well , i think that i am not mistaken, and they are not simple so they refused
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, with a good deal, most likely there will be no such nuances, because this is a completely different, different situation, because the fact of providing gryman is, as it were, evidence that the state is not ready to work with this person, in our case, i think, it is enough . the talent of valery fedorovych must be used, and right away, you see, some ratings flashed here, that there is a conditional party of hard workers, it is recruiting more than the party of the servants of the people or something else, in principle, well, it is clear that elections and once upon a time we have will be, but that they after all, they happened, you have to live to see them, and for this you have to build fortifications, populate defenses and kill russian... invaders, so i don’t see any negative in this case, and the very fact that zaluzhny
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agreed to this position, he is just and says that there is an understanding that these are all things that are partially thrown into the information space, sometimes it is produced by the authorities themselves, there is some kind of conflict of misunderstanding, that this is not... reality, because the diligent as the commander, and the diligent as an ambassador, these are generally direct appointments of the president of ukraine. well, it must be said that despite the publication of these ratings of people 's trust, zaluzhny never articulated his political ambitions, he did not say that i want to be the president of ukraine, or that i want to be the leader of a political force, i.e. hypothetically. this was assumed by political experts, but the rating of people's trust does not at all mean that valery fedorovych himself wants to be the head of some political force there,
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he made it clear that he wants to be the head of a political force called ukraine, i.e. the community, he will represent the interests of the ukrainian community, i understand that this issue has already been agreed upon, because president zelenskyi would not have announced this if the british side did not agree. and there would be no negotiations there at the level of the north atlantic alliance, that's for sure, because a general, a combat general in that position, it's still a sign that the british want to have a conversation on an equal footing with a person who understands all this, parallel to this , with the appointment we see the grand tour that the diplomatic wanyi arranged, the special representative of china in his. and he traveled all over absolutely in the status of the head of the ministry of foreign affairs, traveled to europe, traveled to russia and is yet to come, i understand to ukraine, and this is
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not the first visit of vanya, vanya in moscow, or at least after visited moscow, stated that his country is ready to strengthen friendship with russia and work on the creation of new driving forces of cooperation, he also spoke about ukraine, let's listen to a small fragment. as key leading countries of the world and permanent members of the un security council, china and russia have developed a new one a paradigm of relations between major countries that differs from the outdated approach of the cold war era. based on non-aligned, non-confrontational and non-targeting of any third party, china and russia are aiming for the long term. good neighborliness and friendship, deepening comprehensive strategic cooperation. china is ready to cooperate with russia for further development, creating
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new driving forces for cooperation. and steadily strengthen the foundation of friendship between the two peoples. well, he said that china is ready to facilitate peace talks regarding ukraine, but there are conditions, also a small synchronicity. in the ukrainian issue, china has always maintained an objective and fair position and has repeatedly sent special envoys to mediate. the president of the people's republic of china , xi jinping, personally held an in-depth communication. with the leaders of various countries, including russia and ukraine. everything we have done is aimed at one goal: to pave the way and build bridges to end hostilities and hold peace talks. roman, china talks about these quite often peace negotiations, and we remember, in the 23rd year, a year after the start of the great war, they had 12 points on how they see the future of ukraine and russia there. and
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it was a declaration , there was nothing more in this declaration, they constantly talk about the need, the need for peace, but how to get this peace, beijing does not yet know, we ask our viewers whether china is able to stop aggression of russia, if you were to answer this question, well, it is capable, it is clear that it is capable and has the appropriate leverage, the only question is whether the people's republic of china will use these levers. while they are thinking, i remember something about the publications of the ministry of defense of ukraine about how they build defensive lines, and dragons' teeth and trenches and so on, and here this is just a very important moment, because there will be many statements about peace, about friendship, about chewing gum, there is something else, we just need to stop shooting, somewhere we
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all are too... we once heard that there is an agreement somewhere, currently the people's republic of china is nothing but general phrases, they do not speak, and with a high probability , this will not affect the situation in any way as a result, and if china would like to stop the aggression of the russian federation, and they nevertheless proceed from the postulate of the inviolability of borders, then they could ... trivially stop providing the russian federation with high technologies, there is no only components for drones , there are also high-precision machines, there is a whole lot of everything, could influence north korea not to supply them with ammunition for artillery and so on and so forth, so actually, as far as i'm concerned, we see such, well enough not like that the insincere position
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of the people's republic of china, which... says that it takes a neutral position, although in fact it does not take this position, i understand that putin's activities have put russia in total dependence on china, but how do they milk them in fact non- stop, determine the prices of all goods that are available in russia, primarily minerals, but this gives an opportunity. putin and his regime get money for all this, so of course they have leverage, but there is no reason to say that they will use it, but considering how permanently china during the last 100 years, at least, reminds of some territories of the russian federation, eastern,
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far eastern. and considering that, in principle , the chinese could count on something there, they, they just want such a quiet absorption by their people of these regions that border the russian federation, well , accordingly, probably some of the chinese still consider these territories their own, including the city of khabarovsk. well, there is not only khabarovsk, there is also vladivostok, there are a lot of all these places, cities that are on... the border and in general in the far east, they all have chinese names, and on chinese maps , accordingly, there is no khabarovsk and vladivostok there, there, when you asked the question, i remembered my conversation back in moscow with one person, whom i actually asked about this very thing , that the russians, you don't think that your
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president is too much of an idiot, because... what he does is, first of all, halls.


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