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tv   [untitled]    March 8, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EET

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with the strong saw, just look how quickly it copes with even thick branches, once it's done, and unlike standard pollen, it is so convenient to use it in hard- to-reach places. the set includes a powerful battery, a key and a screwdriver, as well as a charger. call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 1,499 with the possibility of free delivery. check with consultants: a powerful strong saw is what you need, call. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. infoday of the tv channel in rozpala, we are now adding andriy shkil to our marathon, a political commentator, a member of the verkhovna rada for several terms. glory to ukraine, andrii, we congratulate you.
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glory to the heroes, congratulations to each other. well , we would like to ask you right away about a certain french conflict in statements, that is, on the one hand , it looks like a conflict, on the other hand, maybe it looks like not fully verified information on fact-checking, in particular, when we are talking about macron's statements. look, french president emmanuel macron said at a meeting with the heads of political parties on thursday that sending troops to ukraine is possible if russian troops break through to odesa or. kyiv and reported about it representative of the communist party, fabien roussel. according to him, a representative of the communist party of france. macron mentioned a scenario that could trigger the intervention of the advance of the front, in case of a breakthrough of the front by russian interventionists in the direction of odesa or in the direction of kyiv. at the same time, the representative of the far-right french party national union jordan bardela claims. that the french
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leader emmanuel macron does not see any restrictions and red lines in matters of aid to ukraine, at the same time the french minister of defense voices the official line, so to speak, so he says: well, what could be, well, but there is no such, you know, radicalism in the statements, like those representatives who quoted, as it were , the president of france, you have a word, mr. andrii, well, first of all, we need a few... literally words to say about what happened before that, before that there was a meeting with representatives of the political forces of the political parties that are represented in the french parliament and with former presidents, in particular with macron's predecessor olan and with olan sarkozy's predecessor. sarkozy's property did not comment on anything, and olen said, i think the key phrase here is that i heard, understood the danger of the situation, but about the directions of aid... i would prefer to remain silent, because the less
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you say, the faster those things that are necessary in supporting ukraine, will be implemented, and this is, in my opinion, the main information about what is happening in france regarding the prospects for development, ukraine's participation in the ukrainian, well, the security of the french state, because this is exactly how the question of ensuring security stands, that is, this complete line ... a full-size french line is looming now, visibly, clearly and confirmed, emphasized, although if we throw such a short thread into the history of relations, well, we can recall that in the 17th year, when macron was running for the post of president, he called that the main challenge to french security and security of europe, there is a war that is going on, that is going on in europe on... which
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continent, referring to the occupation of crimea and the war in the east of ukraine, then he called the war a war, not ato, as ukraine called it then, that's why. .. with weighted attitude was very noticeable in the difference between predecessor olan and macron, he wanted a reset of relations with ukraine , a reset of european security systems in general after that, and this was dictated by this, remember, the visit was organized by the elysée palace of the then presidential candidate zelensky, when he won the first round, but the next was still preceded the second round, and there was a meeting with him, between him. and macron, why this meeting took place, because ukraine was already then the subject of a deeper, wider and much greater study than it was under all the french authorities, because the situation changed and the government changed, and the newly arrived government wanted to restart
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relations with the help of a peculiarly ukrainian issue, including european relations, and that is why it sounds so bright now, although before this... there was preparation, plus, if we talk about confrontation, which was constantly in france between the conditional extreme left, extreme right, and the center, which macron represents now, which has corresponding political power, then this confirms that the position of the center, the position of the power structure regarding of ukraine, has never changed, about the absence of red lines, macron said back in the 22nd year. that is, almost immediately after the full-scale incursion of russian troops into the territory of ukraine, because the position of france in that case was determined before that, france was constantly dictating, trying to set the pace of the formation of
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european security itself . that the russians, together with the help of various chinese proxies, they what, they gradually began to squeeze... out of africa france, we understand that france was against , but, but, but, that is, france itself now has to rethink both the security strategy and the strategy of using resources, and the readiness in the event of something to respond to russian aggression on the continent, that is, which could directly in to hit french interests in the literal sense, i know what you know, how french politics works and in general what... now the mainstream sentiments among the french not only politicians, but also society, that is, france in france, realize that it is early is it too late will they have to seriously decide? well, i think that now the french authorities, in
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the person of the commander-in-chief and the president of france, are showing this readiness and ability. and naturally, the discussion, the discourse is conditional, well, you know, when we talk about ukraine, it's always a bit of a political discussion. it is not so often discussed geopolitical things somewhere conventionally over a cup of coffee in france, but nevertheless, if we take the french establishment, the position, the division of the position is approximately as it was outlined during the discussions between by prime minister atal of france and marine le pen in the national assembly, when after the speech of the regiment lipendi spoke, she said that she wanted to drag on the war again, absolutely senseless actions. the current leader of france, you want the russian troops to be here again, you are calling here, atal’s answer was something like this, he said: well, why call the russian troops here and talk about their threat, when the russian troops, putin’s troops are already here, and you lead one of
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the battalions of putin's troops in france, and you fight against french democracy with the help of russian support, and your political power - says atal, has always supported russia. in this war more than ukraine, le pen threatened to sue atal for this and vlastimo bardel, who was present at the meeting with macron to discuss the security situation in europe in the context of russia's war of aggression against ukraine, said that the main topic of my conversation was rejecting those completely baseless accusations that our political power, that is, er... former the national front, and now it is called the national union, is a part of the russian troops, this is a ridiculous accusation, but the discussion is being conducted in approximately this and the same way: the french elites perfectly understand that, left to itself
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, europe will automatically find itself without the united states, automatically falls under the responsibility of france, it is the only continental country that has nuclear weapons, it is the only country that has... a complete complete cycle of almost the entire military-industrial complex and, accordingly, responsibility for it and the first army in europe, no matter how numerous it may be, about which... the french generals dream, dream, but nevertheless, it is the most capable army, the national army on the continent, only the american troops, which are stationed on the continent, are more capable than them the territory of germany, and this responsibility is characteristic, on the one hand it puts pressure on the prospects, macron's personal vision of his position in further world history, european in particular, and on the other hand it puts pressure on french interests, because... france is a large agrarian state, despite the fact that everyone has their own idea, a large
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industrial state, airplanes, naval ships are produced underwater or not, that is , it is a huge structure that depends on world trends, first of all, it can develop, to develop as a powerful state only under the conditions of security in europe, and russia poses a danger not only to it, relatively speaking, to central and eastern europe, but to europe in general, the french clearly understand this, it was clear after i had to leave the russian markets, about 10 billions of euros were lost by french companies due to the exit from the russian market, and practically all of them left there , except for those who simply betrayed european traditions and democracies, such as leurois marland or other small structures that remained there in russia, the rest of the powerful enterprises came from russia a long time ago, for example renault. which had little car production in russia, more cars were produced only in france, for all the other
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countries where there were renaw factories , less was produced than in russia, these losses are noticeable, and in in the future, they will be even greater if we do not stop the aggressor, do not repel, as putin also said, in my opinion, do not pull out his fangs and cut the claws from the bear's paw, when this happens, then it will be possible to develop a normal france and european security. thank you, mr. andriy, andriyshki. a political commentator and deputy of the verkhovna rada has been in touch with us for several convocations, we will move on, we have a short break as planned, and actually we want to remind you once again of our viewers, who are currently watching us on youtube, who are leaving your comments, so your thoughts, and those who are now watching us on television, we urge you to join our collection, it is important that we collect uah 480,000 for the 12th separate detachment with you. destination, they need buggies to evacuate the wounded and transport combat kits, and they also need tools, you have
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available places, a powerful battery, a key and a screwdriver, as well as a charger are included. call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 1,499 with the possibility of free delivery. check with the consultants: a powerful saw strong is what you need, call, if you are tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from unpack tv is just for you, you are with it. easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use it for carpentry, it is the perfect tool for your house or garden, and the price is only from uah 1,499, a reliable battery is also included , call now and order, there is a possibility of free delivery, check with the consultants, cut branches, cut timber, chop firewood, you can do all this in one movement with a strong saw , just look at how quickly she copes with even the fat ones. once it's ready and, unlike standard saws, it 's so convenient to use it in hard-to-reach
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united by football. stronger together. every week , the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. the information day of the tv channel is in full swing, well, the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi has already landed in turkey, today he is scheduled to meet with the president of turkey redlyap tayip erdogan. they will talk, as far as we understand, about various diplomatic tracks, and at the same time about the release of military prisoners of war who are in the territory of the aggressor state of russia, so at one
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time turkish mediation turned out to be extremely productive. about this and about other things in the future. in the next few hours we will talk, well, but for now, in the meantime, we will talk about a quite controversial, as for me, holiday, it is international women's day, so march 8 is traditionally celebrated as the day of struggle for rights women, well, the sociology of the latter shows that in recent years in ukraine , opinions about this holiday have changed, for example, in the 17th year this holiday was one of the most favorite for almost half. ukrainians, and now only 21% for every fifth. these are at least the results of a survey by the kyiv international institute of sociology. therefore, the struggle for the rights or survival of the soviet union is a holiday, we will find out, but before that we suggest watching the plot of our colleagues. we were born
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from the great hour, from the fires of war from the flames. anger, pain united us after the loss of ukraine, fed us anger and laughter at the enemies. ukrainian women, brave, strong, free. international women's day is designed to remind the world of the outstanding achievements of women and draw attention to the issue of gender equality and sexism. however, since the times of the ussr, ukrainians have misunderstood it and bought it. tulips, to congratulate the most tender and sweetest, there were a lot of these problems, but there was no opportunity to talk about them, there was an opportunity only once a year to give flowers to women, to congratulate them, how beautiful they are, how they decorate the collective and make this holiday for them one day a year, and since
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in reality the reality in the soviet union was so very complicated, difficult, depressing, there were... a lot of problems, then this one day of the holiday, it was for women very valuable since 1997, according to the decision of the un, the official name of march 8 is the international day of struggle for women's rights and international peace. since 2008 , feminist marches have been held annually on this day in ukraine, which were almost traditionally accompanied by clashes. objectification of women over time after the independence of ukraine increased significantly, and with the beginning of the anti-terrorist operation and the full-scale invasion, girls took up professions that were not at all girlish. currently , more than 60,000 women serve in the ranks of the armed forces. the armed forces is changing, the world is changing, there are many women, and now they do not have to be enlisted as seamstresses or tailors, as it was before,
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even if a woman held a different position, but she was enlisted in... still for a traditional female role in the armed forces, but it's not like that now and some people still have a hard time accepting it, but luckily there are changes, there are women machine gunners, there are women female snipers, there are any positions. those of the cutest who were not at the front became volunteers. ukrainian girls understand weapons and find parts for tanks, transport suvs and buses, weave camouflage nets and collect cargo for ... front, when you come to the volunteer warehouse, you see what boxes the girls are carrying, what they are carrying, what they are transporting. that they are practicing from... perhaps they would not have taken on such a weight before, but now they are taking it, i think, if even
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there by the end of this year we will gain victory, the war will end, these girls will also continue to do their bit, because we are already citizens, ukrainian women do not stand aside and fly away. life of the country. 85 women work in the verkhovna rada of the ninth convocation, which is 21%. we also have four female ministers, which is the best indicator since independence. however, the representative 50% is still far away. in order to get into the ukrainian parliament, a man can have an average level of qualification. let's put it mildly. women, of course, are also very different, but if we take the average level. then it is much higher, that is, this is actually evidence that , firstly, there are qualified women who are able to adequately represent the ukrainian position, protect the country, work for the good
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of society, but it is difficult for them, it is more difficult for them to overcome obstacles, stereotypes, ideas that they do not belong there place and so on and so on. ukraine consistently implements gender policy in legislation. in addition to the introduction of gender quotas in party electoral lists at the level of... the state increased responsibility for domestic violence and gender-based violence, and has finally ratified the istanbul convention, and they are moving in this direction . let's not give our vote to anyone, and be really active participants in all those positive transformations that should take place in ukraine. ukrainian women are, of course, protectors, mothers and guardians of the family, but at the same time in... women are brave military personnel, powerful politicians, professional experts, extraordinary athletes, etc., on this spring day the world celebrates their
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exploits and achievements, because another hundred years ago, such basic rights had to be chosen. kateryna galko, oscar jansons, oleksandr burlevich, espresso tv channel. an interesting plot, actually, well, it invites some discussion. and now we will discuss this with our next guest, well, i will diplomatically say that we congratulate those who celebrate, those who do not celebrate, we do not congratulate them, that ’s how it is, but here it is about women’s rights in my opinion, olga popadynits , expert on non-discrimination, ms. olga, welcome to our airwaves, and we would actually like to ask you what the current situation is in your opinion. opinion in our country about respect for women's rights, yes, because we have the right to vote, yes, we have the right to education, but at the end of the day, somewhere we still
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feel a certain, certain inequality, so, for example, in terms of pay, in particular, uh, which we have now the situation with the respect and equality of women, well, as you said, as you correctly noticed that we have a very good legal base, that is, we... have rights, and this is reflected in our constitution, in our legislation, in ukraine indeed a good legal framework for women to develop and exercise their rights. with what in we periodically have difficulties, it is with the realization of rights, yes, no, not with the fact that we have them, but with the fact that we cannot realize them due to certain social stereotypes, superstitions, often, and because it happened that way . historically, march 8 is strictly speaking, i would even say that it is not a holiday, and that we are not celebrating today, we are celebrating today, today we are drawing
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public attention to what is still happening both in the whole world and in ukraine where to move, there is still something for women to fight for and there is something for men to fight for, who support that women should have equal rights and that all people in... society should have equal rights, the situation in ukraine, it is changing, it is changing so quickly and so violently, like all the processes now in our country, like already in the previous story it was said that ukraine ratified the istanbul convention, thank god, we waited for this for a very long time, prohibited professions for women were canceled, this is also a very important moment. and ukraine has adopted a gender strategy in education and is currently implementing and developing it, that too a very important point, because it is much easier to prevent inequality of rights.
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and already at the school level, at the kindergarten level, maybe, but at least schools and universities of some other educational institutions, to give people this baggage, it is an understanding of the equality of human rights, and that women's rights are human rights, and they are not some separate such pink rights, look, the only thing i would like to correct you in this way, well, in general, we have a problem in the country, more precisely in our state, a problem with the realization of rights, regardless of one or the other. belonging to you, that's how it is historically in our country it happened, but gradually , little by little, we are moving in small steps between drops, and unfortunately, women’s rights to certain additional or separate or well-deserved rights, well, this is not an exception, that is, i have the only remark of such a plan, yes, but i see that marta also has very very squinty eyes, no, i 'm just generally curious, but this question is probably no longer for ms. olga, because we
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speak for... about non-discrimination, yes, but in general, if we talk about women's rights , for example, if i remember correctly, recently the canadian government at the constitutional level approved women's rights to abortion, this is quite a controversial topic to discuss, because there are people for religious reasons who consider it unacceptable, but we understand that women have the right to choose how to do with their bodies, and who thinks himself a religious person, he accordingly makes certain decisions, whoever does not believe, he makes. other decisions, but here, it seems to me, this is such an unprecedented case, when one of the countries approves this right at the constitutional level? and yes, i think from which side to comment on this, yes, because i want to talk mainly about ukraine, well, at least i want to, we look at neighboring countries, we look at other european countries, or is it
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canada, atlantic countries. and here i would like to emphasize that in this case, in this matter, the situation in ukraine is not so bad, but canada has approved at the constitutional level, for example, our neighbor poland, it has problems with the issue of women's rights to their bodies, i would say that it also depends on the united states of america state, but it is so important. a difficult topic, and women's right to abortion. in ukraine, there are much fewer problems with this. in ukraine, we clearly understand that we are not a religious state, we are a soviet state, and accordingly, the church cannot influence any such legislative initiatives. and this is what i wanted to emphasize, yes, we are now looking a lot at the european experience, i am now
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in england, i can look at it all from the inside, but we do not look at them with open eyes, and we do not wait that they are now everything will be taught to us, we have a very interesting way, and ukraine itself can teach a lot to european countries as well as canadians , by the way, you are now in great britain and wanted to ask right away if there is a tradition to celebrate or not to celebrate something there on march 8, to definitely celebrate , to celebrate well, again, i wouldn't call it a celebration of champagne or martinis and so on, and i don't know, colleagues from work went to celebrate , well , that's what i call celebrating , celebrating. women women of human rights, i.e. they are given some kind of
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educational work. and on the topic of the suffragettes, on the topic of how women won their rights in schools, in the sense that i mean that they talk about it in schools, about how women got to where they are today, and what still needs to be done, and on that way , we will probably put an end to this, unfortunately, ms. olga, because we have to finish with you, unfortunately, olga popadynits, an expert on non-discrimination, was on our airwaves, we have to pass the floor to our colleagues, who will tell more news, so... eva melnyk is already going through the floor, we congratulate you and actually give you the floor, we would like to ask what this issue will be about. greetings, colleagues, i will start this issue with the situation in the regions, and a very interesting, extraordinary event happened in denmark, where more than 7 million dollars are allocated for monuments, to whom exactly in a moment, stay with us.


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