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tv   [untitled]    March 8, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm EET

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once upon a time lyvko hryhoriuch slukhyanko, i think he was also an ambassador, i don't remember, he was an ambassador somewhere for a while, but in any case, we understand that a hardworking person ends up in the financial and political capital of the world, so to speak , well, at least key interests , key people, politically influential people will be there and he has a large field for activity, plus of course we have, we know that he has excellent relations with the military leadership, there radikin in particular in britain, so i think that it will ... fruitful cooperation and very, very active cooperation, and here's another piece of information that i wanted you to clarify, translate it into simple language , with language from a language that is more diplomatic, india has made allegations, started an investigation that in india the russians were trying to recruit local residents, or those who who went abroad to russia, hindus for the war in ukraine, and thus allegedly. india is sending a signal to the world that here
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we are distancing ourselves, we are not sending anyone to russia, we are not supplying soldiers to russia, no absolutely, it is the activity of some people there, we are trying to fight it, what does this show the fact that india is really dissociating itself from russia shows that we do not want to support it economically, politically, or resourcefully in any way, but india is a huge country and has a huge influence, at least there is indo-china, please no , this does not mean that india will... turn away from russia, well, the first and most important thing is that in any normal, civilized country in the world, mercenary is prohibited in the russian federation, by the way also, but the russian federation is not is normal, is not a democratic legal state, and this is the first moment, and i understood that it is unacceptable when such things happen on the territory of your state without your permission, that these mercenaries are recruited and do something, because you know, it could be militants at first to kill ukrainians. and then it can be some
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terrorist organizations, that is, of course, that all this is illegal, illegal and it should be, well, those people who are engaged in this are actually investigated and convicted. in terms of whether india will turn away from russia? no, she won't turn away, she takes a position, let's say yes, so mediocre, but she does not interfere in any way, yes, she helps us, there are certain positions in which they help us in terms of security. security does not help the russian federation. but buys from russia large volumes of primarily oil , but also other goods, this has its roots in soviet times, when india was a non -aligned country that actually did not want to participate in all the confrontations, communism and the free world, and now until now, the indian armed forces are extremely dependent on russian weapons, primarily land-based forces, but also the naval forces, because , for example, the same... nuclear
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submarines have power plants, they were designed from soviet, from russian calicos, so of course they need it, and the indians also need it in order to transport their weapons strength for something else, time and money are needed, thank god that last year there were whole cavalcades of visitors from europe, then there was a very good visit of prime minister modi to washington, he was received there as a beacon of democracy, and a large number were signed. good documents from the point of view technical, technological cooperation and military-technical as well , that is, we will see further, india will be less dependent on russia, but this is a very distant prospect, so far they are playing this game, that is, we are not joining, this is not the time for warriors, as the prime minister said yer minister modi, but do something serious to punish russia, or take away their ability to make money and wage war, they certainly won't do, well... thai
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is at least trying to do something, at least there are visits, well, let's say lihui arrived yesterday by train to kyiv in order to continue the second round of shuttle diplomacy, regarding the search for a political settlement of the ukrainian crisis, he has already been to russia, he has been to the european union, so how do you comment on this next visit and whether anything important was brought, or just come, as it were they say to probe the soil and understand what kyiv is ready for, what the situation is at the front. what are the prospects and , well, it is important for china in the sense that the chinese economy also does not want to suffer from this war for a long time, and they probably too think, well, how much more can it be endured, and then negotiate somehow and are they ready to negotiate, please, well, i think that they could simply read the situation in ukraine and say what is happening in the united states as favorable for i will ask, since we did not receive it. there are already
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5-6 months of aid from the united states, this led to not very positive results, including the withdrawal of the ukrainian defense forces from avdiyivka, and of course. the prospect of trump coming in, she might, well, according to the chinese, i think that's what they think can push the ukrainians, while they are in a better position, to start talking about something with the russians, but it is clear that the so-called peace plan, or the plan for settling the ukrainian crisis, as the chinese call it, it is definitely not what we can, what we we can agree, because firstly, they do not condemn the armed aggression of the russian federation, despite the fact that, well, in fact... all of russia's actions fall under resolution 3314 from 1974 on the definition of aggression, and then they do not demand that russia withdraw its armed forces forces from the territory of ukraine, they are not even they say whether the newly occupied annexed territories or the old occupied ones,
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that is, it is not about this, and the chinese constantly repeat that it is necessary to somehow take into account, as they call the legitimate security interests of the russian federation, this means that ukraine should be forgotten. that country , they don't like nato in europe, because the americans are creating alliances or strengthening alliances that are in the indetech region to contain china, so this is an attempt by the layer, let's say, this is an attempt to see what the temperature is, what they are capable of, what they agree to in in ukraine and in europe, in russia, i am sure that they said: we are ready for negotiations if ukraine recognizes the new territorial realities, that is, that we have lost everything that was illegally annexed as well, by and large , china is not ours an ally, he is an ally of the russian federation de facto and de facto, this war does not benefit them, of course, because they suffer a little, but on the other hand , they buy the same oil and other resources of the russian federation and sell the
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same electric cars , they are in first place is now on sale in the world, and it suits them quite well that russia is weak, it is not failing, it is not... not collapsing, but it is weak, and of course they can get anything out of russia. on the other hand, they can't help russia, because it would mean a deterioration of relations with both the european union and the united states, and it would also hit the technologies that the chinese want to have and investments, so trade is bilateral, that is, they are trying to with two chairs, all sit and get maximum positivity and at the same time. to look like peacekeepers for the so-called global cock , i have another question very briefly, it’s just to clarify, you know, on the one hand, this is how you can support russia to expect something, despite the fact that your ports are empty, or you don’t want to buy oil, because we we understand that china's economy is not all-powerful, just like
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any economy of any country in the world, but six months of a counteroffensive, russia was throwing mad forces, ukraine had a shortage of ammunition, a partial failure of mobilization, many problems and was happy. haramysh, russia captured azh avdiyivka, and yes, probably in china they may think that you will continue to attack for three more years, what will berdichi take? well, the prospect of war then, so you can fight endlessly with the prospect of capturing the berdych and karliv reservoirs. i think they look a little differently, well, first of all, they look at the asymmetry in our potential, both demographically and from the point of view of the iron that we can produce or that our partners can give us, well, russia understood. it is ramping up drone releases and missiles, and of course they are helped, china helps with chips, goods for the purpose of fallout, north korea and iran directly weapons, then they look at it in perspective, and look at it from the point of view
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of saying yes, well, everyone says, well , look, there is a deaf angle, on the ground the forces in both ukraine and russia exhausted all that they could do, although, to be honest, you know, you cannot look at this war so one-sidedly, because look at the black sea, and last year there were quite big successes , we unlocked our trade, we actually destroyed from 25 to a third of the russian black sea fleet, and of course, it will most likely cease to exist, by the way, i came up with such a thing, this is a monument to a sunken ship in sevastopol, then it will be necessary to build symmetrically the same one. in honor of those ships that we have already sunk and , god forbid, that we will destroy in the near future, we have 20 seconds, mr. alexander, ask what, that is , the chinese, they look in a wider context, and try whether there is a possibility of this peacekeeping so-called in quotes of the mission, thank you
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very much for the comments, expert oleksandr khara, the diplomat was in touch with us, and now i want to say that we have the military results of the week and serhii zgurets is with me. today we will talk about what happened during the week on the front line, about the readiness of european countries to increase military aid to ukraine, and about how our... air force and naval forces put the enemy in a stupor both in the air and at sea, about it's in a moment. yes, well, here we go, i'm just reading the comments, it's to answer a question, i was asking if the person involved can run, i'm digressing here i will do it, because it is important, to the president, if he was abroad as an ambassador, and here people write that, well... as if we are stupid, we do not know that the ukrainian embassy in london is
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the territory of ukraine, but valery zaluzhnyi is not will live in the embassy, ​​he is not arrested , he will move around london there, and all of london is not the territory of ukraine, so don't think that we are such idiots, we just don't know , thanks for the tip, of course, but we know it , thank you, yes, and he will still fly there, and it is also outside the borders of ukraine, well, london does not start with leaving the president's office, yes, aviation trends, the absence of a50 at the front, i read information today that despite everything. the a50 never returns to the azov waters, they are afraid, or do they understand, that they may not save it somewhere. well, really, when we talk about the struggle of our air forces with the enemy in the air, this week was really indicative, because after the destruction of the second a50 aircraft, the situation with the guidance of the enemy on the use of their bombers worsened, and this affected the effect. the use of russian aviation, plus we have to remember that a total
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of 15 planes were shot down there, these are a50s, there are also su-34s, su-35s, and these downed planes, well, really significantly affected the capabilities of the russian air force to carry out combat operations, but indeed the a50 is the highlight of the air force's combat operations, because it was shot down at a considerable distance, probably using a ukrainian long-range missile. of the air defense complex, and now the enemy is afraid to resume aircraft flights in the area that he considered safe. now we see a situation where planes do not take off, and even air force commander aleschuk literally said today that our systems were used against the enemy at a distance of 150 km. he did not say what system was used, but we can see that control. and the influence on the enemy with the use of air defense systems is carried out, and this is just, well, an absolutely
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positive trend this week, i think that it will simply scale for further periods as well. well, of course, i didn't want to the russians came up with something, but i think that we are also thinking about something, and even more so, we have our partners who give us intelligence information and a lot of other information, technological means, about which there are many, about which we and we don't know, i think, well, maybe he knows, he just didn't tell , it works, they already say, well, that's how we communicate with colleagues, everyone already has acquaintances, friends at the front, they say that ammunition has appeared, well, not only they say there familiar friends, we can see this from the events at the front, the appearance of ammunition, can we talk about the completion projectile starvation as a fact, is it possible to talk only about such a point injection, as they say, which gives the opportunity now to this large military body of the ukrainian army to continue functioning, well, it already functions in the sense of giving... an adequate repulse to the enemy? well, it's actually not a simple question , because we understand that we were promised
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european ammunition, ukraine itself bought about 350,000 ammunition with its own funds, we are implementing a number of contracts with other countries, but when we talk about ammunition, we understand that for a certain time we had a significant shortage of ammunition and we used up to three. thousands of ammunition per day, and this is the minimum amount that we need to carry out defensive operations. recently, in many directions, we know from our friends that, well, in particular, in the bohmud direction near ivanivskyi, the units that use artillery have a much larger amount of ammunition than there was until now, and in fact, i think that this is the first significant step to improve the situation along the entire front line, as far as... it will be systemic, i hope systemic, because we remember the initiative of the czech republic, which
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announced that there are 800,000 munitions that need to be bought, and just yesterday i did an article there, where i referred to bloomberg that the funds had been found for all 800 thousand, which is within the limits of 1.5 billion dollars, just a couple of hours ago, the president of the czech republic peter pavel said that there are funds for 300 thousand, they will be. delivered in the near future, and the rest will be determined in the near future, so relatively speaking, these are the 15 countries that are currently have found funds to buy ammunition from various countries, they ensure the continued supply of ammunition for the armed forces, and our need averages somewhere in the range of 200,000 per month, this is what allows for more active defensive actions with hints of counteroffensive actions, if we are talking about 200,000 munitions per month, so this is just within the range of more than 2 million per
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year - this is what we need for effective defense with the possibility of ... offensive actions, i read today about the french, well, we are still there we'll get there, but now this is in terms of the shells that france wants to take to the countries of this persian gulf, i think it was about the arabian peninsula, it was about saudi arabia, and the weapons, the emirates and saudi arabia yes, the weapons that it handed over to them, well, obviously , it was about not selling anything to them in the future, but selling everything to ukraine, well then, if we remember this story, france has really changed the situation now. even for ammunition, because first of all, she supported the decision that this one the peace fund, which was created by european countries for the purchase of ammunition, these funds can be used to purchase ammunition outside the european union, because france was against such a decision until a certain time, and now macron is showing many changes in his approaches, and when we talk about
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ammunition, it was said that france, germany and italy are now really leading. negotiations with qatar, saudi arabia and the emirates to return the ammunition that was delivered to them there, so that these ammunition were transferred to ukraine, and the minister france's defense minister announced today that at least three companies will be deployed in ukraine in three directions, these are unmanned topics, the repair of armored vehicles and possibly the production of ammunition, this is the company nekster and... this is also a significant change in the approaches of the french side, it is becoming more active in the context of strengthening ukraine's defense capabilities. yes, i think that when the motors of these european manufactures warm up, they will switch to these rails, well , then it will be difficult to stop, because we we understand very well that resources, manpower, and technology, all of this
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is plentiful in europe, well, the question there is, of course, these components for ammunition, well, but i think they will find it there. all the necessary things, and the metal, and the threshold, and everything that is needed there for this, will be found. now we will talk about the front, avdiyivka, the offensive of the armed forces of the russian federation, with great efforts and, unfortunately, also with the blood of the armed forces of ukraine, well, you can say stopped, and i will start with whether it was really possible to repulse the thinka? i have read such posts, but i just didn't find out there, i didn't find the first sources of such to the end, but what were very loud headlines, i saw and well, i couldn't just check it. if we talk about the situation on the front line, it really stabilized this week, when we talk about the western part of the defense line, which comes west of avdiyivka, we know that the ukrainian troops have retreated there to the berda line, or semenivka, orlivka thinka, and but the enemy tried to continue using
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the potential of that grouping, which the enemy had accumulated in the widow, to squeeze our defense along this line. which actually passes on not quite convenient terrain , not quite convenient conditions, because there the same avdiivka is higher than this line, which i am talking about now, and now it can be said about these settlements that berdychi is held quite reliably 47 th brigade, there the enemy is destroyed on the approaches, if there is an enemy there, then he is only in the eastern houses. and of which there are literally several, yes, when we talk about such settlements as orlivka and tonka, then until a certain time i believe that at least 40% of the eagle is in the enemy’s hands, thinly, i think that there is a ratio of 50 to 50, but to say this ratio in the conditions of active hostilities,
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i think that after all it is, well, a certain exaggeration, it does not exactly reflect the situation and orlivka and tonenko, they are under our control using primarily artillery, our troops and enemy troops are operating in the villages, but it is indicative that during this week there was a significant number of counterattacks both on this part of the front and on other parts, which indicates that , what our military is probably beefed up with reserves and artillery, and i think we'll continue to get this area, although we understand that... will also use this window of opportunity with the advantage of their numbers to make some gains on this area, which has become politically significant for the enemy. and if we talk about... about chevyar and novomykhaivka, this is already a different direction, it is already from bakhmut, well, there is kostyantynivka in the future, slovianska is far away, well , now we are talking about what, what the enemy wants
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to take, for him, the czechs are a huge operational bridgehead, so, well, this is not an operation, but this is an operational strike we open in order to move on, and there and to kramatorsk and so on, those are the key cities that are there now and is it really true , that the fortifications and... those that were, were improved, and those that were not, managed to be built quickly, because what i read, well , work was actually going on around the clock not only here, but also here, in particular, on the construction of effective , most importantly, effective fortified districts. well, actually, really, when both in the media and in the expert environment, and in the political environment began to actively talk about fortifications, then this became an important impetus for these works to be accelerated. now we see a lot from... and the ministry of defense about how these fortifications are being created on the levels at different borders, while we have to understand that in fact
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there were fortifications in certain directions, and when we look closely at the satellite images that there i am showing the area in front of the chasivyar, then in fact there are a number of fairly good fortification lines, which will be used if suddenly the enemy is still able to push through to this direction, but... we understand that for a long time hostilities have been going on there both near bohdanivka and in ivanivsk itself, where the hostilities are quite intense, but they do not lead to that the enemy has such a significant potential to break through our defenses quickly, and we understand that holding yaro times is a very important task for our armed forces and the presence of fortifications and forces in ... in this direction as, i think , will allow to maintain this line of defense, although we understand that time is such a tempting target for the enemy, because it really
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opens up the possibility of advancing there and to kostyantynivka and to other directions that the enemy is interested in, but in any case, i repeat, this week is such a week of significant counterattacks by our troops in many directions and partial stabilization of the front line, which, in particular, yesterday ... the commander of the ground forces pavlyuk says that we want to stabilize the front line and we are making efforts for this, this week is just an indicator of just such a concept, we have literally 3 minutes, so it’s very short, let’s go to the counterattack then , did they follow the suu in a counteroffensive again, well, on what scale in the robotyny area, well, i wouldn’t say about a counteroffensive, we we are talking about the fact that the enemy tried to carry out attacks from the west, from the east, so to speak. rather, counterattacks, because relatively speaking, a counterattack is a larger -scale action, a counterattack is an action against an enemy attack on a tactical level, so relatively speaking, uh, during this week, really
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in the west and east, the enemy tried to carry out attacks around the robots, and there were ukrainian counterattacks, which indicate that the line of defense around this populated font remains powerful, although the enemy jumped into the robots, but there and... remained, so that in in any case, we are talking about the fact that this section of the front remains under the control of our armed forces, although, i repeat, this piece of territory that we have now bitten into the russian defense, in fact it is not easy to hold it there, and the enemy will always try to carry out these flank attacks, but this strategy, tactics have not led to success on the part of the enemy for a long time, we have two minutes, but i will ask, the competition between france and britain in the introduction of leadership in leadership positions regarding ukraine, france declares: stam macron, suddenly enemies we will send troops to kyiv or odesa, that is, neither the corridor to the sea nor the capital, as a sign of statehood, no one will give to putin, let him forget it, and
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britain too, who will win, to us, even if they fight for leadership all in help time, well indeed, we are talking about the fact that this week was also indicative in terms of the fact that european countries on the one hand recorded more volumes of military aid, when we talk about ammunition, and there were political ... important statements primarily from the side of france, where the french president says that there are no red lines there when it comes to the defense of ukraine, and he talks about the possibility of sending french, french specialists to ukraine there, about the creation of enterprises, i have already mentioned earlier, well, so did britain, but today in kyiv, the president and the british defense minister said that britain would do everything to ensure that ukraine... won a victory on the battlefield, i think that this important alliance of both the french and the americans, even if it does not look like an alliance, but the strategy of each country towards ukraine, we are quite... i think
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that the approach of these countries to the support of our armed forces, our state is extremely important at this stage, well, this is a granta shaps, if i am not mistaken, you should see him in kyiv, a indeed, france was already there in its time thanks to napoleon bonaparte, but before that , the jacobins and everyone else destroyed empires, starting with the monarchy from its own, well, the empire in general, then went to war not against austria-hungary, russia and britain were defeated there, but in in any case , i think that in france it is in the blood of some. such steps are unexpected, as partos said, i fight simply because i fight, well, but a kaliager is a kolager in a war, as in a war, i believe that he will not wait until the end of his term, and the third term , he finishes his power with this cadency macron , maybe he will take those actions that he considers historic, if he thus goes down in history as someone who helped defeat putin and aggressive russia, i think he has not lived in vain. thank you very much, serhiy,
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serhiy. thanks to our viewers, we hope that next week will be the basis for good news for our armed forces. well, now i have the plot for your attention, before we move on to the news, please watch the espresso tv channel together with the charity foundation man and the right was transferred to the ukrainian defenders at the front of unique equipment, what was purchased and who will receive it, let's see. together is a great strength. more than 1,200 thousand hryvnias were collected by viewers of the espresso tv channel for the 108th territorial defense brigade, which works in hot spots in the southern direction. with these funds , the human and right charitable foundation purchased powerful battery stations and solar panels so that ukrainian defenders would have uninterrupted access to electricity. these are very powerful batteries, they are. e-e shockproof,
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airtight and adapted to difficult weather conditions, and they are very powerful, there are about 10 kw, 5 kw and 2.5 kw, there is no electricity at the front, and of course everything has to be recharged in the trenches, and optics, and drones, and phones , and tablets, the purchased equipment is unique, it works silently and does not attract the attention of the enemy. zonal solar panels will be handed over to headquarters, collapsible ones will go to military field locations. it is very important for the soldiers, this equipment itself, but even more, to understand why they are there on the front line, and that here in the rear they are taken care of, they are helped, because we are a single nation, and we have a single enemy, i sincerely want
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to thank... on behalf of the soldiers and officers of the 108th tro brigade for this equipment, especially thanks to boris zakharov and people's deputy knyazhytskyi, these devices will be made exactly where there is no electricity, and this is exactly zero, the very zero. espresso tv channel and the human and rights charitable foundation. this is the second time they are organizing aid for ukrainian defenders. i want to thank all the espresso viewers for what you do all the time. espresso constantly collects funds and buys equipment for ukrainians who defend our homeland. now you have raised the funds to buy these beautiful charging stations for the 108th, 108th territorial defense brigade, which is from the dnipro. they defend ukraine. thanks to these stations , ukrainian drones will be able to fly, they get energy,
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they get energy from the station and... from your hearts. espresso tv channel expresses its gratitude to all viewers, because every hryvnia is a contribution to victory. join our meetings. tetyana golunova, andriy versyuk, espresso tv channel. thank you very much to our viewers, you for this, for this help and for that, that we can deliver what they need to our soldiers in a timely manner. and we continue this collection, which we announce today, we will collect for our soldiers on buggies. see now. here is the qr code, please click on it, and any in fact , someone says, well, you say 10 hryvnias at least, it ’s not enough, listen, for someone it’s a lot, even if you transferred 10 hryvnias, thank you very much , thank god that you were able to do it, and as jesus said, the widow gave the most, because she gave all she had, so the question is for whom it is little and for whom it is much, thank you for your work, well, now we're talking about news.


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