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tv   [untitled]    March 8, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EET

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glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. ukraine can stop putin. biden appealed to the us congress with a demand for unblocking. aid to ukraine, how did trumpists react? intervention scenarios. macron will initiate the introduction of troops into ukraine in the event of a russian breakthrough to kyiv and odessa. which of the allies will support france? open and friendly conversation, the special representative of china was told in kyiv about the war and the peace formula. results of lihuey's diplomatic tour of european countries. about this and about. over
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the next hour, we will talk with politician and diplomat valery chaly. in the second part of our program, which will start in exactly one hour, there will be a journalist club, andriy yanitskyi and yanina sokolova will be guests of our studio. however, before we start our big conversation, let's watch a video of an explosive stop of enemy equipment. bulava subdivision from a separate presidential brigade named after bohdan khmelnytskyi, destroyed the russian dance with the help of fpv. drone and mine let's see how it was.
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friends, we are working live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live there. please like our video, subscribe to our pages and take part in our survey. today we ask you this: do you approve of the appointment of a hard-working ambassador to great britain? yes, no, please vote on youtube with the yes or no button. write your own comment under this video. if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone and vote. if you approve of president zelenskyi's decision to appoint a deputy ambassador to great britain 0800-211-381, not 0800 211382. all calls to these numbers are free, call, it is important for us to know your opinion. we have our guest, valery chaly, politician, diplomat, ambassador extraordinary plenipotentiary. of ukraine in
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the united states of america in 2015-19. mr. valery, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. i congratulate you. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. let's start our conversation, mr. valery, with today's visit of the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelensky, to turkey. this visit has just begun, and president zelenskyi's meeting with president erdogan is also ongoing, as far as i understand, judging by the information. media, the day before the office of the president of ukraine said that the topic for the conversation with recep tayyip erdoğan would be the peace of ukraine formula, the organization of a peace summit, the safety of shipping in the black sea, global food stability, as well as the release ukrainian captives and political prisoners held in the russian federation, and , of course, joint projects in the defense and industrial sphere. mr. valery , we... have watched over
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the last two years many efforts by erdogan and erdogan's efforts to become a mediator between ukraine and russia, but each time because of moscow's position, he failed to stand between ukraine and russia and to provide his mediation services. do you think that erdogan can now play an important role in... a possible conversation about possible negotiations not in the format of ukraine and russia, and russia with world leaders and ukraine with world leaders about the future of ukraine, about the withdrawal of the russian army from the territory of ukraine? well, let's start with such a global question that you asked, and what can be discussed in the negotiations now, that is, i do not understand at all. where is the possibility
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of discussing this format of negotiations? have already clearly stated on the ukrainian side regarding the position, well... the peace formula and de-occupation of the territories, the protection of ukraine, a clear position to prevent russia from lying again with its methods, excuse the slang, divorce everyone, that is, the position is known, the russian position is also known, to record the annexation of the territory of ukraine, despite all the rules and norms of international law, there is no subject of any negotiations at all, about mediation. here you asked two options, the first option is the mediation of turkey in such a global process, yes, it is hardly possible, there are many different arguments here, but i will tell you this is some kind of mediation, it
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can be the united states, it can be a mediator, allies, such like britain and germany, france, that is, they can be in between. and what is the option of turkey's mediation between the kimiks, between russia and nato countries, well , hardly, so if we talk about the mediation of the head of turkey regarding supply issues, well, the so-called grain agreement, well, he quite successfully achieved his goals and image goals, preserving, increasing relations with moscow. and with kyiv at the same time, that is, it was a success of turkish diplomacy, and as it turned out, in principle, it lasted until now, although it is russia that destroys such approaches, which, by the way, turkey
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probably noted for itself, but as a result, i can to say that there was a diplomatic success, and his role here is personally great, as far as wider issues are concerned, the exchange of prisoners is possible. we are also examples of the active work and success of turkey, well, in particular, you know, our guys from azo were under agreements there for a certain time, so there is also mediation in this regard, but what about mediation, as you say, between russia and ukraine, well, in general, this is a situation that does not look at all realistic so far, well , we will wait for... the results of the visit zelenskyi to istanbul, because it is already known that he visited the shipbuilding plant there, where the corvette, the second ship of the ada class, which will be called hetman ivan vyhovsky, is being built , it became known today, that is,
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turkey helps us and fulfills our orders and always cooperates with ukraine in the defense military in the defense pro... industrial complex, mr. valery, another event that happened yesterday, but today it continues to be discussed, is president zelenskyi's decision to appoint valery zaluzhny as ambassador of ukraine to the great britain, despite diplomatic practice, despite any rules that exist in the world, in accordance with the vienna convention, is ukrainian. the party announced that zaluzhny would already be the ambassador to great britain, how correct was it, how motivated was it, and is the ukrainian side running ahead of itself by announcing zaluzhny as ambassador to great britain before receiving hryman? well, i
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will only comment on my part of foreign policy and diplomatic practice, after all, i am an expert in my issues, so the first position: appointment as ambassador to britain it did not happen, according to ukrainian legislation, the appointment is made by presidential decree , by the way, many do not even understand that even a presidential decree is not yet the departure of the newly appointed ambassador of ukraine to the host country, he still has to take certain additional steps, then there are relevant orders in the ministry of foreign affairs, about which now for some reason i forget everything, by the way, there is a countersignal. of the prime minister and the minister of legal affairs submits a candidacy in the constitution of ukraine, even in the case of the dismissal of ambassadors, there is a position that precisely these steps the president, they must be signed and countersigned by the prime minister and the minister
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of legal affairs, although this is a very formal procedure in our country, but there were times when before that, well, they looked carefully not only at the bank, but also at mykhailo. and on hrushevskyi. now with regard to this announcement, which took place before the party addressed for agriman. this is a request from one party to accept a specific candidate for the position of ambassador and to give his consent, and it is accepted, well, as a rule and accepted in principle in the world now, not to refuse, it is already some kind of extraordinary points, if they refuse, but nevertheless it is definitely not customary to announce, to announce it in advance, it is considered, it is possible... not a démarche, well, it would be strange if, in the case of submitting a candidacy, a démarche was still perceived, but this
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is considered a violation of international customary law , and in principle it does not really correspond to the convention that you talked about, because it is the vienna convention on the law of foreign relations, on foreign relations, it is precisely the fourth article that says that the country must receive confirmation on the agriman, well that is agriman, confirmation of agreement... agreement on the appointment of such a person to the position of ambassador, this does not apply to other diplomats, it also applies to the military, to the positions of the general staff, there is also a certain preliminary procedure for such a preliminary agreement, so as a conclusion, what did the ministry of crown affairs in ukraine, made in my memory and not only mine, i think that my colleagues who work professionally in this service also know, it is the first time it has been done this way, in other conditions... the receiving party could perceive it as well , this one is not very polite, let's say so, no
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an unfriendly step or breach of secrecy, that's right, the main thing there is secrecy, it's not accepted, it's not accepted in relations, as if it weren't for britain being so friendly to us and other conditions, then we could just refuse and that's all, but in this case we will call our british friends to understand our situation, and to us and the ambassador in... in kyiv, i really hope that he knew about such a decision, and i really hope, well, obviously the leaders of britain knew, otherwise i cannot imagine that risha sunok could not have known this, knew, but here did the embassy in kyiv know the british one, well, that's another question, and as for our issue of an official comment, to put an official comment of the ministry of foreign affairs, that is, it's against all the rules, well, i'll tell you these... the rule is in the textbooks of first-year students, i taught it myself international public law, the protocol
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, there in the institute of international relations, all this is clearly written there, moreover, i will tell you, if we even take test tasks for diplomats who want to take up new higher positions there, they have about 40 there, 45 questions on this vienna convention, and a strange situation is emerging. diplomats who go to positions, we ask them to answer one thing correctly, and do another, so it is not a very good story, to break all these rules and all international norms, this, i would say so, belittles one's professionalism, that's all, and me it's more interesting here, because you know, that's how we have it, people will change , some will enter, others will leave, the story continues, in the rest, the main task is the war. victory, but professionalism and compliance norms and respect for partners, especially for
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great britain - this is something that i think is very important, we need to stand up for it, and if we just remain silent, if it comes into practice, then we may not now, at some stage, just receive some unfriendly action from even partners, if we act like that in the diplomatic sphere, very freely juggle international rules, well... it is quite possible that the decision about zaluzhnyi was made by those who did not study and do not know the norms and the vienna convention, this can also be in principle, no maybe, maybe not, because, because the spokesman, the spokesman of the ministry of foreign affairs, nadolenka, not nadolenka , but nikola, eh, excuse me ambassador nadolenko, who heads the diplomatic academy, and i think that in the last week of his work... well, in this position, i am not sure that it the best conclusion, well, of course
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, specific people are responsible for this, there is a name in the ministry of crown affairs who are responsible for this, it is not necessary to shift all responsibility to those who give political orders there, but there is professional work, after all, the back should be straight, you should have some professional abilities and that's it direct, to explain above even to... the level of the president that some things can be done differently, can be done without violating, there are other ways, i see a lot of options here, how it could have been done in a different way, so... i i think that everyone knows this very well , moreover, i will tell you, it was not perceived very well by professional diplomats, very much so, let's say, as just some one-time situation, but we are talking about something completely different, we still need to return, i think, to attention to professional principles and defend them, if no diplomat is
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will defend these professional principles, then our diplomatic service will go lower, and how would you evaluate the staff... the policy of president zelensky in the diplomatic sphere, there were many political appointments and many people perceive the diplomatic service as, well, like some kind of language pension or some kind of departure abroad as a resignation from some position and give a person there the status of extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador, you as a diplomat as a person who... has known this field for a long time, what, what can you say about it, because we can name many such cases strange appointments and in belarus, in bulgaria , forgive me, the ambassador was appointed in a very strange way and her background is unclear, and venediktova went as an ambassador to switzerland,
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well, that is, there are many questions before such appointments, to what extent they destroy this system that was built . in ukraine, since 1991, i would say, from a legal point of view, the president, he heads the country's foreign policy, article 106 of the constitution, he has the right to decide, that is, these issues, i just told you that there are the procedure that the minister of foreign affairs is responsible for for such decisions, well, the prime minister is even contradictory in some cases, that's why when the dismissal, that's why i think that on the one hand here, well, there are points that we discuss with you, but it is the president who determines these priorities, how it is done, now it is not a secret for anyone that the center of making not only political decisions, foreign policy, but very specific such decisions, functional,
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has moved to the banking center, so in principle it is already possible. and such, as for the approach itself, well, there has always been an approach, about that they said, the approach was always that there can be professional diplomats, career diplomats, there can be so-called political appointments, but so-called, why i say, there are political appointments when a person is engaged in foreign policy, or is involved in international negotiations, in various formats, in different positions, it's one story, well, he actually has an education that can be... applied here, and fluency in languages, of course, then it can be considered, but if it's just what you said, what somewhere to send away from the domestic politicians of ukraine, or, i don't know, for some kind of favor, well, it would be very wrong, it lowers the status, because it is hard work, if
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you don't sit back, but do the job as much as possible, especially in key countries, and... obviously, that the work of diplomats, not only the ambassador, because the ambassador alone does not do everything there, there are employees of foreign diplomatic institutions, there is diplomacy, let's say, well, it is broad in various departments, and it is a huge job, huge, especially during a war, it's simple colossal work, concentration of efforts, in general, they have it be the maximum selection, but if it turns into... just after some positions are transferred by ambassadors, well, as a rule, we are talking about ambassadors, then this will eventually, after a certain period, hit very hard on the motivation of career diplomats, who sometimes go through 20- 25 years in order to reach such a level, on the one hand, on the other hand, they understand that maybe you don't need to engage in
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such and such diplomatic practice, and you can, maybe not... know the entire vienna convention, well, and popped out right away, so yes, it has a bad effect, especially if the proportion of these the number of political appointments is already skyrocketing , it’s true, look at the last ten appointments there, you will understand everything, well , there is a second issue here, which can be solved even with this approach, with this model, unfilled positions, we need to somehow close the issue with this publicized an initiative of the embassies of africa, which will not end with anything. you remember the competition, everyone is there, let's go to africa, let's be ambassadors, nothing has ended, it seems that a year has already passed, that is, more than 20 positions in the world have not been filled, well, there are. which should be paid more attention now, and norway is the same, and norway is now making a lot of efforts to help ukraine, there is the issue of the czech republic, but it seems
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to be closed there now, well, there are countries in asia such as the philippines, malaysia, that is, there are it's just very necessary to have, she said, ambassadors, well, everyone knows that, but in principle , it seems that these empty positions remain for other purposes, mr. vely. to end this conversation, i will ask you, not as a diplomat , but as a politician, and why do you think zaluzhny agreed to this proposal, if not diplomat, i will tell you, ask questions to valery fyodorovych zaluzhny and the president of ukraine, these are basically their questions. thank you, friends, i would like to remind you that we conduct a survey during our broadcast and ask you. that is, do you approve of the appointment of a volunteer ambassador to great britain, on youtube it's quite simple, yes, no, or write your comment under this video, and you can take part in our
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poll, which we conduct on tv, on the phone lines, if you you think that the appointment of a volunteer ambassador to great britain is quite acceptable, and you are approve 0800-211-381 no 0800 211-382 all calls to these numbers are toll free call us we care about your opinion and most importantly don't forget to support this stream with your likes on youtube one more the event that took place after the announcement that zaluzhny would go as ambassador to great britain is the annual address to the congress of the united states of america by president joe biden, and he began his address on the topic of the need to support ukraine in... let's listen to what the president of the united states of america said. putin invade ukraine, and he will not stop there.
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but ukraine can stop putin if we stand with it and give it the weapons it needs. and this is all that ukraine is asking for. she doesn't ask. our soldiers, not a single american soldier is in ukraine, and i will do my best to keep it that way, but now aid to ukraine is being blocked by those who want to withdraw from world leadership. mr. valeriu, tell me, was joseph biden convincing in his speech? well, in principle , the american audience is now speaking exactly what the first question was ukraine, and the struggle for democracy in the world
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, justice, freedom, and then about nato , the us president said, this gave him a speech, gave him dynamism, such confidence, because a lot of other questions were related to the internal american situation, where the opinions of supporters are different the current us president. position, but here, well, no one could, even there, being in the room, somehow show even speaker johnson that he was against this approach, although speeches, of course, are speeches, and although this speech, the address to the nation, in fact, state of the union of affairs in the state, that is , it is broadcast very widely, many people see it, and in this respect it is very good... the impulse is now again paying attention to the issue of aid to ukraine, very good, at the beginning it was so concentrated, i can confidently say that this is very good, so
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i can only approve of it, but i will say that joseph biden has spoken very strongly before, and in principle i will hope that now this speech, he will not change the pace of the adoption of the aid package there now, the pace, i think. all the rest of them will come to this, but it is necessary now to take decisive steps , i would advise you to quickly make some decisions there for at least 200-300 million for immediate needs, that is, those needs at the front that are now needed in the coming weeks, and shells, and for heimers, and for everything else that have already been delivered, thanks to the united states, and to speed up everything that has already been decided, where the funds have already been allocated, and so that it is at the front. and secondly, after all, the time has come to recognize russia as a sponsor of terrorism, so, well, it is not only such a definition in the usa, it is not only
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countries that finance terrorism. how do we do it perceive, but also the countries themselves that are involved in such actions, especially now against the background of the statement of the american embassy, ​​i understood in moscow that moscow is preparing terrorist attacks in its own country, that is, well, we have many manifestations, for example, the seizure of the zaporozhye nuclear power station, we forgot about it, somehow it all went into the shadows, that is, i think that we should turn now to talk about insisting that... the usa made this decision, there is a decision that the usa and the administration can accept unexpectedly, there, when it will be package, this saga that has turned into a soap opera, it will continue, it will end there, it will not be the same package cut on certain other terms, but it will be. i, i think that the chances of that have increased now after the supreme court decision, when donald trump was actually, well, allowed, essentially , to enter this campaign, that is, well, the wrong word is allowed, but they took out certain moments,
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so ... i think , that the recognition of russia as a sponsor of terrorism, as a country sponsor of terrorism, is a sign and a gesture, not recognition of the so-called russian elections and more clearly position, and work in this regard with other partners, it will also be useful, direct rapid military assistance there, where it is possible to allocate from the existing needs, well , it would still be a strong move, but for me , a strong move would be after.. of this statement: inviting ukraine to nato at the anniversary summit in washington. joseph biden would go down in history with this decision. i am not saying right away that this will lead to membership in nato, but it would be a powerful signal to the kremlin that, in principle, all decisions have been made for the victory of ukraine. that would be a signal. well, let's see how there will be a solution. you have already mentioned donald trump, in his post on twitter, or not
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on twitter, but... on his social network trash social, he stated that biden betrayed ukraine and called him a puppet of putin and xi jinping. i will quote what trump wrote. he said that i bowed to the russian leader, he gave them everything, including ukraine. i took nord stream 2, he gave it to them, he was a puppet for putin and xi, and practically every other leader - wrote trump. at the same time, the former president. of the states america emphasized that russia invaded ukraine only because putin does not respect biden. according to him, this would never have happened under the trump administration. well, trump probably forgets that the war has been going on for 10 years, and in principle, some of his statements about biden and about what he did not give there, and his flirting about xi jinping and north korea, and other countries are very strange ,
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who... in one way or another are now putin's allies, all of them, i would not comment on the internal situation, including statements, it is much more important to us the following: there was an option that we could be like this, well, outside the campaign, and the issue of ukraine, we did not avoid it, so, in principle , it might be good, because donald trump actually pushed joseph biden out there, if you can say so politically. in the issue of ukraine in the campaign, now the issue of aid to ukraine has become the subject of the election campaign, so it is not so bad, it will be more difficult, of course, to work in this regard, but it will already be the attention of the entire american society, and you know what this means, it means , that voters are also on it is paid attention to, traditionally in america, foreign policy in general is about the 20th
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issue there, and now it is not even... the issue of the middle east, not even the issue of china, which sounded further, or of south asia, the issue of ukraine came up again in the discussion, in debate at the highest level, this is a platform for powerful ukrainian work, that is, we can use it, well, without crossing red lines neatly from the point of view of domestic american politics, this is a new challenge, and i think it should be mentioned. it is not up to us, let's say, to choose the president, it is an american matter people, but i will say that well, that's also , you know, just look at the statements, i look at the result, i look at the result, and joseph biden is doing a lot now to help, but we want, well, that it's a strategy somewhat different, and we are looking for such a solution together with our allies, and donald trump
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still accepted it. political decision of ukraine.


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