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tv   [untitled]    March 8, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm EET

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yanitskyi and yanina sokolova will be visiting us, stay with us. russian forces are continuing their offensive in the east of ukraine in conditions where the ukrainian armed forces are suffering from ammunition starvation, so how can the ssu stop the offensive? russians, this is what we're talking about for the next 15 minutes, live from london, broadcast by jafer umerov. the ukrainian army suffers from a shortage of ammunition, which makes it increasingly difficult for ukrainian forces to hold their positions. and the widow, as the military observers of the armed forces of ukraine say, was lost precisely because of the lack of artillery shells. about the deficit munitions was said at the beginning of the year by the minister of defense rustem umyerov. then i called to find a way to solve this problem, but... what is
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the situation now? ukraine continues to produce its own shells, but this is not enough to cover military needs, and therefore the country relies on western support. but the problem of a shortage of shells, wider in general in the world is a shortage of shells due to the lack of threshold, explosives and factories that can quickly produce a large number of shells. and the day before, the president of the czech republic , peter pavel, said that the initiative of his country also supported... the state and have already collected the necessary amount for the purchase of 800,000 ammunition for ukraine, and according to the deputy minister of defense of the country, the shells may be in ukraine in the near future. this, by the way, is separate from the eu's plan to transfer a million shells to ukraine by march, some of which are already in ukraine. and france, by the way, is one of the countries that supported the initiative of the czech republic, plans to cooperate with ukraine in the field of the defense-industrial complex, wants to create... a kind of strategic alliance in
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defense production on the territory of ukraine, it is about the production of new equipment and the maintenance of the already transferred one, and such work should begin already this summer, french defense minister sebastien lecornu said. we are not yet doing the maximum we can for ukraine, and that is why i am announcing that french companies will create partnerships, three of them for the production of drones and ground equipment. with ukrainian enterprises to manufacture spare parts on ukrainian territory, maybe even ammunition in the future. and the minister of defense of great britain, gran chaves, during his visit to kyiv announced the allocation of more than 300 million pounds for the purchase of 10,000 drones for the armed forces of ukraine. the aid is 125 million more than previously promised. we are talking about the supply of more than 10,000 drones. among which most fpv drones,
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thousands of attack drones, as well as reconnaissance and maritime drones. however, during his visit to kyiv, british defense minister grandshaps told a bbc correspondent how long and what kind of support britain is ready to provide to ukraine. ukraine needs more countries to step up, as it did britain has been doing since the beginning. in particular, this huge package of drones, which is actually... the biggest ever, i'm here to bash unabat because ukraine needs our help, and it's not about nato membership, it's about long-range missiles, drones that we're providing as part of this huge package because if a dictator is able to just walk into a democratic country then what about our values ​​and freedoms and democracies, yes it's incredibly important, throughout the war we've... britain has shown that you can
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to really step in and help ukraine by effective means, and the world has become safer because we are doing it. other countries have always followed us and we will maintain this role. that is why i continue to persuade those who have the ability to provide longer-range missiles to provide them, in particular, the usa and germany. i am convinced that anyone who believes in democracy, freedom, world order. are obliged to come to ukraine, i think it is very, very important, i urge everyone to do it, because it is one thing to say that you support, another thing - to come and see it for yourself, see how we support ukrainians, and again, it's because britain has led the way from day one, we have not caved in to putin's threats, and that has encouraged other countries to do the same. and what is the situation on the front with... now the institute for the study of war
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, citing lithuanian intelligence data, says: russia has the opportunity to continue to maintain the current pace of the war, and will probably have the opportunity to gradually expand its military potential in the near future, and is even preparing for confrontation with nato. this is the data of lithuanian intelligence, meanwhile, the russians are already actively advancing on five areas of the front, reports bbc correspondent in kyiv, james waterhouse. it is already a well-known fact that europe is unable to close the gap left by america due to political differences regarding military aid to ukraine, to help ukraine not just fight, but potentially win this war. but it is delayed, and russian troops advance on five sections of the front, with a total length of more than 1,000 km. the most tense situation in the east of the donetsk region, where after the capture of the city of avdiyivka, russian troops seem to be throwing all their might into taking the city
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during the yar. and this causes a whole series of events that make kyiv nervous. and we will talk more about the front with military expert dmytro snigirov. dear dmitry, we just heard our correspondent say that russia is advancing on five areas of the front, what are these areas and why are they so important to the russians? thank you for the invitation, lyman direction: a difficult situation in the belogorivka area, this luhansk oblast and, accordingly, veselo, donetsk oblast, at the same time, with strikes from veselova and belogorivka, the occupiers are trying to create an operational encirclement of ukrainian troops in the sievers area. the situation is difficult, but controlled by the armed forces of ukraine. more than 15 attacks in the last day. the avdieiv direction is trying to reach the line of berdychi thin orlivka, pervomaiske and nevelske. all these settlements, despite the statements of the russian occupation
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army, are under the control of the armed forces of ukraine. tactical successes of the invaders after it was possible to localize the capture of avdiivka. more than 25 attacks. in the last day, and accordingly, mariyanskyi is the most tense section of the front, there are about 20 seven attacks in the last day, battles in the area of ​​georgiivka, pobeda, krasnohorivka and novomykhaivka. the occupiers are trying to break through to ughledar, the flank coverage of the positions of the ukrainian troops and, accordingly, another flank of the offensive in the kurakhove district. they are interested in kurakhovska tets, a large energy complex that provides an opportunity. electricity not only the areas controlled by the armed forces of ukraine, but also respectively, the occupied territories of donetsk region. these are the most dangerous areas of the ukrainian-russian front. and, accordingly , the bakhmudskyi direction, where the occupiers are trying to break through in the direction of chas ivru with further access to kostyantynivka, kramatorsk
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slavyansk. key centers of ukrainian defense. and while aid to ukraine is being delayed, russian forces are trying to take advantage of this window. opportunities, and how to stop the enemy under such circumstances? currently, already in the ovdievsky direction, there are reports from the scene of the situation with the artillery began to correct itself with shells. over the past few days, a sharp activation of the means of attack of the armed forces of ukraine, in particular barrel artillery, has been recorded. the czech program of miraculous supply of artillery projectiles to the armed forces of ukraine started working soon. in the amount of 800 thousand. in addition, a big thank you to great britain for the transfer of attack drones and, accordingly , reconnaissance drones. at the expense of fivi drones, it is possible to minimize the capabilities of the russian invaders, both in terms of numerical superiority
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in manpower and, accordingly, in technology. well, the main thing - these are means of damage with a long radius of action. these are stormshadel air-based cruise missiles manufactured in great britain. and , accordingly, scalp is a product of france, it is thanks to the use of these means of destruction that it is possible to create appropriate chaos in the operational rear of the russian occupation forces. and you mentioned avdiivka, in your opinion, why weren't strong, additional lines of defense built for avdiivka. several factors. the first factor is what was calculated. ukrainian counteroffensives in the summer, corresponding to the deoccupation of significant the territory of ukraine, and the second administrative. unfortunately, i am forced to state that the construction of engineering and fortification structures is carried out by the military-civilian administration, instead of the occupying forces, the construction of fortification structures
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is carried out by the engineering troops of the armed forces of the russian federation, and plus the administration system, if the suravikin line was made in conditions of actual... let's say total, total pressure on local enterprises at the time of withdrawal of engineering equipment, then we have to count accordingly. that, that such conditions are actually impossible for territories controlled by ukraine, we must, thank you, we must use accordingly, thank you dmytro, unfortunately, we do not have much time, dmytro, a military expert, dmytro snigerov, was in touch with us. thank you. ukraine says that its forces are holding, but now russian troops are attacking in five areas along the front line, the length of which is 1100. and it is here in the east of donetsk that the defenders of ukraine are undergoing the toughest tests.
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people in cities like pokrovsk, konstantinovka and kramatorsk are now face the approach of the front line, and in some places the risk of occupation. the bbc's james waterhouse spoke to people near the front line. russia is slowly destroying eastern ukraine. the wave of hostilities is approaching, capturing village after village. for local residents, death or occupation seems inevitable. valery and his grandson denys agreed to the evacuation. russian troops a few kilometers from their home in turkey. the size of the country and ammunition reserves are now decisive here. the ukrainians are retreating and toretsk is under constant fire. so for their time has come. to go, i have already recovered from mine, and the little one needs to be saved, the police are taking
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them to kostyantynivka, a relatively safe place, but the situation there is getting worse every day, this front-line town is used to close combat, but the risk of capture is constantly increasing. when ukraine liberated part of its territories more than a year ago, there was hope, but the wave of hostilities has not just changed its direction, it is approaching... there are fears that cities like konstantinka will be gradually destroyed, and their inhabitants will be forced to flee. that russia is doing, trying to seize ukrainian lands, and moscow still calls it liberation. due to the shelling, tetiana and her daughter maria were faced with a difficult choice, but perhaps not their dog jesy. also, we walk all day without sleep, we have a bad mood, panic attacks.
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tatyana refuses to leave her hometown, and her daughter maria packs things to send them by mail to kyiv. before going there with my son, well, i think that mom will follow our example, like the first time, i am sure of this, as if we were alone at mom's place, she understands, we have it too. at the train station in nearby kramatorsk, the distant sounds of artillery can be heard, a sobering reminder when arriving or a reason to leave. donetsk region is currently the focus of the russian invasion, and the residents are feeling it. it's sharper than ever. if we were a year ago, we
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still hoped that there would be help, that we would have a counteroffensive, at the present time it is no longer the case. it is hoped that its east will one day be a safe place to live again, but it is now unclear whether those who left will have a place to return. so, until the ukrainian forces are saving shells due to a critical shortage of ammunition, russian forces are continuing their offensive on five areas of the front. western countries promise to provide the armed forces of ukraine with ammunition to defend their positions. and that's all we have time to tell today. subscribe to our social media pages so you don't miss the most important news. we are on facebook, instagram and tiktok. and that's all for today, more stories on our website.
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greetings friends, the second part of the verdict program is on the air of espresso tv channel, my name is serhiy rudenko, today in graduation. the rocket exploded 300-400 m away. zelenskyi shared the details of the strike on odesa. what is russia trying to achieve with assassination attempts on the ukrainian president. an unexpected destination. zaluzhnye is sent as an ambassador to great britain. honorary exile or a show of trust from
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the president. political sociology. poroshenko and the shelter were named. by the leaders of the ukrainian opposition, why do they also count zaluzhny among the oppositionists? and while our broadcast continued, a press conference of the president of turkey, recep tayyip erdogan, was held and the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, today the ukrainian leader is in istanbul and meets with his turkish counterpart, which erdogan said during a press conference with volodymyr. zelensky, that turkey is ready to host a peace summit with the participation of russia, i will quote recep tayyip erdogan, from the very beginning we contributed to the end of the war based on negotiations. we are ready to host a peace summit in which russia will be involved, he said during the press conference. in addition, erdogan emphasized that we support territorial
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integrity, sovereignty and independence of our strategic partner ukraine. unfortunately , it... has an increasingly negative impact regionally and globally, and first of all, no diplomatic steps have been taken on ukraine regarding the use of the negotiating table that we built in istanbul in march 22nd to establish peace, - said recep tayyip erdoğan . well, actually , what recep tayyip erdoğan says, we knew even without him that this transition table, which was in istanbul, was disadvantageous for the ukrainian side, and about this, among other things, this... week, the american newspaper wall street journal wrote, they, the americans , say that ukraine was ready to make concessions to the russians in april 22, when you remember, the delegation led by arahamia was in istanbul, and where they discussed the actual all these questions of the future of ukraine, at
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the negotiating table, then happened. however, and this story gained international publicity, ukraine withdrew from the negotiation process, because they do not negotiate with terrorists and murderers. erdogan says again that it is a pity that this negotiating table did not take place in istanbul, as planned according to the scenario proposed by turkey. thank god that these negotiations did not end in anything. friends, we are working live on the tv channel. as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live on youtube and facebook, please like this video and take part in our vote. we are asking you today whether you approve of the appointment of a diligent ambassador to great britain. yes, no, on youtube everything is quite simple. if you have an opinion , please write in the comments, if you watch us on tv, pick up
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your smartphone or phone and vote, if you approve of the appointment of the hard-working ambassador to... 0800 211 381 no 0 0800 211 382 all calls to these numbers are free, call, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce the guests of today's studio, this is yanina sokolova, journalist, tv presenter, public figure. yanina, i congratulate you, thank you for being you joined our conversation today. greetings, greetings, sergey, greetings to all. in espresso. thank you for the invitation. andrii yanitskyi, journalist, editor of espresso tv channel. andrii, i congratulate you. thank you for being with us today. congratulations, congratulations. yanina and andria, as we ask our tv viewers whether they approve of valery zaluzhny's appointment as ambassador to great britain. i will also ask you about this, what you think in the format of a blitz poll. janina,
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please. of course, for all ukrainians who. they know valery zaluzhnyi as a fighter general, as a symbol of our struggle , for independence, for existence, since the 22nd year, i think, no ukrainian in the country doubts that this is really the number one figure among combat generals and the number one commander in chief in the history of our independent country without a doubt, therefore it was wild at first, and then, if without emotions with a cold head... i think our viewers also digested it all in their heads to evaluate this appointment, you understand that it did not happen without approval, without considerations in... their own considerations valery zaluzhny and conversations with the minister of foreign affairs, the head of the ministry of foreign affairs, dmytro koleba, we can name several very positive things
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for valery zaluzhny, as a person with combat experience, a person who can clearly explain within the framework of both defense alliances and the supply of weapons to britain , as one of the leaders of the aid of the european world, the war will be long, we have to... attract support, establish the production of weapons, together with the europeans, it is not clear what will happen in the elections in the united states of america, so i think it is appropriate now to pay attention to european countries, in particular france, germany and england, which are in a heap with the leaders of these countries, it is clear that they can perfectly cooperate with us, well, and the second point, this was written to me by subscribers, we analyzed it the day before, and it is interesting that in the afternoon we dissected the sausage survey story. regarding political ratings, and valery zaluzhnyi appears in them as a person with unconditional support of the electorate, he did not say that he
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will be swamped somewhere, as well as somehow create a political force, but ukrainians are already ready to vote for him, which in principle we already discussed after his resignation , the reasons for this, i think, are already obvious to everyone, we talked about it a lot, so here are these rating numbers, why i linked my answer now with... the numbers show that we perhaps, i emphasize, perhaps after the war, when elections become possible, we will see another candidate who will now have not only combat, but also diplomatic experience, because for valery zaluzhny, a politician, now a diplomat and a combat general, this is invaluable experience, but for our country it is a plus, i think you are not doubt its effectiveness. believe me, valery zaluzhny's soul is in ukraine, he is in the armed forces, so this is not exile, as someone says, maybe it looks like that within the framework of the president's office
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, so that he is not a major somewhere, and people forgot about him, but believe me, i spoke with experts today, in particular from the field of social research, who told me, listen, he will lose at most 8% there, and then it is clear that he will have them, because people remember. their heroes, especially those who have an unsullied reputation, so to sum it up, i rate it as a positive for our country today, a positive , well, for the future as well, listen, there is no one on the obra that we focus on at the moment, at the moment, i know what will happen in 5 years, you and i don't know, in 10 years, how long the war will last, and when the next elections come, we don't have a person in the stable at the moment who... doesn't have that background and authority, people wanted it, that's why they voted for zelensky, who has a negative background, but at the same time has positive military background, that for a country
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that will always be a geographical neighbor of the russian federation, friends, we will always be there, no matter what happens, no matter how we win the war, well, a lot of questions arise, and why did they announce this so quickly , well, i don't know why it was announced so quickly, but if we talk about... the country , of course it is better for the country to have an ambassador in britain than to live without an ambassador in such difficult times, and this is not the worst candidate, even though well , there is no work experience in the diplomatic service, during the war, a combat general who represents our country in our country as an ally, it is one of the countries that most... supports ukraine, this is of course a plus and a positive. as for valery fedorovych himself, i think that this is also a positive for him, because he
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remains in the information field, he remains in a leadership position, if he were not there, and he remains a part of our political landscape. perhaps the authorities really thought that in this way they... uh , hide a good man under the uh, political future, but - i think that this is not a fact, just as they are adding additional there are some traits, especially diplomatic ones, as ms. yanina said, and i also mentioned about agriman, and yes, we do not yet know whether britain agreed, but most likely they did not publicly announce the... candidacy of zaluzhny without the prior consent of the other party, therefore i hope that there will be no difficulties, we remember that there were rumors about the appointment
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as ambassador of... reznikov, who was the minister of defense, but only rumors, and publicly, officially, i don't remember that it was announced, probably, even if there was such an attempt, the british side did not show, some signals that she did not want to see such an ambassador, so the fact that we are talking about zaluzhny today as a candidate at the official level of approval, most likely says that britain also agreed with him, and the best diplomat, of course, during wars, this is of course the ukrainian army and the person who heads the army is the chief diplomat in general, well, i hope that in the office of the president of ukraine they will not shut us off from other networks yet for the fact that we are the chief diplomat of the country, let's call the hard worker that he was the country's chief diplomat, but during the war so it is. let's listen to what zelensky said yesterday when he announced zaluzhnyi as the new ambassador to great
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britain? today, he also approved the candidacy of our country's ambassador to great britain, general valery zaluzhnyi told me about such a direction for himself, diplomatic. the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine sent a corresponding request to agremman. our alliance with britain must only grow stronger. yanina, in this situation, in principle, it is clear that the office of the president and the minister are one. of foreign affairs of ukraine for the fact that to be an ambassador, obviously great britain is also in favor of this, because this is quite a serious position and an important position, great britain is such a big military hub, and they are great friends for us, and they support us militarily, politically, diplomatically, but the most important we didn't hear, that is, whether he agreed to it, because there must be at least three parties here
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in order for everything to work out, well, on march 6 , i had my birthday, my fortieth birthday, and valery fedorovych congratulated me, we welcome you too, thank you, thank you, and i'm clear i would like to meet him, and i would like us to make a material about the anniversary of the death on the next day, march 7, the anniversary of dmytro kutsyubael, a hero of ukraine, who was rumored to have loved zaluzhny and zaluzhny loved him. we were just preparing the materials, i wrote to valery fedorovych like this after greetings, he said that at the moment there would be no comments in the near future, but at that time i did not know that he would be appointed ambassador, in any case, for now valery fedorovych remains silent, and it is connected, i am sure, with many reasons, including, i am sure that there are agreements with the president's office, which...
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continues to be afraid of the figures of the ratings of the good man, and i think that despite the fact that the ambassador is still a public figure, he is a diplomat who, in view of our partners, allies, one of the most powerful, on our future military alliances, the construction, god forbid, of joint defense enterprises, will definitely have to comment on all this, in which he will do it? press in the form of articles, materials, posts, channels, and all this will be in written form, we will see it in electronic form, or it will be live it's done, we'll see, but at the moment valery fedorovych has no desire, or i don't know for sure the right, the agreements, to comment on all this, so i can only say that i'll take it for granted if...


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