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tv   [untitled]    March 8, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EET

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a monument to sunken ships in sevastopol , then it will be necessary to build a symmetrical one just like it in honor of those ships that we have already sunk and, god forbid, that we will destroy in the near future, we have 20 seconds, mr. oleksandr, simply, that is, the chinese, they are looking at in a broader context, and they are trying to see if there is a possibility of this peacekeeping so-called mission in quotation marks, thank you very much for the comments, specialist oleksandr hara, the diplomat was in touch with us, and now i want to say that we have the military results of the week and serhiy zgurets next to me. i congratulate sergey. i congratulate you vasyl, i congratulate our viewers. today we will talk about what happened during the week on the front line, about the readiness of european countries to increase military aid to ukraine, and about how our air force and naval forces put the enemy in a stupor both in the air and at sea. more on that in a moment.
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yes, well, we're starting, i'm just reading the comments , it's to answer a question, i was asking if he can be involved in the swamp, i 'll digress here, because it's important, in the president, if he was abroad, as an ambassador, and here they write people, it's like we're stupid, we don't know that the embassy of ukraine is in london, it's the territory of ukraine, but valery zaluzhnyi will not live in the embassy, ​​he is not arrested there, he will move around london and all of london. this is not the territory of ukraine, so don’t think that we are such idiots, we just don’t know, thanks for the tip, of course, but we know it, thank you, yes, and he will still fly there, and it’s also outside the borders of ukraine, well , london does not begin with the exit from the president's office, yes, aviation trends, the absence of a50 on front, today i read the information that, despite everything, the a50s still do not return to the azov water area, are they afraid or do they understand that they may not save him somewhere? well, really, when we talk about fighting. if our air force was with the enemy
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in the air, then this week was really indicative, because after the destruction of the second a50 aircraft, the situation with the guidance of the enemy on the use of their bombers worsened, and this affected the effectiveness of the use of russian aviation, plus we have remember that a total of 15 planes were shot down there, including the a50 and the su-34 and su30. and these downed planes really did significantly affect the ability of the russian aviation to carry out combat operations, but the a50 is really the highlight of the combat operations of the air forces, because it was shot down at a considerable distance, probably using the ukrainian long-range air defense complex, and now the enemy fears resume flights of planes in the area that he considered safe, now we see... a situation where planes do not
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take off, and even the commander of the air forces aleschuk, literally today said that there were uses of our systems against the enemy at a distance of 150 km, he did not say which system was used, but we can see that control and influence on the enemy using air defense systems is carried out, and this is exactly a positive trend this week and i think that it will simply scale for further periods as well. well, of course, i didn't want the russians to come up with something, but i think that we are also thinking about something, and even more so, we have our partners who give us and intelligence information, and a lot of other information, technological means , about which there are many, about which we do not know, i think, well, it is possible that it works, if it shoots down planes, then it is already well said, well, we are we talk to our colleagues, everyone already has acquaintances, friends at the front, they say that ammunition has appeared, well, not only friends say that, we can see this from the events at the front. the appearance of ammunition, can we
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talk about the end of the ammunition famine as a fact, or can we talk only about some such a spot injection, as they say, which now enables this large military body of the ukrainian army to continue functioning, well, it is functioning in the sense of giving an adequate rebuff to the enemy? well, this is actually not a simple question, because we understand that we were promised european ammunition, ukraine itself bought about 350,000 ammunition with its own funds, we implement a number of contracts with other countries, but when we talk about ammunition, we understand that for a time we had a significant shortage of ammunition and we up to 300 rounds of ammunition per day were used within there, and this is the minimum amount we need to carry out defensive operations. recently, in many directions, we have heard from our friends about...
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that, in particular, in the bakhmud direction near ivanivskyi, the units that use artillery have a much larger amount of ammunition than there was until now, and in fact. i think that this is the first significant step to improve the situation along the entire front line, as much as it will be systemic, i hope that it will be systemic, because we we remember the initiative of the czech republic, which announced that there are 8,000 munitions that need to be bought, and just yesterday i did an article there, where i referred to bloomberg that funds were found for all 800,000, and this is within the limits of 1 .5 billion dollars, now... just a couple of hours ago, the president of the czech republic peter pavel said that there are funds for 300,000, they will be provided in the near future, and the rest will be determined in the near future, so relatively speaking, these 15 countries, who have now found funds to buy ammunition in
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different countries, they provide further supply of ammunition for the armed forces, and our need is on average somewhere in the range of 200 thousand. per month, this is what allows for more active defensive actions with hints of counter-offensive actions. if we are talking about 200,000 ammunition per month, then this is exactly within the range of more than 2 million per year, this is what we need for effective defense and with the possibility of counteroffensive actions. today i read about the french, well, we will get to them later, but now it is in the section of shells, that france wants to take from this country. the gulf , in my opinion, we were talking about, and the arabian peninsula, we were talking about, in my opinion , saudi arabia, and the weapons of the qatari emirates and saudi arabia, yes, the weapons that it handed over to them, obviously it was also about the fact that in the future, not to sell anything to them, but to sell everything to ukraine , well, then, if we remember this history, france has really changed the situation even
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in terms of ammunition, because first of all, it supported the decision that this peace fund , which was created by european countries for procurement of ammunition, these funds can be used to purchase ammunition outside the european union, because france was against such a decision until a certain time, and now macron is showing many changes in his approaches, and when we talk about ammunition, it was said that france, germany and italy are now really negotiating with qatar, saudi arabia and the emirates to return the ammunition that was delivered to them there, so that this ammunition is handed over to ukraine, and the minister of defense. france announced today that in the capacities of at least three companies will be deployed in ukraine in three directions, these are unmanned topics, repair of armored vehicles and possibly the production of ammunition, this is the nexter company, and this
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is also a significant change in the approaches of the french side, it is becoming more active in the context of strengthening ukraine's defense capabilities. yes, i think that when the motors warm up. these european productions, they will move to these rails, well, then it will be difficult to stop, because we perfectly understand that the resources and labor force, and technologies, of this there is a lot of everything in europe, well , of course, the question there is about these components for ammunition, but i think that they will find all the necessary metal, and the threshold and everything that needs to be found there for this, and now we will talk about the front, avdiyivka, the offensive of the armed forces of the russian federation, with great efforts and unfortunately, and... blood of the armed forces of ukraine, well , you can say it was stopped, and i will start with whether it was really possible to repulse the thinka? i read such messages, but i simply did not find out , did not find the first sources of such to the end, but these were very loud headlines, i saw , well i couldn't just check it out, well when
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we talk about the front line situation, it really stabilized this week when we talk about the western part of the defense line that comes west of avdiyivka , we know that the ukrainian... where did they retreat to the line of berda, or was there semenivka, orlivka, tonenka, and eh, the enemy tried to continue, using the potential of the grouping that the enemy had accumulated widows, to push through our defense along this line, which actually passes through not quite convenient relief, not quite convenient conditions, because there the same avdiivka is higher than this line. about which i will now tell, and now it can be said about these settlements that berdychi is held quite reliably by the 47th brigade, the enemy there is destroyed on the approaches, if there is an enemy there, then he is only in the eastern houses, and what are there literally
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a few, yes, when we talk about such settlements as orlivka and tonka, then until a certain time i believe that at least... 40% according to the eagle, it is there with the enemy , according to the thin one, i think that there is a ratio of 50 to 50, but to say that this ratio is in the conditions of active hostilities to... i think that after all it is, well, a certain exaggeration, it is not entirely accurate reflects the situation, both the eagle and the thinka, they are under our control using primarily artillery, our troops and enemy troops are active in the villages, but it is indicative that during this week there were a significant number of counterattacks both on this part of the front and on other parts, which says that our military has probably strengthened reserves and artillery. and i think that we will continue to receive this area, although we understand that the enemy will also
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use this window of opportunity with the advantage of its numbers in order to achieve some success in this area, which has become politically significant for the enemy, and if we talk about the time of siviar and novomykhaivka, this is already a different direction, it is already from bakhmut, and there is kostyantynivka in the future, the slavic one is far away, well, we are talking now about the fact that what... the enemy wants to take time for him is a huge operational bridgehead like this, well, it is not not operational, but this is an operational space, we are opening it in order to move further, and there and to kramatorsk, well yes further, those key cities that are there now and is it really true that the fortifications that were there were improved, and those that were not, managed to be built quickly, because what i read, well, work was actually going on around the clock, not only here , but also here, in particular from the construction effectively. the most important thing is effective fortifications. well actually indeed, when both the media and the expert
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environment, and the political environment began to actively talk about fortifications, it became an important impetus for these works to be accelerated. now we see a lot of reports from the ministry of defense about how these fortifications are being created at various borders, while we have to understand that in fact there were fortifications in certain directions, and when... we will look carefully at the satellite images, which show the area in front of the chasiver, in fact there are a number of fairly good fortification lines, which will be used, if suddenly the enemy still manages to push through to this direction, but we understand that for a long time the hostilities have been going on there both near bohdanivka and in ivanivsk itself, where the hostilities are quite intense. outside, but they do not lead to the fact that the enemy has such a significant potential to quickly break through
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our defenses, and we understand that holding yaro times is a very important task for our armed forces and the presence of fortifications and forces in this direction, which , as it seems to me, will allow to ensure maintenance this line of defense, although we understand that time is such a tempting goal for the enemy, because it really opens up... the possibility of advancing there and to kostyantynivka and to other directions that the enemy is interested in, but in any case, i repeat, this this week is a week of significant counterattacks by our troops in many directions and partial stabilization of the front line, which, in particular , the commander of the ground forces pavlyuk spoke about yesterday, he says that we want to stabilize the front line and for this we are working effort, this week is just an indicator of exactly that concept. we literally have 3 minutes, so it’s very short, let’s go to the counterattack then, did they follow the ssu in
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a counterattack again, well, on what scale in the area of ​​the robot, well, i wouldn’t say about a counterattack, we are talking about the fact that the enemy tried to carry out attacks from the west from the east rather counterattacks, because linguistically speaking, a counteroffensive is a larger-scale action, a counterattack is an action against an enemy attack on a tactical level, so relatively speaking, during this week, indeed in... both in the west and in the east the enemy tried to carry out attacks around robotino and there were ukrainian counterattacks, which indicates that the defense line around this settlement remains powerful, although the enemy jumped into robotino, but remained there, so in any case we are talking about that this part of the front remains under the control of our armed forces, although, i repeat, this piece of territory that we have now encroached on russian. defense, in fact, it is not easy to hold him there, and the enemy will try to make an attack flank attacks, but this strategy, tactics
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have not led to success on the part of the enemy for a long time, well, we have two minutes, but i will ask, the competition between france and britain in the introduction of leadership in leadership positions regarding ukraine, france declares to vakron's mouth that suddenly the enemy we will send troops to kyiv or odessa, well, that is, neither the corridor to the sea, nor the capital as a sign of statehood, no one will give it to putin, let him forget it. well, britain too, which of them will win, us, let them fight for the leadership in helping the whole time, well indeed, we are talking about the fact that this week was also indicative from the point of view that european countries on the one hand. recorded higher volumes of military aid when we talk about munitions, and there have been important political statements from france, first of all, where the french president says that there are no red lines when it comes to the defense of ukraine, and he talks about i have already mentioned the possibility of sending french, french specialists to ukraine, about the creation of enterprises
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before, well, so did britain, but today there is a president and a minister of defense in kyiv. he told britain that britain would do everything for ukraine to win on the battlefield. i think that this important alliance of both the french and the americans, even if it does not look like an alliance, but is the strategy of each country towards ukraine, is quite useful for us, i think that the approach of these countries to support our armed forces, our state is extremely important at this stage, well, it's granta shaps, if i'm not mistaken, it's you who has it. you see in kyiv, and france really, already at one time , thanks to napoleon bonaparte, well, before that , the jacobins and everything else, destroyed empires, starting with the monarchy from its own, well, the empire in general, then went to war not against austria-hungary, russia and britain there, suffered defeat, but in any case, i think that in france it is in the blood, some such steps are unexpected, as partos said, i fight
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simply because i fight, well, but callager, comalager, in war , as in the war, i believe that by the end of his term... and he is not waiting for the third term, he has already finished his power with this cadency macron , maybe he will take those actions that he considers historic, if he thus goes down in history as someone who helped defeat putin and aggressive russia, i think he has not lived in vain. thank you very much, serhiy, serhiy zgrets, director of the defense express agency. thank you vasyl, thank you to our viewers, we hope that next week will be the basis for good news for our armed forces. well, now i have a plot for your attention, before we move on to the news, please watch the espresso tv channel together with the charity fund man and law handed over unique equipment to ukrainian defenders at the front, what was purchased and who will receive it, let's see together a great force, more than
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uah 1,200,00 was collected by viewers of the espresso tv channel for the 108th territorial defense brigade. which operates in hot spots in the southern direction, with these funds, the human and right charity foundation purchased powerful battery stations and solar panels so that ukrainian defenders have uninterrupted access to electricity. these are very powerful batteries, they are shockproof, sealed and adapted to difficult weather conditions, and they are very powerful, here there is somewhere 10 kw, 5 kw and 2.5 at the front, there is no electricity, and of course in the trenches you have to recharge everything, and optics, and drones, and phones, and tablets. the purchased equipment is unique, it works silently and does not attract the attention of the enemy. stationary solar panels will be delivered to headquarters, collapsible ones will go to
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military field locations. this equipment itself is very important for fighters, but even more. to understand why they are there at the forefront, and what about them here in the rear they care, they are helped, because we are a single nation and we have a single enemy, i sincerely want to thank you on behalf of the soldiers and officers of the 108th tro brigade for this equipment. special thanks to boris zakharov and people's deputy knyazhytsko, these devices will do just that where there is no electricity, and this is exactly zero, the very zero. the espresso tv channel and the human and rights charitable foundation are already organizing aid for ukrainian defenders for the second time. i want to
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thank all the espresso viewers for what you do all the time. espresso constantly collects funds and buys equipment. ukrainians who defend our homeland. now you have raised funds to buy these beautiful charging stations for the 108, the 108th territorial defense brigade, which is from dnipro, they defend ukraine, thanks to these stations , ukrainian drones will be able to fly, they get energy, they get energy from the station and energy from your hearts . espresso tv channel expresses its gratitude to all viewers, because every hryvnia is a contribution to victory, join our meetings. tetyana golunova, andriy versk. espresso tv channel. good evening, we are from ukraine.
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when i start to remember, well, there is more of a feeling of anger and some desire for revenge in me, it does not subside, 60-year-old pavlo from mariupol painfully remembers the terrible russian invasion of... not the city. before the beginning of the great war, pavel and his wife svitlana had a happy life. he taught physical education at school and was a martial arts coach. the wife had her own business. on february 24, 2022, a new life countdown began. paul says: those whom he considered his friends turned out to be traitors and looters they so actively traded this loot. and with such joy, i think.
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the russians dropped bombs on airplanes, they did not shut up . the city was constantly bombarded with shells, cannons and mortars. pavlo remembers the day when he and his wife miraculously survived, and a pillar fell on my house and broke the roof, all the windows were rolled up, the doors were blown in, so that i was wearing a sports cap, i was in this one. was on the street, well, it's me, i didn't see it, i'm looking at what my hat is doing on the tree, then i started to analyze, it's mine
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i take out the knife, she is determined, how did i stay alive, it was a millimeter, 2 mm, the woman was in the house at that time, she was also saved by the coma, so the makukh family lived in the besieged mariupol for three months, because they could not leave the bed svitlana's old mother, everyone who stayed in the city... had to pass a mandatory check, the so-called filtering, the couple helped the local and ukrainian military. pavlo was also on duty at his school. one day, svetlana, together with other people, hid in a drama theater, which was soon destroyed by the russians. and the children already they thought that she stayed there, and the woman came to the home theater, thinking, thinking, i will leave. at the end of may
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, the streets were already filled with the stench of corpses. pavlo and his wife were afraid that the city would be closed due to the risk of cholera spreading. however, the couple managed to leave mariupol on may 31, 2022. two days before departure, svetla's old mother died.
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with relatives already here in ukraine, the son and grandson of svitlana and pavla left mariupol already in march. 12-year-old maksym lives with his mother in drohobych, lviv region. his father went to serve in the army. the guy mentions about those humiliations and a long way to the territory controlled by ukraine. there was a large convoy, all the seats were occupied, we drove standing all night, and then at night we arrived at... a russian checkpoint, there was a gas station, and at that time we were told that we would not go any further, and we stood we were there for two days, the next morning
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they brought us... water from the sewers, which was not drinkable, then we, well, the whole bus, they threw a loaf of bread so that we could just eat, on the day when they brought us that water, machinery just drove in front of us, this is the russian military, we saw it and we were not allowed to pass because of this, the fact that they simply drove the equipment, difficult circumstances and the war separated the makukh family, each of them dreams of one thing, when they will be reunited and return to their relatives.
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utilities, well, what is needed for the life of a full-fledged city. oh, beautiful, well done, there are discounts on wood. 10% in pharmacies plantain to you and save. there are 20% discounts on microlax at podorozhnyk pam and oskad pharmacies. there are 10% discounts on zzilor in psyllium pam and oskad pharmacies. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united
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football, stronger together. every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, pawel kowal, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like. in the project "close to politics, close to the world with maria gurska". every sunday at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. in cooperation with seestre verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics , even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at the end of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on
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and turn on, verdict: with serhiy rudenko every weekday from 8 to 10 pm on espresso.
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premium sponsor of the national team represents united football together stronger. before the beginning of the great war in pavlo and his
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wife svitlana. he had a happy life taught at school.


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