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tv   [untitled]    March 9, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EET

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i look at the result, i look at the result, and joseph biden is doing a lot now to help, but we want to, well, it's a slightly different strategy, and we're looking for that solution together with allies, and donald trump still made a political decision to bring lethal weapons to ukraine, let's be honest, before this the democrat administration did not make such a decision, although we showed the same thing to them and ... explained how it was wrong not to do it, under donald trump it was done, i was at those negotiations, was is present directly together with the president of ukraine and the minister of foreign affairs, that is, there was this conversation and specifically lethal weapons, this unspoken embargo was overcome precisely by the decision of donald trump, however he may be there and did not want it right away, so you know, let 's not put ...everyone has some kind of
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stamp there, and for some reason everyone there started to write off joseph biden, not something to write off, well, ukrainian commentators, but already donald trump. why? in general, i believe that the result is completely unpredictable. moreover, let's look at congress, elections on november 5 - the house of representatives is completely reshuffled, a third of the senate, and without the senate, without the approval of positions, no president can implement his foreign policy or serious affairs in the international sphere. communication, that is, there are a lot of questions, and i assure you that there will be a lot of changes. we will wait for the results of the elections, really, because we already had such experience in ukraine that some comments that were not acceptable for one of the parties in the race, then we simply did not respond well, and this this should also be remembered, let's talk about emmanuel macron.
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in the last month shows the ability or let's say the desire to be one of the leaders of the new europe or the leader of the european continent, and he talked a lot about the fact that russia threatens europe, he gathers the leaders of 20 european countries and talked about what is happening now on the european continent, what is happening in... but at the same time, macron met with the heads of french political parties, and today the french press writes that they discussed with the president of france the possibility, or his words, that the french military contingent could be in ukraine, which the press writes, referring to fabien roussel, this is the leader of the communist party in france, says that he says that... emmanuel macron mentioned the scenario
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by which he can initiate an intervention, in particular , the advance of the front towards odessa or towards kyiv, i.e., judging by what fabien roussel told, macron does not rule out the intervention of the french army on the territory of ukraine, if the russians attack odessa and kyiv , so what mean last public? macron's statements , that is, well, can't the french president casually mention about sending a military contingent there in various speeches, in various places, that is, he obviously has some kind of position, he just hints at this position to putin, i will tell you that for it was not a secret to me, i think that what we understood was clear. that the countries
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of the european union nato may face russian provocation and even an attack on their territory, and even despite the fact that the war with ukraine continues, we, our heroic warriors, men and women restrain this influx, but i believe that there is a high probability, and not 3-5 years, as their intelligence there or the ministry of defense say, much faster and maybe even during such a position. war, such conditions can be created by the enemy russia to show the inability of the nato countries and the european union to respond to the eastern flank, therefore the sagging is certain in america and this is the signal that we heard a long time ago, not now, but sometime in october, which will be they heard about such a delay in europe immediately, and immediately asked questions, then passed serious conversations behind closed doors, well...
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not public ones about how to react, and here we are already seeing the political consequences of those conversations, experts, that is, now in these political conditions, the first has already been accepted... actually as a consensus, which is such a threat, it is very serious and may very well be in the coming years, this is the first from russia, the second is that europe's responsibility is growing, therefore europe must wake up and take concrete steps in the field of defense, and the production of weapons, and aid, well in this if necessary , increase aid to ukraine, and its own arsenals, and so on, i.e. primarily appropriations. first of all, how much money is allocated for this, and thirdly, this is competition, well, is it such a good competition for the leadership of both countries and political figures, precisely in this field, that is why emmanuel macron took such a step ahead of the curve, gathered precisely in paris
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on february 26, the heads of state will be there, and on march 7 , the defense ministers of these 28 countries, plus this, i understand the general secretariat and the chairman. of eu foreign policy, jose borel, and they, with the participation, by the way, of the ukrainian side, they they want to speed up and intensify these efforts, and indeed, emmanuel macron is doing a lot politically right now before his visit to ukraine, a lot of such measures, so i hope that olaf scholz will not lag behind in this regard, and we do get his leadership decision on providing ukraine. taurus rockets. the bundestag accepted such a proposal, the military, as i understand it, also do not see such drastic counter-responses, so the question is for him, for the chancellor of germany, it should not be the traditional competition of historical and
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france, germany, which in principle continues somewhere, but they are allies together, in the eu and in nato, but this is the competition to really achieve. leadership in security in europe, because the russian war against ukraine is not only about ukraine, unfortunately, it is happening here, but it is with the ultimatum to europe, the ultimatum of nato, and the last thing, why is this happening, the euro-atlantic competition, as well don't forget that france, at one time, somewhere out of some military instruments of nato, tried to be one of active founders of the western. of the european union, there was such an organization that had to , well, in fact become an alternative to nato on the european continent, it did not reach this without the usa and canada, this organization has not existed since 2011, so i think that the second
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stage is precisely emmanuel's conversation macron with joseph biden, i have no information about the plans for such a visit or meeting, but i do not... i doubt that after, in the near future, i think that such a meeting, it is absolutely logical, because chancellor olla scholz was no less in washington, and maybe the father there new transatlantic moments will be considered, because the ramstein format without additional packages of the us military is a little bit, frankly, it is a little bit not so bright now, because they always started with american help. well, but , but there will be no alternative to it either, because without the united states, without its power and volume of armed forces, types of weapons, it will not be possible to do it either, but that's all, all these leadership statements are a good sign. you mentioned olaf scholz and the bundestag decision
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on taurus long-range missiles, but at the same time defense minister of the federal republic of germany boris pistorius says that long-range missiles will not be decisive. for the conflict in ukraine, and germany is not going to cross this line, and it seems that such a position of pistorius is being pushed by the intercepted conversations of the german military thrown out by the russians, who are discussing a possible strike by taurus missiles on the crimean bridge, or whether this story affects , a spy story with intercepted conversations, recordings. on the position of germany and how much they will restrain themselves in transfer to us taurus? it would be strange if this story influenced the position of germany, rather it influenced the dialogue between the allies to ensure the secrecy
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of information, i.e. the possibilities for russian, intelligence agencies and others to remove this information, this is the main thing that happened after this conversation was leaked there, and the second moment... that it is very positive that they are there, if it is true, if this conversation is true, then there are very correct specific, some things are said, it is purely technical in nature, now regarding. if they say taurus rockets can there to be applied in the crimea, excuse me, and what? in our country, ukraine observes all export control regimes, it is a sovereign country, it has the right to receive weapons from other countries, the more so the right is guaranteed by the un charter, which germany is a member of the un, that is, ukraine also supports an even greater role. therefore, these missiles, when they, or other weapons that
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become ours in ukraine, they become our property, they are not the property of germany, so if there are concerns about providing some technical support there, it can be solved by training, trainings, this firstly, secondly, sorry, again , there were several arguments, then something would fly over moscow, then... then they said that let the americans provide atakams, the americans provided atakams, well, i hope, now they will think and do more package where there will be longer range attacks, then, well, just what questions do you have, you are afraid of russia, you have fear, well, they will come to you, if you continue to pull, then it will be missiles, daggers, that’s all not the kind of nuclear weapons that frighten there, the mosquitoes scare, no, but all these drones will fly to you and they will fly... what they are now attacking sumy, kharkiv, odesa, zaporizhzhia, kherson, that is, you
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want to avoid it, you will not avoid it, you have a unique opportunity now to concentrate efforts for ukraine on its territory, this is a tragedy for us, but we have every right to do it and at least no one forbade us, not even that on our territory, we can respond to attacks from outside as well, well we don't, we didn't say anywhere, and they know it perfectly well... , that ukraine is not trying to seize moscow, will not try to advance there to leningrad, no, but, i'm sorry, but if you don't support us now with such a cynical, very cynical position, and i do not agree with the german minister of defense here, that maybe the missiles alone will not change, but if there are several hundred atakams, a hundred taurus, there will be f-16s, everyone will be in favor... and there will be motivation for ukrainians to stand in defense
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not only of ukraine but of europe, and if not, then i’m sorry, you will have them, i don’t want to publicly say what these countries will face then, that is, they they understand this very well, that's why politicians lag behind their development, very much seriously, they are lagging behind with a certain lag, and it is necessary for germany to leave this completely phantom fear in the past, mr. valery on... the evil of how europe is trying to concentrate, to group up now and give answers to the questions that obviously very soon may appear before them : the special representative of china for eurasian issues lihui, he came and made a tour and he was in europe, stopped by kyiv, talked with ukrainian officials, and also talked about the future. ukraine and russia, they are this peace plan, with which they always, which always
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articulate, but on the eve of this visit to kyiv, the ministry of foreign affairs of china announced the strengthening of russia's friendship with china, and the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of china , wang ye, said this, and he said that we are ready to create, work on the creation of new driving forces... forces of cooperation, let's listen to what he said. as key leading countries of the world and permanent members of the un security council, china and russia have developed a new paradigm of relations between major countries that differs from the outdated cold war approach. based on on the basis of non-alignment, non-confrontation and not targeting any third party, china... russia strives for long-term good neighborliness and friendship, deepening comprehensive
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strategic cooperation. china is willing to cooperate with russia for further development, creating new driving forces for cooperation and steadily strengthening the foundation of friendship between the two peoples. does this statement mean, mr. valery, that china is still ready to support russia, which is waging an aggressive war against ukraine? there were several statements, the position is clear, i just don't know, well, how can you do it to act as a mediator there? it is difficult to understand here, because after all , there is an obvious imbalance in the attitude towards russia and ukraine, even from the same reports in kyiv, when lihuyvs met the representative for eurasia, china, and exactly who is involved now, as you said, in this all the trips, that is , the ukrainian crisis sounds in the official messages, well, that is, well, let
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's start at least with a phrase of recognition... the fact is what is happening, and then we can talk about something further, because if china says that it is the ukrainian crisis and not to notice the dead ukrainian children and women from russian missiles, then i’m sorry, but what can we talk about then, i think that our participants in this conversation hardly succeeded in changing china’s position, maybe china was just probing something else entirely, is ukraine ready to give up its position ? in the interests of china, and it is very difficult now, because china, unfortunately, does not change this line, although it is constructive to prevent this rattling of nuclear weapons by russia and threats, i do not know why not in this way you can talk the question, well, it was talked about, but still achieving a result on the zaporizhzhia
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station is absolutely seizing a nuclear facility, this is something that china does not tolerate, absolutely. and it would be a huge step forward if russia were to be forced by joint efforts not to use the captured nuclear plant in europe for such military purposes, therefore, in principle, i do not expect a change in china's position yet, but to the extent of the change in the situation at the front and the increase of ukraine's capabilities and the reduction of russian, i am sure that china too... will also be forced to adjust your position you mentioned another statement by wang. you probably meant peace talks. now we will also listen to what the minister of foreign affairs of china said about possible peace negotiations, as he says, between ukraine and russia. in the ukrainian issue
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, china has always maintained an objective and fair position and has repeatedly sent special envoys. envoys for mediation, the president of the people's republic of china xijin ping personally held in-depth communication with the leaders of various countries, including russia and ukraine. everything we have done is aimed at one goal: pave the way and build bridges to end hostilities and hold peace talks. here twanye is saying what official beijing started saying with the start of the great war, that there are two sides. they should sit down at the table for negotiations, but there was no statement from china that russia should leave the territory of ukraine, and this is the mediation they offer, what it is related to, why they don't want, they don't want quarrel with russia, they want russia to be exhausted in the war with ukraine, with
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our western partners, who help, that is... why is china so passively reacting to this? well, look, this is a very deep topic, i will not be responsible for china, i will only say one thing: if someone thinks about china, and somewhere else, that they will pressure ukraine so that ukraine is forced to give up part of the territories to russia, which russia declared that they are, well, they are captured and are currently occupied there. and to make peace on this, as they say, then it frees the hands, in many respects, not only of china, to resolve conflicts that china also has, including those that are not yet military, but they is a forceful method, if it is assumed that in this way it will be recognized that it is possible to sovereignly
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force the country with various forceful efforts... a military violation of all the rules and the un charter, well, in essence, annexation, and it can be recognized, under such conditions, well then the same actions will unfold in other parts of the world, so i do not think that they want to fix the right of force in this way, well, i hope that they simply have a position of advantage for china now, they have with russia, they use russia as want, and you know, that a favorable position, a weak russia, which is weakening, which gives them everything economically, gives them a passage to the arctic and everything that is currently being given to china. as a vassal , as a suzerain, it is beneficial to them, so why, i think, on their part, why are they in a hurry, let's wait a little longer, that is, we
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will have our economic results, but well, for ukrainians , this is, for me, a rather cynical position, although i want to say that when something happened in other parts of the world, and we looked at it in such a way that it is far from us, and how it is in our interest... answers, here it can be recognized that each country has its own national interests, its own vision, but in this matter, i would like to remind you that after all, china, if it was not a direct guarantor under the budapest memorandum, made its statement then, but the same wang ye, the head of china's foreign policy, he said in munich, replied that these commitments do not refer to china's attack on ukraine. a nuclear attack, it seems to me that such statements greatly change the truth, what is now, because from the point of view, well, from a legal point of view, of
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course, you can give your own assessment, but so it is cynical and dry to talk about a hot war in europe, which can move to south asia and with a high probability could start in south asia, if putin did not get in his own way. from here to the heart of geographical europe with completely unworthy delusions, so i really, really hope, but i would like to hope that it is only a matter of time, that china will still adopt a more balanced policy. today, according to my subjective, personal conclusions, despite the huge role china could play in establishing peace, a just peace, without violation of the un charter, and china calls for it. it could be a more balanced position of china, to start with, i say, the indicator for me would be , for example, at least the phrase that this is not a ukrainian
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crisis, a ukrainian crisis, but a russian war against ukraine. mr. valery, yesterday the governing board of the magat supported by a majority of votes the ukrainian resolution demanding that russia urgently remove all unauthorized personnel from the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant , including the military, and immediately return... well, its nuclear power plant to control of ukraine. today , magat general director rafael grossi held a meeting with the president of the russian federation , vladimir putin, in sochi. i followed the propaganda media, well , i did not see anything so special there, that is, according to the report , grosi was visited in sochi. this resolution, which was adopted by the magat, which according to this resolution may further be in relation to. russia's behavior, with regard to sanctions, with regard to russia, perhaps with regard to rosatom, is it even possible, is this resolution exclusive, as an expression of concern, no
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more, let's be brief, i believe that we we are losing now to magathe, and there are purely technical points here, ukraine, which is currently in the governing council, still, despite the fact that there is a delegation there, ah... should now work to ensure that russia is thrown out of the governing council there during rotation in june of this year, this can be done only by an active position of diplomatic work, not purely specialized expert work, which can be done precisely by representatives of the nuclear power plant or the ministry of energy, namely diplomatic work, because this practice is only in a few countries, including ours, which in our delegation is headed by energy experts, not ... diplomats, in other countries there are 35 countries, there are diplomats, and we have to talk with them, there are different countries, and our embassy at international organizations in vienna, it is now in such
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a state of transit from the point of view management , the new one is just ahead of schedule, but as far as i understand, it hasn’t arrived there yet, and our work here is very technical, you have to constantly submit notes, constantly work, it slipped a little, and then i look like this... well such an emphasis on this issue there is no way to throw russia out of this body , moreover, grosi meets with putin, grosi, when they ask him, he is now the director of the maat , they ask him when he is at the zaporizhzhia station, the russian military with automatic weapons are fully equipped, they say, we will provide, we welcome you to our russian land, and he nods and goes on, that is, you understand what is happening, yes, that is, it is not that there is no balance, here it is very far from a solution, i... i am very afraid that they will break our hands to simply it's all under effective control of russia passed, and as a result,
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explaining it by nuclear threats. as a result, russia does not switch fuel to nuclear now, we no longer monitor which blocks they connect and which disconnect, our employees there are simply there, as far as i know, the russians were not able to make a rotation there or no one wants to bring their own there, then only that one partly, and there are not so many specialists, and ours are already exhausted, there is a big, well, very threatening situation, and this threatening situation, it is, well, absolutely not yet, i do not see how it was resolved, and grosi's meeting with putin in sochi does not inspire me at all. well, that is, the world could do more with regard to nuclear energy in russia, they are building a lot, rosatom is building a lot around the world, or would this stop sanctions on russia, because it is a very large item of income of the russian budget. we can say anything hypothetical, but that's all.
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in relation to rosatom, in relation to this they hang, hang and are not accepted, moreover, i will tell you, there are towers of influence, if they really put pressure on russia in a consolidated way, then china would also be here with india, for example, wouldn't mind anything , wouldn't offer anything, that is, this joint decision could be the usa and european countries, consolidated, started without sanctions, but for now , even i, let's be honest, and we have, well, despite that the resolutions, all that... well, this is such a mandatory program, and such drastic efforts, i'm not saying that i see all the solutions, no, i just see that internationally, as only in france, something zaporozhye station, in germany, or even the usa, people's attention is focused on this, and we are the question is not supported in any way now. thank you, mr. valery, for the conversation, he was a politician, diplomat, extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america in
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