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tv   [untitled]    March 9, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EET

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cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us, the country must get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's make up stories, they help us understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club, every sunday. at 20:10 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. weekly maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish diet of commissioners. of the government of poland on
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the restoration of ukraine by pavel koval. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like? in the project close to politics, close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in collaboration with seyu. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, me they call mykola veresen, a sharp presentation of facts and... patent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world does norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. greetings, friends,
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the second part of the verdict program is on the espresso tv channel, my name is serhiy rudenko, it is being broadcast today. the rocket exploded 300-400 m away. zelenskyi shared the details of the attack on odesa, which russia is trying to achieve with assassination attempts on the ukrainian president. an unexpected destination. zaluzhnye is sent as an ambassador to great britain. not exile or a show of confidence from the president. political sociology. poroshenko and prytula were named leaders of the ukrainian opposition. why is zaluzhny also included in the opposition? and while our broadcast continued, a press conference was held between the president of turkey, recep tayyip erdogan, and the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi. today, the ukrainian leader is in istanbul and is meeting. with his turkish
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visa, erdogan said during a press conference with volodymyr zelenskyi that turkey is ready to host a peace summit with the participation of russia, to quote recep tayyip erdogan, and from the very beginning we contributed to the end of the war based on negotiations, we are ready to host a peace summit in which russia will be involved, he said during the press conference. in addition, erdogan on... emphasized that we support the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of our strategic partner of ukraine. unfortunately, the war is having an increasingly negative impact regionally and globally, and primarily on ukraine. no diplomatic steps have been taken to use the negotiating table that we built in istanbul in march 22 to establish peace, said recep tayyip erdogan. well, actually, what recep tayyip erdogan says. we knew
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even without him that this transition table, which was in istanbul, was disadvantageous for the ukrainian side, and the american newspaper wall street wrote about this, among other things, this week journal, they, the americans, say that ukraine was ready to make concessions to the russians in april 22, when you remember that the delegation led by arahamia was in istanbul and where they discussed the matter. these are all issues of the future of ukraine at the negotiating table, then there was a massacre, and this story gained international publicity, ukraine withdrew from the negotiation process, because they do not negotiate with terrorists and murderers. erdogan again says that it is a pity that this negotiating table did not take place in istanbul as planned, according to the scenario that offered thank god, turkey, that these
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negotiations did not come to an end. friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are now. watch us live on youtube and facebook, please like this video and also take part in our vote, today we ask you this, do you approve of the appointment of a diligent ambassador to great britain? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your opinion, please write in the comments, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you approve of the appointment of a volunteer ambassador to the uk 0800 211 381. no 0 0800 211 382 calls to these numbers are free, call us, at the end of the program we will summarize this vote. i would like to introduce the guests of today's studio, this is yanina sokolova, journalist, tv presenter, public
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figure. yanina, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our conversation today. greetings, greetings to sergey, greetings to all viewers of espresso. thank you for the invitation. journalist, editor of the tv channel, andrii, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, congratulations, congratulations, yanina and andriia, since we are asking our tv viewers whether they approve of the appointment of valery zaluzhny as ambassador to great britain, i will also ask you that do you think in the format of a blitz poll, yanina , please, certainly for all ukrainians who know valery zaluzhnyi as a fighting... general, as a symbol of our struggle, for independence, for existence, since the 22nd year, i think, none in the country, a ukrainian has no doubts that this is really the number one figure among the combat generals and
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the number one commander-in-chief in the history of our independent, without a doubt, that is why it was wild at first, and then, if without emotions with a cold head, i think our viewers also digested it all in... evaluate this appointment, you understand, that it did not happen without valery zaluzhny's approval, without considerations, his own considerations and conversations with the minister of foreign affairs, the head of the ministry of foreign affairs dmytro koleba, we can name several very positive things for valery zaluzhny, as a person with combat experience, a person who clearly can be explained in a structured manner within the framework of defense alliances and... britain’s arms trade, as one of the leaders of the aid of the european world, the war will be long, we must now attract support, establish the production of weapons, together with the europeans, it is not clear what will happen in the elections in the united states of america, so it seems right to me now to pay attention to
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european countries, in particular france, germany and england, which are in a heap with the leaders of these countries, it is clear that they can perfectly cooperate with us, well, and the second point is for me subscribers wrote, we analyzed it the day before, and it is interesting that on the day we analyzed the story with the sausage survey, regarding the political ratings, and valery zaluzhnyi appears in them, as a person with the unconditional support of the electorate, he did not say that he would be swamped somewhere, yes just like creating a political force, but ukrainians are already ready to vote for him, which, in principle, we already discussed after his resignation. this, i think, is already obvious to everyone, we talked about it a lot, so here are these rating numbers, why i linked my the answer with these numbers suggests that you and i may, i emphasize, perhaps after the war, when elections become possible, we will see another candidate who will
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now have not only combat, but also diplomatic experience, because for valery zaluzhny , politics. now a diplomat and a combat general - this is an invaluable experience, and for our country it is a plus. i think you do not doubt the effectiveness of his work, believe me, valery zaluzhny's soul is in ukraine, it is in the armed forces, so it is not exile, as someone says, perhaps in within the framework of the president's office, it looks like that, so that he does not major somewhere, and people forget about him, but believe me, today i spoke with experts, in particular from the field of social research. who told me, listen, well, at most he will lose some 8% there, and then it is clear that he will have them, because people remember their heroes, too those who have an unsullied reputation, so in conclusion, i rate it as positive, for our country today is positive, well, for the future
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as well, listen, there is no one on obra whom we would like at the moment, i emphasize, at the moment moment, i know what will happen in 5 years, you and i don't know. in 10 years, how long the war will last and when the next elections will come, we currently do not have a person in office who does not have this background, that powerful, people of this. wanted, that's why they voted for zelensky's negative background, but at the same time it has a positive combat background , that for a country that will always be a geographical neighbor of the russian federation, friends, we will be all the time so that it doesn't happen, if we don't win the war, they will breathe his own with a stinking mouth, our entire conscious life of our children and grandchildren, that's why i positively evaluate sergiya, this is my conclusion, thank you yanina, we will definitely talk about sociology, because
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sociology ... appeared already after the very interesting appointment , what concerns the leaders of the opposition, but we are a little later, i will just launch a spoiler for our viewers, andrei, how about you, do you approve of the appointment of a diligent ambassador to britain, if we reject in general that agreman has not yet been approved in london, it’s just... it was announced before that, and as the diplomat valery chel, who was on my air just 15 minutes ago, says that this is not unusual for any diplomatic rules, that it is a violation of the vienna convention, and a lot of questions arise, and why was it announced so quickly? well , i don't know why it was announced so quickly, but if we talk about the country, then of course it is better for the country to have an e... ambassador in britain than to live without an ambassador in such difficult times, and this is not
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the worst candidate, even though what's up there is no work experience specifically in the diplomatic service, during the war a combat general who represents our country in our country as an ally, it is one of the countries that supports ukraine the most, this is of course a plus and a positive that... to valery fedorovych himself, then i think it's also a positive for him, because he remains in the information field, he remains in a leadership position, if he wasn't there, and he remains part of our political landscape, and maybe the authorities really thought that in this way they were hide useful for the... political future, but it seems to me that this is not a fact, they are just
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adding some additional features to him, precisely diplomatic ones, as ms. yanina said, and i will also note, regarding agriman, yes, we do not know yet , whether britain agreed, but they most likely did not publicly announce zaluzhnyi's candidacy without prior approval. hours of the other party, so i hope that there will be no difficulties, we remember that there were rumors about the appointment of reznikov, who was the minister of defense, as ambassador, but only rumors, and publicly officially, i don't remember it being announced, probably even if there was such an attempt, the british side did not show any signals that they did not want to see such an ambassador, so what ... what about zaluzhny we are talking about today already as a candidate at
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the official level approved, the most likely to say that britain also agreed with him. well, and the best diplomat, of course, during the war is, of course, the ukrainian army, and the person who heads the army is the chief diplomat, in general, well, i hope that in the offices of the president of ukraine will not yet shut us off from other networks because we are the country's chief diplomat, let's call a slob that he will be the country's chief diplomat, but during the war, yes... it is. let's listen to what zelensky said yesterday when he announced zaluzhnyi as the new ambassador to great britain. today , general valery zaluzhnyi also approved the candidacy of our country's ambassador to great britain, and he told me exactly this direction for himself: diplomatic. the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine sent a corresponding request to agremman. our the alliance with great britain should only... strengthen, yanina, but in this situation, in principle, one thing is clear: the office of the president
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and the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine are in favor of zaluzhnyi being the ambassador, obviously, great britain is also in favor of this, because it is serious enough position and an important position, great britain is such a big military hub, they are great friends for us, and they support us militarily, politically, and diplomatically. but we didn't hear from zaluzhny himself, that is, did he agree to this, because there should be at least three parties here in order to to make everything work out, well... on march 6, i had my 40th birthday and valery fedorovych congratulated me. we welcome you too. thank you thank you. and i, of course, would like to meet him, and i would, we were just making a material about the anniversary of the death on the next day, march 7. da vinci dmytro kutsiubael, the hero of ukraine, who by rumors loved
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zaluzhny, and zaluzhny loved him, and we were just making materials. i wrote to valery fedorovych so... after congratulating him, he said that at the moment there are no comments in the near future will be, but at that time i did not know that he would be appointed ambassador, in any case, at the moment valery fedorovich remains silent, and it is connected, i am sure, with many reasons, including i am sure that there are agreements with the office a president who continues to be afraid of numbers. zaluzhnyi, and i think that despite the fact that the ambassador is still a public figure, he is a diplomat who, in view of our partners, allies, one of the most powerful, our future military alliances, the construction, god forbid, of joint defense enterprises, certainly, he will have to comment on all this, in which
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mode he will do it, in the form of articles, materials, posts. channels, and all this will be in written form, we will also see it in electronic form, or it will be done live , we will see, but at the moment valery fedorovych has no desire, or i do not know for sure, the rights of the agreements, to comment on all this, so i can say one thing , which i would consider arrogant if i were to give my assessment to the former commander-in-chief, for me he remained simply legendary. as a person, i observed from the view on friendship with the army at several very critical moments in our history, and after the release of valery fedorovych, when, with his advice and trust in the army, he, believe me, had an influence on them making certain decisions in very difficult
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areas, so he returned to this issue, valery fedorovich is a very balanced person, and you saw... how he said goodbye to this position, when the internet and facebook were boiling, and everyone was talking about what they say, he was fired, unfairly, and everything else, valery fedorovich in arms, award presentation said goodbye to zelensky, and no one not a single person had any other reason to think otherwise, about this whole story, therefore... all this was done wisely, understanding the whole background of this situation, i think you know about it very well on the spresso broadcast, and vitaly portnikov does not know about it i said once, let's not repeat myself, but now these shots, in fact, then there was a period of valery fedorovych's recovery and negotiations, which he confidently conducted
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with the president's office, and they reached this option, the option of the position. er, which, i think, was adopted by him consciously, positively, and for success countries, including, i think, it is unlikely that we would now discuss the diplomatic situation there, i hung up, but you hear me, right, yes, yes, yes, everything is fine, here, i think, i think that without communication with my colleagues, with his team, which left the general staff after the dismissal in full, that is, all close people, he communicated, consulted, and this... was accepted in view of his effectiveness in this position, in spite of everything, but that's why we are with you let's see effective work, believe me, i, well, valery fedorovych, in addition to the fact that you saw it, besides the fact that he is a combat general, this is also a person with a high level of purely personnel qualities of a diplomat, and believe me, he showed them more
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than once in various situations, long before february 24, 22, and within the walls of the president's office... and including, there are simply a number of things that military generals, discussing with politicians, novices, dilettantes, cannot accept, and working for the benefit of the country, are forced to talk about it all, or write articles in the economist, and then talk again, because all this was perceived, you saw in what way, or go out and to make excuses for mobilizing, even though he didn't have to when they put him out there to cover this hole. this short story, which we are all still experiencing now, that is, it is a conscious decision, valery fedorovych has not said anything yet, but i can gather courage and say that in... the decision is weighed, it is not a bone, friends, you will understand, it is not a bone , which was thrown to the poor man, he took it, he is not the kind of person who will agree to something, well, why am i saying this, because
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we have a tendency in power, well, there, for example, with our former general prokurovka benediktova, yes, who went as an ambassador, that is, everyone who did not come forward due to various circumstances, they were often appointed ambassadors, here with zaluzhny, i think, maybe the office of the president and... this motivation is fragmentary, but from zaluzhny’s side, the decision was made positively only from aiming at the effectiveness of this work, and i will be careful to say that you will see it, i have no doubt about it, about the reasons for the appointment of zaluzhny as the new ambassador of ukraine to great britain, said the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, dmytro kuleba, on the air of the united telethon, let's listen. for a very long time, the president was looking for the strongest possible candidate for the position in london, and one of the key requirements
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was a military understanding of the military context, because britain is not just our special strategic partner there, it is one of the leaders in military affairs, in military aid to ukraine , they don't send anyone there, london is an extremely... important destination for any country, and in talking with these ambassadors who work in london, i am convinced that valery zaluzhnyi will be absolutely one of the most respected figures there, and he will bring many, many benefits not only from the point of view of bilateral relations with britain, but also for such backroom diplomacy with the countries of asia, africa and latin america. it is clear with general zaluzhny, because general zaluzhny is a statesman, he is a person who serves the state of ukraine, and he, as a person who is responsible, she accepted this position and will
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work accordingly in this position, but yanina correctly noticed and noted that the day before information was made public, sociological data from sotsios, where in the second round, when he is in the presidential round, when zelenskyi is out. and zaluzhny , respectively, zaluzhny receives 607% in the second round, and zelensky 32. my colleague maksym rozumny compared the publication of this sociology, on the eve of the appointment of zaluzhny, as a declaration of war, or an attack without a declaration of war, that is, he perceives what happened with merit, exactly like a declaration of war, well, not a declaration. war, but in principle this sociology is simply murderous. andrew, how are you? do you perceive this history of sociology, which was made public literally in a day, and such
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a lightning-fast decision to announce a lousy man as ambassador to great britain, without even waiting for a response from london, that staff diplomats simply shrug their shoulders and say, well, in principle, this is not done at all so, could this sociology under... break into the president's office in order to solve the question, well , in quotation marks, the question is valid, we can't hear you, i think it's audible, yes, yes, uh, yes, i, i i think that such a solution is still not quick are accepted, but really sociology could push the president's office to publicize its decision earlier than they planned, in order to interrupt just the information. er, this story and that everyone was talking about the appointment, not sociology, but such an informational step, well, i also wanted
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to support yanina, she mentioned zaluzhnyi’s article in zaeconomist and there were also articles in cnn, it could also be one of the reasons why he was appointed to this position, because for the english-speaking world he is one of, well , probably two. in the known and recognizable politicians, well politicians, i consider ukraine. of course, everyone knows zelenskyy now in the world, but if you ask who is currently representing ukraine abroad, how about a face, then i think that many would call zelensky a second person, and this will contribute to the fact that ukraine will receive more weapons, more defense contracts, right here... i see a pragmatic benefit, even in spite of the possible political risks for the president's office and for volodymyr zelensky in the future already after the war,
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when there will be elections, but... but we won't have elections we know whether they will be or not, and when they will be , that's why sociology today is a measure of today's moods, what will be there in a year, in two, in three, we cannot predict, well, we have to, let me, we didn't say about it, said if in general terms, you understand that the weapons of the nato countries, they were tested mainly, well, if not... there are conflicts in which the united states of america fragmentarily participated and provided weapons, in such a volume that we became realistic , a real weapons testing ground of nato countries, they never had our current main feature as partners, i emphasize as partners, and value for them is that we have conducted research, i will explain to the ukrainians. if
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the analysis of all the weapons that they had in their arsenal, tested for many years on training grounds, and not in wars, i especially now emphasize on the newest weapons, that's why valery fedorovich knows this very well, and our lobbyists in the united states of america, a group of lobbyists, including volunteers and air reconnaissance, maria berlinska, daria kalyniuk, these are people who came there and from in view of the direct... analytics from the military, all this was presented together with valery zaluzhny, so he understands the entire system very well, at the moment for nato countries and for great britain as well as for germany and france, given given their weapons, what they have that works, what doesn't work, and what we need in view of what we have already experienced, so this is a man from all sides, and on the issue
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of weapons, well, for them now it is extremely. valuable, believe me, on the table of changes, this theme of the weapons resource, it has become one of the main ones negotiations with congressmen, when we became not people who reach out and say help, you probably also watched biden's speech that night, and we were able to see it this morning in kyiv, this feric speech with very cool theses, militant, probably for a long time biden for a long time so... for a long time and belligerently did not talk specifically about ukraine, only about ukraine and about helping ukraine, then one of the topics was the argument that you give us weapons not only to protect ourselves, europe and your status as a democratic country number one supported, and that we will analyze it all , give it to us, and you will know that you are not lying well, that you are not shooting well, so at the moment valery zaluzhnyi, the person who owns this folder, is very well and... that for
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each position, we have specially hired experts who will be able to do all this, he worked with them, they will also be able to voice it all. i positively appreciate what happened. thanks guys, we have to take a short break, we'll be back in the studio in a few minutes. there are discounts on amixin ic tablets, 10% in pharmacies plantain, bam and savings. there are discounts on nozhpa tablets - 15% in pharmacies plantain will save you more. there are discounts on karsil - 15% in pharmacies plantain for you and savings. there are discounts on maridoza of 15% in the pharmacies of plantain ban and oschad. there are discounts on otrivin spray 15% in travel ban and savings pharmacies.
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the sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them, but few know what is happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskyi and invited guests experts soberly assess. analyze them, modeling our future, every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m., studio zahid with anton borkovsky on espresso. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts give their assessment based on facts.


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