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tv   [untitled]    March 9, 2024 2:00am-2:30am EET

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the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. invited experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited guests fact-based experts give their assessment.
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and the forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, we are working live and simultaneously with the live broadcast we are conducting a survey, we are asking you about this or that, whether you like the appointment of a volunteer. scrapping in the uk do you approve of this appointment if you watch us on youtube it's pretty simple yes no or leave your comment below this video if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you approve of this decision 0.800 211 381 no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, today i have two of my colleagues as guests, they are yanina sokolova and.. andriy
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yanitskyi, let's talk about zaluzhny, sociology, great britain, the appointment, let's also talk about the opposition very briefly, because why did i mention two opinion polls that came out on the eve of the announcement of zaluzhny's appointment as ambassador to great britain? zaluzhnyi defeated zelenskyi in the second round of the elections, according to social polls, there is another survey that came out today, this is a survey by kmis about... political leadership in ukraine, about who is the leader of the ukrainian opposition, there are also quite interesting numbers here, why, why i fell in love with these two sociologies, because they appeared just in the interval between the announcement of zuluzhny as the new ambassador to great britain, so who do ukrainians consider to be the leaders of the ukrainian opposition, as evidenced by kmis data, 26% consider poroshenko to be the leader of the opposition, 17.
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called the shelter, followed by people's deputies dmytro razumkov - 7%, yulia tymoshenko - 5%, zaluzhnyi 3%, and the former adviser to the president of the office of the president oleksiy aristovych 2%, and yuri boyko, by the way, the leader of the prohibition party opzsh, also 2%, it's like the president's office here, or i don't know, sociologists let's say this, clearly emphasized that zaluzhnyi was not in the opposition, he wasn't. the leader of the opposition and well, it seems that 3% there , that is, compared to 67% there, 3% here, they look a little small, but the rating of trust in the hard-working is the rating of the people's trust, it not a rating for a political figure, because zaluzhny never said that he wants to become a politician, although we understand that he is already a politician, he influences politics in ukraine more than anyone else when he was the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, because he did not have this policy at all.
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not the opposition, not the authorities, but not the skilful actions of valery zaluzhny. yenina, who do you consider the leader of the ukrainian opposition, is it even necessary to talk about the ukrainian opposition during the war, because when 17% sheltered serhii they claim that he is the leader of the ukrainian opposition, well, to be honest, with all due respect to serhiy dmytrovych, but calling him the leader of the ukrainian opposition somehow doesn't work, poroshenko, yes, he is perceived as the leader of the opposition. well, the leader of the opposition is sheltered, the arresting officer is the leader of the opposition, what do these data indicate? testify to the ignorance of our citizens, friends, read the lists, follow, even if it is not broadcast, what is happening in the parliament, read the right communication channels, in particular the espresso tv channels, subscribe to the youtube channel, yanina sokolova, in fact, jokes are jokes, serhii.
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prytula on this list is not, by the way, an absolutely oppositional representative, despite his distant ties to the voice party and his claim to... the mayoral position during the mayoral elections of kyiv, this whole story somehow stalled, although, believe me, in in political circles, there are very active rumors that serhiy prytula will take the political force with him, if the elections are next, who will be there, there are even talks, and it is clear that it will be part of the military, so it will be one from the competitors of european solidarity, and maybe... serhii will invite fragments of the voice party, which, unfortunately, due to conflicts, will no longer be passable in the version in which it is now, well, european solidarity, as far as i understand it, will not be combined with asylum in
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the electoral list, therefore , among the people who announced their political ambitions or announced their political ambitions, we are left with european solidarity and volunteer serhiy. tula, who had already applied for certain political positions among the powerful structures, that is why , by the way, the rate is so low, because people analyzed how they see the picture of power for themselves, or how they see the future picture of power among those who have decided on their political course, this, by the way, is a bell for serhiy prytula, that people already understand that he will struggle, and i think, in the parliamentary and presidential elections. who is the leader of the opposition, serhiy? well, at the moment, i think it is obvious to everyone that the leader of the opposition is european solidarity, why? well, because the verkhovna rada currently has the opposition bloc, its redemptive organs
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, in no way, like a hydra, were not killed, unfortunately, by the system, for me it is wild, i still do not understand what boyko is doing, but in these ratings that we just saw with you, if you paid attention , yes... the south cast the most votes for him , which is under shelling constantly 24/7 simply, well, you can see, the west, the center, the south, here is boyko 4,6, and, the east - two, the east has already understood something, and maybe more people simply left, the south is still 4.6, why? well, probably because some appear trash characters, like from odesa, who say that they don't understand. well, in a word, you have seen these trash videos, i will not dwell on them, that is why the party remains a voice, european solidarity remains, any of them can be the leader of the opposition, well, only
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by the number of people's deputies and by the level of influence, decision-making, of course, this is european solidarity, that is why they are currently the leaders of the opposition, which... serhiy prytula, i told you my opinion, i think that he will go to the elections, it is already visible from everyone signs of when the elections will be, but here is an interesting moment, by the way, and i did not see these numbers, serhiy, which you just showed, i saw only sausage, the filming was just two days in a row, i did not have time to investigate this moment, and for me this is a surprise, because the numbers i saw before said that people have a high level of trust in serhii prytul, as a matter of fact... and associate him with a volunteer, but regarding political activity, i saw a direct survey of people in social networks and on the street, there are no such closed anonymous numbers yet saw, they did not associate their electoral preferences with him, as the leader
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of a future political force and a candidate for the presidential post, so 17%, you see, this is already a result, i think it is positive for serhii and his like-minded people, well... the editor tells me that zaluzhny was not on this list, but there was an option when those who answered could name their surnames, so 3% are those who named, maybe if zaluzhny was put as the leader of the opposition, maybe he was also in the first position, well, i mean in the survey, it's just that who, who was named by those who were interviewed, pay attention, pay attention, there is also aristovych, but we can comment briefly, friends. his numbers, call your relatives and tell them that oleksiy aristovych continues his activities for a reason, because it is he, given the rhetoric, often pro-russian in my opinion, despite the fact that he is wanted there and has criminal cases against him, all this has long been politically manipulated
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when we see an outright bloody war and it is clear that someone who is persecuted a dictator on... this opinion is our friend in this whole story, but the rhetoric that is heard just brings me closer to the idea of ​​taking away a certain stratum of the electorate from opzzh. and you can see it from the numbers, the south again supports him there, so i think that if there are elections, in the coming years, you will see another political force, oleksiy aristovych will definitely do it given his ambitions and personal human qualities , knowledge of all processes and the ability to reach the audience, he has it, that is, i am there from time to time hit trying to watch a video with a certain goal, i come across some recommendations that for some reason seem to me, then i see that
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there are 35,000 or 50 thousand people sitting and watching the aristovuvach, it is clear that this is part of the russian federation, because he speaks russian, but ours too, that's why it's worth taking a closer look and observing this whole process and taking the lead before voting, thank you, thank you, yanina, andriy, well, yanina is right. says that opzzh is a banned party, and it is not just a faction in the verkhovna rada, because in 2020 local elections were elected more than 400 representatives of the opz, and they are still sitting in local councils, sawing some budgets there, distributing land, making various decisions, and this is also a question for the state, why is the state actually doing this to this so-called opposition... not this opposition part , it is part of the current ukrainian government, and it is dangerous, well, i know that at the local
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level in many local councils there is a movement to deprive the elected deputies of their powers, as far as i understand, this is legally difficult to do, those what's more, they have all already publicly repainted, become the greatest patriots, here... let's put it this way, we lack the institution of reputation and voter memory to remember who ran for which party and what they professed, i would also note, well, he once again emphasized that there was nothing useful in this kmis survey, as one of the alternatives proposed by the respondent, and the fact that 3% of its citizens actually wrote in the ballot themselves, this says that it would have a much higher rating if it
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were offered to people right away, so maybe we don't we know, maybe in the second place, well, it is unlikely that in the first place would be a louzhny, not a shelter, if he was in these questionnaires from the very beginning, which i also noted that in fact 17% were undecided, or 17, another 17%. they said that there 17:18 and that there is no real opposition in ukraine, it is a big piece of the electoral pie, in fact more than 30%, 35% of the citizens, they can make their choice later, and later they will sway this poll in one way or another side, well, plus , we don't know who will actually be nominated when the elections are held, and they may appear there other popular people, i do not know about the plans of mr.
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budanov, i do not know about the plans of klitschko, sadovoi, well, we have many politicians and public figures who can potentially apply for the highest positions in the state and for whom they can potentially vote, well, including there are famous volunteers, why are we talking only about the shelter, because we have... another well-known fund, come back alive, which also collects huge sums, there are popular bloggers, there is sternenko blogger, there is yanina sokolova, who has 1 million subscribers on the youtube channel, friends, join yanina sokolova's youtube channel, thank you, i'll say right away that you're unlikely to see me there, but you can support someone, please. to support andria, i am a journalist , we are supported by bloggers and those who consider themselves not
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journalists, but exclusively public activists, journalists do not have anyone to support, i can only boldly say who is the enemy of the country and for whom it is necessary to call the elderly people around or to friends, relatives in the south-east in view of the numbers and to tell them not to vote, because this the choice of the future of the country, the candidate will definitely not be my colleagues, we have it. from the air, well , we heard that yanina sokolova will not run for the presidency of ukraine next time, although never say never, i think that this is exactly a female president, it would be interesting, i think that one day ukraine has it. yes, thank you, thank you yanina sokolo, thank you andrii yanitskyi for participating in the program, it was a verdict program, during the program we conducted a survey, friends, we asked you about this, do you support the appointment of a diligent ambassador to great britain, so 47% approved the decision, 53% - no, well
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, about the same proportion in youtube, i'm putting an end to this conversation, it was a provi verdict program. serhiy rudenko, i will say goodbye to you until 8:00 p.m. monday, have a good weekend, good evening, we are from ukraine, i greet you, dear tv viewers, my name is vasyl zama, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel, i and my colleagues are with you today during the cold season 45 minutes, today the military summaries of the week and the economic summaries of the week, a lot of important things. and interesting information, a lot of guests from abroad came to kyiv, let's talk about what purpose, well, we'll start with the announcement of the collection. espresso calls to join the collection of buggies for evacuating the wounded and transporting combat kits, as well as car and trench rebs for the 12th separate special purpose unit. our soldiers
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destroy the enemy in the eastern direction every day. this collection will help save human lives and increase the efficiency of the unit. so get involved. each donation strengthens the shield with which we restrain the aggressor and sharpens the sword with which we are this one we are cutting down the aggressor, our goal is uah 100,480,000 , you have already collected more than uah 190,000, i just checked today, let's join in, and let's make such a gift today, someone is making some gifts for himself today, and let's make a gift for our army and for ourselves, because our army protects us and you, well, let's start talking in our communication as well... yuriy sobolevskyi, the first deputy chairman of the kherson regional council. mr. yuri, i congratulate you. i congratulate you. glad to see and hear. unfortunately, today the enemy attacked the kherson region, the village olghina, if i'm not mistaken, and there was information about what a person died for, olhivka, yes olhivka. well, the enemy also hit kherson. let's start with the shelling
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of kherson region, and also about the city, if possible, please. well, unfortunately... the shelling continued in our country today, about ten populated areas were already under attack, as of this hour two people have already died and another one has been wounded, well, there was information in kherson that that the enemy targeted the cathedral of the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, well, while they are still in ukraine, what is there, if we talk about the city itself, please, well , unfortunately, in the city... they continue their terror tactics, they will fire mainly on residential buildings, there are a lot of hits specifically on residential buildings, and private and high-rise buildings, and just as regularly we have flights over humanitarian objects, including, yes, and over our museums, over the theater building, there was another close-by landing, there is
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damage, and also over critical infrastructure , unfortunately, there is damage from time to time. which are temporary, let's say, there part of the city, it is deprived, people, subscribers are deprived of these services, but very quickly communal services, employees of energy companies are trying to restore in order to support the life activities of our communities. well, now i think that my colleagues made this video about the city of oleshki, it is still occupied by the enemy, and today a video of how the olesh people look like appeared. here we are now looking at the city, which has been under occupation for two years already, cars are burned, some structures are broken, and there is no one anywhere, broken houses, well, somewhere there are not broken, somewhere broken, we understand that a lot of water passed there after the explosion of the kokhov
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hydroelectric station, there are again some broken cars, but in any case, we have a broken car again, we see that there is no one there ... there is no such picture anywhere, not a picture of the occupied territory, how would you comment on this video, what the aggressor did to the once beautiful settlements of the sunny and warm kherson region, you know, the video that you just showed our moments, it is actually is a business card of the russian world, wherever it comes russia, there is always a war, there is always a wounded person, a civilian is killed, there is always... destroyed infrastructure, and then everything remains in this state, if we see it in abkhazia, then the same picture is actually on... no considering how many years there have been under occupation, they are actually olesheks, now they are turning the place into an excuse, just 10-15% of the population remains there, the people who
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still survive there are not life there, just survival, because there are very big problems with access to communal services there the medical system there is simply destroyed there it is impossible to receive qualified medical assistance, humanitarian support is practically not provided there, and such settlements , which are usually close to the dnieper, well , dozens actually, and people have left, and not all of them have the opportunity to leave the temporarily occupied territory, but at least they come to the skadovsky district in order to wait out the occupation there, and there, and there is some movement there, i am not talking about what is better there, because under the occupier it is not better anywhere, but maybe there is some money there, there is.. . the opportunity to earn something, because here we see that, well, it is absolutely the same as before, yes, some wild west, where only the wind blows and there are some lonely cowboys
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who are looking for an easy living, well, we don’t see cowboys there, but i think that the occupiers are somewhere there sure, but this is a city in which no life can be seen, it simply does not exist there, and you imagine a person, let's say, there are houses there that are not destroyed, and you imagine a person in this house and how can he live, get out, there is no pharmacy, you are right, there are no services, there is nowhere to earn money. and the plus is that the line is close front, and there may be battles close to the city, and the shells will no longer be able to figure out where to fly there. there is also an additional risk that looting and the use of violence by the russian military occur in such settlements, several times more than in other communities of ours, because, as you rightly pointed out, there is a zone of active hostilities, and there is the military police... russian, well, it is present, but it is very inactive there, let's say so, and therefore the russian military, they are very free there feel themselves, and this is, accordingly
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, constant raiding, mobbing and violence against our people, in other areas it is dangerous everywhere, because it is constant filtering, and now, on the eve of the so-called presidential elections in them, the number of... filtering measures , some reports that a person was taken to the basement, it simply increased several times compared to the period there 3-4 weeks ago, they have now increased the pressure on people very much so that the maximum number of people can be counted before the elections, so that they are there and obedient, and to show some kind of loyalty to this russian peace, well, i just wanted to ask that, but you already answered about the pressure on the temporarily occupied territories. i think that the same is happening in the zaporizhia region, but it is true that they are trying to drive, somewhere there they manage to undermine or impress in one way or another these
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organizers of the so-called manifestation of will, because this is not a manifestation of will, but coercion, but we were talking , well, actually now we are talking about some kind of work, how many people are there in oleshki was in oleshki before the occupation, well, if there are thousands left there now... then there were 80-90 thousand there in the best times, that is, like kamianets-podilskyi, roughly somewhere, so that it would be in other regions of ukraine to orientate somewhere plus or minus and here is the information that the tractor blew up on a mine there, well, the person left for some work, obviously, or i also wanted to ask if there is this information that is brought to the farmers there, big and small , where it is safe to carry out work and where it is dangerous. well , plus there you can move between fields, between some kind of warehouse and field or tractor farm and field, people drive where you can drive, where you can’t, and again, here are
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the occupied territories, we looked at the ash trees, i think there are also fields near the ash trees somewhere, but not maybe, well, there are sands, of course, but somewhere maybe, well, globally, does the occupier give people something to do there, again, or forces them, maybe on the contrary, they grow it, and then you give us part of your harvest, well, not exactly there, there practically there is no under the control of the occupation administration, now even those farmers who agreed to work for according to the russian rules, those who re-registered, received passports, registered businesses, then most of them have already started having big problems there, when they are simply, well, let's put it this way, they are not allowed to work, now to export agricultural products. on the territory of the helson region, it is possible to obtain a regional permit from the occupation administration only with a written agreement, that is, they manually decide which of the farmers has
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the opportunity. there is actually no way to sell your products, because it is clear that in the territory of kherson region no one in these volumes will buy it, but there are enterprises , russian enterprises , which operate in our territory, which buy these products at half price there, get permission from the military administration of their occupation without problems and export these products, well, this is also a form of racketeering, a form programming actually. ugh, thank you very much for your comments, take care, yuriy sobolevskyi, first deputy chairman of the kherson regional council, well, part of the issue was discussed, i had more questions, but they are like that they say, they are waiting, we will talk about it there, because they finally identified 94 works stolen from an art museum, for example, a regional one, and the russians are now exhibiting these works somewhere in russia or in the occupied territories, they are even trying to steal them somewhere there bring out, so now we will talk about political and diplomatic relations.
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and the topic is really important. oleksandr khara, a diplomat is in touch with us. mr. alexander, congratulations. good evening, mr. vasyl. of course, let's start with the news that appeared yesterday evening. it was reported that the candidacy of general valery zaluzhny was approved for the post of ambassador of ukraine to the united kingdom, and they were waiting for agriman. let's start with this, is it worth reporting such news to society, if the candidacy for the position of ambassador has not yet been received by agriman from. parties, where it should arrive to exercise its diplomatic powers? well, really, this is not an orthodox move, it is clear that there is some internal logic, why it was done that way, because in fact, a shriek is a shriek, that it is given, submitted to the country that is supposed to accept this person, in closed regime, and the country carries out certain procedures,
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checks whether there is no claims to this person from the point of view of security, political nuances, and then gives a positive answer, or a long one, does not answer, which actually in the language of diplomacy means that this person is not acceptable in this country, well, in the case of zaluzhnym, i don't think , that there will be some complications, it is clear that this man is a legend, a powerful figure, and the council will welcome him in london, and it is clear that in addition to the military leadership, the political leadership, he is also known to his relatives... the british, you know, i even on twitter, i liked this comment, the comment that it is unlikely that mr. zaluzhny will have to pay for beer in pubs, that is, he is a really popular personality, that's why, really, i don't understand why they made such an innovation, but his candidacy is a powerful , let's say, a signal to our partners, because britain, especially in the difficult conditions of the difficult situation in washington, is our key player on
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the european continent. and such a figure, she can positively, let's say, play in the interests of ukraine. you know, i'm not, by the way knew how to answer, i didn't delve into the laws, but i thought that it would not affect, well, there are people who think that this is normal, that they would, for example, elect a hard-working person as president, if he were a candidate for presidents, when we have elections, god will provide, someday, they say, but now what if he will, say, live abroad, well, in britain, in london. no, he won't be able to run for president later, and i thought to myself, well, he must have lived in ukraine for the last five years, but on the other hand, he he doesn't live abroad, he performs his duties abroad, maybe you just know, because actually this is interesting information for me, well, for example, or maybe the general never plans to go into public politics, but will do his own thing there well, a diplomatic mission, some other matters, please, well , it is clear that we are now
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thinking hypothetically, this is for... a long-term foreign business trip, that is, this person did not just go on a permanent residence or is staying somewhere on a visa, this is a business trip from the state of ukraine, he is paid a salary in hryvnias to his account, well, there are daily and representative ones, those that will be in currency, which means that they compensate for certain things there, so to be honest, it is difficult for me, i am not a lawyer, will this be taken into account, as the fact that he is not was for a long time, and... this will pose some obstacles for his participation in some political processes, perhaps in the elections, but really, well, we cannot have presidential elections in the near future, since the war is not over, and it is clear that let's say so, both from a legal point of view and from a practical point of view point of view, it probably doesn't make sense and...


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