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tv   [untitled]    March 9, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EET

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er, another aspect that is more difficult for us to influence, as for the state, is that ukrainian manufacturers, they are under fire, and they are very often a target for the russians, and that means it imposes certain security risks, of course, on teams that manufacture weapons, and it would be nice if the state helped, for example, with underground facilities and somehow made additional subsidies so that these underground facilities could be used, ee as a ... manufacturer, i would also mention the persecution of law enforcement agencies , which occur, because of the fact that the legislation in ukraine is not always unambiguous, for local business there is a risk of these persecutions, which are not always expedient, of course, when we are talking about arms importers to ukraine, for them there is no such risk of ambiguity of ukrainian legislation, well, in other words, in fact , it can be stated that such a reality, well, conditionally speaking, i will even push... our
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national producers to leave ukraine and create enterprises outside of ukraine, under other brands or under their own brands, but to move away from these national difficulties, which relatively speaking, well, significantly complicate the production of defense products, such trends, but among your enterprises there are those who want to go abroad and create an enterprise there. unfortunately, such discussions exist, and i would like to emphasize now. for the state authorities on the fact that if we do not have a preference for the ukrainian manufacturer, if the orders are not predictable, if the export of surplus products is not opened, there is a great risk that a large number of enterprises, if they do not withdraw completely, will at least think about opening subsidiaries abroad, in ukraine, as a state, we do not need it at all, for this to happen, it is very important to preserve this defense industry.
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the complex that we built at such an incredible cost in ukraine, finally, and therefore these three points that i have listed, they are key to ensuring that companies will stay in ukraine and pay taxes here, and of course supply weapons directly our army ms. kateryna, i will still ask about the association itself, because linguistically speaking, we mentioned about the purpose of this association, but we still did not name the enterprise. i think it is still worth reminding our viewers that among the members of your association there are enterprises that have been engaged in the production of military products for more than 10, or even more years, these include, in particular, ukspet system, skyton, atlan avia, deviro, that is, those enterprises that have serial models that have already been tested by the war, eh, that have such highly professional teams, bought the equipment, and in fact they are top ukrainian enterprises. defense
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industrial sector, when you talk about the pains of enterprises, it actually means that the largest and most stable, most powerful manufacturers are suffering from the problems that you told our viewers about, is that right? yes, everything is true, moreover , i will say that until the year 22, they actively exported their products to the international market, so it can be said that these products are competitive to the world stage in western countries, and also part of the development that these companies have done , for example, the shark drone, which many ukrainians, i think, you know, it was a development at the company's own working capital during the great war, at the risk of shelling, with all these legislative blockers that exist, so the industry very often creates the latest weapons that give us an advantage on the front line in a conflict, if the circumstances , which we have, not thanks to. panikaterino, but where are the companies taking funds for their first of all new developments? because on the one hand we know that
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part of the projects you mentioned were collected with volunteer money, part these were the funds of the companies themselves. the government says that they have raised the profit rate there by 25%, and this is quite enough to spend randy there in certain companies, but what is really happening with the finances to create new solutions among the leading defense industrial companies? this is a big problem in all large leading enterprises. there is a shortage of working capital, and it is difficult to find funds for the latest developments, to be honest, we are grateful to the foundations for the fact that they purchase weapons, it helps a lot in moments of unpredictability of the state of orders, funds bail out companies and make these purchases, er, you mentioned there a profit of 25%, i want to emphasize that this is er this 25%, they do not take into account the development of the latest models of weapons, that is, the rnd process, that is... in no
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way it is the development of the newest types of weapons, it is not financed by the state, and this is in principle true from one point of view, that the companies themselves should really invest in it , but only at the discretion. all other conditions that i listed earlier, that is, the predictability of orders, the export of these working capital are constantly insufficient, therefore companies here come up with different ways, sometimes they take investments, sometimes they try to find loans, but none of these ways are clear and easy. you mentioned loans, at a certain stage there was an initiative that loans for defense enterprises should have zero or minimal loans. general rate, but they talked about it and forgot about it, that is, i understand that now the loans are still too burdensome to create new projects at the expense of this, yes, because defense companies do not have a great opportunity to give any guarantees to the banks, i.e. what
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should these guarantees be under, if, for example, their capacity is production, they are a target for russian missiles, and it is clear that the banks see this as a big risk, it is also after all... arms manufacturers, which is such an additional, additional reason for banks to check these companies in more detail, so some special lending programs that would be worked out at the state level, they would really be useful for this sector, because currently there are no such programs. and another component is professional development composition, creative teams , production teams, how about this at... at your enterprises, because when you talk to individual directors, everyone says that this is actually, well, the essence of the problem is to find designers, find technologists, find guys or girls who can do certain things correctly there, these are, well, as they say, essential problems, should
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the state help here, should some mechanisms be created there, so that this component related to the training of personnel should be solved somehow systematically, yes i am... for sure emphasized two areas here, the first is training, that is, we have specialized universities that could now focus on the latest technologies specifically for the military sphere, it would be very useful, including in the matter of training the military, how to use the latest models weapons, including drones there. the second important question is how private companies can protect these talented employees whom they find, because there is a need to cover. but the issue of booking, because now there is an active mobilization company, and often these employees who have very specific knowledge, which is difficult to replace, are mobilized to the army, but it is important that these companies keep and give reservations to the defense-industrial
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complex, because it still ensures our technical superiority on the front line, and it is important that these people stay in enterprises, continued to manufacture ammunition, and develop the latest technologies that give a significant advantage on the front line. panikaterina, and extreme questions, what is the main goal that your association seeks to achieve, well, by the end of this year, what is the most priority and important for all enterprises that are united in your structure? we are building a market economy in the field of defense industry, so the key topics for us are order predictability and localization of production in ukraine. this is what we are working on the most. panikaterina, thank you very much for participating in our broadcast. i hope that we will continue to contact, highlight and support all your enterprises that are part of the technological forces of ukraine. and i will remind our viewers that it was kateryna mikhalko, the executive director of the association
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technological forces of ukraine. these were the main components related to the use of the technological potential of our defense forces. effectively use on the battlefield, our military wants to have technological solutions, robotic, unmanned platforms, so that their industrialists are ready to manufacture and supply them, but they need a systematic attitude from the government and the elimination of those obstacles that, as we see, still exist in order to for this process to be fast, efficient and multifaceted. so, stay tuned to the espresso channel, there will be a lot more to come information and news. see this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. searches in the dniprovsky district court of kyiv. who was responsible for the illegal actions of law enforcement officers. interference with judicial activity
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is a serious enough challenge. but why did the sbi refuse to initiate criminal proceedings. they cannot put themselves in prison, although there is every reason to do so. hello, this is a program. take control and , as always, we are talking about the main reform on which our european prospects depend. in ukraine after full restarting key judicial bodies is forming a virtuous judicial co. but while the employees of themis prove their professionalism and suitability for their positions, law enforcement officers are openly pressing how the state bureau of investigation manages to interfere with justice, and why no one is held accountable for illegal searches, we will tell you today. but first, traditionally, to the news. there is a shortage of judges in ukraine. more than half a thousand vacant positions in appeals courts should be filled by honest candidates this year. the competition was started by the higher qualification commission of judges. at the regular meeting, the members decided which of the candidates would be allowed to participate in the selection. the commission checked the documents of the participants and
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determined whether they were properly executed. one question is about the admission of candidates to pass the corruption assessment and participate in the competition for occupying the vacant positions of judges of appeal courts. among those who want to sit in a new chair, the judge of the northern appeal economic court, the scandalously known head of the economic court of the kyiv region, pavlo gorbasenko, turned out to be. thus he strives not only to win trophies. but also to nullify the corrupt past, fictitious divorces, property that cannot be explained by official income and decisions that have signs of raiding. concerned citizens opposed gorbasenko's candidacy at the competition. i am generally not satisfied with the corruption that exists in our country, and in particular with the work of such judges as gorbasenko. vot, a corrupt person who takes bribes, who judges incorrectly, and generally such people, i believe. there is no place in the court, our ukrainian one, to convey their position to the commission, people gathered near
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vkks building with posters. they are not satisfied with gorbasenko's work, consider him unscrupulous and demand that he be excluded from the competition. they should understand that people are not satisfied, there are honest, fair candidates who have a judicial education, but for some reason they are not allowed. the commission will make a final decision on gorbasenko after a detailed interview. now the members of the supreme court admitted him to the. the judge submitted the documents on time and in full. the commission unanimously decided to allow pavlo volodymyrovych gorbasenko to pass the corruption assessment and participate in the competition. the interview with the head of the economic court of the kyiv region will take place in a few months. it is then that the commission will be able to ask him questions about his wealth and questionable decisions and will determine his future fate as a judge. for two years , a full-scale war has been going on in ukraine. daily. russia is trying to destroy our state, launches hundreds of missiles, kills civilians, tries
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to seize territories. for two years, ukraine has courageously resisted the aggressor, and there are those who are trying to implement dubious schemes under the guise of war, resorting to illegal actions. a number of law enforcement agencies continue to work, but in this regime, war probably justifies everything, and maybe during martial law we can do what we did not allow ourselves to do during ordinary... there peaceful events or simply the regime of an anti-terrorist operation. at the beginning of the year , the state bureau of investigation raided the dnipro district court of kyiv, without any court decision. sbi investigators conducted an urgent search, without any court decision, in connection with an urgent case related to the rescue of property. the investigative actions lasted 5 hours and were accompanied by gross violations. at the entrance to the building, the security forces searched all the employees of the apparatus, investigators, prosecutors, and even others. visitors, taking into account even the address of the general meeting of the dnipro district court and the reaction
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of the supreme council of justice to it, still this urgency, it really causes, causes doubts. they checked not only personal things, but also the contents of mobile phones and other devices. at the same time, the personal search of women was carried out by men, the main goal the allegedly urgent search was to gain access to the official computer of judge yulia. access to the draft of the court decision in the case, as well as to other drafts and court decisions, in which the personal data of the participants in the court proceedings are indicated, was found and obtained. at the same time, the full text of the specified court decision was not announced at the time of the search. as stated in the sbi, the search took place within the framework of criminal proceedings on the fact of alleged assistance to a criminal organization. the security forces assured that did not intend to exert pressure. however, what happened was different. than pressure is difficult to call. during the search, the investigator took a photo of the text
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of the yet-to-be-announced court decision on his personal mobile phone and sent the photo to someone via messenger. this archi is illegal. and these are imaginary grounds. and until now, no one understood what property was being saved. and not only did they search the court itself, they also searched all the people who came there. that is, svabil is there. arbitrariness was multiplied, and it was demonstratively, demonstratively, look, there is one power of the dbr, that is to spit on the court, the judges. it's a show of force, and it's too bad. the sbi also seized data from video surveillance cameras, copies of timesheets , and even the vacation orders of judge yulia ivanina for 2022 and 2023. the decision of the investigative judge of the pechersk district court of kyiv city of february 8, 2014 satisfied the complaint of judge ivanina and obliged the authorized persons
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of the state bureau of investigation to return temporarily seized property to judge ivanina except. that from the content of this decision on the return of property , it can be seen that the search conducted in the court premises by the investigating judge was not legalized, the request for the search was refused. the supreme court immediately reacted to the illegal actions of the sbi, declaring the inadmissibility of the pressure of the officials of femida and the interference of law enforcement agencies in the court's activities. the supreme court appealed to the director of the sbi, who is directly responsible for the actions of his employees, with a demand to provide an explanation. you can enter in the register and spend a search of a judge without valid grounds for it, and to conduct that search without the permission of the court, i mean, you all know, the decision of the meeting, which was considered by the higher council of justice, about interference in judicial activity, such a challenge is serious enough,
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and the supreme court, in particular the chairman of the supreme court, could not help but respond to this with a corresponding letter, demanding. conducting a proper investigation, because it is a question of the authority of the system, and here the leadership of the supreme court should be, for me it is obvious, in order to protect the judiciary independence, because this is also an obvious criterion, based on the fact that there will be no independent court, there will be no rule of law. the supreme council of justice, in its turn, considered the appeal of the meeting of the dnipro district court regarding possible pressure from the dbi and... noting the presence of signs of interference in the judge's activities, turned to the office of the prosecutor general to enter this information into the edpr. on march 1, 2024 , a letter from the office of the prosecutor general was sent to the address of the dniprovsky district court of the city of kyiv stating that in the matters listed in the appeals, the office
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an official investigation has been initiated against the prosecutor general before the state bureau of investigation. the state bureau of investigation also demanded a reaction from the state bureau of investigation. we appealed. to the state bureau of investigation regarding their explanations regarding the circumstances of conducting such searches, emergency searches. we do not know whether the state bureau of investigation has finally provided any new explanations and investigated the actions of its employees who broke into the court with an urgent search, the state bureau of investigation refused. from the answer of the sbi to the supreme council of justice. we would like to inform you that based on the results of the review of the said decision and the report of ivanina, the judge of the dnipro district court of kyiv, the investigator of the state bureau of investigation did not establish grounds for entering information about a criminal offense into the unified register of pretrial investigations. a month ago there was an illegal search, it was a deliberate overstepping of the powers of the sbi and interference in
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the administration of justice. and as i understand... that today there is already information that the sbi refused to initiate criminal proceedings proceedings, in principle, news, let's say this , expected, the actions of the sbi are logical, because it cannot cut itself, and in this case they cannot put themselves in prison, although there are all reasons for this. we have sent an information request to the state bureau of investigation asking for an explanation of the employees' actions. during the search and the grounds for its conduct, but they did not receive an answer for a month and a half. we also inquired at the prosecutor general's office whether the information about interference in the judge's activities has been entered into the edpr at this time. we are still waiting for answer. currently , there is no information about entering data into the unified register of pretrial investigations in the court. i have been a specialist in the activity for a long time, and they practice
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, you know, there is, there is such a... legal perversion, you can call it another way, how to use blunt force, under the pretext of urgent searches, the whole house is turned over, property, cars and so on are seized , the authorities do not react to this, they do not make any comments to the sbi and do not put them in place, so these are coordinated actions, everything indicates that the urgent search that took place in to the dnipro district court of kyiv, nothing but arbitrariness on the part of law enforcement officers. interference in the work of the court, the refusal to initiate criminal proceedings and the lack of reaction of the authorities indicate that ukraine will face many challenges on the way to the rule of law. we will continue to follow... this topic and tell more in the next programs, for today i have everything, if you want to report corrupt judges or
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illegal decisions, message me on facebook or this email, see you in exactly a week, watch this . betrayals that beg to be slandered throughout the country, but let's start with the well -known seller, music producer yuriy bardash. after the full-scale
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invasion, he fled the country and first hid in georgia. there, on the pages of his social networks, he compared ukraine with nazi germany, and called himself a russian. after that, bardash allegedly began to receive threats from the georgian legion, so the traitor decided to scratch his way to russia. "i came here, roughly speaking, with a backpack, yes, i have been to moscow before, but this time with the realization that i am here forever. in his telegram channel, a great expert and traitor, bardash writes that it was the armed forces of ukraine that blew up kakhovska hesz and believes that the descendants of russia will study how a great power, standing on its knees, ruled the history of the whole world. i think no one will study it, because..." such a half-empire must simply disappear. in addition to everything, bardash boasted that he would soon receive a russian passport and also change his name. and the glimpses of ukrainian patriotism that
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appeared in him several years ago, called by chance the phrase "putin filled us" is a phrase that reassured ukrainians. they wanted me to tell them. and so the traitor's dream finally came true. on january 23, he received a cherished passport with a chicken. glad nothing, because he will soon lose his ukrainian citizenship. now even piven in the ukrainian village has more rights and freedoms than bardash, for whom the door to the civilized world will finally close. well, then about those who are also trying with all their might to be useful for russia, to serve noofura, such as, for example, a 34-year-old alina shamrai, who has been the head of the russian public organization union of mothers of kherson since july 2022. the people of kherson. region was finally able to get out of the backyard of ukraine and choose its own future. after watching this video, there are a lot of
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doubts about the adequacy of a person and whether he has common sense. although what am i talking about, what a healthy stupidity the collaborators have? until february 24, almost no one had heard of alina shamrai, but when the kherson region was occupied, the russian media began to mass write laudatory odes about the union. kherson and his heads as it turned out, this organization cooperates with local gauleiters and promotes russian propaganda under the guise of the interests of children. as you ask, everything is very simple, through manipulation and lies. shamrai starts a song for the camera about the desire of children to sleep peacefully in cribs, not in basements, to go to kindergarten and walk in parks under a peaceful sky without shelling, but at the same time he forgets one important detail: to say who? it was he who took away our children's childhood, thanks to whom children hear explosions and have to hide in shelters at night. already now we are we feel safe under the protection of our
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friends, the russian soldiers. the shamrai organization is financed at the expense of the occupation military-civilian administration of the kherson region, and its members receive a salary in rubles. i don't even know how much you need to earn to say such frank vomiting on camera, although... alina doesn't seem to need a lot, the main thing is that it's enough for the little girl. as a non-leader of the organization , shamray distributes leaflets kherson region future together with russia and takes an active part in political events, calls to open educational institutions to integrate children into life under the tricolor cloth. previously, as we used to do, we signed up electronically for a queue, but now i came for free, the child is happy in the group. people, well, why not, sit at home and wait, or better go, study and teach our children. in may of last year
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, a message appeared on the page of the prosecutor general's office about... the suspicion of shamrai, she faces up to 12 years in prison with confiscation of property. meanwhile , in ukraine, this traitor is awaiting a court verdict and the camera, it itself grabs for the last opportunities to descend even further to the social bottom. alina is also trying to build a political career in the occupied territories. we found her name in the list of candidates from the united russia party in the past fake elections of deputies of the kherson region, but the traitor could not get the promised mandate. we see that in the conditions of the svo, the kherson region and other new regions demonstrate an impressive unity with russia. journalists of trc tavria heroically perform their work every day. well, take it from her someone a bottle, bring to consciousness and inform that soon drastic changes in life are waiting for her. you will have to enjoy chefer,
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not syvukha. from mass. this is evgenia mykolaivna kuzmenko , born in 1989 in the village of novotroitske, kherson region, her father mykola kuzmenko is the archpriest of the novokokhov diocese of the uoc mp. kuzmenko graduated from kherson state university and until february 24 was engaged in cosmetology and worked as a massage therapist. when the great war began, she moved to her parents in village of novotroitske, there she went to the occupiers and began to beg for positions. at first, the invaders placed kuzmenko in a local employment center. she served there with faith and truth, so the rashists decided to advance her further. tori kuzmenko was included in the list of candidates for deputies of the occupying regional duma from the united russia party in the pseudo-elections that took place from september 1 to 10. on propaganda channels , yevgenia demonstrated true popular love and support for the russian federation. in local pubs , the collaborator urged locals to repaint
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ukrainian symbols. elections are a mechanism of control and balance of power, citizens have the opportunity to evaluate their elected representatives and, if necessary, replace them with new ones. this traitor won the election. the occupiers solemnly handed her the mandate of deputy of the fake kherson duma from the united russia party. when there is motivation, i think it doesn't matter what age you are, you are young, old, you don't care what you are working for, and when there are some incentives. this traitor knows exactly what she is talking about, because she went through it herself. the occupiers encourage her with posts, so for kuzmenko, working for the bunker grandfather is an inexplicable joy. the words of volodymyr volodymyrovych always sound solemn and penetrate deeply into the heart and soul of everyone. and kuzmenko's appetites are growing. for a short time, she was an ordinary deputy, already in october
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2023, the occupying authorities of the kherson region appointed a traitor to the position of head of the novotroitska community. during her appointment, she read the oath of allegiance to the russian federation. now, in a new status, this traitor travels to forums in the russian wilderness and glorifies a terrorist country. people meet in general from different regions, that is, from different points of our great country, which offers many opportunities. people have more experience, so i try to use... and apply useful and successful practices. the only opportunities russia provides for collaborators is to get suspicions from our law enforcement agencies and then sit down. however, there is another alternative, but it is less pleasant - it is to lie down in our holy land. experience shows that the careers of all traitors end in the same way, so it is better to choose before it is too late the first scenario. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have
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information about... crimean sellers , write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors after the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. congratulations, this is an exclusive espresso. my name is yuriy fizar. today we will talk about security. about the help from the united states of america, in the end, when we get it from the american congress, well, let's talk about donald trump, and i will talk about all this with our guest today, the national security adviser to the 45th president of the united states of america, donald trump, john bolton. mr. ambassador, congratulations and thank you for joining me, it is a pleasure to be with you. mr. ambassador, my first question will be...


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