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tv   [untitled]    March 9, 2024 7:00am-7:30am EET

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that someone who is being persecuted by a dictator is, in our opinion, our friend in this whole story, but the rhetoric that is being heard just brings me closer to the idea of ​​taking away a certain layer of the electorate from opzh, and you can see it in the numbers, the south again he is supported there, so i think that if there are elections, in the coming years, you will see another political force, oleksiy aristovych, for sure it will be. to do, given his ambitions and personal qualities, human knowledge of all processes and the ability to reach the audience, he has it, that is, from time to time i am there i come across it while switching it with a certain goal to watch a video, i come across some recommendations that for some reason seem to me, then i see that 35 00 or 50 thousand people are sitting and watching aristovachi, it is clear that this is part of the russian federation, because it is a language.
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in russian, but ours too, so here it is worth taking a closer look and observing this whole process and passing it on before the vote, thank you, thank you yanina, andriy, but yanina is right when she says that opzzh is a banned party, and it is not just about about the faction in the verkhovna rada, because in 2020 on more than 4 thousand were elected in local elections. representatives of the opz, and they still sit in local councils, discuss some budgets there, distribute land, make various decisions, and this is also a question for the state, why does the state actually do this with this so-called opposition, and it is not the opposition, this part, it is part of the current ukrainian government, and it is dangerous, well, i know that at the local level, in many local councils, there is a movement to deprive elected deputies
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of their powers, as far as i understand, this it is legally difficult to do, especially since they have all publicly changed their colors and become the greatest patriots, here, let's say, we lack the institution of reputation and voter memory to remember who fought for which party and what they professed, i would i also noted, well, and emphasized once more. sif on the fact that zaluzhny was not included in this survey of kmis, as one of the alternatives offered to the respondents, and the fact that 3% of citizens simply actually entered him on the ballot, this indicates that he has a much higher rating, if he was offered to people right away, so maybe we don't know, maybe on the second one, well , hardly on the first one... he would have been in good standing, not
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a shelter, if he had been in these questionnaires from the very beginning, which i also noted that actually 17% were undecided, or 17 and another 17% said that at 17:18 there is no real opposition in ukraine, this is a big piece of the electoral pie, in fact more than 30%. 35% of citizens, they can make their choice later, later and sway this poll in one direction or another, and plus we don't know who will actually be nominated, when there will be elections and other popular people may appear there, i don't know about the plans of mr. budanov, i don't know about the plans of klitschko, sadovoy, well, we have a lot. politicians and
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public figures who can potentially apply for the highest positions in the state and for whom they can potentially vote, well, including well-known volunteers, why are we talking only about asylum, because we have another well-known fund, come back alive, which also collects huge sums, there are popular bloggers, there is sternenko blogger, there is yenina who has 1 million subscribers on youtube channels, friends, join the youtube channel of yanina sokolova, thank you, i immediately say that you are unlikely to see me there, well , you can support someone, say no, i have no right to support, andria, i am a journalist, support in we bloggers and those who consider themselves not journalists, but exclusively public activists, journalists do not have to support anyone, only... i can safely
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say who is the enemy of the country and for whom we should call the elderly people in the environment or friends, relatives in the southeast in view of the numbers, and to say not to vote, because it is a choice of the future. thank you colleagues , we have to go off the air, well, we heard that yanina sokalova will not run for the presidency of ukraine next time, although never say never, i think that this is exactly the woman president, it would be interesting, i think that someday in ukraine it should happen , so thank you, thank you to yanina sokolo, and thank you to andrii yanitskyi for participating in the program, it was a verdict program, during the program we conducted a survey, friends, we asked you about this, do you support the appointment. luzhny ambassador to great britain. so, this decision is approved by 47%, 53%, no. and well , about the same proportion in youtube. i am putting an end to this conversation. it was serhiy rudenko's verdict program. i say goodbye to you until 20:00 monday. have a nice weekend.
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we are looking for two brothers, 11-year-old artemat and 10-year-old denys abramovichuv. the boys lived on the right bank of the kherson region in the berislav district in the village of duchany. the territory was occupied almost from the first days of full-scale war, but in the fall of 2022 she was released and it was during this period that it became known about the disappearance of two brothers, artem and denys. where the boys may be now, no one knows. it is possible that shortly before the liberation of kherson oblast, they were taken to the temporarily occupied territories, or maybe to russia in general. that is why your help is very important. if anyone has information about the missing boys, call us immediately on
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the magnolia children's search service hotline at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. if suddenly there is no connection or possibility to call. write to the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram. this is just one story of missing children. in general, since the beginning of the war, we have received almost 3,000 appeals for help in the search. fortunately, the vast majority of children have already been found, but the fate of many remains unknown. this especially applies to temporarily occupied territories, where the work of the police is practically paralyzed, where it is impossible to leave and there are communication problems. sometimes people who can not find. children, they don't even know what to do and where apply if you suddenly find yourself in a similar situation and have no idea how to act, call the short number 11630 or write to the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram. here you will be provided with all the necessary advice. in
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addition, everyone who sees me now can already help find the missing children. take just a minute of your time and visit the magnolia children's tracing website. here you can. view all photos of the missing, who knows, maybe you will recognize someone and eventually help find them. i also want to remind you that the search for ten-year-old artem kholodny, who disappeared in the kharkiv region in september 2022, is also ongoing, his mother asked for help in finding the boy. imagine that a woman has not seen or heard from her son for more than a year. i appeal to everyone who can see or know any information about mine. to my son, cold artem andreyevich, if anyone has seen or heard any information that can provide, i am asking you to do so, because the mother’s heart is breaking, and the fact is that
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artem kholodny’s parents are divorced and live separately, so it happened that when war has begun, boy was with my father in the city of kupyansk in the kharkiv region, on the third day of the full-scale invasion, the city was... completely occupied, and later the communication was cut off there. for almost six months, mrs. elena did not have any news about her son, and only in september 2022, they received a short message from him in viber. it was september, around september 10-13, 22nd. let me remind you that on september 22, fighters from the ssu liberated kharkiv oblast from the occupiers, and it was during this period that mrs. elena's son got in touch. of course a woman. tried to call artyom, wrote him more than one message in response, but all attempts turned out to be useless. the connection with the child mysteriously broke off again, and it is not known where artem kholodny is now. therefore, your help is very important. look at the photo again and
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remember the boy's face. he is a very active boy, fair-haired, with such a mobile physique, he must be in the fifth grade by now, light-eyed, gray... eyes, active, kind, a good boy. if suddenly someone saw artem cold, or knows where he might be, now, no delay and immediately call our service hotline. at the children of magnolia at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free, if suddenly there is no way to call, write to the chatbot child search service in telegram. any information is important. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time. just go to the site and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal.
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society: drone attacks on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of processes, that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's figure it out. they help to understand everything. united by football, stronger together. an unusual look at the news. good
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health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at events in ukraine, on there will be some katsaps on the borders of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world does parman dream of, can you imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17. sunday 18:15 at espresso.
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welcome to the espresso channel. today, in our war and weapons program, we will once again talk about what new technologies on the battlefield the ukrainian army is already using, or will use in the near future. and this time in more detail about ground. robotic platforms, a number of our defense industrial companies even united under the slogan "we must fight
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with robots, but not with people." and the ministry of strategic industry recently stated that there is an extremely urgent need for platforms that can be converted for medical evacuation, and our domestic developers demonstrated their robotic platforms for evacuating the wounded from the battlefield to military medics at the training ground. but what is the distance between the demonstrators of such robotic systems and real actions on the battlefield, which should and can accelerate the appearance of perfect and already serial ones and whether really our developers imagine the conditions in which these platforms will carry out their missions, if there are explosions, explosions from shells, enemy drones are firing from above, and a minefield is underfoot or under the tracks. so, we will talk about all this, about new technologies of war, about possibilities and limitations , both with the developers and with those who will
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use this military hi-tech. defense express, which now, together with spresso channels, aims to cover the most relevant events in the life of our army and the defense-industrial complex. and now to the first guest joins us, oleksandr yapchanka joins us, he is the senior lieutenant of the honor company of the vovka da vinci battalion. mr. oleksandr, welcome to the espresso channel. glad to hear but can't see live right? glory to ukraine, i hear. glory to heroes. mr. oleksandr, you are an ardent supporter of using new technologies on the battlefield. we talked about the necessity of this direction about a year ago, and during that time many different and interesting events took place. so, i would like to hear from you how you would rate this year, how quickly these new eyes are implemented
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technology into the life of the ukrainian army, just like your unit, and do you already have such a positive attitude. experience that can be scaled to other units, to other brigades, come on, you asked a few questions, so let's start with the first question about the other supporter and what, let's say, in medical terms, what are the dynamics of the process? the dynamics of the process are undoubtedly positive, if a year ago, in principle. under it was more our image about what is obvious, ah, to fight better with robots than with people, this is an obvious thesis, with her, in particular, no one argued, they only argued about how to do it, so in a year's time
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we already have many options for solving this problem. how to go from fighting people to fighting robots, since there are, well, a huge number of prerequisites, not simple, let's call them problems, which must be solved in order for this to happen. now i will actually describe what we are talking about, what a robot should do instead of a person, these are functions, these functions are clear to every army man, and in principle they are quite simple. for people from non-military subjects. the first function - logistics , everything that happens on the front line, everything that shoots, everything that is there, people live there, people eat food, people fight, that is, shoot, there is a need, food, water, bull, this is all in the vast majority
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cases people carry with their hands, the function of logistics. must be closed, must be closed by ground robotic complexes, and we see, well, a lot, er, a lot of prototypes that can theoretically do it and in some places already at the front, they are doing it. eh, the second function is evacuation, you are talking about it they said at the end of our conversation, this is also already happening, of course, not massively. but there are cases when it is done directly by combat units, and there are many suggestions to these combat units about how it can be done. the third function is demining , the fourth is demining, this is also happening at the front, and there are many proposals, many, not many, there are proposals from manufacturers, let's
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put it this way, ah, then the fire damage function, well, you see... . there are few prototypes of robotic complexes on the internet, which are not they can only block logistics and evacuation, and they can also cause fire damage to the enemy. what is nice is that a year ago i was familiar with only one company engaged in this, today there are already , let's say, several such companies, in other words, we also have a positive dynamic, which... to uh, the products themselves, believe me, for year, they made progress and positive dynamics regarding the number of those who produce them, in other words, there is already internal competition, and, you know, this is... very ukrainian, on the one hand, internal competition, on the other on the other hand, all people are friends, but when i get into an environment where
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manufacturers meet, despite the fact that they are, well, like competitors, they communicate well on the subject of technology, that is, it is not this nonsense that we came up with, we will not tell anyone , on the contrary, and now actually, summing up what has been said, the dynamics of the process are positive, but in order for us to really... move from a war with people to a war with robots, we still need to take many, many, very difficult steps, both technically and administratively, well, administrative and legal ones too, that's why first of all everything should be thanked to everyone who is involved in this process, the manufacturer, well , the developers, manufacturers, military, you are very much in charge... but you noticed, what is the distance from the manufacturer to the soldier, such initiatives as bry one, they
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this distance is simply shortened to a direct handshake, because i, as a representative of the combat units, which have been implementing this for more than a year, i communicate directly with the manufacturers, and our communication is on the topic, that is, i say, look, how can this be solved. .. problem, they give options solution, we test it, and then, if one or another version of the solution is effective, they apply it, it is very good that there are still manufacturers in the history of zbriva, because the distance between the inventor and the manufacturer should also be as short as possible, and this is the trio, the one who fights, the one who invents and the one who produces, it should be as much as possible... well, these people should simply work together, which is actually what happens on the bryvan platform, and of course it is very good that there are holders of powers who are ready
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to help these three stakeholders do their work more effectively, ah, so the general impression is positive , of course, we still have to work and work, and i just emphasize right away, let's not make excessive expectations from this, no, we will not start fighting with robots in the 25th year with the whole army, well, the truth is, let's not invent unrealistic dreams. sorry, this is not the story that you take a wise book, read and do as it is written in this wise book, we are now writing this book, and writing such books as the doctrine will change... not very quickly, so we have make the most
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efforts so that we understand that doctrine as quickly as possible and implement it as quickly as possible, and for that all those participants in the process that i mentioned, in addition to thanks, we must also wish them to move even faster, mr. oleksandr, you were present literally that week . if i'm not mistaken, where minstratekhprom and our developers showed these platforms that can be used to evacuate the wounded, what did you see there, are there samples that can already be taken and handed over to units tomorrow, or do the developers still need to finalize something essential or non-essential ? well first of all, there are samples that could even be seen in enemy publics, that is... that is, there are some platforms, the enemy has already noticed them, ah, and, well, obviously, if the enemy noticed them, then they are already used
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, it's just that we have to realize that we, we are doomed to run half a hull ahead in technical terms, in front of the enemy, if we want to win this war, and we obviously want to, er, there are ee intelligent developers, there are... brave units that are ready to implement these developments, that is, there is something to work with, you just need to maximize this experience to scale, in other words, so that there are more units like ours, we encourage, we are strikers, we will teach you what we know ourselves, we constantly communicate with those combat units that use, exchange experience, you know? the more effective this networking will be, the sooner we will make this technological revolution military. mr. oleksandr, are there such formalized requirements for such
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robotics? a monster from the general staff, because sometimes it seems that each team is at its own discretion, on its own the vision creates a model and then offers it to the military, you said that there is a certain dialogue in the relationship, but still, is there any formal basis for our developers to know in which direction to move and what is expected of them subdivisions? see, you have asked a very good question, in my opinion. nevertheless, this basis, this basis, it should be written directly to those who will use this technique based on the results of the tests, on the training ground and already according to the results of the tests on the contact line, which was very well done by the general staff, he, these
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grassroots initiatives. which appeared more than a year ago, he first of all, well, prescribed them, we have a separate one, these are unmanned systems, and it is wonderful, in other words, you know, it is a very cossack story, when you, as a free person, can invent , being in the army, it is a very regulated structure, a very hierarchical structure, but when you are in the ukrainian army, you show some initiative. at least no one bothers you, summarizing the answer to this question, it should not go from the general staff top down, do it like this, it is the general staff who hears how work in the fields, and i'm just ready to help with this, so i'm very hopeful, optimistic, looking at this whole story around ground-based robotic complexes, around...
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here's aerial vehicles, because we have a good interaction between a soldier and a person with big shoulders, that is, we have, of course , bureaucratic difficulties, i don't think you are interested in hearing about them, but the most important thing is that this distance from the direct operator of the ground-ground robotic complex to the person in the general staff who makes decisions , first of all, this contact exists, it exists because of... all kinds of initiatives, this is a very ukrainian story, and of course, well, we would like, probably ideally, for it to exist, for everything to happen faster, but let's be realistic, well, a year ago we were only talking about the fact that it would be good to somehow try to fight with the latest technologies on the ground, today we already have quite a lot of prototypes, and some already have direct combat experience, operators and some prototypes
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have already... been modernized according to the results of their work on the front line, so the dynamics are positive, let's speed up if possible, but the most important thing is not to stop for god's sake. mr. oleksandr, i asked the guest editors very much that you participate in this program, because, relatively speaking, your unit acts as a certain, well , generator of ideas and tries to, well , push manufacturers, create certain samples and that these samples fall. for operation to your unit, so it was with this chablis module used by your unit, now i hope that certain robotic platforms, and what will be the formal side, you use the module, you accumulate experience, then you write certain recommendations, these recommendations go to the developer and maybe now they will go to the command of a new kind of army of bottomless systems, so that this experience
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can be scaled there, this format , the side of the case has already been fixed, is it effective , does it work, are there any results, well, why didn’t you answer this question, if a year ago it was a saber, you know, some kind of super, well, it’s a strange story, but just not rare and they wrote to me in the comments that listen, well, that 's a good idea, but it won't work, so now it's already, well, now it's already a reality on the front. there is a great use of these ground robotic complexes, the third assault , well done, there are more such units that are included in this process, er, so er, well, we can observe from the dynamics that of course it is better, ah, just...


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