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tv   [untitled]    March 9, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EET

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now they will go to the command of a new type of troops of bottomless systems, so that this experience can be scaled there, this formal side of the matter has already been established, is it effective, does it work, are there results? well, you didn't answer this question, if a year ago it was a saber, you know, some kind of super ee, well, it's a strange story, but it's just that they often wrote to me in the comments. listen, well, that's a good idea, but it won't work, so now it's already, well, now it's already a reality on the front, there are great uses these ground robotic complexes , the third assault unit, well done, more such units that are included in this process, er, so, er, well, we can monitor the dynamics, which, of course, is better, but, just... the more there will be divisions that
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work directly with the manufacturer, as you asked how it works, i will tell you how it works, it works so that the manufacturer of the saber turret and the lynx platform and i just shook hands and said: guys, in you have something we can fight with, give it to us, please, and we'll just announce that we we must, we are ready for this... well, it is a certain risk, because when you take some new technology to war, you still take a risk, well, because it may not work, and well, it will be a risk for you personally , and accordingly we are taking a certain risk, but please be a weasel and go to meet us, that is, give us what we should risk, and they are very clear, i will tell you that some of the sabers that we received , we received from the manufacturers, summing up with that being said, the vast majority of manufacturers
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are interested in giving these products to us directly for testing, even if they money is badly needed, well, because you understand that, it’s not so much about earnings, but about the dynamics of production, relatively speaking, if you found money for a prototype, you then need to find money for at least a few more prototypes, as you understand , it’s not just about finding money for it, but we... i’m like a unit commander, i also perceive it as a personal task: i need to find a donor for the manufacturer, if i succeed, great, the manufacturer perceives this task in the same way, he i need to find a donor to give me my product, and when we work so synchronously, it succeeds, of course it does not always succeed, of course it succeeds not on such a scale as one would like. well, listen, dream about
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the impossible, and at least part of it will succeed. mr. oleksandr, thank you very much for the inclusion, for your explanation, we will dream of the impossible and seek practical solutions on the battlefield. let me remind you that my co-founder was oleksandr yapchanka, the senior lieutenant of the honor company of the vovka devinci battalion, and this unit was just trained to implement technological solutions to conduct combat operations. and with the enemy, relying on the capabilities provided by robotic platforms, saber-type modules, and other models that allow you to destroy the enemy, while the fighter remains in maximum safety, this should be provided by the technologies, further we will talk about how to create samples of such unmanned systems that are needed on the battlefield, but here we will rather not talk about the technical parameters of this or that product, but about what slows down... or what needs to be changed to
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make this creation process much faster, more dynamic and met the needs that the military itself is currently forming. about all this after the information and advertising block. there are discounts on lyzak, 10% in pharmacies plantain for you and savings. there are 15% discounts on maridoza in psyllium pharmacies. turn on the heart-wrenching investigation, the new chapter of the hbo series is already on mego, a real detective, find out what secrets the alaskan ice hides, exclusively in the mego subscription, there are discounts on valeriana bolgarska 10% in pharmacies podorozhnyk bam and oschad, there are discounts on pills amixin ic, 10% in in pharmacies plantain, you and savings. the premium
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sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world does norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon. mykola in september, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them, but few know what is happening. it is necessary
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to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio event with anton borkovsky at espresso. we continue our war and weapons program. it is aimed at reviewing the technological solutions used by our military on the battlefield. in in the first part, we talked about how the military themselves see such samples, why they need them. and now we will talk with companies, representatives of companies, with industrialists who create such samples, because in fact now, if we are there or... read the message of the minister of technology, there are numbers, then formally everything is fine with us, the number of drones is increasing, profit margins are increasing, the potential of the company is expanding, but in any case, the manufacturers have a number of basic questions for
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our customers, there are a number of proposals, and now we are joined by kateryna mikhalko, this is the executive director of the association of technological forces of ukraine, mr. kateryna, mrs.... kateryna, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. good afternoon, thank you very much for the invitation. on the website of your association, the technological forces of ukraine, there is written the phrase that i already used in a conversation with the military, about the fact that we must fight with robots, but not with people. and precisely due to the use of technology, your association strives to preserve the life and health of as many ukrainians as possible. i want. would like you a little told our viewers in more detail what the purpose of the association of technological forces of ukraine was created, when it was created, what enterprises are part of it, what goal it sets for itself. ugh. it is absolutely true, you said that the latest
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technologies today, they help, firstly, to bring our victory closer, to give an advantage on the front line, and more importantly, they help to save and save. life of our military, because part of the operations that are performed by people, they can be performed effectively by drones today, but it is important it is efficient and predictable for the state to purchase these drones and to ensure that ukrainian companies stay here, do not go abroad and only build up their capabilities, for this the technological forces of ukraine have appeared, we help state authorities with our analytics to form policies there in such a way that the conditions for conducting defense business in ukraine are more comfortable . order, how about these components of your
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association? currently, the association has more than 20 enterprises, some of them have been supplying weapons to the front line since the 14th year. some of them appeared recently, all of them are united by one idea, this is the application of the latest technologies in the fund line, that is , every product that is manufactured by these enterprises has some innovation inside, that is, whether the software is unique or the use of artificial intelligence , or some specific developments that relate specifically to cases and hardware components, but these are all the latest designs of arms, and i know what you have been doing. a survey among the enterprises that are part of your association, where you sought to identify the most problematic or bottlenecks in the development of the enterprises themselves, their cooperation with customers, and you described it as such a certain pyramid of industry pains, so i would like
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to hear from you, from what our producers are suffering now, what worries them the most, what systemically worries them, what needs to be changed. the first and most important thing is the predictability of orders, because it is already march part of the enterprises that manufacture weapons, drones, which have already proven their effectiveness on the front line. still not contracted, and this is an absolute disaster for the private sector, because in order to exist this production, to support its teams, of course you need to have working capital. this is currently a big challenge, because some enterprises simply do not understand when they receive contracts and whether they receive them at all. it is very important for the state to plan the purchase of weapons for 2-3 years. currently, there is a maximum of planning, which receives the private sector - it is 6-2 months. so on... it should be, the second thing i would say is localization, it is very important that we have
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preferences for local arms manufacturers, because for the last 30 years, the rules of the game were such that all preferences were given to imported zamski weapons, that is, to manufacture border, it is more profitable and comfortable , it should not be like this, there should be an advantage for ukrainian producers, and the third thing i would say is that it is important to integrate the ukrainian market into the world market, so if some producers do not receive for... from ukraine as a state, then it is important to allow exports so that they can transfer their technological samples of weapons to our friendly countries and partner states and thus bring currency to the country, and about these problems, i think you talked with representatives of the ministry of digital, the minister of technology and industry, the ministry of defense, what was the reaction to the fact that these moments, which are painful... and difficult for manufacturers , must be somehow arranged, or is there any positive feedback from our
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officials. in fact, i am very grateful to the government that they are listening to the industry and already a lot deregulations have taken place over the past two years, and that is, the market rules cannot be compared with what was before, that is, there is a positive direction of activity and law-making in the government and in the parliament, including. and... it's just that the scope of the problems is so great, and it's been so long since we 've had a reform of this industry, that of course it takes some time, you talked about the need to push for the export of products, if they are not fully bought by the ministry of defense or others power structures, to the extent that such a political moment is present here, which conditionally saying, how can we export when we are... asking our partners to supply and sell us weapons, how can we bypass this
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trap that is ideologically created around this issue? well, i would like to say a few important things on this topic: firstly, exports do not reduce the amount of weapons that ukrainian companies can produce, on the contrary, they increase this amount, because when companies receive additional capital, they can increase their capabilities, that's why the sign. .. abroad does not reduce the amount of weapons it will have ukraine inside. the second thing i would say is that , for example, in such fields as the production of drones, we have made great progress, we have many different models, and objectively, not all of them are needed by our armies, because they have different functions, or ukraine does not always have enough funds to buy all the lots, so it would be advisable to allow this surplus production to be exported. there are other categories of technologies in which ukraine does not have such. there is a great capacity to manufacture them, and it is for them that there is usually a request to our
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western partners to provide us technical assistance, but it very much depends on the category, technology and type of product, and returning to the issue that you raised in the list of pains that, relatively speaking, local or local manufacturers feel in worse conditions than foreign suppliers, this... concerns the determination of the price, terms of purchase, which special features are established for our manufacturer and supplier of foreign-made products, well, it does not apply to imported suppliers, for example, the limitation of the cost of products, that is, they simply submit their price list offer, and if these weapons are needed in ukraine, we buy them. for ukrainian manufacturers, this cost regulation, it is very strict and not... comfortable, and this, this amount there, the profit that the companies receive is
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not enough to make reinvestments in the latest technologies, so this is the main pain there, that import suppliers have much more resources to invest in new developments later on. another aspect on which it is more difficult for us to influence as the state, is the fact that ukrainian producers, they are under... shelling, and they are very often a target for the russians, and so that imposes certain security risks, of course, on the teams that make the weapons, and it would be nice if the state would help. for example, underground premises and somehow made additional subsidies so that these underground premises could be used as a production facility, i would also point out the persecution of law enforcement agencies that happen due to the fact that the legislation in ukraine is not always clear-cut, there is a risk for local business then these
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persecutions, which are not always expedient, of course, when we are talking about arms importers to ukraine, there is no such thing for them. the risk of the ambiguity of ukrainian legislation, that is, it can actually be argued that this reality, relatively speaking, even pushes our national producers to leave ukraine and create enterprises outside of ukraine, under other brands or under their own brands, but to move away from these national difficulties, which relatively speaking, well, they significantly complicate the production of defense products, such trends among your people... that we want to go abroad and there create a company? unfortunately, such discussions exist, and i would very much like to emphasize to the state authorities that if we do not have preferences for the ukrainian manufacturer, if orders are not predictable, if the export of surplus products is not opened, there is a great risk
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that a large number of enterprises, if they do not withdraw completely, will at least think about opening... subsidiary enterprises abroad, in ukraine, as a state, we do not need this at all, for this to happen, very it is important to preserve this defense-industrial complex, which we finally built at such an incredible cost in ukraine, and therefore these three points that i have listed, they are key to ensuring that companies will stay in ukraine and pay taxes here and of course supply weapons directly to our army. mrs. kateryna, i will still... ask about the association itself, because linguistically speaking, we mentioned about the purpose of this association, but we still did not name the enterprise, i think, after all it is worth reminding our viewers that on wednesday the members of your association include enterprises that have been engaged in the manufacture of military products for more than 10 or even more years, in particular ukspeed system,
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skayton, atlon aviya, deviro, that is, those enterprises that have serial samples that have already been tested by war. er, who have such highly professional teams, bought the equipment, and actually they are the top enterprises of the ukrainian defense industry, and when you talk about the pains of enterprises, it actually means that the largest and most stable, most powerful manufacturers suffer from those problems that you told our viewers about, so it turns out, yes, everything is true, moreover, i will say that until the year 22 they actively exported their products to the international market, so you can say ... that these products are competitive on on the world stage in western countries, and also some of the developments made by these companies, for example, the shark drone, which i think many ukrainians know, was developed with the company's own working capital, during a great war, and during the risk of shelling, with all these legislative blockers that exist, therefore industry very often creates the latest
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weapons that give us an advantage on the front lines, contrary to what if... which we have, not because of. ms. kateryna, but where now are companies taking funds for their first of all new developments, because on the one hand we know that part of the projects you mentioned were collected with volunteer money, and part of it was the funds of the companies themselves. the government says that they raised the profit rate there by 25%, and this is quite enough to conduct rnd in certain companies there, but what actually happens with the finance to create. new solutions among the leading defense and industrial companies? this is a big problem at all large enterprises , the leading one is the shortage of working capital, and it is difficult to find funds for the latest developments, to be honest. we are grateful to the funds for the fact that they purchase weapons, it helps a lot in moments of unpredictability of government orders, the funds save companies and make
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these purchases. you mentioned 25% profit there, i want to emphasize. what is this, this 25%, they do not take into account the development of the latest models weapons, i.e. the rnd process , i.e. in no way the development of the latest types of weapons, it is not financed by the state, and this is in principle true from one point of view, that the companies themselves really have to invest in it , but simply in the absence of all other conditions that i listed earlier, that is, the predictability of orders, the export of these working capital constantly. is not enough, so companies here come up with different ways, sometimes they take investments, sometimes they try to find loans, but none of these ways are clear and easy. you mentioned loans at a certain stage there was an initiative that loans for defense enterprises should have , so to speak, a zero or minimum interest rate, but
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this was discussed and forgotten, that is, i understand that now loans are still too burdensome to create new ones at the expense of this projects, yes, because defense companies do not have much opportunity to give any guarantees to banks, that is , there should be some guarantees if, for example, their production facilities are a target for russian missiles, and it is clear that banks see this big risk, too these are, after all, arms manufacturers, which is such an additional, additional reason for banks to check these companies in more detail, therefore, some special lending programs that would be worked out at the state level, they would really be useful for this sector, because currently there are no such programs, and one more ingredient? this is the development of the professional composition of creative teams, production teams, how about this at your enterprises, because when
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you talk to individual directors, everyone says that this is actually, well, such an essence the problem is to find designers, to find technologists, to find boys or girls who can do these or that things correctly, these are, well, as they say, significant problems, should the state help here, should some mechanisms be created there if this component related to the training of personnel were to be solved in a systematic way, i would definitely emphasize two areas here, this is the first training, that is, we have specialized universities that could now focus on the latest technologies specifically for the military sphere, it was would be very useful, including issues of military training and how to use the latest weapons, including drones. the second is important. the question is, how can private companies protect these talented employees whom they find, because the question of reservation is critical, because now
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a mobilization company is active, and often these employees, who have very specific knowledge and who are difficult to replace, are mobilized to the army, but it is important to keep these companies and give reservations to the defense-industrial complex, because that's all... still ensures our technical advantage on the front line, and it is important that these people remain in the enterprises, continue to make ammunition, drones and develop the latest technologies that give a significant advantage on the front line. ms. kateryna, and final questions: what is the main goal that your association seeks to achieve, well, by the end of this year, what is the most priority and important for all enterprises that are united in your structure? we are building. market economy in the field of defense industry, so the key topics for us are the predictability of orders and localization of production in ukraine, we are working on this
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the most. panikaterina, thank you very much for participating in our broadcast, i hope that we will continue to contact, highlight and support all your enterprises that are part of the technological forces of ukraine, i would like to remind our viewers that this was kateryna mikhalko, the executive director of the technological forces association . of ukraine. these were the main components related to the use of the technological potential of our defense enterprises. the military wants technological solutions, robotic platforms, disembodied platforms to be effectively used on the battlefield, our industrialists are ready to manufacture and supply them, but they need a systematic attitude from the government and the elimination of those obstacles that, as we see, still exist in order for this process to be fast. effective and multifaceted, so stay on the espresso channel, there will be a lot more interesting information and news, nine-year-old
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victoria ostrovska, 11-year-old suzanne osman and 14-year-old. angelina panfilyuk. all these girls have disappeared in the temporarily occupied territories of the kherson region and have been missing for quite a long time time cannot find out where they are now. that is why i really hope for your help, and, of course, i am mostly addressing the residents of the territories of the kherson region that are not controlled by ukraine. i know that you do not have ukrainian tv channels, but maybe you are watching this program on social networks. therefore, i am asking you to look carefully into the faces of the missing girls. viktoria ostrovska looks about 9 years old, she has dark blond hair and brown eyes. a child has disappeared in the skadovsky district of the kherson region. this became known to the police
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last summer. since then , there was no news about victoria ostrovska. suzanne osman. the girl is 11 years old, has dark hair and dark eyes. the child lived in the village of bekhtery, which is also the skadovsky district of the kherson region, which is still occupied. the search for the child has been going on for exactly a year, and this is 14-year-old angelina panfilyuk. the girl lived on the right bank of the kherson region in the boryslav district in the village of dudchany. the territory was occupied. almost from the first days of a full-scale war, but in the fall of 2022 she was released and it was during this period that it became known nobody knows about the disappearance of angelina, where the girl might be now, maybe the child was taken to the temporarily occupied territory, or maybe to russia in general, that's why your help is very important. if suddenly someone has information about the possible whereabouts of victoria, susana or angelina, or
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maybe just saw somewhere. girls, let us know right away. even a small piece of news can become very important. the magnolia children's search service can be called at any time of the day by dialing the short number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free. if you suddenly find yourself in the temporarily occupied territory and cannot make a call, write to the chatbot of the magnolia children's search service in telegram, or look for us on facebook. i told you a story. only three children who disappeared due to a full-scale russian invasion. in general, since the beginning of the war, we have already received several thousand appeals for help in the search. of course, the vast majority of children were found and now everything is fine with them, unfortunately, the fate of many and still remains unknown, and everyone can help find them. believe me, just a minute of your time can be decisive. go to the website of the magnolia children's search service in the "missing children of ukraine" section. here you can
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view all the photos of the missing, maybe you will recognize someone and eventually help to find them. at the same time , children are also disappearing in territories controlled by ukraine. as the experience of the magnolia children's search service shows, the vast majority of them are teenagers. we talked about this topic with a psychologist and collected a lot of advice for parents who can prevent the child from suddenly running away from home. one of them is the importance of involving children in the decision. family issues involve the child in the development of the family budget, in solving some problematic issues. after all, sometimes we make some decisions, and these decisions are difficult, difficult, we ourselves are very concerned and worried about it, and we only inform the child about the result, and she perceives it as a personal insult. well, for example, the child was expecting a new phone, but due to some family events, we don't have one of this money, and instead of explaining that
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together. decide how and on what we can save, and when we can still save up for that new phone, we just bring to her this idea that there will be no phone, as then we are perceived, well, as an enemy who just wants to destroy the whole peaceful life of the child, to break all the dreams and so on, and if she knew the whole process, and if she participated in the discussion, and if her voice was important and she could say, let's save a little here. here here i am ready to give up something, for the sake of it, she would feel her complicity in the family budget, in planning, feel that she is important, and what could be better in life than feeling important?
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greetings to all viewers of the tv channel, we start the information day with news, khrystyna works in the studio. at night, the russians attacked kherson, an aerial bomb hit the house of a wounded seven-year-old boy, he was hospitalized in a moderate condition. he has an explosive injury and a contusion, the eyewitness said region oleksandr prokudin. rescuers also unblocked two-year-olds from an apartment on the third floor. the russians hit an industrial plant with a drone.


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