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tv   [untitled]    March 9, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EET

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signed the order that this is now the southern military district, in particular, which includes luhansk region, does this change anything at all? well, a more thorough and tougher approach to the mobilization of those men who remained in the occupied territory, and the information that comes from the occupied areas, rural areas, almost everywhere they are engaged in trying to mobilize those er... men who remained in the occupation, almost everyone, but there are those who are willing, simply of their own free will, to go and defend luhansk region in the form of the so-called elnr, well, you know, there are no free opinions there, so whether you want to say it or not, hardly anyone expresses their personal opinion there, well, for...
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they immediately went to the service of the occupiers. by the way, about the collaborators who went to serve the occupiers, and now the occupiers are driving them into prisons. do you know andriy skory, who is a staff member of the occupation administration of lysychansk. and now he was arrested in russia for... what is going on, persecution of those who would like to cooperate with them in principle and showed this good will. well, you know, me this person does not say anything, because after all , this is lisichansk, not severodonetsk. however, in general, i can say that from the example of severodonetsk, as looting is carried out under the guise of repairs, under the guise.
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the distribution of humanitarian aid, its appropriation takes place there and its transfer to the so-called matoshkas, newly created supermarkets, i do not think that the gentleman who was allegedly detained by the occupying authorities is any different from the same looters and thugs who work in severodonetsk on the part of the occupying russian authorities, in fact, it is so, mr. oleksandr, thank you very much for the head of the severodonetsk city military civil... administration was in touch with us, they talked about what is happening in the occupied severodonetsk. listen, well, in the meantime , the so-called putin elections are approaching , america will also have elections yesterday, we saw how president biden gave an inspired speech, he spoke well in principle, and here is former president trump, who wants to become trump's president again, that's all natural , so to speak poured mud from above, well... less so, but
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that is, the company there is tough and tough, but at the same time, there is a lot of cool, very warm and creative, in particular , biden has a very cool thing, he published yesterday on his twitter, it’s just a fragment of a conversation, in a word, what he did, well, it was probably invented, you know, pr people or something , in a word, he held such an internet conversation, an online conversation with famous hollovian actors who have ever played. presidents of the united states, fictional or real, real, and accordingly, he simply asked them, what would you advise me before a second term, as presidents to the president, what would i should have done, so it turned out to be a very cool conversation.
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in fact, i stopped the meteors there that were supposed to destroy the earth, but one thing i took away from all this for myself is that you need to talk to people and give them hope, and this is the strongest power we have in this country . , which is the most helpful and the most effective, so my advice to you is just to keep telling you about what you're doing for us to build that hope, that's, well, that's what he said, you get it, that's what morgan freeman said, that's it. in a word, everyone, because everyone is very, very cool said some things, here, and and and and very , and very, very soulful actually, and a lot of humor, you know, in short, i saw, first of all, that biden is in good shape, no matter what anyone says, he is very active jokes, for example , he has another actress who also played the president of the united states, but in a fantastic movie, geena davis, she says, you know, when i was the president of the united states in that movie, i understood that it's such a hard job, daily. some
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new crises must be solved, only one was solved by the next one. biden says: oh, you know this work, so, so, yes, says, well, glory, she says, but i understood one thing, in politics. you can't cry in politics, she tells him , he says, you know, i'll say it differently, my policy is to do so that people don't cry, well, the words were, were, were cool, what's up gentlemen, meanwhile, what is putin's policy in mariupol, which he occupied, now we will ask dmytro zabavin, deputy of the mariupol city council, mr. dmytro, welcome, good morning, how is the election campaign going there? in mariupol? well me i don't even know how to comment, recently in occupied mariupol the collaborators opened , imagine, not a hospital, not a dentistry, not
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a school or some other such institution, they opened a polling station after the renovation, which was given to them. the name of one dead occupier, that is, polling stations are already called by the names of dead occupiers, and it was opened there with the cutting of the ribbon, with the laying of flowers, with stands, well, this is the kind of madness the occupiers are already reaching , and they sincerely believe... that this is it the opening of this precinct, named after one of the dead occupiers, will increase the turnout in the elections of the main terrorist of russia, and it
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may have an effect, no? but, but you see what, i thought about what, in all of russia, i read in interfax that there were 97,00 of these polling stations, huh. maybe now there will be more, but i think that it will be less, so in principle there will not be enough killed russian soldiers for everyone, well, it is necessary that, let's say, the more, the better for us, and let them open as much as they want, if only such beautiful ones would be enough dead russians, because, accordingly , what they are...arranging in relation to the election campaign there, well, it is a farce, it cannot be called a classic election campaign there, it is the election of a dictator, and accordingly, this is what they are doing, they are doing it this way
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, well, it's just funny to us, but they are taking it seriously there, they are opening some stands there, and what i want to say is that the people of mariupol, the ukrainians who remained in the occupied... in mariupol, in principle do not take part in this farce, because even a signature campaign that lasted for quite a long time, showed that the occupiers cannot even type a video series, write synchronizations for their stories, and their propagandistic so-called cameramen were forced to search there for 4-5 hours. people to record at least something for a video series to create a propaganda plot, i.e. the people of mariupol usually did not go to those tents where the occupiers collected signatures, and some blogger or host
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approached an older woman on the street in mariupol and probably hoped that she would tell, how well... lives, she to him, she told him everything she thinks about this good life in mariupol, she said that people are leaving, that everything is broken, destroyed, that there is no good life in mariupol, after all, these words of a woman can later be confirmed in the words of a young man the blogger who said that women in mariupol, uh... they don't have much choice, they made fun of all kinds of representatives of central asia, and now they are forced to communicate with them, and then, well, he summarized, it's true, this blogger in such a way that says: well , it's true that they say that we need five now
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to give birth to children, because there will be no russian man soon, well, moreover, he is the same, well, with frankly asian facial features, but he tells that there is something about the purity of the slavic. well, these are their funny topics, in principle russians, this is unfortunately the truth, because just imagine, they climbed into mariupol, that's somewhere out of half a million of the kor' population. there are approximately 100,000 ukrainians left in mariupol, and the russians have already taken away more than 70,000 of these so-called russians of various nationalities of the russian federation, and they feel as if they are the masters of life there, they simply arrange such a garbage dump from the city, that is, something that never happened in the ukrainian mariupol. and it would not have happened if, er, these wastes did not come to our land, er, that is, this is all the chaos
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that can be with the elements of crime, these are the elements, unfortunately, of the current occupied mariupol, and accordingly the level of security in the city is such that sometimes people simply disappear, and that's simple. nothing else is known about their fate, because mariupol is such a large russian military constabulary at this time, and the occupiers only make this picture there, recently turned to increase the influence on mariupol, now the st. petersburg clan with governor berlov, that is, they now occupied virtually all spheres there. influence and even recently the mariupol administration, the so-called kolabarantska, turned
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to peter to renew, imagine, the liquor factory, well, that is, the building that stood there in the center of the city, they came and simply destroyed more than 200 lots. floor workers, and now they are asking for something sacred for themselves, which is to renew the licorice plant. well, what is dear to people, they restore. yes, and, as a matter of fact, with taking into account the current situation, we continue to record the fact that out of more than 2,000 high-rise buildings destroyed by the occupiers, they are, let's say, in critical condition, and in addition to the fact that they have already demolished more than
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1,000, more than 50 are in critical condition the houses where the occupiers entered, it would be better not to enter at all and people would live in dilapidated houses, they did even worse, they came there, began to do some repair work, after that the living conditions of the people of mariupol became even worse and intensified. pressure regarding the fact that if the people of mariupol leave somewhere, their property, their housing in the course of two or three months can be defined as what they call unclaimed property, that is, if a person from mariupol leaves occupied mariupol, he can lose his last property, therefore, strictly speaking... many people who no longer have any savings, except for this housing, they are
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forced to stay in housing, because the occupiers will simply take it away, there is such a tv channel and the occupier is called mariupol-24, we have already it was said about him more than once that some of the journalists who worked on the akhmetov channel remained there, we moved there, well, of course, some of them left, but i... i wanted to say that yesterday we only talked about that, that in lviv, many people are running around with those flowers for march 8, and the whole discussion is, that is, saying, well, we are used to it, well, what ’s the matter here, well, it’s not that it’s a soviet holiday, i’m just looking at what it is happening now, it happened yesterday in mariupol, where all those deputies of these collaborative parties are there rad, everyone ran to hand out flowers, to get them to go to this channel.
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i just want to say that people, this is russian, this is theirs. russia, well, for what , well, for what, look, there will be, russia will come , it will be on tv all day, look, i was just watching the program of programs for today mariupol 24, holidays in sourdough, cheers, moscow cassiopeia, i don’t know what, well some kind of film,
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in short, gardimaras forward, and so on, you want that scoop, he will come. if you know, i remember very well how the occupiers, the russians greeted in quotation marks, greeted everyone the people of mariupol and women, to whom, to the survivors, to whom they now gave flowers, how they welcomed march 8, 2022, with outfits, artillery, mortar fire, shelling of buildings and... uh, air raids, that's what march 8 was like 2022, and the women of mariupol who survived it and left without accepting the occupation, they remember it very well, in contrast, apparently, to those who were given these flowers in
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mariupol itself, and accordingly , many civilians also died on that day ... of mariupol residents in 2022, therefore precisely for ukrainians from mariupol, in general, all those events that are connected with the beginning of the full-scale invasion from february 24 and continuing through march, including march 8, these are now forever such tragic dates, i see that the women in donetsk are also starting to see through little by little, because... in some house , on the mailboxes , someone stuck such a hand-drawn poster with an appeal to putin to give a gift to women on march 8, to return their husbands to them, so that all the pretensions of the russian amir, elements, let's say,
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resistance from people, they are and... that is the people of mariupol constantly express their dissatisfaction with the situation created by the occupiers, but we must understand what i said, that when we say so, the protest reaches a critical limit, people simply begin to disappear, and accordingly, the occupiers are not used to the spirit of freedom of ukrainians and ... in general , when they occupied the city and saw that the local population, a part of the local population, was making some kind of resistance, they were not fooled there, they are now trying, let's say, to suppress this moment by
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creating an artificial the opposition create certain public organizations there , where, as a matter of fact, they register all the protesting mariupol residents, so that, well, we understand, that's why i urge those mariupol residents who are protesting not to join the so-called opposition public associations there, because this is all done in order to find you, and then the repressive machine accordingly. the country of the terrorist will do his thing, mr. dmytro, thank you for the conversation, dmytro zabavin, a deputy of the mariupol city council, was in touch with us, one of our viewers writes about what yesterday all of europe celebrated women's day, dear friends, it's necessary, as you say, you just
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understand, there is a meaning, the meaning of this day, it's not a holiday, first of all, it's a day, an international day of struggle for... women, don't you you congratulate people, day, day, day of people with autism, you don't congratulate them for being born with autism, it's a day when people can be reminded that there are such people, special people, and what the they should have a certain perception that other people should understand that this is not a bad upbringing, and that these are features of nervous systems. therefore, the day of the struggle for women's rights is not the day of the struggle for a woman's right to receive a flower, it is a little different, it is about a woman receiving hugs. that position, the same position as a man in the same company, so that she does not receive a lower salary, just because she is a woman, it is about there not being domestic violence, so that there is no norm
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that a man raises hand, hits, means he loves, or hits, because you yourself are to blame, this is about not being raped, and then accusing the woman of the fact that she, she must have behaved like that, and that's why some man pounced on her, it's about rights , you understand, and not... about me having the right to receive a flower, and you have the right to receive that flower, you have the right to buy it for yourself, you you have the right to come and say: i want flowers, buy me, please, you have the right to receive them on march 8, where are the other days, but this is not about this, but a little about other, more important rights than just the right to have a flower . we take a break, come back and continue.
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in the kherson region? it was a difficult night, yesterday the russians launched an airstrike on kherson, nearby, almost close to a residential building , an aerial bomb was dropped, a seven-year-old child, matvii, was injured, with a foot injury, an acute injury, a contusion, a closed brain injury, now the child is in the hospital, his life, thank god, nothing is in danger, there also two-year-old people were unblocked from under the rubble, thank god, they were not injured, ah, in general, if we talk about the kherson region, during the previous day, two people died as a result of russian aggression , this is a woman, 9 years old, near the village of lviv, she received fatal injuries, together with his brother were there near the village, and
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an explosive device was dropped on them, a woman. died , her brother was injured, thank god, not fatal, non-fatal and of moderate severity, and was taken to the hospital, yesterday also a 63-year-old man was fatally injured when a mine blew up in the village of shiroka balka, drove into an unexplored field, and there , unfortunately, died from a mine explosion, eh, another woman the day before yesterday... an elderly woman of 80 years old was injured in a sawmill the day before yesterday, now in the hospital, kherson was not under fire only by aerial bombs of various types of weapons, and three high-rise buildings were damaged there, a total of 30 private houses were damaged in the right-bank kherson region, a gas pipeline was also
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damaged in kherson, and a gas distribution system was also damaged. unfortunately, as a result of this airstrike, the russians continue to terrorize the kherson region. unfortunately, it's sad, it's sad to hear all this, of course , we, i also want to say that in kherson, they actually gave a sentence of 10 years in prison to a woman who, who was recognized as a collaborator, she is such a neonate. neonila shchegol, she was was already appointed by the occupation authorities, the director of the lyceum, during the occupation, and she failed to prove that she did it under pressure, and since the newly appointed director, on the contrary, as it turned out during the court investigation, put pressure on the legitimate deputy directors, they all refused to work, she gave birth to one there, that
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if he does not give the keys to the offices, then... they will deal with him, as it were, the russians, in a word, 10 years in prison, that's how people who are not for, who cooperated with the russians occupiers, but remained in kherson, today they find themselves on the dock and in prison, are there many such people, or did the majority still go with the russians, of course, the majority did go, but there are such people who are hiding not only in kherson, and in various regions, including the western ones. in the regions they are detected in the majority, or the law enforcement officers constantly know where they are, or they are detected when they are hiding there, then they try to cross the border and are stopped at the base, that is, they are in a specialized base, and of course after that they are already handed over to the law enforcement agencies, and so of course our... services and
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law enforcement agencies know about their location, just now on them, well , they are also, as they say, being monitored, what they are doing, and also, perhaps, they continue their own, many of them continue their collaborative activities here on the territory of the liberated kherson region, and thus their list of them expands, for their suspicions, of course. thank you, mr. oleksandr, oleksandr tolokonnikov, head of the press office of the kherson ova, was with us, and we we are approaching 9 o'clock in the morning, which means that there will be news at 9:00 a.m., but we also want to remind you that at 9:00 a.m. every day, for hundreds of days in a row, we remember all those ukrainians whose lives were cut short by the russian aggression, we honor them with a moment of silence, so please remember now
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the one... whom you have lost in this war. a moment of silence. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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