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tv   [untitled]    March 9, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EET

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around september, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them, but few know what is happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio event with anton borkovsky at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. my dear god, it's bad again.
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it was so nice, it was quiet, we went in to untie the shackles of their slaves, until the men's blood flowed again, cats, married, like dogs hungry for butter, gnaw again, shevchenko, the prophet, we are coming back, this volunteer will be with us now, we will talk with her about what is happening at the front . ms. oksano, welcome. yes, congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. ms. oxano, what news do you have? well, the situation at the front is difficult now. as you say, we have difficult battles now. it's very hard, he's been working at the checkpoints for the past few weeks. 14 front checkpoints. the main one the problem is that we are under fire from our
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medical staff, i see that you have a bad connection, there must be something there, no, no, speak, i hope you hear, uh, the main problem for us now is that , that some of our stapkunts have changed twice in the last week, after all, their places of stay are not often about any hospital, but we find them where we can protect them as much as possible. their doctors and the wounded, because the enemy is targeting stabilization medical centers, and our second main and most difficult problem is the evacuation of the wounded from the field battle, because the enemy does not give us the opportunity to evacuate the wounded normally during the day, it is extremely difficult if in the morning, especially the seriously wounded, our fighters wait for the evening to give the commander permission to evacuate, because it is during the day. these ee
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drones, the drones are chasing ours and those that the guys are carrying out the wounded by hand, and those that are trying to be taken out on medical transport, and they are kissing ours, our medics and those who accompany them, and this is the most difficult situation, it is with timely evacuation to stabilization point, on one of stapunkts, i had a situation where the battle lasted for 8 hours, we took light and and and well... green and yellow, as we say, light and medium, and when i asked the medics, they brought us the last ones, where the heavy ones the boy , the paramedic, drowned his eyes, the next day i had to evacuate him too to the hospital of this paramedic, because the fact that he was able to tell at night how he did not succeed in extricating a seriously wounded man under fire, this will certainly be a great trauma for him for the rest of his life. we
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also took him to the evacuation, because he is a lot i was contused several times in this battle, but now the main challenge for us is to remove the wounded from the battlefield due to fpv drones, because most of our wounded are fpv drones. uh, i am very grateful now to the guru specialists and our volunteers who have worked with us to choose the best rap for our ambulance medics. some subdivisions. already purchased, the equipment is not perfect yet, we hope for the help of our lithuanian brothers, because their equipment, the guys, have just proven themselves very good at the front, they are not cheap, but for the sake of our wounded, we and the volunteers will do everything to make it possible to save our heroes, er, that is, the slaves - this is the only way to solve this situation in general now, absolutely, unfortunately yes. from
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the majority, because the evacuation of the wounded now lasts, well, at least six hours, it can take up to several days, and you understand that the seriously wounded person has little chance, so... well , now this is the only opportunity to put our ambulance car on not all precincts , unfortunately, not on all of them, but on most of them, it will give us the opportunity to still take out the wounded during the day, and for us it is extremely important, because this is now the main problem, that is, it is evacuation from the battlefield, it is usually armored sanitary equipment, the command of the medical forces managed to get another batch now, we are waiting for another batch, it was delivered very quickly in two, two days, thank you to the general staff for... quickly distributing this equipment to the most difficult precincts, we are waiting for the next batch, so that everyone is asking for armored vehicles, without no doubt, everyone is looking for atvs, everyone is looking for buggies, and here i want to appeal and appeal to our entrepreneurs, when the enemy saw how we
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evacuate the wounded in some areas, on atvs and buggies and do it quickly in those places where armored vehicles cannot reach , he... entered this technology, expropriated all the equipment to the occupied territories, he simply took all the atvs and all the bugs to the occupied territories, without the permission of the owners for this, instead, we, the ukrainian troops, must constantly ask you peaceful people and our entrepreneurs to that either donate money or don't give us quad bikes please. i am now addressing the businessmen who were there in the summer , including the people of kyiv,... they said that mayor klitschko allegedly allocated 50 million for the improvement of beaches, we are terribly outraged by this, what are the beaches like during the war, the improvement of 50 million when we need drones and we need raps, and please contact the city mayors and governors to their
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entrepreneurs, i understand that they may be somewhere in the carpathians or some other areas in the summer, they may use their atvs and buggies, they we need... us at the front, give our heroes a chance to survive now, will you donate these atvs and buggies, because if the whole country does not unite now to help the front, a situation may arise that your buggies will be needed later only by the enemy, which they will be taken from you anyway, give our defenders the opportunity to protect you and our country, donate this equipment that we really need right now, and atvs, and baths, we really need for... well, we are actually also currently conducting a collection for 12- of a separate detachment and among other things, we collect on buggies for evacuating the wounded, so dear friends, if you see this qr code on your screens, know that it is specifically on the buggies, and also on the automobile and
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trench workers, which is also very necessary. ms. oksano, i also wanted to ask you , do you remember, you definitely remember this story, in the summer we all talked about the fact that we were discovered... for example, anton shevchuk, this is the head of the medical service of the 82nd separate airborne assault brigade, in july in the 23rd year, he discovered that the chinese turnstiles were of poor quality and he asked for command medical forces to replace them, but now it became known that he was transferred to a lower position in another unit. what to do with this, ms. oksano, because instead of thanking a person, a person for doing his job in good faith, taking care of his health. and the life of the military, instead of thanking her, it turns out that she was also demoted, there, unfortunately, was the situation when kambrik did not support his, and the coppers did not support, they then gathered the komsomolsky, all
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together condemned anton , because just anton shevchuk rostizhka, he then informed me at the stopping point that he was the same, he was not the first... there was an investigation that we started in my sector, it concerned the 23rd brigade, which also came in with poor-quality first-aid kits, and at that time i have already submitted an appeal to the deputies, to investigate where they are coming from at the front in such a quantity, it is in thousands of units, low-quality chinese first-aid kits, anton 's situation was additional, and he told by chance, because he had a hypertensive crisis, he was brought, our team his accepted, and when i asked anton what's up with you, he said that i, too, belong to this brigade. they gave chinese er chinese shit, those were his words, and he didn't even ask for help at that time, i myself, when we sent him to the hospital, i myself asked his medics for a first-aid kit and saw that it was absolutely really full of chinese la , the command of the medical forces
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in number, then we learned that 60,000 such first-aid kits were sent to the front, and at the moment, later, when the ministry of defense was already doing... an audit, they found about 80,000 high-quality tourniquets, kets, softs, and in one part now still costs 30,000, these are high-quality nato turnstiles used by these countries, they have been in warehouses since april 23 , and we still do not know why the former commander ms. ostashchenko did not issue them, but issued chinese tourniquets and why she did not bear any responsibility for this, she simply resigned from the armed forces, it is shameful, that is, a person who caused harm to military personnel by her activities, a person who demanded precisely that anton shevchuk should be appointed to the second investigation brigade. komsomol meetings, he was persecuted in the hospital, in the hospital, i myself later came to the hospital and the doctors
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told me how the teams went about persecuting him, and nevertheless she is simply being discharged from the army, will receive an extremely high salary, not a salary, sorry, a military pension, and there was no investigation that led to this situation, that in its warehouses there was not even tens of millions, but hundreds of millions of hryvnias worth of aid from our inter-partners, which did not receive troops, there is an investigation going on, and we were told, i don't know the exact numbers, but the deputies said that in one and a half years, more than uah 200 million in the expiration dates of medicines that we needed at the front, which were bought for us by volunteers all this time, and they simply expired in these warehouses and disappeared, that is, we hope , that the ministry of defense will make this report, but i don't understand why the system... don't draw conclusions, just as i don't understand why the ministry of defense has now reinstated
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the assistant kirill tymoshenko, a person who is one of the founders of the schemes, the person i am i remember the head of the golakhan council before the offensive, who tried without tenders to buy equipment there for almost 300 million more than it could be from the transparent one, a person who i remember how we were in zaporizhzhia, when he was there with his. .. representative, it was zlata nykrasova, and she carried out all his assignments, she was watching him around zaporizhzhia when they disappeared there, i don’t remember exactly, it was more than dozens of tons of humanitarian aid, and all this was not investigated, in this case person is reinstated to such a position, i will never believe that kyryla tymoshenko will be engage in information policy, i am convinced that he should, in this case, or i don't know, or follow the minister or his deputies, but i know for sure that he is a person who creates schemes, and i
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have never i believe in his transparent activity in any ministry. thank you very much for the conversation, oksana korchynska, a dedicated volunteer, doctor was with us, we will now take a short break and continue our topic. there are discounts on otrivin spray 15% in psaryznyk, ban and oskad pharmacies. damn stairs, my legs can't walk anymore, wait, me dushan, that there is no health, and what kind of health is there in the sixth decade, and i thought so until i tried herovital. gerovital+ is a phytovitamin complex that cares for the heart and strengthens the body. gerovital+ - good health, active life. ask at pharmacies, good day pharmacy and pharmacy. gerovital energy and gerovital plus 500 and 700 ml with a 20% discount. there are 20% discounts on combi mushroom hotsyp in pharmacies. bam and savings there are 25% discounts on lactacyt in psyllany
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competent opinions. and in america they also say let us have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at events in ukraine and beyond. what a world mr. orban dreams of. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday - 17:10, sunday 18:15. espresso. every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm. pavel koval, the commissioner of the government of poland for the restoration of ukraine. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what they say about ukraine in the eu, like us accept the statements of european politicians? and what will our accession to the eu look like in the project about politics about the world with maria gurska every sunday at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. in cooperation with sisters. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited
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experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. according to the results of february, the tv channel espresso continues to hold the first position among information broadcasting channels. greetings, it's news time on the tv channel. this november we turned 10 years old. we have updated the design, sound, we continue the saturday political club, khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnik. our values ​​and ukrainian point of view remain unchanged. stay tuned for espresso updates and thank you for your trust. dear friends, we are back and now we will tell you about how bohdan's art calculation works, which is more like a family, it is the only and most guaranteed the key to success is a team where there is mutual understanding, respect and awareness
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of the common goals of the armed forces of ukraine for a common victory over the enemy. let's see how they work. bohdana 2s22 , the name alone speaks for itself, my first gun, given by god, was a hyocinth 152 caliber, later i had to work on a msc, on a msc, and this is already my third gun, bohdana 2c22, compared to trailed guns, i work here. very easy, yes very easy, the whole crew, if they know and do, how they know how to do their job, they all work as one mechanism, from the moment the command is received , the gun goes into battle, until the first shot is fired, three minutes pass, you can’t do this on a towed gun, in terms of range it
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is second only to the archer, in terms of range, the archer hits at 40 per... our gun hits up to 40 km to kilometers, you also don’t need to carry the bc with you anymore, the bc is located here and here we have modernized the gun, created a transmitter that is very easy to use and very easy to use, and it happens much faster, if this quick, we are six or seven shots. in a minute, yes in a minute, for work, for everything, a very, very, very chic, chic gun, but as always , after each combat trip, it carries out maintenance, that is, it is an operative ring, wedge and barrel cleaning, if you do these moments, i don't see any problems, the gun
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is great, there was an outing tonight, they worked on the enemy's manpower. several dozen shells were fired, all of them hit the target, in artillery it is considered a sniper rifle, the first shot and directly on target, well, i am the senior officer of the battery, call sign panda, what panda, well , my child decided that dad looks like a panda, so panda, directly on the fire brigade i am the senior commander, if not... on the battery commander, that is, my function is to manage and monitor the work as the crew on the gun , as well as the control section , that is, before leaving for the firing position, before occupying the firing position, the target comes to me, and my task, and also the task of my section commander, is to quickly calculate the main angle on the target, that is, when the gun is already moving to
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fire, they already know in which direction they should go sets, that is, they stand in the direction and... they can immediately aim at the target, since there is navigation in the car, and they immediately go in the direction they need, and the team goes into battle, and they already aim at the target, that is i give the command that i am already there, the gun is pointed at the target and we are ready to work, the team is going to charge, we are charging and the team is already firing from above, or it depends on what the target is, sometimes it happens that we go to the target, we are already given the command to fire immediately, that is, we are leaving, i pass coordinates and also installations on the target, that is, control comes, everything and already after the control comes , everything is confirmed, i already give the command to fire, at first i was mobilized and i was on... trailed artillery to us stuhka, that is, we everyone started revenge, well, the gun is also not bad, but time, time with a trailer is
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always time, that’s how interesting it was when we were working on the river, well, there was a team to work out the river, and they had a hidden somewhere 50-100 meters away saushka, well, they also covered it up, and we already learned about it through two or three days that we and saushka covered, when you know that you work and... work as you should, it is always joyful, we are shooting, we do not see where we are shooting, how we are shooting, what is the goal, that is , we know that there is a goal, let's say there is infantry, there is rap, there is equipment, but we don't see it visually, and when they come to us, they say , you hit everything there, let's say we got into the dugout and there, well, it's good, they covered the rap, in general , it's wonderful, the area of ​​concentration, it's interesting, sometimes they even send a video of how we worked, it's generally cool. guys then they are even more satisfied that it is not for nothing that we are shooting here, there was a command that there will be a target, they stood like this for quite a long time, they were already disappointed, there will be no shot, and it
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was not for nothing, they left, and then the charge command comes, and there were four right there we practiced the shots, well, the target was covered from the second shot right away, if i am not mistaken, there was manpower, who had just arrived at the landing and stood there for 2-3 days and said: practice, well, the second shot directly clearly lay in the middle of the landing and the commander of the control department's call sign pegasus, my task is to get the target, calculate the parameters for the firing installation and pass it to the senior officer of the battery, who in turn passes the gun to the commander, the guns for calculation. my weapon is a tablet and a korpiv software complex, we calculate the parameters for shooting and... as soon as possible, transfer it to the calculation, in order to make a shot, we need to know the temperature of the
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charge, the goals of the installation, that is, the wind speed, relative humidity and so on, we enter all these data into the nettle software complex, which we calculates the settings for shooting , for example, there are cases when it is already pointed at one target, is already ready to fire and gives... the command at the last moment hits the target and points at a completely different target, that is, we have to rearrange the car and count completely different ones firing installations, various targets, targets and counter-battery combat , enemy manpower and even equipment , my casper was worn in different ways, so it happened that at first when i joined the service, i got into the artillery, at first my first gun was a revenge. was she, too, for a long time, before that i was a service number, then i studied the business of a gunner, i really wanted to become a gunner, and so it happened that i really liked all this
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work, i studied, and then i transferred to bohdan’s sava 2s22, so to speak, this transferred the zhiguli to a mercedes, it also sounded like i, as a guide , only work with a panorama, this is such a thing, it’s called a panorama, so here it is... it’s even possible without a machine gun, but it must be with the gunner, always at hand, body armor, no it is important where, but it must be, since she is responsible for pointing, accuracy of aiming, after the commander gave me the coordinates, it takes me a minute to aim exactly at the target, check it again, so to speak, the gun is ready to fire, what else do i like about this sau, it is fast, so to speak , is our pride, because the installation itself is ukrainian-made. and it continues to be produced, and it is a great pride to fight for it with ukrainian weapons, i want to continue to liberate our lands, to win,
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my call sign is uncle, my position is a driver, i drive regardless of which one, it is no different from civilian, even nothing at all, just an overview and that's all, it drives easily, it's easy to control, everything, everything works, we saw for ourselves, and the bridges work. gets up, boxes, switches, goes, well , somewhere the commander of the gun will say, i go there without problems, without questions, it is much easier to drive on this one, much easier than on a trailer, we drove on a trailer, i drove on the krazi, in the back there was a cannon, that is, well, if you have the skills, you adjust the cannon, how, as you need, in what angle, as he says, then i adjust it backwards. well, as the commander says, so i put it out and almost almost within a degree of plus or minus there is a millimeter2 to prove, they already prove there themselves and so, well, it is easier than on a trailer, much, well, more.
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it’s better to ride on a trailer, because you can see in front of you where you’re going and without any questions, we do it like this, if the team breaks off, i have my own function, that is, i close the door from behind and open the door, i’ll show you, because boy, well, i have the opportunity in time , while the guys roll up, i open all the doors so that they can jump on the already ready car and close the doors, i wait for the commander, because he closes the very last one, and that's it the team, well, according to the time, it will be 3 minutes to the ceiling, the main thing is that... the cannon has time to fold and that's all, and the second one doesn't matter, it's 90 cutter 92, that is, the cutter, well, the descent will go a little more, they tried to escape from this, from flees from the location, well , we are not there for a couple of minutes, the battery commander is call sign, the battery is equipped with the 2s22 system, the task has been completed.
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the driver also has to work, now it’s better for us, we’ve worked and are leaving immediately so that there is no delay and that’s it, dear friends, lesya vakulyuk, andriy sachuk, i remind you that we today we work all day , we work now until 11:00, and then we will return to ether at 2 p.m. and stay with you until 5 p.m., in the same first part we still have one more hour ahead of us and we will talk about taras.
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grigoryovych shevchenko, how can we do without him, because today is his birthday, we will talk about it with natalia polovynka, who prepared an interesting, interesting event in lviv for this occasion. i also want to remind you that we have a collection going on and thank you for moving this collection little by little, from uah 480,00 we we have already collected half of uah 240 00 and 833 200 with you. we already have 40,833 uah and 48 kopecks , 25 thousand have been added for this morning, thank you for that, we will show you all the necessary details and we will be able to contact you, and now we are approaching 10 o'clock, and at 10 o'clock, at the exact same hour, there is always another selection of news on espresso, and this time khrystyna porobii will tell us about what happened in ukraine and the world in the last hour . greetings, colleagues, thank you. in
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the issue, i will tell you which country allocates funds for don't miss the rebuilding of schools and kindergartens in ukraine, as well as the losses of the enemy. news on the air espresso, working in the studio. khrystyna perubiy. two people died in the kherson region during the day. in total, the russians shelled 19 settlements in the region. at night, an aerial bomb was dropped on a residential building in kherson. the five-story building was significantly destroyed. a seven-year-old boy was injured, he was hospitalized in a moderate condition. he has an explosive injury and a contusion - reported the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. also rescuers unblocked two-year-olds.


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