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tv   [untitled]    March 9, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EET

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where polish troops are involved, then only on the territory of the allied countries, the members of the north atlantic alliance are meant, and mainly the countries of the baltic region were meant, because these countries are the most vulnerable among nato countries, and it is assumed that they can be the next victims of russian aggression if the kremlin were to achieve its geopolitical goals in ukraine. ah... but we see, after all, during this short period of time, a certain kind of evolution took place, maybe there was a place that had a place reinterpretation of macron's words, especially when he already confirmed that indeed france is ready to involve its troops in case of need, so in fact we see that warsaw is really sending a signal both to its alliance partners and to russia itself that poland is ready after all ... to defend not only our own
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sovereignty, but also the sovereignty of neighboring countries, including the ukrainian state. well, in principle, it is not a bad signal for us that, in principle , poland continues to consider itself a partner, and this is very good, especially in the context of recent the events that are taking place are especially related to the strikes that are taking place in poland, which somewhat undermines the relationship between ukraine and poland, and yes. this is important in the fact that, after all , the north atlantic alliance is rethinking its own strategy for the future and does not rule out that russian aggression may continue further and obviously threaten the countries that are members of the alliance, so we see that this is the situation at the moment, but again here it is worth emphasizing that the troops are foreign, well, according to the concept proposed by macron, they
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can and will, let's say, be involved only in in the event of increased escalation, and i do not exclude that this was said on the eve of a possible counteroffensive of russian troops in ukraine, however, we see that, for example, from the latest statements, macron noted that nato troops may be involved if will advance russians in the direction of kyiv or odesa, well, actually, this is of course, to put it mildly , not a very good scenario that can be for ukraine, and we did not want nato troops to be involved in this particular development of events, maybe poland can, let's say , use your troops in the event that it sees the advance of russian troops on the territory of ukraine and it will also take place in the direction.
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of the ukrainian-polish border, so it is possible that a polish contingent will be involved in order to protect both the sovereignty of poland and to help ukraine push these troops back to the east, but we hope that such a development will not take place, after all, that the member states of the alliance will continue to adhere to the matrix that took place earlier, that is, they will provide all necessary types of weapons, ammunition, financial resources in order for ukraine to be able not only to defend its sovereignty, but also to de-occupy those territories that were actually captured, starting from 2014, well , actually, so that these troops would not have to be introduced into the territory of ukraine, i think it was would be the best formula, and we hope that our allies, our partners understand this perfectly and it is possible... these messages that came from
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the french kirmanych, they were directed to pay our partners again, in particular, taking into account the united states of america, and that in this way they will be able to prevent the spread of russian aggression beyond the borders of the conflict that is taking place now, i just want to clarify, mr. stanislav, we saw that at the end of this year, at the end of this year, at the beginning this... in many of the most influential british, american, and world media, the leaders of such think tanks, that is, such centers, intellectuals, world-level experts called on world leaders to abandon the strategy of recognizing the russian reds lines and begin to outline the red lines for putin themselves, is this not an attempt to draw a dotted line for now, but a red line for putin, well, it is not excluded from... i have already
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partially said about it that these were actually macron's corresponding signals , that is, not in the literal sense that nato troops will now be applied in ukraine, but a warning for partners and for... respectively, the russian federation, so we see that poland is also joining this and may have such sig signals sounding from other western countries as well countries that they are ready to attract their own troops, but of course in case of an escalation, but in order to prevent it, to prevent it, it is necessary to help ukraine in every possible way in the future to fight against russian aggression, and to give putin this very important message. after all, he did not dream that he could somehow penetrate the ukrainian state, which he has been talking about for many years, and the latest statements also confirm his intentions, and that he did not hope that he would be able to go further, that is, to countries members of the eu
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and nato, in particular in the states i mentioned baltics, so i think that we can say that the message here was multidimensional. on the part of the french kermanych, and i think that it is possible that it will have a positive effect for ukraine precisely in the context of aid and warning for the russian federation. volodymyr zelensky and recep tayyip erdoğan, the presidents of ukraine and turkey met the day before, why, why did zelensky have this meeting? well, we must understand that modern security architecture in our region is not possible without turkey, rather it takes this into account. or the authority of turkish president recep tayyip erdogan, and we see, since this country has done a lot for us, taking into account the context of providing a platform for possible negotiations, and let's say, defending the grain agreement
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that was violated by the russian federation, well , it also agrees on the exchange of prisoners of war, and in general it even helps us in the military... sense, in particular the provision, we remember, of unmanned aerial vehicles to repulse the first attacks that took place after a full-scale invasion, and there is also the hope of cooperation in the context of building up defense capabilities on the territory of ukraine with a share of turkish capital, so in fact we see that this country is really important, moreover, we see that it is actually a kind of protective barrier against... the russian fleet, which can enter additional waters of the black sea, and in general, this country is a member of the north atlantic alliance, which is also quite important for us, i think that turkey can play a considerable role, and even this country is credited with the fact that it may be able
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to play a mediating role in the context of a possible reconciliation between russia and ukraine, although so far it is considered not too real, well, in my opinion... no less attempts are being made in this regard, so in fact we see that this is the role of erdogan, who can actually communicate with the countries of the west, especially after the recent more or less such a warming with them, well, with russia itself, so i think that turkey will still play its role, and in particular in the context of the settlement. well, so far, during this meeting, both presidents expressed different approaches to , for example, russia participating in negotiations on the end of the war, well that it is understandable, because after all, turkey is trying to balance between the west and russia,
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and it cannot yet agree to all those proposals that come from both ukraine and the countries of the west, but this does not mean that this position is cemented and it will not ... be able to change, well, in fact , this is how many countries that offer themselves as negotiators behave, and therefore their position is not always the same as ours, but nevertheless, this platform should be used in qualities of one of the possible, and i think that if turkey does not play a full role in the settlement of the russian-ukrainian war, but it can also play a role in certain other... services in the context of a regional leader, and it is also very
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important for us, and we hope that, after all, this country will not support russia to the full extent, as it could be, and therefore... this balance of hers can play its positive role role for us, well, for now in the existing realities, that's why i think that the cooperation between kyiv and ankara is like that. intensive, so i assume that it will continue in the future. mr. stanislav, thank you. stanislav zhelikhovsky, candidate of political sciences, international expert, was in touch with us. next, we will tell you about taras hryhorovych shevchenko, whom the moskali decided to appropriate for themselves as well. at least state duma deputy aleksandr tolmachov said that shevchenko's work should not be considered in isolation from the russian one. the russians are on the one hand
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they want to privatize shevchenko, but on the other hand, it's scary, the monuments to shevchenko are being destroyed, or maybe even for flowers under the monument to shevchenko, they can, they can send them to play, we will talk about all this later after a short break for... especially for you, your favorite action movies of the legendary band, we gather at 7 p.m. on april 6 at the ua concert tickets festival. there are discounts on anticatarrhal drugs - 15% in the pharmacies of psyllium ban and oschadnik, there are discounts on
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by football, stronger together. maria every week gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm , the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pawel koval. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like? in... the project about politics about the world with maria gurska every sunday at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. in collaboration with sister eyu. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand how ours is? worthy will affect our on espresso. my god, my dear, another disaster
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, tomorrow, look at the saturday political club, every saturday was so nice, it was quiet, we started to untie the shackles of our slaves, until the gulk, and the blood of the peasants flowed again, the executioners were married. like dogs hungry for butter, they gnaw again. shevchenko. prophet. according to the results of february , the espresso tv channel continues to hold the first position position among information broadcasting channels. congratulations. news time on the air of the tv channel. this november we turned 10 years old. we have updated the design and sound. we continue the saturday political club of khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov. our values ​​remain unchanged. ukrainian view, stay tuned for the updated espresso and thank you for your trust!
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dear friends, this is the espresso tv channel, this is the espresso marathon, this is andrii saichuk, this is lesya vokulyuk, and now we will talk about taras shevchenko, 210 years since his birthday, this is the reason you can use which you can, which you can use to donate to our collection for our military, for the 12th separate special forces unit. in fact, for example, we have less than 1,500 left, so that today 50,000 have already been collected for buggies for evacuating the wounded and transporting combat kits, as well as for automobile and trench rebs specifically for these troops, you see the qr code 1,500 hryvnias, this is not so many, 210 years, someone can throw 210 hryvnias, someone can throw 21 hryvnias, someone can throw 2100 hryvnias, in the end, someone can throw as much as he wants can quit, the main thing is participation in the assembly, when there will be many of you, the assembly will move towards
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our goal, and the goal is uah 480,000, and now we already have... uah 263,647 and 67 kopecks in our account. and we showed you, in fact, so to speak, announced how the japanese ambassador to ukraine read shevchenko. matsuda kuninori, says shevchenko in ukrainian, we watch and listen. take care of your children, lord, i love them.
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thank you for this recitation of shevchenko, what is the name of the ambassador, andriy again? yes, i already forgot, so here it is, the ambassador of japan in ukraine, we thank him, everyone can google it, andrii will do it now. and now we will talk with vitaly kapranov, writer, publisher, author of the youtube channel named after taras hryhorovych shevchenko. he did not quote shevchenko, but here he decided to share his thoughts with the russian press, and said that shevchenko is a part
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of russian culture, just as ukrainian culture is a part of the larger russian culture, to which many authors from belarus and the transcaucasus belong. tolmachov, who is he? a member of the state duma, yes, here, and here he tells how one should love shevchenko, and so further, and in the meantime, but it is interesting that as shevchenko loved muscovites, he simply had these muscovites in literally every third, you should probably hang out with chornobrovi, but not with muscovites, the muscovites who were jealous, then turned everything off, and there is so much about muscovites , well, you know, you understand that muscovites don't start loving someone just like that, they do it only because they feel it. a beautiful video from latvia, where a local muscovite attacked a person who was cleaning the streets or something, simply because she did not want to speak to her in russian, please matyukami, terribly simple, and he wrote correctly there that there are people, muscovites, there are specific people who come to your country,
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make you feel like guests in your own country, and then attack you with their army, vitaly. writer, publisher, author of the youtube channel named after taras grigoryovych shevchenko, we are in touch, mr. vitaly, i am glad to see you, good health, i congratulate you on the birthday of our taras grigoryovych, because in fact it is a state-level holiday. and congratulations, by the way, to everyone who received today the shevchenko prize, in particular, first of all, our good friend dmytro lazutkin , who is fighting now, and yaryna chornoguz, who is also fighting, are... people who ensure the fulfillment of shevchenko's will, how blood will flow, the enemy into the blue sea from ukraine, yes , here they provide the blood of the enemy, which flowed from ukraine into the blue sea. mr. vitaly, i don't know if you heard, or if you already joined our conversation at that moment, how one member of the state duma is talking about the fact that shevchenko is also theirs. why do you think the muscovites
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want to appropriate our shevchenko? well. they want to appropriate us, and therefore they try to go in different ways, starting with the fact that we do not exist, we are just bad russians, and ending with the fact that, in fact, we love you, let's hug and so on, we all have this palette for for 30 years , they tried on themselves with you, but as a result , it led to war, so actually , to take something away is their crown number, and the crowningness of this number lies. in the fact that they grew up on the land, like a civilization on the land on which nothing grows, there is no black soil, here are volks all these steppe forests, this place. you don't have to sow to reap, they have been gathering mushrooms and berries since time immemorial , they cut down the forest there, they hunt animals, but they don't sow , because nothing
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depends on what you sowed, no matter how much you work on the land, it depends on that will not grow any more, and that is why they are used to taking and doing nothing at the same time, they are used to gathering what god has given, they are used to killing animals, they are used to taking oil from the earth, there is gold, what depends on the earth, they do not ... they are not used to burying anything in the ground, and therefore they have no connection between that you have to do something and god will give you something, god will give them everything, why they are chosen by god, god gave them all this, and ukraine was given to them by god, and that is why they come to us, like cellars come to the forest, they come to us in the same way, they come for washing machines, for toilets , for civilization, and they treat us like beasts, well, killed, took the prey, it's no different, it's... part of their view of the world, and you can't do anything about it. the only thing that can be done is a concrete fence and a moat with crocodiles and crocodiles will have to be us
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and with you, because i have no one else for this role. for every russian word , for every russian greeting, for every russian sign, we must immediately bare our teeth and bite the one who brings it to us, because muscovites are really evil people, foreign people will do evil to us, what they, what they do with ... now it is so strange, how in the russian soul it is compared, combined, incompatible, on the one hand they want to appropriate shevchenko, on the other hand they shoot shevchenko in the head, as they did with the monument, yes, on the one hand side they themselves they are appropriating shevchenko, and on the other hand, for example, in crimea, if you put flowers by the monument to shevchenko, you can, you can make noise, play, on the one hand, they are appropriating shevchenko. and for example, i don’t know what was left of the exposition there , it turns out, it turns out that in russian orsk, where shevchenko served his sentence,
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on sovietanska street, there was a shevchenko museum, what is there with him now, who knows him, a shevchenko museum on the street soviet, that's actually what the regional museum looks like. uh, do you know anything about him, sir vitaly? well, thank god, i don’t know, because it is clear that this museum is purely to declare that shevchenko is ours, that is, the function of this museum is to declare that it is part of ukrainian culture, and this part also belongs to them, well, in general, there are many ukrainians there lived before, now of course, there is no one there, now everything is very clear, ukrainians live here, and they live there. everything was very decided at last, at last this schizophrenic division of ours was brought to a base by shelling rockets, bombs and killing dozens, if
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not hundreds of thousands of ukrainians, but unfortunately we pay for our mistakes , including, of course, to have such a neighbor - you have to deserve it, but nevertheless, we also did not do a lot of things that we allowed ourselves to be treated like this, so if we immediately after... we rushed and gnawed at any russian word, for any russian address to us, if you and i had not sat all these years and pretended that, well, what is russian culture, is it possible, that 's the truth, we are european people, we have freedom and so on, if we did as we did radical nationalists offered us, then i think that there would most likely not be a war now, because they... do not want lviv , because nationalists and people from windirov live there, if the people from windirov and nationalists lived in kyiv, or in donetsk, then they didn’t come to donetsk,
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they wouldn’t even try to come to kyiv, mr. vitaly, i’m at the end of what i wanted to say, but i just read a post by a man who was born in zaporizhzhia, now lives in lviv, oleksandr sapronov teaches in one of the lviv lyceums, he wrote a good post, i think he is very , very honest, he writes about what he knows... shevchenko was in his teenage years, which was around 2010, that is, it is quite recently, it seems, but already in his 20s state, and here he says that he annoyed his shevchenko at school, he even hated him, that shevchenko was too much for him, and he says that he just writes, i will quote, shevchenko was an eternally oppressed serf who knew how to weep and cry, to be angry and not to hate, he was the personification of all the bad things that are in school, he caused a desire to rebel against him, because he was... but state, he was not alive, but stood as a bronze on the shelf in the literature class, in which there was nothing life-giving, only dead relics of the past, next to him was the chronically ill lesya, a permanent
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resident of franco's prisons. the shot kurbos of izerov, the suffering suicide blasphemous, incomprehensible, unknown, cooler, peaceful, and this entire attic without hope was led by taras shevchenko, but then he concludes, i will skip a little at the end, that shevchenko opened up for him in 2014 at the barricades of the maidan in in kyiv, and suddenly he spoke in nigoyan's voice, and suddenly his struggles and defeats became clear and real, and here... this policy, this policy with shevchenko was carried out by the soviet authorities and, unfortunately, remained with us even today , and why was it carried out by the soviet authorities, because they came to ukraine, there is a portrait of shevchenko in every house, and they realized that it was impossible to tear it down, well, they tried to tear it down and shoot it, and then they decided, so what, so be it, and they started then, if you want shevchenko, you want shevchenko, and i will remind you that in in kyiv, the opera and ballet theater is named after...
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shevchenko, that in kyiv, streets, alleys, boulevards are named after shevchenko , all in a row shevchenko, shevchenko, you wanted, eat, don't be fooled, and that's why it was pushed into the school curriculum so that such students would have the impression that it was something, god forbid, never get close to him, that is, unfortunately, we inherited the soviet attitude towards shevchenko, well... but for that's why god gives us war so that we can reconsider our own positions, our own coordinate system, then i absolutely agree that on the barricades shevchenko sounds completely different than in the classrooms, and what to do about it, i think that the ministry of education should, of course, be here, but first of all we need to protect that there is ukraine and that it has the ministry of education, and here shevchenko will help us, because he sounds great in the trenches, he sounds great
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on the barricades, and... and clearly places who the muscovites are, who we are, and what we should do with it all. there will be a time when ukrainians will wear embroidered shirts and go to each other's houses guests and cook shevchenko's favorite dishes precisely on march 9, and not on the 8th to carry flowers and portraits of clara zetkin, in short. well , look, the best ukrainizer is rockets, judging by the fact that muscovites don't feel sorry for us, they will get their way one way or another. who else would be able to transfer the church calendar to these to european rockets, that is why we ukrainians, unfortunately, fulfill the old truth, the khokhla must be beaten, and then a ukrainian emerges from it, it hurts, it is sacrifice, it is destruction, but it is too great it's a pity, otherwise we don't want to become ukrainians, well, it means god, he already sees everything, and he wants good for us, so if we ourselves are idiots,
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well, what the hell. and the sooner we become ukrainians, the less rockets will fly at us, everything is very simple, bitter, but true, we thank you for it vitaly kaprano, writer, publisher, author of the youtube channel named after taras hryhorovych shevchenko, was with us, we talked about 210 years, which today will be the birthday of taras shevchenko, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, worked all day today for you, dear friends, we for this day together with you collected 49 thousand, at least our ether ends at this mark, but you can. i would like to know if you can go to the website and find the assembly for the 12th separate special forces unit. well, now look at the interview: at the beginning of this year , 230 ukrainian soldiers returned to ukraine from russian captivity, among them was lviv resident yuri hrynash. he went to the front as a volunteer of the first full-scale invasion and fought as part of the 24th separate mechanized
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brigade named after the king. about two years captivity, adaptation and plans, see further. grenash, yuriy viktorovych, lviv region, harynash yuriy viktorovych, lviv region, drohobych city. in captivity for 648 days in captivity, i was released from captivity on january 3 of this year, 2024 , and i myself serve, served and still serve in the 24th unit.


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