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tv   [untitled]    March 9, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EET

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2024-2025 and they will work. we can clearly see that the european governments and the united states are setting themselves the task of increasing the production of projectiles four or five times. this is the reality after two years of war. and i would say that on the one hand, it is even very encouraging from the point of view that the kremlin is sitting in a state of expectation now. you can see well, he is counting on the fact that something will happen, the houthis in the middle east will create problems, china will start something, the west will somehow decline by itself, the ukrainians will get tired, etc., it’s like that the state of waiting for something to swing in the direction of the kremlin, but on the other hand it is alarming, because... it showed in the past that
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it can wait for a long time, and at the same time , it is now clearly visible that this war itself has transformed russian society for the worse side. putin is now in a situation where in 10 days he will receive 85% in his so-called election, that is, a confidence referendum, and with a large turnout. it is clear from his message to the federal assembly that... that he may not be satisfied with the war as it is going, but with the way he has the economy, he is satisfied, and he is satisfied with the state of russian society, which he likes, it was reborn, there was no final form of a conformist society, which is ready to go anywhere, to endure any repression against itself, and this is what creates a rather dangerous . the situation for some subsequent
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decision of the kremlin. i just wanted to think about this with you, what this next phase could be. the war has not gained as much popularity as putin and his technologists hoped, but we understand that he is entering in a long script. indeed, society, more precisely, the population, now somehow we rarely use the word society in relation to russia. do not expect that there is a civil society that influences the processes, no, there is a population, and we can say about social strata, social groups that, depending on professions or location, now benefit from putin's war, or lose something, but have worked their tails off and remain the most loyal and ready to be so in the future
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, in other words... so, during the war, for these two years, putin trained kiriyenko together with his apparatus in the last 5-7 years very actively. putin and the kremlin pumped up bureaucracy training programs. now the kremlin is testing these models in the occupied territories very actively, what kirienko himself and not only him, but a large circle of moscow people are doing in the occupied territories, building their bureaucracy and management apparatus there. this is all a long-term process. putin makes us understand that he is not running for one next term, but two. that is, plan. until 2036
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year, and not by 2030. this is how he sees this situation. we cannot say that he will succeed in all this, because there are many factors that we cannot predict, but the kremlin plans this way. it all works, it all boils down to violence, no doubt about it. and this cannot but continue in the war that putin is waging. in the attitude of russian society, where nothing but escalation of violence can be expected. i took a rather careful and serious approach to putin's revelations, which he made in an interview with the so -called carlson, and we understand him as well, there is a certain fixation, this fixation is ukraine, that is , where i see the manifestations of a certain historiosophy, i am extremely stressed, taking into account when there is... a mobilized nation, this is how we
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understand where it is being mobilized, it can have very specific manifestations. this historiosophy seems crazy to every listener. and fantastic, because all the interlocutors of putin and carlson also grew up in the modern world, in the world of modern concepts, sovereignty and global security, and putin begins to tell them his phantasmagoric picture that on the territory of eurasia, which does not have state borders, a kind of eurasia without borders, there is a nation there without a nationality, which consists of different ethnic groups. then it will be some new, great, majestic imperial entity that will change the course of world history, and the kremlin, with the help of various formulations and
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intellectual contexts, promoted this idea. once the kremlin insisted that this is russian peace, now it is clearly visible that putin on... putin is supposedly a brotherly people, but simply one and the same people, and within this world, let's say, now, if some actions begin . it sounds clear that not just from the point of view against moldova from the kremlin, then there will be the same concept. moldovans are the same people as in the entire post-soviet region.
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yes, but it is clear that it is impossible to convey this simple idea to putin, which is obvious to everyone in europe. which europe itself carried out as a result of the second world war, because after all it is a huge political culture, new, mature, which is based on the fact that state borders and cultural borders are preserved, but at the same time, they are not the main thing, they are open. the impossibility of war on the territory of europe: many times, all european politicians in three generations have repeated this important opinion. you cannot explain all this to putin. because it is obvious that his consciousness, and now also the consciousness of his surroundings, and what is worse, the consciousness of very large contingents, speaking in sociological terms in russia, they are really captivated by this thought, that is, captivated by some phantasmagoric idea that russia in the 21st
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century has to become some truly hegemonic power here on the continent, that is compare yourself with europe in the conflict, and not in... in work. at the same time, it is clear that they are ready for anything for the sake of this idea. they are ready to sacrifice long-standing relations with israel. they have already sacrificed their long-standing relationship with germany. they are ready, and it is clearly visible now, to flirt with china. and they are ready for the world stage if china refuses, and china refuses. just pretending that russia together with iran is against the rest of the world is terrible, but none of us can imagine how this is possible, even when russia has someone else remained sane inside some old institutes of international politics, in the institute of europe, the academy of sciences,
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for example, or in similar places, these people also have no idea how to think about russian politics in a different way now, look, why... put navalny on fear, that is, this is not just a technical point, so to speak, we understand that this is a certain message, which was most likely not directed at domestic russian elites, it is so, the symbolic meaning of the murder of navalny is clearly visible, and it must be said that it and caused such an international response, it is obvious, we are now seeing a series of publications that different countries have recorded different deaths among. back in 2019, british police services paid attention to this, to the circumstances of strange deaths, but all this was postponed for later. now we see
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a picture, and what a picture it is, it is a picture of intimidation, consistent and brutal. navalny's murder, after all, sends a clear signal that... that in the new term, now that putin will enter his six-year term, no one will be spared. it is also important that in these the same day a pilot was killed in spain. who flew to the ukrainian side. and if you look at the kremlin's comments, there is triumph. i consider it absolutely serious that russian oppositionists living outside the country must take a new look at their situation and their security, because a new stage is being openly entered. and this is evidenced by the murder of navalny and the beginning of the qualification of some... who do not have a strong
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and dangerous projection, namely extremist terrorists, and navalny was called a terrorist and extremist by the kremlin, one of the first. now they enroll new people there. regarding all of them, these are direct threats from the kremlin. turning these people into terrorists, they say, you mean, something like death will really act against you, since martial law and the like, in this sense, the murder of navalny is read exactly like this, at the exit we see, well, that he somehow does not know , a civilization proposal, this is roman baron-ungern von sternberg, that is, the only thing that china is not ready to actively support him in this matter, then... then putin on reconciled himself, threw the mantle of this crazy daurian baron over his shoulders,
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so that, we understand, he has a mobilized russian nation, he has an armed one, he has preparations for a new smersh and a long, bloody war against ukraine, but that’s it has to be moving somewhere too, or is he just going to carry out all his cannibalistic plans he's been voicing to carlson or something? something more yes, that is a very good comparison to baron ungern. it seems to me very appropriate, because many people now see and understand that putinism is now - this is no longer some kind of deviation, that is , behavior that does not meet the general standard of democracy, not some late soviet union with conformist democracy. everyone can clearly see that conservative pathos has now been added to all this. putin's
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government, raising a heavy degree of opposition to the west, is already moving him into a kind of mystical phase of his level. in this sense of the word, yes, it is something similar to baron ungern or the national bolsheviks, as my colleague volodymyr pastukhov writes, is absolutely correct. i also i see features of early fascism, a mixture of tsarism and fascism in the early phase. before it took shape finally, in this sense of the word, i would say, for putin really, if it didn't sound terrible, there is no other way, except the way to the great war, which burns everything. what's next, we look at it, we, of course, see less. how is rev going to get out of this political tension, which it has been dragged into for the past 10 years. grigory yavlinskyi's quiet crooning with a shout... give a truce at any price, or some kind of anti-war game the mood, it's hard to even say whose,
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boris nadezhdin's is a weak squeak of mice from under the plinth, compared to the colossal inertia that had already arisen not only during the war, but also in several previous years. it is obvious that this movement started in 2020 precisely, in its new phase, when the constitution was changed. it was already then. it's nice that everything is moving towards a global conflict. i would say that we have to be very careful and maintain a lot of stability, orient ourselves towards ursula fonderlajen and figures like her, that is, people who do not give in to panic, with no defeatist attitude, telling yourself that the usa is fleeing somewhere, the west is weakening, putin is winning, you can't tell yourself anything like that. in danger, one must stand with a straight back. this is a matter of life and death, as well as
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for european politicians, who do something every day in order to maintain a certain resilience of european societies. in this sense, i look at the new czech government in particular with great sympathy and respect. the czech leadership, which in this sense of the word. no, putinism cannot do anything circumstances to get any victory thank you very much, oleksandr, for this extremely interesting and informative conversation, i want to remind our viewers that oleksandr morozov, a political scientist and political expert who is in the czech republic, was currently working on espresso. the time of our program has run out, stay with the espresso tv channel. my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of this
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stronger together. kanal espresso and ukrainian pen present their own title project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week, and actually, who will be the guest of the studio? we will find out already this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests - special. proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday, 17:10 at espresso. those days. those days, i call them days of horror. our family was starving, that is, many families were starving. a lot of students who were suitable in age for
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mobilization, they were mobilized. another friend of mine accidentally got there too. from the end of february to the end of march, i stayed in one room, without even leaving the front door of the apartment. at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, i was very careless and i openly expressed my support for ukraine. i came to the ukrainian language in order not to go through the roof, it's like a defense mechanism, if i recorded some voices in ukrainian at home , it was just like that with the phone in
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my face, whispers at home and... that's all, i didn't i wanted to leave, but i couldn't stay. you'll have to figure out how to get there, whether it's in a truck or a box or a coffin, if you don't feel safe, please leave. hello everyone, this is realia donbas and i'm olya terebynska. today we will talk about... life under occupation. we managed to find people who grew up in donbas, captured by russia. they were able to get out of there and we were able to talk to them frankly. i would like to note that all our interlocutors were still in school when russia occupied their cities. and
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despite the overwhelming kremlin propaganda around, the reluctance of parents to do to their children. a ukrainian passport and essentially a threat to life for dissent. our heroes learned the ukrainian language, found their own and united. well, now let's listen to stories from the occupation. for 14, 15, 16 years, i don't remember the explosions, that is, they were there, i know. that, but there the focus shifted to other problems, there were more serious problems than the explosions, our family was starving, that is , many families were starving, e. someone tried to survive in apartments that were not heated, someone told me that they gathered there, they all went for a ride somewhere
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in the bodynov district, because it was the only room that was heated there among the people i knew, i was studying in the seventh grade at the time, i was studying in the seventh grade at the time, i was studying in a very i went to a good gymnasium and studied well myself, so these... things that happened, both i and my surroundings watched very carefully and deeply experienced all this, and i was 10, and i remember that i didn't understand anything, well, i suddenly began to hear a little ironic use of ukrainian symbols, i saw how, after... the occupation of crimea, the russians made all sorts of noises about the fact that the class, crimea is ours, everything is like that there, and it made me angry, well, what
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resistance can a 13-year-old child have, but what resistance can a 13-year -old have? -year-old child, when the adults around have their own position, who have banal more experience of such, purely demagogic, to shut up, it is clear that no active confrontation at that age could be involved. that there is a war, but when i tried to ask why, what happened, i don't even remember what exactly they answered me, but it never happened something clear, and then with the passage of time they became, and then with time became more visible and... the results of the rule of the dnrivtsi, that in a few years everything became, factories, jobs, the economy and so on, there was an awareness of why everything it was necessary,
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and the realization was not only mine, but also many others, even regardless of their ethnic identity or deep political values, they began to simply see that we are plunging somewhere in the wrong place, into some mixture of 1984 and post-apocalyptic. of course , all ukrainian channels were turned off instantly, as soon as they got to the television studios, and with the books, too, they began to remove them from the libraries, and schools, for example, to transfer instruction to the russian language. i don't remember what we were told about the maidan, there was some piece of information, it was at the end of the 11th. class, it was spring, it was the last days, i remember that they talked about gangster territories, that we had a very gangster region, that there were oligarchs, that
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we tried to separate there even earlier. it is not possible to study the history of ukraine now, and the history of what to study now? the history of russia, apparently, russia has not yet joined, or the history of novorossiya or the dpr. at that time, even they themselves did not understand what they were building at all, that is why such a subject as the history of the motherland arose, by the motherland they meant donetsk, but in a broad sense, donetsk was understood, but in a broad sense, they talked more about the beginning of the protests in donetsk, and not pro-ukrainian protests, i found out about this, about the fact that they existed, i think five months after... the invasion, i studied international relations there, yes, such there was also a specialty in the unrecognized dpr. i studied international relations there. yes,
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such a specialty also existed in the unrecognized dnr. we had a teacher who later went to work for the so-called council of ministers. she was in charge of information technology at our place, and she told us that the internal security service sometimes looks at the vkontakte pages of their students, in terms of ... what they are subscribed to, what they are thinking about, but it was not said that with warning, but rather with such a hidden threat that people will have problems with inappropriate subscriptions or reposts? i fell in love with stus, i liked him from the time when his poems were voiced in tiktok, i was very attached to him, bear with me, bear with me, bear with me! "your spirit will mature, so endure." and then i find out that stus studied at my university, and that right at the entrance. now
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it’s just such a little disgusting green paint, there used to be a memorial there, and it made me feel some heavy emotions, the same was the case with the information about the protests, i didn’t know that someone defended the ukrainian cathedral there before the last one, i did not know that they were there, for me they told me that the maidan, the maidan was in kyiv, i somehow learned that there were protests in odesa, there were protests in kharkiv at the beginning of the 14th and 15th years, but for donetsk to be defended by someone, i didn't know that, and that makes me feel a little bit offended, there is one distinguishing feature that was in life in the dpr, there is one distinguishing feature that was in life in the dpr, it is that absolutely almost everyone, whether pro-russian or pro-ukrainian, was clearly
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aware of one and the same thing. it's not that what they expected, but if pro-ukrainian people understand why, then pro-russian people hoped that it would be the same as our crimea, that everything would pass quickly and bloodlessly, and that such a full-fledged life under russia would begin. in fact, it did not start, even after the annexation, it was felt that time froze in 2014, if you look at the photos of pre-war donetsk, in 2014 itself.
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i call them the days of horror, there was more information from hearsay, from insiders, from conversations than from any official media, and then it already became it is clear to me, for example, that everything is going directly to a full-scale offensive with the participation of the russians. the army, especially since they began to pick up those they could literally from everywhere, accordingly, it became dangerous for me to go outside, and therefore for a month, from the end of february to the end of march, i sat in one room, not even going outside the entrance the door of the apartment, this is how any man of draft age, whether a student or an adult, who did not want to get into this war with all his might, who... did not
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they went out for six months at first, a lot of students who were of an age suitable for mobilization were mobilized, and i even know people with whom i once studied in... who were mobilized, who had already died there, but exactly those who i i know it was, there were all people who were not pro-ukrainian, so it's not that i 'm really sorry, not so many of my comrades actually got into the dpr army, not so many of my comrades actually
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got into... into the dpr army, even i would say a smaller part, the majority succeeded escape or get some positions with armor, so to speak, my former headmaster, who went quite deliberately, although he sincerely hoped that unprepared students would not be thrown into the manholes, but they were still thrown and there was another friend of mine, accidentally got there and also died there, so he was a student, but how can something be illegal if there is no law as such at all? well, how much can something be illegal if there is no law as such at all? i went to twitter, it solved everything, i just had them emotions of horror, i saw the news, they were completely incomprehensible to me, i could not understand how they entered the territory overnight, i could not understand how they were shooting so far overnight.


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